1 1 ; : I 111 A IL v I V fl U 1 IPJ TTtL W AY v : . : i I Y,JOHN CAMPBELL. Cj'Tbe Minerva will be prtrltcd every Thursday morn'mi? at 4 150 per annum, in ad vatic ;.;or $3 if rilg urdaj, the 27tfi day of February men. it not made within :J lanjhsJrvxt. . iV-ro paper to be uiscontm ied? -iiatii all arrearages are pail, m fatf ,tl e cptum of the Lditor; and a rsiin.ft to nutify a dU continuance- trill 'e considered as a new engage cvnt. XJ' Advertisements, making twjen tr lines or fen, inserted throe . times for One Dollar, and twenty-live nts for e'verylubsequent insert inn Longer ones iu proportion. Ail ad irertiements will 'be continued nin- le?H otherwise ordered, and each continuance charared . Letters to th Editor mut be po$t ntifl, orthv will not be attend ed to NEW GOODS. .1UST ri:ci:ivfj), BY .? fiC Brick Store. ( A variety of Fashionable und I: 0.1- faonabie Staj)lc wi'.I Fanry ' DR Y GOODS: Amoii' "which Jirc many. CIIF V ,&ni 'ELEGANT. Articled . Alo, a general assortment of GROCERIES, BAUD-WARE, CROCK Ri , GLASS-WARE, flats, Sfi'(-; zcatheri IRON, NAILS, &c c. l C. 'aiid .li.tlJ r.;c . kv ;-i '.1 u 70 li "I: !. l "!! nor TURKS ISLAND SALT The ahuvt! Ivcthei with djv fanner stock makes my a-sboh. tapnl as general and complete ad is tisually found in a country store. The abeve goods will ba bold py myl usual - accommodating terms. I therefore solicit all that wish to nnr hf anv thim? in mv line, to m smms O I call at the Brick Store and cxatn ine before they purchase ehj vshere; as my goods having hebr u!l purchased with Cash, I thmit i incillioil iii savincr I am aide to soil on as goodie, as my ucn- J ' O . bors; anil am determined not to pe undersold by any one Halifax. llJlpritZO: 1 l-4tl WlEElAM H. REDWOOD, Illwousc on lVoo;!siats 'rccc.itly occujjitd 6 .Uc5sr. 7. r-r ... r Vin'V tO i C OL .IM Ir riVv merchants; plan Pt. , 'hi 1 .1 Si b E It DEALE W3, in the SALE ot i'UUDUCC a id uiiiiii'i; t everv description, cv. S the PURCHASE of COUdS," . ,..i.L hid cummiiuu wili.iiu iUl lliv all casas, be very moderate. . ' IllsWeiitioh being confined s l,j to Commission Itusincsf and Jus knoxvledge of persons and of tjhe mode of'trantaefmg bisinc?s in the Boroutrh, together with his t horoim knowledge ofthe Country iiusindis wilh he hopes, be touud advantage oua to tliose who may employ iu gency. : Refer to Messrs Cole 4 Sheldon, Hiainsl'iirh' Robert Soitier, V Shields 4-Ashburn, .orJolK. Kds. Beacon, 171 I'm TUST received a prime 1 of i I CJ ne. cut HERRINGS, whic odVr, as usual, ot the market prickis Those of mv friends who have here fcifore punched themselves from Ware-houses; I earnestly hope, will nut fail to ffive me a call this seuaon, as .mine are as good as darker will afford (be IOS. L. SIMilONS: Mnv SRfi. . 17-iltf Dr. Charles Cashma KFSPKCTFULLY orTers I h.is 45 ;-rofessional services to the in- habitants of Halifax and the Be: irh- jborinj , country, iie may at tl- fimcsbe found at Mrs. Fenner's Hoi tel, unless professionally engafred. lol I. June laili. i 20-UU BALL cV PJRTYl wilt a vn n iirPV Jv-il! UilLII .A.I 1 I ft 1 be furnished at ;SIOCpO 'XGS on thevenings of ho -v lATtlARY NOTICE. yjrt'HK next session of the Scot k i-jsd Nr.cK Private Acade mic, 'tinder tjie direction of the Rev d JOHN II. TORMENT and LA d LADY, r, tue 9m wilf commence on Monday day of November, arid terminate onT In this Institution .the ' following branches oi" education are taught, viz: MALE DEPARTMENT; Reading, Orthography, Penraan- ship, English Grammar Commercial -xiiiii:.ieuc, oeograprjy ol irouo- FEMALE DEPARTMENT- etic, Geography and Astrono'mw HpistdUry Writing, Elcmt-nts of Chfmitry. History ij"the U. .Stri.tv. Botany, Mythology, Jewish Grecian, Rouian kc Antiouiticd, E'om- s of! tho Arts and ocicccej, Ck3s.iju: Biography. oj:.v.ime.7 i l ujl i.vc i ins: M leic on the Piano Forte; iaw ing and I'i.utii,;; Lace Work. '.i-.lui, Tac aa.J T lie system of uitruMon, aJn ted in the above institution, is such as to keep constantly in ioxv the application of every acquirement made by the puniis. Xv.mo are zl mv. rf: PCI I .nmnnil r.r fnr.tAn A ' j iri kn3wn Dv trie name ot Musti-l f vi i ut-i i... - , . r- and. all the stock ot Horse Xatnrnl Hnrl Upi-psW s?., ,tnn An. tlo, 31 ulos," rlos, and bbeeu, - ----- V4 m, j ii " ivM A til r cient ana Modern fiii' rv. i every specie ot piutation ut - T - t v m lowed to progress in any studies' dely occupied hy Mi; more rapidly than a perfect comprerl B. t it I Sc Co and th .ifcn.Mon oi .iw principled will admit. 'Pi... -i: . . . x iie uiscipuue is precisely that ot a ivell.ordere4 family. Corporeal puh- lhmnt will never be resorted to;; but whenever a scholar shall mani liit, by his refractory conduct, that he is beyond the iurluence of atlec-' tionate reproof, h'is expuldion will immediately ensue. It can hardly be necesaj-y to state that eveiy attention will be paid to the morals of thuso committed to our charge. That w e will endeavor io impress, pcrmantutly uion the lUfilUa i" pupiib, d VJ K jC it.ll- giou3 truth, and to indue them, by faithful cultute, to "grow up in the nurture and admonition ofthe Lord.' Board may ttili be had with Pri vate Families in the neighborhood, at " per month; and the necessary 'b" aa,u w, Ihe x icinity-ol the Acaciemy. Terms as formerly, payable in ad vance. YJZ. Literary Tuition per session $10 Tax for tire wocd, ' &o Muoic, '. 'r I)i rawing and Painting, & Nectiiu Work, . 5 ScotJaid Nccki Halifax co. ) SXOO 2113 iVilltO. i -v ur . y from 1 the ' s.rUcnbcr a ! ve ,r n t uc-ro chnr-es. and tuaC sani negro a ear p-t, ucoro :tv" otlierwi.;e ,1C Ulll be dealt man ! . - ' . . , ; ,. . PD V-' i with abthc law directs. 1 JSC gui Jii a He is a bright wflr&? !iaci;; aroi un. feci lOinchcs high,tldrty years bid: wears whiskers; has ami impi.-j ., ,r. hi soccch, and down (tlx. Ul 4 look when spoken to. He is hv profession a tiddler, a ditcher and sawver. I purchased him m Hn'; 'ifax at sheriir sale, several years past, sold as the property of Wilson Carter. He has lately been seen in Bertie county, em ployed bclh as a ditcher and saw ver" He there passed ns a free man. I mil pive the nbovc re ward of one hundred d dl .rs;to nnv person who wiH del.ver him to the jailor in-Halifax. "l.1?1 October or fifty dollars, if adh ered to him any time thereafter. B. C. EATON. Sept. 3-3 Cai.VJSS70.V MhHirti.ui. NORFOLK, V A. Vr5i:SPLCTFLLL tenders hi iiS rvioes to the public in s lies 0fnUk;ndnfPRODUCR uhxhj mov lf intrusted to ins care, it's Ware-house is convenient to the n!.irh will save the charge Wllrtll, of dravngc: Sept. 'i- I ' 30 Cm TffiTlCE. A Camp-rneetinr will rcmrapiice Pierces Campground, j" j.1 unty, 4 niUes west of Ha.ifax I lO ' - town, U miles .-.u-n. 3 miles from ZJZlrTJ ' iday the2nd day of October fcc.U. . & J. DUNN. V Co. TPpave tiat jecc Vet! and for Sale, Go can's Superior umi- ly Flour, thif. years crop, . (139,) wIJ'c" tb'ey will sell low for cash. llaulax, AjlUst, IQi'J. 3.7 t NOTICE. Y virtue MUtwo deed in trust, vnrnli;l liv I.cmiiil F rmor 4 for purposes therein contained,' ALlFAXj N. CAROLINA, will be sold tothe highest bidden 'ftilL ubcribcr infoni Jliis ! for caih, on Tuesday the loth of .September next, on the plantation s. Cat- and t " .9"- 1K,",m : 1 ' - IIJWUI U, Ci 111'. I l JIMI IKX I I J LoD2 WU bf; Sohi tr rath. j all his 11 us ho!;i and K tchen ; r.urniture, crsr.tinj; of many val- ubh; articles, four Viyron?. two ! Ci.rriakes and ilarncss uid Car t f -Alo, on 'Ij-jcsday the 2i: i;.;. j of Octolc :, Iit-Ln he second d.i : 'f t!.c Puwerlpr Court, in flaiifax I vM bt-jviold for ca-h, tat- eel of likely NEGROES, the pro perty of said Long- and on the 2nd day of Nv.-mher. on the pre- lots and atUMirtenances ssr-i A. A. the lo, cVr now occitj4PtJ:py Mrs. .Mary - til'.! Terms of sale, of lots, vtc. made I , .L I . - '""" Wi inuay. . Also, on Tuesday the 3d day hfi . . ft Novemb er, on the premises, will be sold the plantaion whereon, the j said Eon:; at" present resides, and j all his stock of RACE HORSES. Terrn of t!;i4 sale made k::oV:i r.r, fw. .I'M-, I, ! Af-tv, on Wednesday he 4th d;jv of November, on the nremis- tation xvjiereoh the said Lon'for- j melv resided. Also on the same t day xypl be srild, oi the premise's) al! (he Lands fo'.Mijt! by t lie s id. Ionpf, lytnur between the Quaa- ; key... Terms of t his d y's sale j made, known pn the day.- j BY T'lIN TEES ! H rlifax, Alir -. lO'-JH. r' 1 TM I Tl'RI) YArJ7 . To the Jaili ;l Hahlax county, on Friday the; I 1th instant, a nc- -ro tellow. oifeet 6 or'i! inches; high, black cOniplexion. nineteen years old, andlsavs he Kelonsfs to a ,ti f ii mi 'iii i VI Willnm Mitchell, of (Jran- vide rounty. C. I he owner OI :,,u ui'iro i iciuisu-u xj .wti. forward. Hroyo roperly.. pay T1 ii SIMMONS. Sept. 15. 129. 32-3 w $30 ni&wims : RAN orT in the t possession ana iron: ; i the nremiscs of V. i i ; II. Did 1 Oth A u; j.nogro man belong- '.. 54 in- to the subscri- her. hv the. name oi .-iumore, r ,. bout 21 vears o nee, largo ami stout, of rather a down look ana 1 3m smilinp counteuance. say 5 teet 10 ; Thread Lace and F'iprios j inches high, ior upwards It r is i inot splen--1 assortment j Fan believed saidinero is lurking a- f cv Calicoes ; --. L ...x j r.,:i r,l .r.fation I OOUl SaiU lo.rtoi- i .i i ...rrl fr lLJ x ill irivo i ne ai""r ' ... . w. - . -v j -i . .. " ..,. . titcrrtt trt me , ...... ; ! crt him or lit oMieu iu uu t- again. j nt T RF.SF.MrV m. ii ii ii - - Sept. Ift.'J. a: COMMITTED, 5jRO the jail ot Halifax ourny , . . .... ii '- Aorth Carolina, on ine inst a riejZToi felk-w hv the name c.t PJM,lT'TO, rather over I nriOk.k..rx r rl that he was Sola to Mr. Campbell by a.Ar. Heath of Virginia. The owner of said negro is requested torcome or ward. prove property, pay ca." ges and take said negro, or he will be dealt with as tne uw oc- ,.. i ir,e umiii...; T..M - Q-p- F1SJ AND CORN. ) pri.e ef Two Dolors per taw. about twentymne years old He us , - , r warranted i T-rltrm .i i. ,!,! Tiinrr nn i : 11 Kn ,f Nashville, f ii?ma. ut ol cut ... . . ' Vsr. on the hotet n EAGLE HOTEL I ! 1 ?c?v -? friends and the public gene- ra . irat He Has leased that large knoivn l.y the name of the BIG TAVERN, wherfi he is in liopes, hi vtrict attention to his bu-siness,' and the fdljuing prices, v i 1 1 insure to him PRICES. M.-n and horse. er day, U 0,j ; f)o hoard by the year,, 130 GO Do. do. per mouth, 1- 50 i Do dr hv tf d.v !or a mm, Oi inf r and horsef.ed. Supper, Ere-ikf.ivt, 1 37 1-2 37 1 A 1 '2 1-2 J. H. McLE.MOHE.! August i?0. lo'J J. 28 5m IV ANTED. " ; " ' . ' ' . A handscme rf)IT f "i: npply j to A 2 MTPHFORD. i Sent. 30-3 w NOTICE. rv t t i i... r. i . i iii'rviin ;irp i r rin iui i; 4!A w.rnA r-.t r ir xA for a' rr'r- j f eXPfUtca hvB'hv Hicks of .Northampton county, to the subscriber, for one hundred and fifty dollars, and witnessed by John H. Patterson, as the bond is lost, and has not .been transferred hv t me, or paid hv the oblipor. ! .. .. HIOKS. 'X O . 'Is-1 1 . Jl o , 10'i.J. - " T a rejjuiar (Convocation bf Roanoke Royal Arch Chanter, Xo. l. Halifax, hel 1 at their Hall, on fhe 1 1th dav of July. On moti(n, it was Order"! . that the 1st section of 1st article cf the Rvo Laws of this Charter be nnb- . !;.-.. u m tPt1 Ilahfax ,Minwva l.ur - weeks; viz: "The rcru7 Convnch- I tions of this Chapter fhall.be on Me venino-s of the second Saturday iii i, ,i pwrv month, at o'clock, J p from t,;. ist of October : the st of A mil at 7 o'clock P. M. flijm the 1 st of -Anril to the let o: ucu aer From th? Minutes, . W itnrss -'. , i M. JOHNSTON, Stc'ry. 27 w & UHTO & TfXFORM their frierids and t he X puhlic. generally, that the? have now on hand their supply of SPRING GOOI S, which embrace a cipip!'. ' rv extensive asortrncnl : . ;e of evJry I)- Virable artielof Staple and Fannf j A splendid assortm-n of ; . . ... . . . c , n , i i I-evantc cna j rcx ersi uieee a ; ,.,i r.,n. a., h rhn. . j . ... ij jl v a i x, i r u v ? i - j . heautirnl nssrtm.-nt of i A arre stCK :i "twe I-""-" r- A reneral a-o rtrr nt of Me iicimr , - Dri rn,o-. n bt1 ram- i . Ha.4P Jo. ii Hardv.-art, in great , x nrietv V h':c!i. "with every other article u- ! vii3'!v kDt in an extentive assorted 1 St-to. thev offer for sale on the mo! ' f-rx-ourable term. Beine crwifidr nt .that thev can $rive general atifac n.'r.r rl f. 1iix tfief IIUI1 S'o in IV ... -.v., - - rftfuiJv mVite their friends in town :ai,j coui.trv to cs-il and exaoiine and country to cil ? their assortment, Halifax. May 7th. 2110a 14- Herrings and Shad, put n? thii rean at one ofrtae f th noet celebrated hiieri- on R.n- oker We have a so n hard a fiw hundred BarrfU of CORN. -;;y tfiMl nl fnn. - - 1 ' . :::C?I ltiw fxr ei : , V R. & J. DUNN, Ci 2 3vrL May I3,l. Of th price rf all tho mate nal C5td in ir.iikincr Pri.u.n ai:d the Jaj tJ' inartiUt it.iaf J-: rctiteJ, a' $uf.jjiif. vjfwkiznA gri atly ilicrcafed. Th ; t ter 6 ivrinsr CWj am mrk vlieretore ha hen indi:c.'d to make proporUcreftuction in the price, which'from the 1st of Anril, uaU- DCCn an stit.H m tK -,r,r., ' - . . - -.-.. , ; The character of the Type maJe .j at the Foundry is well krewn to the Trttde who are assured that in ' rt'aid to the quality ot" mrtal. rln Ish, ai.d durability, no devitiod haa I been made. He has on hand a complete r s- i sortxuent, and can puprtly any. mian-4 tity on a short notieer'he will be ? hajpy to receive the orders of hi. customer, which will have imau- diate attention. ; Merchants who have orders tfom ' abroad, can have offices comph ;c wan i res, ami every tfunjr a mu -?nr.v "'ra r,,l,"P xvsiarman- tr. i:ner. . ;' ' " Publishers art-rcMiuestcJ ro rive this advert lenient a place in Their! papery a. ;. w f imw' to r cr h".- pay in:iit,i.'..i'a type, or n settleriifut cf th. ir .;.( C( - ; RICH'A'i. T) RON.VLDFCN, F.,.' 'T'o.i Prurrs. At..six- ntll crpil't lor approved pmv t, or at a discount ! Prarl. per lb f ! JOiGre'tt j Nonparei!, ( HO !-.iibh I pVaXpcr lp l -lOre., Pruner, 34 Pica. . , Minion, 70 Do Great Prim-i Brevier, 6j r, 3i afii f.nrrre Irtor nlnit Burjjeoio, Louif Primer,' -lo, . - lo Suiall P:ca, 3iScabbards &. Quo F'ica, 3.i tatioue, 30 Phijjlisb, 1 3i . The prices or other description of Types are proportionably reduc ed. . '' Old Type received in payment a y per lb. 'u!'. 9. ' sja NOTICE friends and the public gene rally, that they will have a largo and extensive WARE-IIOU&E completed by the 1st of October uext, near toe river, ior ;ne pur- iinco-rr ttr.rinor ntl kinrl nr'nrri. ' dace and packages of everv de-; srription, hich may bo intru-ted i to their care. Our charges shall lerate. and erery exertion , r ndcr general sttisfac - V tl-f- 1 !5 i't e tfJRJHS.. i Sd marfceta and nhf. . -. . . r 2f j'lttify h hipm oV -e' t ii X .. , u t rh'." 3 .? Fauivti. I will rov reward an-1 all reasoobie , exj 's sci fo any pr-on who will di'Vfr : s-nd i.ejiro to me, 9 miles 'south!, of ILiUfix, r $t0 to bavi her e-. cured ir auy jail 5.ohat I get her. IVM. R MOORB. I Aug 24. 1829. 29 If TQrime Chewing Tobacco, from JKV,e Manufacturie in Riehfond Va. and also an awirtm'-nt of Tin Ware jtisV received and fr Ptle. ve- rylw,by R.KlNGSBURY. if ' AaK- : J 27 tf j co r ros aiss, The to cxe- tce, u'ill i ,i r. $! r a"-)nb c terms. j - ,-o St-Wr l :-'-- . o J 1 t . ci:e from ll.ar.JSJt.-". r ,--..ht.rs I!ndc. and miles : r here I tecp. - d. v. L i trk vtrst? 11 i- - .'iMhfv. awl .m th'-r.uti. , -4-w,tr ;, :tt - -.- . . k f.'1-1 v l-w -m r - U' - .-h(ul.;.- ... - ttv ior I !irs . ii e Csf h'--' -.i f - '-C ' - , ,, . . - 1 'f,. i ; M .:., . - .ttaaciv'.-.t s-: v- :-Ji!..-!r. .A ,r.f .1 .f-'W -.:.ioi. a, it-.r i'-..--'v -' v Hi-ItClTts ;.-.f;-t f,i4;-e'. - palte r . . . u i,, .f ,ar.;v t-;t ir n d; ,M;An;,te..ir:-r' '- ! ' . ; V " t:.- u.. r , - . ; ?.-.V . e ; . .. i - . i i .nil 'nrii i AjsOods.i . w . . I , 0 V -,. ; .v. ; , ere; -a j . 20 piece Calirws all Bw mtjZm Plain and Figured Gro dc Nip; Black, White and Pink Satin; ; Yellow Bandanna HkC. Groe de nop UktV,omo tciy t splendid. r Men and Women' Lmnk Host; II row n LovJIkf, ' Brown CambiicTr; 5 Brown French Drilling, Buckrac; Oil clofh, D.nrork Satteefi; Celt Rihbivit, fancy Wiling fc. Lad i en drcsinf ci.e. and an atf d 1 1 Umnl u h-1 y o f G R C) C K It I F.SL CROf.TxERY. HARDWARE, and MEDICINESi i All of which will be sold low fox ; cash, by j HEMPSTEAD; Jr ; Uahrax. N. C. March 13S, ! '. ' - '" - . . . ' i Commercial and Commisiioa - 1. . . 1 ! ' . lii U Coi. , 1 -: ptli Subscribers have opened . mi the town of Portsmouth; I Viririnia. a Commercial War. houvn j the rrceution nd al of V. "'V, A1?11 ; .inn i lutiui.p oi oi aious. 1 ne ionowmg are the terms on which thy wilL a Com miss ioa S ,l;rhiltv. tmnsTrrt. hiiintt ' rimers and Men hHtits wha may cotwn oods yr prcnhice to them, wili he charged a commis sion ol 'tv&uTid a half per rent, and, NO ' CH A UGLS FOR S TO K'AGE, if sold xxithin thirty day?. An advance in money will be made on consignments of country' pro duce, upon which the buat, inte:. rest will bo charged. If the ad vance he w;hcd in merchandize,' out irit-er'eat, 'Hies New York; Phi-W ladelphia,. Baltimore and Rich- mond prices, deducting therefrom the necessary expenses -of ship- " pinjr. wharfjige,; drayagc and com- - mission, as charged in those cities ' tesDCC respectively, "may -always he cai elated on m this and the adjoin- kut, Norlelk. But! tho' subscribers will diold thenelve3 hown.I, in consulting the nteret , of thcir fiends, to avail them- selves of either of the above nam- (if reqnes!t 4 t ; the '-riq -t wu liny 1 he;r named r will he o ' demand cf soo ":- .V.: their char; ' ' ' . .. ' PorUriouiA , I 'i ' mrrrRMCC TO -.7 - R : D . . iU - -nUm A . ' : n - ti i ah' vr " . -.. , i . i Gruvt ri of ;il A j'-. &rKLmf(J6 on thefivetungs . l!h acd 25th instant. A.c.r. xwi. i -

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