! 4 j ten, AIAW mm VOl. 2. HfllTFAS, W. C. DECEMBER lo 1329 EMT1' ! FKI.TFO KV CRT THURSO A T DT JOHN G. LILES. A I E f I T K I FY EDM- B. FREEMAN. .CONDITION. r7Tho Minerva will be prints! tcrV Thursday morning at $2 . per annum, in advance, or J if ' suf-n i not made within i mon'h-. 1 - No papr to be discontinue until all arrearages are paid, unlet.-a'- tl -i option of the Editor; and a, fjil'i to notify a discontinuance will t considered as a new engage ment . j r Advertisements, making one ei'jare or Ws, l inserted three time's for One Dollar, and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion . Long'T oneB in proportion. All ad vertisemcnts will be continued un less otherwise ordered, aud each continuance charged. ' Letters to th' Editor muct be pott piid.-.Qj they will not be attend ed ; EAGLE hotel, 's?g HALIFAX; N. CAROLINA. rii: V tnherriher informs his i friends, and n public gene rally, that he has leaded that largt; and commodious house, formerly known bv the name of the :BIG TAVERN, tvhere he-is in hopes, his strict attention to his business, and the following prices, will insure to him a portion of the public patronage. PRICES. lan and horse per day, $1 5.0 Do. board by the year, 130 00 Do do. per month, 12 50 Do. do. by the day for a man, j Dinncr.and horsefced. Supper, Breakfast, I.odeinsr. 00 73 37 1-2 37 1-2 12 1-2 J. IL McLEMORE. August 20, 1829. 2o-6ni FALL GOOD, And very cheap. R. KINGSBURY has just re ceived, and now offera.for sale, his fall and winter -eupplies; compri ein"' a very general and extensive wsortment of DRY GOODS, which have nearly all been purchased at auction in New York, that ena bles him to sell them unusually low. The following is a part oi my assort ment: ' ' . - . Groceries of every description. f . Hardware, Castings, China. Glass end Earthen w are, Stone ware. Tin ware. Saddlery, Boots and Shoes, Sole and upper leather, morocco, airine f!rttnn Ranrpinp'. BalC Niiik IFindow Gla3 am Putty, a large supply of heavy Turksj aland Salt, Sack aalt, otc. The above, together with my for nr tock. makes the assortment ve ix complete. The above good! will be sold on my usual accommo datiniT terms. . ' Being confident that .1 can giv M;.r1 nn to thos wno win ihkt o trmiklp to call, as retards qual itv and prices, I respectfully invitt all who "want to purchase toe mine mv assortment. j: In I u ih to purchase wit cash, a few hundred bales of primp Cotton. 1 will also pay cash for ja ,.ntitv of ADole Brandy, Jtreceivb in j tivment for debts or goods, a kinds of country produce. Applv at the Brick store. Oct. "l 5, 1829. i IN Scotland Neck, Halifd CDuutv. a Tavern House arid store house, one hundred add seventy five acres of land, own ed by Mrs. Rebecca E. Good win formerly called Smithrs old store; at present occupied by James Young. Applica tion to Edmund Wilkins in Scotland Neck by letter or 6- therwise will be, promptly tended to; the abx Ve is a good aituation for a ". merchant for a tavern. . AND - J Commission Merchants, TCGRFOIK, V. KT' .HX vi Wil; , fUiO'ofJ'e; Va ) has removed tc . .i V. corujec ti ti w ah amuei vc-ston, will trri-;ct a West on, 1KNKRAL COMMISSION and GROCERY BUSINESS They respectfully offer their Services lo the Merchant and Planters of this section of the country, as also, to those of the Itate of North Carolina, it. if.. PURCHASE or DISPOSAL oJ Liy GOODS or MERCHAN DIZE, and q the nrodueti of he 1 urmcrs and Planter?, and rum a thorough acquaintance kith the various kinds of oro- Juce, particularly COTTON aud TOBACCO acquired bv the el- der ot the firm- -they are ; conti dent of afforCiog entire satisfac tion to those who .shall favour them with thai- business. The following irticles enmnric a part of those m STORE, viz: 5 nds. W. 1 Rum. 5 Pipes B?deau Brandy, 2 do. llolfndGin, 10 hds. N.E. Rum 4th proof 25 do. Balmore Whiskey, 50 bis. do. do. 15 do. Rydo. 4th pracf 1 years old, j 25 do Baltnore Gin, 20 do. Phiklclphia do. 25 do. N. 1 Rum, 30 do. Corials, assorted, 15 qr. Ca Sweet" Mai. Wine, 5 do. Maiira do. 11 hds. S Croj;c Sugar, 1st and 2d qualit . ' - 20 do. N. neans do. do. do 2000 do. LSugar, Various dp. 50 bgs.-Ccfce part Java." Gun Powde Imperial, Hon, Tr w Young HySi, f " Pouchoug, J All in variousized packages of superior quty. 25 bxa. Coitrs Troy Candles, fiist quality, 25 do. . do. do. 3CCnd quality 25 do Sfmacetti do. 25 do. Soavanous qualities, . lOVf do. nor Shayiii g Soap. 15 do. Mus'd. in or hf.'lb- bottles; 5 do. Supjor Chewii.g To 1 lb. mps, Milli Cut do. Glaa 3 by 10 and 10 i bacco in 25 do. 50 do. by ,12, , 25 do. ChoQte,-Nos 1.2 cc 3 25 casks Ch,e, 50 bis. Machll, Nos. 1. 2 3 15 half do. ' do. 20.UU0 Spaq Seirars, in hall and qr hexes, 10,000 d do. inienor quality, Bags peppef do. Pimenti do. Gingerj Kegs Nutnie do. -Fig blut do. Salt Pel do. Indigo afetarcb, do. Butter aLard,.. 3 tiers. Rice, 160 Dimijohi 100 Reams ppingpaper 27 do. jfing do. CO Kecs Nailf 100 lbs. each, assorted sizes. 10 doz. Spadnd Shovels, 10 do. Wireters, 10 do. boxeties, 5 do. PatetcrTee Mills, 55 do. Bed I? and Leading Dine?., 900 Straw Tiler?. 10 doz. coma.jt Decanters, 15 do. do. It do. 150 pieces Cli Bagging, 42 inches. I - x 10,000 lbs Blopc. 5.CXX) lbs. T 200 Sacks Liool Salt, 10O bis. Kami lour, 150 do Supd, 5 tons Countiju. 5 do. Swede! do. Blistereel, i 5 do. Castmnposcd of Ovens, Pots, Spider. Carop-Ketfl And-Irons, at and 2r bundles Nail Rods, 5 do Brand Iron, 5 tons Plough Moulds, 15 XK lbs Bar Lead, 2 tons Patent Shot. 50 krg Poder F, FF, FFF. With sundry other articles, and further Mippht s daily expected. JOHN N WHITE, 6c ' SAME WESTON j No, folk. Oct 3G 6m S TAPLE & FA NC V i XZutlcry &r hardware. 5rnHE subscriber in order to SON & H ALL1DA Y, ckersfolfln1' i i . i wiii, he Ziopt, he tound alvaritatr- .ale, at. the House ocr-H k ous lu wllo nmy ,oy hja. Mr. panics HallMJay WELLJgencv- " SELECTED ASSORTMENT ( Refer to Messrs or Maple cV raccy. j DRY GOODS, Cutlery &r Hardware- 'The whole of the stock wa lately ptirchascd for cash in Netf York.-and will now b oifered at a very reduced price. J JAMIESON, Surviving Partner of . J.nilESON iSt:HALLIDAY. Nov 5th 1829. tf 37. New Cheap Store, jsnjscsr s. ttn-xzuns fit CO. ff A VE opened tn the store op. wpi,sitc Messrs' H.iu'kins" and 11 irris, an elegant assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry suitable lor the present season, and of the latest stylo. And alsc an extensive, a. ortmcnt of SHOES, HATS, CROCKERY, GLASS, GROCERIES &c And will continue to receive Ircsh supplies, throughout 'the season, all of which, will be sold lo v for CASH or barter'd for produce. , V l The subscribers invite their friends :.ud the public gene rally to rail and examine for themselves, as the whole of their -GOOD'S were t un Ii.ispH i,r (CASH,') the prices thev will be oflcred at cawnot tail to please ' ! ! ' H S II AYNES. Co. I lal i fax Nov 11, j cJ 29 t f 3 C FALL GOODS, rthe Subscribers;, are now re cci.ving their Fall Winter Supplies, " ".-.consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware Cutlery, 6ic. which, in addition lo t heir fomer Stock, will make their assortment complete All of which they will Sell on accommo(i;iting terms. 1 1 A W K 1 N S ,5c A R R IS. Halifax, Oct.7i h2'j. 34 t NOTICE. STRHE subscriber has received "'and oiler? for sale; at Ed wards Ferry, on the most ac commodating terms, for cash or country produce, a General assortment of Wholesale $t Retail THOSE, wisdiintr to pur-1 chase, will find it fo their ad - vantage to call and examine, as . i . i . ii ... ,ne ueier.nii.eu tu - - jcni3ll advance un: the Norfolk 'prices. ALSO just received a supply TURKS ISLAND SALT, I of TURKS : which he will sell for 75 cents per bushel. EDW IN WHITEHEAD. Nov. 19th, 1829. 4w 39. N. B. Bale Cotton receiv ed and shipped to any Merchant in Norfolk or elsewhere for 12 1-2 cents per bale. E. VV. " WANTED IMMEDIATELY, at th s Office, two or tlirec well dxes- WILLIAM H. REDWOOD, lVurthoM$t oh hoodsidt's Wharf, recently occjjtJ by Messrs. I. V i South gale, TTenders his services to COl'N Jk TRY MERCHANTS. PLAN TERS, ami LUMBER DEALERS, in the SALE of PRODUCE and LUMBER of everv description. &l in the I'LRCHASE of GuOlkS. for which I. if fuimiii-ion ih, :h ail casf, be ery moderate. a:t ntif i, Ueiiijr confined roV- lij tu fj'.-r.rnsvv.n tulr,txs. nnd hi!? ftUjwi. g ( i J r 1! and of the" Cobb, by their counsel; it is urder smode ot " tranHc Luif business m the ; cd that it be referred to the r,uu, ',.grl ,t r witi. aw, thorough : oUi V 6Ac Icion, Ch'sL. H'inghlJ, $ liobert SoitCer, Sfut i ds V .iskb urn,. Hdi. Beacon, May, 1820. lamsvurz. .urfolk. 17 lra jaxs Gonzoivr Co mm 1 1 a am i f t rch an t NORFOLK VA. The t-ul!?criber takes this method of announcing to the public that he has made arrangements for the transportation -6f Cotton, and pro duce of allyesci lptioas, from W'el don and Halifax to Norfolk, by th use of boats tii-it go at all times o- yer the shoals, and" meet the Steam ? iioat i etersourg Delow t lie shoal.-, until th new Stearn Boat u; c.iuipie ted, ffiid ready for iwe, (which w ill, doubtless, be iu all the month of No vember next.) The charges' will be ai lollows: For receiving and delivering Cot to'i at ilmitax, 1 cenlH, At ti Jvisrtk'ami Anthvuy V ferry, 1J I-, cents. Freight, ani Canal toll to Norfolk Sier.ie. at Norfolk, per month, lOcei't. . Coiiiraiasioa on sales. 2 1 i-.' per Cent. Freight of a F.nck .f ?a!t crn Nort-. .-L.tu Halifax, r W eidon, Li na! tiili Jin. :!i jt (i, Jo i iii.s, 'B.rfei at' Snar, ot r. nt.-j, li:t uf Collet, J'u i-ht, 50 cents, - Other articles in the same prq-ior tion. My ap nts o.re in WeiJ Colo nel Juvtttr. Hstoilax, Nathaniel Smith, Edward', Ferry," Dr. VhitTliead. Anthony 'e Ferry, JasJH. Cmith, T!-' lighter I use ar- to take pro duce da'Aii the river on the nu-rnent cf it? arr.val; it will be iteeived by the Steam Boat, and iinuiediutely proceed. to Norfolk. . JAMES GORDON. 23" A more tpeciik memorandum of the freight eft lie various a rtit . which will be offered fur trat!Sorta tion, will be jjiven in borne few weeks. In the mean time, an the etiun for transportation i at han !, the above is tiered as a fair speci men of pfobabie cost, 3cc. tni f.r 'lo- r-,n e'nierjce of planters. I pur P'te keeping m the town of Halifax, t suppiy of Hijrar, Corfee, Molasses, Salt. lr-n, tJitt'in Uarja. 15ale Rone, Twi'ir, ic. to be sola et tne I'teisburg pru es, with the addition of freightage, &c. frcm Norfolk. J- The Raleigh Star wiJ! p-ibh-h th:.. dveitwmeiTt ui.;,! father ,H,tu-. and fcrws.ru their account tot his cf- nee. NOTICE. TVylEL be M-ld en the premiss, , V the 7th oi January next. ; ' " ."-""n .v . 'that ww known house and lot near the Court House, latelf oc- ( cupie(J and kei,t open a5 a hoU.e ; of public entertainment, called ihe ; r, L r w Exchange Coffee House bv virtue ut a deed of trji exe- 9 cuted to the subscriber by Thomas G. Johnson The terms will be accommodating and made known on the day of sale. Also at the same time the tract of land near the Town, knonn fc used as the RACECOCR6E ; 0 JNO W LEWIS Nov. 30. 1829 4W 40 jrThe Editors of th9 War rentoo Reporter and Petersburg Intelhzencer will insert the ab-ve ut4d the day of sale, and forward ; the J acresats tc .iu eScc State of North Carolina ?iORTHAFTOJ COCSTT. Superior iSourt of Latm 6i Equity l all lerm.1. U. lUX'J, Jarrad ' Weaver 'J j William II . lUt J die and Hard v . V. Cobb. Ex tort A. In Eqty- ot Tho 7'urner dee d and Mat- thew C I urncr J On reading the Bill and an swers in this cae, and on motion of the defendants, ardie and Clerk and Master, to state an ac count of the lands and slaves sold by the defendants Hadie 6i. Cobb uiuler the will of their tes tator: and also an account of all debts due in ro thedefendant Matthev C. Turner at the death oi thi testator Thomas Turner deceased, shewing to whom the said debts respectively were due, on what consideration founded, how 'evidenced; and how much of said debts so due at the said tes tators death remain due aud un paid. And it is further ordered that all the crtJiiors of the said Mat thew C. Turner do appear be fore the. Clerk tnd Mailer, exhibit their claims and prove-the same: a,nd'thut each creditor failing so to appear, shall be excluded, from u.y snare ot me funds in the haiids of the Executofs: Prorided ;t copy of this order shall be in serted ft -r six successive weeks in the Halifax Minerva and Ra leigh ?t;ir; together with a notifi cation oft be time and place ap PG1n, d by --the Master forreceiv In -uei clain.s: which shall not be i" u , rtei time than twik h d.U's alter the last insertion of taid no tice. And it io further ordered that t'he Mn.-ter, Imp power to examine u.i i n and every person prefering tucli rlaiyis (-if lie shall think fit,"' or hall be required po to do by the . art - - r et'li'-r of thern) upon oath teurtiiiijx the same: The fon: goiujj . order having rn-f-i'-ence to- a fund 'set apait by the late ThoMis.TfK?R deceased, in Ins Idft will and tcfctament, for the pavnient of , the" jiibt debts ofhi grandson. MvrriiKwC. TtRr.H, one of the nefondants in the Vuit above refred to. all of the creditors of the taid Matthew C. Turner and other" interested, arejhereby notifi ed that the Mibject matter f the said ord-r will be taken up and act ed on by th- Cleik and Master, at the ("ourt IIouj of Nori.' n'tipton county, in the Town of Jek-on, on the -J-'nd day of February next, w hen andr-. where they are required to attf:d. aud yrepared to prove their rospective tlaimt.' JOHN f). AMIS, C M. E: By W H- LOCKHARTDep.M.'E. ",rov.- loth IWI'J. NOTICE. 5fUhe last will of David Clark vvas this day proved intheCoun (v Court of P!ea and Quarter Ses- . . , . - ll.lit, v f rmr.tr- 1 - f th Subscribers who quaiit.eu u SJ- ccutors thereto. .. irr; CR EDITORS of the ... : ' j 'A th' Executors for all claims, within th time by Law prescri- bed, or their actions win he oarrea VM M CLARK, F . GAVIN HOGG. $ rx rs Halifax .Vor. 17th, 1C29. All th -e indebted to the said Dtvid t'lark are requested to make payment or to renew their iJ' Ti'smth too goods securities pa'v rfble to the above named Wm M Clark and Gavin Hogg as Guardians of David Clarkv chil dren or writs wi!l be brought a L'amst all tbose'audebti d to aid David Clark to February term of Halifax Count v Court - COMMWKV 'MKUCIUXT. NORFOLK, VA. HeCtfitly of Halifax, A Ccrolm-t vfj E S P E CT F U L L Y teoders b. sr vices to the public m ta U s of all kinds ot PRODUCE, which may be introsted to his. care Hi- Ware-house is conveuien: to the, v. k r n tn.- k ,U t Ke f a r 4? of drafW t jK. It. S ' CeaiHakfa. Iec 1st. 1&20. notice: The creditors of A. A. B Stitb ; At Co. are reqaested to attend at the Mansion-llooe in the ton n of Halifax. N. Carolina, on th th day of January, 1830, either by. themselves or their agentT for fh p4jrfM.e of receiving a rejnrt cf the trustee appointed to- c.dlect the debts and making a 'dividend of the monies collected AH those who fad to attend wdj be Excluded from the. participle lion in the division. GEO R REESE.rru;- - Sept UV2f S.-tf State o f North Candina VORTHMrtoN rotMi. I ' I .Superior, t curt of Lix 1 Equity Poll Term . i I) 1629. " Edmund ebb i. and Henry Hrri !on; and WVdiam Harris m !: M ir uiaduke Hirrison cW. Wdh.in Harri son inf ints by Wil bam Harrison en I heir next fr tend Mltthcw Harri son, and James Harrison, &- John Harrison &, Fred erick Harrison, 6c AU xander Harri son and Lewis Harrison and Plea sant Harrison and Elizabeth Harri son, and Martha Harrison cV Mary Harrison an infant by Matthew Har rison her next Petitionef in Equity riend. J vs '. Top ' sal of LaDi) Edmund Har-y f- i ri.on, ' Benjauu j ' Smith Harrison, Samuel S. Sim ipons and John C. Phillips and bis wile Sally, late Sally .Simmons - Robert .Moore Wiiham H.; Moore LJavid J. Moore .inl i'homas E. Abernathy and his wife Martha, late Martha Moore DefendanU It appearing .to t h. satlfarfJcO of the court that, the Jet n tuts in this case are not mh- e , ' . f tins State: It s orde- ".-.it publication; be madeir.tl.o it U tax Minerva, for six su iv o weeks, notifying thein to app:.f at the next term of this court to fe held on .the 5th Monday- ;:f:T the 4th Monday in1 March n :t. at the Court House in the Tt.;i of Jackson, and plead, answer r dfcmurtothe petitioners' t:ui titiou, otherwise the same w;:t !. taken pro confesso as to t.. :, . and the matter therepf.heard i & parte. A Ccpv TestV JOHN i) AMIS, C M i: Nov. loth 1829. G-:; WELDON. - - ypCRSU ANT to an order cf ; " Honorable the Court of Eii - ty, holden lor the County of li.l fax Fall Term, 1829, notice 1 here by given to all purchaser ol"k!i' the town of. Wehlon. Irom i Blount, (iuardian, fc.c. bo h-v not complied with the ttnn ol tb contract, that ihey uppeaf at tl.? Superior Court to be holden t the county ol Halifax ttf the t' of Halifax, orrthe fourth Mi r.i after the fourth Monday Iti M . r next, to show cause why the j t chases made by tl.tm r.p it.. If under the decree cf ihi ' nr should not Le vacated -nd fev side. X. B FREEMAN c t October teJJ ta FOR FREIGHT. THE fine vl-r, INDHPKNTihSCE . p alout eizkt day. pr fi3 wishing to efiJT-Ke A.ht l"9' otis to arrival cQ do o Uj ' a I ml if)tr tO I , HAWKINS &L HARRIS. i All tir in

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