i' . t - . v Iff ALIF AX EMYA . W m , iki.vteo i.tar tiii rsdait JOHN C. LILES " " AND I.MITF.D KV EDM. Ii. FREEMAN. coy DITIO8. ID The -Minerva will be printe every Thursday morning at 2 o per, annual; in advance;, or J it" pay t:tnt is not mide within J tnc.nlha I ' No paper to be discontinued etilii all arrearages are paid,, unless at tl e option of the Lditor; and fa.lue to notify a discontinuance will z coneidered as a new ona'd jacnt . ' . 1.7 .Auveruemenir, rn.-kingr on ? At . " ... 1 square -or lesi, inserted thre ti'iu-jf foi One" Dollar, Viid fWc-iit y-fiv t..;nt $ for every subsequent insert ton Longer ones in proportion. All ud v?rtiienierits wif: bo continued un it'.sH otherwise ordered, and eac Continuance chano-d. Letters to the lUYiihr must b ptst paid, or they will not be attentS- cd to . SO&N ST. W222'i?S AND SAMS. W22STP2J, Commission Merchants! TtfOHN VI. Will i'Ev(late orPd iNorioik, and in connection with Samuel -Weston, will transact-a GENERAL COMMISSION, and GROCERY RUS1NESS. '1 hey, respectfully offer tfieir .tsr vices to the Merchants . mid Planters ol tins section ;of the L I country, as also, to those of th' s-tate of North Carolina.lin tii PUtfCH ASE or D1SPO.W. r any GOODS or i . J)1ZE, and of the' p.-oiie:- .1 W . H Ihe farmers ami .'-:! r , -u4i from a thoou f. .. 0tc With the varies - kind' duce, particularly Ol i 1 O.N tUftll TOBACCO acquire by ihti e der oi the hrm they are cotnu - " t dent of aflbrdiDg entire satisfac tion ,to those who shall favoul them with their business The following articles cornprisi a part of those in S I ORL vi 5 hds. V. I. Rurn, 6 i'ipes Bordeau Brandy, 2 do. Holland Gin, 10 hds. N. E. it urn 4t1i proof 25 do. Baltimorb inskev, 50 bis. do. do. 15 do. Rye do. 4th proof 4 Jearsjold, 25 do Baltimore Gin, ' 20 do. Ijhiladelphia d&. 25 do. N. E. Rum, ,30 do Cordials, assorted, ,15-qr. Casks Sweet Mai. Wine 5 do. Madeira do'. . , 11 hds. ! St. Croix Suirar, Is; and '2d qua,hty,f 20 Io. N. Orleans do. do. do. 2000 do. Lf. Sugar, various do 50 bgs. Coflee art Java. Gun Powder, 1 r on; i TEAS. I, & . Imperial, llyson ounj; Hvson Pouchon, J AH in vahous sized packages o superior quality 25 bxs. Cohvcrs Troy Candles I fit st quality, t do, do. doi do second quality, 25 do Snermacetti do. 25 do. Soap, various qualities lOO !o. Windsor Shaving Soap ir .lo Mustard, in or. 6c hf. lb I bottles. i . , . .n ' 5 do. Superior Chewing lo- bacco, m l lb. lamps, 25 do. Millers Cut do 50 do Glass ' 8 bv lOand 10 by 12. 25 do. Chocolate, Nos. 1,2 & 3 25 casks Cheese, 60 bis. Mackerill, Nos. 1, 2 & 3 15 half do. do: '20,000 Spanish . Segars, in hal and qr. boxes, 10,000 do. do. inferio! 'quality, ; Bags pepper, . do. Pimento, do Ginger, Ivegs Nutmegs, . do. Fig blue, do. Salt Pet re, ' v' do. Indigo and Starch, t. do. Butter and Lard, 3 tiers. Rice. . CO Dtmtjohns, 100 Reams Wrapping paper, ?7 do Writing dp GO Kegs Nails, of 100 )bs. each assorted sizes, V V) doz. Spadc3 and Shorcb Wire Sifters, boxes Axes, Patent -Coffee Mill, 5 do. 65 do. Bed Cords and Leading Lines. 900 Straw ITumbler?, 10 doz. common qt. Decanters, 15 do. -do. pint do. 1 LU tl nf (:, ( filti.ii fi:nrcririor Al , 1 o 10.O00 lbs Bale Rope. 5,000 lbs. Twine, 200 Sacks Liv rpool Salt, 100 bis. F:ur Plour, ' 150 do. iipfrrh.;e, 5 tonsiCountry Iron, 5 do. Swedes do. 5 do. Blistered Steel,'. i? 5 do. Cviittngs, coiiipostd Oven, Pots', Spiders, Camp-Kettlos, And-IrOus; Flat-Irons, &ic. 25 bundle- Nail Rods, 5 do Brand Iron, 5 tons Plough Mtniiuc, 15,000 lbs. Bar Lead, 2-tons' Patent Shot. 5o keg Powder V, W, V Willi sundrv other arlic?. further supplies daily expec 'I i. JOHN .V Will i L, . ' SAML. VvlYo.NV. V Norflblk, Oct- 1 f.2J. 1 C-Ciini I V- FALL GQOlJti, And eery cheap. R. KINGSBURY 'has just re ceived, and now offers for ka'io, hie fall and-.winter supplies; rompri Tig a very general and extensive ttnent'of DRY GOODS, umch hive .nearly all been purchase at ;iuctK)!t m New i cr::,tiiat ena bles him t) -el' 'tie:n i.t:uually low. The following is a part of my a ?oort -nn 'tt: ' , r ' Goc ties of every deserp?i'in. ... Il -' d .yre, Cas?njs.- ( ,hin;i.,(f a :ir E;,rrle-rt i rr S; w:i re. Tm ware, fSaUi'ery, B.iots nnd Shoe?. Sole and upp'tr leather. morcct, Call Skins Cotton 'Jafrin-r, B 1 1 iTino. Trim. Nailv (J'nr.. w m-.! Putty, a largesupuiv of hoavy Turks Island Salt, Sack .Salt, . The above, togl.h- r with. my flr mer Etock. makes tiie assortment v ry complete. The above jrooes will be sold on my usual accommodating-terras. Being confident that I rrn ive tatiilli'etit)n to tho.: who til Jake the trouble to call, a -ure'trd.? .natal ity and prices, I respectfully rjsvite all who want to r,urclitse( to ex ami no my asbortme.'it. N. II. I wish to-pure!i:ise v. ith cash, a few hundn'd; b.i!.-s of prime Cotton. I will'ulso pay a-!r for n quantity of Apple Brandy, v receive in payment for debts or goods, all kinds of country prdu.e.'. Aeplv at the Briuk store. Oct.li. ; ; WILLIAM H. RLDWO O D COMMISSIOX Mlji.'i ILLYT, NOHFOLK, VA. i ir.'re"ioi5e on JVoodiitlt's IPmr". recently occupied 6e Utnr.i. J. 4- IV. Southgnte, .". ' ' N Xlenders his service- 4 TRY MBRCHANTSl PLAN TERS,and LUMBER DEALERS, in the SALE ot PRODI CE and LUMBER of evervdoscritibn, U in the PURCHASE of GOODS, for which his commissions' .will, ;in aJtl cases, be very moderate. His attention bein confined oU- r-- r?.,.,;.... i I i , c .i knowledge of persons and f the mode of tan?a"ctinT bcine.s in the Borough, together with his thorough knowledge of the Country liunness. will, he hopes?, be found advantage-,' ous to those who may .employ -ms a fency. Fcfer to Messrs CoU & Sheldon, f Ch'i U WinJet Jt S Robert Souter, Siields 4- Ashbvrit, Eds. Beacon, May, 1829. IViHuunslurz. JWjrfclk. 171201 THIS is to shew that I forwarn all persons whatsoever from trusting my wile Martha Lewis, or any .other; person on my ac - count, as I am determined to pay no debts but of my own contract- ing ww trim r if AiSl 'U IMMEDIATELY, at this Office, two or three avcII drcs- Led Buck-dibs. 10 do. 10 do. Commission M reliant NORFOLK VA. The subr-critu r takes this metliod of f.nrounc;j?M. the. public that Itas inB'ie urrun-'-i.-ients fur the i ., , . ' J1" cute o! ail descriptions, from We! ''utc- f boati? that go at all times o ? vr tne M'ioabr, anoiueet the Steatn Uoat Peterbiircr below the sbcal-. until tiie new SLcaci Boat is comple ted, ml rvdy for ue, (which wi.'i. M'xibt isc, be in all the month oi'No .vetii!"r next1. The charged will be as follows: F r receiving '-':nd d fivorir Cl, ton at ILaiifas, li cctitis. At Eawards' and Anthony's fern', 12 I - I cent-, , Freight and Canal tell to Nof folk St. tfcge at Norfolk, per moalh, io CVi.tri, . (.'ciiiuiiiiiou on 'i-vlei, 2 1-2 pet cent. Frr tcrht of -a sack of ealt from Norfolk to Halifax, or Weldon', Ca- i Jial toil inchi-ifd, cent, 'Barrel t' Sugar, 0 cents, Bag of Colfce, 200 weight, 50 'pnt;, . t:;er aHtcIeL' in the tame propor iioii , My tvT-enis are , in Weldon, Colo- "l;l JvViiv"i, Ilaltla.;, Nathaniel Smith, Ed warus' Ferry, Dr. Whitehead, Anthony's Ferry. Jfty. II. Smith, The lighters 1 are to take pro duce down th riwr. on the moment of its arrivjl; it v. tii be ; received by tiie Stoam LloaK and immediately proceed to Noif0lk. , JAMES CORDON. T A rtmre speeilie memorandum 4 of the freight of the various article which wiil be oftl-red f-jr trntisporta- li.-'' "ilt : n viiii r.U' u-oks." in th nfean.ti.ne, as the -(.'-i.rn ".ir transport u tion is nt liand, the above lVi-rr-d a.- a fair speci men of probable cot-t. fcc. and for ! tfi-? t ohvetiw-ne - f j !ant' I pei ,n-e kp'epinghi the tov.:n .? Ilaotux, a, -::p;"y of snjrar, Ce1f-:e, .Molr-si', r Irop, Cot. err 1'.;; o U l : e Ro" . T ii. ?S:.e. to be s :,l at the V ! ; t .-bnr- l i 'i:;---:. Wi' h t ; addition or' f; . iiiMit n -4 , Cv-C. fi -iia ? rfol.';- The Raie'-M f.rr w'rM u,.i tins advert'..-' mei.e u i:t il fir'-iier notice, nd forward tht-jr account to this of ftce. . EAC LB llOTtU HALIFAX, N. CAROLINA. tfTltllE sub.-criber informs his friends and n public gene rally, that he has leased that large and commodious bouse, formerly known by the name of the BIG TAVERN, where he i- in honci, his strict . il,trnt,on to.l,l busniess. and the . iouo" j.iu cs, mu ipu.c a portion of the public patronage PRICES. Man p. nil horse per day, f 1 50 Do. board bv the vear. L'O (X) Fin irt tmv mnntli. 12 50 i Do. do. by the dav f ! lor a mn j Dinner and horsefecd, Supper, . Breakfast, - 1 00 75 37 1-2 37 1-2 Lodging, 12 1-2 J. II. McLEMORE. August 20. 1829. 28 6m NOTICE. TPS HEREBY GIVEN, that at tl te last term of Halifax coun ty Court, the subscriber qualified as Administrator, on the estate of Tromass II. Scott deceased. - , Ajj porsorr5i indebted to said ; jecCHsed, are requested totnake immediate payment .as no longer injugence can be given; all those ! having claims a gainst, said deceas TOBLS LEU 15- J wii demand eament within the time prescribed br law, or tKU notice will be dead id bar of iheir recovery. . EUWAKU . niOLn.. ,D.1.28?9. C. uHCTUAItlT 7, 1830. Hti.LSBUROLGU M-riii. ciamin.mnii mil Monday and Tuesday the 7th and Stlt ofDecetnber. " The exercise, wiii be turned oU 11 i'' Monday the 1 1 th of January. Vv Mr. tdward briuth, formerly madke Harr.n of the I ctersuurg ( a) Acade- , liiiaui llarri ny; a teacher oflontr ex peri- i sun infants by W il ! encp, and lii!tlv distisifruished for classical and scientif.c ;u- 'heir next friend: tainments, will be Associated in j Harri tho In!jor of the Arar?.nv. t5 '"- ur,,J Jati Tu -. 4 , . -Lie s,ten. of sudie i, m general, prep;u uoi to our L- tmersiiv. i , .... l" " - -i j v uit fiith brii.icnt- -.p :ijn , jul- 1 iiiii, wrttaiL., eVtj,pllV? aiiiti-j metic and Eng ramuiar are iiitersjieiM c Un it.'uc, iMut the ! course. Tuit.oti in the in'cher oranthes ol education wiii In given to such as desire it. Hetruhir tuition I V l, Jl..r. i per session. W.JJ. J3INGHAM Principal. P. S. Board in the most gen teel families ten jdollars per month, including- bed, washing, lire wood end candles. Hillsborough, iJ C. Nov. 24 40 5w buie uj or!t i arollna (!-. i'ii.e.lP'i u.N COt Mi. tuli I i.ri.i A. 1J. .La ft ad Vv civ jr 2l. Whiiamii. L'dr ; die atid Hardy ) In -Equity. i Cobb: Ex'tos ot 1 ho. burner, dee d, anil Mai- tucw (J t urner J Oa reading inc Bill and an swers in tins c.a-e, and on. niolioit ol the oeietiUains, iiaruio anu t obb, by their counsel, u is oruer eu that it Ue roitrcd iu the icrk and Master siuio nac-, count jl the lauus uiiii it.ves sold ny the tleienuauls liaroio L. Loub under fbe wni ol iLeir tes or: tat and also an account of all debts uae iroin the deleudattt Matineu (. lumcr at tue death ot the testafor 1 iicuiaS 1 urucr deceased, shewing to whom the said debts respectively were due, on wnat consideration founded, how evidenced; and how n.uch oi said debts so due at the -aiu tes tators deaih remiiu due and un paid. 1 And it is further ordered that all the creditors oj ihe sutd Ma i THtw C li'RMK do uj'pcar oe- jfj?e lite Lterk 'And. Alaster, exmbit tneir ciaims and prove the same and that each creuiior fading so lo appear shall be excluded irom any share ol the lunds iu the hands oi the Lxecuto.s: i io,vided a copv ol this order .hall be iu- erted lor six successive wtnks in tne llii'ax Minerva and iia-' letgh Star; together with a notui- cation otthe time and place up- ; Pinied oy the Master lor receiv- j 'life eocu claim;. Whicn fchall nut w' in a Mjuitt i tmje tiiau Twr.Mi ois I atler tne last insertion of iaid no- ! lice. I Anu it. is further ordered that the ' Master nave power to cx amine i each and every peron prttering i such claims (if he shuli thin. Lt, or , tfialt te requireu so to do bv the i hartiesf or either of them) upon oath i ' . toucliU.g tne srue. Th fiirP(TMn nrHpr hrinrr w. ference to a fund eel afmrt by the late ThoMAS TtRtRMeceaed, in has last will and testament, for the payment of the just debts., of his grand bob, Matthiw.C. Tvkm.r, one of the defendants in the euil aoo.e rx-fered to: all of the creditors of the said Matthew C. Turner and the day of February nxt, when and where they are required to attend, and ptepored to prove their respective claims. JOHN D, AMIS, C. M- E. By W. B. LOCK HART Pep- I E- . Not. 16Ui 1825- n.hpri ihtcrwtr-J. rp hprrbv ni.tifi- nrowiiioa may Uo inane lormeirj r-U.n.VIlrJ. ,W,cii , ed that the subject matter of the J payment; and tboo indebted will J I. TvORFOLK, VA'. eaja oroeii" iucu up iuu in- i ai pint-. :h.-c . inc !;.-'?'; -t ; j till' V -A iv the Clrk and Master. Ct mra 1-r A.i.r: itefnafidk 1 htCtnth Of JlaitJ9X. J r- IMUUIl-IM UITMUI -)M( - . 1 , ..Vvl'l'l'l I V the Court House of Nonhauptoa .i'-;. f Jctrrt I MLbPLC 1 1 LL..L. ronntv. in the Tow ri of Jackon, on l , .'',,',. fst;,.i w.rvicx' lotkc poblic State of North Carolina. OaTHAMPTOX COC!Tr. . J - i J i I p.- f. I8i ' EJk:u rH Webl 1 haru Harrison en. iou, John ! liarr,?ou V 'reu- Petitioners, iu Equity. i.ertck i I an i n, vV Alt x'ander j lam son nd Lewis ii.uriaou aud i'lea sant il.trritoti and l.,.z.;i)elh llarri Si.ii, and .Martha tliirriioti &c .Mary tlairiSt-H an mlaut by -dallbew Haf- riSc.n tier , next riend. vs For . . sale ot Land Elnrund liar-") ri?o:j, ' Benjamin -ii.uli ,1'urriron, atniief. k-i;n-u.oj.s and Jofni C. I'tnilips and his v i.'c -Sally, late .ally, r:tuninns. liobort ' iiHre Defendants, W iliiani 11. ?:oore j iiavui J. .Moore an 1 fiiouias E. j A Ut rnatliy and his j vfe 'Martha, late Martha Moore. J IFappcaring to the satisfaction , . t , . . . . t. . a i a i i . i j ui me lunii tuai iiie ocieuoaois : in ibis case are not inhabitants o! LUis btate: It is ordered thati publication be made in the Hah- U:A Aiiiit-rva, fur six successive weeks, notilvioi; them to ai.ne. r at toe ni'xt tortn ot this court to bo h.-.i-i on the 5th Monday alter j the 4tb .Monday in March ne.tr! at tiie Court House in the Town ; oi 'Jackson, and plead; answer or, demur to the petitioners' s:u ' j - ! t.tion, otherwiso the .u . w-. oe taken pro' 'confer? o fc t: and the: matter th;;re "..curd ex parte. , ' i ' A Copy Teste JOHN D A AHS, C. M V.. Nov 10th . Uw-;v. WELDON pI'RSL'ANTto an order i;f the Honorable the Court of i:4u- tv. lu.l .len lor the County ot Hah- f'.v F.,U 'I Vrrr.' 1i'.'t ni .? ir.-li. r... bv given to all purchaser- of Iot in ; Ir nth; loard can U- b I the town of Weldon, from .S-tuiVn l ""H thtj subscriber, for ix doli a Rlount, (iuardun, Acc. who have per month. The attention of pt not complied with the terms of the rents, and guardians, particuf i - v t ' ! i.-xt, to show caue wLy the pur - !i.i-e n.ad.e by thctn rc -pectively i-.ilcr t!ic decree of thiv Court liou Id not be vacated, laud set a- ude. E. B FRERMAN.c. m. r.. OctoUr 2H. IZ3! . 37 .Mm NOTICE. AT September term " Court of Pleas and of the Quarter Sessions of the counfv r-t M irtin. the la-t will of William Wi.i rji, . . late of said county. wa adiotttl t to rrbbatC, and at -,the prcefv term of said court the suou nber qaaldicd as executor tf.ereto : j dctermtticd to cice, the ,,,'cnt if the estate, with a T y ,HjSSiWc. the credit- V1 . .... . j of the legator arc rcqneitcd Ho make known incir ciatrr., tr,a.t who is folly authored collect the debts doe thereto, ana to srant discharzes, cc DAVID WILLIAMS. Wdharmton. l-Ctb- - D-t S ( contract, ttiat rn. y appear at ane v -? ! Superior Court to" be holden forilhe VLff 1h!.1 ordr, au 1 deCofLr. j the ccuntv of Halifax in the town pT,n be lnctiy observed, ;1V ; ! of Halifax, on the fourth Monday ,'unl'"K exertion. tO.,;adrfcca I aft.-r the fourth', Mwndav in March"' tboc committed to our ri, FEMALE SCHOOL IIARV.EY-bcrs.' Irre to itiform her friend and thn I nubhc in general, that her School I lor young Ladles will b resumed jaram at Hyde Park, on the 12th j day of January next; The char- ge for the highest Branches dS Sciences, 10 per o. i or. the lower. . 7 Muicot the Piano, 15 ) Drawing k Painting, v4 Hoard wan b obtained nt J"50 per session "jhoe who nrty 'eel .1 disposed tt patronise the. b.tiol, will p1eae address m hn- jo-l paid t i tO : t' - ; ELIZA J HARVEY, Hyde Paik. Hhiax Ct N ' ti-':' - , $ December, lO It! (X7"The Edenton Gazette;'. Will and forward, the-account to Mrt.i yarvey, tor' pfiyuient ' Tuition pr. Session 10 Hoard do. 40 3TAHKSK terms incluth- rer necessary' ex iise. except candles. Books will bV: fur- jiiished at th6 Petrrsbur f r tall prices. j j Lvery- student will bo required to briuig - with biiu-a pair of I Sheets Couuterpaiie and a pair of Blankets. Tlra exercises of this Institution will be renewed on the. first M. nday in January, and the first session will close by a public Kxamiiia tion oil the first Thursday and Friday in June. The 2nd ver sion win commence on the fol- ow ingi Monday and close wijth- out an Kxamination, on the ind Friday of November. - . The system of fctudie? is reg ulated v the plan of our Unw I versitv.' The subscriber will ! devote liis whole attention tO ; fl,r ,l,ii'w." ,f hi" Srlmidi . ' , C. A. II ILL, A. M. . Deci I , 1&29. 4t 2 A Private Female School the direction of the 4 rrib r, i Or. peu- i of Halifax, by M. I,! v A N IJalr AN, late U. W . jiia os t.u-; frgima- .he uev- jUipilsIiCd, ar.'l -j.m ti ; c j oeng Lady, to uistKuvt 4 ,o I mi. ili byst- t'i Sp lln' ilelo , Writing; and Aritfitnetic, Ei-l.j-Ji ! (iramihec. (ieeraphv. Hi-trr . ' "gic.- Rhetoric,' Needle r 7Vo svbil ,wt!i vointnoi " Monday th; 1 Ith f Jatiu. tj ; cxh at tho ratek of or.e Dot:,' r. .... f i ? ifi v f -f i r t in. mki irntinfi : r"I"U' iue nature oi imng will tiermit. . In this school, tho cbildren will not be oppressed bv loo many studies, being lorc!d' upon th?ir weak, and lender mind at one time Lnf rie can be made for as rnny month, a pr'ettts may think fe; and all chddren may be taken from M-bool. at mttf time, by paying up all arrearji- MARTIN READ Dec. ,10. Uti. ' LatalUe Academy. LVPIA PHILIP-V-in. Oidk.orm- her friod and Ihc public gendral'y, that the exercis es of tllis iiitdulMMJ wll recwii- mence jdour the I5ih of January particulars made known in duo lini' Carolina. teoderab in eaie ot al c fUIU . . I . a fl rciy -v- ' . i . . . . . .lI'.-b wbarf, wmcu wui save toe n'v'j of dray age.