j v ' . '' :. t ! : : ' - "- No." ' ' r - ' ". " ' . :. ' ' ' ! . - . ?' f ';..- '. '" - ""t'"::'- ' I- - ' f ; " aaira, w. c. pbbbpy is, isao. ' ; ' . . -nb7s ' if ftLlf TV.O EViUI .THURSDAY Cy . JOHN G. LILES Ann EDITED' BT EDM. B.FREfcMAN. CO ! DITTO "IS. IT The Minerva will be printed every Thursday morning at $2 io per annum, in advance, or"$3 ifpayr ment is not made within 3 months. 85? No. paper t be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at ti e option of the Editor; and a fail a; o. to notify a discontinuance will -J considered as a new engage- ment. O Advertisement, making one gqaare or less, inserted three omes for One Dollar, and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertiC . Longer ones in proportion.- All ad vertisements will be continued . un less otherwise ordered, and ' each continuance charged." . Lc tters to the Editor muKt be Tpntt paiti, or they will riot be attend ed " EAGLE HOTm L? HALIFAX N. CAROLINA Jp!lE sabscriber informs, his triends and public gene pally, ttmt he h9 leased that largt, .and commodious house; formerly known by the name of the BIG TA VERN, 1 where be is in hopes, his strict attention to his business, and the following prices, will insure to him a portioo of the public patronage. PRICES. Man iand horse per day, $ 1 50 Do. board by the year, 130 OCP Do. do. per month, 12 50. Do. do. by the day ' for a man, 1 00 Dinner aod horsefecd, 75 Supper, 37 1-2 Breakfast, 37 1-2 Lodging, ' . 12 1-2 J. I!.' McLEMORE. August 20, 1829 28 6m State of ' North Carolina, HERTFORDfSUPKRlOR f COURT OF LAW, i Fall Term; A'. ' V. 1820 Daniel Williams, ' '', -'.Matthias Williams in fact . vs Martha Flynn V v Judicial Attachment Col. Carx Darden summoned as Garnishee. It appearing to the Court, that tJic'dcfendant in this case has rc inoved beyond the limits vof this State, or so absconds or concedls herself, that thb. ordinary, process of Law cannot beserved upon her: it is therefore ordered by the ' livet her to me, or have her Court; tlifpublication'be made sjired in any jail so ihaf I get in the'Jlalifax Minerva, for sttheJC Ligain '.. wee giving the said jpynn nonce to appe text Term of this C koldcn for the County of Hertford, at the Court Hpdse in Winton, on the fourth iWondav in March next, thenand there to enter into a Ircplevifbond and ple'ad to issue; lnlfr failing so to do. Judgment fiHal will bo taken agairist her; aud the amount ia the hands of iic Garnishee held subject to the Jlaiu tiffs recovery. " Taste JAMES D. WYNNS Clerk. i'i IT i. HALIFAX N: C. DHHF ' k .r i- "fi "U"bf r..,fCSP?,C r:ii i-i.ii. - r- U . . - : MOTEL, R ment in this place and that he has U rdured hi) rnUc ir t i 41 Ail mrf n-v r j hrc 1 D C FENNER teb. 1st, 1830. 48-4f V1'- WANTED IMMEDIATELY, at this OfaVp, two or three well dres-Buck-skin. 5 - : . 5ft taking 5! Aiuaaif ii'l the ensuing sea son at inv stable two miles from the town of Halifax and vf !I render service at thirty dollars the season payable at its expjra tion which may be discharged; by twenty five caih. Forty five dol j.irs to ensure, .payable when the .fact is ascertained or the property cljiangefi. Cr.room. tine dollar to the Tljie season will, com mence the 1st of l'ebruary. and edd 10th July Good pasturage gratis, and hi ires grain fed at LV cents per U yw hen rtquired, every atten tion shall be given Jo prevent ;ic ci lent s or escapes but no ruspon--i nil? v lor tfher. i;'lniciiul (lark b;-.y. black hi me .;iio leg, lull live 1e t two uud three-.quartt.'rs inches 'high, new ten years old, in good order, 0,z. ile was got by old .Sir Ar chie, Ins dam .by Citizen, his griindam by Aldermau,. his grtat gritndam by Roebucli,. his g. re . Iam by Iloro.tJ, Ins g. g.l g dan by Partner, ccc. ARRXN was run at Lawrence villc' against Sii Henry, and won the Jockey CI jb with case; he travelled to Ne Tr-Market, and there won the Jo :key Club, healing Betsey ili :haras and others. IlENJAiMIN S. LONG. JanuTiy 2Gth, 1830. 47 tf. br The Richmond Enquirer, Rajjeigh -Star and Milton Gazette, will, insert the above three times ;in( forward their accouut to this office for payment. S20 REWARD. HAS A WAY from the Subscribe r a boutVthe 10th JulX last a negro woman named , Oxl3i3 CST':hout 2fcJ yearb old, about "5 feet shouldered, and has and. weak voice, high', .-round a "down look . 1 she the is supposed to be lurking in neighborhood ol Mai. J as. Fav celt s antl is no doubt, 'ire quctit.lv at the plantation of E. vure Ksq. on tne river, auove llalifax, as she has a bus.bami belonging to Mr. Lure it is sup her joscd she has a ctniu wun about two months old I will tlic above reward ol twenty dollhrs and pay all reasonable j expenses to any one who will de- TILL. C. MOORE. January 20, 813r3. 050 RAN A WAY from the subscriber a year past, i negro man - HARRY He is a bright black; about live ct 10 inches &igh,thirty ye ars old; wears' whiskers; has and impedi ment in his speech, and a down look when spoken to. He is by profession a tiddler, a ditcher and sawyer. I purchased him in Hal ifax! at sheriff's sale,- several years past, soiu a ii pcn; w WiMon Carter, tie has lately been seen in neru luumj, olortd both as a ditcher .iflSl sa-y beer seen in Bertie county, em- ver. lie there passed as a tree man I will give; the above tc of Fifty dollars; : to ..any warq oersbn who win flcuver niunu the tailor-lb -Halifax, by the loth lOctc ber, or fiHy dollars, if deliv- j crcd to Aim any time thereafter. jj. C. EATON. Spt. 1,1829. -ma BLANKS Neatly execoted at ibis office it.-. j narz business. subscriber, respectfully, informs' the public thathis --oacn making business" &c. is still continued at his former stand near the church He' makes this notice, under the impression, that, some of Ins friends and many patrons, may have been induced from report, to believe that he is jbuut to remove his establish ment elsewhere. He, herewith, announces hi; intention of continuing bis bu-i ness in this pl;r.e, and, respe I II - inn), U6HS a coutin,uance ot ihe patronage now ox tended to hi.-n He will always be found t; hU post, and prompt in the discharge of his mechariical j y. thomas Marshall Halifax, Jan. 1 7t h. tl 46. . TrenCs JIush inland ' Plantation ? FOIi LEASE: RRHE 'subscriber is disposed to lease the above farm for one or more years on fair and reason able tcrnid application to be made to me in Rithriiond Virginia or yfo "J'homas Buries Esq. dI Halifax N. C. JOSEPH TRENT. . Jan';23, 1830 47 3t.' ' 'Tiff the gift of POETRY to hai loWiCvery place in which it mpves to. breathe round nature an odour more exquisite than the perfume of the roEc,; and to shed over it a tiuf more', magical than the blueh of morning. ' For thk Halifax minerva V ' Lines To Miss'M; Girl of my soul ! one moment yet. One moment give to me! l i This httle town where first we: met Our parting place .must be. Oh! gaze on yonder star my love, Jfrh;cn beams on lake and tree! And say that when afar I rove, . Thou'lt fondly think of me. The wreath you twincl of fuiry , flowers . ' h - May wither and deaV, v l?ut oh! the j(ys of happier hours,' Can never pas away Yes! yes they fh?e, but memory flingt, . Her hallo o'er the past! And to her vivid fancy brings Joys that" forever last- And when or distant shores I roam, Mid gayer scenes to rove. My heart will fondly turn to home, And to its early love. ' . ' Then let no other dearest, win Thy gentle heart fromno For while life warmly thobs inmine Lach pulse shall beat for thee. SEL1M. TO A WHIT ROSE. - : Go to my fair thou lovely rose, Present to her rny duyi And as you on her breast repose. JFbich rivals thee in beauty. Tell her I found thee in the shade, '' A lone, retinnfi1 blossoniw And that thy etern l ve thcrnless made, ' ' To guard so pure a bosom. Tell her that thdugh the wilderness Contained thee blooming lonely, Thy beauty's power was aone : t And that it is not only . FFithin the rude worlds ardent gtze. Beauty is worth admiring, Bot that it father han lis praise" And loveliest looks retiring- (Frout the London Keepsak) TH.E FALSE RHYM E. "Come tell me where the maid " is found, . - Whose heart can love without ' vJeceit,' - Abo I win rane the trorW aroonu ' To siffh on moment at her feet rin, CnpTnlvv the. lair brother, lud arranged a rural leat for the morning following, which Francis declined atten- dinpr. He was melancholy; a n " and tne cause wai said to-be some lover's quarrel with a favorite dame. The morrow rame , and dark rain and mur ky clouds destroyed at once the scheme; of th courtly mrong-. Marsraret was anpry, and she crew weary; her onlv hope for amusement was 141 t rancis, &c h had shut himself up -an excellent reason why she should the more desire to see dim. She entered his a- partment; he was standing at the casement, aa'inst which the noisy shower beat, writing with a diamond on the class. Two beautiful dogs were his sole comnanioni. A Onpfn Marant entered, he hastily let down the silken curtain be- before he window, and looked little.coufused. What treason is' this: my liepre said the Queen,' 'which crimsons your cheekr I must & - . . ; see the same. v It is treason;' replied the king, and therefore, sweet sister, thou raay'st not see :?; This the more excited Mar garet s curiosity, arrd a playful contest ensued b rancis at ast yielded; he threw himself on a huge high-backed settee; and as the - lady drew back the curtain w ith an arch smile, he I grew grave, and .sentimental as he reflected on the cause which had inspired this libel againt all woman kind. AY hat have we )iere'r' said jtdargaret, 'Nay, this is lesse majeste ' . . . boulvent femme varie Uieu fou quis'y fieP Very little chanire would w a w u inv m u - J -m m w "'. . - ? rV'ould it not .run better tnus-- 'Souvent honame varie . Bien folle quis'y fief' 1 could tell you a thousand stories qf man's inconstancy.' I will, be content with one true' tale of woman's fidelity,, faid' Francis drily; 'but do not provoke me. 1 would fain be at peace with the , softMuta bilities, ,for thy dear sake." j 'I defy your grace,' replied Marpraet' : rashly, 'to instance the falsehood of one noble and well reputed dame. Not. even Emilitde Lagnyr' said the King. - This was a sore subject for the Queen." Emilie had been brought up in her own house hold, the most beautiful add the most virtuous of her maids of honor She had' long loved the Sire de Lagny, and their riuptials were celebrated with rejoicings but little ominous of the result . ljc nagn jr?i alccusel but a year after of trai- nrniitv vipldincr to the EtDDe- n fortre? under his com - rnand, andlie was condemned no'rhtual imDnsonmerit . For some time Emilie was incon- solable, often visiting tlie mis- erable dungeon of ber husband, and suffering on her return frnm witnessine his wretched - from witnessing ness, such paroxisms of grief as threatened her. life. '"Suddenly, in the midst of ber sorrow, she d sappeared; and inquiry only divulged the disgraceful fact,, that she bad ; escaped . from France, bearing her jewels with her, and aecompained by her r?r-t Robinet : Lergoux. -It was . hispered. that during ber Jonroey the lady and the strip ling olten occopiea one cnam- vk,t no lurwer Jonest' wMi'i men on a visit to her roval Taunted nqvr by her brother she - defended Emcl je, declar-r ing that she believed her - to be guiltless, even, going so tar a to boast "that within a month she would bring ! proof -of her innocence. f 'Robinet was" a pretty boy,' said Francis laughing. Let - us make a bet, cried Margaret. 'If T lose, I bear this ; vile rh me -;of thine as a motto to my shame . to ray grave; it I win." 'I will brak my window. and grant thee whatever. boon thou askest.' , The result of this bet was long sung by troubadour and minstrel. The queen -employ-j ed a hundred emissaries nnb- lished rewards fir any inte! a ligence of Emilie -all in vain. The mouth was expiring, and Margaret would have given many bright jewels to 'redeem her w ord. . On the eve of the fatal day, the jailor of the pri son in which the Sire de Lagny Has confined, sought an audi- M:..f r-y-o"iqUeston mv opniM der a message trom the knicht :l-r....-'j.: iciT'W. . t. message trom the kmgt to say, that if the lady Marga ret would ask his pardon as ber boon, and obtain from, her roy al brother that he nucht bei brought before him, Iter 'bet w as wm . Fair M arcra re l vc very j oy fu 1 aqdJrjiadTly rp a rle the desireL-pr;omise. Frnis was unwilling to see his false servant, but he was in hih good umor, for a. cavalier had tha "-ruing drought' .'intelli gence of a victory over the Imperialists. The messenger himself was lauded in -.the des patches as the most fearless and bravest knight in France. The King loaded him with presents, only regretting that a vow pre vented lly? oldier from raising his visor or declaring his name.. Tdat same evening, asVthe seltwig sun shone on the' lat tice oir wincd the ungaiaiit rhyinr was traced, Francis re posed on the same seiu e, , antl ihe beauiml iiuetn ot fvavarre, .. , ' . ' Hiui irnnupn 111,1 uer.. -uritrir eyes, sat nesiue 1.1m. A tlenJ- i ed by guards, the prisoner was; orobghi in ins iratite wat 1 i :-.t' he xeouateu u praauuii, ann we waiKea ,11, loicring steps. ne Kiieu ai i.,e icvi o r ra ncis, and uncoxere.i b. heacj; a nuniititv nt rwli rrolilt-ii hair """"" .w.v.i vK.... .v., w... ... . Ihoii .r'rx iTr toll rit'AP tha im ken rlwrLs ami n:llMi hrim- ti "rv . . V ,r". , the sirfiplMUt, " I Ue haw tn a- son di-re! cried, tdr King: 'Sirjailor, win re is your priv ojier: 'Sire, blame him not, the soft faltering voice of h milie; Sviser men. than " he: have been deceiveit by women, M v dear lord Has guilty ot the crime tor which Tie.t sunereU. There was but one mode 10 save him: 1 assumed hi chain he Tescaped with fHnir 1 Hpbinet- Jeroux in my attire; he joined your army; the younjt i ao gallant cavalier u no ie- i leered the despatches u y our I Krace whom you Viverwhewied ) honors and regards I own r-ngucrrarci tie iagnv.i.at ,e was never vfon; d n j waited but for his arrival with j"nafures coarser ir.ou!flf.V'" ff testimmiials of Jus inno ertce, to declare melf to . my lady the Queen. Ha she not won Ker betf-' and the boon she asks ! . 'js Ut Lagny paraon, saiu Margaret, as she also knell to the Kiog. 'Spare your faitl-un vv w ' - . aul. Sire, and reward thi$lf r rr enter, tlie anry; do lady's truth!' Francis first broke the fah speaking-window, then .he rai- . oieSt me oire oc fagjiv.ti.?r off every prite; and' sureU .h, i wa more loveliness in, I.iuUW'a faded cheek more grace, m her emaciated form, type a thev were of truest aflction than in the prouder . bearing nnl fresher complexiop of tljt- most brillbnt beauty in nttti dance on the courtlv festival. YOUNG NvX l OLKON , 1 he vyra of the ejihsht-n4. pe. V on th Contineni'. .!" ctit ..n Vienna, hut not on Pf .r A't t ternirh M ' So said the Gonstituiuiin;eI a few months apo; . and Titcb more is cojitaiiied in that '..as sertion thnn theupho!d'ri oj legitimacy, and the , mid rrrxf of Ultras, who do gng, at !rastf the German press, will; Hw Eurrine to learn. Tln n 5 i? nevertheless, a w i!d and gh w intr, spirit in the yoting Oukd of Reichstadt, Which I gratljT doubt either "Austrian- Mnti prisons, or Mettemich sfa'to lesfons, villi f!o auhi but in niliiVnc. . I much is loundC'ir on u r verv rrcc'nt 'rV.i:al ol VI" rv tTon. rTdml iiV il'e hrt mntion to tje oblnin,ct!r 1 i qm t'nui but thct oiith " h. b' etrrtubiic to thos1 now tr m thing hc balance cfestji 11 jKiwers, than ever ne fear from the mighty autoTat of all ilia Russia. : N-irV 'lai may have an o.verwh' !5ntf horde of barbarian' troops, ;bu he can have no hold on, noit ran Iip look for any from the liberals of the Ontinent tt, f)olv"daily groini': i" (n f.r h :ind " extent, and r t: - j I my" venture to ; bo enUg-hterted -f cvrv c 4 '''.t who atnoiig thf rw . u ttie -v nf of tliiit fi tal strut: le betr.j; erf tfie two ere at w arrijr opn , of the day, '."which tju ' t nt T Europe are fat rip t 'mv to! crisis, would not -rece:ve. u ittl ioy, and aid wJtK unTtt'd p'werfc. fineruinL' as. they 'a'rs nilv !o ... ... 1 nil distinction of flanr c-'ii'n trv To the one common ni- tl' ,tal r;iI14.. a mnn . PtC(j . name, if not inl rii d ; spirit,. tin Id be a " a Kfs-. j t( un,p nnd a5 a ml.pblA ;Vi ,n ; tw cJemrnlvor ,,,,, Il3mr a01;V v.,,,,!, ". . ' 1 - . " toriil h e tC JiohI. :j he people know it. ' mm . -.- : ' m There ba .lee.n lately rfib- i . i . viird a nttie poem, the -r" p. llf)n of nhirH in France U u& - f)fof what I have adv-m d - ; f.nltedf L( Fih ft rlTomtnc -the; notes of wbirb rontaiff m't,'r"h-. new' information fn the - 1 ,tlh;ert of this deenlv interest Uf; on. ? '."ihoniOl I ' hzi - r.tr- vjp- of hh general IdUpoMi pojitioa: f character, which criteV r.ai strii ofthat smhre. mebiirho Iv turn of roind. wh'rh ;'Mrt Batfielemv therrfo nttfjthr 1 1, iri. . "It's .imDOb7 id watri? lbe quick transition of marked (Vtrirj on whicli h counte- , ,irirre conlinti-Tly prsentr ' j w;,hoot.' perce'ivinp" as rilainl although it were tbre wHifh jj5 iJ10-one rJeMre of hi heir t3 e a soldier. ''"' On beMir re. A moWratcri with'orrihr r f 5rr ; n. ' ;,rv.;fe dc;re. am iri: iTiM.Vrid -trtflv-want.'of ' t hi fir irr wUfi'lnC to le-air in-(erabVofScer and to cmmrin aldepeedr.t body.' -of ; troop,''-he rrpL 1 ("" , r ,1- a a common so!der- 1 n Hp U kepi at more. state pnsooer, f preJeptDf -' r-. -mm n --'11 J'i w .11, : 13. fl L K Ol;-' " V