CTAILIFAS, ft'. C. APnJK SO, 18CO. EDMl'B. FREEMAN. A! D PRINTED Br JOHN CAMPBELL, rOl?T PUBMSHEOS A?TD PROPhtr:TO!.?. inc advocate win do printed every Thursday morning at $1 50 peri annum, in aJ vance, or $3 if payment in not made within ;J month j. No paper to be discontinued until all ar rears sres arc paid, Unless at tfte option of the Editors arid a failure to ri6tiry a dis continuance will be considered as if new ongaffemenU Advertisements, making - onei square or inserted three times for One Dollar, subsequent and twenty-five cents for every insertion,, longer ones in proportion. All advertisements will be ' contiriaed unless otherwise chjfred. n.j ordered, "and each continuance . ESTABLISHMENT. TlHE subscribers havinjg entered JLL into a copartnership as ji MERCHANT TAILORS, under the firm of OUSBY& LIT CHFORD, respectfully .tender their services to the pub lic: They have lately received i handsome . assortment, containing; .a great variety of CASIMEJIES, NESTINGS, nnd Gentlemen's Summer Wear, from the latest Importations a nd of the most t ashxonablt Style, to ere t her with all binds of THnmiXGSy of the best quality, i ' Having made arrangements, tllcy wifl be furnuhed regularly with the FASHIONS immediately on t in this country. i They keep on hand a constant LONDON leir arrival supply of Ready Made Clothing, of various qualities, which will be afforded -on very reasonable terms. Gentlemen arc invited to call and examine. their assortment. THOMAS OU JAMES LlTCHFORD. Halifax, April 20, 1830. The subscriber returns his grateful ac knowledgments for past favors, and respect fully invites a continuance of custom to the above establishment. It becomes necessa ry in consequence of the connection he has formed, to request all indebted to close their accounts by note or otherwise which re quest he hopes will be promptly observed. . THOMAS DUSBY. April 20. ; , 0 tf HEW Am CHB&P f vy HE subscribers take this method U qf informing t heir friends t nd the pub lic lit large, that they are under many obli- fations for their liberal patronage, and ope to merit a continuance of :he Bame. They will endeavor constantly to exhibit a general assortment of r s. IS E IV and SEASONABLE which will be disposed of at sue h prices as ctin not fail to give. satisfaction to the pur ' chaser." ' i ; The following articles comprii ;ea a, part of their assortment, viz; j i. i Bl'k it. Silk, and coloured Gr6s de Nap. Sinchewe-and Sarsnetts, Coloured Marsilaians, for ladios, . Fine Leghorns, f; 1 50 pieces Irish Linens, (very :heap,) Linen Cambric and Handkerchiefs, Russia and Bird's-eye Diaper, t ' Handsome Callicos, (all of a r ew style,) " Ginghams, 3-4 and 6-4, Barege Scarfs and Handkerchiefs, Elegant Belli Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, r igurea owiss juusiwi Plain i i . 44 Foulard iMuslini (Jor ladies Dresses, new article,) t J JHorrentme, Granderills, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Houen Casssimere, Brown and White L.inen Dm s, Handsome Vcstings, i and most every other article which are kept in r Country Store. The subsc ribers think it unnecessary to. enumerate e .ery article; but invite the people, generally, to call and examine their stock, being determined to sell low. ; ; I : n. S. HAYNES & Co. Halifax, April 20 8 tf RITCHIE C0C2 w ILL publish early in the spring their edition of the Uebates it nil! probably make 600 pagei octavo. The demand for the work, sly the Pub lishers, is great, and the subscription is nearly, if not quite, equal to he imnres- sicn of 2500 copies, which Arc are stri king off. ; u-Subsciibers' received a thisOffire BLANKS Neatly executed at tliik office. n A ll'KIXS fy HARRIS, A RE now receiving their spring JlA. ASSORTMENT, consisting of a beautiful selection of fashionable and sea sonable GROCERIES, CUTLERY, Sic. tic. all of which they will sc 11 on their usual terms. j Halifax, April 20th, 8 3w CHEAPER THAN EVER SPXIIXJC? GOOBS. frpHE subscriber is LI from New York his PLIES, comprising almost the how receiving SPRING SUP- every article in GCOES LIITS3 among them, several entire new articles a la rpn assortment of HARD WARE, Src. Sfc. fyc. It is deemed .unnecessary to. enumerate articles in an advertircmenj, the assortment being as general and. complete as can be .found. Bejng thankful Tut past favors, he solicits. his old customers, and the public gen erally, to call and examine thc assortment, as he is determined to tell as low for cifh or on a credit to punctual customers, as can be purchased in the state. j It. KINGSBURY Brick Store, Halifax, ) '18th April, '1830. C tf HALLIDAY, HEATH & CO. rin AVE just received and opened LjLI a large and well selected etdck of SPRING GOODS, of the latest importa tions and mo,st fashionable styles, selected by one of the partners in Now York and Philadelphia, and purchased with dash. This 'stock of goods being all new and fresh, is offered at prices that cannot fail to please those who call to examine the assortment and prices. The following comprise a part of their, assortment; .... : - Foulard Prints, and Calljicoes a largo as sortment. ." r French Ginghams, ' Striped Palmyreries, a new article, II ich Figured Swiss Muslin Robot?, Plain and Figured Swiss! Muslins. Cambric, and Jackonet Muslins, Checked Muslins, Thread Lace and Edging, Thread Lace Capes and Veils, Italian Lustrinjr andiGrss'dc Naps. Si'.k, Sinchews and Florences . Belt Ribbons, a great variety, Rich Fancy Silk Vcstings, Blue, Black, Brown and jOlive Cloths, Blue, Drab and Mixed Casoimere, 4-4 Irish Linens, , 3-4, 9-8 and 5-4 Brown Shirtings, A larrrc assortment of Black, and Drab Hats, of the best quality, and inot fashions ble shape. Thev have a handsome assortnieiit of Ladies' Morocco and Prunella Shoes, of the most fashionable shape; Men's Calf Skin Boots and Shoes, part square toes; Chil dren's Shoes, n ereat variety Also, Men's and Women's leather Shoes, at low prices. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. They have a handsome assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, some with 24 blades, Ivory handle Knives anid Forks, in setts. Common and Buck-horn Knives & Forks, Stock and plate Locks, " Brass and Knob Locks, ; Cast Steel Whip and Cross Cut Saws, Damascus Razors. Patent Razor Straps, Plated Castors with Cut Ghus BoUIcb, Brittania Metal Tea Pols. -;;W-Ut:f ALSO A great many other articles too tedious to enumerate. - .. . I . y They have received a part of their 6up- ply of ' -I . I f and expect the balance in! a few days, which will make their assortment very extensive arid complete, and have made arrangements to keep on hand a very general assortment; which will be sold low for cashon the usu al credit tdpti net ual customers, or in ex change for Countrv Produce. 5 HALLIDAY, HEATH & Co. Halifax, April 20, 1R3Q- . 8tf FLOUR BnrTaHE subscribers have just received il 55 Barrels of FtOUR, a part of which, is ol superior qnauty It vrilhbo offered lorr for, cash. ... Hawkyns fir Harris. Feb. .4. 183a t 48 tr- Of Town Property. TTDY anthority frora an act of the AJXJ General Amhiv r znru r-!;. na, paesed at its last session, the commis sioners of the town of Halifax, will offer at public sale, on the 1st day of June next, three cites for Ware-Houses, in said town, immediately on the bank of the river. The sale will take place on the premises, and the purchaser or purchasers will be re quired to enter into bond to build a Ware-, House on each lot, to be completed on or before the 1st of November cext, of dimen sions not lees than 30 feet by 40 feet, suffi cient for the safe keeping of produce, goods, w ares ana merchandise. E. B. SMITH. M. H. PETTWAY J. T. CL ANTON E. B. FREEMAN, J 53 April -20, 1830. 8 Ids pQTTON SEED FOR SALE. VL. Apply to J. II.-SIMMONS. Halifax, March 29. 5 t For sale at this OflTce. r To the Editors of the Richmond Enquirer. Washington, 15th April. "The Bufiaioe road is knocked in the head by a majority of 17. Away; I trust, gfes' all the splendid, expensive, corrupting, unconstitutional schemes of improving the domestic condition of the Slates by the hand of the General Go vernment. In a short time you will find the whole tariff scheme w ill turn out to he si splendid failure! We must try to get 'back again to our, old ' fashioned, plain sailing, republican nations, which alone can niake us a happy, an united and a free people. Instead of robbing one section of country for thg benefit of ano ther, we will let things take a natural course and permit each citizen. to enjoy the fruits of his own labour. t "In a few years every cent of the na tional debt will he extinguished and our treasury will be overflowing. j "At no period of our history has our National Government presented such an imposing front in the eyes of foreign na tions;. Throughout continental Europe, the views taken of onr domestic concerns by the President have received the high est encomiums. "Not a speck of war is to he ?ccn in xur political horizon. We hear nothing from abroad in relation to our political condition but that which lis flattering to our pride and honorable to our national character. Our rising Re public is growing up in strength, in power and in greatness, with rapidity tvhirh is unsurpassed in the annuls of the world. And yet with ' all these blessings before us, we hear the croakingsof some micrallc, lisconlcnted? gloomy misan- thtopes about the zvretched state oj our political condition l I ; i L "It wo arc not grateful to itcaven lor the superior blessings vc enjoy in the happy state of our national affairs, surely- there never existed that nation that ought to he gratefuL" ' ; The 11. of R agreed next day to re consider it by a majority of 8 It lays n the table, not to be acted on during the pre eeat session. . I , A writer vrha says he was sixteen years a prisqner for the crime of debt in the city of New-York, has the followiog paragra phs in his illustration of tern of incarceration: "It is a horrid place, and many a timp, when throufirh the crates 'of my prison window, I hiive watched the last rays pf the setting sun as they gilded some neiMilrormtr spireI have wondered that any. man could find it in his heart to puta follnw hetmrin iail for debt i "I have at last given up the hope of liberty blessed liberty! I . can hardly 1 hut word without dropping a tear at tberecollectiopof the joyous days of i:u. t;rh are trone forever. I am sad when I think how they have fled a Way like a dream, and that neither I, npr rr, TAinr can ever recall them. UI T ,, fit. . HU'kDn I entered the valls Ol this ter rible jail m which.-wnl the rattling of chains, I am writing this hit le imperti nent 5tory of my Idc. I as toude. m gwu K..itk Wftd with a vfife whom 1 adored. and as fine a boy as ever smiled in the face of a father. . The boy is dead and my wife is do - :A&eA n most excellent more, obb n .uw , woman, bat she was wounded to the soul tuation her smr - DT tile no'ul - . .. . rwc broken down and she. with the ftnt that canjed a, 7 6oaraent?ia 4he vear 1794,' a .mwm ink no, urn S)f Will T i . 1 "t . . figure, of skin and bone, who is she-rn as will produce a 7ar vLSri a curiosity, under the name of Boncvartr. ,hat uhJl ? , PIraial does actually lire. more, and hare a be Xr S u b,r baI1' ing. His name is Calrin Elsoo. and h ?. m"tf r a$embl ill waj born in Connecticut. 42 years ago nf In ,l,e moI71,n? rtrrhJ He lived formerly in Boston, and cnlUted T11" "elter spirits, and a more blourn as a prirate in the Uoitrd States Army. . .ing complex ion. f ? Ho was at the battle of Plattsburg, and; 2 Let her rise about six o'clock in laid upon his arms the night after the summer, and about eight' in vihtrr action. He was stiffened with cold immediately wash her face and when be awoke, which was quite severe ; bands with purr water cool or tepid, before morning, To the influence of the i: i .w- ay, he atthbutefho wasting of his per- it- r . 1 - . 1 . son. He is about 5 feet 4 inches height and weighed, when at his full size. io pounds, lie was strong ot' particularly.1 active at that periodand ; of this strength he retains a remarkable proportion in nts present emaciated con-1 dition. i5 111 it uii 11 jr ituuki iiui K' than 90 pounds, and his appearance, has i dwindled legs with his disproportioned ; joints at the knee and ankle, and the length of the foot, would be almost gro- tesqtie where it not that a feeling of syin- pat by: checks' any mirthful . association. J He wears Breeches and stockings so that tfie shape ofi neither limbs is-perfect displayed, j He measures only 5 1-2 inches round the leg, jUM above the an cle; a?id 7 1-2 inches round the call His appctito is good, and he appears cheerful and lively, notwithstanding the los of oncjof his eyes, and the diminish ed sight of the other. In the year 1;;2I he married, and has four children, one ot w horn is only 8 mont hs old. Though his 'shrunk shank' illustrates the. general at tenuation of his form, it by no means in dicates decrepitude. lie Worked on his farm until the: Ioss of sight compelled him to leave it and, he now exhibits him self for the support of his family." p Serpent in the South. Wo are likely at last, thank fortune, to have a Sea Serpent of our own, without depen ding upon Cape Cod. We have long been of the opin that the "article" might he fabricated as low here, as any where North of the r Potomac; though affidavits, sort of necessary condiment to the cookery, arc not so easily obtain ed. In this particular the account be low is somewhat defective A Sea Ser pent without affidavit, is like roast Tur key without Cranberry sance. Capt.,-I)elano oflhri schooner Eagle arrived at" Charleston, states that on Tuesday morning the 22d ult. whilst en deavoring toibcat over St. Simon's bar, he perceived a huge animal about 300 yards a head which remained perfectly till. When i within twenty-live yards, ".a musket was discharged at it which tore off" some I scales, when- his scrpentship turned, and struck the vessel in such a manner as to be sensibly felt by the helms man. It 'made tito other attempts near the foro! chains but did no damage. Capt. D thinks that if the Serpent had struck tlie bow, the schooner must have sunk--r Undoubtedly our only marvel is that he did not swallow her at once and thus? avo.id going into, the riewspa pcrs. The, Serpent was 70 feet long, of a greyish colour, with a head resembling art Alligator it3 jaws about 10 feet long. The body considerably larger than a hogshead, shaped like an Eel and full of "protuberances." One of the lit tle Snakies, was in sight at first, but dodg ed chen! the musket vas fired,, not be ing fond'of the smell of gun powder. In short we; consider this as rne of the most interesting snake stories that has issued from the press for some time I I h V Camden Journal. The editor of thts United States Ga zette; thus takes a knave to task: "Some mscal (we wefc disposed to use a AarjJicr epithet, but forbear.) has stolen from Messrs. Thorburn. and Sons, Now-York, a small plant of the Gammc lia Japonica, which cost the owners five guineas in London. The thief .ought to be confined for life in -the centre of a thorn bosh, and fed npon dragon's root, boiled in spirits of turpentine. A fellow who would steal a valuable flower from a garden, opened only to please (he pub lic, would rob his father of his grey hairs to 'make strings to a fiddle bow. He ought to be- but we have done pret ty well already, and even baler, perbap?. than we should -haf c done but for cer tain private griefs." From -the Journal of Ileilth. Ann vofTVfi T.inV v rre in Kd at tft n'rlock nine, if she pleases. She roust not A M uu fe" ,- or be disher 1 . i j..." t t sbeartened because the first night or ! ch mav noi. sictru mix: uoi - i?m?A thnJ on the : pTea.ore. from which .be has cot her- lielfofli but persist be essentially impaired, if the bones ol ; thing more substantial than n cup of his heels had not nearly penetrated the j slops, j whether denhminated tea or skin so as i to render it difficult for him ,W .k:. t: yi..- i 1 a- it, - ti- cotiee, ami a thin slice of bread and IUU UI HrtlK. . All? liUtV HVI nnfi ;r -i,;..!! t . and itshecuuld bv anv means h m. duced to I sweep her mom. or bustle w ""f :r uorawiic ronrrrns or. alwut an hour, she would be tO pa'ner, as well in health as in beauty.' ov ine practice. Her breakfast should be socie-' -j - ci.- .1.-..1.1 ..1. .-At ! m -..l-h.uu.u .oiiooiica . two, n little cold meat, a dranpht of milk or a cup or two oF Pure nooIa 4, She should not lounge all day by the fire reading novels,1 nor indulse herself! in thinkiutr of the Derfidv'of false swains, or the despair ofa pining -. f . damsel; but bustle about ;walk. or ride in the open air, rub the furniture, or make puddings and when she fvtds hiiiigrvi eht a custard or something equill'y lijrlit. in place of the fashion abIemoriiiig treat .ofa slice of pound cake and a glass of nine or cordial. .. Let tier dine upon mutton or l rf plniuly cooked, ami not too fat -but she need ;not tuni away orraionally from a fowl or any thinr equally f?ond; let her only observe to partakt of.it in, inqdcraltoihj and to drink sparingly cf vi ator during the repast. j G. In: place of three or four cups of strong- tea for supper she may eat a custard- a bowl of bread t and milk or similar articles.' and in n tew hours afterwards let her re tire to; bed. 7. At other periods of the day whirli are unoccupied by business or cx'T cise, let her read no sickly love-tales but good humoured and instructive works calculated, . while' they kerf the mind nnincunibercd with heavy thoughts, to augment its store of i deas, and to guard it against the inju ry ubich will eer reult from fahe perceptions of mankind i and of tbo. concerns of life. Iiccipe fpr Ice Crecrrt. :Th"ree qu. ti ters tf a pound of loaf sugar, one quart of cream, the whites ofthree eggs well' beat up mix tofrcthrr and simmer it it on the fire until it nearly boil, theti take it off and strain it, and when cold put it into the mould and churn it until, freezes. Scrape it from the sides of the mould occasionally, during the freezing process, and beat it' up well with the. ice cream stick,; Flavour it with lemon rose, vanilla, strawberries, chocolate, &c. as you like if. 17c it milk is' nearly as good as cream, and skimmed milk v?ill do; but for the lat ter, add the whites of two r three ad ditionalegs. ' t . Cheap .flah'dof. There is not a house in the country that does not contain t certain remedy for poisoning, if iVstnnt ly administered. It is nothing more thaor two tea-spoonfuls of made mustard, mix ed in 'varro iwater. tl act as an instan taneous emetic. Making this simple antidote known, may be the cicans of saying manf a fellow creature from at unticicly death. Ti!EKlGOFSPA!X.---In a Balti more paper wc observed die subjoined extract from a letter written at Madrid by Vat distinguished young Baltimo rean, whose , character and personal oprpqrtunities of ohseratiorr entitle his obscrvatTdns to great wtigfit." As for King Ferdinand, whom we have heard described as a ptticoar- makirfg mdnarch, be is tbe last man in Spain who would ,su wct hm hi acquaintances of ucfi cfii-minatc On the contrary, extravagance. he is a man 01 mascnune prvf-ncr, . . L--j S hnracter anu conduct n man ot L business, working harder, ti said, at than any .Monarch in Ku g(o these traits undoubted tne oureau r, i personal in repidity- r ar from being . !' t a bigot in natters of rehgm.,, he ennuderrt lered be most liberal of tbe cir- herooves."