U VOL. II. -NO. 20. HALIFAX, N. C. JULY 15, 183.0i" EDITED Br ! EDM. B: FREEMAN, . . AWD PRINTED BT j JOHN CAMPBELL- JOINT PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETOR The Advocate will be printed etcry Thursday morning at ft 50 per annum, in advance, o r J3 if payment w not made wi Z months. ! No paper to be discontinued until al iarages are paid, unless at the option of continuance will be considered a a engagement. I Advertisements, making one (square or fc?s, inserted three times for One Dollar, tad twenty-five cents for every subsequent To PAusinians & Farmersl ' I vi unit v rti ... :n ti hln i t ar- iiew MISC2LLA1TT insertion, longer ones in.. proportion. All dvertiscments will be continued unles: otherwise ordered, and each continuance - , M times be found in my assortment, at tbe Post Office, on Main Street, two doors below the Printing Office. All those who may wish to purchase, will nlease call and examine for thorn. f selves, as I am determined to sell low for ! tnan most of her species. She said her cash, or pn a short credit to very punctual peoPe had done very wrong in con- customers." Mv assortment! consists of rhmiifr all their e-ifti in mankind, whn I a ' had long since ceased to be w orthy of t. . . I moRAL. Ana uiusit is with mor- als. Every one wishes to ben hat he is oou The poor man thinks that poverty is peculiar for itT trials and more benevolent and - enlarged' Views ! the. following articles, viz: Arrow Root, Nipnle Shells, It received par nil FLOLic frpIIE subscribers 'have just r 11 55, Uarrels of FLUUlt'a tdiich, is of superior quality. cSTered low for cash. Hawkins Harrisl Feb. 4. lP.no w 4 a- -t Aloes, Alum, Annatto Spanieb, Arsenic Alb Almonds Bitters, Balsoia Copaiva, Burgundy Pitch, Borax, Bottle-corks, Blacking, I Baitrnan's Drops, J'Barbor's Combs, 9.( be T3n KSPEC.TFULLY informs the inhabitants of Eliza beihCity, Rale gh, .,av born, IV ashing ton, Fayettevilb?, an 1 ci ther places in the route through North (ar eliria. that he intends visiting the above n en tioned places in the month of August n ;xt, ttr the purpose of j 1 lining and Stringing Pocket Bees-wax, do. c; Oil Anisi, p Peppermint, Cloves. ; ?; Worm-seed, 91 Ocre, Yellow, v V- Opodeldoc, Opium,? I 5f Orange Peel, ' g Olive Oil, I il Pearl Barley, , -1 rrnnrr. 'r Prcipitctc, Red, -.5 Peru v. Bark, Ijjcac, i rulv. DISCONTENT, a Fable. Once there was a fairy that had i lf ralionS;. f nd, if he were rich, he miuuiu cnaiDiv ie cooa. benevolent. and happy. : lhc rich, in the midtof his possessions is often weary of a world that has no new. excitement to offer, fretted by ten thousand pretend ded claims on liisi generosity;--embit-tered by ingratitude; and sickened with the heartless flattery ofcontending heirs. The uneducated man envies the idoj of literary fame; every thing stems bright and I golden in his path; and he dqes not know how often the .4 jilr. S. does not maxt a practice of travel- t'ng the country, for the purpose mentioned in this advertisement; but so marty persons laving gone through that district, who know nothing: at all -of the business, has induced lira to undertake the contemplated triD. No pay "unless" the parties are satisfied. Norfolk. June 29. . , 19-4-3 v. .o. the Run $6. Jlore icw and Cheap SJoo rmURNER U HUGHES, at J4 - North-Carolina Comunsiu. Hok Store, two; doors above the Post-Olllce, Lave on hand at all times aijeneral assort jmont of Books, embracing nearly every thing in the various departments of Scie ice, Literature, Stationary and Engrfivings. j Public. Drivate and social Libraries, and tliose who buy to sell atrain, furnishea at wvullu low prices. All orders thankful ly received and punctually attended to. Thf following are among the works, received: ' . . ' j ": SO Copies FTebstei's Diclionary abr ed, in one vol. Royal octavo, pried "In laying this work before the public in if.s present form, no eliorts have tieen spared to make it a complete defii ing and pronouncing Dictionary for gen -ral ue. About 16,000 word9 and tv,' ci: 30: and 40,000 definitions? enrttained in this Dictionary,, which r.i t to be found in any similar work Jl.'nry'b Exposition of tho B'ble, in and Stieeo binumtrs.-in o larire vo- Tols. with a preface by Doctor A lea an der, and recommenUeu by tne ri di.tiMtruirihetl Clergy and Laity of dilFerent denominations. It it? peculiar Xor its tl eeply spiri thoucrhts" and absence IromisQcta bias. ' ! ' s Crii.ien's Concordance to the Holy Scj tines, comnlete in oae super 8vb. vol f printed from the last London Edition Basilicon Ointment. f, Rlieubarb, Merdiirial do ? Powder and S;iotJ British Oil, - i'l Paregoric, Buttons, ' Pipes, Bacon, ! ':'- It had Col umlo, iiranay, appic, lazi.- c ijcauian, Coat Plaster, Cantharides, Cnbebbs, Calomel, r Crome YelIov, Cloves, Chalk, Coppera??, Cream Tartar, Castor Oil, Ccpal Varnish, Candles, Candle Pnfilfra, Do vers Powders, Durable Ink, Essence Ltemmon, do. do. M;:zericm, l Rhei, ; y. Red Sanders, j Raisin?, 16 Sugar of Lead, i i;; oago, 1 . , , ?;c"S;:-ice, ' Z; Sal Ainor.iac, ' Glauber, , h.porn, , g Rochvlle, l Rom Atii si,' ;': Sulphur, poll, i; I-;' Sugars J - j-P '-. j-i Si:p. Carb.;Pr;nsh, Syringes,P. I. Snake Root, Lavender, ' SrmfT, i , i Peppermint Soda Powders, be- cre are balf rmost the I-, ual iah I re- on fcuperline paper and new type "Wards of six thousand errors existing in the. T,nndrn Coov have been cortec- te l in the edition now announced. Octavo JRible for family use and aged ber sori-5 the handsomest ever printedJ f Bishop Home s Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures. j Clarke and Scott's Commentaries, editions. ' Snilish Common Law Reports, and nv others, embracing-works of MedicineHktory, Theology JUisM Tiv,JTovels. 8zc. Raleicrh. JnnA A. IftflO. . ! 16-Hlm SedlitCs Powders,1 0 StatlonnrV, ; ; Scup. Wnc, ' : Soap, B.r, i Cake, i'i Sealing Wax, 7,5 Shoes, coarse, j Spanish Wiiitin, i C:l A !othecaricj Scale ;f & weights, r Saseperil'a, i Sf; Spirits Nitre, .: Anionia, j Elix. Vitriol. Flowers, . Camomile, Ruloliur, Zinc, . ' Sena, Ind Alexa. Flints, (gun) Fiirs, s Fly. Stone, ; Rotten do. : Fig, blue j Ginger, Race, Do- Pulverized, 6 Spanish Brown, Gum Arabic, , pi '.. in keg3, Assafoetida, V? ate ma- Camphor, (iuac, j Shellac, Mvrrhl Traganth, Gbie, Ink, Indigo, Snanlih, Ink I'owiiets Liquorice, Ball, 'i Root, Lee's Anti B. PiHs. Hooper's do. Logwood, ground, N. A. Wood, Lemmon Syrup, Lard, Leather, Lime, t ' Ijamf'black. M a frnesia, Carb do. Calc'd Manna Flake, Mer. Corose Sub. f ustard, N;itmegs, Nuimeg Graters, June 30, tnciO; ',5 Sand, black, i hanu-noxes, i l'i Spars. forgsnt!etn''n I Tooth -Brushes, j. hi Tamarinds, i) Tapioca, , $V Tumeric Root, T--'irtir. :Emcti.-, r: Tobacep, (ueet) t'l Turlinfr-on'i' BaU'ih Of Lite, : .: i i-5 Tinct. -Assbfoctida, 'A Ctjintharidcs.. -? '' . dnj. conipOUli.l fr Opium, jl Camphor, j Viruigri?, ground,' 10 dry, 11 Vitriol Alb. j 4 Vint. Anti0" p Vials, Vial Corkr, S White Lead, I"aler Irons, rrafers. Writing Paper, better ditto. tiuinmc csuipnaie, solution. their glass slippers, magic rings, won derful mirrors, and pretty little luck pense; her heart burned to be. of ser vice to the brute creation. ; So she stepped up to a cow, which was crra aing bythe way side. 'Cow,' said she, ....... ... , , v. .1,9,1 IUI IIIUSl 111 HIT" I l ' t" y V world? 'iryou will tell mc, joU shnll ' ""'"S "Jr fOP- 'V fr'Var?. Cor fiave it. 1 he Fairy Was not much bigger than a grasshopper; and the old cow thought it was very presump tuous in her to pretend to have so much power. IIowevcr, there is no tolling,' thought the- covr; for those little musquetoes that do me so much mischief are a great deal smaller than she is.' Then the cow said, 'If I might have my wish, I would be a bird. I do not like to be tied j up in the bnrn every night,-and iiever to be allowed to go but into one pasture. The birds have no troubles; they arc free and happy. They can fly away from danger, anil in winter they can warm themselves by the gun. Then they are at liberty to go all round the world, and gnther information from every? countrv. I am w eary of this l":fq of servitude and sameiKs.' When the fairy heard these words, she totuhed her with her little wand and the cow changed to a bird, and flew merrily away, So;ui after, the fairy met a robin and; she said, lJretty robin, what should you most like in the world?' 1 should like to be a whale,' said the bird;4I think it is very degrading to be such a little mite of a creature as I am;' I always look on every thing larue with envy. Uesidcs, I should like to. live away down under the wa tjr, because I should be so safe there; haw ks could not mid ir.e, or the guns of cruel men reach me. -The fairy thought he vas a foolish bird but she did as he wished her and he plunged into the water with a mighty noise. As the. fairy stood by the seashore, she saw another great whale, afar ofi; and she jumped into an Argonaut shell, and went'. to the whale to ask him if !ic ucrc hnppy. , No I am not,' repli ed the whale ; 'but I am sure. I should bey if 1 had been made a horse, instead of being a whaie. Those beautiful the peaceful spirit of the unambitious and thr untroubled faith of the ignor anthow often lie despises tbe friend ship, "which he sees is but a selflsh de sire for temporary importance and how, in very heart sickness, he shrinks from the publicity which the world ic heap upon him, and the rancor ous animosity it js sutre to bring-in its train. Content is the whole of wisdom -the amount of I all philosophy. - Ev ery class of mankind has an equal share of happiness and if we donot be lieve it, it is because we have a more distinct knowledge of our own troub les, tlian of any other. We may be Iieve that if we could exchange places with the wealthy and the celebrated, ice should have philosophy enough to avoid their restlessness and languor; but we deceive ourselves.. Mortals cannot escape a uiingled destiny. For ise purposes, there is a drop of bitter ness at the fountain; it mixes with all the .waters of j life; and whether we drink from an earthen or golden cup, we cannot escape our portion. is: JOS. L. SIMMONS. i ia tf TTN the town ofV Jl the EXCHANGE f "advertisement on- our fourth;page) will 1-v offered for 6ale, at public auction, on llnnday tbe 1st day of Warren Co unty vourt. Ausrust Term, u not-Dreviousir ois od of V - !.'" Notice is hereby given, To the Voters of Halifax County, faH AT on the second Thursday in August, 1830, a poll will be opened at the followmg places of election, in the coun ty of Halifax, viz- at the Cojnt IIouse ;in llnfifnv Town. TFm. Nickel-', (f-rmerly m:.k. stn Srntland :Keck, CroireUs Ac Ftnfield. Pevton P Ilervev 5, Jo- , .i . , .J being brisk and airy, creatures do not have to wait upon . to r. . -m r i it' c j i yA beware olbeing captiv themselves; thev are fed and tenoed, i -i ' , i:i of savage philosophy. ere th 1 and their coats the sun. TVo harpooners pursue them; no sword-fish and thresher unite to torrucnt them; they live in. plenty, and WOMAN. Women in their nature are much more joyous than men,, whether it be that their blood is more refined, their fibres more delicate and their animal spirits more light and volatile, or whether, as some have imagined, there may not be a kind of sex in the very sotil; I shall not pretend to determine! As vivacity is jthe guilt of woman, gravity is that of. men. They, should each of the'm, therefore, keep a watch upon the particular bias which natyre has fixed in their mind that it may not draw too murli," and lead them out of the path of reason. This. will certain ly happen, it the one in every word and action afiects the character of be ing rigid and severe, and the other of 31 en should ated by a kind brushed to shine like ! 7 , !r 1 ."J"1 Vi-i. " J liniiijjmiebs Ljuieiv . urii: uieL- pie- cautions are not observed, the man de generates into. a cynic, the w oman in- lo a cooueite:! the man errows' sullen die in peaceful old age. It is very . 1 1 -.. I ... , J TP y. A J am morose, the woman impertinent dMiKTi. ' cnwl thr fmri hat PVPrv . ' -i mT. I, S and fantastical By w hat I have said, wc may con one should be unhappy where God has placed them; how true it is that each one knows his own sorrows bet ter than another.' She granted the whale his wish, and flew away, well elude, men and Women were made counterparts tp one another, that the pains and anxieties of the husband whaie n.s wisn, anu new .o a , - . , b? reIiecd by the sprichtliness contented that she had done three be- , hcouoflhe; wife, when nevolenl actions. The next year,; -the kind-Iiearted chcc;funli ftro hand in hand; and the fairy sought out the creatures sue nan famiIv ,;ke sllip that is duly trim chanued, and asked them if they were; n;,i10Ci,:i rtr " ' ' . The Lot and Houses Warrenton,knowA as ; x Roads, Enfield, J, E COFFEE lUsU thanie Shelton e,(formeily Ja. H. Haile's,) rrthi nurnose of electing one member ot hanny. 'Oh I was very silly,' said the cow. 'when I changed the petty troubles I bad known and tried, for greater ones I had never heard ot. I was a fool to think there was more freedom in the air, than on the earth. CASH! CAS HI! CJ SUM! TVnILL be given for likely yoling w v iNegroes, on application to either me subscribers. 1 li J. II. SIMMONS, G. W. BARNES, Julv 8. lftflO . - I id tf 1 ""3V SPORTS OF THE PIT. u if lain oj isULKs Will be fought at Ne w Iiope, Commencing on Monday the i'h July nextj for Fifty Dollars a fiffht and Five Hundred Dollars tbe o June IKtb, :30. 18-4td H5" The Old Dominion y Petersburd insert the above "l weeks, and forward Account to this office for collection. d. will the .V oi. nA two members of the House lilt: " , 4 fi-ITUl of Commons, to represent the county of Hal ifax in the next General Assembly of this State. Also; on thesamo day and p.accs, a poll will be opened for the purpose of eUc tinr a Sheriff for thecnnty ot ,ahax. ff JAMES SIMMONS, shtrif. , T tom I v ill AV FAMILY FLOUR, this year s crop, ( 18300 DUNNS, FERRALL Co. A FRAGMENT. , With what eagerness do we survey, with what sacredness preserve the por traits of persons, illustrious for talents I have lived in perpetual terror of the j and virtue, yet these portraits exhibit hawks and the guus. V hen I was a the semblance,1 oulv.oi leatures, stam cow, I used to have my calves to play ! ped by the hand of nature as distinctly with, at least for a little while; hut now cn the counteiianccj of the savage, of tho rmel bovs steal my eggs before , a form common alike to the best and they ae batched. Oh, I wish I were j the most worthless of makind; features a cow again, wih nothing to do, but that often mark the divine beauty of to trivc a portion of my inilk, which 1 1 character even from the eye of the spare just as well as not, for sweet , physiognomist; a lorrntnat oitcn roasns and comfortable lodging.' The the glorious energies of the mind it WHOLE BTO. 7C. -i through a medium more tmnmnf' and luminous than phsiognomv; yes to biography only is the sacred trice confided, and the holy office devoh rdt of embalming the memory of departed excellence in the gratefuf recollection: of millions unborn, long after the urn shall have mingled with the ashes it -ncloses, and the fallen pyramid shall; have buried the inglorious dust it en tombs,! "in oblivion's deepcit grave." Slj.EEP OF CHILD REX. Infants, from the time of their birth, should be encouraged to sleep in the-; night n preference to the day; there fore, mothers and nurses ought to re--move tvery thin gr which may tend to? disturb their rest, and not to attend to 4 eery jall for taking them up and ing food at improper periods. In fants cannot sleep too long; when they enjoy a calm, long continued rest, it is a favourable symptom. Until the third ear, children generally require? a littlq sleep in the middle of the day for, till that age half their time inaV safely) be. allotted to sleep. E vry succeeding year, the time oirght to bo shortened one hourj so that a child seven years old may sleep abbutieii hours.! Children ought to rise at six o'clock in the summer, and at seven, in the! winter. It is extremely inju dicious to awaken children with a noise, jor to carry them immediately from a dark room into the glaring light, or against a dazzling wall: the sudden impression of light , may def bilitale the organs of vision, and lay the foundation of weak eyes. Wet clothe; or linen should never be al- lowed to be hung to dry in the bed rorm, as an iuipurc ntmoFplHre is nh tendetl with various and often fatal couseuences. "Banish (says Pro--fesiorIIufeland) feather beds, as they are unnatural and debilitating contri- vance.'! The bedstead should nol be placed loo ow on the floor; and it is higiil3' inJ)rop'r' to suffer children to slej'p on a couch whirh is made without a suCcient elevation from tho grounjj. A Book of Health, j. llohj to never tcant a shWtnc-rl Yc'sterdaj' . the furniture and oil:cf moveables, of the late Mr. H. Skaati. for some vears keener of the CUv . i - were sold at auction. Ainopg articles put up for sale, was a Ifall, other shilling, with' an incription of this tenor: while C4tH June. 10. I v' ' Ctwd and comfortable lodging.' The the glorious jenergies of the mind it . i snlt fniri- rhanfred her to a cow; iand the 1 embodies; features! liable to be defa- Just rrccived Ul tU 53weeter to her than it ever ced bv disease, and obliterad by A LOT of GOVANS superior graSs tnted eet , , ..r nWessentiallv fugitive and Halifax, June 25. 1C ti tor sale at ims wmv-i.. jon-PRISTISU Neatly executed Ui this Office, the waves again- did Upon innuirv, it was iouuu mat ueam; a lurw r ,e . , N. . r ' !.nunnn.( oj cIia in lonrmnt'.m 1 rrpvcrsibl v. destined to the others were as uuui; .. .u..u.u.w, fj been The w hale wounded by sword- , moulder into ' clod of the yalley and pursued by harpoouers, was To biography, and to biography ;' o breath the sweet air of hea- only, it belongs, -ta ponrtray, m co ven once more, and to build its lours indelible and dazzling, the latent the green summer oougns; beauty 01 co-i-.w, r nest among w b-. , " : zmmnr1a mind nn ubitan ;hiTe the horse, whippeu ana guaueu ges o. ---- - " Always pay your debts, and you keep this you will ncvr want a shiIling.,,- The coin was pre sented to.31r. skaats on the dav of his birth b y his grandfather. A hole w as pierced in it through which a string- w as passed and tied to the finger of the infant. Mr.. Skaats kept the grift through a long life of scventv seven yearsj during w hich time he was never in want of a shilling. What is sitll more lo his honor, he attended also to the ot ler part of the motto, and fonrid the goodetTects of the punctuality aiid honesty it enjoins, for at his death he w as possessed of considerable proper t'. At the sale of the shilling in ques tion itstead of being put up wjth some other old coins and medals belonging; to thei deceased, it was ofiercd sepa rately! by the auctidnef. - A tolerably brisk bidding ensued, and finally it was knocked down at three shillings and ninepence. This is about four per eejit on the principal, a pretty fair rate for money so long invested; so that nothing was lot on that score. Wc dp not know that we ever beard ' of a shilling being turned to a better account. There are numbers of men in the community -estimable in other respects who have; a bad habit of not paying their debts, probably for the want of some such constant admoni tion as that given to Mr. Skaats by his worthy ancestor. Perhaps they might procure a fac simile of the in scription. A. Y. Post - Pedlars. Of -II thut in tbe world, gentle reader, did yoo orer hear. ice. cr read, bf pedbng icrnb-tone? I think uoL lt Tuesday, boncver, we .atr one of jthe uoirersarVaiikce ration, with a waggon load of tomb-stone, at Sehngs prore. Tbcy ttb finished, and orna mented, and the purcbaer had but to an epitaph, wbtcti trie pedlar ia opon tb t one, nhb aaer.p di at ta trnlr surprwifg.- He 1S farobhj scribed or to. t .. - : i nrah a innn r irt as drinithe'day. and ucd upwryugn er, 7 '"- ofjfound mefiuUe.bo-, during me uay, r t disolav the ardnr ol i tl,P nlcht longed for the treedoai of marble, to , dipia ine aro u " i: !,n I benevolence an aspirauons of genius , Union Timtt.