- - ' 'i ''. L ' - ) G o7 I . , '-' V.' i. f! ,1 J - . - ' !tr tMtUA.fn .4 IWl - a I T a . TT f . " . . a . . a a . . ' au uu uj wm e, io which vm8 ic- edition: and it tbeir securirrshiD had?' ptivtwc flfAj,!,. :n v government, (he State, Govern-1 been accepted, and the ok banlre-i :r.i,...-. T.I V TV .A I - . - THURSDA F, MARCH lO. 1831. United States Banks Extracts from Mr Benton's s peech, against the renewal ef the charter of the Bank: 1. Mri President, I object to the re -cewal of the .charter of the Bank oft he United States, because I look upon the Biiik as an' insl itution tco great and pow erful to be safely tolerated iu a govern ment of free an 1 equal laws. Its power is hat of the purse; a power isicre potent than that of the sword; and shis power it possesses to a degree and extent that will enable this bank, to draw to itself too much of thejpolitical power ot this Union, and tco much of the individ ual property of the citizens of these States.. 1 -U, .- : The money ower of the B.ink is .both direct and indirect. ' .... (The Vice P esident here intimidated to Mr. Pf that he was out cf order and bad not a righ to go into .the merits of tha Bank upon the motion which he had rr.ule. Mr. Bit begged the pardon of Vice President and respectfully insisted that he was in arderand had a right to j-roreed j He s ltd h6 was proceeding up on the parliamentary- nile of asking leave to brieg in a Jc int .-Resolution, and in do- : -.mr W.i. Ii a K . A r riV lit tr ttnfn tiin rp;i- reasons der.il ments the great cities, corporate bodies, f uiciLUiims, irauers, ana every, private citizen must, of necessity apply, for eve ry loan which their exigences may de mand. The rich huleth THE POOR, THE I BORROWER IS THE SERVIENT OF THE LEN DER Such are the words of Holy Writ; and if the authority of the Bible admit ted of corroboration, the history of the world is at hand to give it. But , I will not cite the history of the world, but one eminent example only, and that ofa ra nature so high and commanding, as to in clude all others, and so near and recent, as to be directly applicable to our own situation. I speak of what happened in Great Britain, in the year 1795 when the Uank of hngtand, by a brief anl uncere chartered, e should have $eeft;this to- gust, -.18147 about the time : theJWisfi ffi? SPrea.d nK for ocenc were burning this capital of the W 1 ,,e wor.!d n Cne, is a place where tenor with the one received by the young- vcn. ,,0P?... ttat . IS rcparded as a er Pitt in the venr !95; for it is incomes-! passion so sweet, renders all men tin tible, that thatBank was owned by n-f;u 'PPj; where those who hope nothing, who would have gloried in arresting the believe themselves : still more miserable; government and the war itself, for want cf where all that pleases does not please cnoney. Happily the wisdom -nd patri-; long, and where the sweetest and the OMsmouenersoo nnuertne providence mosl supportable destiny that one of trod, prevented 1 that ,nmy and rum ;ban expect, is Weariness. Such' is by preventing the renewal cf the old1.! i j - . . , by preventing bank charter. i the world; and this is not the obscure j w trld, which knows no great plea ; sures, no charms of prosperity. , of It is the tlfstTrrirsiiisitF.n Femai.ps. V7.AirwiT. ito .r of J,.i;.ic hr- popularity, and opulence . . I ivorln in itc hfm:t'? if ic m r nnrcclin? 'cor woe it nhrp tho nhirr r n hie Inv ' - i .- , . , kUl a 1 a, a M ! fcaa.. a,.. wwaaa. v ...r a V ... a. .. . u ru, , uum.. ad admiration. Her wit amused, .MliUIVl ,!' ior V" no1 "ne 7 Tnos imaginary paintings, of which no nd our . I J -I I- ' i teech; that th,4 nnd the whole Senate might answer him. Tim Vice' President then directed Mr. B 'io proceed.) Mr. B. resumed: The direct libwer of the Bank is now prodigious; and in the event oi the re t.pwul ofthp. "charter, m'ist sneedilv fe - - - - 1 - . i wouJdwntetoa prodigal m a ptneb, t ' j . a i j j fZuT,Zt i SWeehes, caflivuted the conqueror . : cnumerpart is fom.d. Sacl. it U a power co'uia ao, ana ujouia do, to promote , . . ,. , 1 . . . such we fi:id it every day of c : :-t r i the world. Her mind had been cul- . - Wi u iisuniiiuicicsi.m a i.ii5is' oi national a-j live larm and difficulty. I will . read the let-! tjvated with the nicest care, and her ter. It is exceedingly short; for atler the manners were formed upon the most p- . , compliments are! omitted there are but perfect model. Anxious to promote : ; Keuncs J .ox t three Sines' of it. It is, in fact, about as the happiness of her people, she in fact Sclierous and too lolly in -his ha long as a sentence of execution, leaving became their idol; and it is difficult to . Pa-S. to sto1P vnigar conspiracy; out the prayer of the Judge. It runs say whether she was most venerated, Perhaps, alike, too abhorrent cf blood, thus: i loed or esteemedi t j too fbna ol his ease, to have eihib- It is the wish of the Court of Dircc- j j Plautina, wife.to the emperor Tra- j Jd f ,c ckless vigour, or endured tors that the Chancellor of the Exchen-i.n lvac n.murh' tphml for the i :,ie lollS anxieties, or wrapt up his uer would settle his arrangements of ri- nr bpr maP. he tery in the . profound concealment nances, for the present year, in such man ner as not to depend upon any future as sistance from them, beyond what is al ready agreed for. rnrtl,. W.dWv nt h.r idr,mfnt. and ! of a taline, he had all the qualities the refinement of her understanding; and so thoroughly was the emperor Such were the words of tins memorable jointed with the capability of her te, sufficiently explicit and intelligible; i intellectual powers, tltfit be always note but to appreciate it fully we must know what was the. condition of Great Britain at that time? Remember it was the year '95, and the beginning of that year, than which s more portentous one never opened unoa the ..Bntish erripire. The that might have made a Cains Grac chus the eloquence, the ingenious ness of manner, the republican sim plicity of life, and showv aud specious t tan I I tr z-k 1 1 a a 1 1 T.-. 4s T ' -. consulted her upon affairs oj itnvor- ,.f 1 f . r . nce; vet tins flattering complement , , . i -.u rii 11 - . m, "e nuquestionab'c pnssessea the to her abilities neither filled her w ith . , i . i . 1 fled her u with presump- II,eans'al, that period, to have become pri e, or pu e le up wi p s p c lnOSt daugerous subject of Encr- bank is now Authorized to own ettects, lan. ! inctus'iveJitp the amount ot hlty- ti v ' millions of ioilars. and to issue notes to the amour t of thirty-five millions, rri .-c This rn rkes ninety millions, and, in addition to tfiis Vas sum there is an opening ! for a i unlimited iu'erease: for, there is a dispensation in the charter to issue as m.my more netes as Gongres. bv law, may riermtt. J his -open dt-or to bound ess emissions; for what can be more mbounded than the wyl and pleasure of successive Congresses'?' The indirect power of the Bank cannot be, stated, by figures; but it can be shown to be imoiese. In the first place, it has the keeping of the public moneys, nosv anuuntiplg to wenty six millions per annum (the Post Office Department m- eluded ,) and the gratuitous, use of the undrawn .balances, large enough to con tiiute, iri then solves, the capital of a great State b mk.. In, the next place, its promissory notes are receivable by law in purchase of all property owned by the United Stales, and in payment of all debts due theni; and . this may increase jts power to tile amount of t bo annual - raging for t0" yevifs; -Spain had just de- cbre war a-iinst.ljrat Britain; Ireland u;s biir-tinto ror;!lion;.the fleet in the iVore 1 ir: oprj. inutiny;. and a cry for the reform cj nbnj-p.5;, andlhe reduction of taxes reso'irdcd th'rough the land. It uas a season of alarm, and cocsternation, and of itnminent actual danger to Great Britain: and this v;is th.i moment which thoj tHfi,Bank s.elf rtell to notify the ministers ti0n; for her humility was equal to her penetration, and her affability to her iii-j wuuii.i.j.hvM.. -...v.-.. . - i . i nil. frfi Jirrn i. i 1 1 1 1 .u cir.ii-, h na iu. u.--- ,. , . f. I .. J. ' . . . rv Iviitit mi nnb.ic atiilitv. pvrrv kinrt .inHinrt' cho nl .1 lllifll nvpr llio oni'ic- i ... ... - . limi H V . . - w.a-v..aa.a . - " - - - " " caugerous suuiect oi r-ncr- land. Fox's life is a memorable les son to the pride of talents. YY itb eve- ror, that historians ascribe mai bis noble acts to the influence of her yirtues. . . ' - ; rj oi public opportunity, anu an uncea- ! s n tr unu iiiucidiigauie aeiermmaiion ;io be at the summit iii all things, his who! liiVvwas a succession of disap- - ' T I ' ! l-v. 1 1 1 i f n w 1 1 1 - I I ! hoc hrxn c-ii.-i tl.-l- a woman in whom were united great 4 . , . r i , i , i c , on commencing his parliamentary, talents,; exalted virtues, and refined 1 ' Hpcinr.d ,i.At .1,. delicacy. Her perfections were fow.n- . bje of , . ambhio and fha; ,h.BanK , elected tonoti.y the ministers jed on an Innate principle of virtue, j rf a ' X that Vo more loans were to be expec ed ;,hudi withstood the pernicious eflects ! 7 V"' 1 .?Ua!n b6m aI,V,al '.iC Wb-Uwasthe effect of this notification? , r I1Lunh,r'lrlr.hlluld -be l!,C mOSt PnPl,Iar an.m It was to paralizc the government, and ?f bad rnplc; tor her mothtr , ,W lhe h15band of lhe ,iand.. . . . . . & . T A ryntnr ivoe c miirn distrracctt DV ceil- - i - tfi .subdue the minister to the purposes of the Bank. I s Prom that day lorth Mr. Pitt became thq Minister of the Batik; and, before twoyc:rsi were out, ho had suc ceeded in bring-mg all the departments of tbe government.:' King, Lords and Com mons, arid the Pri'y Council; to his own slavish corul it nn lie. stopped the spe cie payments f lhe Bank, and made its holes-the '.lawful' currency of the land In '95 he obtained 'an order in council for! acter was. as much disgrace! pv cen iure, ;s lier own was adorned with praise, . :: ; I Tbe.eldest daugbtr oftlie illnsirj ous chancellor, Thomas More, was a wise and amiable lady.. Iler learn some0.:, woman,; and. prime minister. He did attain them ali; but in v. hat di minished and illusory degree, hny the iuggling f nd Kept.tlie promise" to lhe t ar, and broke it to the hope,' is long since inown. lie was tre most pop- inir w as almost eclipsed by her virtue. , , it . Pri ,rUA -wl:!' ; She corrisponded- i" Lattn 1J,t 5;Vr ciVclur were the nation: his ma great Erasmus, who styled her the ; t . . ' .Iirpd i.: ' u u c-rnrl ! ornament of liritain. After si bad j.."' i5f. n,m;Prj,;n III III i vvtiiii m vv- tciiv ! thispurposoMir the same yQar an act of fioi i.o.eu un .... u, y Parliament to contirm tne o;oer wr a i ,"! u miu-j,.; t,- - . month, and atlti wards a series of acts to J a last embrace, bad oolaiued the Jib coutinue it for t wenty years. This was I ertv of paying bini funeral honors, l.mk. For twenty year pmcbased bis head with gold, s the reisrn of the B. partner, and this name, aud this partner ship, indnntifie-1 the credit of the' Bank vith thej credi ' of the Union. In the fourth placeif. It is armed -with authority to disparage aid discredit the notes of other banks, by excluding them from all pnyments toth i United States; and this, added to'all its other powers, direct and indirect, make :i. this institution the un controllable n onarch of the morieyed system of the Union. To whom is all this srantedl To a company of privat e individuals mrtny of them foreigners anri le r d for it ' J I u . . . . . I . I .1 ..,.., Ii nn.Un,l -1 ml l ...IT 1 ... .4 . . I ..ill. I.ttilt' notes to that 'ariount.'- In the third place, u was? -si . iiyiiniMm p .11.1. iu, , jt)f. v-fjS ncrscii iuauiu muh it. wears the na ne of. the .United States, dnr'm:x;hat disastioti period the public j two, crime, (v liaving kept tin and ha -the Federal Government for a debt uus iucreased about 400,000 000 ( j e ofier fal.cr a5 a ,rclic, and fo sltrlmg, rqiial n-ar.'y to two tnousana ; j . preserved bis books and wri-nn-llion.v of 'dollars, ana that by pn ,cr 0 I eJ befoi.c ,ier loaus.from a liAiil;. which according to its "ns. 1 ? . ifi , , own declarations, had not a shilling to Judges with .intrepidity justified her lend at the commencement of the period! Self with that eloquence which virtue iron. ! Ucimt'c nn inill red merit, commanded eral subjugation of the country banks, the rise injthe pric-y of food, the decline io.wacs, the increase of crimes & taxes, lasted scarcely long enough for him to appear at the levee. In a life of fifty-eight years. Fox's whole exi tence as a cabinet minister was but nineteen month; while Pitt ten years his junior, and tiding ,Vt forty-seven, passed almost his whole life, from his at the head entrance into parliament, of the cor.ntry. fColfus Jit moirs nf (Iwnre the fcvrlk: the m uHi plica Hon of lords arid beggars, and the frightful demoralization oiocie tv. I omit all this. I only seize the ! prominent figiirs in the picture, that of V. litichcVs Tomb. "Whose is that bestows on injured merit, commaiuitu , fe nioniiment afar u-d the admiration and respect, and paea had -,t be a memoriclof thetlead, a. li ..... . n ! " . ' - the restol ner nie in rcurtwu, 141 that stands alone in the plain at some melancholy, and. in study. The World. The following des cription, translated from MassiMon distance? That s!mpl tomb, said the Armenian, !for such it is, was not reared b christian bands, but by those nfthir Saracen toe. 1 cu look on yuwu "V Lhe veto of a moneyed -7 . , ' coRPoaATios and oidy permitted to go on upon condition of assuming the odium of ;, stopping specie payments, ana sus- while bis own eve was f;x?d inteiisely on the sweet and melancholy features of the vouthful! wornau; "it tells, far I more imprest ely than ibr proudest j sepulchre, that in'the wildtmcss sleeps. the mass of them residing in a narrow corner tf the Union, unconnected by any sympathy with the fertile regions of the great'Villey'r'in" which the natural Lrswill be liund to reside long before , taimng tne prorr.issory notes of an insol the renewed iLn of a second chafter vent bank. as tb; lawml currency o. the u . ' Tix ..;i, a .A th. wow. land. 'This sinde ngrure, sutfaces to hx er to be eercLoV By a Directory, of j the character of the times; for "hen the seven (it may te.) governed by a major., j government becomes the vante ty, of four (it ria bei) and none of these j lender 1 the people theinselves become elected bvbe people or. responsible to its slaves. Cannot, the Bank of United them, Wherisit to beeKerciscd! At, States: if re-chartcred, act in the same iidw ivmicand miles; wav? It certainly can, and just as ccr- & i -Jl I. ru will vehpn Jims and ODDOrtUnH V 1 irorn seme ot t be States, receiving j iu j nn u...i. A.i;c norrdoities. . . . . n,r nft4 nf .Um iVxr.er.t one:) snail serve, ana uicrcai yw"'r' cruei jiuc, ry'r. - lrive Pcnsieu orouuu. r"-v' vw y1:"-1 r v r ... . ' ; ... , - tKt' (rpnilpmcn mav l: rk - 1Aritiir ip.tIousics. o-i r Tn 7, r nu u ueiKM iu lhu nci in c j 1 t.T . . . . . . i i" 1 . . . rr i ; " 1 aa. i- . a . . m . n . a w a . r 1 . . . . . ......a. . w a . nn commerce with the ; cometorwara ana vauni iu , verwhelming aisappoiiiiiuvuw. I LotcyeriK lawyer without bis torv.br literature is a. mechanic; a re working1 rnasott; if he possesses are !u s-unj iu "-- I What is the world for those even who love it, who appear inebriated by its pleasures, arid who cannot, wean themselves. irom it: J. tic .worm i an -e ljeautjfyt wjfe the devoted mother, eternal servitude, where one lives but! h ma3e fari-OSVt and op- for 'self, and where, to he happy, by its; s-ion" dear to tfe bnnished man. precepts, tine mitst kiss his chains, and , rphe garacen pusci in the' wilderness, love his slavery-; The world! it is a ; q kneei b'e-s;dc -,t; the Arab frrgets bis daily revolution ol events, wnicn awa-1 fjerct!iess ther1; and the memory and keu bv turns in th? hearts of its peo-. . e Qf Rachel are remen.bered, 'pie the most sad arid strong passions,- .je vtbe xryj fT3wents of cities f i extern uucniiiu ,.-.wv - ;- ,a,.iWT,n,;,onj nrrtflrt im it II . V. . . 0 i .1 . r t.i::V. people; with branches in every State; ana tne unueu oua-i au. ...... - y0rIdi lt IS an eann ui iiiaitruaum., ' ' I. .. . . - I 'A.K..na.n.-l m r r - 1 1 1 1 If. finiirrSS IK LlLrLLC. Ii . 1 .1 I n.i everv branch fcnhiect to the secret ana iuujuui.Mv... vrr ; where Pleasures inemseivtr unj . r w . l : a . MMMk-V'TfliiTO nnr 1 1 1 1 . . with them thorns and tmterness. ua t . j i.. wpnries OV US luritb, uuu u n every uraucu uu ku iv . . . - , . u-.i, ' aUoWe order VoriHe Supreroe Central I mnst be perm.tled to hcHd; this corititutin? a system cf Cen- the pledge and the pratte.J be secty ttafem hostile to the Jedefalive priociple .asaffic.ent; 'f'PS . tt -. ...a...i . ,,,w,ri h to Constantinople. There weteenougn 111 fiiir i :ii:ii tui iiii. tin;: -. . 1 r.t .... w:. .1 .. :r.A .-.r. nrh n the Knttsh rarnament iuc weann anu po ver 01 iiiu .-.iir., . ---7 ., ! , c i rj-u ganized! uporU principle to give tbo before nay. the day .berre behest Wffect to' the" ereatest power. . stopped: yet their pledges and p.aise. This mass of bower, thus concentrated, neither prevented We .L... ..:c..j ij.i.... j:.. mc. ni'made ?ood the damage , that ensued. cCs,,ri.y beCOL-. pmler.i.- prolonged ex- ' There vvere g-nlh" - W w ntinf wearier uv ua t uih.i . -. . , 1? - nnKntto: conversation become; te-lMmeknbwI.Jgc of tte. Lemayca S bv the opposhion of humour. himDolf atrarcl,it,ct. . .1,1 cvtl-ied sr tT.i? IZiJrLv of semiro .cietW.Law is tl clnmney ...roU1 istence, the ibsclute monopolist of A merican paper currency and criminal attachments , which all that Smoke discharges j: .r.vnnn lint-: that used to circulute throug so- h its 1 If. through the r1CtZ (ill . lli 11 LIlllllllUA - . . ::.-.,:; ,hir divanrjint-: that used to circulate ,MhdrdTeWoo its spectacles,, v. hole house and poteveo' moner, the sole manufacturer of then expiring bank, cf whc awake0ed but by the most monstrous sooty. Sir. ft . bcott. irrency, and the sole authority,! now cxisUog ,s a se:oad and deterwrated awaKenea o 1 j ,

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