i i ; k i ; . ! . .-. - - - . - i II I .III .11 II-JliWWlM H.l , , -"-B .j,.,- . I III' --"...L ... . RY EDM. B, FREEMAN The Advocate will be printed every -. ..-o.v mnrniniT at 2 50 per annum. in ivance", or $3 if payment is 'not madd.within 3 vpaper to be discontinued imti are uaid. linlesa at the, o all ar- :t . iMiton and a failure to j. notify dis- M .:.r, ivill be considered ad i a new cstragement. : .. .. , I t - a Jlertisements, making- one square or less inserted three times for One iV,fi7fip cents for everv sub Dollar, sequent sBli V" ""J . - - rtion: lonsrer ones m prppo prpportiop. All Ijrtisements will be continued unless otherwise ordered, and each continuance Tcharged. jXCORBUPTlBLfe Surgeon Dentist;) Oculistj MAVING concluded to 'emain in tbifcf place, for several mon hs, will attend the Courts of the adjoining; coun ties to clean and file TEET I, and extract tbe decayed TEETH t md are maining roots with care and: safetj , upon a new principle, with less pain to he pa Ktil than the former : method . HE If ILL ALSO FIT IISI '''; I By the set or single one, without he aid of Pivots or Springs, beingr a. new and most approved plan, by which the Teeth, not on ly in appearance, but by service, aro LIT TLE INFERIOR to the natural tenth. A SUFFICIENT TRIAL WILL BE GIV EN BEFORE PAYMENT IS DEA1AN DED. r, OF PLUGGING The benefit of .his operation is so truly ifliDortant, tha. it is- impossible to recorn mend it too earnestly to the Publid, but it is frenerally do layed too lonfr belb re they can be effectually stopped; whereasJ if f per. formed at the commencement of ddcay, or before the nerves -are exposed, t&ey may nut onlv be Dieserved for a short time,! but fbr.the period of a lonor life, j ' J HE ALSO POSSESSES AN . IFhich will dtstro'v the nerval in on instant. -ivitliout the kast pbhi.- CARIOUS VTEETII extracted without ithe aid of an instrument. He wi 1 Uho remove thar stubborn Scurvy. and J dibagieeable disc se. the Corns', Jjarts, and NaUs trowing into the flesh, removed mi a AVITOUT PAIN. He will Ye days, fit in an arlificial Eve to rorrpspod v, -Natural Eye WlTIj OUT PAIN. ith the A surE- cieht trial wul be allowed before payment is (iemauaed. " N. B. Dr.l)illon. can at all ti mes, oe found at his office one door; above Judge Daniel's residence unless when absence on liusmess." ' 1 . LjAUH win be waited on at their dwellings The Poor, attended gratis. ttbRNSiFEllRALL Wto. fTHAKE pleasure in announcing to JJ their friends and the public that they fiave-received their fall supply of U'Jnch comprises a handsome and yery ex pensive assortment of nearly ;t every! article sw iatniouaoie or aesiraoie in mq A large supply of GROCERIES bf every description Hardware and Cutlery, Chi na ,Glass and Earthenrvare, ah exten sive assortment of BOOTS &, SHOES, Sole, Upper, Harness and Skirti ig Lea ther, Calf, Kip, Morocco ant j Sheep Skins, an extensive supply of Saddlery run AETO WOO sats, Ladies' Leghorn and' Dunstable Bon- ttts. Work Baskets, Brushes of All kinds Books and Stationary, Paints, Oils and Drugs, Fur, Seal Skin, and Morocco Caps, an extensive assortinent on lUDIES' fc, GENTLEMEN'S CLOAKS &.C. &C. &.C. of which will be offered at unusually low Prices for cash, or on our usual credit to rinctual customers. N. B. Wo will continue to buy Cotton wr Cash and to take it m trade pr pjayment. We further wish to. inform our friends nd the pubhc that we ar.e prepare d to re cive Cotton on Storage and forward it to Petersburg or Norfolk Markets with all lssible despatch. TFe pledge ourselves .at all possible dilisrepce shall be used to promote the interest of our patrons, and that terms will be found accommodating. ; ' ': " i . ' D. F. & Co'. -.Halifax; Sept. 57,1831. f , 1 pitf For alu ut this Office,. in JUST RECEIVED, I FOR. SALE, I A BAROUCHE AND HARNESS, for l br 2 hoi sea, made to order, by I xttjti'itj'ti t tTfTt' vriTino - ALSO: I, Bushels Turk's Isl'd SALT, : H . ! 4 :lo( acks Livclpool blown Salt 150-pe. Cotton Bagging, various qual. iuu vous ivope, 5 Hogsheads Whiskey, 1Q Barrels N E Rum, 4 Qr. Casks Cogniac Brandy, a iarreis u. uin, 4 qr. Casks T. and M. Wines, . 4 hhds. Molasses, ' ' 6 Ton3 English Iron, -, 3. do. American & S. Iron. . Also An assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, &.c. lc. WESTO N, WHITE & Co. Dec. J3, .lt31. j 41 tf dltorney, at jukw TPRACTICES in the County and ( i Superior Courts o; I Martin; North arnpton ) and Halifax and' the Superior Courts of Washington. JKhennot abbent on profe3ional duty, he will be; at his office in the Tiwn of ialitax on Mondays 6l Tues clays; atmny otntr time at nia tcbiuence in the County. -Halifax c January, 26. 12m SIMM'S iiOTiiCKik. i HALL, being the accredited O agent oi VV m. fc-WAiM, id cuiiatuutiy roccivinr buppaes ot the Panacea, coue quentiy Tpeisous purchasing ofjljun n;ay re ly upon lis bcitig'fresh aiu gehuine which are matters oi some, consequence, there be ing so m'ariy spurious mutations calculated to deceiVe thu public. f I Price4-Two dollars per bottle. NoifoU, Aug. 10, 1831. "to TVatchrnaker, Jewelhr &l Silversmith. I EGS leave most respectfully to niorui the citizens ot jL'jtlu. ami Us Vi. Uil V. f tlili, HO lliLO UUliJUJCliUt u tuu uuovt: tiusihe issjiu'the shop formerly re C' Duuiel, 4 doors ujj oceu nied Geortre t JJO Lnii itiun- sion Hoifse and opposite the Fupnci iiioici, Where hp is prepared to exvcuLu uii kinds of work in his line.' Those wishing to patron lze him, ire a-fcured that ik paius-snail be spared lb iiive t'enorui suLiisiuCtioii.. January l.'f io3ii. 46 tf. Mrs. JjJrOJiiJLE 5S leave to inform her friends ,u iiie pubac, that; bhu jiias- remo ved her rfctubnjjhment to the new house op posite Cpi. J. H. feihiinons Tjivern, where bhe is iut opeiiiiig her Fall Supply of Fash- lonable Uoous. Aiuonj; mem, me loiiow ing' articjes. r ' ' Pattern Satin-straw, Silk, and Battese bonnets,'iiales5v ia.niou, ' Diamond straw Dunstablcsj plain do LegWrn and straw bonnets,' Lleaant turbans, Oic. An assortinent of pulls and curls, fGauzel and barege scarfs" and handker chiefs, 1 Straw land Fancy flowers, A great variety f ribbons, &c &c. " Ail of which she is disposed to sell at her usual lovf prices. . j : a Ladies pelisses, cloaks,, dresses, tec made to brder, in the latest' and most ap proved fashions. ' . ' ' I" ; Leghofn and straw bonnets bleached, dyed, or itrimined. ' ' . : t Mrs. W. having . been well I patronised during hr long residehce iu this place, has recently made arrangements for a perma nent settlement, auti will therefore find it her interest, as it ever has been her plea sure and duty, to execute' all orders with taste, fidifhty and promptitude .."June 2H, 1831. 29 -tf Twenty Dollars Reward. MANAWAY, sometime in the month of May last, (while in the ser- vice of Col. Thomas uusoy,j a negro man by the nrae of William, belonging to the orphans of James Carstaphen deceased. He is about 21 or 22 years old, of common sta- tuc, yeiiojw.couipiuAiu", upper teejth a little decayed, and has a down look whep spoken to. No other particular marks recollected. I have been informed thai he was seen in the town of Halifax on Monday if the Christmas hollidays, in com pany with another runaway negro; and it is supposed ihat he is now lurking in the neigh borhood fof the town of Halifax or some where in ihe county. . His mother, (belong ing to th same estate,)4ives at Mr. Benj, SpruilFs,in Scotland Neck; (who owns her hushand.i where he may sometimes visit. H hns.ht her 'relations near the town of Halifax, i ' ; - ' h ' : The above reward will be given for the apprehension and delivery of the said negro to me, or!for his confinement iirjail so that I get hini again. All masters or owners'of vessels, ind others, are- hereby cautioned arrainst hkrborinsr or employing the said ne gro, as the law wli be rigidly enforced against all such offenders . : , RICE : . PIERCE, Guardian. ' ' Halifai, N. C Jao- 14, 1832, 46-tf I SSflDOD HALIFAX, N. C. APRIL 19, FOR SJLEl VVTVILL be sold, at Public Auc- VV tion, in the Town of Hali fax,-on Monday the 23d day of April next, (being afax Superior Court) the folio wins: real , j estate in said Town, viz. ! Jne fourth part of that well known and papular Tavern Establishment THS EAGLE EOTEI. The Lots near the Court Honst on .which are situated the ' A WARE HOUSE k'an OFFICE, being a very eligible stand for bu--. sihess. . j The Lots whereon I former, y resided, . on which are, besides the! DWEL LING HOUSE & necessary OUT HOUSES, TWO STORES, A WAREHOUSE AJSTD JIN OFFICE. ' Most of them pleasantly situated fr Dwellings or stres. i 20 ACli-Jtili OF SARD adjoining the town. This land is higher than any part of Jalifax, and will be laid off inLo lialf acre lots with streets so ad to unite with those of the towu. 'From its el evated situation it will be debirabfe fr pri vate resideiices; afforuing a convenient way to the river, will make at an eltigibiv pluCd lor Stores. . ' ! Terms made known at the sale. ' JOHN T. CLAN TON. March 15, VJ2. ' 3 tdt State of & or tii , Carolina, HALIFAX COUNTY. In Equity Fall : Term, 1831. James Grant Adm r of Patience 'uts,7-iici B. Pierce, Adm'r of Hard j Pi... Mark Pitts, Lewis Pitts, Tamar- -who u, Tuujht ittsaml Crlia- Pitt; .Alfred I'. Aioore, Ex'r of Sylviu Pitt; Jethro i;ciKo:i ' aad Vv ii;j,hi Pitft, Auui,r& tienry Pitta; . unu. .Mai tha Jones, Com- agninst Thotnap Ihittin, vidurr, of Noel Pitts,' Ja cou Puts.- rsoel 'Puts, It W. Phi. Pt vton S. Pitt., luy.A Botjaie Pitts, E hxaneth A. Pitu, Johu Puta, Mary E. Pitts -and -Pins, ' children of John Pitts; milium Shi. rs aud wife Fanny who was Fbimv Piits?, Nichoh-3 Pitts ivtin iiiiu.'iu i.jiij. v.tiu iai;cv wno was i Nancy Pitts, --Shivera and wife Eliza- beth w ho was Eiizabeth IPitts, Wester Pitts and john Pitts, children of Noel Pitts, Dtfcndant. - . TTT appearing to the satisfaction ol ia. the Couit that th itildn n of John Pitts deceased, viz: Jacob,; Noel, Mary, Henrietta, Ira, W, Peyton S, Elijah Bo die, Elizabeth A, John, Mary E, and one w hose name is not know n to the court; ana the children of Noel Pitts , deceased viz; Fanny Shivers who was Fanny Pitts Nich olas Pitts, Nancy Broom who was Nanc Pitts, Wester Pitts, 'John Pitts and Eliza beth Shivers who was Elizabeth Pitts; de fendants mentioned in the;Bil!of Com plaint, ' are not inhabitants of this State." it is ordered that publication be made in the Roanoke Advocate, a newspaper publish ed in the , town of Halifax, for six weeks, that unless the said non-residentsi appear at the next Superior' Court i of- Law and Equity, to be holden for the county of Hal ifax, at fbe court house iii the town of Hal ifax, on the fourth Monday after the fourth Monday in March next; then and thcro to plead answer or demur to said Bill, the same will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex parte as t"them. . - .Witness Edmund B. Freeman, Clerk and M after in Equity of said Court, at Of fice, the fourth Monday after the fourth Monday in September A. D.' 1831. E. B. FREEMAN,! C. Jlf. E. ' ... : . ,:,!. 36t Stato of North Carolina. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions. March Term 1832. Roderick B. Gary j Original attachment vs , levied on negroslaves Leonard Purdy ) DooIertSo Abbey. TTT appearing to the satisfaction of the U Court, that Leouard Purdy, Defen dant in this case has removed beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore or dered that publication be made in (he Roanoke Advocate, six weeks, giving notice to the said Leonard Purdy to ap pear at ' the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the bounty of Northampton, on the first Monday inJuue next, then and there to replevy the property, attached and plead to issue, or Judgment final will be enter ed against him and the property condemn ed, subject to the plaintiff recovery. Test, I RICHARD II. WEAVER, Clk. Price Adr. $3,50, . -C 6t . 1832. AT' tbe last Court of Pleas and trW Quarter Sessions, for the county ot Halifax, commissioners were appointed to ascertain and adjust for payment, the claims incurred for necessary expenses, by calling into service a portion of the Militia of the county, in the month of August last. All persons interested will be pleased to take notice, that the Board, thus created, will be in session, at the town of Halifax, on Tuesday the 24th of April next, being the second day of the Superior Court at that place, to. fulfil the duties of their ap pointment. ' COMMISSIONERS. JUarch 20 1832. r . ; 4 5t SilGLE HOTEL, HALIFAX, N. C. ajiJIE subscriber havinc leased that larcre .and commodious establishment. . The Eagle Hotel, situated on Maine Street, and recently oc cu pied by Mr. Joel H. McLemore, begf leave to inform his friends and the .public, that he will be prepared to accommodate them by February Court next. He promises HIS TABL2 shall be h (fished with the best thd coun try can afib i will be coiihlantlv supplied with superior WINES and LIQUORS; and having pro- cuied excellent Hostlers, U SIS STABLES will be fait hfilly attended to. -The suh.criber having had some years experience as keeper of a PUBLIC HOUSE feels n confidence that he can give general satisfaction, and respectfully solicits a .-hare of the public patronage WILLIAM H. POPE. February 1832. j 49 tf The Petersburg Intellijrencer and Nor am- k .iin Herald wul insert uie above once a v't;k for four times and forward their ac- . Mints to trio isubseriber. -J GREAT BARGAINS - i ? nHE subscribei ?, iJ their business in Scot ferall their stoclc of j K to close Neck, of- HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASS, SHOES, BOOTS, 1 1 ATS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, See. with ail their t.a very muii .ADVANCE upon the prime Cost for Co7i or on u short credit to punctual cutoraers? J The Stock of Goads being well selected offers great inducements' to those desirous buy bargains, who are requested to call nnd examine for themselves. The Subscribers wish to rent, until the first of January 1835, the Store in which they have done business for the last three years, with a . . COTTON GIN, SCREW and WAREHOUSE, attached to it, and possession given immediately. This has long been known as na of the best stands for the sale of Goods and the purchase of Cotton and j produce, in this the part of country. The Subscribers will soli their entire Stock of Goods to any person wishing to rrnt the Store House on, the most reasona ble terms. . K B. J. SPRUILL &. CO. Scotland Neqk. March 14, 1832. J ! " 4 6t CLAIMS AGAINST Northampton County TOMMISSlONERSwereappoin- W ted, at the last term of our Court of Pleas and Quarter 'Sesion, to investigate all claims upon this county, which grew out f Military movements, in August and September last. The Commisioners here by give notice that they will hold their e- cond meeting at the Court House, in Jack son, on the 8lh day of May next.- All per sons interested will please attend. v , COMMISSIONERS. Jackson Jfarch 22y 1822. 5--6l NOTICE. A LL persons are hereby forwarned rN against trading for a note given by me to SUGAR DAVIS for the sum of For- tyjive dollars, or there abouts, as the con sideration lor wnicn said note was given has utterly failed, and I have been advised not.to pay it. f STEPHEN MARSHALL. Warren County, April 9, 1832. " 7 3t NOTICE. 1 Tf V the Thursday during next Superi Vll or Court, will be sold at the resi dence of the late Basset Stitb, all the perishable property of the said dee'd con sisting oftiduse-hold furniture &c THE. COMMISSIONERS. Feb. 24,1032, 1 St WHOLBNO. 103. 211 Oj it 2 ONSONT w ILL stand acrain the ensuintr season at my stable, fifteen mil erf rom Jackson, twelve from Belfield, thir een from Halifax, N. C. thirtv rive from Warrenton, and iifty seven south of Peters burg,". The ; season "will commence the first of February, and terminate the first of. July. He will be let to mares at Fiftv Dollars the season, which maybe dischard bv the payment of ! orty Dollars within the season. Mares can be insured at Seventy-five Dol- lars; the insurance will be demanded so soon as the marc is discovered to be in foal. or the property changed. One Dollar will be expected to the Groom in every case. Large and extensive pasturage sown in small cram exnresslv for Mart It with he Horse, and separate lots for Mares antl Colts and board of Son ants gratis. Those Feudinfr from a distance, if conve nient, will send servants with their mare. & that they may be attended to agreeably to their own instructions. Mip8 will:- if . w required, bo fedf-with grain at thirtv cent per day. iNo responsibility for accidents or escapes, but every precaution will be takea to prevent them. . PEDIGREE. MONSIEUR TONSON was bv Pacoleti he by the imported horse Citizen; he bv Pa- colet of England; be by Blank; and Blank by the UodoJp.un Arabian. His dam bv Top Gallant; he bv Gallatin: Gallatin bv- imported Bedford, &c. fcc. His Grandam by Grey Medley, imported Oscar, imported reamougui, -c. iionsicur i onson is tlio full brother of Sir Richard, Henry and Champion. Sir Richard and Champion have proved to be superior race horses, and have never been beaten; the latter now con sidered the most distinguished horse in tha Western icountry. MONSIEUR TONSON Has made himself so well known by his ua rivalled achievements on the turf as to ren der ail further notice unnecessary. Those who desire to see a more detailed account of his pedigree and performances, are referred to the American Farmer, volume 9, pa-a 390; and also to the Turf Register &. Spor ting Magazine, for January. 1831. . ' WILLIAM MOODY. Mount Forest, Northampton co. ) : N. C. January 20, 1832.- GEORGE JV. OWENS? nn-AVING purchased the stock of .1 Li 1 Berry and Owens, respectfully in foims the citizens of Halifax and its vicini ty that he still occupies the same stands and-will constantly keep on hand ' rcot assortment of Ladies and Gent!emrn' BOOTS and SHOE" of every description which will be sold cheap for cash. Work of every kind, manufactnred out of 't he best materials and at the shortest no- tice. V He has just received a new and excellent material for Gentlemen's summer shoes." A ril 1832. , 6 tf State of North Carolina. NORTHAMPTON COUNTT. Court of Picas and Quarter Scssinnr March Term 1832. Temperance Taylor Peter?on Taylor. Henderson Taylor and Henry TayUr Infants by their Guardian &x. James H. Wood Executer of Williass Wade deceased Samuel Taylor, Re becca Taylor, Etheldred Taylor. Jhn C. Taylor and Elizabeth Garriss for merly Elizabeth Taylor Pet to ac't. TTT appearing to the satisfaction of tho LL Court, that the Defendants Saml: John C. and Etheldred Tavlor distribu tees .of John Taylor deceased ara sot Tl.l? r . ... luiiauiiams oi mis state ana mat no ono of them has filed a schedule of advance. ments received from their father the satr John deceased, and that nene of the dis tributees of said John deceased, have fi led snch schedule. It is therefore ordered by the Cenrt. that publication be made C t. in the Roast oke Advocate, that the sajd distributees be and appear' befere- the .worshipful Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the County aforesaid in the Town eC Jackson, on the first Monday in Juno next, then and there to plead, answer or demur tc said Petition or file a schedule as aforesaid; or Judgment pro onfesso will betaken against them, the account taken and petition heard exparte. Witness Richard H. Weaver, Clerk of said Caurt at Office the first Mon day in March A. D 1832. RICHARD H. WEAVER. Clk. Price Avd. 5.50. v 6 Ct FOR SALE, A SUPERIOR MAHOGANY BEDSTEAD and a good HORSQ CART. For terms applv to , - JOSEPH J. GRAY. . February 7,1 . . 4p-ir t 4 4 3 i i