TWj. I II wi 3Q IV.-O 12 y EDM. 15-. I'fcU la:, Advocate will; ae p rmtcd every .y mornw-j at $2 60 pr . nnum. in , or 3 if payment is nod made within ' i - i ner to o be dcocjiuued until all ar-j paid, unless at- the option on ; arc or; and a failure to hotity- a dis- nee will jciit. be considered as a ntw i laments, making oific Bouare or ! erted three .times for Jne Dollar, f ity-five cents tor everj suboequent ( ioncr on. s m ,routi nou. All jmcats will; e ordered, be! continued unless and -each continuance 1 7 oL C2323i2 V CGRPUEW'S SI ore: .,3 Subscriber respectfully announces friends and the pub ic geneialiyi has just returned jlhe iNorth, e has tak much Dams in seicc- trie and geii'-ra. as kortmerit of li una r n iN v 1 iiv a. goods: of t nnd latest patterns J and fcuch as if the piibr i.ilio t i v e satj:-ldCLion, ail . id call and examine :i part cs fMlowsl.-; tJiem. Thev tsiikfc, JSilk Aibanieri ns, F ifTurci L;n -A raimv lnes, r if d VV:!tertd D( Iig'd and ufiVU Do. (iti) the fash on.) tt i and Blk Saiin, -Nankin Crapes. ;ur&d -Mandarins, ltalijin Eutestini: ch'-'ws ana tsarsfii'ots.') mi M ixed Cainblets, ;'e- u, ,1'iiiitcd and! Fiu .Bombazines, ed Muslins, id ChfckcJ and C'.jrticii Do. .ams, i'rints, Calicos'a c- of all des 1. itn. iionnclFv Cap- and Watch Ribbon v-,j Uia ck hiilk Velvet. , i:.a es, Edgings Ins ..Xx:'?)e3 and Footings, prtings, Bob- Buhdanria and Flag iandker- J ...i,;.. it.. 'is, Jauitf x' limy iu. L inen Cum. U Uild B)k ev:itllli.;i Do 5 ana l!k lilond (Jao ec ana oi. 1 :v vciis lceo Caps, anq iarge lanty DeSI.'awlo I et, and Florence; and hjordered Taf- 1 eiitlcmen3 csup. .urn- t cords, Worsted Silk Jraids, liead icuies, 11a 2"-s and rursiF. s tine gilded Gloves (n CJ , I ew pattenr) Jvin, litaver, cas-torf and SVljite Silk Mirts ; Do. Blk arid YY nite , Kuck, H. Skin, Be liver 'C ;stor. ; and Thread Gloves White Wood :k Do. nz. ClaTks Spool cdtton, Mixed s and Laper Do,l cotton and thread aiid Blk Silk Embrpidered hose cotton Do. Misses Do i-isien's llaudon ; silk and cotton Meek and Side Combs -.Leghorn ufta bio Bonnets,1 child ren s uo. ana nc lnSia and Fancy 0 aps. , Ik, Blue, Browni Gree h lironze- : d'oths, Black Drab. JLavender, f, White and ribbed Gasfimeres and Bro. Drillings, Bjue and Yel ; Nankins Moiekin. Cotton Chs ?rs and a large assortment of Gen ioii'js bvmtner w ear. I . , Yrs-rinars. Fiff'd Hk Velvet Do. j- J?i!!:s'all colors, Sup.j Ball Twist "Tailors use) Silk Suspenders, las Ectlons (of all colors ) ick and Furniture Dimity, Table pprs, Towell do. Irisl Linens and tings, cotton Friuge. Dlote assortment of hops, Hats, iks. Groceries Cor fectionaries, lerv, Hardware, Cutfiery, Crock- nd Gla?swarcJ ibgcriber flatters him ioodo now on liand, i elf that his i so general Icte that the public nted only give 11 and they areisure 0 purchase, odsand prices are such as caonot e satisfaction to all. I JOSHUA CORPREVV, 10 tf! WIS S. ISArKE UNG taken :he Stock of the m of ilTCHFORD & DRAKE, nue the busines of IDLER illAJlJVESS JMKER, stand, next door to the Poet- Of- returns his thanks t the public ?eral share of custom Which has e been extended to hi ri, and hopes a continuance; of favors by the nd prompt execution af all orders to' him. j N ); V . S. D. is receiving frt m the North onal i supply of mat irials which is a?iortment very cyr iplete. . 832. .i . ; 10 tf asms 2imAo25.a, 7 for rlALL, being die accredited zent" of V"m. SwAim, is constantly r supplies of the Pari acea, conse- 'Krsons purchasing o him may re- w-viing fresh and genuine :which4 1 --rs rr some consequence, ' there be -"urioM? lniitatidiis calculated public. ; j ! '!trs per bot to V1LLIAM H. BROWN. .RETURNS his thanks to ?&L the liberal support and en- iL" courarrement heretofore t'- extended to him, and takes rsSif-.inis metnou or imorminer ?V them, and all others who mav be disnosed to honor -a m A 8? him ? with their custom. tha.t lift has inst rerMtrrt n ,U,M tt"u iiauusoii,e assortment of LKA. T1I12R. consisting of - t vailf, SeaJskin, Morocco and Sole T ,1. . : Reiner, ui a very superior. quality; ; aim waving, in hib employment, three of the , i uwi uuij ue prucureu, is en- ti aDiea iu uianuiacture work m the newest and I most approved style, not inferior to a- ny in tnis country. Every exertion will be rriad to- ?ive renntal -'sntisfnrtinn " nrl I oidejs w.l! meet the most prompt attention. .lit-, mock oil hand eonsits of Gemlemen's Calf, Sealskin and Mo rocco Boots ". ; ' '. ' Calf, Sealskin and Moroco Jrumps and; shoes of various patterns. Ladies Sealskin Shoes and Boots hi.-' o, n maraiXi.turinu' To which b en ado n: ; at ies Prunella Shoes,' with or with- Ut heels v r 1 lironse, Morocco Shoes with slides (anevv article) n Gaiter Boots : laisses Prunella, Sealskin and Mo- I rocco Shoes .; Biy shoes, cf various qualities which will be kept complete by regular, supplies. Liuiies and Gentlemen are respectfully invivbd to call and examine, the stock whicii wiil.he offeredlovv for cash. April 5-, 'Mii2.. ' I ; 5 tf . DISSOLUTION. IgiHE copartnership heretofore ex ' rsting uuderih turn of lircHsicip & tRiB vvai It'itsuiv ed this tiav, - bv irmLuaf conseilt. I A. A. LiTCHFORD, I LEWIS: S. DRAKE, A)W30, 1032. .: i It) 4t 'h AYiNG purchased the stock ol jg Berry "and Ovvens, ' respectfully in i iiia the citizens of XaiiJax and its vicini ty tljat he still occupies; the same stand, :uid "Will constantly keep on hand a good assotrient of Ladies and Gentlemen's iiOi)TS and SHOE ' of every description, .which Will be sold cheap for cash ork of every kind, manufactured out of he best materials and at the shortest no tice . ' ' . . ' - . .Hp has just received'a(new and excellent material lor Gentlemen's! summef shoes.. .April r.2, ; : j ; 6 tf WANTED OR the remaining part of this vear. a irood COOKend WASHER V! OM A N for whom a liberal Hire will . be gU APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. April 1032 ; ; 6 tf JUST RECEIVING Y Spring supply of Drugs and Medicines from New York, consis ting of almost every article usually kept by an Al othcary. j A good assortment of Confectionaries and daily . expected, a furtrfer supply from Nor folk. J i. l : ; ' j :; , 1, '.- also, W . a quantity of good FLOUR prices varying from -$.",50 to 6,75, &c. &c. &c. Inr'a few days, will be icceived, on con-, signment, two hundred barrels of CORN; also 00 bbls CUT HERRINGS I shall, at all times, be pleased to attend to my friends, whether they, apply in per son or by order; and will take this , opportu nity to suggest to my customers, who have suffered their accounts to. stand open be yond the usual "time (some, ever since I com KncmARe that if thev are not clo sed immediately, justice will require my pursuing a legal course for collection. I JOS. L. SIMMONS. Halifax April 6. ; r . 7 tf I I -FOR SALE. ORN, FODDER BACON & ; LARD. Apply to k -. V T.-BURGES JijlriM, 132. J 7-"tf SPOU TS OF THE PITT. Main of Cocks will be lougnt at. Jackson, Northampton County, each party to show 21 cocks, to comence on the 14th day of June. FOR SALE. i Splendid NEW AUK SUL- I lvEl and Il.-ltvloo ajyiji w 3 DUNNS FRRALL O .1 J&Wi .22?rit6, HAJLIFAX, C. MAY 17, INCORRUPTIBLE TISIETIHI Surgeon Dentist S Oculist, AVING cor eluded to remain in this:place for several months, will ; attcLd the Courts of the adjoining j coun l.ties to clean "and file ; TEETH, and jLiract me uecayed i 1 11 ana re- roaming roots with care and eafety,'. upon a new principle, with less paiii to the pa- lent than the ' foime- method.' HE IVlhL, AESO FIT IN . RSPICIiia TESTS. the set-pr smjrie one, without .the 1 aid ot vot's or Springs, being a new and most SUFFICIENT TRIAL WILL BE G1V, EN BEFORE PAYMENT IS DEMAN DED. ;j ;;- ;;.;; ,- ;..f: :. OF PltUGmNG The beneW' of ',his operation is bo truly importantjftha. it is impossible to recom mend it too earnestly to the Public but it is generally de layed too long before they can be effectually stopped; wnereas, if per. formed at the commencement of .decay, or before the nerves are exposed, they may not only be pieserved for a short time, but for the period of a long life. ! - HE ALSO POSSESSES AN w inen win uesiruy me nerve in ju insist)' without the . least ? pain. CARIOUS TEETH extracted without the aid of an 'instrument.' He wi i also remove thar stubborn and disagreeable disease, the :.cuivy. Corns, f J arts, and Nails growing into the flesh, " removed in a few days'. WiTiiUUT TAIN. He will also fit m au artificial Eye to correspond With the Natural Eye VV ITHOUT PAIN. A suffi, cieut trialjvyili be allowed before payment ie demanded ' - j B. Dr. Dillon can at all times,; be found at his office one door above Judgi Daniel's residence unless when absence on business.' - V " r-: "' -. ' '-' ' LADIES will be j Waited on at their lv tilings.!' The Poor attended gratis. II - . . . . I V - : ' ' FOR SALE. N Excellenti pair of ' CAR III AGE HORSES. M ALSO ; ;! ! .' rre 1- Up-Co tint r y WIIIS- KEY, best quality. Apply to ! VV. 1IABRIS. tyri 30, 1831. v 10 tf Twenty Dollars Reward. ANA WAX; sometime- in the montn or xuay iasi, 1 wmie in rne ser vice of Col. Thomas Ousby,) a negro man by the name of Williams belonging to the orphans of James Carstaphen deceased.' He is about 21 or 22 years old, of; common sta tue, yellow complexion, long bushy hair, his upper teeth a little decayed, and" has a down look when spoken to. No other particular marks recollected. I , have been informed thai he was seen in the town of Halifax on Monday of the Christmas hollidays, in com pany with another. runaway negro; and it supposed that he is now lurking in the nei borhood of the town of Halifax or eon where in the county. His mother, (belo ing to the same estate,) lives at Mr. Be SpruiU's, in Scotland Neck, (who owns h husband,) I where he may sometimes vis He has other relations near the town Halifax. : - .: ' " The above reward will j be given for tn apprehension and delivery of the said l negr! to mej or for his confinement in jail so ths I get him jagain. All masters or owners vessels, and others, are hereby cautione against harboring or employing the saidn gro, as the law will be rigidly enforce against all such offendersJ - - RICE B. PIERCE, Guardian. Hahfax, N.C. Jan 14, 1832 4ft t Watchmaker, Jeweller v&s Sihersmill PEGS leave most respectfully inform the citizens of Halifax and vicinity, that he has commenced the aboi business in the shop formerly occupied George C. Daniel, 4 doors above the M sion House and opposite the Farmers otel, where he is prepared to execute all kinds of work in his line.; Those wishing to patron ize him, are assured that no pains shall be spared to give general satisfaction. January 18,1332. 46 tf. ' TOT upprovuu pian, oy'wnicn tun reetn, not on ! i appearance, but by service, are LIT I TLE INTERIOR to the natural teeth. A m 1 1; 1 JS. 1 Attorney, at Law. TmRACTlCES in the County and si Superior Courts of Martin, North ampton" and Halifax - and the Superior Courts of frashinglon.' Whm not absent on professional duty, he will be at his brnce in the Town of Talifaxon Mondays &. Tues cays; at any.othertime at his iesidcnce in the County. ; ' , - ' - Hnlifax 'January, 2C. . ;; , I2a 183$. I CORN FOR SALE. fTpi HE subscriber will sell fromOO U to 300 Barrels Corn, lying on Roan oke River in OconeecheeNeck, near the Town of Halifax, low for Cash at retail or all on a short credit- I Apply to . GEO E. SPRUILL I For retail to R. R A rFLS, on the premises. I April 25, 132. 10 3t HALIFAX N: C. rlHE subscriber having: leased that iarge 1 and conin'.bdious esLabiishuient, The Julugle iioteli situated on Mame Street, ana recently oc cupied by Mr. Joel H. McLeniore, begs leave to inform his friends and- the public, tliat he will be prepared to accommodate them by February Court next. Ife promises shall be tur-iiaheu with the best' the coun try can 1. , , Mill be coiitiiUiitv bUiiihed Witii superio WINES and LIQUOitS; and having pro cuied excellent Hostlers, j ... S & -Til E will be faithfully attended to. , The sufesenber having had some experience as . keeper of a ; PUBLIC HOUSE vears feels a. confidence that he can give general satisfaction, and respectfully solicits, a t-hare of .the public patronage V WILLIAM II. POPE. 1 n i t r,eoruarv 100 2. 49 tf The Petersburg Intelligencer and "Nor folk Herald will insert the above once a vfek for four times and. forward their; ac counts to the subscriber. ; ; ? . I'q .Messrs. I laze kins &, Harris and all others to tt'iom am indebted. j r , TOU will take notice, that at the JLL Court Houe, in the town of Haii ih.x, on Monday of next May Court, I shall proceed to take the Oath prescribed for the benefit of Insolvent Debtors.- When I and where you can attend, if you think proper, WILLIAM H. MORGAN. , 'w 3, 1 i J2. . I. 10 3t jLiiisLR & HUGHES RALEIGH, N, C. fONTINlJE to keep on hand, at 1 1 Viy very tock of reduced prices, an extensive BOOKS &l ' consisting of LAW, MEDICAL, THEO- LOGICAL, CLASSICAL TndMJSCEZ. LANEOUS TFORKS. ' ALSO an extens-ive variety of the latest add most approved Editions of ENGLISH, LATIN, GREEKS FRENCH SCHOOZ. BOOKS. New Novels, Blank Books for Merchants, Clerks" of Courts, Registers &c. ' .':'-:;""":; , (' ' .' . -! -J- A great variety of FANCY ARTICLES, such as are usually kept in Book Stores.; All the new publication regularly; receiv ed as soon as published. - . O Orders for Books will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. - j - ICT T. Si, II. assure the public that thev will' sell Books as low as they are sold at any Book Store. 1"; . - j in the Uourt. llottse of j Northamp ton County and handed to "the sub scriber, a NOTE executed "by R ichard H. IFeaver to Alfred Simmons for thirty-eight dollars. The owner can havit by paying for this advertisement and applying to ! S. milTAKER. JSIay 10. ;.-'.;! lt" 31 " - 3ILES ITASH & CO. Commission Merchants, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, L ' TTD ESPECTFULLY offer their JJLO services to their friends and the pu;i:c generally, nd hope by strict attent tion to business to merit u share of patron age. '. ' f' - - j . : -L V. 1 -Mnii V M I yQroIl', Va. May 1, ;1832r 10 12m NL W FTT HE subscriber has returned fton LI the North and is now opening, a lnrge ard handsome assortment of INDIA, FRENCH. BRITISH and AMERICAN HARD WA RE, CB O CKK P; Yx ; --GROSERiESfc:' whiert he will t3isp- ff at uiosl reasona ble prices fo CASH or to punctual CUs tomers on the usual credit. , H. S.. HAYNES. Halifax Jllay 1. 1 fry?. " f JJrs. 'Lf. h UjliTtTsr ETURNS her thanks to the citi- lzens 01 tlaliiax and its vinmtv lor. the liberal patronage with w hich she has heretofore been favoured, jand respectfully invites them to call and'examine her imnlv. ; - . - - . rr J . consisting of the lateet Northern fashions She assures her customers that .GOOI) will be offered by her on the most mod rate terms for CaWi, or on a ' short cretiir to such as are punctual. I Mro. VV. requests all who are" indoUod to her previous to the 1st January last to callarjd settle their accounts as she is com pelled to make collections to enable her to continue business. .Vfty 10 t324 '-. ntf., POS TPONED SALE. rpHE Valuable Real Estate, con- LMPROVEVUVACANT LOTS m the Town of ya'ifax, b. lonfiino i,r subscribe, heretofore advertised -to'be hold on the 23d day of April, has been po-po-'. ned and will be positively sold at Public. Auction on Monday the 21st instant being the first day, of May Court. ' If desired some of the improved' lots will be divided to suit purchasers Terms made known on day of sqev " K J. T. CL ANTON. May 10. 1f?32. , 1 I ids GENERAL COLLECTING . :" ' AGENCY. rrrHE subscriber continues to de-. JUL vote his whole attention to the col lec'ion of claims, and all other business con nected therewith. He may bo found, at all times, at his office nearly opposite the Farmers Hoteh HENRYWILKES. : II 3t Jlfuy 10. NE W SPRING aoOhS. HE subscribers take pleasure in -. informinfr their friends and ttie nub- that their supply of SPRING GOODS Inow at hand and, ready for examination, lineir store. rneir Stock wi he fnnnd comprise a general and extensive as- )rtment of . " ' jroceries, Crockery, China; Hardware, Cutlery, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Saddlery, Urn J brellas, Parasols, Oils, Paints, Drugs, Medi cines; Tin Ware, Stone Ware, Looking Glasses, Sole, Upper and Harness Leather, Morocco Sheep Skins, Boohs and Station dry &?c. fyc. ! They have on hand, and will continue b receive during the season, TRIMMED. A ROE HERRINGS put up expressly for Pamily use. They have also on hand; 5CO BARRESS COEH, 15,000 lbs. Prime BACON, all of which will Ie sold low for Cash, orT on their usuhI credit to punctual custom-' ers. DUNNS, FERE ALL A Co. Halifax, May 1C32. '. ' tf : FOR SALE, A'tBAROUCHE AND HARNESS, for I or 2 hoiss. made V rrdc -. . CAMPFIELD, HEDENBURG & Co. J, WESTON, WHITE & Co. Dec. 13, 1831. ' 4 tf ; --3" .. 10, 1G31. i 4 I v.' s A.