i tf i BY EDM. B. FREEMAN AnVOCATt. will T i." . : 'iT,rr nt 2 Dcr nnnum. in . a msv rim aia m K v . . c it nn v II i in i. us uu i!- ' ha I ;errn tinned until all ar ' wei- . r . are paid, unless at ana a jttwuic w will be considered &a anew J,U ,- - i,.utimps for the option of botify a dis V.i icr; -.1 i3-V.CC one square or pJne Dollar, r'v-five cents for every ( subsequent k.nszer oa'is in proportion De M I II P t ft"' " , A I. oraerca, auu cawi it ilii continued unless continuance f of iVortn arouncL ' lAliFAX COUNTY. f Vurf leas and Quarter Sessions. .t.;.-;. i mi. lav ,'Urigt.,Aua V 'fir "I : tl. vr. , l UIIU11 BUUIUiVMICU t; l: t L ' 3 uarnidnee. Vf V fi : i iiiati to appear to the sat- or tlit; uouri, lawt tne ueien w - - is iiot a n iniiapitant of the t i . i i r :l l ,i kiioanoke tiiC'iinil. t: ti t? C u0! uay : A cap) : the town of lalifak, notifying Vin. S. Burt to apsLear at the . j ,tir. to be held for to uit-iiouse therein, ot l 'August next, &. rei lsejudgmeot will bcj -teste, 'M. II. Trice Ad i '3 50. . Advocate,' aid county the lima ey or plead eotered a- PETTWAY, Clkt 14 6w i2t.ii.'- - tit. .Mtivtii $ .nriklirirt.- in niitu Fall Term ibiii. I ward L Noxiy anil wile and others M 'I ap taring to the Court that since JS luu II jOIT Oi litis Dill, iVlArtl'UA iltJbo- t x-!, oua i the devisees ot Junii iNiciiuias hd lor whom tne Complainant wad guardian at tne tune ol hi- hn iiitorcuarriea lwiih a cer . . . r 1 - tt . iMOLi,; ana u also up 12 Uiis cafi ta u Utoa jpc iiiny to lie Court that the saiu Utorge ) . .iNoilv ntl'hib said wile ard not muau- ilijts oi tt s biate: wheTeupoii ou motion o :ne ccai iainuut oy ma couobei leave lb ruiiTied lin r, to amend his huhy making 1 tk-.saiu Uc )i ire v . XSoiiy.and ni eaid wiie pc.rtie.4 Dti mdanis thereLo; li ia therefore tudeu) the Koi.toKE Advocatk, a news- taor print :d in the t own ol Mahiax, tor 6ii: euccrt tive weeks, notifying the said George h'r. ft oily and wire thai unless they .)pc d'r at :lie htixL Court of iiiuuity to be led for l icuur.ty of iMorthaihpton at the Court 1 li use irf the town oil Jackson on the 5th Al moay 'aftfr the 4th ionday in next and plead, answer or de Bii r to in ? comnlainajat8eaia bill ot com plaint, tlx ?ty:iit! will be taken pro coufesso iacl he ari exparte as to. them. A Cop: H Test JOHN D. AMIS, C. M. E. Pr. Ad . iJ,50 I .1 13 6 w TO IMPORTANT SEALED Prono;a1c -will Kio maT key ved by the subscribers, until the 20tH July, ifor erecting on the Court House square in trie town of Halifax A FIRE PROOF BUILDING thirty two feet by 24, 12 leet pitch co vuc ieei oy id wnn noors or stone o eopa DricK to be completed by the 20t r eoruary IB33. i-'or iurt'ier particular reference can be had to a plan filed in th the CIerk of the County court o Halifaic county a copy of which can be fur nished on application, to any person wish wgto Contract. Proposals must De addressed to "Thrf commissioners tor building a Fire Proo nousein naniax'r and no DroDosnl will 1 .-.. .... 4 r - wM conclusive uniu tne bidder is nathA t?,M of by the Commissioners. : Abr'KilD V. SIMMONS, M. 11. PETTYVAY RICE B. PIERCE, M T. PONTON, JA. .SIMMONS, THOMAS OUSRV. STTTbe Raleich R E- . ... . O WAJ V. xaminer will msprt th Wr i i . - . tutjca aim lor ward l heir account to the Commissioners &.C. " ': Jv7ie79ip2. :.. ; 15 5t O WENS, NE IV SPRING GOODS. MAVING purchased the stock 6ft rfTIIE .subscribers take pleasure in Berry andOwens, respectfully: iu- informing their friends an J tho pub- forms the citizens of Halifax and its vicini- lie', that their supply of SPRING GOODM ty that he still occupies the same stand, and will constantly keep on. hand a good assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's BOOTS arid SHOES of every description, which-will bq sold cheap for cash Work of every kind, manufactured out of the best materials and at the shortest no tice, j , ,J .';.' He has just received a new and excellent material for Gentlemen's summer shoes. ; April 1832. ; 6 tf is now at hand and ready for examination, at their Store. Their iStock will be found to comprise a general and extensive. asv sortment of ! SPUR I S-OFrThhE-PITT. 7 Alain of Cocks will be fought jftA.- at Heathsville for $100 a side, to commence On Friday the 29th instnnt and continue two days, (LT The person who took,, through mis take, from Mr.- Batchellor's some time du ring the cock right in May last, a Jackson Great Coat, will do the owner a favour by returning it at the above time, as it is presu med he can have no fnrther use for it, now the weather has become so warm. June2t 183. ; 17 f .' I' S3 it ; i Stale of ftorlbt Carolina , VASH COUNT Sit Mrior WILLIAM H. BROWN RETURNS his thanks to the liberal support and en- rmirairnmont lin...r wivm. - ucreioiQir 5 extended to him, and takes this method of informing them, arid all others who may be disposed to honor! him with their custom j that ho hna large and hafidsome assortment of LEA THERj consisting of Calf, Sealskin, Morocco and Sole Leather, of a Vry superior quality; and having, in his employment, three of the best workmen that can be procured, is en abled to manufacture work in the newest and mpt approved stvle, not inferior to a ny in this country. Every exertion will mad to give general satisfaction and ordVrs will meet the most prompt attention. His sock on hand consists of Gentlernen's Calf, Sealskin and Mo SHOCCO SPRINGS. ATjHE Subcaiber respectfully informs thelj a&cpuDiic, inai ner nouses win do pre pared for the reception of yisitors on the 1st June next. i - It would be superfluous in me to say any thing of the benefits o the water, as those who . have tried ( it will ready testify to its advantageous effects, j The subscriber deems it only ; necassary to say that her buildings are all iti good repair, her rooms well furnished large and numer ous; and that her Table will be supplied with the best the country . affords and her bar with various kinds of Wines and Li quors of every description. The subscri ber feels assured that tha preparations she has made for the accommodation of her boarders Cannot fail to pleascv ! ANN JOHNSON. Warren ton County A.:C. ) May, Z8, 1032. ' 14 Cw P. S. There will be a ball furnished at Shocco Sprinffs complimeutory to j Gen. Andrew Jackson on the eveninors of the 10th and 11th of July nrzt. The 'music will be inferior to none in this section of rountrv. " t ' roccp Boots " Calf, Sealskin 41 Vu it and Moroco shoes of various mils and - ; patterns. ' . nL'?utS Scals Shoes and Boots rUofh,i'pwn 'nufartunng. To whicl Ladies Prunella Shoes, with or with tt (C Bronse Morocco Shoes slides (a new articleV iaiter tnot witl Misses Prunella, Sealskin and Mo rocco Shoes "J3 oest. cr various -Qualities v-fc supriip. iar Court of Manhlcrin 1832. Kouirnicp'i lent Pocitidn for Jeion Ke ;t. I 4 It 1 iDivorce. I appears to trie d tisfactiori of tbu Court that the 3,it. ftelson Kent, is , nail n inViahi.' f y - y tiu mm t (A "lhi3 State: It isthereibre ordered y-.t ullici tion be made in tlio Roanoke ADvvcirr aad Raleigh Register for three trnt ia, to the. end that the said Nel soq may appear at the next coujrt to be held the coux.ty of Nash, at the colirt House M iashvili?, on the third Monday in Sep leaber nest, then and there to ; lead answer fr uemar to the allegations in be said Pe-; Uiorx otherwise the same will e taken as .l.ro cojt.$so and heard ex parte- ' Price Adv. $5 J H. DitftKE aN. c. s. .16 3m JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBER. rtflri arls First Qbality Cut 20 dozen London Porter. I ! ft , best Claret fine " ,best Cordials (assorted), -0 1bs.. Sdlt Shell Almonds. ; " v cozen Sifieer? and iLorrUIardj . scotcfii Sniiff.- ! . ; " best English Plaj ing Cards ( fresh Cologne Wkter. rcneral assortment of Tii ware. JOSHU CORPREW. : RUNAWAY in May last, ut'" Bina, oy tne name negro tor- TUl of, TOM. 'Said to Mr. Bev and is -well erly belono-edl y.i Daniel nowmn the tbwn ofHaii iax Any Person that will uelrver eaid n?ro JO e paid the above rewarc: to me will "ho kept complete by rerul ju.uiit,ano ventiemen are rrRTPf.P.,ii. calU and jfjxaraino the. 'stock in do oriered low for cash invited which w April p, 1R32. 5 tf FO? ELAN. I RANAWAY, on the 28th u.timo, from my plantation on Stono House Creek, about three miles South of ill. William Eaton's Ferry, ne gro ELAN; " formerly the property of Doct. John T. Clapton, of Haiifaxjcounty, Ni C. He'iB about 5 feet 10 inches high, no particular marks recol lected, arid is between 19 and 21 years of age. I j purchased him at public sale, in the town of Halifax, at last Novembe: Cout, rind have no doubt he is lurking a -bout DrL CIanton'6 plantation or neighbor hood. j. will give the above reward, if de livered to my overseer at the above men tioned plantation or at my plantation Ree4 dy Creek; or five dollars if lodged in any iaii so mat i get iuui biu. J PETER MITCHELL. Warrepton Junell. V 15 tf dee'd. J to ; NOTICE, y THE subscriber offers foij sale, his House and Lots in the town of Halifax, lite the residence of Mrs. Mary Stitfi For terms apply at this Office or N. L. 13. STITH. JOURNEYMEN TAILORS J&J IT'L meet -v'ith steady emplo3' ' v m'ent hv ;ir'mr-i:tt.e nnolicgtmn to Wtl LTAM IT DANIEL. HaVfar .V C . : .Ttw It, 1H1?J !6 tf TURNER HUGHE RALEIGH, N. C. ZplONTlNUE to keep n hand, at xly verv reduced prices, an extensive - j stock of . !- :i . ; - : BOOKS at STilTIOTT- conPistintr of LAW, MliHlCJAl TrlEO LOGIC AT., CLASSICAL and MISCEZ, LANEOUS FTORKS. ALSO an i Siive variety of the latest add most approved Editions of ENGLISH, LATIN, GREEK& FRENCH SCHOO: BOOKS. New Novels, Blank Books for Merchants, Clerks of Courts, Registers &c. A jrreat variety of FANCY ARTICLES, such as are usually kept in JJook btores. All the new publication regularly receiv od as Foon as published. ' ITT Ordcrs.ibr "Books will be thankfully received and promotly attended to. IO T. &, IT. assure the public that they will sell Books as low as they are . soid at any Book Store. May 2, 1032 10 6m i i Is a l I j V X- SS 222 T S , HALIFAX, N. C. JUST RECEIVING "?PY Sprinp supply of Drugs and IfjEt r.Iicines from New York, consis ting of Tilm very article nsually kept by nn Apo'H''" rv . J t ' - A good assortment of Confectionaries and daily expected, a further supply from Nor folk, .!.-: ... ', i ,i ; . , ALSO, a quantity of good FLOUR, prices varying from $5,M) to 6,75, &c. &c. &c. i ; In a few days, will be received On con signment, two hundred barrels of CORN; also 100 bbls CUT HERRINGS , I shall, at all times, be pleasea to attend To my friends, whether they apply in per son or by order; and will take this opportu nity to suggest to my customers, who j have suffered their accounts to stand open be yond theusual time (some,ever since I com menced business) that if they are not clo sed immediately, justice will require my oursuinsr a legal course for collection. - JOS; L. SIMMONS, IlaUfdT April 6. 7-tf Groceries; Crockery, China ; Hardware, Cutler?, Hats, nooisiioesy Saddlery, I m brcllas, Parasols, Oils, Paints, Drugs, Medi- cines; lix Ware, Stone Ware, Looking Glasses, vote, upper and Tin eather, Morocco Se Sirm kins, Bocks and Station ry fyc $?c. r hey have on hand, and trill rttnt!mi. receive during thr. awn TDntmn f ROE HERRINGS, W u; or rarn.iy use. They, have also on hand 50O BimSlBSS CORK-, 15,000 IbsV prime n A POIV all of which will I on their usuj crem to punctual custom ers . DUNNS PP. R Tf a t r uaiijax, May 1C32. tf T1 H ALL, being the accredited VLO agent-of Wm Swatm, is constaritjif receiving supplies of Hhe Panacra, tonse quently persons purchasing of birri mav re ly upon its being fresh and genuine Vhich are matters of some consequer.ee, there be pg sd many spurious imitations falculated to deceive the public. Price Two dollars per bottle. Noifolk, Aug. 10, 1K31. v NOTICE. May 7, 1831f 12 tf FOR SALE. TIORN, FODDER BACON & Vly LARD. wlyto 18 52. BURGES 7 ft iS. ; TICSTilSlSK, Attorney at Law TmRACTICES in the County and UTa SopWrior Courts of "Martin, NorthJ arnptojbf and Halifax and the Superior Ccurtliof .Fushino'ton. JFiien not absent offcUional duty, he will be at his office f Vj of H&Wfax on Mondays &. Tues ! at atV nthnr t i mo at h,Q TfilAnf in . X - W M.w .W.MWUVW .U WSTOIT WHITE &;G0 Have just received from New York A NEW AND IIANDSOIVIE ASSORTMENT! OF In which will be found an extensive variety of rich and fashionable articles of the lates and most admired patterns. . . ALSO ADDITIONAL SUPPLIES OF HARDWARE, CUTLER?, DRUGS, MEDICINES, The public are respectfully invited to aTl and examine their GOODS, which, they confidently assert, will be offered oh. the most reasonable terms. , j. May 10 1832. ! H tf FOR SJLP OR HIRE ONE Sulky and Harness,' I j One New Waggon and Harness, j , Two good Mules and 4 Two first rate Horses. i.' JOSHUA, CORPREW. Halifax S". C. June 18, 1332. 17 tf BfjlHE subscriber diavine: leased that la rare and commodious establishment The Eagle Hotel, situated on Maine Street, and recently oc copied by Mr. Jo.e) H. McLemore,' begs leave to inform his friends and the public. that he will be prepared to accommodate them by Febrmrv Court next. He promises HIS TABLE - v: shall bf t urniphed with the best the coun try can affor 1. . ; "v. MWM ;-&5&'.: ;:!.'" Mill be conslantlv supplied with superior WINES and LIQUORS; and having pro em ed excellent Hostlers, 13 Z S STA B Zi ss will be faithfully attended to The subscriber having had; some years experience as keeper of a - PUBLIC HOUSE feels a confidence that he can give ijeneral satisfaction, and respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage . WILLIAM H. POPE. February 1 832. . 49 tf; NOTICE. Meeting of the Slockholders of the WELDON TOLL BRIDGE COMPANY will be held at Weldon, on Monday the 2d day of July next. "COMMISSIONERS. Jtxne 20, 1832. 17 tf rmHE highest CASH PRICE will JUL . be given for 25 or 20 OBIfG. Negroes between the ages o 9 and 25 years; : . . WILLIAM CI. POPE. ' ; May 10 11 tf . v ' .- -T- . . : . (Carolina. . 1 A. State of North NASH COUNTY. Superior Court of Lau : ' . March Term 1 632. : -Matilda Durham 1 ' ; V . , v , 1 Petition for Divorce Josiah Durham ) tDLHEREAS it appears to the 'V V atisfactirn of the Court that the defendant Josiah Durham is not an inhabi tant of this State.- It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Roanokd A by oc ate and Raleigh Register tot three mouths, to the end that the said Josf ah may appear at the next court to be held for. the county of Nah, at the Court Housd in Nashville, on the third Monday : in - Sep tember next, then and there to plead, art swer or demur to the allegstionsinhD-Faitl petition, otherwise the same will be takes prd confetto and heard ex parte. J. H. DRAKE, C N. S. C. Price Adv. $5. 16 3m JUST RECEIVED. Barrels of Corn, iri ex cellent order. j " - 75 Barrels No. 3. Mackerel. 40 Casks Thomaston Stone Lime, 8 Hhds. N. O. Molasses, 7 N. O. and St. C. Sugars, 3 ' Baltimore Whiskey, 4 " N. E., Rum. v . 2 Barrels fresh Butter Crackers', -25 Kegs Wro Vand fcCut Nails from 1 i to 40 d.- , 4 Box Prime Apple cheese' For sale on accommodating terms, by I JOSHUA CORPREW. 5 . Jlay 17. 12 it - A Valuable Country Stand FOR SALE AT AUCTION. TTDURSUANT to an interiocuto 1 I ry decree of the Court of Equity for Halifax county, I shall offer for sale on Sat urday the 7th day of Jo 'y that well known and valuable Public Stand called v v . ; EE ATETIIaljS ! about ten miles, from the town of Halifax. Sale on the premises Terms 12 months credit on bond with good security bearing interest, from the date. V'f E B. FREEMAN, C M. E. ' iltfjf, - 13 tds 1 FORTUNES FAVORS! SYLVESTERS OFFICE, No. 33, Baltimore Street. OFFICIAL DBA WING. OF THE J EW I ORK LOTTERY, No. 1T Drawn June 6th, 1832. ; 19 63 20 43 17 24 58 34 5 42 " 19 20 63, Prize $.'20,000, was sold by tljeV 'all and ever lucky" Sylvester!! in a Certificated to a gentleman in kn ad joining State.: b .; . When it is 1 remembered that only a fever .weeks since, SYLVESTER then sold the capital prize, which was another $20,000 biju iue yvckh fjn-iuue iu n:ai inn capuax prize of 30,000, both of which he alsc promptly paid we taay indeed term euch an extraordinary run of good fortune un precedented, and impartial persona will ad mit that more prizes are sold oythe "all and ever lucky" Stlvestek, than by any other vender , in the United Slates- He & regularly licensed by the State, and all or ders addressed to him are sure to meet vlt!i prompt attention. ' : . The above; with - maoy other; Capital prizes, were actually told by Dame For tune's only Agent, S-Ji SYLVESTER. ICTOur distant friends willpleasa addres? all orders for Tickets, by Mail to -v : S J. SYLVESTER, ''. ' "' '-v . .: Baltimore. ATI letters addressed as aboe trill receive the same attention aar on personal application, and the official statement of tha drawing will be forwarded ..to each ad ven- turer. . ;: :''-- . : B ACON LA RD & HER it INGS For sale by JOS. JLr. r JNa d. NEVILL- unt 1832. 15 tf 4a JaN7,26. 12m For sale at this fir&