THK JMM.NQKK ADVOCAT WPUSIBHEJ) BIT EDMUND B. FREEMAN ; nnce a week at $2,50 per annum, in ad ance, r $i if payment is out mad a within f paid, unless ; at, the bptionol) -continuanco will be considered is anew ?vecTtments, making one Jquare or inserted tkree times ,ior; On 5 Dollar rLl twenty-fife cents for every su jsequen " - ..... V..f nnpa m proportion. All insertion, io6 -. , . CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTY. VO&.. 30. 185. HALIFAX, W.iCT. SEPTSMBJSK O, 1832 continued unJcss AnTfA . and each continuance otherwise barged. rrpHE subscribers take pleasure in i i informing 'their friends and lie pub a"y SPRING 300DS is how at hand and ready for exaL nnation it their Store. Their Stock will e found to comprise a- general and j extensive as sortment of ; ;..'..; China. Groceries, Crockery, xiaruwui c, Boots: Shoes, Saddlerrt, Cm brellasy Pdrasohy Oils, Faints, Drugs, A & Medi cines; Tin Ware, Stone Ware Looking Sole, Upper and H irness Leather Morocco Sheep Sfcihs, Books '. and Station ary fyc. &c. The v have on hand, and will to receive during the Eeasbo, 'TR united, self governed and free. If wears do badges but those he won in thu service of his country- the scars of free donis soldier! ' Ua could have dodq more honorabie--he can find pone rjior honored! Peace to his declining year? And, ah! ia there one heart here not one but can and will unite i.i the fer ltffli ait Anirnct 1 last) ii MOROCCO POCKET BOOK, containing the following notes: one made payable by Dixie C Fenner to the subscriber, with interest one day after date, &dated 12th May last for sixty eight dollars and forty two cents with a credit thereon of Ten Dollars; John iT. Clanton'ii due bill without seal, for twenty four dol lars ard forty four cents, payable to, the subscriber, dated some time in the early nart rftlif tirocont ppa r- nnil H !!-. ntlior 1 ' - - i ..... . . I. . l. . I ' ' . - 1 notes made payable to the same by Eliza-.iJcu(HU,l'u cuuuui. lau to arrest tne at- Froni the Raleigh Star. NORTH CAROLINA. At our request, Vm H. HaywoorJ, Jr. iEsq. has obligingly furnishecFus with the following extract from1 his Oration, delivered hi this city on the 4th July. It is the1 concluding! part of the address, and relates solely to the: declaration of Independence by the patriots of .Mecklenburga sub- cancelled. Au indifference to their lameJv:nt . J,.f5cr. hat tlie G6d f Heave,,, which is almost unpardonable, had suffer i . i-u ... . i r- WHO suitiucu unit figiiiusi IX1U IOCS Ol OUt "A betli Duberry, two of which 1 have receiv ed full satisfaction for. There are oilier papers of inconsiderable value such as re ceipts &e Any person iinding the said book and delivering1 the fame tlogetlier With all the papers, shall be liberally rewarded LUNSFORD SMITH. Halifax Sept. 4, 1032 28 3vv KTIiii piantatioa' on vhich 1 formerly resiaea, suuateu in tne most heal thy par of Halifax county, and contain bv actual survev I ' !'!" ' 601 ilCESS OS1 SiiTSl The dwelling house is particularly valua ble, being very large and convenient, '.vith all necessary outhouses. The a bove property will be sold very low as the subscriber is determined to remove from the State. ; Those who aro dispos- tention of every North Carolinian who possesses the least patriotism or State pride. ; j Fcliotx-Citizens My imperfect lask is ended. 1 have repeated to you lan old story; but it is the tale of our country, and therefore it cannot be destitute of in terest ou a day like this. May I not be allowed to trespass a few minutes longer, whilb we induige the prido of North Car olinians, and rehearso the deeds j tuat gave imperishable fame to our oWii Stalel More than a year before the Declara tion of lndeendeuce by the other ! colo nies, the Patriots of Mecklenburg, who j assembled at Charlotte, did resolve 10 be free. Jt a is short, but interesting his- fJJv5, ri 1 examine the property for themselves. St ROE HERRINGS put up Expressly ., .t n . ? m rn,,..;.,:,..' i5 Li u'a 1 reside near the premises will afford anv information which might he desired. 500 COMIX j 15,006 lbs. l'nme liAUUlN, all of which will be sold low for on their usual credit to punctual crs DUNNS, F ERR ALL Halifax, May 1832. or custom-. f JB: m SON. E: 22 Si T? T T Til f t'TT!7n 1 CRO fmUE Races over j the Silver O Hirj. CouHSE, near the town or Jackson, Northampton county, Nbrth Car- blind, vi!L commence on Wednesday, tne 17th day of October next, and ihreo davs. I First rniA sweeb-stakes ttbr three rear old colts and fillies which haVe never won a race -$100 entrances-half tprfeit mile h'patd. Also, on the samd j clay, a Match race will take place between two 3 year old Shawanee tiliies for $,400 two mile heats. if j , . 1 Second Day The Proprietors Purse, -two Tiiiie heats-4-20 en Thomas , W. Lassiter, will mafke known the terms of safe to those who are desirous of purchasing. JOSEPH J; GRAY. IG 1032. ; I : 25 7t 1 I ,. . Aug. $200, money uj Ciance. Third Day The Jocky Club Purse, OO. subiect to the usual discount three I , mil beats eiitrance. 1 AH entries to be made with the jProprie tor by H o'clocK, the evening previous to oacb day s race The Proprietor flatters ljimself that this tract ishot surpasried by any in the Uni ted States the soil neither, too hard nor too soft, and perfectly level raHpd inside arid out all founu measures one mule and four inches, four feet from the inpidc rail injr. The best of stables and litter fumiah ed race horses Gratis. : JOHN WHITE,- vf Jactcstm, i KOPIIIKTOR. 2'i St Jupust 10 1C33. ; ICTTliC Petersburg Intelligchcer and 'Norfolk Herald will insert Ihe above four times, once a week, and forward their ac counts to the Proprietor. I f ! BOOS1 LAND FOR SALE. " Will sell, or lease for a term of years, the' I ract of Land and Premises whereon I now live, containing j 350 AaB.E S, lying on the south side of the road leading from Halifax to Warrenlon, and tea miles west of the former place. On said land is a good Dwelling house "frith all other necetsary out houses: Also a Cotton Gin and Screw for packing. The land can-be bought on terms to suit almost at ny person from one to rive annual pay ments w ill be given the ! purchaser if re quired. I will also sell the cropnow growing on said land (whkh consists chielly of Corn and Crtttpn) on a credit of twelve months. Persons wis-hing to pur chase wilfplease call 90 the subscriber between this and the first of October next. JNO.JD. NEV1LL. Halifax County, l ' Jlui'ust llh, li)32. S . torywe have of it. Do 1 mistake iu be lieving it possible that there are even in this assembly some who may be ignorant at least of all but the general facts'? Should 1 be excused then if 1 would per mit such -en opportunity for rehearsing this noble deed of generous patriotism to pass Unimproved? Let us rather recur to it on tit occasions, and to the proofs which authenticate it, until it has been made a subject more familiar to the his tory of our, country. j j On the 20th May, 1775,. the delegates of Mecklenbtirg county being assembled at Charlotte did resolve by a unanimous vote astbllows: M i"Jiesohcd That whosoever directly or indirectly abetted, or ir any way, form or manner, countenanced the unchartered and dangerous invasion of our rights, as claim ed by Great liritain, is an enemy to this country, to America, audio the inherent and iuuliauable rights of man. ! i . Resolved, TliailKve, the citizens of Meek lenbui i; couniy, do hereby'; di&oivo the pol ical bands which have connected us to the mother country, aud iierehy absolve our acives from ail allegiance to tbv BritisU down, and abjure ali political couneclion, 1 CMblruct, ' vr at'sociatiou, with th;it laation. j who have wantonly trcmpled . on.ouririih'is and liberties, and iuhuiiiuiiiy shed this Lioo'd oi Ailivii'i ' ui uiiicts at icxiiiton. -i ed the remembrance ot their noble val our and high sense of liberty and devoted love of country to die ere the last of them bad sunk into the grave. Yet for tunate for the cause of truth! fortunate lor their fame j and . most fortumte for the honor of our Statel the evidence that is now collected; attests the truth of our pretensions, and -places them beyond the reach of all cavil. Shall we forget to re joice too that the same evidence has wi ped on the stain of political disgrace. which a distinguished cotemporary had placed upon the memory of one of Caro lina's earliest, steadiest, stoutest cham pions iu the cause of liberty and our coun try, and presents in the real colours of pure patriotism, the name and character of our departed Hooper' Associated as he was in office with his compatriot, Cus zvell, with him, he lives in ihe memory of Carolina with him be is still connected with the proud recollections which crowd themselves to-day upon pur minds as citizens of this' Statu and this country. .1 ue present generation lias dispelled the cloud which mistaken kaste or a declining age may have thrown incautiously over his claims to be honored among the real patriots of '76, and posterity will now maintain his well settled right to the short, but significant and honorable title of our bravest' fathers l!An American 25 tf IVhigl" I But how shall we do just honor to him who was the Jirst herald of American In dependence He is long since gone to the tomb. That tongue ; which uttered the hrst cry! of "Independence" is now silenced forever. . He has not lived to wituess the meridian splendours of that day, whose dawn he proclaimed, though he was spared to view the splen did monument which was erected by our fathers to their own fame "Our Union, and OUr Constitution!" This will last as iongSas American liberty. May. the) both last forever! But something is due IronuNorm Carolina to proclaim her own ilouor, aud to give utterance to her just" pride at the niames. and deeds of the Mecklenburg p.uiiois. ! Let then tiie es culcii.con of our State -be emblazoned vyitit a significant memorial til" thoe pa- good old wea- country, may tpare him, and keep, biu back lung very Ion; Irorn bis lather an4 his companions, . Roanoke Inlet. In a former ncmbpr we expressed a wish that the several counties on the Albemarle audits tribu tary waters would organize themselves into active associations, communing with each other on the most etHcient means for opening this important passage be tween the ocean and the Sound. If it is desirable that all the Reports made in re latiou to it should hrst be placed before the people, we will take care that shall soon be done. In the mean time how-, ever, we thjnk that some preparatory movements should be made. 10 the counj ties without delav, ' s The importance of the contemplated improvement is admitted on all hanos, the practicability of effecting it, and il$ durabilitynvhcu effected, admit of no ra, tional doubt. The principal question for consideration therefore is. 'By what means can the necessary funds bo tnoro certainly procured, aud benclkialiy Ve will barely mention tnree source5t which, for the present, we leave with tho people-for separate examination. 1st. The State Treasury, out-of a ge-r neral State tax for that purpose, or by a loan to be reimbursed by a"h'" impost 014 the passing commerce. 2d. A voluntary tax, contributed by the counties bordering on Albemarle. Sound and the Roanoke and Chowan riv ers, . " 3d. The private funds of an incorpoV rated company, reimbursing themselves by a toll ou vessels. -Elizabeth City Adz triots in tlie worils of the ihci-oeaitn soldier, whos. died memory kiu- up with! no other recollection- 'liCSOlCll, 'i'lkixl wc do,; hereby declare out selves a free und ludepcndent ijcbiilc arei and of rio-ut'ourhl to be, a sovuri'ijrn aud self governing Atoeiuiiou, under the co:i trolo' no pouct ot tau' that of our Crot, and the . L;eneral i; -.; oiiiiucut of the; Con-' gross; to the tiiaileiiunce of which iuda- ijendeiice, we soieiiiwiy pledge to each oth- - j er our natural co-on.iratMh. oar fives our FOR' SALE OR HIRE and our nto.siurcd wiioti' - jiieie spuiwu lorii'i me spirit 01 jouf jOc.'i ayet Tarii Jt'olh 'declared Indepen dence long before any body cae.' L.el tiio ciijzen sofdiers oi our fctate adopt it s the aLchwordof liberty, and iuscrire ii among tLe stars and Stripes of their waviog banner; and .when the liberality ot our Legislature shall have restored to its pristine beauty the unrivalled semb lance of our couuty s saviour, and reared another monument to (tictr taste, iu the ONE Sulky and Harness, j One New Waggon and Harness, Two good Mules and J Two first rate Horses.' - I JOSHUA CORPREW. .Halifax -Jf. C. Jane KJ, 2 7 tl '4t. .'s; wazTAkBR; :" . Attorney at Laiv, "gllACTlCES in the County and SQJ"r Superior Courts of .Martin, A'oith aujpton and Halifax and the Superior Courts of T'ihingLon. jrhvn not absent ancestors my Ir.'endti 'I hose resoluliooi were proclaimed by the herald of the As sociation, (Uul. Thomas Polk, the.father of our vencrabiu fe!!ow ciiizeu,) aud they met tho wajtii sanction of the; stout hearts of citizens of the country: then as sembled at Charlotte. They werb sent Jiapjs Community. The follow-1 ing historical sketch of the celebrated community of Germans, know n by thtr name of their founder, we have ex? traded from the correspondent of thcr" Young Men's Advocate: About the year 17i55, Mr. Rapp, who liien resided in Wurlenburgh in Germa ny, believing that the Lutheran religion had become corrupted, felt himseSPimpcl led to raise a war jiug voice agaiust these corruptions, and being joined by( a num ber, of fodowers about the yearlotM, came to Ameri -a, and purchased nina thousand acres of land on the Conaquen ing. Theyjaid but a town on this land, which they called Harmony, and formed a constitution for their government, havr tng for its basis the following verse in the Acts of the Apostles "And the multi tude of those that believed were of ono heart and of one soul. Neither said anv on to our ueicnrates m Congress, vvith m- ,v ' , . , . . , , , -iT 1 ? i the eilects ot a tusk master, that he has ; struclions liiat iiiey should be hud bolero . ., , ... . . , ; 1 . . ; t ,1 , state.'pnde to clierish and to indulge that bodv, and sauttioncd there. ; In that 1 1 .,, ; , . ... .e erection of a sp!ou.hd capital surely tho of them that augLt of the things he pos- t-ons ol iSorth Caroiina patriots Will grate fully record in some appropriate and con spicuous part of it llie burning words of liberty audthu honored names of the pa triots of Mecklenburg. These will at least prove that we are not forgetful ot our fathers. They will catch the gaze ) Lot the curious aud inquisitive, child of Carolina, and he will thus learn, without a there wore many who respond ed with alacrity, and all were willing to Connresii ; on professional duty, he at, his odice j Chi-ur thr bmrit which1 gave i birth to 111 the iownot 7auiaxoniUonu.ijui 1 ue.s t sucii a step, vet America wus uot cuiie FASHIONABLE 'SHdiS'-.1:1 TV) HAS just received from Norfolk, a beautiful S1 assortment of Gdiitlcmens MWM Boots, Shoes antt Pumps; ttS&irf Ladies, Misses, Boys and mM Children Shoes, Kf all des- fclvl criptions which i he 4 will "HSm sell low for Cash, or on a -5:-iv? credit to punctu'e 1 custom ers. Having in his employment ' he best o workmen, he continues to manufacture Gentlemen's Boots, Shoes and Putnps in the neatest manner, of . the;'." most .'-'fashionable atvle arid calculated to crive Vendral satis- - W - days; at tony other time at hisi residence in tne CouAty- Halifax January ! ready lor ti:;s bold, decided and irrevo- iaeiion. 19 ew 4 w e b.w 2m FAMILY FLOUli. nAMlI.Y nndbunerlinerilour, re- ceived thb day and for sale low for cah bv WALL & HARDEE, Who wish to hire tor the balabce of the Tear a Deo-ro man of stead v habits to attend about a Ware House. ! : JFeldon A?iruSt. 23. 1032. 27 tf " 7 . . . - BACON LARD So IIERIUNGS I"or sale by . ! JOS. L SIMMONS. June 6. .1832. 1 ! 1-5 --tf NOTICE. HjL. biock ,01 oooas, now on! hand, will be offered, from this dale, at Cost, or a liberal deduction from cost andveharges a any peisou who w ishes to purchase the whole stock. Merchants! woidddo welt to examine the assortment be fore they go to the Northj as tiie stock is large, amounting to 15 Oil 17,000 DOLLARS. well laid .in by myself. Tho ; Goods have been kept iu excellent order- arnongjt the nm 1 cable severance. Clout Uritain had op- I pressed, '..ul she had net i:ca hired for- 1 ciirn LroOiis la invade their colonies, and own Consul utiou had produced, aud her own vised conteiwptuous tyranny had fosterod and nialurod. She had not yet prouuuuccil her royal subjects enemies to the ovenimoulp i.nd out of iis protec tion, 'i'ha answer which the messenger of North Carolina brought back tb her patriots, already armed with uhjdaunted purpose tor Ibis great struggle,' was a but uul ixrati- been ipt in excellent oruer amongst ne COUlI)jiaieutt to their zeai, the assortment there are: 110 pieces Bag-1 ... ,,, i..r s-ni,ul 1 .v . i . , - m v . . r ucutton 01 l4c:r examine. rin'T, assoneu 110 cons nu iu iuu su.o.s , 1 1 1 - . . 1 . u ' f. S' . - 1 Am- is if. mi ii ofincB u our nridu to be ' - r," . l Salt 3 or 4 tons Iron. HARRISON E., WESTON, A-cnr, August y, 1C32. ; , ; : 25 t Earthtnwarct China, j Glass and Looking Glasses. ptpHOMAS J. BARROW Si CO No. Ml. f t titer blrctt cher tor sale, a complete and. very large assortment of Goods in the above line, free from any combination of Tariff of prices. The liber al support hitherto received from our South ern, friends calls for our wannest thanks, and we pledge ourselves to use unremitted exertions to merit a continuance ot'lhesame by the lowness of our jinces, the style, and tpjality of goods, and skill and care of our packers. ' j -..' Merchants who do not wish to visit the City this season, will have their orders fill ed "on the best terms, by forwarding them to the subscribers byStiail. : fi . J. BARROW & CO. CC Patcr-Strcetj.Ncw York. , August 2, i2T tf i 1 r 1 restricted by the selliah suggestions ol (jealousy, that these dec!arat;otj were no' i more than tiie hasty ebullitions: of a tew warm tempers, and the limit oi j their m ffueuce too coutiued for a basis of exten. ded fame and honor. I The proof that lias 6uatchexl from oblivion thisl badge of honor, has placed it upon the bhuulders of the State, r . : ' Though Congress cautiously counselled-, forbearance, these ! resolutions were readily embraced 4 otliciallycoutirnied by the Co iiuniaecs' or. Councils ip) ' safety m our State, whir.hAvere alfcthat ponod the true representatives otlhe people. Alt JVorVi Carolina then may justly lay claim toliie proud distinction of hayiug declared iu dependenco a year before the other col onies! y.'. .1 The debt of gratitude we owe to those iilustripus patrio.s, who 1 won this high re nown ; for itreir country, can. dcycr be sessed was his own uut they had all things coiiMOK." In 1E05 thcy bui't 45 log lruscs a large barn, and grist mill. In lul6 tbey built an inn of stone, a barn 1G0 feet long, an oil uiill, a dyer's shop, a tannery, and . cleared, .400 acres. In 1307 they erected a brick storehouse, a saw mill, and brewery, cleared 400 acres, of laud more, and planted a vineyard of four acres..Thcy continued to build eve ry year, and commenced most kinds ot manufactures, and soon became a largo manufacturing village. .They had also their jarmmg, villages on other parts of their tract., The1 streets of their town crossed each other at right angles. Cacbj family had its. bowse und lot and two cows. The rest of their provisions were supplied o-ut t of the common, stock. Their wealth tlowcd in upon them, and their numbers increased with -their wealth. Not liking their location howev er they sold all their properly in Busier county, and emigrated to Indiana. Here they built a new towa which was sold, you will recollect, lothe celebrated Rob ert Dale Owen. The principles taught bis followers were entirely different from those taught by Father Rapp. and tho consequence was that Owen', village went to.tlpsolatioti, and Father Rapp and his followers commenced a new settle ment (being the third) about 30 miles be low i'iitsburghiv on the Ohio. ' The wealth acquired by Father Rapp and his followers, has now become enormod; their harmony has been disturbed by the arrival among thein of a Belgian noble man. There has recently been a schtfui among them, and as father Rapp is now very old, and must soon go the way "of ail ihtr:irfh. it is nrobnlde that theV-wilL ere long, have still more divisions. Tho basis of the. society of harmonists is reli gion. The general summary of the faith is love to God, good will f.o mar., purity of tile, aqd community of goods. Joha Simeson! Sen. in his letter which j Their success, however is 1 think, to b testifies of the declaration of Mecklenburg, ; ! attributed, . in a great degree, to the un (seu page 25 of the pamphlet published by ) ;,oulKcd personal inHuenoo which Father order of the General Assembly,) adds this J Kan: has had till lateiv I'liey wdJ present belbre the ambitious youth ol our State, along with the evi dence of our gratitude, some profitable i associations that v. ill disarm the fury oi passion and coiisecralo the nnion ot the States. Higher incentives to' the lauda ble effects of our patriotic legislators can not be found iu ail the world than. su:h memorial of Norih Carolinian honor and patriotism. They will stimulate into ac tion the bqst principles of the patriot. ,Witn such examples, our march will be mustbe "onward;" and to secure those glorious results, who knows but that thu$ we may God grant irmight be so huah in eternal sileuce the demon of sectional party. . j But while we are cherishing these re collections of departed excellence while !we are commingling the tears of sorrow for their loss with those of pride for their virtues let us not forget their sur viving compatriots. Even in this assem bly i seethe silvered. locks and scarred front of a time-worn veteran a compa triot of .Mecklenburg Independence His father first proclaimed us free the valorous son had bukled ou the armour of defence before he had waited to hear tiie cry of Independence" -he anticipa ted the sound, lie had been taught' at home that it was honor and duty to fight for freedom's cause. Thank Heaven he lives to see this car happy country great, "An ared man near me on being- asked ri over all of them, TI..1 vnriur jli!a rT jr if is (rpli-r:il!ir ti.lmlr he knew any thing of this afiair , rcp.i. ; a a? m believer in Christian v. and Vicu: aye, jtoijc ceciareu lauJtj-1 dence l'auj: before any oody e'e-' 1 fCol. Win. Polk. has taught u, both by precept end esjmr t !i!e. tu hi lollewcrzr . . .