' I . ' " . ' i . . k : t . . . " - . ' . - ' - x ' .' if - . . . - t :. J. . ".-. '! ' & . ' i ' . t - ; f - - - ' - s ; j. -:. ' -. r: - ; 2 invnfiATE.lS PUBLISHED BY 1 " .- J zt $2,59 per . annum,. in ad fnivment is not; made within a be aiscommuea umu an ar-! 5 . - I ' .!,, fWs paid, unless atif the option of .1 ' . 11'' S --. three times foil; One Dol!ar,.j - iv i-er ones m proportion, aii Ifcr": jfe: will bo coritinaed unless .dvertiscmenis continuance cthciwise ordered,, ana . : . coargeu.; v " ' ' ' State of'Norifvirolina. tnurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, q July Term AI D. 1l832. Vr.h nriffin Attachment. Asa Birrgs uoti. r vs sutnmoneu as Garni- Edmund Andra draws. ) s shee. i Wmff to the satisfaction of" J" receive jrom 'Li thw Court that Edmund i An bt -an inhabitant of this State: -K f-,ra thst nnblication be mac drews js Ordered made in the r.nMrKE Advocate for thrde months tor ; month: tl fe:idant to appear am F'ett! .lomur, otherwise a judgemea I, answer or , will be ta- Vcn against hiin at nxt ttirrrKfi . r "THOMAS Wv (WATTS, Cer Price A'v. $3 , l j 29 3m AGEJVC Y A T j RAptFAX. rr RESPECTFULLY j offer my the M vices to the public and friends of my brother,' Andre" Harris, in 'receiving and shipping 1 ' i 4r, JaonflClV AND MERCHANDIZE to his cflre at Norfolk, v irrjnia. ; I shall' receive by .the fiiv t boats from 'nrfolk. a rood assortment ofl Groceries,;' Bagging Hope, Blankets, Batsi Salt&c. &c. Vaich will.be disposed of at reduced pri- 1 ,, WARREN HARRIS. - rial if iix x . v- oqe. i i p, 31 i7t 0JTbo Raleigh Jlegiater an 1 IVarrcniox mnntlis and ment to t W. H. JLepprter will mseu the above Jbrward their accounts lor pa SHAKES this method of reminding his owl tnenus and customerp ina dp cou linnes to t ran net business, in-thjs place as a (Jen era I J scent Commis .sion Mer chart t. He will, with his usual punctuality and despatch, receive, store and sluo MZRCIMJVDIZEJ PRODUCE c nn;l attend to such orders n4 he may. re ttVce for -f iling and piirchasihff. lie will keep on hand a sudply of-Coffeev Sugars-Iron, Salt, Rope, Bafrgmg, Twine tefcr:il.J. 1032. ' 33 tf. Attorney atli aw. PRACTICES in the Superior Courts of J5 Cotintv and Tnrtin, No rt li tmpton and IIai;fax j and. Courts of .Whshingl'on. Vh the Superior pn not absent "on prafoss-ional dutv, he will q e at his office in the Tpwn of 'alifax on Mondavs & Tues 'hyxi at. any other time at hid lcsidence in t!io County. ' ! Halifax January 1332 12m fFarc JJouse 4 Commission Business, G ENERAL 4 G ENC F. niIIEl snbscribct; lia' inc: rented P , Ware"' TTfaises , on h? j river at this place, conveniently situated for b'-ts to tjvkem or discharge the!" cargoes snfely and perhtiou"3)yv offtfrs his se vice3 to the Public'as'a ' . : '';F ' i "','. WARE HOCSK ANa.COMMlSSIO j MRRCHAXT. Ho will receive, fetore. nnrl sh p to order, all ROODS and PRODUCE vhich may be entrusted to his care, vith promptness and despatch. As he intends giv ng strict per sonal attention, he hopes to receive a "share 'f public ' patronage.; 5 i . v I ? -He still continues fr Vrn; act the .b.i-. nesa of a General Agent and Coi.t-ncTor;, al will faithfully attend to e- er.y thingj in that line which inayib co ifided to hiin. HENRY WILKES. TIa Vax QttrffeT ffrft4 u ? LAND FOR SALE I "RDURSUAiVT to a , decree oY the 11 Court of Equity for Halifax county; YiH; be offered to the highest jDidder, on the premises, on the 8th day of December, that alaable tract of land known (as the ; . late the reswlence ef LemueI; Loxg dee'd coatainin"' about 640 acres. ! TermsOne and two yeark credit with interest from the day of sale. Bond and approved security will be required fion the DnrrTiQef T. ftTIRGES. C. M.I E. 27 5t OAK of-thUVlnstitutkMi will commence on the lfet Mondfy in January next, and continue ten v Tilth n vnofltinTv of onlv two weeks. 'rlish Grabmar,' Arith etic &.C. 5 pcr session-Gpography and 'hehigher branches of Mathe(naticksv $7 50 cr session Surveying wi 1 be taught Poetically. The subscriber ers at A2iV npr cpRsioiu : . ivili take boar r U ttTTITTT' AIMADA vv iix a. TVa rren, Jfbr. 16 1832. 9 3w e o - GRO L Nr5 All Y rH3UiS-!rfcUes S i j CONSTITUTIONAL j LIBERTY. j ITiT: -7 f - ' w IlE Subscribers have enter Copartnership, under the rm of i fv&, Merchants, in the town of Halilix; ' and pve taken the Store House lately occupi- eU by Hawki i, and Harris on til-corner nearly -opDosito'-the Store nf MI 1n,.,Ti toapREv. Hhey assure the Piblic that they can, and will rive entire itTsfrctinn W I to all who may favour them Mfith a call previous to purchasing elsewhei f . REDDIN J. II A iv KINS, 1 THOMAS M. PfeRCE. cw l ork. X. HAKDSOME AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF 'it : i ' -! " t . r. f Fancy. Seasonable S Sianlr, J ' 1 . - 5" JILSO, Si -2k TtVfPi Hardware, Cullcrrj, fyc. Sfc. Tlheir stock is entirely NEVf", consistino-in pert -or the tollowmg Articlfs. Superfine Blue, Black aod Fancy Co lore! Uloths, i I Do. Do. ; Do. Do. ; Casimeres. Qassinets, in great variety of qualities and colors, Qalicoes,. Do. Do. Do. Cotton Cambricks, ! V 'Rlain and Fiir'd Book M islin, Do. Swiss Do. very beautiful, , MO. 1JO. MUll AJo. lJ(Si. Jachonet, Nansook and IHair Cord IJ Muslin, . Check'd aiid Lace Striped Do. Gro de Naps, Sinchcws &z.Sarsnett'?, ilk, Cotton and Worsted llnsiery. ;llsses Do, Do. ' Do. tLaiJieV and 1' Gloves, Gentlemen's' FuK lined (jcntlemens' Buck Skin, Bpaver DcJ; tied, White arid Green Flannels, Bang-up Cord, and. Fustian (durable : articles for Winter,) ' Italian Crapes, Blk Bombazet and Bombazine, 1 . . (Jris de Nap Hdkff, ; Joland and Pongee Do. t ourlards i lo. '1 '(Thread and Bobinct Lace-?, ?o.. Do. Edgings and Footings,, 4 Zz C-4 Bobinet Laces, Swansdown and Valentia Vcstincrs, Linens, Layns nii(l T'i'd Cambricks, Brown and. Bleached; Shirtings I to. uo. oneetmors Hats and Shoes, Dunstable Bonnets (a new style) Blivar Hats. Sec. Zzc. &zc. I We have received a consignment of 'Sn perfinc and Family FfiOTTu,, nnd are daily dxpectin'fr a supply of TJ I. SALT. I Ou' Stork is entirely new and fiesh, and yill be ofTered-as low;as any in 1 his .place, e will o-ive cood prices for all kinds of Terchantabie Produce brought to 'this mar ket. : II.& P. Octoler 13, 3 1 tf WILLIAM IL REDWOOD GAIN tenders his services to the citizens of North Carolina, as -an fpr the disposal of such of their Produce as they may be disposed to send to the ar.;l for the purchase of any commodities which this market offers. " S i After several vears experience as a ' Com m iss ion Merclian U (during which time he has had considera ble intercourse with the citizens of Noith arolina, and has reason to believe: he has en general saiisractionj ne natters inrq- seflt ne is weii prepared to no enure jus- ticoVto the iPterest of those who may con- fldewieir produce to hw disposal. Ti most satisfactory references can be rivenn Virginia and North Carolina. NoAbA: October IS; 1832. 3G 9t State1 of North Carolina. MARTIN COUNTY. Courtxof Pleas and Quarter Sessions, uhj Term vl. V. 1832. Va ren Andrews 1 Attachment -Asa vs ? Biggs summoued as EdAiuad Andrews. ) Garnishee. appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Edmund Andrews is an "inhabitant of this State.- Ordered erfcfore that ipuplication be made in the Roanoke, A dvocate for three months 'Tor defendant to appear and plead,' answer -or deninri otherwise a judgment will be taken against him at next tern. ' " THOMAS W. WATTS, Cleric, Price AdV. $3. i j . - 293 NOTICE. ;; A liberal price will he given (bra JiAT first rate MILCH COW apply at this office. ; 1 ' : 2; 1332, ) 37 tf 1 1 U5L II A jLI FAX5 N. C. fKT Thnrsdnv Jh JiaJh Jnrr0 MJ cember next, that vell known es tablishment, the residence, bl the late Gen. VVitnAM. .Williams iii ffairen county, within two miles of Shocco Springs, will be offered for sale, on the premises.! i A- liber al credit will be given? the terms 'more par ticularly made known on the dayof sale. The tract contains betveen sixteen and seveateen hundred Acres, not inferior to a ny in the neighborhood, those disposed to purchase can view the land by applying to Dr. John Brodie, William D. Jbues, Will iam K: Kearney or Alfred Alston who will take pleasure in showing it.! At the same time and place will be sold : on a credit-of twelve months, TWO I NEGRO MEN, ONE A BLACK-SMITH and the other a FIRST RATE HOUSE SERVANT, ! ALSO, I all the crop of CORN, WHEAT, FOD DER and OATS, Stock of all kihds. Household &r Kitchen Furni- iure ?c. And on the Monday thef lGth day of De cember, we shall offer, for sale, Ion the pre mises the plantation known by 'the name of GUNTER CREEK, adjoining the Inas of John Burgess, Samuel T. Alstor tand others, this is an excellent Tract of , Land and contains about ,'; ! Any ' person wishing to purchase can have the land shown to tnem by either of the a bove named gentlemen or by Joseph J fttl- the same time and pace we hams. A liberal credit will he mveu. At hall oner, tor sale on a credit of . twelve tmonths all the crop of Corn, Wheat, Oats, snd stock of all kinds. i 1 ALFRED ALSTON, JOSEPH J. WILLIAMS, Ex'rs Warren County N. C. ) . JVor: 1, lf?3. S f 33 tds" State oj Nor Hi Carolina ; IIEHTFO RD COUNTY. Court of Picas and Quarter Session: , August Term Ward ' 832. lolMl r Vilhnm II. Harrion'H Ik Irk' J I?, i appearing to tbe Court that John .51 Harrison one of t!i heirs -at law i -!i:i.i!n ti. Mnrnson dee'di is hot j dent of this' State: It h a resi therrfir "ordered inr.t pno.icarion bo mada iii the RovoKr, Advocate for six weeks, -ffSvinw notice ro . -e s.iq jofin Uarrison to appear at the lioxt. rerrh of this Court and 'plead, other ): ner.v!se .Ju Jmcnt iiirn by default. will be taken as to L M. COIFPER, Clk. Price Adv. $1 366t Commission and' Grocery JSferclvant. HALIFAX, NORTH; CAROLINA, S this day receiving, byi the Nor- LL, folk Boats, apart of his supnly of GROCERIES, BAGG1XG, ROPE, &c. r. nnd expects a further supply deily, which. he i.t determined to sell lower than mi other house in the place: . lie invites wis old customers and friends to call and exa mine for themselves before I they purchase elsewViere The following is in part: C Hhda. Brown Sugrar" 2 Loaf Ditto, 5 Hhds. & 10 Bbls. Bait Whiskey, . 3 Hhds. N. E. Rum. 2 Bbls J Coir 'Brandy 3 e Mollasses. 5'C OTd.Nash, 5 Bbls Mononsrahela.rFhiskey (the . Best in the JForld!) . - . ' lOBagsCofTe, 2Q00 Bush, T-L Salt, 100 Sack Liverpool fill'd Ditto. 100 Pieces VJorton.Liagginnr w-rii assonnu 100 Coils Bale Rope, Twine, 300 lbs, Bagging I."" ".. - Bbls. Thonas Box Sperm and 20 Kegs Cut Naib, 50 tone Lime, - : - v 20 Doz. JFoo Hats, 10 Tabow Candles, 1 i I , 10 Pieces Neirro, Blankets. 20 do Clothing 40 Bbls- Slip. Flour. 15000 lbs. Iron as sorted 1000 Do Steel , N. B. I offer my services tp; thf! public in neneral to receive arid forward all kinds of Produce, which may be entrusted to my care.. . I' t '1 W., II. Halifax October Ifl,' 1332. 1 35 tf NOTICE. nrSTTlLL be sold on, the 18th Ue- k V V ' cember nex, on the 'plantation of tli late GEORGE PEEBLES, the crop Pof CORN, FODDER, stock of HORSES HATTLE. 'JIIEEP. HOGS. FARMING LUTENCILS and some HOUSE HOLD and KITCHEN furniture. '' At the same time TWO likely , negro - fellows will be sold Also will be hired out ,for the ensu ing year EIGiTT or TEN. likely young ne croes. Terms made known at the'sale by the - Nop. 20ZA..1832. EXECUTOR. 3 I 39-tds NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the es J tate of JPILLIS DANIEL, are respectfully requested to some; forward im mediate! v, and make satisfaction to the subscriber, Vither by payment, or renew- alof Jkeir Bondk ,.1 , . k ; ' Sjtf O Ml SO 1 83: e Georgia Convention -Wc extract 1 the following pleasing intelligence from i thc Augusta Chronicle of the 14th inst, ;,4,'lJhc members of this highly, 'important body! assembled in the Representatives CharAber this afternoo.:;' there being 61 cotintles represented and 134 Delegates. "Oily nineteen counties are thus un represented, and it is believed that Dele gates hill yet come from severakof them. Of tbe entire representative rStiition of the State, the Delegates electeWep resent considerably more from three fourth:?,! if not four-fifths, or five-sixth?. And considerable maioritv of th DpI. egates electe are tlecided resistance i.will be seen by fflrjvotes in the men, a elect iojns belowr. At 3 o'clock the members nrcceeded to ttie tchoice ol a Chairman to presile j auringfirKi organization, and John Moore Lsq of Oglethorpe. (V thorough eoin iiuurq u, .eese oj. Ac counties were sbon called over, aruPtbe members annotiaced and snbmitted their creden tials. The Con venlion lhn nnwppr)p( hy balldt to the election of its President and Oov. George R. Gilmer vas nomin nullifier.) was nominate 1 hy Gen.: Benll, and Df.j David Reesepf Jasper, by Col. Phillijs; and the voleNtas on division, ated byCoI. Gordon,, and Dr. Reese bvj10 l,le nuia one half, and still Col. PhlHips.- CS5safntinjS''out tnc voteifl v? have "Pwards of a thousand choice there appeared, for Gov. Gilmer 70, and for Dr. Reese 53. V i Messrs. Gamble, Underwood and Ma son, were appointed a committee to in form Gov. Gilmer of his 6&sJion. and conducfhim to the chair, and off-faking it, lie returned thanks for the hooor.con ferredidoubting, his qualifications to do justice to the choice. &. relying on the lib erality and courtesy of the Convention 1o iiain:hirnr&closed his spirited, perlin eot and felicitous address, with some hap: y patriotic allusions to the deeply im portant! character of the assemblage, and Us consequences fo thq future rights and welfare of the St9ev t A motion was adopted to eject three Secretaries,, and Messrs. Thos. Y. - Ban sell, Mbnsne!d.orrance, Mosely, Jos Si urges, and P. C. Guieu, were nomin ated the three '-f.f determined R csi tance men anl on oonlins out the bal lotstfjeVp afipearedl fur Hnnsell 91, Mose v 77.J Torrance 75, Sterges 48, and Goieu 9. Col. Torrance offered a "Resolution thaLa .romrniUee of 13 be appointed to lraU'Resolurions for .the consideration of thelNinvntion. Mr. 'Sjvvldling pro- nosed 2 1 as. .the proper inumher of the CommiMee. and supportefl tbe ; proposi tion with some pertinent remarks, and the amendment was accepted by Col. T. A motion by Judge Harris, to lay the TJpsohition on Ihe table, wai mfgatived. Mr. Forsyth moved to postpone the con sideration of it till to morrow; upon which motion considerable debate occur red between Messrs Forsyth, Berrien, Torrance, Chumming, Spalding and Clay Ion, and the mliori was rejected yeas 52. nays G7. The Resolution was then adopted. I A Resolutioa wan offered by Col Rockwell to -apfoint a committee 'of three, to draft rule' for the. government of the Convention: which was adopted, and Messrs. Rockwell. Da w?on and Al len, of Elbert, were appointed that c om- mittieei The Convention then adjourned ;(at half pat 6. o'clock) till to-morrow after- noon, at . o ciock. j We have -ot timft, for comments on the subiect. as the Mail is now ahout to close; j but the friends of Free Trade and State Rights will' perceive, by the above brief minutes, that their great and good cairse is progressing, so far most glorious ly arid triumphantly. f Milledgeville, Monday evening Nov. 11. A Good One. We were quite a mused, sa3'sthe New England Farmer, with an answer given by a green look ing chap to several boys who were standing around him. i Hesaid, 44 What looks most Kke half a ciieese?" They ! immediately set their wits to work.j Some guessed theimoon, oth ers a grindstone- split open, but finally fVnvp it im. ; v iiv. vou darneo enow v hy, you darned chow- der heads, it's the other half, don.tyou know" A remarkable instance of the effects of religious enthusiasm is now creating a considerable excitement in the north- en part of the city. A young lady in a highl state of enthusiasm sudenry fellltion a candidate for the office of sherifT into a! swoon, and remained in that wasthu3 accosted by a neighbor -'Well, condition for several days. All ef- S I hope you may be elected, for I forts to rouse her were found ineffect-i , " , .i. Ioru l" ""- 1 . , , ' vrould rather be hung bv vou 1 tnan any ual. Her eyes were fixed, her limbs ; - - - .1. j i - rui bodv else. 'And I. renhed the candid immoveanie, aim ner puisc iccmc. fler friends$ believing her dying, cured medical assistance, and pro - she fwas at length with great difficulty, call led back to a consciousness of iShe awoke as from a dream said she had hern in hf.ivpn I told marvellous stories of herjdiscovc 2 ; ries in the course of her migrations. .The living and the dead were seen bv mj , , I her in their appropriate slate of eniov- nicntor su"ril,8; and; all that was mysterious to her earlhlv senses was maue plain. lliese thmgsof course, haw excited much surprise among the credulous. We enderstaad her vision has been recorded, and will shortly ' be published. Phila. Sentinel. The Comet. If there: Is anv thin- j beauiif! ius world, if is truth, ny thing diGiriiTH attainment, it is cer tainty. 1 his axiom has been recalled to our memory by a cursory revision which we have been making, of the various riotlces that have been taken ex cathedra of YnComet saicjlo be now on its way to' pay us a visit. If we remember rightly, it is about six months since its coming- began to com mand the attention of the quidnuncs on this sirje of the Atlantic, audit is fiTTrhttxarcJing a very improbable as sertion to say, thafone paragraph at least has apper.red in every . naper throughout the Union, oHvhicfi the movements of the Comet, and their probable and psible consequences uavu luriiibiieu tue subject. But di- morsels of conjecture, and no two of them in perfect "accorciance. Boston tells nsKathe visitor may already be seen, if not with the naked eye, at any rate, by the help of a moderat'elv good telescope; Philadelphia onthc other hand, insistsjhat nearly a month must elapse befcTre its arrival within reach of our vision; and Louisville' covertly insinuates a doubt of its ad vent at any time. "Its tail is remark ably short," says one; "it has ho tail at all," answers another. u,Tis in the pdanejif our orbit, and will smite us tovatems," cries some faint hearted sUine'r at the north. ''Twill' not vuni wiiuiu nuy minions of miles of us," says the bold southern. One sage comforts his readers with the as surance that it is bin a vwpor, uhil.; another stoutly contends that it is cf earth, earthy; and a third will have it that 'tis nothing but a huge ball of fire. It brqiighf the Cholera and killed young -Napoleon; made all our peaches poisonous, re-elected General Jackson, and made Leopold King of .v.un. c.cijf uiie iias nis own cata logue of mischances for which he reli giously jnterioVto hold the Comet re sponsible; and the stranger itself in the mean time pursues its tvrwwL,.r..i course through the illimjlable regions of space, troubling nobody, interfer ing with nobody, and quietly fulfill ing the unknown purposes of its crea tion. JSorfqlk Nov. 14 AW From Ihe Cape JDe Verds. The brig Fun chal, Capt. Monii, arrived in Hamp ton Roads from Madeira, via Isle of -May, having sailed from the latter 27th October, brings intelligenca strongly confirmatory of the distressed condition of the Cape de Verd Islandr generally, from the awful calamity ol famine. An intelligent passengei, with whom we have had an interview, states that the condition of the Islan ders has not been at all exaggerated in the accounts previoosly received hi the United States, and that the bet; edictions of thousands will be pouretl forth for the timely relief sent fron our country. In Brava and Fogt the distress was most calamitous wit' -in a few months, 200 persons had per ished there by famine, and such was their abject condition, that even a warm eaten biscuit was caught at tviih avidity, and the blessing of heaven in-., yoked on the donor. A vessel from Lisbon, laden with provisions for the sufferers had been spoken hy a crui-, j ihu cu uiitw.uu iuu uvcr m j the night, by anofher vessel and sunk, by which these unhappy beings werrj deprived of the timely relief of whic.1 siie would otherwise bearer. Beacon. have been th$ A few days previous to a recent elcc-f - . ! ate. "wouni rauier nang yon man any body else,1- Eng. paper. it