, ROAOKE ADVOCATE: IS PUBtipiED y EDMUND B. FREEM: -J -nt 2..50 oer' annum,1 in ad- C:C,3C or 3 if. payment is not made within' J paper to be discontinued uncu ail ar-.a-care paid, unless at; the jpt.ou of 7f iMitor and a fuHure tonotify a dis gtiffi be considered: anew Ifvcitiseinents, mak.ngonc or l2!w,.ntv.five' cents for every subsequent .nnAFrOI! I U I 1! TZ L 1. V m, I frtion longer onc iff pronation. AH SSsemenS fwiUjcontinaei unless $L ordered,, anarch cop muance HALIFAX uuui r ni n-nrt. Quarter Sessions Court oj f , ; ; ' Member Term 1832. ; Hawkins & Harris! Pg.Atta.; ;Lev.ed Va" , j on the: De endants x ; 7 ; 1 right and iu erest in .. . .' ' " y one tract " of Land ; 5 1 adjoining th 3 land of i Hardy Jacsson and "Wm S Powell J others' appearing to thyaUsfact of the H Court that. Vm. S. Powell Js not an habitant of (his State: Orderef there Zre that publication; be mad4 in the Koa'ooke Advocate for six. wefeks for the Defendant to appear jvmc oe ieru 4f said Conrt to be held lor the County ..riii;fa at the Court House u Hah- Ltwd, on the.Hhlra Monday oW k.rv next, then and Ithere to plead flnswer or demer, otherwise judgement will be taken against himI ' Vituess M; H. PET WAY, By J. H. Harwell, Cl'k. D... C. Price Adv. $3 50. ; 1 4i)-2-6w Sae o North Crarbhria. HALIFAX COUNTS Court' of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term 1832. J. II.. McLemore i j Warrent Le vied on ,Tnt Webb. Ladd. ; '; TTT appearing to the satisfaction of U the Court that the '"Defendant Albert Y bb is not an inhabitant of this State. I is therefore ordered that! publication be juade in the Roanoke Advocate , for six weeks, lor the Defendant to appeir at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter eesions to be held for the Comity of Halifix, at the Court House iu the Town 'of Halifax, on ihe iiiird Monday of February 1Q33, then nnH t lip.rfi ? o shew cause why aril Order of Eale should not be made to sell skid land, otherwise judgment will be confirmed a rainst him. 1 f Witness M H. PETTWA" r, Cik. "By J. H. Harweli ji. c. Price Adv. $3 50. : 1 , a 1 6w AKES this inethod of reminding his old friends and customers that he con tinues to tranact business, in this place as a General J scent and Cdmmis sion Merchant He will, with his usual punctuality and despatch, receive, store and ship MERCHANDIZE. PRODUCE c. and attend to such orders as he may re ceive for iellihir and purchasing. He will keep on hand a supply 6f Coffee, Suar, Iron,-Salt, Rope, Uaggin, Twine &.C. &C. &.C. . '- . : October 11 'lfi32. I 33 tf EDUCATION. V School will be ogenedj at the Pfe Kndfield Academy llalifaJl County Knrth Carolina on Monday the Plst De cember 1U32 in which .will i be ta.'uffht the different branches of English ' literature. yoder the care of Mr. Joun Bpr Ajjfs. Taion per session offivf month $9,00 Board ca.n be had on good terns in the unifhborhood convenient to the Academy. M. C. WHITAKER, r S. WHITAK :er. JS'or- 2T. 1H32. ; 40 3w - -1 i Commission and Grocery Merchant. HALIFAX, NORTH CAUOLNA ? TTS this day receiving, by the Nor- li folk Boats, a part of hia suppl; r of till OC E RIESy BAGGING, ROPE, k$ he. f.nd expects a further supply daily, wiich he is determined to sell lower han any other house in the place. lie incites 'his old customers and friends to call iind exa mine for themselves before j they purchase elsewhere- The following is in p a rt: ; 6 Hhds. Brown Sugrar 2 Loaf" Ditto, 5 Hhds. &, 10 Bbls. .Bait Whiskey, , 3 Hhds. N. 1?. Rum. 2 Bbls. Cob Brandy 3 u Mollasses, 5 OlNash, 5 Bbls Monongahelarrhiekey (the . Best in the Trorld!) 10 Bags Coffe, 2000 Bush, T. I 100 Sack Liverpool fill'd Ditto, 100 Pieces Cotton Bagging (well 100 Coils Bale Rope, 300 lba, Twine, 20 Kegs Cut Nails, 50 ;Bbla. tone Lime, l Salt, assorted. Ragging 1 Thonas- 20 Doz. rrool Hats, 10 Box Sperm and Tahew Candles, I 10 Pieces Negro Blankets,! 20 do lOBL-Is. Sup.. Flour, 15000 lbs. Clothing Iron as- sorted 1000 Do Steel j N. B. .1 offer my services to tl ia general to receive and forward e public kU kinds "Pioduce, w hich may be entrusted to my tare. , - .. . w . li. tlalifax October 18. 183.' - ' 35 tf JUST RECEIVED Barrels SUPERFINE and FAMILY FLOUR; j II A W K I N S & PIERCE November j 1332. '; 36 tf j PIANOS FOR SALE. 1 NORFOLK VIRGIN A, Agent for the sale of Chicker ing's Piano Fortes, and will sell those celebrated Instruments on as favorable tprms as they can be had of the Manufac-, tirr,' with the addition only of Freight and Insurance. M t" l '' . - J FOR the character of these Instru ments, persons desirous of purchasing can be referred to many in the first circle of so ciety in Norfolk, and indeed, in the Uni ted States who now have them in use. polished daik Brazillian Rose Wood, with additional and extra additional KEYS, full length Sounding Board, Strings all steel, two Pedals, elegantly carved legs, find front projections. h THEY will be Warranted in every respect, FIRST RATE INSTRU MENTS, and are free from that tinsel gil ding and ornament generally eo lavishly displayed on the common ones. f THE exterior of them is plain yet RICH and ELEGANT, but the TONE is the gi eat recommendation, being very soil and; sweet and, at the same trine, clear and brilliant. ! . ' " ';. ' ANOTHER very excellent qualU ty which these Pianos possess is, that of r . . i . - -m. i continuing in tune muqn longer xnan me cjpnnon instruments. - j ' ; HyWhen purchased by persons living at distance, they will be carefully packed and forwarded free of charge for packing or packing case. f C. HALL. I Norfolk, Vo- No. 12 1C32. 33 Gt I t'Phe Danville Reporter will insert the aboye six times and charge C. HALL. 1 1 WILLIAM II. REDWOOD CtAiN tenders his services to the citizens of North Onroliua, as an fdr the disposal of such of their Produce as they may be disposed to send to the apdfor the purchase of any commodities which tins market oners, f SAftcr several years experience as a Commission Merchant, (during which time he has had considera ble Intercourse with the citizens of N'oith Carpi in a, and has reason to believe he has alven general satisfaction) he flatters him solfihe is well prepared to do entire jus tice to the interest of those who may con fide Iheir produce to his disposal. f T)ie most satisfactory references can be given in Virginia and Nort h Carolina. Noroik October . 10, 1832. 30 9 1 r Attorney at Law, . "tmRACTlCES in the Couhty and tJ , Superior Courts of Martin, North ampton and Halifax and the Superior Cburts of Jrashington. IFlien not absent oh professional duty, he will be at his oflice lrj the Town of alifax on Mondays &, Tues dysj; at any other time at his' lesidence in the County. , ' I Halifax" January 1832- i j - 12m , IH - PjTSHE Subscriber living within a J- few -hundred yards 'of Farm well Groye Academy, is prepared to take eight or ten boarders, during the next year, f TERMS For all over;16 years of age I : $32 50 eer session, .Under that age 30 " " ' iNo exti a charge fdr Candles. will be made, except M. L. WIGGINS. 42 3t Wee. 4. 1832. a NOTICE: 4 !? HE Sale of Quankey Tract of Land is postponed to baturday tlio 2d of this month, " when i it will posi tively take place on tne premises. i i . T. CURGES,.C. M. E. n)c. ii. 183. n 42 2w :- 1 : p GENC Y A T HALIFAX. TT RESPECTFULLY offer my JJ .1 services to the public &nd the frlonds of my brother, A.nurew Harris, in receiving and shipping I ;. ' PilODUCE AND MERCHANDIZE .." i to his care at Norfolk, Virginia. , . I shall receive by;. the first ; boats from Norfolk, a pood assortment of r . ' ' Groceries, xBagging, - Rope, Blankets; Rats, Salt fyc. c. Which will be disposed of at reduced; pri-'f ce A WARRENs HARRIS. ; . flalifax N. C. Sept. 21 1832, 31 I7t ft-r Vhe Kaleizh Register 'ntxa' 'Warrenton Reporter will inseit the above 4. months and forward their accounts for nayracnt to HI & M - KM. I , . . . mm.. CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTY. HALIFAX, Ni t). FuRRENT., frnHE Store House, at present oc JLL cupied by Messrs; Weston White &. Co. - Possession can be! given , on , the 1 si ) ujy oi January next for terms apply to JNO. H. or D. C. FENNER. fax JS"o. 29 1832. f' 1 41 tf rmHE Siil.srrJhprsjmvPPnfpUrl In- -LL to Copartnership, under the firm of as Merchants, in the town of Halifax; and have taken the Store House lately occupi ed by Hawkins and Harris on the' corner nearly opposite the Store of Mr. Joshua Corprew. They assure the .Public that they can, and wi!L give j entire satisfaction to all who may favour them with a call previous to purchasing elsewhere, i ! REDDIN J. HAWKINS, THOMAS M. PIERCE. Have just received from New- York, A HANDSOME AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Fancy ) Seasonable Staple ALSO, i. ' . Hardware, Cutlery, ?c. fyc. Their stock is entirely NEW, consisting in part of the following Articles: J Superfine Blue, Black and Fancy Co- lor'd Cloths, ! h Do. Do. Do. Do. Casi meres, Cassinets, in great variety of qualities and colors, Calicoes, Do. Do.- Do. Cotton Cam bricks, Plain and Fig'd Book Muslin,' Do. Do. Swiss Do. very beautiful, Do. Do. Mull Do. Do. Jachonet, Nansook and Hair Cord Muslin, Chcck'd and Lace Striped, Do. Gro de Naps, Sincheyvs &i Sarsuetts, Silk, Cotton and Vvorsted Hosiery, Misses Do. Do. Do. Ladies' iind Gentlemen's Fur lined ' Gloves, -' ' .' " Gentlemens' Buck Skin, Beaver Do. Red, White and Green Flannels, Bang-up Cord, and Fustian (durable articles for Winter,) Italian Crapes, Blk Bombatet and Bombazine, Gras de Nap Hdkfs, Poland and Pongee. Do Fourlards Da. Thread and Bobinet Laces, v Do. Do. Edffiners and Footings, 4-4 Si 6-4 Bobiriet Laces, Swansdown and Valeutia Vestings, Linens, Lawns and Tli'd Cambricks, Brown and Bleached Shirtings Do. v Do. Sheetings, Hats aivd Shoes, Dunstable Bonnets (a new style) Bolivar Hats. Sec. cccJ&:c. We have received a consignment of Su perfine and Family FLOUR, and are daily expecting a supply of T. I. SALT. Uui StocK is entirely new anu uesu, ana will be offered as low as any in this place. We will cive crood prices "lor., air kinds of Merchantable Produce Drougnt to tnis mar ket; . . :j H. P. . , Ocloher 13, 1032. V 34 tf Books Stationary ?c. TTnGT rrplvpd n vnrletv nil School ft J nrw! Ulank ROOKS, the best nuality, nlain nnH rnlpd imner Letter, do. Quills, Ink, Peruvian yens, Playing, Cards Conversation do. i i Amongst the IBooks enumerated above will be found, sets of books ; for Stores,!- Letter, Day, and Invoice Books, &.c. ! . JOS. L. SIMMONS NOTICE. A liheml nric.e will be eiveri for a ? 4 first rate MILCH COW apply at his oflice. Halifax Aov. ,2, 1832. 37- tf ' NOTICE. r ..: . r w ill pay the highest Cash price 1 1 for ICQ BusJiels of nice clean FLAX SEED. ' . - ' : JOS. I. SIMMONS. Ci. t,je,r or,. inn2- ; 3S tf v""'" . EEE3IBER.20f 18U Electricity Modern writers in treat iuk-ui. luis biuguiar suDstance. hi suJ- ! stance it be) have found it convenient to I consider it hs divisible into three general heads; combined or accumulated, medical and voltaic electricity. f . j Medical, electricity, rests upon the fact of the animal body being:a conductor, and is only the transmission of the elec tric fluid throughiny part, by brino-in w,,n,n lhe circuit, between the- outside ind inside surface of a chareed iar. Thus, if a person grasp the outer coating in liislctt hand, and bring his right hand to touch the wire from the inner coating, of a Leyden Jar, he forms a conducting circuit, and the charge will pass through ins arms across his chest. ' To act upon the delicate textures of4 tire eye, the nuin snouia De received wih ivnrW v Xrf point. Like many .other remedies e e :lncity has been prop s d as a cure lor every, malady; and alter bfmg scarcely trusted to in any case;- hasat length full en principally into the,hands of tlio em- pine. 1 lie experiment ot raising! a kite is very hazardous, and cannot teach us any more than vfcat is already known. Its action is simple; the kilo readies the thunder-cloud highly charged with dec tricity, and the lightning passes through a thin copper wire, twisted in the! string:, ending with a silk cord, to preserve the experiment, i he electricity of clouds is obtained from the earth during evapora tion; and they are sometimes possessed of negative anu sometimes oi- the positive electricity, and all the appearance of light uitig are caused by these two passing to recover the balance. When two clouds, in opposite .states, approach sufficiently near to each other, a spark of lightning darts between them, and produces the beautiful phenornena of sheet lightning. A cloud, within what is termed the stri king distance, discharges itself to the earth by a spark, tliat is, from its appear ance. called the zigzag on forked light ning. Tbis from of the spark results Irom the unevenness of the rceiving sur face, as the mountains trees, (fccJ alTord on the earth. When a thunder cloud is passing over an individual iu open space, as a field or moor, it is best to lie flat dowBhe cause standing up brings the head near r to the cloud, and solicits the nhrtrir dis charge; besides, the passage of the fluid lurougu me orain. anu spine s much more dangeroasr5 than it is throu h the .body generally, i Sometimes persons are killed by lightning, without having been struck by the flash. In this case it is the returning stoke, as it is termed,! which proves fatal. Its explamation is beauti ful; a cloud, highly charged, say positive ly; hangs over an iudividual, but not near enough to strike him; . however, it drives all the positive electricityj in hi body down towards his" foe!, leaving his head strongly negative, when tho cloyld is jsuddenly dicharged by some neighbor ing body, a tall tree, for evjsmple, the pos itive electricity rushes back into his head with sufficient power to urrest the ner vous function, and, eoiseqtienlIy, to. des troy life.- The siniTnr phenonienon, of ten observed in Italy, of .he lighlhing streaming from clouds into the crater of a volcano, as they pass over it, ainses from the ready passage which the heated air proceeding from the crater affords to e lectricity. . During a thunder storm it is dangerous to carry any metallic body I higher than the head, as an Umbrella fe rtile, because metal affords such a ready passage to lightning, that" as it were, so- i licit its approach. For a similar reason, 1 improper, to run under trees, or near 1 " dj which is a worse conductor than the human bodv, because it wih leave the tree and rush through the body. 'liiv7idcr rods preserves ships and bouses. it is supposed, by being better conductors than wood or stone, and conseauentlv they receive the Iightning,SiConduct it.si leutly and harmless, to the earth; whereas when the electric fluid eiders a bad con-1 ductor, either destroys ! ; it by eiiustion j or bv beine shivered intoatoms. Thunders rods have been usetl, in Persia froni the ... most remote period, proving the sagacity of eastern observers. Soult, the Premier of the new Trench cabinet, is now nearly sity-four y ers of j age,' having been, born on the vylh ot March, 1760. He is a native of St. A nanJ.in the , Department of Tarn. Ho entered; int? the army as a private I at six teen years of age, and had risen at the aee oftweoly-lwo to the employment, MilitMry infetructof iu the artov of the Up per Rhine, under Marshal L'ackner,' with the rank of snb-lieutenant of grenadiers.. Within two months he was made adjutant majbr .and .captain; .this ;wa , 1791. His ne.KtappoiotroenL was on lbeistaff of Hoeher thenlcommaRder:in-cl same yearhe commimdeil'a .rigiment un der Ueo iiClcDyre, ana, aisunguuueu ine coucicr or oenTisc, loMhe purpeso liiniseirso much",, in' tliat' situatibo, Vand of ahrartug yisiiers.'ariy woman e'xcefct liis services under Jotirdan tn ine nezi, v-.s vu iawiui : title, udct, the. pelty Hint- he waV brcVcttcd" GeocraPbf Bfig- jof a heavy tk- ' v :-r,t . ; . : ' : v ade in.'179-l, then being but twenty-fiva years ol age. At the . battle of Atcn Kireken, soon 'afterwards, : he made that memornble defence and retreat' which ac cuired him so much reputation. He had been despatched to the left of (the army with' three" baltallions, and one hundred and tifty cavalry; In the mean lime i I ciiang of position bad taken place, and ne louna 1 Uimsell surrounded . hv fr,.,- thousand Austrian cavalry.- Tho' renea teajy summened to surrender, he rallied his forces and repulsed several general charges of the enemy, and finally carried hii trois safely to rejoin the army. Ho aso di sting uithed himself at the battle of Fleurus. , After the pence , of Coinpo Formio; concluded by Bon.iparte, Joubert was appointed to the. new army of the Rhine, Soult was made a treuerat of division nH employed in suppressing the disturban ces in cwiizenand. lie next servpd in Italy under Massena, and was shut up with him in Genoa. Here it tvas that he first attTacted the attention of Napo- leon. Massena was asked by Napeleon, wno oniy Knew oult by report, what waa. his repjUtution: "For judgment and courage,- replied Massena, -he. has no superior," The almost immediate issuo of this recommendation was the appoint-, rnent to the command of the Chasseurs of the Consular Guard, and subsequent ly the command of the army encauiptcd t at Boulogne, intended for the invasion of England. In 1304, at the age of thirty five, ho was created a Marshal of france. Soult commanded the centre at' the battle of AusterftT! Wh was giving hrsinstructons he &aid to, Soult, 'Mslor you, act as you always do.". U nas on that occasion that he delay ed obey ing the commands of the Empe ror to attack the heights of Pratztn, un til they had been repeated several times, and Bonaparte expressed indignation at his disobedience. "Tell the Emperor," replied Soult. "that I will obey but not just now." He was watching "the'toove ments of the Russians, and when he did attack, the triumph was complete. Bo uaparte, who had seen the inauccuvre rode up to him in the presence of whole staff, and said "Marshal, J estetti you the ablest tactician in niy ernuiro.' Ater the battle of Ey la u, be was crcaiud Duke of Dalmatia. " - In 1808 he was sent into Spain, where ho .continued for five years, wiih littla success, yet having signalised himseji ,y Lis courage and skill oh several oc a ions. His first military duty was tfre fKirsuU of sir JoIiuM'oore, a.id h hen t hat Sou,t magnanimoasly; paid funer.il iiutw ors iouis memory, and ordt red a n;unii mental inscription to be enofiived ou he rock near which he fell. lie next fnva ded Portugal, where hen as at lirj-i very successful and made huuself popular. When, however, the Duke ai' VVeimtoil moved against him, he was surprised at the passage of the Douro, iiiid cmv caped by the loss of artillery and "bag gnge. His retreat is considered by radl itary achievement. lie coutinued, iv,.i varioiis success, until he was recalled join the Emperor in his Ilussixm ei lion.-. ; ;,: :'-.'.-;' : During his absence from Spiui v . battle ol Viiioria was fought a. - ",r :.; the French were totally d::t..ic ! Dnke of Wellington, and Sulf ma.nded from Dresden to rept xiu ter. He was twice r'f pulsed. iK'.-;r' . peluna; driyen, after a' l&xrihU:':Uu two days, from his ontrer:; Bayonne, de fit o ted At and again in 1 Z 14, proclamation in f vor' of. f a ;V-i.-oi. . in the midst of his reverses; he was defea ted under the walls of. Thoulouse. lie tunally gave in, surrendered bis command to the Duke of Angouleme, !and.gave his adhesion to Louis XVy i. ho confirm ed him in his titles and property, made? him a general of division, and in Decem ber. 1814, made, bim minister at war. On Buonaparte's "return, Soult was made a peer,'aod fought for him at Flcu- i us Huu HHienco.; Lii me second res- '.f loration, he w I . m - as amonjr The proscribed and retired the dutchy of Berg, m here be j is said to have employed himstdf io wri- un m5 memoirs. i i . . He received permission to return to France in 1S1G, and was made a mar- shal again. In 1830, he joined with Loo:s Phillippe, and his subsequent course to his appointment to the part of Pricie minister, is familiarly known. - Soult vas undoubtedly one of the most j able, as he was one of the mofct favored of Nnpoleon's Generals. He has been na ramarkable for" his prudence and judg. ment' as for his couraga and Military skill. y - - - "; " : of v Bar-Moiik.ln France, vcrv hand- some girls are iomelimes' employed aa bar-maids. 1 to entice riislomVrs lin one of the French provincial journals giving 'a few details respecting the fair ot J5enucaire, publishers tho hulowmc or- der ot the pohce: 'io cofteediojse kee- j Y9T mfn)eUhr jo - thu toWn will' be permiUci pe r or lemona der, ejl her in b e fa i' or itv 1 to expose, at 1 , . , S5