.... . - - . . . ' , - . I , r ,t - . . - . -- - ... : ' ' - ,(...-. . , - : , , . - . . ' . . ' ;'- . ... . r .. . t t ' - ; ' ' . " - . "' . . " . - . . . ; g i , , teMJ ly4b J. . i;i .:A'J J ' W k V:, kill nvn ;l; a r 'I - 1 .L BY CJBI Atff,EO ..W. WEBB. "LTBERTYr-IT MUST BE PRESERVED: : . TERMS. - THl ROiOXE 2DVOCATE IS f Kejcosiaiemded: BY THE EJlCULTY. PCBLISIIXO Once a week at 2,50 per annum, in ad vance, or 3 if pament is not made within 3 months.. ; ; . No paper to be discontinued until all ar- Tearag'ea are paid, unless at the option of the Editor; and a- failure to notify a dis continuance will be considered as new enga.gement. - , A dv ertis em en ts', Not exceeding one tquare will be char ged One Dollar for the first insertion: and twenty-five cents for each subsequent publication; longer ones, in proportion. If the number. of insertions ba uot marked on thorn, they will be continued until ordered -out and charged accordingly. nit 0 HAIiRELLS' TOMATO AND SLIPPERY ELM v-vUi b IIUVCI lUCIUt'UlBf ailU WUCilua Bales will bo cliargeJ 2$ per :.cent higher than the usual rates . . ; . A liberal deduction will be. made to those who advertise by the yeer. rjTHKRE are many family medi--LL cinns now before the public, some of which,' J'rpm their - intrinsic virtues hare justly gainel the confidence and gratitudo of thousands; but in the light of contrast, and in the scale, of Curative : merit Dr. Harrells' Tdmato aud Slippery Elm Pills etandipreen inently above, them all; nor is any 'apology, offered 'for. taking this high ground, unl ;ss it is the fact of llieir. supe- ' cure of diseisft. TIipv nrnduce. when ta- w resn :'uroce- - ' ries. . 'v'; ' FTTHE , subscriber respectfully in- JJL forms his friends . and. the ' public, that he is now receiving JL Fresh Supply of Groceries, which added to his former stock, coropri . .ses the following articles: '-Sugar Coffee, Alt'llases, Cheese, Loaf Sugar, Beer, ,Cidcr, Salt, Mackerel, Manhaden and other fish; hemmons, Ap pies and Candies, Prunes; Soap, Fools Cap and Letter Paper, Ink, .in 25, 20 and 12 1-2 cent bottlrg, , Candle3 and Rice, Irish Potatoes, epper, Jpice and Ginger, Imperial end Gunpowder Tea. i jPowder and Shot,' Domestics, &C &c. All of which will be sold low for cash, or exchanged for country produce. C. N WEBB. Halifax, Oct. 23, !fi39. glate of North Carolina. HALIFAX tlOUNTV. in equity: ; Fall Term, 1839. Sterling II. Gee and others, vs -. - Peler Thompson and others. Amended Petition. TfJ this case il auDearinir to the Court li that Johu Gioycr and Sally his wife irc still living anrt dctendants in this case instead of Peter Thompson. Gke Thomson and Eiiz t Thompson and other cinlden of faTd Sally and it Ap pearing that said Sally has intermarried with Jno. Glev. r and it also appearing that the said Jn Glover and wife Sully are oot inhabitants pi this State: It is orderded by the Court that publication tbe made in the Roanoke Advocate 6 weeks notiiying the said Jno Glover and : wife, Sally to appear t the ncxtterm of this Court Co he held in the towo of Halifax on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in March next then and there to ple,ad answer or demur to said petition otherwise the same will bo taken proconfesso and heard exparle as to them. ' NViluess Jos. L. Simmons Clerk &. Master in equity for Halifax County at .office the 4tbj7bnday after the 4ih Mon day in Sept. 1839. J, L. SIMMONS, C. 4i M. Price Adv. $5,62 1 V. kco, . deejp-and lasting impression .'that they stand aB the head of all othei prepared medicines ojf the day. . Fevers, Liver af fections, Jaundice, head-ache, loss pf appe tile; coetiv ?nese, female complaints, and every diseas e within the reach of human means,, yie d readily to the powerful, yet gentle , ope ation of these pills. As a cathartic tl ey are copious and free, as an aperient th y are mild and certain, as a tonic they are prompt and invigorating, as an alterative tbey are superior to Calomel or any other known remedy, and as a pu ryfyer of th ? blood they are unequalled in the history f raedicines.There is no disease withstand their life-giving en- taken in time, or interrupt the 1 when they are administered ative. Durinsr Sicklv seasons. valence of epidemicks, their history that can errgy when system at a as a preven and- the pre SHOI3 & BCpTT ;:TOI5B 7 2J y ri HE 8ubscriberresf)ectfully informs 1 I bis friends and) toe public gener ally that he has just returned from the Northern Cities with nn extensive and well assortetl stock of materials in bis line, such A3 ! - v ! PHILADELPHIA CALF, n FUENCH . , DITTO; Also, a splendid article df Boot Mo rocco and Seal. Skin, which he sow is manufacturing in tbe neatest and most fashionable style. PunipBoots will be made in. the neatest Philadelphia style. He has also, - "V ": Cases occasional use will preserve the bodv from attacks of disease. 50 cents . per box, $54 per gross." - J. Druggists,' Booksellers, and Merchants are Requested to become agent's for the sale of the above medicines.-. , AH order (post paid) directed to Dr. A. Harreli Elizabeth City N. C. will receive strictiattention. ; testimonials: : Charles Bright Esqr. Pasquotank Co. N. C., cuied of sick head-ache, sick stomach, ostiveness, and fever. Josiah Pritchett E sq Patquutank Co. N. C, of bilious ple. risy, pain in the .head, aud soreness of the whole body.; Charles Harreli Esc i Elizabeth City, N. C, his family of bilious and other symtoms. Capt.' J. Smith, ffiudsor N." C, of liver complaint a,nd' costiveness. Rev.. G. M Keesce. Poi tsmouth Va., of bilious habit, head-ache, and n3usia. Joseph Ramsey, Esq. Plyvnautli, N. C., of indisposition. Robert Sim json, Eeq. Pasquotank Co. n c. his wife oi ioss of appetite, and Lis servant of diarrhua.1 Horatio N. .Vv'illiams Esq. Blizabeth pity, n. - C, of indisposition. James. Cartwright P'sq- Pasquqiauk Co. n. c, oi loss oi appetite, anu sicK.stomacn. Rev.i James A. Riddick, Randolph Macon College; of symptoms of Dyspepsia. Mr. Bion Culpe per, Elizaqeth City, n. c, of loss of apietite. Rev. 'Joseph Turner, Elizabeth t ity, n. c, of sick-stomach, and flatulence. :Joseph Sharbor, Esq. Camden Co. k. c of foul stomach, and bilious derangement- Mr. Robert Pool, Pasquo tank Co. i' c.," of impaired appetite rand ;o6tivene&s ny. A U MINTS. ! F S Mai-shall, Halifax, n B IKmerionj Norfolk, Va HIBuff L Co Portsmnuth, Va W Budnam. Edenton, n c . : VV Fessenden, .Plymonth, n; c ' ;M1 S Berry, Heartford, n c h D .Clayton, Tyrrel n c ' ! -H;D Machen, Washington w c NI B Hassell, VViiliamston, n c Webb 4 Capeheait, Windsor, n c W M Mason, Raleigh, n c S J Small, near Woodville, n c . S iHall, if Newbern, n c W . &, G Howard, Ocracoke, n c ' "Sept. 1 ; 1839. 37 12m Of. Ladies fnshionable "SHOES' and SLIPPERS of the latest Philadelphia fashion. A IsS, -Misses and Children's SHOES, ; : All of which he will sell as low as any other establishment in the State. The following comprise a. portion of his Slock; ' : '.U.t ' L A DI E S W OR K , : English Kid Slppers, " Philadelphia Ditto, ' - ; Ditto Ditto wilh ties, 1 French, Kid, and Seal Skin Ditto, Ditto Ditto 2nd and 3d quality,, " Calf and Seal Skta Strap Shoes, Ditto Ditto 2d -and 3d quality, , : r; Misses Kid blippers, iV Ditto Ditto 2nd and 3d quality, Children's Ancle Ties, i iDitto Shbetees 1st 2nd&3d oiiRlitv G ENTL E M E N'S VV O R K. 1 v MM. A few selected out of ma- Best CalfSkin Boots. Ditto Morocco and Seal Skin Ditto, First quality Pump Boots, : Second and Thrd Ditto Ditto, CalfSkin Shoes and Shoeteee, . Morocco and Seal Skih Ditto, I Second and third quality Ditto, , First quality Calf & Seal Skin Pumps, : Ditto Ditto Morocco and Lasting, ; Boys Shoes and Shoetees, ' Servants Ditto Ditto. He also, offers to the public an elegant assortment : of LEATHER, such as the following: l ; Philadelphia and French Calf Skins,.! " Boot Morocco and Seal Skin, j " Sheep and Lamb Skins of every quality : and colour. - ! All of which he will sell low for cash. I ' .G W. OWENS. Halifax, July -4th, 1839. 28 tf N. B All persons indebted to me from 1832 to the 1st January 1839 either by note or account will please call and settle the same. G. VV. OWENS. WARRENTOH MALE A CAD JTJlHE subscriber having procured the I J ase of the large "and commodious Academy : in tbia place, begs leave to inform bis numerous friends and tbe pub lic generally, that the exercises of tbe institution will -commence ' on Monday the 29lh inst. : No situation io the "State possesses greater advantages than War rent on, for tbe establishment of a large and perma nent seminary of learning Contigu ou? to to tbe lower parts of Virginia and North Carolina and easily assessible by means of the Raleigh &. Cfaston Rail Road ronmog mthio three miiOs of the villiage, and at the same time, as. heal thy as aoy town in the State, surrounded by a population distinguished fer mtehi gence, moraiity, andweallhWarrenton presents to the people of the lower coun try superior ad varr (age's for ; (he educa tioo of their sons arid wards. ;i The subscriber fiuUers himself t bat be is so woll knovui in iSorliiT Carolina, as an instruitorof ybuti),tthat . it is necessary o nly to say that, if an ex per ie nc e of ten years 'improved to the best advantage io the rnau'cigemeut of . la'fgo p'jhlu institu tions, a modo of , instructions the . most' thorough and " exarl, and a devotion of hia '''undivided (n and attention v to tiie interests of the Academy can entitle one to public p.,t'. ronage, he will .certainlymerit -access. Oi'lhe strictest moral habits tinned, he will enforce, with discretion but finnui.ss the most rigid discipline in the .'.school "in ordtr to ensure a correct nioral dt: -portment on the part of the boys en trusted to his care. Terms of Tuition 1 for the session of five months: ' "For the Latin and Greek Languages and Ma the ma tics 20,00 i For the variouH Enghsl. . branches ufleariiiog, 5,0 lioAKD fnay.be had iurespvctibie him jliesnn the viiias;e and its vicinity at 8 to J5IO per month. Vbarg will be triHije i-oni ihe time of admission to the tcrminnt "-oh of the s!a sioo. I . - i ROBERT A EZELL A M VVa'rrenton,' Jan I Ifn 1G 1U 4 4 w V B (L7 (brGO US do 1. Blue do ' Olive Green do 'Invisible Ho do Rifle do VOL. HIBii IO--:- VyiHlOS U4K GG gums, a wonderful chunge was produced, and after a few applications the child displayed obvieus relief, ttnd by contin uing in its use, I am glad to inlorrn you, the child has completely recovered and no recurrence of that awful com. plaint has since occurred; the terth'nre emanating daily and the child enjoys perfect health. I' give" you my chfdrful permission to make, this acknowledge ment public, and ivill gladly give yuy information on this circumstance. -7 WM. JOUSOX. 07-A gentleman who has mtde trial' of Dr. VV. Evans' 6oothii-g Syrup m lira family, (in case ot a teething child,) wishes us to state that he tbund it entire ly effectual in relieving pain in the gums and preventing the consequences w Sich sometime follow. We cheerfully con.piy with his requt sl. r-N. York .Sun. 07"Ve believe it is generally ncknovvl'. edged by those who have tried it, thai the ooothmg Syrup for Children Cut- mg I eeth. advertised in another coi- rnHE subscribers respectfully in LL form their, friends and tbe pubtic generally" that they are now ''opening their FA LI AND WINTER GOODS, wbich were purchased with great per sonal care,' by one of the; firm, in New York and Philadelphia, ar prices which will enable them to sell at least ten" per, cent cheaper, than what they hsve sold heretofore. Those wbo wish' tjp pur chase fine and cheap goods in their line, will do well to call at their well known stand in Ilalifok, and examine their as sortment, before purchasing . elsewhere. ' Among tbeir assortment: may be found, the following articles, Superfine wooldyed Black Clothes do do," 'do do do do " do do do do. Light Bottle- do do Olive Brown do -do London do ; Cadet Mix Oxford . do do Wooldyed Black Beaver do for ver Coats . do - Blue do do for do do Wooldyed Black Cassameres do do do" do do do do do do do do do do I eholl on the 2na tiav or lrccnrtirr next on the j treatises sell, the plantation. itims On N- II "Thomas now resides sale made known on the day i?f aula JOHN W. HEPTIKSI ALL, November 19thlfi39 - ytate of iSorth Carolina. HALIFAX COUNTY. ere IJ O T l C 13 : pi EOUGE FISHER, informs his vijj" friends and the public generally, that in consequence of his health , he has associated with him in the Saddle ry business Mr. THOS. S. VAUGHAN who will in future conduct the business and w honi he would . recommend to his customers! as entirely worthy of their confidence. With regard to him as a work -man he has few equals and less superi- ors. .' - ' The subscribers intend to keep con stantly on hand a fdll supply of every ar ticle usually kept in such establishments and hope by strict attention to business to merit a', liberal portion of public patron- ce. ' v . FISHER & VAUGHAN. Halifax Jan. 15, 1840 3 tf All persons indebted to me by NOTE nr otherwibO are earnestly requested to make immediate payment. - GEORGE FISHER. Jan. 15, 1340 olDREDiTAT THE POST OFFICE. -t rrO credit can or will be givenat the jXJ Post Office at Halifax N. C. and I do hope none will be asked., H. WILKES P. M. Jannary 1&V1840. , -; 1 " , OYSTERS. f pnHE Subscriber bas for sale U 1.500 srallona Oysters which . he will coutr&ct to deliver at the Rail Road rpnot in: Suffolk, in quantities and at times to suit the pprchaser, or he will de liver them at his landing. The quality of the oysters is" good. . y JOHN PHILLIPS. Jan 29 3t.; hu;katuck, Nansemod. ..Halifax Advocate copy 3 times and send account to this office.-V ' . ,."''. 0 irewrd fm ANA WAY from the Subscriber, UA on the 14th November, 1836, uegro man Aged about 26 yearsi5 feet 6 or 7 in ches." in height, " weighing about ''ISO pounds, yellow complexion, with a plea sant look no scars or marks known of. Said negro formerly belonged - to M oses Tison, in Pitt county where he was rai sed.; The above reward will be paid for bis apprehension and delivery to me iu vjrreene couuiy, y raues irom Stan tonsburg 6n the1 Raleigh road, or lodged in any jail so that l get him . again. All persous are forwarned against harboring employing, or. carrying on said negro, tinder penalty ot the law. .. BENJ. D. EASQN. June 6th. 1838. T t 94 tf havd; 3 Pi two valuable horses tor sale. one of them is a superior Sulkey horse and the other is a horse of more value, j l aUo have two Sulkey3 and Giggs for sale.' I can be found in Weldon or at Pleasant Grove. - EDWARD R. PIERCE, reoraexy V . - j B, 5 e rh o v d I Pl HE Subscriber having recently RE JLL MOVED his Stock of Goods into the Store latelv occupied bv Messrs. Frazier & KingIsbury, is now opeoind A General and well- Selected Stock of Fall and Winter G 00 d 8 , 'consisting in part of ; Dry 'Goods; Groceries; Hats; Shoes; Hardware; Crockery &z Queens- vare; - 1 And almost every article usually kept for sale in this section of the country. rJ tt?"Having spared neither time nor pains in the selection of his Stock, he hopes to give satisfaction to those who i may favor him with a call, .nd examine Tor themselves before pur chasing elsewhere. " BL.AKE PITT MAN. Halifax, Oct. 17, 1 839. 43 tf IN. EQUITY. Fall Term. 1839, N this case Willis & Arthur Arring- on &. others Exparte petition to sell land. Stering H. Geo and WiHiwra W. West; heir at Law of Wm. W Wj st dee'd by his gard, S. H. Gee having bled a petition against Arthur Arrington Willis Arringtoh, John Arrington, James Arrington. and . it appearing that the same Arthur, fFillis, John & James are non residents ot this State, it is ordered by the Court that publication be made 6 weeks in the Roaaoke Advocate, no tilyir.g the said defendants, that unless they appear at the next term of our Court of equity to be held for the Coun j ty of Halifax at the 'Court House in the J own of Halifax on the 4th -.JJoud a af ter ther4th AJondav' in Jlarch next and plead, 'answer; pr demur judgment pro confis--. . VI taken and the case heard expaiie a.. iohem.. . v " Witness Jos. L. Simmons Clerk & Master in equity for the County of Hal ifux at oflice the 4th Monday after the 4lh -londay in 5ept 1 839 J. L. SIMMONS, C. fc. M. Price Adv. 5,62 1-2.' Fancy do do Diaonial do Black Ribb do dp Doeskin Plain I Biuff A ' . Cadet Mix " -Oxford do Plain. Buff Cashmaret ; ; plain Black Figured Silk, Velvets do " do and do Plush do - - do Woolen do ' do Black and VV hite Satin J RicM Figured do do do .' Valencia V ' do do 1 Shally Stocks of every description, Gentlemcns Scarfs B!k Silk Cravats, : do Blk Kid Gloves do col'd do do d j Blk and White Silk do do Black i'k Hpse t do u cket Handkerchief 4 do Kich Twilied do ! . - do Suspends r, and S hirt collars ' y do plain ai d patent Frilled Bosoms do Aierino .Sri-. its and drawers do LiimbbWooi do . do x do cotton do. ' . 'do i few l ine Hts, . Together with a general assortment o Trifr.inings. All of which will be sold low for -cash or on a credit o punctual men Goutferaen ! furnishing their own. cloths can have them made and trimed in the la te&t style and at the shortest notice. The subscribers return their thanks to their friends for 1 heir liberal support and hope by strict attention to business to mer it and receive a continuance of the' same. All 01 dels from a distance will be piomply atLe:;si d to. ' W i 1 1 f EH E AD BIGGS. Halifax, S pt. 1839. 3i TTTNR. ROBT. C. BOND, takes lAls tbis method of infiming his friends, that he has. declined the idea of re moving from V Halifax. . He! takes the residence of the late James Haltt day, Esq. where he will be ready at all times to attend to the duties of his profession. Dec'r. 7, IC39. SO tf IP AY UP AND SA VE . COST. "All persons indebted to me in any name what ever, are hereby notified that such claims as may " remain unpaid at the end of February Court weefc will positively be placed in the . bands of collecting, officers. ; HENRY fHLKES. . Halifax, Ca. Feb. 3, 1840, , ABRAM D. JONES"" GROCER, CO M M ISSION, A ND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, I '; PORTSMOUTH, VA. K Pi A V I N G been engaged in 51.5 -the Grocery business 111 this place for the three past years, now offers his ser vices to the Public in the above business in all iu various branches. He will attend in person to receiving and foi warding mer chandize, Produce, &c. &c. : ' i To sales on Commissions his most par ticular attention will be paid, and no effort will be spared to render - satisfactory state ment cf all goods committed to bis charge. All goods stored, Bhipped, or sold at the owneis option. :, !. v To the Merchant, Shipper, Mechanick, Farmer, and the Public generally he would respectfully say that none shall excel his moderation in charging .and despatch in business.- - -:- -;- - ;.. Situated near the wharf and .the Ports mouth & R. .R. Road," where he can attend in person to all business. v He begs leave to refer to the Merchants of Portsmputh.Norfolk &. Suffelk generally. Jan. 25; 1840. -..V .' " ' "' YVi HEESE, Crackers, Beer, Oranges, vyV .and Candiesjust received and for sale by -'-- ' C. N. WEBB. Halifax,, Jaat 29, 184CX . HENRY WILKES, COMMISSION MERCHANT ' '" - -' . A N D -'"': " :::i"f , ' ; - GENERAL AGENT f Has returned from, the south and prepared to' attend to business.1 Halifax, N. Ca. Nov. IS, 1839. A Real 'Messing to Aiolhers. DR, W: EVANS' CELEBRA TED SOOTHING 3YKUP, For Children Cutting :htir Teeth. This infallible remedy; has preserved hundreds of Children, when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon; as. the Syrup is: rubbed on the gums, the child will recover. Thib preparation is so innocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that, no child will refuse to let its gums be'rubbed with it: When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gutni.- to open the poses. . Pa rents should never be without the Syrup in the nursery where there, are youn children; for ; if a child wakes in tbe night with pain in,, tbe gums, tt-e Syrup immediately gives ease by : opening the pores and healing tbe gums; thereby preventing Convulsions, Fevers, &c. (TF-PROOF POSITIVE OF THE EFFICACY OF DR. EVANS' SOOTHING SYRUP. To the Agent of Dr. Evans Sooth ing Syrop: Dear Sir The great benefit-afforded to my y snffering infant by your Soothing 5yr hp, in a case of pro tracted and painfel dentition, , must con vince every feeling parent how essential an early application of such an invalua ble medicine is to relieve infant misery and torture. My infant, while teething, experienced such acute sufferings, that it was attacked with convulsions; and my wife and family supposed that death would soon "release the babe from ani guish, till we procured a bottle of your Syrop; which as "jsoon at applied to the umn, is a highly useful article tcr ihe purposes for which it is intended lighly respectable pe,-ons, at any rate, who have made use of it. do net he&i- ate to give its virtues the sanction of heir names. -Boston Traveller. 4 OA SEVERE CASE OF TEETHING, WITH SUMMER COMPLAINT, cured by the infaN ihle American Soothing Syrup of Dr. W Evans. Mrs Mcpherson, residing at No. 8, Aladison street, called u lew days since at the medical office cf Dr. VV. Lvans, 100 Chatham street, N. Y., and purchased a bottle of the Svruo lor her child, who was .suffering . e'xcruciai ling puin uuring tbe process ol dentition, heing moment anljrthreatened vviili con- vulsioos, its bowels too were exceeding loose,, and no food could he relumed on the stomach. Almost imne,iialeiy on its application, tlie alarming syu. tome entirely, ceased, and by continuing I lie use of tbe syrup on the gums, the bowels in short time ' became. qui(e natuial. As a tribute of gratitule lor tbe beae fit afforded the child, the mother came of her own accord and irtcly sanctioned publicity to the above. Pray be f ar ticular in applying at . 100 Chatham sirtet, as thtrc are several coureneiis . advertised. No olhcr place in the city has the genuine for ale. ' (grlmportant fo.MoTHLns. Children generally suffer mm h uneasiness trt txv the cutting ol their tteth. Whatever dangerous or fatal tyn ptoms attend this process of nature, they are produceU invariably from the highly irritated and inflamed condition of tbe parts there fore the principal indications of cure are to abate the inflammation, and to solten, soothe, and relax the gums. If that is effected, the infant is preserved from subsequent lever, inflatuatipn, spasmodic cough twitcling of tendons, croup, can ker, and convulsions, displaying their fatal consequences. If jiothers, nurses, or guardians have their babes tortured with painful and protracted dentilion, and this notice attracts thtir attention, the should not be deterrou troni pur chasing a bottle of EV AN 'S OOT 11 ING SYRUP for Children Teething, the incomparable virtue of which, in rem- plctely reheveing the most distressing cases wlien applied to the infant's gums as directed) is invaluable. The remedy has restored thcusands of chili dren when on the verge of the grave, to the embraces again oi fheir distracted parents, attacked with that auful and mortiferous malady -Convulsions 1 Sold at Dr. W. Evans's Of fice, one hundred Ghatham-st.y N. x.y and by all his Agents throughout the Union. 1 AGENTS. F. S. Marshall, Halifax, Spotswood Si Robertson, Petersburg, A Duval, Richmond, C. Hall, Norfolk, E. Portlock Portsmouth. few dy. larreis good App!e Drca June 17, 1839. H. WILKES. ' MILLINERY Those indebted to Mrs. Frances E. Webb, are earnestly requested to settle, by the 10th of April, at which time she expects to go North for her Spring Supply. Feb. C. N WEBB. ROWAN POTATOES, " TT7IOR SALE Price 50 cents for the IjJ largest and 25 for smaller sirs. Feb. 19. C. N. WEBB. 1 have a young Yoke of Oxen well broke that I would like to sell also an Ox Cart, Body and Wheels. JOHN W. HEPTINSTALL. S3d November, 1839. 1

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