7 CJH umMmmuo U 07 P. HALIFAX, N.C., WEDNESDAY, MAUCH 1, LIBERTY IT MUST BE PRESERVED.", . - . t ' I -1 - - 1 - .'-! ...... i1 t - BY C. WEBB,' . ' r HALIFAX, fi. J " , .' 7 TEUUlSf. . : . in'n KMncA. or -S3 00 if not - nid I with the "V rinmh ' Mr Via rur otU I h il iarnn lii"' 1(1' muiilliut - w " - " " - . -i n . l . at ' iie op'i n oi'ihe editor. V J. A uvRTisEENTs will be hargcl.-81 " - tfr raare for the fijvt insertion : each pub- 'iins.nnioti iwentj'-nve cenis , lonjer ones i isroiiori.ioii.' Advertising customer wi!l v ease to toark Or the roanuwript, how - m inv insertions are required. If no such di - i- . i J coutiiiueJ uutitorbitf and chnrge-J accord i inijl v - - .' .' ' ' ? CourVAdvertiseranU. d Sheriff Sales will b- a harmed 25 percent hiUer .man : me mii rtea ., ' - ... TO .TUB PIIIL.Ii;. :,T. Hiving incurred th -expense-. of pux-. "diasini a new Printing, Establishment, , in order that I miit be the better enabled J to publish a neat paper and give ..eatisfap tion t .i my friends, I deem this a. fit occa sion to call up7n thj. m lor. assistance. - It i.3 indeed diffif uH Tor a -village - paper" to; strain ifltrAi'f great 'political.. ex itement asrainst the efforts of party, to '1 sink it in .public opinion, unless its sup port ,rs com i to the 'rescue. Iask.no stipu laleil sum- -no privrtfe coniriluiion. ' All I ask of friends, is the vindication ofr my . papi-r, when assailed in my absence, and securing for it, a? many subscribers as the cause andvmy exeriionsn the rapport of that crtvse art etjtit!d to. - , AViM liv frien!.-i refuse to exert their " inHnonro in !plialf of one who for the last ju"r (-?rs hi toilfd ' nljht and day- in t advirinrr correct principles? -One born an raided airrnn them--one t who com. I pi!'or-Jd Ihe rorld without the 'ad vantages -of fortune or ffuenfton, and who ha- been bif-"rH- onnosed at almost every step ift;" (i' Vitwitstandine thi opposition he bi'niprrom' diffiriilfiex. surmounted .oi-!; $fr'9 and ?ivpn tT' his energiet to defend-j),- ;,irpt -of fhis c.ommiiDfty,- and thet pr ncritv of his country. I N F'-r'fp.ar of hein? intrusive, 1 conclude by 1 tpfpr?5ine mv sincere thanks to my Pat-! ron- fo-- thM generous encouragement, j andt-u-'t thpv wi1.! lonr . continue to mp- paV thej ROANOKE REPHRLir AN." . ( HAS N WEBB "il'ifax. K.V. Julv -0. 19.12. SAPB.ATH EVENING. BY GEt'RGE D. PRENTICE. TJow aicr.lv sinks the partinj suli: ' r Yrt iwi'ixt. lingers till. ; -And beautiful a dreams of Heaven, j .."-It !himhers on the hill. - ' ." E.nth "ijeps with all their glorious things, B'Vrath h Ho:y Spirit wings. Arr? -e;.deiinj back the hue's above, Sterns res'ingin a trare of love. Ro iic vondcr rock the forest trees, Inshidow groups recline; Like niins at eveuing howed in prayer Around the holy shrine.- ' i And thro" ptheir leaves - the " night-winds So t;alm and tiU tbfir m'usiclow, - Si -"m the "myterious voice of praj'er, Sof e'eh'jeid on the evening air. And vonder western thong of clouds, Retiring fiom the skv, ' So amly move so softly glow, - They se m to fancy's eye." Bright vestures of a better sphere, , 1 C e do.vn at noon to woiship here, . ' A'd froT their sacrifice of love, Returning t their homes above. - - The blue isles of the golden sea, - I h-night arrh floating high. Th' flower thaf gaze upon the heavens, The bright trenrn leaping by. Are living with Religion- df ep . On eirlh and ea its glorious seep, Aod rnirtgle with the star light fayfc,-' Like the solft light of parted days. The spirit of the holy eye; . Comes through the'silent air, ." ., To feeling's hidden spring, and, wakes A gush of music there V U V " ' : And the far depth of ether beam . -So passing fair, we almost dream That we can "rise and wander through The Open paths of; trackless- bluerj -r E4cb caul w filled with glorioH3 ilreams, . : : 4. ' ". i , " Each puis i. b.'ai.g wrd,: J And th iughtjis soaring to the shrine . Of glory undefiled: . j ; : ' And holy aspirations start I Like blessed Angels from the heart. A nd bind fbr Earth's dark ties re riven Our' spirits ta the gates of Heaven. "The " AIacician"' at his ouj trickS. - Th Washington correspondent of the N. York Couier a d Enquirer, states that in the rf cent election oi; a .-jenalor in North Carolii ta,Mr. Van' Buren vore t wo faces.! .." ; . " ' . ' Bedford I ron, who was notoriously the' favourit f the Van "Bur.n Loco Focos, it is sa d, "showed sundry letters from Mr. V. in. wjhich he expressed his utter want of corjhdence. in Judge,; aaunders and his earnwt hope that Brown would be elected". Judse Saunders1 learnins of this, nroducea letters from Mr. V. B. to hirn, in which the "sweet little fellow," soft soapedh m in the most approved style. expressed thd most unbounded confidence in hW democracy, and te most earnest de sire for hi success. This reminds us ot the sit gentlemen who courted a J ad v. and who on comrJarin? notes, found that she was ensaffed to all stx.--P.vu. . From he Christian Observer., GRAND OBJECT OF LIFE. - The zreati object for which :it is the Christian's privilege to live, is happily pre sented n thd! following .extract trom a York by the Rev. -Dr. Skinner," enti tled the "Rehgion of the Bible." ' ! ! Be it that Jou annot do as much good or .'pt-na as mucri uine innorM oi uneui benihtence as xiid your L.ora ana aiasur, you can put yourself absolutely under th law ot benincence, ana maice j uoing gooa the grand ot jectof youi life; and while laithlul in ac omplishmg that object to the duties of you r calling, and - the clai ms oi domestic lelations, you may give the en tire remainder of tiine and- substance to deeds of active goodness; and thus may u hi.ve the whole ot lite stamped with beneficence. The extent to which men can employ them elves in direct beneticeuce. vari. s with d ifFerent net sous. ! Sume must give almost their whole. time to providing lb i thPir iamuies or theuiseives. Some can spare several lours ot r very day, and some have their vi ole Jife at their disposal, and can devote th emselves absolutely, io wort of mercy. . AH, however, can uye unuer the control o can be actuat the benehctnt principle; all i 'by 'that pria lwle; ail can .be actuated by hat pnncipi , and no mere ly by blind iibstinct or cold resOnsibility, even in do m SUU UUiica uuu lauuia, an, in this wav, can make the wnole, oii lite one Scent action. The den: nd Christian 1j , to the extent of scene of beutj isr. that evt-ry his "ability, a piacticid philanthropist: "oe such in the W orld. in short, that he make doing good td liis fellow creatures, howev er. related to theiii, the distrnct object aud purpose of hil existence on eartht This is the demand jwbaiCbristiaa, with the con sent of his oln consience, can resist it?- iuight innocently, give our selves up to quiet contemplations, or pri vate 'indulgnJces, or projects lor increasing oi-t nersonal rJossessious.. n We .ere among a race of sin r ; - - j , . : ess and na;p we need not inqvl ire; but c.u we pr tend to benevolence and live for any such pur- pose, wnue we naveoui resilience amiusi on circumstances as tnose in which we "ard passing our daysf iloo lew, even ol Chriitiaus appear to be a,are ol their circurns ances. now utile ao any of us reflect hat we t annot go a&road m ,! wiihout passing j by same beggary, ot dlseaf, or of t he! btreetjl habitation of death,1 or wh it is worse, of ignorance and crime,- where benrVolenc . m yht be doing works of goodness, at which angels would rencwthfir aongs? Vhiie e are sitting together in thje sanctuary, - r rejoicrng in the society ol our friends; or pursuing our gainful business, how slightly we ttiink that men, not far distant lrom us, tre groan - ing life away in wa t and distress, in dun- geons and in (chains; and that widows and orphans, paupers, prisoners and ctbeis, ready to perisb, far and near, and all the world over, afe by their deep necessities, crying aloud or our pity and assistance And more be irt-rending still, that nearly the whole world are lying 1n the chains &. undes the curse of siu; and generation after generation are led captive by the great destroy r, at his will, into the prison of eternal de. h! But, should Christians be' thustinmii dful that it is in 'such 'a vtorld they have their dwellings! f II no thing could b done, by them to alleviate human, wretchedness, they might well lor bear enefi -iafl effort, and live for othei purposes than to do good to men. out, as this is a world of hope, as well as of.sor: row, and as we have, .through the! hodntv of Providence, and the .sacrifice of Christ, ample remedi ;s for bolh the lempoial and spirrtiial illso man,-where iVour ; benevo lence, if we dc not exert ourselves to roake full proof of these remedies? ; ; Must itnot astonish the haly angels to see benevolent beings,' in our circumstances uriemploy in doing goo l? , Is it strange, that, in thesa circumslances, our Savionr jshould Uave dt -r.ted iiin'-eit "to works" ot uietcy and companion? Where is the vigor ol piety in the church, whea but here and there can a Christian be found,', who lives only to be useful to his perishing, fellow-men,-and he passes loo. often, for little: better than a wrell-meaning enthusiast? . ; Old Maids vs. Young Maids. -Say what you . will of old maids; their love is generally more' strong - and sincere than -, that of the young mconsiuerate ! creatures, j whose hearts vibrate between, the joys of wedlock and the aspirations of, the ball ' ruom.v. Until the youns'heart of woman ' is tapahle of melting firmly and exclusive ly On one'subjpcf. her lov is like a May shower, which makes rainbows, ,but fills no cisterns. .;, . - ' "' - . . AxMMAL MAGXEfrSM. . We learn trom'the -'Boston D uly Mail;" that a young woman was thrown, in Mes meric state at the City Hall, at Lowll Mass, by Dr. W. P. Shattuck,. an j submit ted to the upe i at ion of extracting a, tumor on.th? shoukier, without manifesting th slightest pain.. An : incision round the 'tumor. was made to the depth of nearly two inches, and the operation was one which, under ordinaiy circumstances. would have caused acute, pain 'fainting &cv On bein brought br.ck, to the natural atat; the lady was entirely free frbm pain, and was not aware that any operation had been perfor med. This experiment wa.s" performed un der the direct : personal examination of Drs. Hoi brook, Pillsbury, and: Horn, of Lowcllj and in presence of a very large and respecfable audience. A full and scien tific nrpcrt of the case will soon be pub lished.' -" WORSE THAN THE TOOTHACHE. A Dutchman, proceeding to a place to whence he hynrd cries. of distress, discover ed one of his countrymen lying under a stone wall, which had foil en upon hint and f act urea hi legs. Veil den neighbai Vanderdiken. vat ish de matter wid vou?' ' Vt de matter ! vy don't you ! see "miri condition.' vid all deesh pig .stones upor4 me, and poth mine legs proke' close. pv mine body?" "Mine Cot!" 'exclaimed Hans. ish dat all? you holhvereo. so like funder.J thought you wash got de tooth ache" i r 1 " T. From the Baltimore Sun. r IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT. The iloue hill ; abolishing I imprison ment for debt; has not , et been 'acted up ' on by the Senate ol Marv IandrU e ob serve that several petitions have been pre sented, from Baltimore, remonstrating a gainst its ad. ption. We feel convinced thai lour -;ut ol every five of the' voters ot our city a,-e m .favot ol Air. . Galla-ehi's-bili, oi something like it; and "we believe that ihiough.,ul tne stale the" ' preponder ance jh !ts favor is cmuiK ttieiefore bcg; the Senators" to ponder be loie iuey yi.-id l h. sm'po.-tuiies ot the "pe-: titivners agaiuit th p-.ige of the bill, who. if v e are rightly iutormed, are fo't th most part interested iu fees and emoluments." r.eiy body jitiows bow easily.' iiiay De got ud. f ' t petitions Vpropos to this subject, we find the fof. losing snoiig arguments 'again t 'imDnUon- mem lr debi. thus briefly sumi.-ied up iu' the Iew York Tribune: . 1. It is a g eat moral wrong The man whoowes a debt and cannot pay it has not therefore justly subjected himself to pun ishment. Aie has donef nothing, worthy of Jncrea,e of Soman Catholics in the Uni death or of bonds. It is hard enongh t- Afl.The number of Roman Cath ultprlj 'destitute, without being madi to ", 0i,Cs in United States has been lately suffVifbr it as , fit were guilt. . ' estimated at I.oOO.dOO since ihe begin-4- It confounds innocence with crime.-! n:no. nf.h. Ikl-l .nr'rhnrrhp.- a.H wne man is poor, and cannot pay; anotner i Kii43ii, ciuu noi. iiie taw oi impris onment treats them both alike, and must do so in spite of all reservations and qualifica tions. -We would punish a fraudulent deb tor "with the' utmost Pi-verity: but simple poverty carries enough punishment along with it, without-superadding legal penalties.- ! ' " - ."' I, It is preciou. Merchants trust those who ought not to be trusted, under the ex pectation of getting their pay at the biiter end of an execution- The poor' prodigal who has nothing i enabled to run up a rum score at the tavei n or gr ce-'y." or to spend computation that it cannot be qiot"i in the his earnings in liquoj while running in price currents of the merchants' Ex debt for necessaries, became the creditor change. " . knows a commitment to prison will proba- . -; .' . bly bring forward' 'some lender .hearted neighbor to bail him out or even pay the debt; And thus intemperance," prodigality, and idleness are fostered by this abomina-' -bIe.imi)iisonmtnt." ' - "..' ' : 4.v It rob families of their subsistence; "firifhv tempting the thoughtless husband and father Tnto dissipation, as we ,- have, just shown; t'en,by seizing and Ishutting .him upain idleness, leaving, hi wife - and cltUlrento charitv or starvation. Thy re destitnte'and riendless, of "course, or he would not go to jail - ,-. . 5. It is a violation of contracts. VVe Atm't think io m ucH of this argument, but it is constan'ly'set up on theShvlock sale, and we don-'t see why it should not work both ways, if either. : 'The man who con tr:.cted a debt in the absence of any Im prisonment law?has riot contracted to ' go to jail if he shall proVe unablo to pay it aticxpanded his jaws nd locked hungry, rnu.unly. To put that condition upou.hiru 'is. unjust and-oppressive. ... "We could add reasons by the column, but must forbear. The very first is enough. If I owe another man for property, my property (within certain limits) .is justly his torteit; let the law late it and pay nun But mv liberty is not jatly forfeited by my mere inab lity to pay im, and if the law takes it, it' acts wantonly and unjustly. ' . High, Pressue Eloquence. A late niifuber of the .St Louis Ledger gives the following av the'substaace of a. speech re. cently d-li.vered in the Missouri .Lrgisla- fure. It is about '40 horse power, and we give it precisely as we find it: Mr. Speaker I'm Wolf Jim, from one of the upper counties. lean whip the toe nails off a gri2ly bar. und depopulate ; the wolf diggins-oflheir inhabitants, just as fast a" skinflint, St. Louis Yankee w- uld wig gle himself into a money corpoiation therefore I go, hide, hair; and 18 squeals again this inv.-sion of ternal tihte. hat, sink the liberties of the whole north east ernmost part of bur country.by repudiating the bounty oo'them varmint's head dies es; and all thai the 'Governor's !itre. . boy Bill may wear ruffle. shirts, and th-,t suck in fhavin shop, St. Lduis, may xepp her inhabitants chawin' up-river corn at a cheap price.. Why. its m.onstrus! ' Do you happen. to know, Mr.. Chairman, that thpv have got in thattiiat: 'place a" combi nation? You needrt look as if a wild cat had lit on yon. for the.y have. Fire engines, steam saw mills, .patent' ' machirn's -two hondfed lawyers, as mapy doctors,! a shop to make mun to. with a row of steam boats all combined, in an undissolved phalanx to wage ar. exterminating, never ending, gtab-all-ou-can-git warfare again the. rights of th.P upper .counties . and the fiorth-easterr.irno?l part f our state, not for gotten the unalienable rights, of Wolf Hol low, ap d its staple productions in particu-'ar- Is this any longer tQ be .tolerated? Xnr, ir! rather let us be exiled to the dark gorges of the Rocky Mountains, where no enrn whiskey is iound. and wheie the light of civifization can't penetrate, they are so far down: rather let us submit to be come lihtnin rods t r the. snow. headed summits of these bluffjof llie Pacific," than hefmelted like thin eakes. of ice. by the fire of this aris ocratic "cooking stove." Jilillerium arid Pwfessof . Bush.- We have been very much interested in an ex iise of Miller' doctrine "by -Professor Bush in a. late lecture He from persoual acquaintance regards Miller as dogmatical Si intolerant. -Hf points out4he most prom inent of his numerous mistakes, and espe-. cia'ly the great one of regarding V -the ch ansing of the sanctuary as the end of this woik. He shows that it refers to, the removal of the Mahommedan power from Jeruselem, an evnt to which Professor ; Bush looks forward with gre8t"1cor.fidence; ' It 'cannot, be dented that the present condi , tirin of Turkey and the progress of events in Syria, portend ihe spoedy overihrow 'of , Turkish po, er in Palestine. The pere- cntion f the Jews in Europe and Asia.has '.. almost er.lirelv ceased, and m anv of them -.are hep-irinino- to receive the posnel. Such v;a state of things is unnoubt dly to mark. the 'clof of :he present era. which willl terminate with the rndaul overthrow of jMahomine.lanisrri but will be very far fiom the end of the world. Christian In telligencer, .1 .- ' ' chapels there are 57 i. and 62 in Drocess of construciiou. making a total s 656 officiating prielts the number is 572. Of 19 'of thtse have been.nia"de id the year. 184-2. 31 new churches have been. erected in the year 184-2, J4 of which are in the diocese oFNcvi York.Philad Jlmericai. V ; : i i ; . - : . - :- The following toast was drank at the din ner of-the stockholders of the. Merchants Exchange, at Boston Wednesday last: Woman'Heaven's last best gift- to man;", the only angelic conmodity. whose. inirinsir vai ;p.so tar frauscenas an numaa An Irishman thus describes a' wheel barrow -"It is'a little carriages with one . wbell and the hoise is a man." -"' -' .' ' : " 1 U Lord Brougham, This distinguished . rrian. when in a playing mood, wrote the - following eprtaph on himself: v-. s ''Her reader, t"rn your'weeping eves, , Mv fate an Useful moral ; teachers:' , The hole in' which my body lie, ; Would notc6naini one half my speeches-" j : .' . ' .1 - j "Mr. : Swipes,. Pv just kicked your Will' iann out of the store.'' . ' ? Well Swingiejit'j the first Bill you've footed U is many a day." . "There Is 'an opening for somebody." as iru Kentuck?an said, when a crockodile New .-Flour THE subscriber has' just receivr-d on consign uie'nt .... ... 20 BARRELS FLOUR, Made from Wheat, of the lasit crop, which lie will sell low tor Cafh only, ' ' - - lie expct3 to keep a tongmnt' supply of the bejgi qualiiy on hulid, and i will always sell af the lowest CnsU pricer. " - F S. MARSHALL. Halifax, N. Ca. .September 12, .1842. ffo if(f 'bs- tJotton Yarn, all numbers J0tF 600 1W: beat quality Jwrd; V choice Bacon, 1 -i For calft by 't STEPI1 EN BU RRO WS Halifax. October 5. 1842. ' FaajatrsicAi institution - THE .siitisqribei: bees leave to inform the Musical wort !j -that assortment of Mu sic is now uncomo.only 'lare and extensire 'including instruction Books for the Piano Forte", Guitar Flute, Violin, AiC well, as a great Variety f Sacred Music and Note Bouks f"r siiij -: ine -'all tt of which will -f-e sold lew,' by U. P. NASII, Book and Piano Forte Seller, , ..; - ' . ' Prorsdjurg, Vn. A fiee assortment of Piano Fortes on' linnd at reduced prices. 1 . ' - - ' i Oct. 12. " V1VV; V: ' E. P. N. ' THE subscriber takes this rmethod of returning his sincere' thanks to the ciiizensof Weidon and. ibe surrounding country, for the liberal ptron;ige bestowed up on him since his commencement in bnsinew, and respectfully solicits a. continuation of the same... assuring them that .be can - offer them Goods cheaper ad of superior qual ty " to any .which' the '-.market can afford. Anio;;g other articles he has received a beauliful assortment of T " II rv Ciocds. '. , HATS, CAPS, -AND SHOES "AND . BOOTS. Also, a" lajrg. quant ity of Cotton. Yarn, t'..:tnn Baeeina:, and Rope of different qualities, toeeth- cr i.U a larare lot of fresh GROCERIES, and ! jevery.omer arucie H94iany Kepi in a c ountry tofe. AJi t( which he- will etl very low for Cash. Persons ould do. wel t. examine -his stock before purchasing elsewhere" ' W. CI. SPILHIAN. .' Weidon, r Oct.. 14, 1842. - 42 5t J&'ottae- ': & Vo. L- Takes this 'method of returning - their thanks to the public for ihe. liberal patron age they have received since they commen ced business in this place, and hope thai eb lone as they keep a igfjod stock of Goods on hand, they ,naV receive the. same. His wi ces shall le at the lowest rates. for Cah. N. B. -All those itfdebred to the above are most respect (uliy invited to comelbrward and settle their accounts Iwnween this and the lst""of January, 1843, or 'they will be Viven to to tln'cnecessity of placing hem in the hands oi an officer. .' -' - P. S. Just -received- a' flew " supply of Dry Gnods. Shoes, &c .&c. &c. Halilax. Dec 21sf, 1842. supoitaEit fo Travellers, - M' ' fyiHC Richmomnd and 'Fredericksburo- a Rail Rnad fnmnariv hiv ;.ict' fin. Rail Roa ished their rail ro'ad oad to the P. tomac river, and n through without stagin". Th:,a the car now rn ; ompany have relaid with heavy iron. :,the trark of their road Ihe Potomae Steamboat f.nmn-n mill I. .. - I a powerful ice hoat. on the river this winter to Keep it open. fc The Richmond and Pfctersbunr Co" are Uvl in their trark with havy iron . The Petersburg and Roanoke Co. are retnil- din their tratk With cdre-rails. a larffe Drt of which is already done. TheV are at, hnJIfiin a bridge jcro Roaoke to mke flieir connex ion ttith the W ipi :on. Road njore perfect I lie-e coftlv improvements made ami making in the Great Mail Line, will, it i3 hoped, satisfy the public that the Companies compo-ina: t are determined to make it ooe of the best in -. .e country. It is now not only the only daily line runnine in connexion with the 'Wilmi'ngtoe rail rud, but it Will be found the nost cer tain, safe, an., spedjtious. " For further ii.fornrfition and ticket through 4 Rshimore arilvo the agent at' tVeldou. OftVe Crent Mail Jkine. ; wVtdon ty. C Nov. 12, 1342. J " ; DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, ; . ; nCtt. tARGCLf I.V OENUINE'DRUGS ANDiMEDICINES, ' Which they will always furnish to merchants and physicians at the lowest wholesale prices. ' - . - - --- ALSO, ' . . . Paints, IPye-Stuffs Window Glass, Perfumery, Wfatcnt ftedicihesIYtn.ctf Articles, &c. " Petersburg. Va. February 1. 1845k " . Who waul -vhite Teelh? have a snlutieu tst will . make tlse blackest Teeth "perffclly vtntt. Price 2." ceuts per vial v "..- . ; Hhf.sx, Not. 9, 194Q I JTJST received pd (or sale low for ca?h cr i p proved paper :j ,px thor.'iltA. ?Hry'-y -r Geokge'I'isueS's ma'.e; V-t.'ht'istln'ir of Best Stitched, Plain and Cetnuio'ir Saddinri Best Knglish II-;td ;uid 'Keint-y AlstrtingaleiS; Stirrup Irons, - i v . Bils of every descnpiion;;j!,f ' And many oiher'aiticlcs. ; Anv uii icicle. not on hand wiiMie orden'r. ' ' r C Vi WKX1I1, Halifax. Aug. 24.: 1842. I, INTERESTING TO PLANTERS MERCHANTS, AND M A N U FA CT V- ' ERS. pHJE BATES JF TRANSPORTS - j - tion on the Porisniouth and iiuanoke Rail. Road from ; Weidon' lo Portsinoutli, have been reiuce d as follows: 't: -On.Tobacco in hhds to 20cenrs perlOOIb? nett. t ' : y - . : . ; , Oii man&fuctured Tobacco, to 25 cents box, arid 40 cents per keg. -On Fiour, to 25 cents per! bhl. ; , On Cotton to 15 cents per lOOiha, On Groceries, to S(J cents per H'0ib. " On Dry Goods, to 25 cents per lOOIhs. r , walti:h GU y N, ' ; Pres t P. and R. R; R..Co.r Ofllce of P. and R R. li. Co. ' Aug. 9ih, 1842. ' . 5 - v. . R. HAItREL.LrS " NERVINE .10 TION It is truly upr ting to wi'iiicrt'' -.,!. ra vora.D:e. t fleet oi .u-t's Uil i: ' (in iui vt'oti in the cure of a grt-at. ijithiv m Our Oast, aggravated nialadiea. If the ' d;soa . be- acute or of recent occurrence it wiJl'Vu f id, in a few minutes; if it he C'nouit oi' ..f I oijg standing it will f-isapr.eo- 'ill k f.r..' lays; but in evtky case pain will ii Ov!i -;. iu uhnoet ni!5tantar otttsfy; "or sucFj is" tue t-u-i ien transition which us. rcr.-lid ir j) .. trenie fcuubring to, a-t.-itcs :f perfect d i.- - , that tliefperrttiofi ts '-.barely tcriiiiuafi-J vviien the patient rxclsLnE," his pain. ar-,; gone, and Uia- a favourable , chung" Iih-j pa? s'-y upou :J the'deteaso--'- ThogA'-gi-atetiif.-tM ? are not merey theoreUca!,. but the bu:'o;;-V.- ed Result ot ijLh erratic. a .andv'experiehc l-iua.new antl powettiii principle in mi: ca! pract ce will prxni ly lacilitrite the c C - Ot ail d'easf-s, but wiil byon-Jj the. iptu. ' distant shade uf doubt,-."a; thotisaud.) u'i.'t' tefttfy, y 'Completely' h.uy'dae .'.tha..'.fbi.,r.vu'rg rrsatacies, 'provided they are.. 'wi'tiiio ilia rc.-u-i-.of Liimsn niean?r D'jpepsi i, '.As! hr in, No:. algia. Tic Doloureux. Ii;tle'py or Fiis -Sr. Vitus' lUnce, Hysterics, l4piot? '. ;scases. Cramps, Spasms. ock Jaw. Netvous ,, . ea:it a c h a Tooth A c 1 j erTTe a.T.Eye- Rho wat ; s r.J Gout, Swelled and fainfuf Joints llar'y la flnmjnattons of tbe Throat, .ungs, Hear: and its appendages sill Painful , Di;risr'. Parolotic debilities;' Violent SpraVs; T j ler fFdrme, Ring Worms. I'nnpJeB and otlj, er Uruptioos -f the. Skin. - , i j . .' For eale by " ' - CflAS- iT. WEI'B. General Agent for t he Town and Countv of i.Ujf,x, N c - '' A so for so !? ."by " SIDNEY IFELLRR. : JJrinkleyvi;! VVilGiiT IHYS. p.fi -!d V - -.ll.-PAVUL.-. Scotiard iXerii. I will give a r me apprehe-tiRion and confinement iiVtiit. JailMlahfax oixnly,.Negioes. C - CAKOLIri E A ND M ARY, ; fir ThlHi: TiJ! -rl. -,t ' r :. . -I ' f Or Thirty Doi'.ars for either of' tia ' ! - - "l'i.n pt4ne.negroes.1s deemed use-" ! ,essas mey are known by 'a suficir-nt'niim -" ' f er of s persons Jn; Hal.fak to pro ven' 4 ' ne .J.east- .difficulty itv. idetdifi ,n.2 ,,'hem.-. The husband of belongs to the - Estate 11. ; oaia jjaniei ani tne husband it, belongs to Col,' A. Joynr. ! It i s.;:j,jH' sed that Ih'ey Kpend much of their 'una i'r the neighborhood of their husbands - 30th Sept 1842. O 40 tf Notice. The subscriber ofiers for sale -on n credit o" six months with Interest, a - aluahle Ve'm. m m said to be an excoi'ent Farmer. Go-V paper, or.approveJ serur-tv vrill be renuirprf ; before delivery. Apply to - . 1 tt rr V 1Clo' M, FERRALL. . HaHrax, Jan. 1843. .... - , v XXTILl, si .V Conn stand at my stable In Northm,, Aiorth , of the Town of Halifax, , -.t $--u r,sj,' f ,Ilot P3''' ore the It of Julv, A li.- mi hi. ... t Ar t. -1 0 aach $73 k6 insure. . . 'r' ' -.i v ' ' " E J rnETtLES.I Morefield, J,n. is. ,3 tf: The mih- scriher is lecetrinpa rervnnrinr -W rr, t "LY FLOUR; do -extra. Sperfine. a!a a lit r !"$60'-R J oiown and eronrld Al.'um Salt, whi h will !J sold low for CSH. . - WeWon, !?, C. Nov. "21, Igi. ' ( 4- m t 1 'J. 7