i I 7 'si n ft I i i I h 'SI: - if. -.1 - f '1 1 A V i ' CV A'. WKBHy ;; ' 114 IJ FAX, N- C. Scna.C2irriON $2,50 per annum, if paid id advance, or foV'O if'hdt pai l v i;bm the'hrst V.irce months. No paper will be discontinued untiHUl arrearages are paid, except at the option'of the editor. ' AnvWmcTS' will bo charge' $1 per -equate frr thnrat insertion; each subsequent hse.rtion twenty-live cerd;' longer ones in.- inrTc'Wtho manuscript, How 'many inVrtiH fire required. Ifiio suchdirection is giventhe L lvrtisemont Will bo "continued until frrbid and -jhared accordingly. - j ' , Court , Advertisement, ar.d herinV Sales will b ohar; ?d 25 per cent higher than he usual rate?. . ': ir, VE U5S TIIHE .TllOJE. . X , -xa w"r thee at home? yon, e miss thee; T hour lid-xlowly away, ' AVi-:j food dreV:i'of thee, a thou roam est, w-.-ary rejrets at thy ftay. - . The li.-ei i ci.- I; :-' broken, . ?V'. lln p!'.'4urvj are mingled with' pain, "As tver t'lj pn5 we stilliiiiscer, And I.vni; for tby presence agurtWv we m5 tiee at home, an&.how. lonely jVie evaings tuat on.?e were so gay T.io music iias ioa:'vir its gladilcas j T:io uvel 1 ly iii (com ttie . laV.'--'-' v -w i . U ioh leirti.il remern Vrs t!:e absent, !- -wii' in joy a i d in care, JLi i.i:. .Av.- .vial'T to meet thee lu piat toy pilgrimage bhure Ye woijiis tUeo at h : yen,, we miss thee; 1 At iiii-ain. at noon, a ia ut ni.rnt; .At iiij.iii.J,!, 'e watt tiico a bles-ing; A'- -vji'ijiiL', a tender g --io . -night. A". in ? v n distant, L i .14 . j -v-ju A -iero'cr 'tn.a dost ani, Do-ii oj" iy-,,''u V i uoa 1 sce.-i.-8 f pleasure Ail -dn-ama 01 1 veu unos ui home? j' vvli rij;s.rATd Ait i n i h e q u i iot C3. JJl'-i;. L JJ'JLWLIt. Wbon stars 'f .- 1 i. .pii:-t skies, i neo ia:jt .1 pi -- ri' t';;n, ..d un ixju lii'i-M', 'y t i r -evi-g, i. As btuM look o:i in-. 'For. thoughts, iikc wv.th t ut died by! in,nh, - ; M:ne"eifui hAo ii.o ..uoT.'o m liht.' Ji,'UeatO l!0 UcUVcl! Vk tiiue. TiuT'- is an, hour, when angti keej) Fauilliav wwctti o'f.r a'.4 ; V'hti : coarser &i'u: aij v. .pp-.-d in sleep Sw.eL tipirit, metl . i;5.'.e ; Tiiv io is 'a-i.our wtieu hvi r- aoja, '.. . Througii s.uuiuers lair LLii'ie, A'n t-iu tliut 1:1 Vitiu . : ur it s.'fni - . ' ?T.i:u i:ioui'it hy my si J . ' T-o.-thuujzhts ii Ho; too- ?:iertd are ii'or -dvti 'itV coumroii beam; I c but know tUci: as my 3 1 iri, iyaLigcl uo J uiy tir.jjui:! ' W:-!iMstaiVaro i:i tiy pin-t .ski s, THn tn I pioc toi. tit---. ; BU t-u.i 1:1 1 ti;i- ; ;ay. tv .-fj.-r-i-yMS,' As stirs i-oU on lii 3 seu. T7 the IsriT ' rk lvi-;.ii?g Post MOiiEuN i'E.v L tl. Woon she Vrs -IV -.a!i and young Eli! t'lv S'i.i !-.elLV me,' AT; 1 i-ora iii.-j 1 !-.t. i; ft-: o ' Jls-j j r;-" -i -no tt"sc awiu's rusg : L ! h ii -m.jo Ar'c-r c- iu' ! Sv 1 h-, .i c u, upon the earth ; A'.d w". . loub . (ludo, VYr :--J tioih tht; ; u'y won l,r- G;v fiu bioo 1 v murdtsr t'Utiv, r .uiingT-,'l)vatij has wo., t-ic world V From bis terrors M Vrt jii's Jh Bat he bent his fi i :'nv, LM his victims ptie a 1 low. .-S.f rowing valhys wuh tbo i.'i J,- Ooinii "D-iiih, the Archer, c jnu e !' l :xt ! seized the sworl and soeir ; ; Kaoks and. legions -swiftly br.ke,.. -L?vtil?d armies at a tr ke,- Till the w.r?d, with trinbiiog tear, Hard the Demon yell ttfar ' . ' -!Thf:n,Avii!i hell onvihtod tirraa,. Sho:-.k Jie b. aven, and -earth, and tnaip Df-?och:ng war .with iron r'iin; ' Startling nations with alarms,-- 4 Koaring with his thuiider vpicev Jick recoiled the dying hosts; 1 -' But ? ho Demou, witb a scream, '- Grasped the cnginry ofjStea'aj. Pledged to gr?iVcB ur numbered ghosts, And began hn Modern race. Wiijr-tonvui i;e Jurt-e mankind VI do trufci far and last, Swift as l&'btnine, or the blast : Hurrying crbwds leap on hehitid. ; Death,, the jbeiaon raocnts the Engine) i -yalleys, oer tho plains. Through, tbd Ovr 'too cuif.a,'a!jd over streams, liuflhinir pifh i.':Vrfjal nereams, DfIi the- riv illihtMn2 tr jitis- v D4ath the '.f - i ; uj on, drives tbejEngioe. Prudsno rtls witb dizzy brain; Of:ward I iwiter, fajifir.-still;. -"U floward tjrcund the hi inril-iiiiv uee1 13 tnonay -fjte for. ai'i-t Let he Demon speed the Engine ' ' ' I ' ' " - v - - But the clr-a Is repeat a crash ! Iluin strpts the bloody ground ; M?)hd e jrset groan arand ; Di atU; hJs s iitren hte a ilsh ; Laughs the )uon on the. Engine. Fit and wld 9 tbe, country w i's ; J err r fon an hour re t rains; Bat;a2ai:i speed o;rtb trains, f llusif." shhekinJttria?b the valee, I)t aih asifid g the hissiufc Enjfie. " I-,.. -N- l. in-3'nur sp.'.rd ! fjrf.irv,1 morta Hd- tb; I gfr'a-ridc the gale Bide un t a comet rail ; Uuf, on eHrttx to this ?i hpd 1 D. Helmer. ; A LEAP YEAR.KnY.ME. 1 - - . f t TV T TT TIC 1 Irtni'U. 1. .m Alis! alas! 'I bavo no beau To tyke ! e out a sleighing, Tb' one I hud I lost last vc-ar j About tho time of having -v. t ' - . i And, so. as one v-ar out of four Kt ti cus: un doth df-creo i j Thn laviios 4 )r themselves shall speak,. Will anv one takeme? " Who'!! buv! Kvh'll huv!-a heart as warm 1 s ever Ufa' for ma'nf ar fr - i My o ir.'Ci erL 1 ui ca.i to say. I'm Willing all ehouldl(f.u , : I.- My eyi:i are bine, :arict jjrQwoniy hair, ;v.-;wir;:tix 1,"'- ' : ', ithT tsirk nor .fair, ' j 1 I W ili up' t):-d buy? i My rutik in 1 ! fe 111 telrto Ijfim Vv i.O ' VS ("I'll take ymi Lillir; j i , For ght'iuf'i-1 pat it ill in print 1 ! er? jaiCe V u'd call m- I r-uvi SMfti'- i 1 'S I'm v sure, .. . Ard u ust it-vv 1 13 nav- i; And this is li!i Fil tell ou now Will any body buy? it Tho purchas money must be paid Not iu poor sordid gold, But in true I Tha 's nei vs- aud tenderness, her bought uor sold, Love that wj tl ciiog through good aud ill, Toruugh iiiibnui and thiough shade A iove that ;rows as years roll n .. Wheu be uty's en arms shall fade. The requisite : Irbrj.fly t lie must be s that T require us express: five loot ten. or. bibber. a ja plaJiog io address' I - JI.s ajjre iroo thirty to two seore, F r I UetJ st m-3u youager, AO'I never e i As the wv uld iouk up to them i . i aker to the stronger. His charaeti r fir trut'i ami hooor ; . Ol course must stand quite ,hii:a. V r 'of that class they cuii "tast uien,' " 1 must ceph ss I'm shy); A iuiiiU so iAueh above my own Tfi'? 1 t un crui'l b. ud j A't'-'i tiooi.,ni -My lover, ut dear b'inie one iuaster irieud. And in refurin I'll -:ive to Liih f Afl jot i inn and true, Auu evr tr jto yied to him Tht obediHoce that is due A di tl :i eon er in my heart i (to be sold , u this pi -as-int day li; w l inJ A-, uctio-. i F . -"s.-met iliij! fcore tiian gf;ld. Who li.ida lot this youo lady's heart T is sunn winter's morn? Q 'jiett or y l're late, good gentie-folks; '.Tis goioJ goiog gone. OUR ,- i Who would WHOLE OOUNTRY. sever Freedom's ebrise ? Who would 1 drjw the invidious dine':? Though by birth one spot bo mine, Dear is all the rest. , i Dar f'Q me the South's fair land .QeaiSeent , j . . Dear j?ew. I al mountain band' j ! ' - pgland's rocky strand i . .Dar t By our allars put By rur laws' deep By the PastV dread " ,. By our WashV By our common parerV' ' We will still be YouniFiu, "... '- . "' ' fa ifort you remember we II j dear trioud, , The many bappy hours That, we have oft together spent,' Wrben youthful days were ours? My thoughts oft. wander back again To happy scenes long pHSt; TbryTre treasured in memory, Forever there to Ust. Hpw man' fleeting years are gone Sirice days which then wf -re ours! But, nh! they really seenied to ua Just like so many hours. Bq" lft us not recall tbera now They ne'er can come again Alas! such thou ;hts ean ord weep The, heart's mo. bitter r:i . They will not 'draw r.r t houghts far . ; Ivh-1; To da'3 for'-ver o'er The rnr',m' ry or dormer-j svs, ' iKVe.nKsiort, without fer o" contra Hi 'M fx 8xv the ..' - Nas'.'V.il! Union,, thn tb"r r'i wwr hpen n rPSioJutin ndop hv i Kr:ow Nbinr m 't"" i" o gi fr ' Si:ife,t n b" puhp'ot o" sl'sverr,. wh 0 ' KMow Nothings of tbo South wnu'd d . . . -r i adopt. . ! Pahisrh Standard A oi.n fJRFFTiG. "fJoo(i .mawninjr, niorea) sn?' n, curled up,' sbavintr d-rkey ypstea morirrr. as"" be "ncon-red a half, frozen fknVnd pcqusin'f nee in tbp ftmpf.. -V''n''p'f. dorr 9n'r cill di. a r"od miwnincr ' - icur-'p or in nil. rp f.r-?-. " r.t do,--n:ti'nV :- cauro ot dig ' Axfraordinarr i T p-.Ti'.t -pt-ri if ony foloe'T,,!VaT rrir- .l:r. . - T ' UT IT" ill -'I nn' . hut T fiPtr' robolb on it? nx, ln-i dis vVar furo'd onlv b.ilf rou. and dat de cold sidf hfifr rtuel? faf out ur way." . - 'pf t mnt bp wav oh it r?af a pnti"f,ptrv pyrbr--ti '. Pp h:c n! ;' r wp-?i world rcv,.,i!.r prf.Kav f-.z i,r but. T 'hopes dev'll thaw it butl'eoon A" O Pic. 7 A nA? GT1 T' ''new star in the p.- I'tY.i worhvthuH addresses the "lord of the hr.- vard fow's: - - ; . - Ft f- bered cnn-PV-! Who jrave- you' wings'? p ;ow fu-nihfd you those legs ? 11 o cou'd sue-i everlastinft things As those come out of eggs ? ,. F.ine Hajis. We have duly inspected and j tested, on .sundry occatir.s,- the liatun cured at j tlip x.o-.iv p.oi k es: aliiichment- of Meters M". : itl llerr. t Co , of tois city and 'pro-" nout'oe ti.em A Np.l. 'lue io-itdty and tenderness of the meat is rt-raarkabli- and the flavor superb." The excellent quality, of these hani8, that which n ne better can be: procured, is in keeping with the high reputation which thej "Old Dominion Pork Uoue" of iVlessr. ilerr & Co- 'enjoys, at Loii:e and abroad. s ' Wheeling Iiiitlligeuctr, Ftb. 9. 14 man ceaees to be a good fellow the m o ninit he refuses to do precisely what other people uisb him to do. Mount Vevuviih. A letter from Na ples of tne o utt., says 'Vesuvius bs beeo thuiidtiing, and a' mouth has been o peued on the very top of the mountain, irom whence lava is fl wiog out. At pre sent, all tiiat can be seen is.a vast column ol smok ; but still toe mountain is active, and menaces further, demonstrations. : Not iar from Cast limate, too, I have' observed an unnsual agitation in the. sea. The rocks in trie "nighborh;od aiso were observed with a thick sulphurous deposit." f ;Fl or OeMiNQ Down Three sled loa-is ol flour ; soid at Saturday at $6,50 per barrel. ; Several mouths since it w&s beii in c in our city at nine and teu doilarsv To consumers, tnis reduction is certainly baihd wito pieasure, there re families who have been compelled, ; heretofore, to seek a cheaper expedient. -Wheeling ; Times, Feb 1IT. .' Christians can never want a praying time it tbey p-ssess. praying frame. ?Iu j: tbe morning; tms is tne golden Key to optn the heart for Gt d's sfervice; and iu the eve ning. ; It is an iron lock to guard tbe heart against sin. ' . - - ' A good newspaper is like a sensible and sound hearted trietid, whose appearance on out's tbreshh ud glad i ms tbe. naiad with the promise ot a pleasant and protlabie hour. r M It Coufirpanee Hlanketg, etc. ; Tahle Linens, Tov !m ifds lanripk an) hi,,-.,;.. . sill the best Make o) fiiehards o'r all iiiah CA f :ir.tiH.r &- Dickson's 1 o; E?;i.-li Hiid (4rman fJosieA', i i Diiiwere. etc fUelipvino-'tliH be piva-nt want of.i . h-oi'f- frou- oii spouons q( the country, is i;i -b;gnrd" mosst .d-sirabte: Good, at tie !;-v-'st prices, ;iitd k-':'oivir.fr that thilTwar.t '.'inn'j' !' m;-t tider M,p d syptem of ioo rreli! ic.i Hic prrdb. U lY . & (Jo., hn ioptvt tlif ic). ui;iLr M'.iir..tf 5-ms: UTiV'oxm eiedfi; of fix mooitie ehants oi i?ood t?!;i!;dir.g'. Six per cent, d'tf oufi! . for' c?;e-h, '.:bin 10 davs from t!nre.o! bisls. I WeiVfi pr C'lt. .ty((Vj;t ;s :owpt !or money aUi in aiiv iree . Ry tnef.e :ern! tltev are tiu'ir Son-k m Eurnpe. ? t at S w - nir i.. J IV,MJU II --- j i j 1 uvr. .- ! fir widow? or rhildrei. atp entitled to 'J60 arr,.P of I, and, .'I boe who li ve reivvd -psih.n- 160 acres are .-roii -ed to as much T.ore a will mak-th;-. O'iMnMtv pubf-cr-hr .a? be-n t xipnpively and fueco'-idly eiitn.i;. (j p ib.p'; Mount y J t.d and I'.'fifdrn.'-buFtne for tbp it -a.r year? ami la vl neruiiur 'advn o.. ;r prdiaeiMitintr eialn.s oflrre -Kto pervir.es" to -.the public' prouiivifi unretniited ex-rrion in hi baM of ibeipe who raa eriirust H.esr cJainis io' h:g band?. -, I'rrsons in s Halifax Onn'y. who may de sire it, can confer wish me a Wkldox I -bad ao attend the Cot R-rt wfor-Vriid rooPty, THOS' J GARNER: Rrlp.r lr ' . .. P Torres, atto at Law ) S V J f;.!vert " " i Jaelrj-on. N C, r,! J. r. Randolph ) JnnuM F Hmmons'Epq V oldon, N C, Coi J R ('linmhlis, aOo af Law Hicksi'ord Va Gov Tt.oBrafftf, Rali ig , N Ca. March 7, 1855. . BOXETS, BOW NETS. FlV Rhck and Drab Beaver Bpn luts. oftbf latest Dattfrn. can be A had at the TEMPLK OF FASHION for $ 1 . yv air an ted qual to any tjiad can be produced for double the money. Aso..a"arat variety of Boys and In fants Fancv Hhts and Caps, selling at v-r ry rpduced piices, please a!l on , R. H. STEVENS; Practical Hatter, No. 7 Market square. Norfolk, Va., ja 31. . : ' v- . , .. " PO TATO OMONS we have on band a good sup Iv of the above excellent Onhon peiR 'which we should lie "!ad to el to our friends. L YON r U ! VES, No 107, Powell's Row. Peterst'urg, Va., mh 7 ' WATCHES AND JEWELRY W have just received auiew lot of Gold Hun ting English Levers of superior finish ana quality., go! len un expressly lor our sides. Also a very larir asibrlment 61 superior quality Geneva Watches 16r ladies and ren .tlemen. These Watches are time keepers. Persons in want of a tine Watch and email advance upon cost sre invited to our store. Also a fine assortment of Jewelry in every variety, of ttyle and iaohiou; Silver and Plated Ware in irrea abundance. . - ' J. Rl. FREEMAN & SON. . . Norfolk, Va., ja.31. TEMPLE OE FrfSlUOM, . JVo 7 Market Square, Norfolk. Va: MAS a large arrival of VV IDE AWAKE H ATS. " I am in receipt of a very large and v;elF assorted stock of Mien's and B9V8' Wide Aakc Hats for business purposes. "I hese hafi are superior Io any thaJLfTe now worn'; they impart that ease and corrdort to the wearer thai no other can boast of. For sale loWjv t R Ml. STEVENS, Practical Hatter, Norfolk, Va. j Sep." Kfc;. ..'' jJ9- 1 r rneV" -rs f r 11 an re.n i rrr npnors'ppi t? .-. ? " ny " i V'l'll ' " i : - , 46 ' ' ' T:d)U " 4 ' ' " ' :0 ; i elt, i ' lfitrt5r. ' ' " h" For.;;. Fruit Ks ive-. iiitrei K t.ii-f, "iU'pr Ops rh'idrei.'-; t -Ms vz -'Kiif-. Fer!; ; fed Fsr' C'hi'n-? ) .f .Tr7ra.!.I.'i:"fi?J-h.Js," If' fii- an f.'eijs. Sr.--.vtar-tr K Sea - Vr . a 1 1 of -.chic!, will h, ,oi! '3i o- Tet-u,it" No. 34 Sveanoiet.. -iirn'ef fh. ! ' r-; . " . ' . . i Ketrrshura, .'Vs' h' ' ;';.:', , - - 1 ' . I II ----- . . . -. - ..- - i. 11 M.l. till stdMf ribei' r.'fWi'!1:; 'po-oev iS- public that lie h?:?, rM;di?ly: v-' fti .V r.'ew. iVlarhle, Stir-- ar.d S,;.! Viir; li !'V iinlinrtoij, :S. C. atui if prepa;- io lihn.ilr Marble urd; "Stone lor :iou;;i i o; 1 Also FoREl.M a:;d tsKt:-no h r ;i pj . . . ,1 i-.j. . . .... n r uitsirrKH 1 ii ,i'U 3ii!!G van; io vy icscriptvon Ciikap Fon ( ami or'.vp p r v ci; - --- - ---- - - - - . H6or uti't Window mm s, I.intk, Hloe Gre-n and Variegated Sia.te lor tul Proof roofing. . Ode-rti 'at.eaded. to with disatcli and p'i - moderate terms'. ' ; , .' ,v:: I;?"7 Mwltie Yard on water trec near ij ,'iail Road w.:. mm.m.mp ' : :". 'May 5th, 1854 r6 THE I, A DIE rARTlCirr.vitlAf 5 ANbTHE PUHL.I'" V. EN tKv L.1 V!! W e have the pleftnre of offering to ";he Iadi?a -nl others the choicest and most varied-sto:k t of I'oilet : z'rticl ? it ha?evtr beea our lVrtui.dt4 have. We enumerate below some of the ai (li3 now in store and fir sle by us: '-nap w Kr.au elled Powder PnfT Ho is Old Brown Wir.dsor, Wilk of Ro?es I ; The Envy of Snow Ursina, t ' CrvstatUne Wah palls," Eau J tVstrs ) Pure Old Pm, Ox Miirow larberV Block3. Bars Giea?e Roo Sop, ' J ion rcrnade ' AJmorul Soap.r . Bandoline '..:. h Sweet Briar ?oap, . Crystalline Pomatum Patchouly r'owp, Slick Poinalum ! deli's Tooth soap, Frencli Pornnium V Iioney ?oap,ind various Poncine Sop - f . olh kinds. 1 Maotcha(ToothPowdr) Mental Ffa?k?. i.dia-KuUer Combs i' Wilov Flasks, I very coarse Combs 'Liibins Extract?. allkinoVlvorv brie t'ombj f ' I lilC'lin S " 1 win 1JI uriira . j H47.mq. Hair liro-ne- .-. I Pirers, ' Cloth Brufiea V and other articles too numerous to mention. LYON &. UIVKS.I Wholesale Druggists. Petersburg sep 26 1 i t FALL TRADE. a tf' ItfkUBUklV MANrrACTURF. of Steam Kefixd Cavd Dealer in IVhIs, Foreign an DomeMic I;riiH.;. ; J . Fancy Goorts, Ctgars, c, 3kFFERS GKKAT lNDL'CKMKiNTS S-y merchants for cab. . Cad, a( examine lor yourselves oetore you . pr, chasp elsewhere, as 1 am sellink'rt jg t lower than can be nnrchaed r'i tbWrd f Petersburg, V a. Septenber, l'f3. ' ''' M"'jjUl 1" ' ' I t '. vi. . " . - r j. ('v .1 '"i v ' ; bap I'O c. :;i ; . , purjcrit r 1 v c;.!,.n..-. " ;:., ' ' v aR'-1 ,-u' ' e i " ,'; -a -J-; totho o.. ! r 4 : : I t . ' obi ve a-cb;'; v - 4 .. , .. 'i'C' ' ; !f f7 ' tnre uii't,- , v 4tf ;" - ', ' x. T , t : f. ;jt S( ( ;t . ' ( -i if-' . r ..-. . . ;,.r,.,' . , - ii- V ,. , ' ( tj, .-V4."; ' ,0; i ? ( , rVh ; ' .,,'. ;y(.r. - t , .. ti-:.lj:.Hl if, .v. TT'i " ''J ;t -f.riCfri e 1 nfor.'-d ni v 1 nient ol tfte ', kinrj. ! ; him. Ho wdl krep rrn ,:: c terns and Hizes ofCoc k iM- -o- , "Cooking for from tii'y up o Every ; artM'-le ol 1' -ittapirV- J : , . , AVare. and all ar!uv!e sua:l- m of' buK'povp. Merc!. am? of Norf f, ,C;u.'l: - & V -.- r ;, f'.. ;f not foil 'o . all l oi'ore p'or.-h- j. .-V.. anl s.tnir'y Vot:se!v .!h::I I 1; : ;, . ' ... niTimbd. a-r - low in ot iUU. st i: j. ir boutrb'-in Newj'Vork'rity. - - All ktj d . , ' loU.in ir .n ( - , : m She- 1 lion d:;f.e,",at .-J.ih:. nutice .i.d :. n. ;j eohabletern!?- 1 t . J WoOliW R ' No, li EaVWv.h;. Wnn r ; "" ' , . - ' 'C','- Jii.v 11. A f' !v CLOT H P. f" S I X F S FJC K", f nrnU:riifr jn ( , , larjie np;. vf uj:ioi r(?,:; y r f o.'. own man 11 facta if--' ju,'t i. ceiv( d r0 our las! hip;r ei;t. , v r ' V J ,i ' 1 - --a - o. I .. 21-1. 3.' 0 v(p PE AT a' r rival w, r a. Fi:rn'-Hr,M, f7re,.,."i , ' 1 dShaWd; a l. 1 5 " ., u e. t J;iv:',':i ; ' 1, fl do Given L':nci5.2Io yj..'.i.v. " r ' "" fi nf c T ? v '".;. d !J;iAv, -!!) ore r r. 4f Y ' No. v I. " " ' i : . i - V