i 11 1 V.M.S3T2 VOLUME IV. HICKORY, CATAWBA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY M0RH1NG, JULY 16, 1874, .llinUEEL29 11 ft Hi . . 1 . - - 1 . 1 tO-" yO VS- y v TJ!C ilnioitt TTI TOM COLLINS OR I'VE BEEN LED AS-TRAY. PUBLISHED. EVERY THURSDAY W. F. AVERY cV CO Publishers. .$2 00 .. 1 00 m 13 00 One year .Six months. Tnree months. Tl'ii copies one year, .All BuWriitkms tnustl pafclih advance, and if aofc renewed promptly at the expira tion, will bo tliscontiniM'd to the address. . ABATES OF ADVERTISING. . 1 Inch, or 10 lines of type, minion, consti tnte.H 1 sniuire. I Mse sluaie. first in.-Scrtiori, ......... L......$l O Jiic'a subWHjiu'nt insertion;.... -.1 P' Longer advertisements charged by the H'juaro according to. tbeperdtes. j Maniitn ai'J tlit!i notic? cheerfully in rt.Hl.L -tmiTiTAKIES over tes lines in 'Yhti above terms and rates "will he strictly .adhered to. 4- PR0FES1S.0NAX CARD. JTIVO. F. 3IUI1RILL; f ; Attorney at Law, ) HICKORY. jIV. C. tST'ifflce in the Piedmont I'jjefs Office. June! " 22 "I tf nWEKS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the citizens of. IIICKO . UY TAVERN' and surrounding country and may lx found at lus-Drug ."store at all hours Aunlll 11 i 1 r . C. AVIS it v.! jiORCl ANTOX, NORTH CAilpLINA. TSRACTICKS IX THE COUNTS 2 i f dm .mfli !ui! Ilt'i .Tmlii-itVl il):strii-t : in t!ie Federal Cnnrtsnt Asheville nd Mtvs vilU'i jilul ill the Se.preine Court ofithe Stats'. ! A VIII ilyf special attention to. the collection j ofe;iUHi.sni nil "part-' 1. the Mule. !;in '.i-tr Dr. &m. F. TERRY, O ITERS Ill's SERVICES to the . , citizens of IIIOKOP Y TAVERN and liieViim'tutdin country. He can; be found t iiis Oilice; d linns' the "day," and at night sit lesis. Uean &. Hendrix's. 1 .M.ucii 7 " "0, .1 if "Tom Collins" U the man I want, ' I've Siarch'd for him each day; a every place I ask for him, lie's sure to be " , away. I'm quite detracted in my mind, Til shoot lij man, on sight; ; IIe"ha;;nts me in my very dreams, . I've lost my appetite. They tell me he's in such a place, and ,whcii 1 go to see, They're sure to tell me that the man lias gone to look for me. CHOitcs : Oh, where can I Tom Collins find, 1 hunt for lfiin each day ; . I'm quite distracted in my mind, While up .nd down I stray.. ''Tom Collins" his Insulted me. and must ai- ologLse, They'sny he talks about, me la a manner 1 7"" , . despise. The other day I met a friend and heard the worst of news ; lie told me if I didn't mind, my lovely wife I'd loose! . "Tom Collins" said she had gone up on the morning train ; Along with quite a handsome chap, to see me ne'er again. . ' Oh, where can, &c. J wander up, I wander down, from 'place to place I stray. . I ask in each, if they Jiave scon "Ton Col lins there to day. ( In one place for the twentieth time, I call.d, and v,n kicked ovit. No satisfaction can I get ; I'll catch liluisoon 110 doubt. ' : . I've worn out twenty pairs of sho s, such isihe chase I've led. Oh, wouldn't I be tickled now, to hear that he was dead. Oh, where can, &c. SlatioHoT33 skst&ss. the fence than an caj;le araon tbc clouds, and I'll make it feixty.tlaj-s.' 'Am I sent up?' she replied. You arc.' 'Then draw the dsggcr and strike me here !' she cried, putting her hand on her corset and rolling up her cye3. Dij.ui put hU arm around her tlciuler waiste and tol l her fast his Honor had left his digger at home for the cook to reel potatoes with, and he asked her, for his sake to consent to live a few days longer, :w on'ons an.l radish cs were just beginning to sprout, and he had seen three new hand organs on the street that morning. Detroit Free Press. Radicalism. OF EE IIS HIS IMiOFESSJOXAL SERVICES to the citizens of j ;ind the surrounding country, lie can n; fjifind afjiiis i)iu ' Stire t aU lu.ms. B. Sir'Gaithsr.' f Jn3. Grajj 3.nJm ATi:t;S AT X, AW Llorsaulon, N. C, rracO'e in the Fe:le'ral Cmu ts, Suprii'.ne Cuuvt of North - Carolina, and ,in the C m li lies ol Catawba, Ci'l.lweli; Rutherfnr.l, Mc Dowell, llendersjn, Mitchell andA am-ey.. ZT Collet tiolis made in "any part of ,tlie 'Stat." r . , ;, - . October 22 tf. . 1 r 'Martin Dclar.v, I see gray h iirs on yottr heatl, the wrinkles .of ol4 agvi on your f.iee an 1 you look lik-j onj wlio will soon fall away, and be gathered to his fathers. You are Going on sixty years of age', ami here you are charged with drunkenness. SjK-ak, aged pine, 'and Uil me it is true or kd e.' "'Oh, I cannot till the truth I did it with my liltlo bottle !' replied t!u agel' man in a husky 'tone. - ; Yes, llooivd by the' If dtle, as mil lions hare been before joti. You set m to lvgivt it now, bu- last night, wlien yon weiM rambling aro;i 1 with a sp.ide ' I in your hind,'" whooping, liow!ing an 1 '-Kern nVig summ c.ilr.Tiv.f, " ; uif " atrrt Mrc . whet'.ier s-hool keot or not. I feel Hk3 advising you to g homo and press-your children to your bsora, embrace your wifj and promisj t'.iem that not 0:1 jlhei' drop of lup.i r will ev er pass your lips, but .it 'is'.i't my sym pathetic m'orning and I'll make it ten dollars (fr ninety days.' "Cut wherever else you work don't forget to work among the-women. Go after the women then. And ! don't hesitate to throw vcur arms around their necks and now and then when theit husbands are not around, and give them a good . They all like it. Our cxperieuso with female robs is, that with all their sins they have a vast amount of human na ture, and only want to have it appro-; ciated to be the most loving creatures? imaginable. Scalawags and carpet baggers don't fail, therefore, as you canvass the State, to look after the women. Ua'eigh Utiikl-irJ. 'Did it never occur to jou, ye gen tlemen of education, property and character, to yon, ye men and especial ly ye women, who never received any thing from these colored lieonle but services, kindness and, protection did it never occur to you that these same people, who are so very bad. will not be, willing to sdecp in the cold when your houses are defied them, merely because they will not vote as you do ? Thai, they 11113- noubj willing to starve, while thev are willing to work for bread? Did it never occur to you that revenge, which is so sweet to you, may be as sweet to them ? Hear us. if nothing ilse you will hear, did.it never occur to you, that it you kill their children with hunger, they will v Ih.nar' Did it ing to their true iiitcnt and meaning. JuJje D. L. tlaclh , And thcreforf, I say. ifit were pos sible, as in the large cities it is possi ble, to establish separate schools for Mack children and (or white children, it is in tho highest degree inexpedient to either establish or tolerate such schools. The theory of human equality can not be taught in families, taking into pecount the different conditions ot the di ire rent members of the lainuies com posing human society; but in the public school, vrbcrc children of all classes and conditions are brought to gether, this doctrine of human equal ity can hi taught, and it is the chief means of scouting -tho neriKtuUr c! rcpuLlicAii iuStituliors. Au.l inas much as we have in this country four million colored people, I awme that Tbi B2ch;r-Tiltol Ssindil. The Peether-Tiltoa fcatidal k becu revived. Tilton, it seems, was nrovoked bv thc remarks of one Dr. maiuiag Corpnscle of goat's blood getting into Lis train Jasl ss bo was going into church, le butted tho sex ton half way op the siUe and ouly re Djcon,stacccT:tfe95ionoftSe Con- covered himself sufficient! to spolo- gregntionai council of Plymouth church, Brooklyn, an J thereupon went into print in an article concerning the old llccchcr-Woodhull-Tilton sfialr, thus starting the sensation afresh In New York and Drooklya. It I the same scandal that one Victoria Wood hull vcuUlatci some time ago, and though there ray have been some cx ageration, it would seem that there must be some foundation for the data aging gossip so long ctlrrcnU The scandal involves IWxhcr and Theodore Tiltou's wife, though Tiltoa in his recent card dot s not bring any spx-ciSe tharg", nor doci he state the precise character of the fc'Jflry.. He g!ze Juntas the enraged otScisl was about to floor Lin with a bjmn book. i . 9X M. QCJI0. it is a public duty that 'they nn 1 the allegt-, however, t!iat after he hal white incple of the country, with whom they are to ! associated in po litical and j ul lic affairs, Rhall lw as similatcd ami made one in the fun la- mental idea of human quality. Thcre- Unn fir fifteen years a mctnbci ol riymouth (Uvtflier) church and had bvc:iic an intimate friend of its pas tor, 'knowledge came to tnc iu ls0 that l:c had committal sg.tiit tu an , Some cnltnowa prtjr writes toe as follows: .' Mr. M. qasil AcfC aWttc; rile la your next col urn a whal to do with a kicking mule Shell 1 podad Lips or not. my wife is alto trccheroas as the ratul i liclieve hef tongue U hang "on the middle and Mies at toth ends. L. l. r. My dear man yon hare come to just the right man for honest advice. If j-oti bad written to Henry Ward Ik-ccher, Wei. Jell ruilli or Dio I-wis lhr3 would hare pal l no alUn- . lion to your letter, or would liara do- I cvivrtl von if l!i .t haL I know all fore, herc it would be .iblc to 0 f.nc', which I forbear to name or to . aljoul molJlcn ftIi rauie. I fci I establish dis-linct school, I :m against j cj, ,r;U it as a matter tf public hi. icy. Sena tor il-jitf-nll. Moljm JercsiVm. :ei:zV': lie indicate ll:at WarrieI a mu-a worn tn, I mean, arvl The City'of Jerusalem fdls stu-!i a large space in the imagination, 0:1 ac count of the stir;msingly w-:tle:f;d events of wlncli it has Ik-cii the theatre that its insignificant siz.? an I pol 1 tiou at the present tiuu. strike one with a sort of surprise nn I incmluli-t-. We l.vtru from a r c ut p.iragr.ij h honor hi i.iiniiy is imuiieu, ; , arc (wnCk, mc or c4, waics,i0 lly ptsMic is Kit iii ignorance as to the n. ,:rtlU i'. grev. Amuug t!ic I nlhine Uttcn- j pun yoUf m , br..ugl t to liht in this defence ol Td-1 ;, . r.,r n .r of - ' j ton i the following: I!tiK)KLVM, Jan. Ulh lit I. mules t cointucnec on the animal at unric with a crow nr arnl pound I ak 1 lu-Ktore uuon s iurgicue , u:ilU KKxm: but 1 UxC always and hur.iblo mylf In-fore l.iai a I do : foin. kinlaMl m 8vl-osrul. S.-ck Ur.re my (lo-l. U won! I have Ik.hi . . fwUlWuht of y,,tir waItf a iM iter man in my cirownuuwi . B. vnn ....... 1 l!ian I h ivo Ikt.mi. I can ask nothing . and as soon as yon a icrov.l you can intl.e.b. rj lhat the pupulatiwu .-xecpt that he ill reuu-mb.r nil ' lnlo t;ie iivrn in th.-'m r.iin;. hare a is only that or a s:n ill I.og.iili t.w, Urvu t,int ttul ac!ll.. wiH ol .uU-i.1 ol knock, nannlv H.000, of wh-.m o,t:) are f . , kind wonl r. I.110, lusl ol hmx k Mohameilaus,S.uaj.!ows, nu l the l'l'l myself. I.oea ls.i thai ' ( js ,lini down with the netk Joke. Ask OniM KaTxu-0onimanicaUoa la the DalJraofts.a.1 I uil yooT that the opt a at ester is far more an ol jtct of rittr and cot.aUcfaUori thnth man or woman who aset wLiky as a stlmulccL Many pcrsots lit Jc think k whew iakiathe staaH -pawd err pre scribed by tho food dd-pbyvicin that a langklng demon coils iUclf wiaia the folds ct IhalTlCTir rapcr. with ficgt as fatal tod Tall of 'poison as the lealhsotae rrftils that Crawls in. its slime along the . pith, gWlog do worn tor. until with xaltUly fore it presses poa its vlctltu, -oiciog-iU faivrs Into iVcir hearta. ' - 1 Atfd to think this tcnibU-xao-aUr is being chrUhed b thowvand to-diy In this city, froul the preacher In U pal pit to the poor sew in gial-la -tlf garret . What are the hocs of Uoso who are being rapidly tlragrtd down to the grave by optnn T . Thousands have been unwillingly Urawn by - the fUl allaremcnt oftixtl ftUkillrd flfffj Into that hdl alrcaAlj pcepafcd for thero, lying JoalLeyoudliC. and Jail this t'u'e of the graTc- bell from which escape stents lrn"TV posslbla f r even death Is tleMtcl turmt I'oor souls Uif y hire' Ivn" allared as with the ligtit of the pU aI which hiic only to drCilfr. I ask ng-dn what shall be done to crush on I out this terrible evit opld ra eating? When once the habUt of o;4ora or morphine eating Is fulljf formed, no person can drcribc no pened paint, t!ic torments ol lbs "devotee IeV thoc whoe pons are far tnore ab! than wine, ne all thclrefTorts to wriu it don by warning those who are yel free men and women. large rest C'hiUthns. Considering a number of ChrUlii:i, isp.i-ially in t'.iis counlrv. bol.'ive th it tlie Jews will ultimately return to the Promised Land, nn I considering that the Jews themselves, at any ratj nominally, maintain the same conviction, it is sin gular tint 'nothing jr ictic-iblo his hi'.iieoto been attehiptetl towards the t!i liirthcransa of this obje t. In nori) .ion to their utt nb.M titc lle- b ! after the health of lus family show wero iie.a'U I JIJ IH.KC.llB. ! IiJnj lhjil y(Jl af . nlcr,.U,l Vl Wd- K Henry Waid Hovclicr had i'.t ; . rirwljc civU an yct ai.ifioil, ainl I. T. re b en .r dmib:.iUtaidiiir, w,fL,to3lia, that raulo Huls out that t'link tho nb .ve is cuoug'i t i 1 aoa.c on3 W(frH laves hl.u he demn Idnvn the eyes or nil decent ! wm Uirrrrtll ,nuic. men. , It eonioscs gum, ami inikcsj. A mulcJ kUks rjy 4 ,-,rf ju,t a. most .ti-pultng appeal lor iiiercj . j ,. , . . . . fj. btl old and ut Kr- Aii liriheChrUtiau worll is at ; rherv's a icmetly for iL Get an driven I the c mvictioa that t!i IMy-; m u wU1 lirkk a in onlh ..rator is a luso mm, whit a ; u wa lhll u U j UcrAias Madly 5astst-Tle ftd l iwingisa tipy of a pilaWr' bill for work doua In a Soutca cLnrolu It isncellesslo aaf thit the Thsiildin mnw have been sadly out of repair. Here I the receipted claim as wo found it. no matter wher j - To rilling ip a chink in Uta Beil Sea an 1 repairing the damages ot I'lmr.nh hut- it i To a new pair of bands f r Ianlci d in Uic Turn's den, and a new set ot n,..ir,.MMn.i.n-iii. i..i.m.- ti,..v .rill Prp .ion to lUci t uu .u ii.T. uic no- - "... ... . . iiang uiy u rope neiei w .mi id iviii, i:uu it-ivn a"-'11 , . . . . . . i inf. txita lias eicrun unio.i mui.i- ,,. .,,1,. ,ndi,ln,u1- .l. termine that thev rSy, wuu i.v: i ...k.v. c of Ux th for tho? 1 io:ie. -To repairing Ncbtlsaadnczxir a - C Ward. 10, T rbning the whsls's Wllr. vsr - SBSBSBHiHMWHMawMSaMMMHHSSWMrfbASWWWJS " . r. Aair'it.p, ' AT STATESVIIO.K, K C. J . k GEO. N. FC'-'K. AT ,Kf:il:, K. C. Armfield & Folk ' AttorfiCY and Counselors at Law& ; '" Practices iii A!.i- the Courts of the 10th .1 1 -nrrru. OisTuu t : MeixWKi-i. and 111 ukk, iu the tllh District :in ti e cmiuties.of Me-b- li'iilmra and Rnwah,in th. Federal Cmut- Circuit and' DistiicO-and the SU'l'RKMK 'COUliT of the State. ' j Coinniun:cat Ions addressed to the f.rnt .it Cither StatesV'iJie or Lenoir will nceive prompt attention. ' Oct s n 1 i'y Walter Brem &! Co, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in (IAKinVAllE AND CirriviiYy ; 'Ccrner of Trade and Tryon, . Gliarlotte, !C TOOLS! TOOLS r TOOLS Carpenter and lUacksiwftJi TOOTHS at ' 1 AVAbtKR 15 REM & C.'s. Hardware Store. Any fdu'dlty Ulrreltast wantius hat d ufc Can buv his stork ns cheap (raa ru ; wiic caa anywhere Acrtli. Orders pwaspll y lilltd. v-ALTF.U T.REM & Co. - Hardware Dealer, Charlotte, . C 'Ikxvid Bil, standing h?re in Ihv prune of life with :i red nose and a wil ted collar, you are charged with va grancy,' remark .'d liia Honor. 'Vagrancy, ch V lVcs, sir, that's the charge, written in letters nn i ie'.i high and yet von are 3'ung, have a constitution like boarding-house butter, a foot as; large J ms a candle box and far some reason decline lo cam your own bread 'and butter.' 'I do, eh V 'Y"en, sir, you do. You haw been wandering about the alleys, , sleeping on the wharves, and standing on the 1 corner, while even the cripples have labored lor honest bread.' 4Tiiey 'have, eh ? 4 Yes, sir, they have and 3 011 had ought to be ashamed of 3-ourself and go and drown 3-011 rself, sir. IJut 3 011 won't do it, and I'll send yon to the Work-house for four months.' 4 You will, ch ?' 4Yes, sir, I will. Take him to the Black Maria, Ijah, and if3'OU can get an eight-ounce tacit unuer mm me ride will do him more 'good." people III HieiUllslJ iitn-iiiniiu iii.il mv-ji shall have no shelter, they may deter mine that you shall have no shelter " Tod Jl. Cahlivcll. 1 .3:. . 'The (Jovernor has power to stis pe:id all civil law as it was sup.Mrded in l'SCV ir.-U". Jlt le. The Spy Bill was passed in this ve'i tv " llti P ALEIG1I DAILY NEWS ernvR X'. i-v.tvaAj. rronrletors. S .i'l T. WrtxiAMS, Political Editor .iubishcd Daily at seven dollars ayear. 5 ' The Weekly News- is published every AVednesdays at ?2 year, j T HE ClIAULOTTE OBSEliVEU. Joiies Pendleton; Proprietors. TVi!inhomr six dollars per annum.' Tri-Weekly Observer, threeidolkirs and a half per anumn. Weekly Observer Uvd dollars per annum. ipilfi CAIvO LIX A. MESSENGER IGOLDSBORO, N: C. Bonitz.'Ed. & Proprietor.? Weekly Messenger, two dollars a j ear. 1 The industrious hdusekeepec, with a 1 New American Wasaer in the house, is inde pondent of thje thrif iles. lazy horde of hun : rrvthievins negroes, strolling about the : ,.,.,fri-hnntinTHHi)10VUienU U- Tobacco! Tobacco ! ! . The undersign?d having : Jjpd . vJtSS cm v for tho 11111-iMisn of AI AN u r AC 1 J lv lWfiTnrtimi are now re.idv to receive all irrwdesof Ieaf Tobacco for which they will Maj' Way born disturbed Ihe peace b3 making a great noise and collect ing a crowd, and now she can't rcmem ber ai-kjiing about it. She can't re member of biting a policeman's knuek les, of pulling the janitor's hair, or o the happ3T little songs she indulged in for four hours after beizg locked up.: 'There's no use in winking at me,' said his Honor, with a shake of his head ; 'its a clear case and law is law. You are younvj yet Ma3', and it makes me sad to see one- in, the bud of life recklessly trampling uuder foot the op portunity to become a gieat woman. Joftn of Arc hadn't your chance. Vic toria Woodhull wasn't known to the world at j our age. Susan B. Antho ny didn't get her name in the news papers until she was a hundred 3'ears old. Why don't you emulate some of those heroines ?' uEm who?" enquired the prison er. 4It is evident to me, continued the uouri, m a cuangeu voice, tnat j-on have ho aspirations no' longings for fame. You had rather be a hen on The S'.iofner Bill was introduced into the L gisl ilure. In advocating this bill Bridie d .Senator Cook, from Johnson onaty, said it ought to pass, because ifit b.-canieu law men accused 'vould be tried by drum head court martial and shot." The painting or disguise act was passed this year. IS70. 41If Congress would authorize the suspension, by boo 1 resident, of the writ of tit ' ' rpuA in certain lo calities, and if criminals could b ar- ested and trieil before military tribu nals and shot we should soon have eace and order throughout all this country. 1 11 Hi Jhlden. John Pool proposed to put into the 1 i..t service a uesperauo-nameii jicuum sa3", ivho would raise a company that 4 vould give Governor Ilolden no trouble, for that if any of the men ar rested by him undertook any resist ance he would kill thein or they would be lost and never lc heard of again ;" and suggested that the Governor (Hol der!) should follow the cxampb of Governor Clayton, of Arkansas, "who had taken military possession of disaf fected counties and tried and executed large numlwrs of men b3' military courts." Ii: C. Badger's sveorn testi mony. 4tIl he (Governor Ilolden) is ever personally menaced his friends will resent it and punish the mm or men who ma3 do it if he is slain or even wounded, it is alrcadj' determined that leading Democrats and Conser vatives, who might ba named, will be iustantlv put to. death. The Gov- crnoi's mind is made up." Raleigh Standard. 'Rallj' this last time and carry the clectiou, aud there will be no parlor and no kitchen." Xeill McKay. ! . 1S7-I. The pretension that any person or class ma3' be prevented from resorting to a public place whose doors arc open to all but them, and denied" to them only on account of color or race, will not be olerated by any court honestly and sincerely desirous of upholding the constitution and the laws accord Is f.-eUw and always iu want of ia ney. Vh3- should not the Jews make a bid for their ancient dominion ? Talestii e cm 11 it l2 worth iy:te!i to the Moslem whereas if th Jens w ere cab!ihed there with full ldkrty to tlo as br pleased, he uisg:it.j lging from b siness capicit 1:1 ton b:i, New York aul Melbmrne, restoi-c the country nnisii rit v- as not b vu cni vel ....... 11 . - ' - since the day of the 1 1 :ro Is. IT Mich a de.inn I were made, with reasonable condit'uus altac'.Kil, the great Europe an Bowers would prob ibly support the claim. But perhrtpi the iu-dern Jews do not want to go to J 11 lea? l'cr haAs the old fable of t'i2 s i.i and the 4 wind is verrirted in their case. When the b! i-ts of insult aul pTseci'.iou blew ket nU-, tho Jew wrapper! himself in his cloak of notional cxeluMvcnos, and as he sat by the waters of Baby Ion thought an.l wept over liis native Zion; but now, when the genial sun 01 lolerat'on s'.iines rt!i, the prosperous Hebrew iicUne'st r vers- Lord iKn- " j the pendulum of a cbnk, ai I the pv- it Saiuwi I'll wr in. liirin male will. me, vt t nc.- and poni r .1:1 1 empl .yol o miuii of t-ie ro fc cn luring male will, 1I0.p1. -nctt ostcusiUy for g'o I, has t. Wtr ollL t'ds once but stole the T.v. ry ol heaven to seivc , llw mulc jji tfc. ity-four days thedeil in! Raleigh Crr.tf. ' A Sci'.nliSc Exieritrcc. and nights liefore he surreiidcreil, but after that yon might ma a steamboat on o his heels and he would al raise a hoot A recent medical experiment has excited A consMcrabh; amount of in- . ..Til... M iii.i.'i)uir V ' ; , , ... Un old saivitsn into the mangjr, arnl as neariv iieai wan i . . ... : !cxiccta mule Vt grow fat on such V'"1'1." ', , 'T . rJ Ir.i-" tbclr bdi.:. .U.,n.r c-K-luU-. t . Irv .,o ..r.-tt m,)n: Kt lllcr r. lrinsfui'Jil of UokI. f wlnca be .... . r ,r . , , . i Or course, 1 doa t say you rau it fol heard. so much Iati-Iy. As no iiuman 1 fni tn .... , . 1 Ml ... a mule on fried cg;, carrant jelly, K ing was willing to s ,M Ins U,k.1 , for Sunpso,., thn doctor blol aim; . anw'a g:ul, and owning a cm in 1 1 , f " . f.l ..... sat lr nil UlII?. SinpWanuheiujeclol ab,ul two l)m , to tlop ,p, irts in the Vatienfs system, fcimp. I-rt nnn- Ta a ncwahirt tstt Joseph gar ment. . - - -Toa shw t anchor, a Jary roast, and a long boat for Noah's ark. , 'Oa giving a Unsh td t? e'jtrk of Kvc 0:1 ire venting the aptc ia Adam. MTo cleaning Ue gsnlcn of J!-lca after Adam's eSjMiIslmi. . To nitking a bivlla we ftsrasr Feed your malo will. I know of n, horoe, an I metxllug oaa of his farmers who throw a keg of nails or! legs. "To putting a handle to ,Mocs ins krt and fitting lilni!irr. 'To al ling more fcl to the firc.cf Nclnifhailnczxir'a funtacc. k ItccM ptyrocnt. P. 2 1 . s . a Z.-A- 1 .a 1 1 mhi i:u:aetii.iuiv wsi" w iv.. , , , . , r..r . mfi in bad uis 1 . ...... 1.. talk, sir. Mj nrsi w;ic nsea w ucan Miigidarto relate, no sooner s'.ui.gtli nturn-.tl thnii he jumpc-I out or lc 1 and twitching his lu-nd aUiut after the rahin or a goat, b; made a savagi attempt to bu'.t the do-tor. That medical gcntleiran, jiT-r hsving SitupH u's head l ng-l ngainO. hi domiih thriH or four iinc, tox.k ref- kill me, but I now remember with strict gricr h w 1 ddiheraU-lj planneil her death. I let $10 that she couHn't Ar Odd Fiftt On b'nndsj' lost, Mr. Wilson, of Brevard, took from his trap, a fish which has attract! con aldcribld attcntloti. ll was 4J Irr long, ami had a bUL, resembling- thai of a bird, II Incacs lony, and thrw liroyL IU roonUi was directly nnUr tb Ives, and measured seven Inches In width. It was la inches In eirr rarer-' encr, with tail Ous II indies broad. It weighed ti pound s, and Us cedor resemMcil that of a pike or Jock fish except the bead an i bX which werw With the, excepurn. s4 U'. III IIIV j high's formula by saying, "A Jew, ,f 3-011 please, but an Englishman first . f all." L:vlh Graphic. Mr. Henry WatVerion, oftlie I.oui -vill.. I',, nrl, r-..itf ma. dclivcrcil sn ad dress U-forc thclitcrarv societies of , splinters had in.t his mother-in-law m Georgetown College a few evenings ago, which he called "an appeal ficm New Kentucky toiHd Kt-ntncky lucli .... m 1 I alkfTLlI. keep right on talking lor taree we:., . Vv cnUftI and she cjmm:neeL l an w SJ ii.i.... tjrilte Pioneer.- PtEoi or CjvTAciIVopJ oa?ht to be cart fa I about 'securing oirrret Peels to pmpcrty tSej lr ! away fram horn , but she was a to i man who wrul-lu't lie, aul 1 trusted to her honor. I return. I hfnj at the cn son banged hi head ngn.nt the ian-, T 1 ... . ufc.e A DrrA 1 VI ...I h. vv . 1 w. . . - - r- . . ding a idea fortrovincialici." In concluding he said : 441 sec a misera ble cosmopolitan frivolljr stealing ever "he strong, simple .nralism of the by onc time. I see native worth ignored and pretense set up every where just as it is outside. I smell the mold above the rose. I go to sleep aid I dream of something else I behold, in the gorgeous vision which comes to me in sleep, a Kcnln.-, realizing the cxtac- of Boone, 4a second para dise' a kentucky populous and rich, but still Kentucky; the old spirit un abated, the old signals of the fore ; a Kcntuck3as fruitful and peaceful and provincial as Warwickshire, which, thongh it has multiplied Us inhabit' nnts manv times -'over since Shake- . m spcarc died, is toJay as rural, pictur csbue, as antique, odd and attractive as it was when he wandered along the banks of its Avon to see Quit n Bess and take notes of court life "amid the splendors of Kc-uil worth Castle; a Kentucky filled with genuine Kentm-k atock, a stalwart aud courteous man hood, a chaste and womanly woman hood, hospitable, sincere and brave. I sav I dream of tni;irMit j stioui i aild that 1 am a btleivci iu dreams" il of the door a couii! of times' nnd j " . . i.-t i not niiaroil by an cxrwrieneal 1 rT r. n I ill I i in 1 1 1 .1 . . u..k m - - . . . I XV w... . .... . i . m . I. n.. . & lawyer. u. one iwwu 'j yj lawjer five dollars to xakoa a dcwl, we stveil two Uioutaud dollars. Bat j commcnccl this f.arjgop- tnrrf for my loving partner. She had talked 1 the puqse i saying . weep, th3 corset s;f ke np and and : . i tctccUve. AV arc told that some 'Come down with that little ten ... lh- mintal ferms used are of would probably have bn.kcn it i t,(a.r w,jcrc j kri niy ,lcar wifc iUUn;, splinters :ia. ma - , m a conc a tlrtrs a iVlt:Q bllllfs i,uA at that moment and diverts l.:s. b wkonM Ut X aenti m. One will .!r,-cU,l b ow , UaJ from hi litad f..creir her, an-l then while !ie scrvamcil for help Suapn f.olicked around ever the l! r, nk :ng assiduous rirorts to nibble the green flowers in t!ie ingrain caircL When t'li -y ciilleil the hiril man in and tieil hiin down on the lied, an t ffott was mode to interview him. but the only answer he could give t ancli o,ue.ions a-s hor he felt ami when he ... . I m wanlel his menicine, pm isvly like that of the gost ; and then would strain himself In an eff rt 1 lu the ht-ad-lioard. Tlie dollais, If you please. iif the tumtol doubtful c!iaractcr-CA4rotf De . condition of the patient was so altfm - ot ia.j. in", and Mr. Simicn was so bidig- j The agent raisetl I ,rant that Dr. Hopkins determined to -Would yon like J undo the evil if isible. So he Erst bid Simpnon freely and by heavily bribing Sira'isoi Irishman,' be pm- cureil fresh bhxxl from hun an-l In fectcd imisoa the second time. Simp son is now ns well as cvrr, i xct pting that he shocks hi RrpiV.ictn friends bv dir!V:.ng an irrvs"talL- tctidcn cj to vote t!w I-mmtie ticket, and mill !s mother-in-law mail by speaking with a strong brogue. But he has givrn n butting srxl has nev er Indulged In it Uit nee, SimI ihat crat. .";.' A lahful young man esoorted an . roually bathfol yooog lly.- As ther approached the dwdliog ul the damsel she sld, entreaUngly : tZki A doat tell anybody yoa bcau'il me horoer ' tnc 1 ; 1 r -... . . -...,., Aft'iniAi til yon taiifi. - it as too are." A boat with a full tl-l against IV .i,M-. ll if it ran keni frota driving . ctl his roicc a liUlr. 1 back, srvl ron,t Uare stnmg to insure y vur life decil, t get i .rwaru - ,-iint acvideoU?" I gracu vy su "11 -ihe Ixxrn married too years ami j with. a-half. !taacal.-, j . 2 mi9 who left Broc41ya A nt aull IIcr r threw yea.go Wrt ami grow " -roMinwuiiw r.,-" I'm Las Jnt been lcaru 1 rota, lie don't, you want your lile insunal a- j 1 LU f from Mah-i ra!nt act-Men 1 . . . ik rKintrr is tle mol U-auIi- ful tlie san ever shone on, and the l- Bctwcen Kenosha aa I MilwAce, says a Wiscnin paik-r,an insurance ag-ot cntcrnl a car, and having Usned ticket to several of the paeoger, approached an cldctly lady, who it af trlarl nnnrarrd was deaC ' -Madam, would yon like to lusnre sgainsb accuiems; iwjiiiwi agent. -I'm iroing to Oshkosh to visit my ibrtcr who is roarrieil up there an-l -O. I didn't understand, you," aid t!ie old lody. Xo, her utrae is John- imhi ; my name is I. van, ana 1 live . roih-s from KcDoha." The agent vanishoL hxbiunts the ra- st aoctaUe lo errr met. Also, that be expect to U liangnl la about four days, far stel- 1 in: a mole. God has ordained that the aoal of An Iowa editor lias lirandcd hi co- man SUOil wicr ; ... , . ... ( - - r stm vi biiowncoA .",illw- ChrUU He only Is our nrt an-I usir was on Sander, "hen one of the re-j peace I j aadvd cvoc to the tcTiU'4 ? .1 I April ltf-3m. I ' ' ' ' 1

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