.iii press. . Department Six Month.. 7.1" . P"ioen.""V, ...tt 00 ... 60 uboriptionii nutiM ptd in adribc, lf vr Kn Our Joti 1 1 1 1 1 1 tVz? rTRA rrT7 irfi7 i complete. Of .. . AOVERTISEMEMTa .1100 One Column . v.,- Hj.ll Column On. v J Qv&rtet Column, One Yw..'.".l".'..."""" s. ToatLm-soir, Editor and Proprietor. DEVOTED TO THE IHTEPJDST VOL. VII. HTn-irmiv v c II I 11,11 III II I I II I II I II I II I V 1 1 I I ruJ A1 iWU iWUA Or XVXBY JTAlttLT IX WZSTEnX MOUTH CAROLINA ! NO. 51. SATFKDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1877. realm of Marrlaae. Tell me not. In Idle Jingle, " Marriage is an empty dream ! Por the gkl U dead that's single, And girls are not what they seen:. Life is real ! Life is earnest j Single blessedness a fib ! Man thou art; to man returneat," s lias been spoken of the rib. Life is long and youth is fleeting. And our hearts, though light and gay, ' ' " Still like pleasant dreams are beating t Wedding marches all the way. In the world's broad field of battle, . In the bivouac of life, tBe not lite dixmb-driven cattle ; six cartas r. tou is rv: ttraat. TT W1U. Z StaTt.Tr AUOMTT. lf sxtxvrt ar ta otrtm . Or TBI Piedmont Press. At BtiKrgilJt Sates. y$ hex 'ine a wife t THE MUSIC TEACHEE. The funeral was over; her father was buried, and Letty Westinghouse stood in the parlor which was to be hers no longer. Her trunks were already in the hall, and she only -waited for tl.o carriage wbieb. was to bear her away. Letty waa not quite alone. Walter Webster, her father'n former f clerk, who had long made this house hit home, had stood" by her in all her trou ble, and it was to Walter she even owed the situation as musio teacher which awaited her hi Madame DeVrai's "select establishment for young ladies," for it had been filled by his own cousin, who 'was leaving it to be married, and, through Walter's intercession, had recommended Letty as her successor. Gladly would Walter have taken Letty to a home of his own ; but this she had declined, so gently, yet firmly that he felt there was no hope for him, while he remained as much her faithful friend us ever. , Walter thought', and so did others, mat the twice-removed cousin into whose hands, aa the heaviest creditor, all Mr, Westingbouse's property was about to pass, should at least have offered the daughter a home; but he did not, and Letty was so proud and independent he would hardly have accepted it if he had. i ' She would depend upon herself, .not anyone else, and very gladly accepted the situation at Madame De Vrai's until ah, Let;' had pro, ',' ' ...he camf ..-. I a she would be happy. She had not told Walter of luni before; but as he stood beside her now, while vshe took her last far.ewell of her old Jdiome, and onoe more ventured an et treaty that at some time, if not now, he might hope to win her, she judged it V, best to let him know. now, Letty, and a&k him to take you. You can make him like you well enough to give you a marriage portion. We can't marry on air, Letty." "But we have hands to work with," she declared, earnestly, blushing as she spoke. " Bother wort 1 I don't like work ; I must have money and I tell you, Letty.if I marry against the wishes of my folks I'll get nothing from them noth ing." "They oppose it, then?" queried Letty, with a sparkling eye. "Not yet. They don't know the change in your position ; but, Letty, I tU you it they And out yon are her, mere teacher, I vbuldn't even get them to call on you, much less receive you into the family as an equal ; I couldn't, in deed, Letty." ' .'ear York GnmllUnj Dx. a! i-v si ee tr- It is true that many d all LLe ea llr JTmtckem sre Jtmde. ! I. .....I xarge plan as are rut cp :nto blocks. " SHi 74 22-1 EG lCno f TL. t double the leogth of the match, and pot ! Uat word rings cut harply on the cloe-e J worl-l ovr, arie from eatia Uo mofb. one at a time upon the cutting machine. air of m gaalit, oUj.carprtM rwm Doi Bat it i p. Milne, ou the other UnJ t. 1 - .f.K " a wo laxgn anives, con verging at ht ! a thousand miles from PrioUeg IIoQa points, are driven back and forth upon I Square. Boms fortunate flgbt-er, of the tue block, anil numerous little clamps " tiger has "struck a row,, or, in other words, is ths viaaer of a tstake. On raised p!st2ona or talJe is the dealer, whirling t-j&hl and round an obloog, hollow vesvoj hung upon a pivot. through a hols la tOi end of which are dertake the p?-l en! alien. oonatanUy faUinf uoall ivory balls with numbers tharecn. A crowd f mec and beneath, wide enough apart to pass one match between, are pressed up, each taking off a match at evtry paaaag of the knives, at the raU of sixty a minute. The particles are packed in square frames and placed in a kiln dryer, over the furnace, where they rema.n twenty-four hours. They are taken out, and by means of curious machines are coiled upon an ordinary cotton baxuL On each obi! there Is a gioc. or I4, iOU mate bis and the band is between each layer. A urious arrangement of the machine is, that it will coil nothicg but a perfect beardieasycutle ar watching his c.vn v- Led " the table .t, but still ilar row of mU tx little; and doubt whether many omld maintain a healthy etiaUo on the taevjre dist of each mtcmJ phiUupheTS as the celebrated Comro. How lonf oos eoull ccctrire to live without eating aaythinx at aU Is a q? won of Lich few wdl be inclined e ea- tunately, it has bvo o4vl over and over again In the rase of macy a am deut anJ many a deed of cruelty. With out something to eat or drink ems will not live beyuod a few days, or at naost ibe d-lerwiLh Letty rose to her feet and slowly drew match, and throws the defective ones off her engagement ring. . aside. Tlie oiling is slow, and one man She was pale, and her eye flittered. I can tend five machines, whioh will but her voice was quite firm. "You need not try, Mr. Sever stoee. ! They will never be called upon to receive me into the family, for I will never enter it. Here. I return vou thieriaar. I mar be a teacher, but I am honored and re spected here, and a thousand times hap pier than I could ever be as your wife, now I really know your. nature." " Well, I I'm very sorry, you kuow. Letty,":, ttanimered Valentine, shame facedly, but taking the ring ; " I wiah this had not happened, but I dou't see how we oaii marry if vou oersist in this." "I shall persist I tell y-u Mr. Severance, I am honored aud happy here, and I hhall stay here; that is all. You wanted ynr release, and now you have it, aud 1 am glad I know you before it is too late. Farewell Mr. Severance, now and forever." ordinarily coil about a hundred and tifty gross per day. After the coil is made up, the ends are planed down even and put upon a hot iron, which oena the pores of the wood. Both ends are then dipped into melted brimstone, into a composi tion of phosphorus, glue and other ma terials, and hung upon racks for ten miuuten, at the nd of which they are dry. Tho coils Are then unrolled, the matches put in the square frnm", cut in two iu the middle, boxed aud pocked to become ouuipteU. his heavy -dyed mustaolidiamond jewel ry anil "flashy" shirt bunom. still keeps the vessel wbirliag. repeating the . lncky numbers in a sing-song too a. He has called oat fifty numbers ainos the fortunate winner made hi coup, but, alas ! for the weary eye- and trembling fingers that are tracing up the winning figures, the luck is all 04 the aids of U.e "gme, ilere are some men of buaina, who have hurried away from hrp or torr, the bank and insurance cWk, and youth fnl, beardless lad. Li another room, just off the one described, is a long, gT0-Maited table. at one end of which a "lo l-eppriEg, A French Itst. W. VL Veodal, who reorutly visited N wthero Hwedn to a the " mwlauht sin as it arMLra r the 24lh rf Jane, gives the following a emnt cf the evuatry sad iu peof'e: 1 the Late dewrr th pmlRa cf as ! afnooa; all the inhalnUbU nf old Earvt, their country is aars!!y the twl frightful of our eictiaesU Hcwrrw is iu special characteriaUe ; etooy tdains sae Cl dried up taarml.es, th aul ly a bows 1 1 1 tatrra'. c-vetwl with a blackish taca. Yet we are rrMs Corwets, Imt the firs coejposirT theta do not pes three feet la W4ht, The sro i o dwarf tree sr.vede thai of rlfubi te U The AUbaau pcsuUctLary fas aavw earaej f3S.no atwe exi oaJ ef ewe svtnJa," h c ensured, aad ahe said Le was a gsy Vale. Maryland Wvle, forty years OJ west oJ la 1 epasa jas as the Us portaat wvwaIs were to be epcXea. s&J was Ukns fruca the rhsrch to an Is ns arylsss e ravisg fsaxLar. rWtaVoff Horlua's full Lssne wwe OUwr naaard rVrry TLrurk Mwtoa, aa4 he need to be food ef rwecliiaaT ail these tai- l a . m . . ai Z ' VV- ,eOWrT' Lar? -d rVMadAaWaas. taakes a great d tfrreorw. - f . 1 . . m a w w w a . vk ssi sasi srw w w ars:i 1 in vv a a .v.i t I . . - ' ' -1 ' . m j tia.a v ke eesae. Il was Us Usral ps ( cwt4. Jaa Newraaa, wfco 1 wellkn-wac-eof an Ayrshire ai brings te to U..: , ye ao-lwlrirww V4. "8y-re- ys. ned in ia fy dayS an-1 tlh au aatl ac cvel mine, without ewallowinaT asv thing but small quantities of a chaly beate water earked through a Uaw. sun aiquire a etratv and rapad d-t j rnect. Ia the north. vra ataIVs are cflet talW than trr Kucactua.es s ready for shipment. The boxiag is bejeweled, daxkdi.tured tma is maaipu ruobtly done by boys and girls, and the I lating an oblong silver box, from which, smell of the brimbti ne is said to effect j ou either aide there steadily springs s their health somewhat. ' card, face up. M . end opposite I ihv?w1 with nrJt tn I tliM im nrrvr rhl with white, red aud bios checks. A IT- . t v. I J" . -,01 mafisaisp fewlvwly lUwera Urr the hiHaOe With wu,u n.Mjjurir, wnK, Uj v, rrnerv. errJv La!1 i-.a.t. a 1 "7 . ' ""'T' " W' a U ll foa-.tive atnra!re. do no4 Berard quotes the example U a , U.t-li dert UK-,ne ca.n. . TaxaUe. vict who died uf sUryatHxi afUr auty-. lU,wtJ ttXin ,n whKhth.caitle are ahul three daya, bnt ia this erne water waa j n ta lfiW t , taken, Caaes of alleged faetieg lotirrt J , , Uocrt Ihr than th are cta;nly due to exposure, j nuooa mrtnagm ta the Uy d 1 The insane .rPer to beer f aet.ng WtUr j. j., I than those , a their sober eeuaee. an.1 in I DrT,rtl.cI u b A wllbMil iabaUUnU: I some mutrnd o.udlra cf the bv!y , t.rrm rt . wM ,v.. , ears eat aoaac c these f.TVUcav. a? gjit la the reeta" onw not eca t tie alxBCae a fa at BaHatst, AaUla, evra now, X hiUe g-ixl rwUy pkked ap a fee ri qaartt which ecatsiaMl Dace than tw ouars 4 f 4d. . A voca fell isto aa ova wal-hls by d.nunuhing nervoua M-u.iUhty I . , . m ! v rv..-1 i. frowt ci e Lm st i Rhavw3d. led.. th eahes da v. ax-1 ta falhasT thraa her head thr4th a wiadow. The hkertee helped her oat and rLat-1 her ca dclar and forty eesU tt the brpksa f Use, out for a aurpriit)g lu!h of time. ' roi-rMe builhngs astUreI aluag the ; Kroup of player are watching the to ru ing up of the cards; and as the dealer civile eff the winning and losing aides, smiles or frowns bgtten and darken the 1 wrapt facva surrounding the table. Aa ! the last card is called off, the player steii up to purchase uiure checks or i gather in their winunga. A sumptuous 4 a new itv tfzsi Tfto e for her, and when I thank you so mueli, dear Walter," the said, "but it can never be. If I were free I don't know but I am not, . Walter ; I am engaged to Valentine Severance." . . ' " Tlien since I cannot win you, I am glad thero iB something else," said noble hearted Walter. "Ho is traveling abroad now, I believe. " " Yes," said Letty. "You have written lum since" " Yes- everything' answered ; Letty, understanding why Walter hesitated. ' ' Then it all right, for if he is a true man, he will hasten home at once to take care of yon. I congratulate yon witlyill mv henxr..' -dear Lettv I You will not j , pt.iy at madam's very long.' "Thank you; perhaps not," was the reply, with a blush and a smile. And then, as the hack had come, she let Walter lead her ontto it. lie did not cease his caro then, but t with her to the station and found her a comfortable seat. " Oood-by," he said, as she gave him her hand; "good-by, Letty. If you ever need a friend, remember Walter. j One kin, dear sister, for farewell ; Mr. ' Severance will not caro, for I have been like a brother to fou so long." He stooped, and kissed her cheek once, and was gone, and Letty was on her way to face the world alone. Three mouths later, as Letty was trip ping up stairs to her rootnAt madar's, -demons over for the day, a.oi ut haad , ed her a ttud. sayinp- Um en111 w8Ji waiting in the small back parlor. ! Lotty glanced at the card. It bore the name of Valentine Sever ance. Her young heart gave the gladdest bound it had known for long months, as she thought : ""Walter was right He has come back to me. Oh, how glad I am !' And, without waiting to go to her room, sho hastened into he parlor, and, in her innocent joy, would have thrown but his Ihr Itenuty mf thr JliewaMrefc. j There is a pretty legend in connection with the Bismarck family which goes to i show how the oak leaves adorning the Bismarck shield, were added to the clover She turned and swept proudly out of j and the nettle leaves. It runs as follows: the room, leaving him with the ring in , Mauv years aco there was a lovely his hand, in doubt whether to call her maiden Oer trade Von Biamarck. Nuni-1 back or. let her go ; but selfishness j bers of noble knighU and courtiers trinrmihfvd. ' nt. l,n 1..1 ,,.! 1,4 ln iVa wo X . nuuuub U& UUUV IKIUt. w ruv wo, ... . . . . 11 1 v He coild not marry a poor girl, and ! l,v her own consent and her father. wUh. nnvn-, sohekft Letty Westinghouse lo fight ' betrothed to a coun, a noble and I "W bct . tme etc, 1. the world, alone, whi'e he went back U, princely youth. One day there came to rtrouur o-vaaioaall.T by U.e gsm finish his travels. T tlie castle where tho Wutiful Oertrude ete"- T-ftW, Utr ATr WltinA Knvor. ! K-. i ,.t ti. mta York, is i lU of the-e gsmbhug - ' - " . in CW.l B J 1UV.C u. auT 11 si, asa aaf " a. vaa-a. ance came home again, heavily in debt, hundred horsemen, to try and win. She and not having forgotten. Letty quite as courteously, but firmly, refused him. enureiy i o.I have wtied, lor e 1 -rv rit.Ji m gr2?V-T SHr"fi.cd, and, in- Ud care as much lor her as he OCuld I rito.1 hv her creat lovelinc. determmeif to gain her ; so he called his warriors and said he would break the clover-leaf (Gertrude) with his own hand. On tlie name day he aiwsiled the castle, which was but weakly defended. Tlie castellan y waa Boon overcome, anil enaen enter ed the caMle, and then tho Maiden's chamber. "I cume to break yon in. a,Iaa am s eat aw i ttilssaw'a Animals have an advantage c.yer taa. ' , ... . . ' A tainted annaxw un ths t.t . 1 1 1 rTrl4xl 00 oucaa 01 attfii in . inuxj Tlrt9 00 U1 far as living willx-ut fl is coucerned. , ,, ,. . rVir V,- iA i. t. ..i . ialer rtetetKi U.sca anunat lie aiait.l mere uie jeaier aita is 1 TtAitlrtnAt irm? n.tKa v. .... out esting anything, and reUin all their j nAa .ve!.rf . . . rr alstA ! .. vigor and nerceue.; and many crvtarew , Jwaat :if , t vtxAt stt t.1 is as t a 1 ? e t-tAt.l Iifie flee a m moctbs in every year wimoalesung or. riiWn, v, u (fU. dnnlung. torvie, brer, ihirmouee, I ... . r ?u tv. I ! ia t br lh ades whch were ! ned vesUrdav and wUl b uaI axvin uurrw. On the Uirhod half. for anyone. It was too hot to htay iu the city, and in three days he was down in the country with a party of friends.' The morning after their arrival, as he stood with two of his companions, a lady ind gentleman passed them, and . some thing made Valentine turn and look ifter her. "Who is that ?" he asked. ! "The- greatest catch of the season," replied one of his friends. "Sho came ;ifter we did, last night. That is Miss Westinghouse, the great heiress." "Westinghouse! I knew a Mi3 Westinghouse once, but she was not an heiress." " Waa she tLe daughter of the whole sale merchaut who died in London two or three years ago ?" " Yes; she was." "It ia the same lady, then. If you renumber, her father's property all w ent to a sooou 1 cousin, who did not offer to do anything for the girl until he found out what kiLd. of tuff she whs. She went off somewhere teaching, and he let her tea h for a year, all the while keep ing an eye ou her; and then he went to her, and told hr that he had already settled half her father's property on her; and that he was alone and lonely, and if I dens, which exut in many caees almoat under the eyrs the police, and within sight of tlie pr Tinct statioo. and other animals retire at their to their r-epetive cell, and hide theca selves ane in caverns of rwka, and j others dig bole nndergronn-l, while ' esnne g t into woods an 1 ley tbeowlve 1 up in the clrfu cf trees. fneer: j SUtimm tll Telle ie (Mifrr ll. ' A correronU nt of the ew 1 otk Herald lias ).a.l au interview with. St- iu e y3. )ara mt aar. Jr ef eci4 basa. Jar af a iwaiil, a ef at". J aeaatr M araaa 'a ts. iara mi txaix a3 saa s-ialw . Y4 tLe mj )aa wee U 1 1 1 aVkfc wm u Umr The VircvtA tNrv.) CrrUU esys: Tt UsaWr sa-1 ta the Ocaiatstock suinee ola l?.iU s dsy ; the rrwo-d( taxaCy cC.3d t-y the aiesxt esne, $5.l; randl barad ia tie saiaes, tlO.OLal ;thsquvkadrer loU, ttCCO.and the Ww tdd to e4 the aiew foe dnelit.- ia the Wt lower leWLa, ll.COO ! a day. The CoaejCUaUd Virrtaa ahaae caked chillren frare at us as we pe ; v Xa.ly wwOl TaUew than their yellow hair thrown hke s pcLim two tnaa d baIavo, eceiUiab&c feety j nimbus roana thu hM.!a. Hoaa I tw rx.tara m asloe ! fuJ, are odaead Ull men ank thr pipes gravely be- dally, raltaed at from 11 V1,C0 le tlIX f.re tl.rtr door, !! ianc( red fiano! 1 000." ahirte. r-M.rt rep- and a ki-d of sleeve Ua vet in ouw w.4Uu aiaff. tlark or tiug Bull, who, u. dcribing the flht filler a aky wnleit bgLt, ia a J! .Veerfiee. - Nelh? r.re lade of ;!eel wire. The wire ia first ut by ahears from coils, into the leng"i 1 the needlee to be mnde. After 1 Kttc.h of such bits of wire have beei cot off, they are phwvd iu a hot fnrnac't ud then takeii out and rolled back war I and forward on a table till thev are sturht. Thev are now to ith Cnater. was aked when he I The Indian reluil : "Well. I have uudcitod thai there wereKil 'uiv ori;t xutn in you golden clover-leaf, li.n don t sting ground. Jhe needle point-r then hke stinging nettles. Clover does not Ukes uu two Joz.-n or so of the wires feU. J c'4 h"ma coutry. the Fiona hsve a psa- Si-t. i-?r Hum i ni.l nava axl ugu Umes cf color which nature denies theca. The WYCoeo warvwui atnpl blue and thai la sting, ".he said, and with that he put hia arm around her. A moment more and he withdrew it, crying out, . " Mercy ! Oertrude held a dagger over him, then struck it into his heart, saying : "The nettle stings hard whoever will break or j touch Bismaicks golden clover." Since then the Bismarck shield wears the oak j leaves as a sign and crown of victory. ! London Truth. Tlie Type Fie ml. The Burlington Haickcye man had hit funny column thrown into a wild muddle by eouiebody iu the comjKieing room the other day. But he is a philoso pher, and thus he tenches 0 lessou to the impatient: " It is thee little beauties of his pro fession that the csreleis world cannot understand or comprehend that makes the journalist love his profession like a This ia the f. aTiA wrmlsl pnmu anil lix-n witli liim anil 1 Ma ,lnnff, l. wnnl.l V a -urill ,loK i4iH Wckorj club. , , , r . . . ; laat time we are ever gmng to complain, giving her all her father s property, and 1 ... ,. . . . . - 1- 1 1 1 t c-i ., . . publicly. When in future the American his own added to it. Sho went, of 1 J ... ... course, and people say they are much Ple 'f JPftment attached to each other. It's a fortune "7 twderstand they neexln t ptter a. i.- t 1.11 ... I us with letters of inquiry. Tliere are wiiriii 1 nvn ir 1 ih 1 Tin. 1 1 - - ' r J " I should think so !" said Valentine, wondering what lucky chance had . i have hi ask the lynx-eyeAl proof-reader. and if it were quite too late. ,t , ' . . ... No it could not be. thousands of things in it that we don't j understand, either. We are amazed, bewildered and enraged. They will and rolls them between his thumb and fingers, with t)ir ends on the grind atone, first one ?ud and then the othea Next is a uiaciine wh'ch flattens end gutters the hd of ten thonaand needles in an aour. Next comes the punching of tlr eye by a boy, so fast that the eye on hardly keep pace with him. The spitting follows, whih is running a fine wire through a dozen. perhaps, of t)ee twin needlea, A woman with a little anvil before her, files between Uo heads, and sepi rat ea them. They ar? now complete neoll-e; but they are rough and maty, and easily beut, The hard Tung comes next. Thy are heated in batches in a furnace, and when red hot ae thrown into a pan of cold water. Nextthey must be tempered, and this is done J rolling them back wrd and forward on L hot metal plate. The polishing atill r.snains to be ilone. Oo a very iare, cth, neodloe are spread to the number o forty or fifty thousand. Emery dust is s'rewed over them, oil is sprinkled, and a-ft soap ia daubod over; . me cican is rou up, mivu , " Whv 7"' a sort of wah pot, to roll to and fro ; .. ha- . u. WM ft grvill rulcl. I ( a a .at aw fight, an 1 tht from time to tamo, while I reu snu psn-o.Mwi iuuca. itwssniifr on. thev werw alo d.xwn 1 The a-ghtrf Jnae 21 ia rttaled Ukepiga. They mrtU not help them- J N Hwe.lo by s festival which arlves. One by one the officers Ml. "rpetoaiI itlf frois paaa tt-a. Ant wav. it waa aaid thai un there where 1 1 Finland il is pe,Ul by a anivsral . w - - - 1 the tat flsht to)k nlace. where the laet 1 I ktuid was made, th- Long Hair (Carter) , ntood Uke s ehesi ol corn with all the , t ars fallen around hun. "Not wounded P ; " No. : " How any atool by Lira ?" "A few." " When did he Ml ?" " He killed a man when UugheaTL" " You taeau be'eriod ont.' " No, he laagl.ed ; he hd tirr.1 has j last shot." From a carbine f "No. a piatol." Did he stand au rfter be rirt fell ? ' "He roanponhis hands and txM ulplii.S I Uy alaaisini. another shot, but hia pistol wonM n I ', "I -"'0 ia ray pail wi-J, a very gooff." - dear fnvl, Mr. Ih II. whan ia Was any one else sUnding np when srxlked I'ayn Tl-1 lUr a.) lrrd in he fell down " ' o.T calro bed-r'": Whd" we wete "One man was kneeling ; tot wasall. laub ag at lb slKure he cut, th Hut he died before the Long Hair. All " servant threw rr the d-., and an this wa far up on O r bluffa. fir away . uonuce! O --eral at! Mr. Washington, from the Sioux encararian.U. I did ol ! What t . with that dree.lfal buy I . . " .. a a a M ...II . eeeit It is told to me. Hut it 1 true." 1 uua anw. ue mni " TL.. L.nr Hair was not -li-e.4 T" . Ire-i-;ot in Uat gaiu. I iVn f mmiU .lul iMt wai l ... - - - - - The et.m OooUcct of Karrpe o ttnm 19.VC.CJ00 u rut S3. 000.000 ia the Catted KJado. bat the eaesamieg power of the CucUact spiad is greaur than Dr.uia'e, They take fifty poaak pr piAd, while Hrvt-iVi rale spvwa te W oedy thirty thrwe pxala. TW United testes have 1 ?.COCi) spindles, and their espsAty is fTeatsc std", rssrhinet aitty-three pcauvls per sp-.r-I'e. I a eveksevjaeoew of thie. the ananal eoasnsaiSea ta the Uaited Butrs rearh'S CD.'Xri.0O0 poaods. thai 4 ths Craatiaeat 1.0C3, OA000 pxjQada, araizt l,3Ca,tW,C01 for Oreat BnUin, s.a-a a aa.a ;i a r tl. warn uy pmooi rota rie 1 mil a'. The day -f lha -4lh i rhMi by g 11 ka ft I heir te Uvthal on 1! tit.t Asxs. On the Crt ; iiin of the acn, a bvnia sung by w.Htnen. A dm it f ull'diak appers I sre ..Cir. I,n. atrirgs of danr atrrsra j eapposM to be the I al jr.g the ,u' of t:- rnd-1 plaUwa i 4is4 retualascf ChriaUhel Cc4a&bos, , of He mouutain, and U ifires tux the.f dveret of Atarvaa, wetw traas ' piebald with the .uaarwa. with greet pocsp trota the ealhedral ' " Kaa !Xio4rlolhestLedral4' Usvaaa. ' l..t...at-t I. t- llfcw If mmlktftmm MummKed. j iimory nwnwi im ur wj w wmw A cheerful vw of Wsah:ufV ia "r prt given in a at.rv otne U41 hv Mrs. i Oawat of Hi. Franks, wheviee it was Mad. n o. a bltle girl. .Ih, nw rwst. tWrrre.1 a few year. I.Urlo the CW it in dsyia ItuU- ! inA, IteevsUy e aruekcaea caakiag rsf irs ia the riAthedral st Haa Doraiigo de crrrr a we!ld urVa enitaAainT a be, Urn eaee with an inrTip4ioa ehowiasT ooorjncwly thai tiv- roateU were the boce tf ChrieUpIW CJabus. The case was afterward eaaxained by ererral g.vrrannt ofS rials, b etste their WtUf UuU the retLAins were thre of the N.ithrr cooU f hi. ' he leave !.e room Witbat tnwiag Iheta. " , , ' " . OV va ia M I mm ... 1 .t 1. - TT- 1 .1: . - . would take him back. twelve hours or more. They come out dirty enough, but after rinsing in clean, , hot water, and Uing in aawduat they Umt bright,' and are ready to be " i .. . . . 1. 1 Dou't ak us. We are not going to talk eerUai and put up ior aaie. 1 And so he watched for Letty 's return j from her ramble, and when she came near, with her esccrt, he tprang to meet her with eager hand. V " Miss Westinghouse ! Lettv is it possible ? Do you remember me ? bution. We can le calm. We believe ' a; -a a a a in me laiureex aina or lurure pumsn- j t t ment. w e are froing to take things that ; Mlt.T are filled we write just ss the compositor and proof-reader get them up for us, and we are going hi do our growling and - swearing privately." feJre 'Were. Nothing contribute more U the beauty of the skin than the rhoace of A Lmm n"rm TWe. J ought to wear the r.ret white; U.ey Any person 1 n l 1 Kal J rba'"J, an1 brilliant cu'or. ui d uxiuer u "hh , "ri iki. -. . v -, - - ith oi! I Women c f a Uik cimplexi'u wuo lre aud ought h Q abundant light, ! ! cxilof. a- thry often d... co. neveTthelee mar? avr woodeml why I their skin to lo-A black, dnU.aiid tarred. a . a . a 1 T1 .1.1 A . . m.A I mWIIa e.l m . I t). ni nn 1 -rerv nieut aioai uau- aueTviu v - " '..: t . ..!.JiI.MiImU ; uuly one. I made him craw! qvtly - I - - I , . . . 7 . . IfATsna ran be stetlajl ta rUa Ho , ruU, a I,- bn-l cnwbirh I , 01BleV4ared that the was a, tuu. I Ud jaa lie- Vi imte, . 8!- the lb drapery whq aahtngUAs s " . , . L. SCI ll.. ti Anil nnnlimALU f the 1 eralea u oes of tae sraaa aavaaior. the i t" r'1 rrePrr ratodv ia lh larsA of lieftaa aa- Ctlma antd sraagvreaU lUred. Af Ur the courtly grestm. sd f LSTJI ... 1 themaelvra and their rVIrel Ue wea- 1 ilt-rrraxuft irra unuer the tu a Lesvy sivh. w'ifh erlrVr attrarUd Oeneral'a ootkw. Ilnwwver, I only talked a d laughed a Uttle loa Ur hv)-u.f t Jivert hi attti.a hi -A, ta! 1 here nae an ouWry avl a kick that' cotild iv -t l iffnorl. Ho 1 t-jd d jwn an 1 .baffl I'ayn o.tt by the Ug. She accepted his baud with a smile, saying, easily Mr. Severance I Oh, yes, I remem- j ber you well, and am glad to meet you : again. But I am not Miss Wetingbonse any longer Mrs. Webster since th before yesterday. This is my husband. sre bewt suited A rhymielmn'm Eeeeutrle ll lll. The will 'of Martyn Paine, M.D., LL.D., lat Ir)fessor in the University p,'t eight. Air puxxled persons roee-e.kr aa 1 Ka-t. tK- rJioe. who have watche in parUcuIar, f . th secret. Whenever the . grom, violet, purpl- ; and lamplighter was pohen to about it he :. Urkne-a wliich waa only th 11 iv-. the fault was not Lis. i too haMi a clra-t wiU Hl'lUt BkAVC mMd I roekr tad light bine rihboua These. J (ueral Waahingtoa'a djrsity Irft h.a to them : , f'r Tce Lugh ! A by he fairly rosreO : then that He neaalv went into canli The ffect of ' siht of t'ist by in tht own. all o ' baj ehl. aad to er a niUaf aaavetx ewer l us retsaiaa, ftH ff War. He 4.-l ahivsring aroaa.1 the CtraJ taarket, a dr"p ra.a nadicg its way down ls epK-al ecjama now and He rw-rE.rJ the fart that Xhs aader d see thnselvr, the 1 disapjar, as if by enchantment ; their j frun undr tuy at, it was l herself into her lover s arms, cliillintr face and manner instantly check- Walter, dear, let me ictrodueo d her and she received his cold kiss I friend Mr. Valentine Severance, with a sinking heart, only saying : " Oh, Valentine, I am so glad !" "Well, I am not glad!" he said im patiently. " What did vou do this for, Letty?" "Do what for? she asked, m . . . . i . . . ir ... m - , 01 rw luu. iioA wru on mil in me r..r aa ir vn. i w 1 - j ? t .. ... ... .. hi 1 m 1 ,n.i MifflOiriKn wiu leraate iiveiv nirn ii.'iftj m mni ri iir iiniiu uti. 1 1 a ratnn. w r. wft - w - M ilHT t C - " I'-- , I - w . . , - . ft-.-. . ... . . ... .1 1 T-l .1 ' inimftU Afv.1 nil 111 thait anrii 1 twTumc uioimuvu, 1 ui w nir- 1 oe exunxujsneu 1 j - - .. .. , . . ' 1. 1. ... . I . . . . i : . l..li- aa n!l nal thoee of the fairret of an old t y 1 " ,ue uight. However, a i" "4 ; 1 ftrinninff. that it ix due t hia inter an.l .l.i.il iK. iTtt of the doxLre. His 1 fair. 1 u-hlenv i UU lprrlel. (VUltST wt-d ru- Cft I " ! frin undr tif a!. it was lo tvli in tense surpnse- "Come here disgraofd yourself and J his early love. it me. ' "Disgrace Valentine 1 " Yea ; but what are you here but a hired servant a mere nobody a working girl? Isn't that enough, Letty?" ; "But I could not beg. nor starve, nor What could I do ?" she asked. could have stayed with your I .i 1. ; .... .1 . .. . .. . , r 1 uuier ruiUTrn to 1 .1 L u.ii iiia iniviirin 1 I Walter BtepptM lorwara, ana aien- Al - : tine lowed to Letty. hnsban.L of whom WQulJ hve rrtmpte,l him to , i the was so prcud, and went his way, bestow his property on them, only that I sadder and wiser, and wishing he hi k, T7 ? been a better man, and thus not lost " . t " '"V what Walter had won, when it might so b hit? " the cf hu 1 ancils li.ir Kvn his noii liM rMVn tnii tit ' . .wUft '"'1 o ! the advancement of public int-reets : and to show that his son's life was ucn fioed through no fsult of his own, but ! thst he was a victim of temporary in. , sanity, inherited from a mat.roaf an cestor He thsrefore beqn.S sll i rhartos ' Th- friecd that is tie hArdw( to f.. t the irie ia L wh We!a ;t to h tia dsty to 1 be your faithful rnlw, aad tell yoa f " In a veurd, the fair rann le too rare. ' !! your faults. H a- no drnent ; . . ... I 1 . 1 1 1 I f I . . . 1 M It,. - f .1 . IV. . . . - . . - . m.m . T . .. . J)(l mo lie reeOiVeU lo ll B cnrft, iiavvi, u I ,VU . mi H. o on, 1 .... - i.i 1 ... .... 1. We steal. "You "Valentin, he never invited i me to leave the room. "Bafctolobt he would if he had kpOwnyon vanUd to. WriU hia When the Empress Eugenie visited i Queen' Viotoria flrttt after her flight from France, she threw her elf in the .'. arme ftn.l rift.t An-iM fiArsi an.l u .. ru . .11 ' fAnlt-Tvni. ! P0Prty a PrwideBt an 1 Ft iloss of didnet want the war but I would have Collie to be by them uni if" The Prinoe of Wale, felt so thir snooeesor. ditnbuUxl in pruca 10 touched by her grief that he had to ml hammv m wvva ava aaau V 1st I a U tfiV"U VJJ -i these prises when the income nrinic i Th price of fresh oysters in Ana tin. . frora hi perty anouuta j ,CK a Kr. , is twelve' and a half cents c ach, ijwr, lantern went out .n roonnt ficieaCT .,,- . i;it- J, from a street lamp. ... . mA waa nn in(.n.1in VOtniO. t'V tT'-UlfeT CU)r. th wnicn ne ooeerr M , - . . im u At ik MrWi what velhfW tint of t..eir cartatMo. ii ciiune, to re i i - . opportunity W clamWnJ up the nwt not orait a very impotUx.1 o-r-u ' . ;.LariDe the sie.iscle I) and ! tijn rsperting thr chanr of colors . ... , .i-i V. lt.ll Tl.fi. 1 m-mn il ill rmtr aA m m.i utm umn oikT main oi am". x - - - - . ... tHe ct und. He then haxvls.nte st nigni. wnea u msy f the supposes! od into sabUtuted foe roe-oolor. caaUJeLgtit doa4 this be stt U at sli7-ixir aiaed hsd t-eea soli ackd tob(4oao, re r to lay wut rUus foe tha wiaUr, he was hard aacAinCas he dove utohte empty pecs. eta " I'av kiadsr frail the abbe are sirk ef graswhafwr aad f re suSerers, and 1 know they are p to eaaff oa the dlr of the rlergy. ir.sx. driven oat of Arksaaaaw by the Xa KHx. LrVa sew? I cJM bs a Prasafsfl e Turkish exd". bat I raa't talk the Ua- a ... ... i . . . A ruaar. 1 ra.trt.1 ne s sesuer unrrsi c-at caj It htch ; bat be LArf Us pen ways mcmnf. He see otah- odd aivat ymr drew, wothiag akwrJ in frf-.r rcAjr n u7&rthiflf oiLr rmtntoalicad in your sfv-h, sj 1 yo wilier what I Maim by the !ajee,but war laaaUd. there faa alut yoa that he hke. Hs U Ail thraa ken weoe aad jrar powder and- itv than sa aroasi ermcinr. and in your lti! Wjcs js rail Lia to or der. " Prdca tae f-r By exitcifjs, he ey, for thy sre well inUnhooed, axl faithfcl are th woaodeof a friend." having remo down again to rvmred enough o v.;. i. -rerlv ..l I ft. . .ft. . aaa.. . W- A mm a-wi"a I --I'm mpteu v ugm ne nuw - - - I ft 1. n. M1 ..mmIa t.-M . .v W-.l .- k .!.. i . anwever. were nis ' i"iuk.n.M.'iuj ivu , u-'viw. - - r ideavor so to ' LMt 1 cor3I l57 ,lnP 11 ' "ii U ,ur ' r1 T00 ' hat psrdca haa t covered that the .r-PP , Pale y.Uow. oa the contrary, i. ir ti.n aerret of the lamr'. often very handaocae by day, aad is. ja Iowa City a gra.ieaie cf a la beanK extiaffuished lighter would perfectly suited to persons who have a i boot, who revived terrible ia juries at cloihee all g-ooe ! m fi.. i nearly full of water . fise earnation : but at n ghi it en-ears J a fire, in enaseqtea? of wi he has; MXt W4s aa if the day . . , Ji m the tec to sake ' dirty, an 1 tarmthes the laarrs f Ue rrw anrw bern paralyaed fr-ra ths oeck whaa well isws te go to il- -nil a kuii i ..... .. .. . . . ..iv -ft-A-i t it . i ..I Sol UOur Or . O . COri L). r Jl-a. lO wiiH-il it . ubaj FViiywa. ht-. I iimI mim r - - - - - 9 I iS4 the psa bstwsss his teeth. th ' nn Inn. fi uour or s-s oT. co.-ip:exi;n. ; JWUUV. ii) riktV. v.briAliacy. S'-cta ar old, the pahl dt eare ary taor wbo gs hart oo ths mlrosds, and ray eyes sre too good ta p-ay off bload. "Noth-w kad-cxaa wKVdal psy, ths che4cat laatmse is too cold, sad folks woa t bay say awwe toeth-eche ears, nf it, all the dodges are r4Jd aod here X aa ae bargry as a anif J 1 Ucfl aad cnr-e uewa To I vis" 2rAt Yaw Vra.