UL V e- . ' t I 1 ! I A o J F. MUHRILL & CO., Editors and Publishers. EQUAL AKD JCsT LA ITS PBOHPTLT EXECUTED . .. fl-O Trr A - -. VOL, X. , HICKORY,; CATAWBA CO., N. C.f FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER.1 "9 1687. :0. 5. THE WEEK'S GOSSIP. YarinKfc abaat Antbara, Aetreaae, Miatearaen, and Rrl Perasaaeee f the Ireel Day. Prof. J- M. Hoppin, of Yale, is going to Europe for six months to study art. The New York Graphic refers to Rev. Dr. Morrison, of Atlanta, as one offthe coming preachers of the United Stated iss Braddonn fiftieth novel is about to apnea J, If miantitr is taken us a the express TBAKsrEn.. cenernl Newo fJoteo -tine' .Hlhs Braddon's works place her - am jnThe firtt of novt list. Herman Strieker, of Reading, Ph., has aii o.Ter of f 13.000 for his colli c jjuj oi Initteillics, tard to be -the Inrot most, a;itii in exisiun c. g- comhlcrcd; McNeilly, of Saco. Me:.',- g c to the hesd or the defaulters' li.f . He ' oi ly nineteen and he scoured ocr a garter of a million. It appears thit Km Kalak ana's crown ing extravagance lay in. building, an $80,000 ixarvof-war. lie owes his cin barrjM mvnt to a man of war and nt a womaD, htixnge to sy. "Gov. Hiil was never in such robust 1 e tlth a he is at present. His eyes are Iriht, h'8 complexion clear. arid h.S4 pale thin herttofoic and his whole be aring llit of a niiii who is at jwace With hint' te'.t and 1 i fellow-rren. President Clevelan 1 writes all his It ters and addresses win his own han't. He tried dictating to a stenographer some time ngo, but found that he could , -do the work much better wLea he wielded ' the pen himself. . Just as setfji as the United States Ex press Company leafed-the Baltimore and Oh:o Ex j r. si it watered tie stock of the bitter frem $7,000,000 t f 10.000,000. Three millionstof alleged values made by tt tt.cke cf tie pen. -1 The trust e of Welletley College un troub'ed to rind a vorthy cueces;-or to Miss Fn oman. That gifted young lady lias decided that hu would rather 1 e th; wife of a lliuvurd professor than prist dent of the foremost female college in th lind. Mine. Pemorot. the well-known modiste and publisher of New York. . keeps up a handsome country placo near Saratoga. The house and grounds com prise the old Curtis him.'stead where Mine. De merest was born. She U the daughter of Zebu I oh Curtis, and ionics of a family famous for its longevity. Mute. Demcrest was a milliner, in lcr giilhocl, and located at Nehuylen ille, N. Y. Later in life si e went to Mew York City, wlurj she his risen to the vi ry front rank in l:er pio'ossion. Mndsm Grevcy. wife of the President of Friicce, dresses well, but not extrav agantly. On the occasion of "La Sainte Bastille" she was in iron gray silk. Her leg of-mutton sleeves were held in lx low tie elbows with black cuffs fittinir . ch sj to.hu arm, .m:d her haudkeichTef was of Charttitly l.iee. o was the bon net, which hud n ray velvet bow in the liont, with an a gri lte tipped with small brilliants. The o'her bow under the chin, was faslci cd with a diamond brooch. . Zebihr Pasha, who has just been ro- leased troin a thn e years' imprisonment at Gibrttlt.tr. has lmd an imjujitint ait in Afiican iiitn8 for tweuty tivc je.irs pa.kt. lie his been an KnglUh prisoner tver sin e his capture by Gc n. Gcrdon. over ten years ago. lie was on ptro!e in Cairo for ii.ht years until his jiitrigi;i in Indndt of th 5lahdi obliged the English to shut him up at Gibraltar. W'lRlhcr hf wilt be conteuted to remain quietly in Cir. or will attempt to legain I hi.r .sceptre in Darfur is an interesting i-rob!e:n.; '; ' M . ' i .. Ml Ran era That the Ttlrcfrofc HM At At Baltimore, on September the first, the Baltimore and Ohio Exprei s company passed into the hands of the Uuitrd Mates Express comrair, anl us em ployes wire notified of the change. There will, for the present at least, lie r.o changes in the tmploycs, end reports will bj made to the general manager heretofore. Speaking of the sale, Mr. John K. Cowan, xxiutsel for the Balti more and Ohio coniaoy, raid: The statement that thti B.dtimor and Chio Express has lieen sold to the Unite i 'tites Express company It not correct. There has Wctf simply a con traet enUrc l into u .'tween the twi com- iani s by which the Unite! States ex lre.s.s is to run the Baltimore and Ohio fer thirty Years for wlixh the lrmr. u to pay th-. latter company a eerUia vr ccntac of earnings." lie decItnteito sav what the in:r cent age will bj. It in. now Tcry generally believed Ik re that tbc sale ot tne express is not the hist of the deals of the Balti more und Ohio railroad company. Vic-d'icsideiit Sj encer, in answer to on inquiry on ti e subject conGrmcd the lisi)o;a' of the plant of the Ilaltimejre an 1 Oliio vxpreKs comr any, and of the execution of tie contract between the i ailnal eomp;inyand United States ex press company for thiity yeir, bnt de clined to give any further particulars, lie, however, re-gardyd tl o arrangcnr.ent :;s quite advantageous to the interest of the railroad company. Mr. Sencer stated that there was no truth whatever hi the statement 83 to negotiations with "Loudon bankers for the control of the c mpany, or that the hoase of Garrett & Sons w-as selling er intending to sell its holdirgi ani knew of no such inten tlons on the part of any other large holders, lie trea'el as absurd the state ment 'hat the Pennsylvania railroad had adaiced, or was advancing, any money to the Baltimore and Ohio company looking to its control, or for any other pnrpeses. The control of the company had ru t, and would not, pass into any rival huml. It would continue as an independent trunk liue, with the iotir ests of all clas-ies of stockholders fully ami amply cared lor, worKing, n is hojieel iu such harmony with "connecting and competing interests as would secuie th Lest result 8 for all. The tteamth'p BilUnnie arrlrtd at LiTcrpool. Phylloxera tare appeared la sever! districts of Bessarabia. Queen Victoria ha directed that her jubilee gift be publicly exhibited In 6L James Palace for three months. .The paper of the Richmond Paper Com pany, of ProTidence, R. h, has rone to . a.AA a. a. proicsi. jiaui lines -w,wii. Chamberlain expects to aail for America about the end of October. He will May a few days in New York before going to Washington. King Otto Dcriods of insanity are be coming lens frcqnent, but their likeness to the late King LudmigV Attacks is be coming ttronger evif-j daj. At Little Rock, Ark., the Memphis and Little Rock railroad was sold under mortgage to R. K. Dow. of New York, the price paid being $2,800,000. The rord will lc extended to Dlla, Tex. The Farmer's Alliance of Thomas c outiiv, ueoigia, nave passed mo:u , lions denouncing the Fanners Alliance a." v - oi inoiana ior msuiung I'resiaeni cteve Iaml. FEARSOF A KIOT IN PETEtt8BrRi. dispatch from Petersburg, Thj city is in a Va.. feverish state of a clash between THE till EAT TEXAS KLOOB. Itridgcn Wnihrfl Aniiy,, Toni DnninKrtl nail Knilroitft Trnllir Inlrri-nptrd. A BD. cial from Waco, Tex:is. s tys, lint ev ry bridge iu Hill e-ounty was washed away by rairs and the daniage te crops . n I ffirm-i will not fall .hort of $100,C00. In Hospie county anil along the Lue of the Sante l'c Railway the elamage is also very loivy. Of the little; towns here In dell. Whituey. llico nd Aquilla hive suiletc I niest. -The ril road com panics lave SJlTeicd :eerJr. It is Vlieved thit the Central and" the Misouii Paeilic roads are rj o heavic t lesors. The lissHit i Pacific has a force of nearly 1,000 men at work em tho lire near Grand View. A tndn on the n a 1 was detained Intween Hasea and Grar d View from Mi nday night till yesterday evening. It wsa out en the prairie nine -miles from any hou-, and many vt the passengeis sulTered tor lack of find. None of the io ids are rumng their full schedule yet Trouble Brtween the Her An Ia4i rrrtelarri luike Lvriil Nwnjr. A says exciteineiit, cat 8?d by the raeca elining ti e past week. A week ago 51 rs. DeJarnettc was stimkinthe street by a negro man while she was interfering in liehalf of her child, who hid tioule with a young negro. The negro man was airestel, fined $50. and scut to jail. - On Friday last. Dr. Samuel Hintor, a promiucnt jhysician, interfereel in an altreeation l.ctween his young son and som-; coloreel chillren, am ng whom wai a girl. The gill, with a tick. ttireateneil Illntons son. llinlou ex postulated and the girTa response was that she would kill the bov. Dr. Hia- ton then struc' the girl, lies was ar rcsteel and brought before the Mayor's Court on Monday and the eae was con tinued. The negroes have become very violet and have demanded through a colored lawyer thit the Mine punish ment lc inrii. t .d on Dr. llintou that was given in the case; of the uogro who stru.k .Mrs. DcJartette. A Violent card utlishcd in the In dex-Apjxal a;id signed by prominen coloreel me-ri h:s iueenfcd the white pr tion of the' community. Warrauts were ssuctl and the editei of the Iodex-Ap mud and th-; signers f the e-arel were arieated on a charge of lilel. The paitieM wcrcChll baile'et for apjH'aranec. The excitement has Ix-come so interne than th Mayi r oideic l out three coiu juinies of maliti t to hold th'-mselvcs in readiness to pre'serve the jnace. Great anxiety for to-morrow's dee-ibion is felt here, as if not atlsfactory t- the colored element it may result iu a collision be tween w hites ami blacks. The carvers at Pullman, ill., struck because ceitain work was transferred from them to the cabinet makers. The con-piny yielded and the men went baektowoik This is the first success ful strike that has ever occurred at Pull man. I An epidemic of black diphtheria is raging at ixKkrort, 1'cnn., a Tillage oi 200 inhabitant, about CO miles cast of Pittsburg, Penn. Thirteen deaths fcare eKxurred. A Terlin dispatch sajs that there bas been an alarming outbreak of tricllaosia in Brunswick, acd so far Mxty persons have been'afflicte J, seven of whom have died. The Press lecepilon committee ap- ointea by tne Liatcu States Constitu tional Centennial Commission met in Philadelphia and made anaogcroents for the entertainment of iting jumalist. Services have been' secured on the Toledo, Peer and Western Railroad by the sheriff, in cases thus far filed by claimants for death and injuries resulting from the Chats worth wreck, to the amount of $140,000. TTtskTifteB Notfi, The Comptrolltr of the Qnreccj has declared a dividend of 15 per cent, oa the stock of the Middle town, S'. T.. Nations! Bank, which failed Nor. 2?. lbSC. mak ing in all 70 reretnt, paid oa cUim. proved, amounting to W,?iJ. The Acting Poattaistcr-Grnrra! has p poloted the following named fourtat rl poatmaaters : IU F. Strickler. Torari ilk. N. J.; Andrew J. Irttrr, t;icntnir. Me.: Otis W. Robj, Alfml, N. Y. The dril service cr4nmie$tuo hxt r- ceired from the srert t-wy of wra rrrjut lor artificaUs of 212 rlJgtblca, all iuU, from which 53 selections traj be mtr to fill Tacaneiet now ciUting in his of Bee in the f 1.200 gr-Mlcatd 43 in th 11,000 grade. Th u the Urrrat teiQi- sition ever made upon tbe commi4n ind to fill it at le st fnr .cenifiratce were tnsde for each tf the ttxtet and lerritorica. TImm vppetmenta are fr low grade pmiliona made vacant by the premotion of c!e'ks under the new ruks goTernirg protnoticn in thcdesrtmeBt. The President has appointed Alrs smder McCte, the present iolicitr of tte trravury, to be commiaicnc-r of Csh and fisheries, to inececd the lte Ihofewr Baird. The office i n t a laiLd ore, the law simply prescribing th appc-lnt. mrnt from among civil ofnerra cf ihj United States cf a pr;on of pmvid sclentificate snd prart'ea! aoruairt-iu-r with the fishes of the rct. Tli p iwintinrnt will not necessitate tine ie iioquuhmcnt of his pnernt fOMtion by Solicitor McCuc. It is not jet kn.tn who will be appointed ecr.tary of t e c r . l l .f. . . -nmiinsoniao losuiuiion, in piece ti Professor Baird Imports at te Mariners. The lighthouse board gives notice that on and after c'eit-mln-r 15, 18"??. a filed white light of the thirel ordr r, varied ly a red flash at intervals of 30 second i, ill bo shown. from the lighthouse tecentlj erected at the i outbrin enil of tie moat southerly of the gio jp tf Anciote Key, Fla. The apnaiatus brhts the tntiie horion, and the focal plane is 101 1 2 feet almrethe main s.a level. The l'irht should be seen in char weather from the deck of ateel fifteen miles almve the eea sixteen nautical rode a Tbc t tnirturc is a black pyramidal fiame-o.k of iron, surmounted by a bhuk 1 intern. Two keepers dwellings, jvalnted white, ith green blind. are sitaited mar by. South Carolina's Metropolis, The elabrate review of the trade of the commercial year shows a heavy falling oil in cotton receipts, but a -beery gain in the receipts of . naval stores snd do mestic. The amount of general whole sale and retail trade of the manufactures is three million dollars. In excess of the previous year. I lie total trade la over sixty fix and a quarter million dollar-, oniy six hundred thousend dollars, lesa than in the preceding year, despite tho diminished cotton receipts. Special oSi cial crop reports show that tne cotton crop will exceed last year's in this state by G7,00(J bales; corn by tbiee million bu.-hels, and wheat and oats by half a million busLels each. The News and Courier's review of the earthquake's woric will show that in the pat year over six thousand building have bcea rebuilt or repaired, and that two hundred and seventy-one absolutely new build ing! have I en erected. The whole cost is four million three hundred thousand dollars, of -which Charleston spent at I ,'aj-t three millions. WHITE CAPS IN INDIANA. SETTS AND NOTES TOIl TTOXtll. . f!ti of tilt brail or rawterie art ra-jcb ori with white wtol drtoea. Croahed ro cs a ad loops of talis make the fop-jUr trinminj for Le;hora Cats. la fr'rc sUadieg collars with tartcd diwu folate are wornnly ia fall drtse. The ron-h rottons of lt yvar. with lotted? ao-l f rle effrcia, are eatirrty emt ofatylr. Very wkle aaahe of bUch brocade at all the rap-, aal are wons with all sorts of ccMtumra. The eoloerd rear I roe. rray and b'ark. the Utter for swonmiag are rtry much th taxhioa. Fans of point dcprit tt are mtarh la favor: they dont give a partkle of air, tt they Wok welL The aatlor hat it brttts decidedlr wom this mua for all, aal but, too, than it Is fa hiowxV.y worth. . Bra rklaara a arrr w ora ia pairs, la fact, it I the favhion to manacle only the light a-wi at presrot. Ijarge lockets from a band of blAfk rrltet abont the feminine neck are an- doubl-My fhiooable. A novelty ia the way of tea gowns Is of shrimp pink India silk, the skirt covered w th lace flounces. Mrs. 1L I Hughes, of Letlogtoa, Ca., k m m m a Sv owns a l uttc-r fltn wnicb iter ugiua an-rtor ate out of ia ICVO. rUtlor hits are still worn oa almost all jtihl (ircaa'oaa, their Ptiocipal rivals being the brood Leghorn Cats. Tu jude fnm thermnlcls now la prrp rti.n, wraj will be quite as dirersi tied next eaon as they were lat. Reel UexuM of soft silk are worn with sxirts of white and ml striped flannel by EaglUh girl for boating drret. The newest freak of fhioo, Is to have thedrr!, haf, glvc, Imots and stock ing of the same cvl'-r a the laJy a bair. A string of gold beaH around the throat is worn with low summer dreaaea. It h a tut innocently infantile cilect. The l-i-of-muttun sleere. it appear. Is simply the result of a roopirary among fah'oal le diramVers to drive out the jetm-y. Sailor collar, comb i on 1 with a Ccha m a a m a a or M-art rnia, are nvuie oi paie oiue or M-arlet silk, aa-i wota with bite wool or China dk d'e ci. Cmm colore 1 camel's hair, with fine a . a g-iM v-.-tucnienc on tmi, cotur ara cutT, and gold buttons, make an exqui- site driving jacket. Irraca are worn looger than ever, nearly touching the ground, and the steel t which aremel to cipaad them are aroil!rr than of U'e. White roudin vrl or p'atrooa are tuade trry lull In uns arroti the cbet, M-parated by tucka, thronh whkh Bar row ribbons are drawn. Sbawl-ahspcd it vers collars, all in oae piece and ioumtHl en the side, are worn with open throated drec inatead of the notched coat collars of lat year. Mia Itdmunds it a great aid to her father, the Senator. She seta as his private secretary a good portion of the lime, and looks cloacly after his law buti- ne.i. Kiev trie blue ia many shades, finally loing trlf in silver gray, iaoae of tha mo popular of the seaaua'a colors, and will prolnUy 1 seen ia deeper tone ia the fall. MUs Lure, daughter of Governor Loee of Michigan, hat lrea voted the Daugh ter of I he Brigs' l. owing t- her kJndtwas anel attention to the invalids la the trate camp near Iktroit. rc!cfloecaie, V-shspe.1 plaitrons. and Clntrd iU bUs fr wear with Wa-k e drt-e, are made of Hotly cat t braK in trellis ltems, drwpiag loops, or chain armor cleign. Row mant ille. Oat., b said to be a para dise for worneo doimua of entering the etatroi matrtmonr. Iruriag the paval .A GITIL'S DIL"E EXFLOIT. wirr xjlt tart.T.TT wu orrra AUOUXTi STA.TS . Tbe Story Teld Itw fllV4 Di Deokew Hrtdx a4 fUv4 Tralav 'Til -IU '.-v.- Wt en V T1 I)rltr4. Trui W-t u lii. : r-m : f Da li-j t a ra i U c.-ir? A a a ;Mf f -'Vxr ; i-mrr A ROCK BETWEEN THE RAILS. Ke v THREE MEN DEAD. The ratal R. .nit of m Terrible Katlra Arridenl. A dispatch from Lawrence, Kan, fays: Abuit 11 o'clock Friday night a terrible acf iderit cceurred at the junc tioi of the Ix-avcnworth branch of the Union Pacific with the main line, some , s mile from this city, which lcmlted in the death cf three men. The coal train ! was comiqtjr over the line from Leaven worth and had alrrtost reached the ,J-r:t-tMn before the engineer discovered v iiiae. ine -wucn naei not Keen turned to altow the-.iain to run out cn the main - line. The. loccmotive anel several cars plunged from the" track down the erc binkment, "Engineer J. 'Murden was instantly killed; Fireman Frank Davis lccoivea injuries trom .w iticn ns eiiea a f jw houra later. The head brakeman, , Te m Brown, w as also killed. Seven - ' tfs we r: thrown from the tra?k. The tfJ003e and s;veral cars rvmaiued cn the r9 - ' I)alardly Aliempt ! Wreck w Paaaeacer '; Traiaialllla.lv. ' A special Irom Pckin, III , says: A bold attempt was made to wreck tne Indiana. Bloenninjrton and .Western caatbound passenger train that left Pekin.at 8 o'clcxk, at Leslie stalion,six mile cast of this city. The east and west.lound iiscnjrer tram. elue at 8 ocbuk. arrive ami iwisVst this ioint. TLe west lound nasseninr msscd Leslh nil tiht. It wa? Intween this time and 8:15 that some pcrsn carried a laige stone, weiyh- in a couple of hundred ixunds, twenty- live feet, and plaen'd it U-twecn tie rail on the main track. Tpe cist bound mssncer tram crr foitunate.v bad a iiassenirer for Ixlie statiou. The en jrineer Was notified and had s!oed up. when hb e ngiuc struck a steno, throwing over the stone, and the forward truck left the track. The traia was dclaycel nearly an henir. Had it not Inrn for this one passeiger, here would have l-ien a sraashuj, a the train would have dashed into thisrok obstruction at lull speed. The only theory giren for this devlish act is that of robbery. The orticials of thelndiina, Bloomington and Western willmvestigats the matter. Oairatea ay a (itu af. I.awle.a ma Is llarrt.aa Caaair. A dispatch frcra New- Albany. Ind., sarr: a cang oi uwiess men in spencer township, Harrison County, calling themselves "Wliite Caps, took from his Ud John Hildebrandt, a popular citizen, who last April was electee! justice of the peace by nearly a unanimous ve te, and tying htm to a tree beat bim unmerci fully with hickery awltchea. Tbey told him they were not pleased with his de cision, and charped him with cruelty to his family. 1 be same night st Do- pauw they warned a suoon keeper to stop selliotr liquor, snd at Frenchtown they awakened Postmaster Paul Henriott ane told him what they had been doing and oreleted him under penalty of one hundred lashet tei spread the new epuickly. They hsd prcviemsly warned a widow named IKnigberty that she must not marry a young man to whom s-hc is cna"ed.r Her friend have or- gmized for her protection. Prof. Chareh's Work In China. 1 The Department of Stata has been in formed that ItoL Chun h, cf Columbia College, New York, a duttngiddied min ing expert, lecenlly arrtveel at 1 hnts'n, China, and en'cre-d the srrvice of the Viceroy, Li Hung Chang. He baa made a personal examination of ami full leport upon the interior Chinese copj-cr ad sil ver mines, in whith he deprecat-a the continuance of thj old system of hand ling labor in mine atd recommends th; adoption of machinery. Cartons Death Rites la India. It is but a few years a 70 that certa.n officials in Calcutta erected a large oven in which the bodies of the Hindoos miht be rapidly cremited ; but th' whole some mode of consuming was rejected as heterodox ; yet still, on dark nights, and 'at tOe stated places on the Holy River, from Calcutta upward to Benares, may be seen the solemn flames that reduce the dead to ashes, and may be heard, on the still air of the Indian sky, the wailing that tell of sorrow and separation. The Mohammedan in India, as else where. buries his dead ; but the Hindoo com mits their ashes to Father Uunga, amid the waters of which they are supposed lo be restored to participation in happier scenes than earth can present a portion of mythology too vast to 'be .entered on here. To be without a son toclo one's : eves is to inaure another period of protm- i.f 1 1. .1 1 : : 1 . . . t 1 1 a v.. lion ami peiuarn a urL'ianuK ur m 1 in icui iwit t vu Lhis world ;nrnceineiawoianopiioo. iu eleven rec rgsnwaitooa oi ion viuav die in Benares is to a ecu re immortality, Ithurch chosr, all rvndere.1 rennlitby and to die on the hanks of the Ganrr I female members taking nzla themaetvea the highway to heaven is eenlUl to I bojbanI. everlasting joy. Hence on the Burning I flu- reet dreaaea are mvU with two Ghaut at Calcutta may be seen at timca ! - tv owef o0 alightly six or seven iiics, eacn o- 11s rue 01 ttun tU uptr. woodoften of the root ce, r de-np- n. zUon ihehir- u . i.. ..... 1 : . . ' Risked Her Life to Save Her Sister. A dipnatch from Woolwith, Tex., says: Perry Buchanan's borne waa burned. A girl about five years old waa burned to death. Another, three years old, cannot recover. One, aged about ten years, may recover. Mrs. Buchanan had her srms burned to the elbows. The ten-year-old child was in the yard, out of all danger. but she saw the flame s surround her little three-year-old sister and ran back and brought her out, sufirriog tne penalty of being almoct burned to death for her bravery.. RAILROAD WRECKERS IN OHIO. Uacle Sam's Balance Sheet. tion, if the people be we. hy sur- rounded bv Irkiatins Brah ns and mourning friends. The Pardee eliia otherwise of their dead. On a hill In the Island of I lorn lay (railed by the Europeans Malabar Hill) staod. all w ithin a ahort distance of each other, the church rard of the Chriatiana. the cemetery ol the Mussulmans, the place where the Hit cremate their dead, and the Tov I of Silence, where the Parsers leave 1 a a .a tbei UincoCineel. lot dcvoumi iy ine birds of the sir. It la a lofty aqre in- rlosure. without f or rovensg 01 any kind. Huce bloated vultnrea and k ilea. rorred with human fleah, throng Luily the summit of the lofty wall surrounding the stone pavement, which is divided into three compartments, wherein the corpses of men. women, and of children are bud snart. and all nude as they rams . .a a a into the world, rome reuiive or ineoa anxiously watches, at a ahort dUtanee. to ascertain hirh eye Is first pluckeil out br the birds : and from thence it ts inferred whether the soul of the departed is happy or mUerable. The l"aree re- rard with horror th? Hindoo method ef disposing of the dead, by throw ins the bodies or ashes tato rivers ; yet their own custom is even more rertugnant U the feelings of the Luropeans ia India. -Taalee DeedleJ Some songs like the stories cf mythol ogy, seera never to have been coroproed. aot is raieil w th pa and puSr-l at the bawk. and I smnrtimes opened ai akle lo reveal the underakirt or panel. hk-h may te of a lighter or darker a hade than thedre. There are oneiuodred aal fifty fetna!e physicians In New York 10-day, aad the numl'cr In Brooklyn and the wrroeuJiaj ritie about dooblra that. Amosg tZKe In New Yerk city there are quite a nma ber who have ioeomcaof tlO.OvO; two or there tn-ke yearly turn rantnag from 15.000 in $M,00ijf and ooehaa average! for the Ut four years a steady lacorae of fi5.00X CaraUh llvker rata. The CernUh fiahenaea are a splendid Y- The variety of the tale known rom- .'fnercially as agalite is now used largely ."?n paper-making in place of .kaolin, pro f xluciiig the high gla2e which character- - izes so much of our American paper. . . - Aa Aiteaapt Ca De.irar a Teal a with r'Ua Ilaa4re4 raaarac.rm. , ' . ; AMisiateh from Ciccinnalti says: An infamous attempt to wreck a train for the purpose) of lobbery 1 reortcd frvMn JLebaocn, O. About 2 o'clock , Wednes day morninir. as a train of eleren cars with 500 passengervwas returciag from Cincinnatti, the engineer encountered st a xint a mile from Ielanon an obstruc tion made of railroad tie and fence rails. By good fertune the train had stopped only a short distance before it to let off some lasfengers and had-rot ob'.aswd sufficient f peed to be seriously iaj wxea 1 tic oDstruction was reacted lajVJSl Jr The debt statement issued September 1st, shows the decrease of the public debt during the month of August to Is ,509,475.41. The riecTtaia of the debt since June 30, 1S37. is ?,G54,3?0.- 24. Cash in the treasury 45.!r3 1.729- 87. ttold ret tiScates outstanding S3, 765,340. - Silrer certificates outstanding I47,S7,385. .Certifies tec of deront outstanding $7,150,000. Legal tenders outstanding 316,631.015. Fractional currency t.not inclodiag ajnount rati mated as lost or destroyed) tG.St 3,924. 37. ' - -The number of trade dollars redeemed to date I $7, 153, COO. Treasury pcope believe that but few more arc out.-twd icg. Trace them back to one source, and the) are found "to have a at ill more aneieni orbria. From the lowlands of Holland, it is said, came the original hint ol 1 aa kee Doodle." A song with the follow, ing bcirden has long been in ue I hen among the Uborers ia harvest time, whet they receive as much tmttennilk aa they can drink, and a tenth of the grain bar- Tanker, eliW. dmtJe elown, t. IvW. dM laatr. TanXaa vive vca wwr etrarw, ' IkiCteemHa ankl taathee. The tone was known in New EneUad. before the Revolution, as "LjdiaFiahcx'i I- Examine carefaUr before coming to coadasiocj, " y - race; sober, ladaslrsous aad lod-l ear ing. The Jviaday ia invariably kepi with decorum and solemnity. During fliy weeka aojoura amf- them I neither saw a tipsy j-raTnr hcad aa oath. There is no Urkinr. no hortarsy, o annaie.ha!! annr. The whole ni JX of the people aeeana to be chaaleael aad I ducd by their uncertain. baxamms Uloedou ratliog. aat the ever abiding pveaencre f the great wide sea. For hours and hours they will stand La little group en the quay or beach, talking gravel r. ie undertones, or gaiieg lateau ry on the sceiie before them. spcrnUUnjr, oa th- various craft that gUde pact a ia the silenca of a d rca ea. c'Cr$ $ A reeeat New preteilU (TYaa. 1 Wtt er U th PitlaUjr- r-t 4 aaya: Tly. at the house ot a saanaal f rwJL I a a herotae a yowng tftl U wears apa j bet brewat a maaaf e-i4 medal lit w preaented to her by the LeuUtsrt of tie Kale of lewn aoaw years aa, as a e--ark of iu appeeciataoa of her voa-lnfJ courage -i retrae of sa'ad. Tall, ervrt aad well pcr"jcctial. wi:h hrr dark. Idht eye, rmj cheeks aad clear cut faaturea farsalag a charmiax Pict ure f struar. true AnwrrVcaa hood, Kaie rhUey, ef Boo, La., ts a E'rl that aar father la aay f ute sawrkt iproodof. hhe U tday twvety two years 01. wneewiy slttaeai tbn, by aa act of dariag be eery, ah woai th sylmirataoa aad rrataale of the people of her Bailee Pfata aad male her saas famous amoag them. About dark oa Joly a, I'll, a raia aad wind atoms of aa para! W led aevvrit r bunt over Kate Shelley 'a home In th rouatry. near 1 looey itttIu The IVs Aloises River rnae sit feet, aad etrry rretk was over its taks la lea thaa aa hour. The window of this beaea JTxl a rma com maadcsl a vitw f the Hooey Creek rail road bridge. PeeriBg out la lot he dark neaa, she saw, by the aU of the vivid flashes of lightning whkh st fryuest intervals Rlumiaaleil the scene, that houara, barns, fenees lambcr aa-i every thing portable within reaeh of the fool had bee a carried away, while the wind swept by with fearfal aad evtr lacreasla? velocity, and the waters ccallaaea qukkly ami atexl.ly to rue. Throci-h the black new and storm she saw a locomotive beadajht advaneiog swiftly la the direction of the brvlga whkh the flood hal boraeawar. Aaecoad later aal the licht tuddcBlv drepped down out of sight, aad though the roar lag of the wind sod the water rvadere! it iraposaible for her to hf the f riphtf el craah it mud have made sa Krw that a train of cars had HanpH-rtta i!- There was do eari tu, Lerwlf " " M aOJ Ufa UIIW 4,VA and sistmibj-fcS knew iht IT help was to be $r thesuffrrtrs end a warning (At f rowijK, ih rnriaeer cf thectreeaa nearlr ue she must u&der- take the awful taak akme. Throw le g aa old water-proof aboat her ahaaklrra, and btilv lightUg a Ustera, aha ventured forth lata the aterm. The flood wat far above all rmds mtA rath ways to the wa ter's edge.aad she sooa reaUie-l it would be imraiiti lo rvwch the wreck, thm nail try aoeneeber phva.Jt steep.roeky bluff led op. to the track, hhe tcaa la eteent it. With her tlothes iarm to rigs and hrr fleah lacerated bv the thUk growth of buvhea, she at laat reached the rails. There was sti3 a asull poetia of the bridge left. Oa her bAddsand kaeee she crawled eat on the rrznsialng ties to the laat one, aad hoi a lee on with one haad for hrr life, she kaaed over th wa ter as far as she coukl aad wavls her lantern, crie) at the Uet hrr vckc. From the black cud l-eJ ow three came la answer the faiat acceaVsof the eaf t- aeer. who told her it was a rvicht traia that had goo over and thaUth9;h bad ly injured, he had saved hlssMllfroeu nrowmer by erewUar uadey souvs ItvVia lira beta. He Ulirrvd that all the other traia hands hal pejiahed. aad adviaad her to proceed at once lo the aeareat ata liom. warn the s prroac hi a g e 1 peraa tra La ef Its danger aad rvt era with help fee him. Retraclrg bet step, the youae herj4ae was soon haateaieg aiog the traek with all tbe speed she cuuld aaake agaiaai the howbag tewapteat towards Xoegoae, a small sutKa about oae mU frees Hoary Creek. To reach that pmat sW hal U eroaa the Weh ttealle bedge oves the Des Hoioeu River, a dia'aac ef S04 feet, Hrr trembling foot Lad scanrfy take-e It a t rat step upon th atructcre vbea a i Rghtalsg. wla.1 and rain nearly t.rvw her over tato tae water aa4 at the aans time ctUagviabed her iht. XaUhee vpuM hart len poaerlraa to re! C-t it ia aoch a horrkaae. rvra if shehad ihesa. and she w as to uasite to sew even a Laavd a length lfcee hrr, etrep wWa a d flaahof lightaiag ryv rated the rag lag waters leoraih her f the dark out tine tf the swaytsg bridge V wkkh aha rlnag dauatk oa her hands her way thrrajh the darkaeaa aad storm froealietotieovee the penioua trrti. IkwrhUg ims growad araia. she aaua roverel the ahort remalalrg diataaee to the ataUew. heealhaay toad her story and the fell la a dead laiat at the vta- 'tam ageat'a feet. KaecTT wax haatlly derpaXrhe1 fa the suffering ragiaeer ia llowey Creek. Tk- rraana wens nyxr- rp awu ww 10m ue. Ifyjjg the ra.na.i erzmez- zr w as giae. Jiaatooemuaateaner xae reav rt had faiate!. and wail she stilt lay as roearWaM the eapreae train caaae ruki-r ia Wbcs the paewerra armea - 1 areWSeal iroen ,' iv Ta w-. 3 M r w ' f-H a-f X 1- 1 t - a. - w l-a. ( m fr W I w r 4 . iv v. tte fFl a' S a-a - tyaSL. A t.1 rri' i a t we k ; la ri- al ta l-.i-a lr- ew.a I alW! al trr 1 a a 1 t ar a-a, ta l::ea 1 )u i - :- V - l-fc. Aat rr S Vi- f . t-a. ii:.r, t: r i "--t a.-! t aant a rrat. Taa tat U ajr--t tm r-7" ' i J7 Aatl kM atXs:Vra - a !-- f aa, rcrl i frtoa Mm : V a'.J . 't - t. fcfcl t e Ua if - I1 e- rkaJwa in kal Ha a tt 5 1 11 4 1 art e l. ft W WaV h n m In.: .rrt Ml. L- a-arf 4 fee li- ea kia t..'a ?rJh IkaehS, Aat a mr aaV;t r-.as; tV-: ha tv' hm I ,11 t TWa areve i-aaa U t fe. m U ! t". f f at A Vjwa t-'a 0tfmjm, a arrt mx.-m-m.i trait' V .t.'ea:.J,r l' lm t aa f- I a--l Yet ha -.t rr;:'- al at p a hir. dxiav a . ;a. U I i. t -a Aat lo kv-tWai V.m dutt 4 , ' Vt aa aw4 a."aa .-.' tsl. ItjanJ ar anew a esjv ; t4 rT. twAa a-a ajl wai 1- r " '-'t. Aat foavt. W- 1" aai jav. a. V-l. TVra- k.iaa f rva kit nVeat tt r IWrmLr. timttmwtat. rt a.1 tw i "1 Ve ta.-ai vaa a kea ea. i .' t-..r- bv. A reol UlWl reVW a faeat BtW Atl bm feew ar to r-.V !, leaea, ee eVwasiM ha veij t e l-rrw a ' - a a t-..r I . t j a.4 ' To m terrVaa eWsra tSm aenla-er 1 UJ eaostt lav ta L-a e-.T dew. fkit hm a Iea&;e4t ha ft3, aa tS?ca.ia Aad lha lr a t'Ji rUa ".U lr all. riity aa aaai. Wv al Ver -"a ie, la tae rvW t t- j .m'.h U Vm W-r a rr. OalialIr aV.-.lf. a df c-iar4 at VaaC TVr5wt Ih-j -el a tl a ir-a el lm. F.re i t.k Ut ci tala ba'Jl tiav ery e-a't . ll4 14U Ue tia arJ tti'' ..-. Aa--- TU-l'TTiwl t-awo:it i't t i:Ser. la exraa as! C- To ttrtt aaJ inaV; To ahntat UM LaVeta a ew: AjS t -t to cea ln4 urn eoa. . pae ao I t ve . Tha rcttlow of SCO Convert. TV f lm lira lv!-i a.- 1 atiTv tranataa of tj Tceawa tT x"-'- vrv a; a'r'smJ to a pK-l ai. at..-f Urn c KmAm lo txU mj?-sm tim UreW' r. !. timy eU-n haa te ;;M aaca t l"" r j"t Urm ami tt-xaWvJ . T- re u aVlraiaail to ta -ii-m -f teeraaee, ar 4 aa f a -Ja all aca ta Ih k--c.ee e r i- e erlaara. ec :eraate. asl r- " w I torn ls 4jw1 ra I 4 rjrt wi ; mr m -e lb WLa f aa-i .a c t ai.treim- l.-'.t .v fprj U ttm r-''a 7--ii'ai lUal re-jacaa t lm&. KJ I - -;". aaU tatr rayafae crval If t-m C.r. I i f . imm it Xml a jeJ oaCc7U r, "Ha. lia S-alea tsa Vim F'-al lV-'f-eT , . Bjarartse t-y ee-alTv .-.! e-n i t atfUw-aJa fairta, UlU j; e at t ' ra ' av3 lh K-mrtf a vf. il tS U l-art aa4 feteat -mm m--hmt IVao ! rfff, c-aaa aaa. A tmri. f awa aa-aw ' r u u i IM a-ocae a! Mm crawl hi va mm f- . eawiW loo ;aaa a tf ea !. a -i c le ait ta xe-t ai iaJ, c j- c f TnfiLi.w,' " M Sa a S aa V li-t rr r ' x t' Falo aa a txaU'.atal lra- t ar L - eiAua laaal eeuawJ A w a -... Sa4 lafaf th l&iLiMV it aWif, n neaUr aart tmi f -r.a c- ' t 111 i elj ra'a ia. V t ' 1 d ; ' ce tKirmrUy I IaaI as--. - " M aartr r li f a i Sraa'ae4 aal nmt?lml ar-. te . w.'.h Urn pvV c -a a aa Vr tt J r 1 m tara S . -. 2f matim4 tm ii w a a"- f t'- f tra. a4 f j kaaV aaa, aja 1 llm :.' -etutiraa. V t-'al o J 9 a- a " eaaa. al fr urn r fra a e-..r ' - l fee ea kAalf aai i a, avnjvaa--.t ! e V tt ef v. reeraeea e (at i ha I Barrel fV fmm Jum, bmm ! a i ; a f ag lt e j m aw.tataMai:a : r"r I I - I aa anaa mt a lei, t . -a a. - er- . mmm t4 f tirrfi Wanaa, .l m tu . wW 3 af c-w a fc. - ? i r .mtari tw 1 tx a r a-' W- i -a. a i w t t rl trx Nat rT are I a a. A akra le r a 1 , l--t t,4a m m Uaat aaate l a J -mm r t t I2t0a.v las'ie.i ..'n.Hr- I aa ea Uraa aai r I i . . '. I Throw tag a way her laalera, tha i a-a aarrae Una wt at , iu 1 .u a Ancrvss rrl araU drvppe J svliw saaw an la-a a as t-r v . 1 . i. ' , . I an arS arhe aai m l a ari k tl mfd aad kaeee aad lh tnale dMmt , , Ul,k j, f . r. a . , i rvxta w aw ko aJ if m r .' eea-a la faweaJ a-. ta - ..l - aa a a t t f ea . t t .Ia-x" : ijm. If 1 mmtmi tm teaar a tm fraJ I Vaavtrwte Imr rm ta V -m n;r. I . ta Ve t4 l'-m t iU a t feaf ai aa.trllkaxa U V tt t," t a-lt nu4 lha IW aa e!e t t ..' -W I UN reraaja-4 l rtrn. 11 .f ( mr mmU lewhrw Sfe arJns -! Umrl r vLa.re 1 Aa.1 r a Ut li -raaUaa t" afc. a"l II a V-i iiaet'-Uet. aat 1 1. : -.a 1 rwa i. -; tnaa tr-it. . 1 1. r tleee. Sd Pari 8 e Ceast rertaara. rlrac reveled In mil!kita aa a nuaee rloata over hia cldea hoard, and be en dowed nxaayof bis characters with the generous haad of the swvrliat: but. hm drill ia fraara. cot dollars, ami the Pours fpeculalors nd the great Saaacial Khrrnea that be loved todeartibe paie In to inaiga-caare lrfaee tha farturei aad boatoe ope ratios a cf tLe talf-dorra ram ol the i ar.fc rrt. w ta raiala and raHruds Lava mle fort u oca that would have hem ea!!el rmal even la the ayaof Carter and lapcrUl I'.osie, Ce t J'! .... ... - . , salal srewo.. m - they ha-1 t-eea saved by t.U Ceaiubte murage ef 27i.A2i rirL krvlsg haa.ls tck her tTTtenalerty, chafed the torw aad tked laic limb, laved th paUlal far aad a railed her baek lo liearala. Then I key eolWleti foe lr a aobaiaatUl pajrae- TVhea the faawof teas Kate fkilcj'i exploit speead lhrvshout her native Mate anew aad wca ef all elaaaee ailed to do hrr ttoax. rVverml aS arriptknts were atartrd foe hrr brmt, aad If raoaey sa rree aa adequate reerswa peaae fcr such beroixa she ha been well rewarded for hrr beaee eclact. The Is-jrValar voted that a SB-Mai ahsl-l le gieew hee U rasartmie her aUriaj a-rf aad appealed a spec aai eaauaautee lo prra- e It, her heeotawa bela- mle the Ihetae of esaaa eliMaeat rrechea. On the day w hea aha received the oe.lal from lk haads ef the Lejidaliv Cota mdtee la t!-e Us ef nxae, Iw, th event was rvkbrated ia a raasaer whkh pBfTaed aay pevvkms p-iti dexarieatrattoa held ia thai tixlt A -ram, !- ar of It mm tir. m ! U e. '. ' fmmti are t-e 4 aal M-enl - T , Wj4 a waa ." TU'-tm . .I Tee, a t' Amt$ Uimr. . - . Umtt al aj.t aS- l- , ua a " Xnai. tea mxm Vr T - ,,, a rmm wS aea a"V aaajwa 4 X - mCmm mri aaf Imm. WJ r. i,; j .... a aa a. aa r.a" a la-e mU.mm a 1 U.-e l r 1 twaU.wa. I ' a4 m- . . t a.xVl 4. m-t-?mim ta U fa'ear ul Mn.'K-ra II a C mmM aMCrattn. aai -3 U mmrm f4ar IS mJmum al rtf aV- re-s. tr mJ tt aa jft Ir-mmmm tm I ftl4 (trta'l timmm Rit-Ue &m ntm,ml ff ia ml U ' t -1 l-e f.a- l mmrsmrm i r t.'JJ C- .i e : a ; ' 4m-i tvmm . I arref a 1 a eC Hm u r la w 1 a a-e i a. jn. a t f . r , M .Krmm i irrl . " r- t ; I ! "! ' r at ' - t. - . -e t . . . rnrMuns ismii. are bet al a " ' . . ... . . I t , . iraljrrs w lisecca'.-ti, w i r'ecf her aaUvt i -'J1 ' ' a enel wUh ti t c-J.r the peer' Stite, Ul ala rwaa y J we is 'hra g"-'j ' a frrxa avTc4d uaiu-l t J cli -ct ta trvt Kate M!lry. TWTT.C-T. r.er 5''t. -kVrtala tim trtm- m i z m C f a t ' at.--! revs - r . , e r . : aar!tTtT-jl?i. r t , - a 1 t I a --V-. ( V

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