V V j.F. MURRILL & CO., Edlton and Publiiheri. . E(JLML - AND JfsT LiW.H WtoailLI EXECfTED- tin Ttt a- - - VOL, X. HICKORY. CATAWBA CO., C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1887. NO. 0. I Jm SALTING THE CATTLE. i i t but as soon as Criditon appeared upon another moment the door was opened i ft.lv v, lA . Win Via A A nwlli!. A ft 1 S . I . . . . . . ... w duc, no uuhiq upiuu uiiuu kj ullu- ana a naauaumo tvub quo came. i still al it ever will rc x i ion iiues lieuj, u possipie, ior ner incas, "liov awawara r uiougni i&osauna. by pretending to be broken-hearted and Rnt I crnst keep np the character of desperately jealous. I j Towns ::t's sister. YVho in the world He was. however, sufficiently in lrrv i is ho ? ' W VI l & ; i Tl, r Arymr tfvvl till n afMk.1 ftvWM... "J' Vft.ft. ft. HJ .. "John! John P I cried, for I spied the rover "Where aro you g ing, John ? May I go, too?" . . Yonr voice came faiatly up across the clover; "To salt the cattle. Yes." Away I flew. Down he dark lane, "neath the drooping larcbes, You waiting for me just beyond the corn That opened in long lengths of gleaming arches, And k-d me oat into the dewy morn. . Then tto uped on. Did oar' feet touch the grasses? - ' Or did we glide, aa sometimes in dreams, Without a motion save the . thought that yasfes, - And wills us onward over fields and streams! - A b:bok's loud brawl called us fwm the valley, Telling; pf pols where the minnows sleep; Ari l fragrant spruce trees wooed us long to dally , ' ' Vith hoards of spicy gum packed close and tlcep. ' r A ledge, high up, flashed a sign of treasure, That lured us upward from the ferny glen; .Wo had not learned; all pleasing things to measure, " A nd mica was as rich as silver then. We fried to find the thrush that sang below us. He led us through wild mazes in his flight; Hut, oh, what wonders did the woodland show un, ' , With nhy, small creatures hurrying from tiKht! to be able to put a fair "amount of aeri- j The uueucw iuw his reproocuea; anil wnen he flatly refused to give np tho photo- J m-arK Trfttv lm1 m irrn liim anrl far a r .w w w w yajavaa a "9 awaavs s nt her. She was tho prettiest girl ho hail seen for many a day. She made him a httlo bow. I am Mr. Towns end's si-scr, ahe aaid, "and I expect him ev. ry moment; ho doe not expert me until to-morrow. Did not the land lady U U fou I was here?" hb' rue sno um i tno young man going t aloud J" would ' Jo bo h r ing in." k for my brother!' ahe aaid the sweetest manner. "It Terr kind. " It is awkward alone with people com be gave Mm a little smile to the outer world was ban- v:cnt so deep iht)d; Then shut our eyes, and, twirling round and round, lioon every trace of path and home had van ished, . And we were lost in that enchanted ground. No hint from sun or pointing shadow heeding, We went the way we found our faces set; Which led ua out to where the herd was lead ing, 1 And brought yet. - to mind our task, neglected call, they came with eager mmm mm i When, ot your nenrry, Yo'i laughed aloud to eco my look of fright; Dut helped nie climb where, free from childiah worry, I looked down calmly from a boulder's height. I watchod the horned mass of living crea ture . . v Surging bout the base of my retreat, And ' marveled at you, as with tranquil fea tures You dropped tho Bali close by the tramping feet. The sun had slipped behind the mountain fringes . 1 JVfore wo started on our homeward way, A:. lvtitern sica were bright with sunset tinges. Ah ! Onr ohort task had filled the summer r dny! ? L.MTEA OaBtA5D CaP.B- VERY PRECIOUS. -'mm DID not give it to hiru ! He stolo it lout of the mother's album. Ho did ! ho did! he did 1" Tho spcalier's voice roso with each repetition, and her cheeks got redder and redder. 'I must know better chan von, Rosio!" "On of course, you do not call it giv ing, but I do. You wero standing by, I suppose, when he took it f Your eyes were cast down, and you put your most becoming pout on I Anil now that Tom Crichton, with his ten thousand H year, falls in love with you aud wants to marry you, you aro afraid poor Cecil Hamil ton will show liim your photograph hnd talk nlwut vour silly letters and make mischief. Yo:i incorrigible, little flirt ! It would swe you -right to be treated rs you have treated others.' How nmny men have you madj fools of, I wouder A dozen?" ; The speaker 8piko sarcastically; the hearer was bogtiming to cry. The girls two absurd little notes ahe had written io mm, ana a glove np liat purioinoi. the silly girl was thoroughly f tightened, : and firmly rrsuadkl that "Tom" would hear all alxmt it and break off hia 1 engagement. Had Rosalind but known J gaapol. I . . . how slightly Hamilton's heart-was 1 "Wha donkey he Ml" thought touched, she would have quickly laughed : mercil-Rosalind, craite at ber ease, tbfl . althou'.'h she had just been robbinir a girl solemnly assured herlliat Geoff wan ! drawer. "I wonder if you would mind so much in love, and so angry and jeal- j ous that she knew he meant to have hia ; revenge, the sensible elder sister forgot I that she was not living in a melodram- ! looked the fact that "Hamilton, being a gentleman, it was not likely that he would act as if ho were a cad. So, on tho whole, tilings were looking very serious when, for tho fiftieth time at least, Rosalind tried to roako her bi ter confess whether sho had given Gco3 the photograph, or whether he had taken it from Mrs. Maitland's album. She had her own opinion on the subject; so it was really waste of time to cross-ques tion the nauchtv littlo carl, who was " 0 , c w a anxious to keep the peace between the old love anil the new. "I Hunk you are very unkind, Rosie," she f-aid at last; "and if yon do not be lieve me, how can I expect Tom to do it?" "I do not expect Tom to do it I You talk as if believing in yon were a gym nastic, feat. I know what I should do in Tom'B place, if another man told mo ho had a photograph of the girl I meant to marry, and gloves and things " "He lias only one glove and no things!" interrupted Iietty,-whimper ing. "Uon t exaggerate; ana l gave i Tom two photographs one sitting and one standing and ho has heaps ami heaps of letters I "I hope the spoiling is all right. "I hope so. He is not much of a speller himself." "He spelt 'adored' with two d's tho other day My addored one.' It looked so funny. "Mr. Hamilton is away just now, is he not ?" Rosalind asked presently. "Yes. He went to his sister a wed ding. I wish it was to his own." "Ho docs not live in barracks, I think T "No; ho has rooms in Diamond Cres cent, No. 15, and Gerard Townsend lives with him." "He is the woman-hating person who is reading for something and never goea out ? . . . And now I suppose you aro going to write to your adored Tom ? I nm going out for a walk." "And wont yon ail vise me how to get back my photograph? I wish I had not given it to him." "Oh, so you did give it ! "I am a'fraid I did .". sighed iWty. "But he liegged so hard, and said he had never cared enough for any girl to ask for her likeness before." "Poor fellow! But ho must give it up. Now go and write your letter." And Rosalind ran out of tho room. Alout an hour later a young lady with r. mackintosh on her arm knocked at tho door of 15 Diamond Crescent. She had evidently lvn walking fast, for her cheeks were glowing and her eyes wero bright. "This is awful," she said to hersrlf, as she hoard steps approaching the door on tho inside. A civil looking woman opened it. i . "An are the centlemen at homo? the. visitor asked. "I mean is Mr. j Townsemat home? I am his sister, and W expects me, I think." "Oh, walk in, ma'am, if yon please. Mr. Townsend told mo you wero not coming until to-morrow; ho is out just now, but. your room is quito ready. Have you no luggage, ma'am ?' - The visitor muttered something alxmt tho station as she went into tho lrwl. "Please show mo into the sitting-room," sho said: "lean wait for my brother ilm-c. No, thank you; no tea. Is this this the room i" "Yes, ma'am. The gentlemen lias this between them. Mr. Hamilton is coming back unexpected this evening. He was-telegraphed for, as thcro is soaio talk of the regiment leaving at once. "What is that : noise ?" tho visitor asked. "Rain, ma am. It s a thunder shower, I think. It always mnkea that noise on tho roof of tho verander. It's well you was under cover, ma am. and ti i,a up :a another tenr what thoaa two aaid to c wlin they alood (aco to le:. " But Geoff got back hU jw!or,i pock et and lroty go her ph't'rrsph; ahe gave it to Tom forthwith and h xras da-lighted. She it now ilra. Uncutcn. Hamil ton, was finally captaml by a prrtty young widow. I do not knnw what be came of " Louie," but RcMi'JnJ married Gerard TownMml, and be alal thinks ahe is the prettiest woman ia the world. LtndoA liVrif, OXX TTOL'LD GET STRUCK. General News Kotec A Story Told by the Inventor of t! rneoraatlC! Goa. Among the many torie ia Lieutenant Zlinaki's ' repertwy, wh'oh hm is cap able of firiDg at will at a !C icc"W cvtn pany of friend, is coa ot tho autata&co of which is as loUowt: Some year ago th Lieutenant wa on duty, by order of the War Depart ment, aa the militarr profeMor at the Boston Institute of Technology. On a certain occasion, at the head of his com mand comrxned of boya of from twelve j to fifteen years, ho visited Philadelphia to be present at an encampment ox ue- tacxunenTa irom van-jus iimimuoni oi learning In different part 4 the eoan try which maintaioetl military lepart- indiciit.' tiiat he was one of the people. I have t go to the station for my lug pnKe -CNN hat dreadful 6 tones 1 am tfllini.: " sho sulded to herself;) then aloud.' "i-id, perhaps, by the time come b.u k he will be here." f 11. v.iii will mm VrV. will rout Rut it V r lining cats and dogs! you'll l dren l. l!" "Oh. ! ar, no! I have a waterproof ; and V. 'Und took up her .cloak. "Than v iu," as the young man mabod forward :Vid put it round her shoulders. "And v..u will go and find Gerard for mo," "aid turning to him with tho sweet- -t Mnile. There was the slightest poKsib!.' hsitation before she said tho nam.-; he noticed nothing but the boaurv ..flier eyes. "Thank yon tcry much!-' v Sh' w.i. gone before be recoveretl himM !f. and when Geoff Hamilton came into tin- Mttins-roora at No. 15 a few minut. l iter, he found his friend Town- Feud hanging out of the window. "H. l!., Gee!" ho said, "what's up? Y.mi l.M.k .lazed! Seen a irkost?" "No, but tho prettiest girl in tlio worM. Sho was here. She said sho wa Ji.v sifter. Sho asked me to go and look f.T- t.yrself, while sho went to tho t-Utiou f-r ter luggage." f 11 1. she'll bo beck." ..t si."! She turned the other way." j "Tl..-:i who in the world is nhe, and I wliNt I'Mupht her heie?" C- . a at . a I ulvt von know au aoomuiav, you ra :il! Aiie's one of your army of maiUis. I take it." "Ki-.M.ish ! I am tho martyr ! What's : lie had picked up Rosalind's nj f-.i.n the writing tr.blc. " G. H ritilt.-,,, EHq Now for the heart of the ir.v-ry." He opeued tho note and r 1 1 it Thon bo threw himself into a vorv retl face. Then he laiiL'h. d Tlieii'l am afraid he swore. .M.-a-mltlo Rosalind, with her heart tiiumpin,Ilialf vith fright and lialf ! v.'ith triiiutih- was 8lKXilH home wan I. SV tl. w iito Lettv'a room, and found tiiat vi uiv ticrson on her bed, reading ti novel. I "There," Rosio cried, throwing down .1. . iL . T :ie pacKe, "never say ntuu ui a ui tt friend ! There aro your lour photograph, and all tho tn gavo that poor uear man time; and yon ought to be ourself 1" criel unabashed Lctty. them up ?" He is a dar- mentA. The Boston coaUngnt waaas- aifrneil to the ground of the Unirersity "of rennsylavnis; and there the Lieuten ant established hi ramp and ptrd h:a guards in strict accurdanee with the reg ulations. HU "men", it ia almewt nn nccesarT to say. were tbecooghly versed in guard duty, and their order were imperative to permit neither togrea Dr exit unieastne counieraiirn a pwa At tho main gate at the time of tho mid night relief was stationed a self-reliant son of the hub atmt thirteen year of . . . , . age. in ueoonrc oi naii an nror imn students of tho University drew nigh, and when about to enter the groucd were halted in due form by the en:ry. The young men of the University were highly indignant at tho tic tenlino, ai with an important Uarin:r. Irn r-w sibly of several luur tarrying at the shrine of Gambrinna, demanded irotue diate admissioo. Thi dialogue moult ed: Youthful Boatonian rVntry Xobw; you can't come in without the count t-sign. Spokesman ot the univemuy mm;, Kfsrswi:l not en t wr wltb.Crr many sgsia, t Ua; a Vow Uoltke std Uio S' lire. The rrrsidtat'i trir torocja tb writ sad s. mt h will cott aim sbiNit 1,S0 isitcsd of flO.OOO ss the New Yok F t jnrrd it. CaMisal Glhboat bat Tte to Pert Usd, Orrjrca, to coefcr the Pst!lom c Archb'shop Crews, the fcrtrer lUahop of Corgl. Cot er oor IldU of New Tcrtt. wm driski wiaet cr Imocn of say sort. At fretnt pcMic basqurt wares bs was lo he ch ef gat be rrwesled thtt so w io Le used. - Fit trsr co Clvia Does wajrasaiaf s little Ur.k la IJmf, Otlx llswaaots of tb tB who built the Nicstl PTals toxl aid sold it to YsadefUll at a price tuch made the bcUdcis mdiloetirrw. Mr. Erica sow Urrs la a rdLh avvsne ra!sce sad ha eoatrsctrd for a ICO, VO0 brmf at Npot. x The Units 1 8uts lupmee cowl bat lag drtiJol that prit.ltra tairs oa drummrrt sta Dot eosttitotioaal, a suit bai Ufa teftilutcd la Maalpr4 10 coroprl the digorgleg f sll sarb tai, wh'h were rlhcted Ufoee lhldrldo The su'd w sit htrdlr amocat ltsithirr. IlUaippl peotantl arnu'ocr! ia the uptime court ddka. THKSODTIIS OMBDMCfli CETIITT OF lyDUSTSUL rto- ron TBEtr y.oMii Tss N ea S r Asrsawv mf V aikrw I M a lrt rl ta4trv. Tks Tndesmas, ef CbHaT,Tra. la ll ooarttftt raiUw af DtSrct! ledtiial sllaattaa, mj: The past thrts ooa'.La, all ess Waflaf l9 taelsoiaaer rTi. 5ws SO reasatioa ia tba woa-Wtf l la.taUr'aJ dVvtlrrat la sll sreti at ef tbe . sir. TYhU (cxliUois Lr Urra r.wii ut. Baatrrial erowth bas ewrrvpM.iif fly iarmd. sal rrprni tj ta Tu'Mru freta crafirrrlU sl tsdrntral teatnt cf !& P-5th UtcArs tbc aa-wt rr '. J I r roalliea I aSslft. Crvpa terjwVra la tbe 8oU srs .evt th srfr, std the frtrrtl volira: f buusa I ta crraard. iploi I rtairtl srr sc a-y wis taT. aa J. w t; com c:i--.a srw TEMi-nnANcn IJttl rey Tewrvaavo I Ukili.:U'n Ta a "? , raa i ' -r . .! li t t W ' -' Tl l V 4 U - 1 l - l lw Wrv rm c. a.i i TVal L'.l aaata tsww.' T5 11 A f.jrwr. It a. v-rw wi a I - TV m"s.- cU li -- v t IX -cm w.-.i r-v Psa mba t t w c-ra.'S As a : a I - : iMt fcsry rvarw rf tlm 1 tt Zm a War " at1. a ' rVnaltlt'a Cnwtf ur;" T xv! fww mrm t.V- . tw a l w r i ;uj.r a lib ft'.' " r ' - Uwtlfk'l iiUiu.'.?sui - t m T a.t t KM "T I a'.ss ! ' lJ '.- r a - I i a I a'i ito f a-.t a li- r" -" s ar m. tt r t t a a v- -n f -r-a, aa t It iW s j . alr- IV rr ' srt r a-T C i I jo m f w, ft-.l ? t' T Ja l rt iVnl a U "-wt m.l .w.t ana. .. : : k-'Vi it ltw A 4-1 l'- (, Vf tti- ' t , v ' "1 - w t4 r.aa r"" la r a v I pftKt- r. t t a ' a cm or TENTH. a. tala Trvaaraa tar la G.A. X.atta aawtva far t'alir4 lHaira Arwif. A diaf sUb from Bt. IWit, l'L, aaji: All day teg the railreabj Lave Uta Eouiisigifctoibe riiy tbrrsg rf (ftsf' radid C!raid Amy me a with gyip is ka snd ro'.hof blaekctf, a Urjt ttr rentage of thtm acicrapclrd by th ir wires aad cblMrco. The feature of this eocsmp nest U ll a ahettcrias of a larra eumtvr cf t Id vrterac It try! Ttud at each ea rare ptwt t before isrmalt swtn- betra, tb Wa gave such tatuisctta ssa P!raur that tt was fltu si to ir-u bo ic ti camtsr. sad the tiecwtivc omroitlee strtad to ore for a grrsUt cocourc c-f repls ia the Cl4 I baa baa cver sbwebrxa sttemptol ia say Un I, except ia times ci war. Irrnps so csavrs ruy ri rucb peepoittcaa aa 1 srrf looking down on the bayonet of the Y. j t,, ilU la so abort a time. Wllbla . . s & w z aa s; a a i It. n. as tt giiMcneu in uw gaaiign - i to weeks Yes-of course-but von must uodera'an-l that we belong here snd yon can't stop us. Y. B. S. I know my orders. Yno ran't mme in. S. of the U. T.-Csn'tKhl Well, we'll show vuu that we can, srel CL There sre three of ns, snd you may as well understand us and let us pam with out anr foolines. Y. R. 8. How many did yon aiy" there were of yon f a of the U. I. three. Y. n. 8. All richU (Getting re i.ly for the lunge laid down in tpin tactics.) Two of you may gel throu.i but one of yon will tie stuck. Ther did not tro m. The Licntensnt sppbcw tliis slcry as an illustration of what hi pet pneumatic torpedo gun could accomplish against a ,. .H ij. ir v.:v n . r nwi oi ironraaa". uo iuium vuv v them st least would bo "stuck." !!! V 1 'tt.Ts Hill l..-ls,tke5 fnvji tim f.-!i:i:n"Jl . "What "li.l !.et lii;-:" 1 1"!. tler "Oh, y Jlnw swt' TIIE DRUU rRlCER. 3.M0 beta wdlh sr4 rora for 23,000, soldiers mora tbva ttere sre tatSceattra United Stabs army, has tn mt lecetter. sre bow rWtcisl la tea Urstttiful pfk of the city, sll wllblo a radius oi to raikt lisid-iusnrta art cenesctrd br tcUcraph, and are era vcotent to ciatog balls. A bal cf itrw makes mjttrrr fur each test, the Urd- clothes th v!dUr brlec. at rapped t bit kra,mck or fHp ric busdred of ttesf ten's are ritrhed la I.jou I'ark. OOlo CVoct r JU Tsik. I) Ihde l'ik 100, Vh;0-too Talk 850, Isrr I'larw TOO. St Louia 840. Jseksoa Park 1W. Foreat I'srk 250, srooad tb Omnbottts and otker public places. In the heart of tbclty 100. TLe doubt whether the boj would take to the tea's has been dUpslled. for thUoae drlullag sod raisj day mare af plicatiocs for such shelttf bars besa roads than teats sre ready, um live neighberire; hotels sad bosrdleg bO JM ofisrreiirf for the aurrla. Ia rri" c ml the rtteraa will atop la caasp ao4 bonis bis family. axTCMwlst Skwsr a. V enctrat ef the creps will lorntt tie tisUl ailuaiUs. The taJaUml aittuUva t ttt a tle sal taasofs1rera sre crsJrl wilb ordira. sad the lrret Irwa woeta are rascis doctis tisse. llaltr 1 taV I Isr Is lasctlre iworrrwa la saa f IW Swlbrta aiairw, sad nll.ar s&i lt i Cnattaaaoca ss-I r4a.f rtcs te t!set foe inoetls abrai. lUtaraa froci tb Sotbra cmi railla ibaw loitwust lpf-m!s tbc roftsuteUoa cf CxML-a bavtS J lierxl ovtttU.C30 ta'rs la tb nsl lhe tastbs. or ararty eve al ete b:i pr resL The tal euxUf el '! p l reptftaUf 1. 15?. Stf; a - f lioJlrn.2tl.'ll;aubrtcf Wsa TT.. V4Jl Crt.7i ()tswl pvr rr 481.45 bl-a. t New coesra&ks are t-i fortanl. Ia tbtrat tbfrt talb ti'it; two stw fsnorWs lata lra I ifr i. s I: iorri. 2' Tf , AT "I t--r -v, .r . c Can4a, t; htv i 2t 'wJ - 'a-v - . r- n acwarr. 3: Tet Ibi iroa iaf caaUert bs Uva Ibe arsrvitT of C' UUf aolrrd by learotast Ct ia tb-S btS'M av. Ia the past tbrvw sata.a twtlre coke roes (sawsba b.-a t rao It rear la AUins, fjf Is Trwe. two Is Virx'si a! lo Is )Ttit lr g'sis, sad lassy o'.Lces ar iafje vf foemat;ox Wotk U rspt-liy trer"!if oa axw UH farsar la ro. f tmlioa Is tbe rV-alb. Ia ti pt vir. tsr cbrrra ecw faraare cespas tr crraalrid: lite ia IJerex.. he is Miatd4ar;l. m la Virf a 4 I Vel Vux sU Gold sad ail rer fr.laa. tac ef iHt fralurr ta lb past ejuutrf l t-v Us ranarkahls dtslorat ta rll ati " : - ' m ' t al a." a -a- ia t tr - r 4 'f.t rm.jrfl r.u4- t o i?4 t T- tite-vf al aft?-a m a a.rw M a T r ' ' IW(rrtU.T v 4-. i-at tx -m a-4 i f' tiT-. 4 l -Via i -' 1 f T T v. fc l I rn , . w.J aa t ' . wwi m Iftfc ' tt tl- " r-1 !, a V aa ! 1 I 4 y f a-f.lv! tj, Lrt " - tts ciettk "Tpir t 4 wrf cAr, t-dl jex.l 5ta i ;enu I u t "i: i . k ' r 4 f-i fm-mm - I IV H .i.l kM-'. it it t4 . - .i ; Sa iju ir ria tfeur o-- - W'v'Y r -1 I ' l V4 rf i ti t a-assr t3 i -U-a l " r;r l iWMlMw't .: J a I . wVm w f . r. 1 a 1.1 m f $4 ' 1. j . iw r .' r- 1 ii ij ; r-- tv( a i4 r : !-. a-l Tr a. tv$ a- 4it, Vrnr "4 1 Gifted and Hare, bat It WonldTake Time for Hint to Have Million. WASHINGTON NOTES. An advertisement in paper, called for a drug wered Rosalind, calmly; "I . i vit t i : t l clear ueugnuiu uaiimij i l of vou I I'oor ioy, now j Mrrv W will 1 I Rut what fun ! list i thi writtMi outeidot 'L-'a likenes : !.! 1. ttors. Very precioua.' Toordear c.h.iv how fond ho is of mo!" And i kl.. a littia sentimental sigh. "fbi.i vou not better open the thing i an.l see if rim have them all right I "Here, cut the (ai'l practical Roeie. krut than done. A caoinel i.i:n.i n a cirri, nf rli3f oa the .,i...4 i. ,11 .if tlirn a niiHM oi ueen -door at last closed behind the landlady. , rims.Mi tibbon, a few faded flowers, and "Vow. if bv a stroke of cood fortune 1 ; tw. or tl-rw notes. ran commit my felony and get away be- ; "This is such a poxl likeness Turn bad fore my brother cornea in what an ox- j U tter h ive it," Paul Lctty, as she toa Inordinary tiling that he should be ex- j ,;p picture, which had fUen face lo n ward on the lcd. "Ixx.k, Romc llosie lookeel, andliehold, it was oiikc- Tke tirkrs. ti were sinters; both young, both pretty and charming, but Letty, the younger, was a lovely, brainless btUe flirt. The ehler, Rosalind, had plenty of brains, but scarcely experience enough to en able her to use them judiciously. She was a lieautiful creature ,to look at; warm-hearted and impulsive to a fault. There was nothing she would not do or dare for ono 6he loved, and she dearly loved her bewitching little sister, and rejoiced with all her heart when the genial, good-looking young "Squire," Tom Crichton.who came into the neigh borhood to take possession of an unex- j2jn:ted inheritance., felt in love at first sicht with Letty, and proposed to her Xtter a week's acquaintance.- But Tom was a quick-tempered, jeal- ous young fellow, and be had already t spoken bis mind to Miss Letty about her love of flirtation. She promised to send her ways, but it was more than .he could do to keep her promise when t temptation came in alluring guise. Miref ord was a garrison town, and one V of . the gallant Dashshire Regiment, tf - " Geoffrey Hamilton by name, had quick- . vv , It succumbed to the fascinations of. the TV"Tonnger of the two daughters of the . ' Lwowe Mrs. Maitknd, who lived in ..J XT n Ttret.r.v rnrtsicre tm tha. T mdnrt . moA . a . . ..... aooup nau a mite or so irom juurciorti. It was in Tain that Rosalind warned tho heedless young coquette that sho was treating poor young Hamilton disraco fully. But in good truth the young uan was very well able to take care of him self. He vas not Tery deeply wounded: - w . . pecting his sister. 1 suppose tgiiiucing : at a cabinet photograph on the chimney- ; piece) "that is the man himself. Why, i h must be forty at least I xsow, I won der where .Mr. Geoff keeps his treasures? In a drawer, of course; put wuicn drawer f I do not half like rummaging ; r-.mong tho poor man s possessions, but he brought it on himself." She presently camo upon a packet tiAl un with red nDOon ami n. ss of a tall, handsome girl, who boro not th. slightest reeemblance to ainaomo little Iii ttT. Roncath wa written in a tirm and dashing woman's hand the one rd "IMire. The sisters looked at one another with blank faces. A glance at the notes re eahtl the same .lashing han.L "So vou aro not tho only one, and I mado a neatly tied un acaletl. "She pinched it. It evidently f(loi of nijsdf and ndlie.l the man contained a photograph, for sho felt t drawer for nothing l" ericA Rosalind. W . -W W a S .,4 1 Zn m i ..v Ww W a f caraooam, anu wero as M'iuvu'ip u i iisu.i uutanowu. A r that might bo a glove; and surelv those were withered flowers that crackled as r,ho pressed them t aud the more lumpy enclosures must be letters. Should felie untie the ribbon and break tho seal I 1 1 15ns time was jassmg, ami mere reilly no necessity. Then she turned the packet over and found an inscrip tion that fettled the quest ion. In a man's writing were the words: "Ls likenei and letters. Very precious." "roorGeoftl Toor dear fellow ! How devotedly he loves her ! I am so sorry for him. 'Very precious be ealU them,- Rosalind murmured. "Rat precious or not, I must rob him of them. Wc cannot loso Tom. I wonder what Letty will say when she see them? Now, I wish I were safely out of this. I must write - tho tiniest' 6cra' of a note aud leave it for poor dear GeoiT. Sho closed the drawer, put the pa iu her pocket, and wrote hastily ou s bail sheet "of mper. L. s sister lis taken what you have no anduf t her will." Sho lrad iuft Addressed when she beard steps on tho V.i, , . m;n.l har said Lettr; 'I nm ,r. T din t. But I wwdl I knew !',tu t ailmiro in tlut black w .man. Just pack her up ami fend bcr la-:-k to him. , A tap at tho door interrupbM them. Tt . i announce that Mr. T,ft- i n . in h 1 r w i nir-room, lie wnt.l Afisa ilaitland for a few minnt n lm3ineea. He bad a merwage and a little rweket to deliver. Tvii Afr Townsend I am coming ... v.- - - , .i:...i TLrM&Iind. "iin wi, . . ... . , r t IT as the mKi wea a commercial pneer. expcri- enced in U wholesale and retail tra.le. A wholesalo druggist, who was asked about the duties of a pneer, said: ti imrr nxra ine rncni oi iw goods sold in each bill. Tho rncer in tlio drug businea must bar an inti mate acquainUinc with an exceedingly largo lino ol goods, ana rousa aeep posted on the fluctuations in values of tilings for which, for instance, be may not have a call once a year. In the drrg business we make flto per cent, on some goods, and on some fifteen, and on fifty. It cost, sar. ten per cent to run tho business, and we must make np 'bat wo lose on tho lire percent, tmnda nut of the fifteen per cent gooxla. fewnctimea wo can. on account ol the fluctuations of costs, get greater profits than at others. The pricer is tho most imnortant employee of tho bouse, for on his kobwledire ami skill the snco-ss nf lUVirmM tVrtmda. lie must ha vm a" j f - - m M a wonderftu memory lor names anu pg ures, and ho must U abbs to forestall chance i tho market. He is nsua'dy familiar with the processes of roanuf.v ture, and Jean tell you all about the gathering of opium ln Jndia and tho curing of rinacng in tho Wted State. Then every wholesalo drnggwt mutt bo a pricer, too r is mntrarri not oewAJn a dozen knows anything sbnut Uie prrs of the l- ftr Tw twicer d' ll 'I u y-"-- I 'What port cf iy does sc eromand,i JTT a mn vii mm nc tent men ar J bey are bant to tan.i, ana w . pcrc cH ono it hangs on u iu mn who was trained unw another firm an.1 P'?' bjui sine been ra aed to 5,100. As salaries for scarce men go in ew York that does not seem to bo extrava- Tlta r K1D a XT WtU. STor AT CBATTA- yoooa, TZXX. Ei ltepcwtentatire Ittibooe, of Teoa- csee, hesJed a commiuec irom waaiis norga. wsltetl on the l Tea arm sea uripa him to atop si ui mj qi us coming trip to tho Booth. The Pre dent informed the fjhaitanooca ccnau tee that b would apcad oas boir la list city oa bis way from Nashville to At lanta oa Monday, October 17. si Iter mle'eg Moth a!txtj- itt; raid t the Isdoitry, J tl In a - a. . m provra meitKxjs oi nv,s-r; - sdrted, la lha tat torrw com hi fiflrea amrbltf wwka bar b erected Is Arkaaaaa std tUrtf-eas a&lsis; sd quarryiag ctopa".W formed. Mtarsi nl ea ill ia s.i iec j rraatsUsmocbcsjHtAlUtalt; eiie-J s4 ta the scarrh cf aattrsl r- 2it baa Uta fouad la pajisg uaatitW, Ust prvwt eetors ar grvaily eecercrd. la the past qttarm thirty M.oala al r aed oil rcapaftk bvy brva fofwl; la A U baa a S, Aftaauj 3,.Kretkj 9, Trauaww L Tns 5. VirrUla X tVoodworkls? taUU.-Ia the tt qusrtsr 51 woo-larrrkisf w.tabbabaoeafa bars beta f rnxd ll Ibe iWh ! Ira of saw mill: In Alabama , Ar kasastlO, Fiends 1, G orris 10, Ken tucky 4. LtHdiana a, M .' pt North Carol sa 11. Jaib CaroliBS 1. Tcoettaro t, Texas I, VirjUU 3, sal 1 VlrtrAaia X. Rrilro id. IHsbt - rai ro-1 computes brs been laeCTprraUd la the paattbrro mooib. xi hat ales, AlkitatS 1J, riefids 6, Geoe- ffiatl. Kestock? 4. LwwUaa 1. J'UI- Inni Krrln Un i at . rouia vr- lita 1. Tesaer 10, Tela 7, Vtrxitl 3 sod WeU Virjiaia 5. lUr tw It- !m nl.'.r" mi IW rT1 "ll jt tJ!.ia. r4 p -a ax--"t tca a taut wuaa" ttwxullurw lr-m w m s 1 as war. t'- f aw n n.S a fw aw ww a l- jt H ? Sk4 1 a wa Um aS r4i-t aa a rtrxS oas. Hf t p'T awCtf. td;j;"l. a aa 1 umaomi -.a t -a . ;:. aaa w lr U- rrs(4ri km !: saaiul a4 latl tk. f i4 i-1 ' ara- law r t Va aat V.4.-t t ai.r arct l-e. -ilarj' ta lia "wljal Is it U 4 l -Na". rrr!l tV wrc&aav ' Ivxa awl & jmjf vrtr. m"t --' e ' Tt wwaat--x I'Tr Ha t;e la.-. Law ta rf ' wmi1 - Uorsm r&'tt . t em Twia sw a'ii aa tt - r rx s a v- 1 Ww4 t vt ar ia W-1 Cl IW rtitwiUtiliirl 1r i t f se ! l. ?-4 a 1 - w W ta ta-w as taoc tL rvrv.j rval lurm aust. TaV We w?ww sta-rt..-a6i. ! l T;m5. "5w Ul COMVCACa TITI tTAlX. The rrrsidcatbas Issued a prceUrnv tion rrmovlrg the diarrirolaatlag d sties against Bp ebb commerce, bo bsnog been fficUllf suured by mrcacrsadum of so STrrtment beta sea tbo Amerksa sxrctarT of tState aad tho Spsnuh r&lsis- brr st Waabiogloa that ao inch doties were eoforced by r?pwia agiat Anrrt csa commrrcc. T- 1 rwa. i rm - a-x r - Hat av ii, aVlrw.s t r- -r". "Karr waa a pr.ir a f-ri a trel n t wara, (cw uw . - e &arr : wr t . aif. Nit s tt H aa a w as a f t t , Sat lia wvVlr a aa Uj rT l c. I. 4. i " M A Case of Deliberate TTIfe Xar4er. A dUrvatch froa Cbattaaonis, Teoa , sats: . A white tabrmaa named Jeba list is was arrrsU d for the murder of bia wife sod coca ro'U d to jail wit boat tail. Mrs. iHtia diel Mca lay aetk ery aud- dftly. Davis stated st tbo Lira that h had eaten abeartr aupror aaa was wav ..Wt.. la't. Rt.rViotaaIM.OWSMiaajT wd tbo oCciala. sad draif oy j I tlrcut07l4 ' xi aad tbo fact agw on to l un. r ftrtn t waa rr-y Wiy a blow. Da via acn r:i-i , trained under m! -HMi'JrfT;t tbetr mcHber baI fallea ia a DESTBOIED BT THE 1TATEB. Vlltaaaw Cawaaletrlr 0 !''' laTvtas t Traaa. A dii patch fiotn Rrownatirir, TtiS It ta isrrwisl flat mat dl tre prevail on both lUea cf tU rtwr M) Grsade eewatry, a sccouat at bfgb ter. It U told that ct.Hr tars sre fa der wstrr. an 1 tbsl fam.lca rr-Ji.r arar tha rtrer have been a atx d omf, ssd bavtlostsU tUybaL A Urre naief of these fsmdWsksTe lod tMr rtlr crop reap-d darter tbs t asn-em. The nvre has ovrrfiowrd Ua baek far aai. aad looks Xlkc avt oetaa- The water t still riaiajr at Crowasyilkr. tba'-jrf and Tarn. bio. aitaatrd silt I anW i'o" driiaa-xUk, bae bx wt-d fr. lb fare cf IVs artb;at4 at ua iiyjwej firs - VTLl li rwwat ti Wy H - "JWf atari. 4 1T J le t ii waa;irrat-t frta be ta J'ti i ta tf-i"X t--a t - i t j v-b - rent.itwwwi "waUJ-. te aw Ua ra-si w Va Mul c1 iv I bvtal I tat tt ttf til'. t.-t ta, f -y l irrm twy. 1 Wyls v Wba rTWr f;-3-' .w S - swt rxiaa cf !" r-.t . bn at tars f w?- luk t. a: t r u- I'tal lbuatvca I ! Iw laa r w, r ;f i r t tb way wm."m trrn to -"r.T . I av siwtorl ruf unt. vi--. jj trt, rr;K tS 4 rtf. -a" !"! W tr a:a -wswa Vww r w c (S tUrr ArXg t f taw wa e-. t-w.'. tf :rat'.vt w kaay v aa al tr-t w--k" . ?J U-raw w vs w iw. wv.a jta. at 11 r . 1 iMnwnlf wt triL ' " -'- Ui UtlT rr a- tt t-rta a .; w t .if, l l;4kdUowiJ'4".uUiff; rr ! tT at !-..' s tar r 1 -n tr, bai aarwr lrs. y v--e . t : tr. w a.vtr-l a--i : ' tovCta a a. --l f a l f r tft. ioi w ot et vi V-1L it's rood ray In tbo f druff bosirjewa mighty good; anl there aro plenty oi - next thing to PTKrrs ia tbo rnatter ol knowle.bA wbo gel only f 1.000 and rooa" v. r. - So Vf totxrx There io ritixen o Ban Rernardino, Cal. saya tbo f 'ewrwr of that place, who f? dk1 tiiat UwgwaaV-Ubeaae was batrsyed with a kiaa. lie has tm i . v w-rm wn.I ia Uta laUhrT her frightful Aro yon ouro you ao no i fUiTa lixo, t-ut has nerrr kissed mind sxVmg him ! . . . , ..t f bis wife nor one of hu cCpmig. tt asd lroiaod be rat If, bet later iaforaaativo 1 b tbo eSret that Dtris harried the re rain to the grave without allrwls- say oas to e assise the body. ItbtlmHya erase of deliberate wlfe-sBttrdrr. bLicV womsn back. Jbu ni" T InghUUi. . Arej - - ind seeing him ! " t;n.i ".ot in tho least," .aid . a am WVWXTT1 saw his likens in r."a . .-.t Mcrly. Givo mo HKl 111) n pum " - . .nT,;T those, t! inU and trust to my 'If OUlOl IU" --l- I t-rd i-fivs-If oaioiiu'-'-i-- ' right to fa i en W.rtV much vhen thrr wow w , l I Kt vjw tirl's pliotcrsnh t carrJ Ihe enve!o? ;. tfthrt aT-in P.roauTJ tr; ii ' Uo boot I and with U- t10 1 1 bia vile nor ooo of bis cpring. tyrrstatbo pat dimmer tbo nijbt watchman and tho clrk of a hotel st ftWM - were i.Jh dm cite stOftlctiU, an 1 tbo sTub girl had been I five years tearb- rr in a public aui't asra apraxs i rrnca . ... i Tatia. i Rrsle. Tbo f rt (list of dawa e w ateallsg throogh tbe Joerhc4eaef the it -n sbsttrrs wbea tbe frsaatler toa from tba table 'cbraaed emt. "I'm broke." bo aaid. Tbea bia rye fell apoa tba loonboles cf tbo wisdow sad be sdded w l;h a anile : Awd I've gr eeapaay, for I aottce daj's broke, tw.p-Xiwra) CVwrwr. a -rsir i-. taw fair, tawy aawwlit 4Sr wiavae aaarataM aw l"tww ta Uw H. s-awM Uiwf,V.at t bar. Taw Rftwret&Urwi wVI a-rr sw aiw TWaa, awrw, a law far, law way A rV sat atwaw anwa fe lua pa'aa; Aad teal U wwea wwai inarataaa. row Tkw itta rwi 0 1 Tww Mrt aa rmii laaa a caw VaUJr ya saxV4 ead . y wVsaSJ ar 1. I stswald raS K S awwtry JHUT- a 1j hksrw Uses to Mir Mir. a A aU'patrh frotm yw Tot k, ssja: Tb r'uprerr Q.'crt ia rrarrtl Lnts a!T.rtrcd the psdreC't ef roavictvoa la the i of Jacob f harp, "sll fcr cf the Jo !ri a rvtcums;. TlVcaara l p;r-.t ta the Co it cf AYpralu, kt t r rp w Hi Ui otto fir? h.rstcccr, 1 la 10 tbrw werw walv ahnt ZS asilww ef radasj ia Tdeairw nnWcU? the pry t Ji ar tbrrw w.:! t sry thas 3, --. with a rsp'al cf t:v'0.. fji IsvntoL rf lh aaaat T.d ral are a-war-l aed ;t-r-t ly Aorri eaaa. Tbir twsl t-a lha eo'.ry ta at ut wre-wri- ' w kfWi U4 ct. V" '. N ritv e ws". w,i- w t. Jia arrvti-a, S- a aCarvl'a Uwmi ai r.t cf r v " .... wa- . rwBW tt f f Ul st.s yota. air-t S Oaa a J t . h uw r.-: rf ' i i aw ar- . j - - - trtiiat.v W aa - . i fwny I i ii taw -wt 4 timmm V w - tmlrif ta tn'jrmj 4 ! ? . w reiL We' t . rt-. r r rw t&w 3 wr t-r a .r , ltraai aWww U"y ( T" II rtwwi taw arra al t .''- )l aa-i tl ; JJ a T a . -' 1 ' -i aa! 15: t U1a 5' d i ; H' S3.M1LJ - J 9 rw wrcarw tr- fra.l2 r- I k'r" -TV imtr a;w C' ' ' t" ywr). V."T !hw a Ui ! . .-I Wttv aaf--vaw I'tt - fvw-s 'f arw. al awa 11 a ea i. ' t ' tfc'.'v r ' r - ' laaira asd tt ' t"M -' 4 ' ri - v a- w;-a tma-Cw ff U.- Ja i.J W i,ra d-racsutra:l bj tbw -srrw r-i; !T9ti,rft r.- J, i ti:. e 3 rf 1 u TV ra e'f taut u; .rltj tf C ; L.a. aVr-- r 1 i'tt. t J al --- a I w. y-y a-vl la V. f'-t la :t a r- -''- " '- s .' - ,j i

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