F. MTJRRILL & CO., Editori tad Publiiaera. . EQUAL AND JUST LAWS FgOglTLT EXECUTED . - ' ' ' VOL, X. V HICKORY. CATAWBA CO., N QM . FRIDAY, OCTOBER U, 1887. . KO 1 1 4:. v7 1 , :"--. - - I THE TIIANK-YOU PRAYER. Once upon a time I listened," Likened while the quick teart glistened 2,'eath the droopinj lids that hid them, at a little prattler said While a father's arm caressing, Hound th precious form was pressing, .and against his pillowing bosom lay a dainty, curl-ringed head. 'Taps," spoke the little trembler, "Para, dear, do yon remember TV,(-n that gentleman was here to tea, bis boIxt, solemn air? , " -How he bent his head down lowly. And his words came soft and slowly, As he prayed to God in Heaven such pretty thank you prayer? "And I wonder all about it, i For of course I could not doubt it War a funny way that "made us be bo kind to one another, ' To say thank you for each present, In a way so very pleasant. And forget that God might like it; so I asked my darling mother. '.'But the looked at me so queerly, And her eyes were very nearly Full of trying, and I left her; but I want to know real bad" Herb the shy eyes lifted brightly, "Is it treating God politely When He gives in things, to never mind nor tell Him we aro glad ? "And since then I have been thinking Tapa, dear, why are you winking ?" For a Flow sob shook the strong man as each keen, unconHcious word Pierced him, all the past unveiling And the cold neglect and failing. All the thoughtlc3s, dumb receival how the heedltpa heart "was st'.rred. "God is good, and Jesus blessed them, And His sacred arm caressed them;" Murmuring thiw, ho touched the child-brow witli a paRHionate, swift kiBS Of the little one beside him; Of the angel sent to chide him; And a thank-you prayer, ah, never more bis living lips shall miss. An Awkward Interview. ' OU will er stay and and meet Mr.' Rochdale, my dear; will you not 'j1'' 1 "Well, no, papai replied Edith Las cclles, in a medita-j tive fashion, "I don't think I will. You see, my position is a peculiar one. I have no hesitation in ...... a Raying 1 hud it a disagreeable one also, i 1 suppose if I Avere like a heroine of ro mance I should feel a wild excitement and a fctraugo thrill, etc., etc., at meet ing the man who is to bo (my husband, but who is Utterly unknown to. me; bul not hemp; a heroine at all, these feel ings avo wanting." "Of course, my dear," Mr. Lascelled observed, a trifle nervously, youknow" you can refuse him if you like, but you are so sensible, and " "Yes,' cut in the girl decisively, "anrt" I shall low live thousand a year, shan't I ? Well, I tell you flatly, papa, I shall lose the five thousand most certainly if I don't like tho man." "Then von intend to let the money clip from von altogether. . In plain words voil refuse-. Editli ssh-jqk her head. "I never do nuything in a hurry," 6he determined, and a glance at her pretty, firm mouth bore testimony to her wonts "but you did not tell me, papa, whaj induced Aunt Maria to choo60 this Mr., Kochdale more than any other person, j "She was in love with his father yeara ago. At least, I believe so, my dear; . and so " ' "I understand." Edith's lip curled in ft sneer; "delightfully sentimental aud?deplorably vulgar." Two days, later Edith found herself ensconced" in lluv snuggest corner of pretty Mrs. Pulton's ara wing-room. She was very fond of Lucy; they had been firm friends in their childish . days,i ChlXV4 'iULPi .. v t snect for the tall, handsomo cirl who was so far her superior in brains. The last time thev had met had been in Paris.' when Edith was introduced to "Luev'8 husband, one of the kindest- hearted men in the world a drysalter, or a soapboiler, or some such . mysteri ous and consequently wealthy person -and to the srolden-haired child, the very image of her mother and the idol of the household.' "You are looking pale, Lucy," Edith remarked, as she stitched -vigorously at . , i. ner work sue was never Hue a moment. Lucv suddenly belied the suggestion by coloring vividly, almost painfully. "I am very well, dear," she answered; and Edith's quick ear caught the faint est trace of annoyance in the pretty voice. She pondered a little over this, and by and bv Mrs. Dalton rose hurriedly. "You won't mind, Edith, if I leave you for half an hour, will you? I mus3 go to Dent's; they have not sent homo the things I ordered." 'Let me go." Edith put down her work. "You know yon have been out this morning, aud Herbert does not like to see yoa tired when he comes home." "Oh. the drive won't hurt me, and I would rather go myself, the people ara to stupid.. I know you won't be dull there is a pile of new books, and baby will come down if you would care to have her." . Edith stored at the fire when alone. i ,J'Xi Uu.wasn.pt too absurd,"" she -aidto Ahersflf. as she recalled the nervousness . " . . ... ..... .. . . i a v a v . a a a.' , termined, as she replied in the negative; but she satd nothing, only resolved that during Mr. Dalton's forthcoming ab sence she would take her friend in hand and doctor her. At dinner-timo Edith, watching her, 6a w the -evident effort made by the young wife to appear cheerful and easy, and was surprised that Mr. Dalton ' did not seem to be aware that anything was wrong. "I certainly shall not enlighten him." she declared to herself, "but 1 will see what I can do with Liucjr vrnea he is cone. Icmorance is bliss in such a case as this. Why, he would fret himself to fidle-strings if he thought she were . ill." When the morning arrived which wit nessed Mr. Dalton's departure to Che north, Edith noticed more than ever that her friend was laboring under some emotion which was not unconnected, so it seemed to her, with excitement. Edith withdrew to let the couple say farewell. As she went into the drawing room, her thoughts flew far the first time to her father and his marriage scheme. "I suppose I had better write and tell the poor old man that I consent to meet Mr. Rochdale. It can do no harm at any rate, and i can't possibly marry him without seeing him nrst. 1 will go home at -the end of this week." . I The first day of Mr. Dalton's absence passed much as usual. On the second, Mrs. Dalton drove out with her friend and child, and did some shopping. As they returned to the comfortable villa near Regent's Park, they met a woman carrying a parcel in her liand, evidently bound for a journey. "Why. that is Tarker, is it not?" Edith said suddenly; "is she going away, Lucr!" Parker was the housemaia ai me vuia. "Yes." Mrs. Dalton murmured, stop ping with a hurried gesture to push some parcels on t the seat opposite. "She has been waiting to go home for some time, and I thought now Herbert was away it was a good chance to give her a holiday." Edith acquiesced in this, and did not observe Lucy's face flush crimson and then fadelo-deathly pallor as -she spoke; indeed, at that moment they turned in at the gates, and Parker was forgotten. The two women dined rather drearily. for Lucy was strangely dull, and Edith i was suddenly attacked by an unusual and .disagreeable toothache. "Why not go to bed, Edith t" Mrs. Dalton suggested as the clock struck 9 and they were back in the drawing-" room. Edith felt desperately cross with her self. "A nice person 1 am to cheer any one " she thought viciously. Sho v.nn more, than annoyed that so trivial but painful an ailment shouldXisit her when she was the possessor oi so rarciy w imo aud even a set ol teeth, one was no i easily beaten, but after half and hou had goue, during which she had Wn too unconuortauio lo nouco me tuntum-, restless manner in which Lucy fidgeUnl about, she threw up the spongo and dc i ulared for ljed. . . ' "Let me bring you some brandy and j water, and it will make you sleep," waj : Mrs. Daltou's eager request. And Edith was obliged to permit hei friend to perform this charitable office, J and see her to her room. This is Mrs. Dalton's ho one. , I am here at lier invitation. I leave it only at her request, he answered shortly. "I will ring up tho servants and have you thrown out," she replied, And' so compromise your ier friend," be said, w ith a raw. "By all means; I am perfectly willing." - Edith drew a short breath. "You are a coward," sho said quietly; then lwfore he could speak she went on very slowly and with great deliberation, "Lucy is" upstairs. . I am alone with you; the scandal, therefore, will fall on me. Now, shall I call the servants, or will you go?" ; "JJy Jove!" he muttered under hi breath. He had never come serosa this sort uf woman before: his eves iust met hers. and at the unutterable disgust and con tempt in them he was abashed ; he took nn his hat and sauntered out of the room without savin 2 one word. Xdilh THE irEATHZll AND THE GBOrtt. 1 SUMMABT Of COTTOX BtrORT. , mi "Lury'a 7iMd on her huthamTt sAowi-Vr." followed him, and closed the door her self noon him: then, shaking like leaf, she went into the dining-room, extin guished the lights, and then crept up stairs, feeling that for once in her life all her strength and courage were hope lessly eone. t ... ....... The event just passea naa laaica uo re ly three minutes, but its result was none the less painful. , As sho reached tho upper landing she felt some one clap her knees, and then crouch down at her feet, and all her m-rve returned. ; With her strong young arm sho lifted up Lucv, who was weeping bitterly, and almost "carried her into her own bed- room, ana tno rest oi mo mgut u spent in trying to soothe and oonsore the poor foolish moth who had fluttered so near the candle, and by her aid had escaped; for lcfore morning came Edith had learnt all she wanted to know; and, save for her supreme folly and weak ness, Lucy Dalton had done nothing to separate herself from her husband's life. Mr. 1 Jal ton reiumea 10 nis coy noiuo full of spirits, and tdith met him as much light-heartod manner as could assume. - "I am afraid you will never leave me Taiiov't cruardian acain. Ilerliert," she ua'u "for von will find her rather shat tered. Sho caught cold one day driv- uml T have kept her indoors ever TTrykly Dulletl. IMme4 by the Us I tea SUtra 81(i al Sen let. WjLSBTsoTOjr, October 2. The follow. Ing is the weather crop bulletin f trued by the signal ofict: During tho week ending October 1 the weather cos been cooler than usual in all the agricultural districts east of the Rocky Mofrntaitu', the average daily tem perature ranging from 3 to ft degrees be low normal in the ccntrst vaJleya, except from Virginia to Flcriia, where the temperature was but ilighUr below the normal. The temperature lor the sea son, from January 1 to October 1. waj slightly txlow the normal on the Allan tic coast and from New floglaad weat ward to tbe Missouri waller, and tl wa lightly warmer this usual in Ohio and central Wiaaipri Talleja, moA jjceerally throughout the Boo thera. Mates, tbe ar erage dally exreta cr dctciency general ly amounting to less than 3 degrees. naixraLL. . Tbe rainfall for the week has been lo excess, throughout the greater portions of the cotton and tobacco regn o, and ortr the wis ter wheat regions irora unto westward to Missouri and Iowa, la tbe regions that have suffered most from drought, converiog the greater portion of Illinois, southern Iodiaoe, eastern Io wa and tbe greater portion of Missouri, the laio fall for the week ha been large ly io excess. Lets than the usual amount cf rain fell alone tie tsuth Atlantic roast, io northern New England, west ern New York, Nebraska, aodtbe north wiatrrn portions of Ioaa. The Urge deficiency in rainfall for the season continue io the ceotrml raltejsi but this deficiency baa been reduced dur ing the week in the wheat and corn re gions of the Northern Over tbe greater portion oi the cotton region tte deficiency hai exceeded 10 laches. la tbe tobacco reeiona of Yinnata, Ken tucky and Tenncase the deficiency io raiafall for the seai on generally amounts to less than 5 inches, except lo tbe ex treme west portions of Teooesace sod Kentucky, where the dcocieney in rain fall lor tbe season exceeds 10 lochia. The eoly SUtca reporting excess of rain fall for tbe aeasoo are rcnotyivan.a. Maice, southern New York, tie west portions of Canaaa sod Nebraska, north ern Texaa and Colorada. . i The Cot ten World's report of the crop for the tascath cf FtptetnUr asys; "A profnioeot feat-ire of Ui toosia has beta the a! most tiobrokea coetiaoa tlon of lbs dry, warm weatlxr ottf pret ty much the entire Kit, rcxc.ng xru.i so maturity aol eaabdeg araria gaiaenrg cf the stspb. and at the same time de atrojirg. except la a few section, eat proarxct for tbe ton crop, as a mwn cf i urn cvodltioa the iu.ity of prod uct grades 1 ih, though , la localities trere Is tvtae complaint of the recettt heavy rmioa damacio? cuttoa, and la olbers of depredatioos by worm. Maay of orettrrrtoodrntssliu4e to the oa usual btrhtars cf tbe staple, and the NUScultr of tmakiag the usual wtlght 1 UWa. Tbe to tsrollna and AUiss- mahsTc held tin wtlL while la Mississip pi, aim a rrtradcraiwa of tbe rvprtts indicate an lmrroTrd fUU or last mi IMKtf r tklatra I how a rri abrr ! meelatioa frtm Last nsoetb. the f alb 02 off beia tTore tsiked4aTiBnrse sod Arkanrmi and fickio? will be viiWallf over thro-jch a lairer part f the bU before the cloie f Octcber. asd evea la those suction, extcodirg Uyoad that time, tbe PtrUirff srasoa U1 ol mun earlier thsa uut.' rollowlos l the coa- ditfoa by stales: Vlrrials, M North Carolira. Mi Knith Caxolloa, M; iUv eta. M: Ktprids, 81: AIamama. SI; Tea oese, 78; Arkansas 71; J'PJ h "J belt, f0.9; average Ist jesr. M t. THK FBISIDBiTS RCKIC. AqCltT AyDt5J0TABlX DAT IX mohm mumls. tuk cottok Hvrrr. During the week the weather has been favorable for harve sting cotton in the States west of the Mississippi, and to the ortiocs of tl oaivrihrli4SHai Arsf. The following code of storm signals recently ltod l.t the war tit part meat, have beta published ia pa raj tic t fcrta by the hvdrogrsphic authoriltrs: ; Tie chief signal ofScercf the Unite! States aitoy, batleg adopteJ a w sys tem of etooa sinl, hat iel tbe fol lowing ordtr: To adaft lb? aicth to the varying tctctetti of the maritime com munity, tbe new t ysttta will take laU considers t'ton the fcl that tbe westerly winds of high volicitj with cleailag weather are Iras tlangtriua thaa thos frtm easterly quarters with frreiiar wrather. Aloo tbe Atlsettc and Ct eoArtji- and oa the rrest lake, fmcn h Lctnbrr 1. there will b d ilnrai rfltiJil.OM mr t!3isn signsla of two kinds: KhsU A csuticnV arr alcaat. a yellow fisg wi h a wUte ... a . ..... ill indicate last toe win-is r US 1st Ik t-k-sr ttm M4- StslHCrs4. A dlirich frota M4ise, Thl. eys. This la gol Cvhia weaikcr aal tb rrrsideat aad Us cvCBpaasoes ksrt g fiishlng oa Xjske Mr4oa. A euasa Isusch coasered ttsta te aa tds4 la the lake brace they wtat lo tbe aO.lt f crvsioda ia small boats. No hoIl'Uat e I tbe catch h4e beta rreriie.1. Tie e-a!y tUic eveat eiwctl to lake f lare s tbe rvcyrtlow. Tbe etewds have cu itml, ad wUh list eierrk ef lb Lsnarrs. archca aad (Uart Uatrra the Iowa wean it rriiaary aspt. The rtridfUl eslei5,kt bJsxk taia. rmtmsster Uat sal li jmm tbepartt. . . The ltrssdesl a Suftta pan J rtian . v s m s a Si . a. at o'clock. iay a-aa ttceiwa aad eooriit bck leeya tirty ss-i forty iTjw-lsixel tah as trphses. Tby wrrv earned by iteataee stl iwt ta.i- op lie lake 10 Maj4 T4a5, wiery they (Ook small txl', 1Kb BWTnrwv r iiHrt-iTin? sa osrssaa te Msamli. . m .V . 1 1 Th y rrtMrtfl rii rrpas mmt bal betw (Uhiag owr aa hmt wtwa Mib wia4arvaifsal It dsai-vts to rtmaia ewt loacrr. an Ury si M ttttrrstlbe M5a !' aablv-we, near by, where for exrtbn ef tbe clwb skriMxi ibem sad eatrrUlaM tbess at CooUn-b. The eHVbtssr, lbcf a sreatl. atpfeteatJowt wocda sirwcir, was thbaratt!y dectstei with tret- pswas a&d otherwise. fly tbe tiee the laaxh was 0tt tU wiad had aabsUrd, tbexaca a bcM ' at ia wUch Ua?sl all dy. Tbe tf. twi la water reoof rvsseslv Uuk rr.ni lati.l thetrtrett aattl trail r dsik Th- rreutal earcUVfihl tlaek hss. tbe to larrwU Uis uprctivtJf ton sad a owartee aa4 f ocr U1 l TIM were tr? ir r caught TU UUX ti( jr.zr?t t l.ii. II trksrrl and kls b- X CleWsrs la be HaeL Lm.1 li so lmmm TWi s t-.f t U ar s f yj,' mirn is I s- ts?4 TVs rvl y. v rr rt-x- Vr r a r s--c rr; Ts-rvf BKtvs 14 trl sr"" U.v lst mnS 1 W ss tsm ti sa U trl y el T-U. sr-Of4 Us TVs r f srsJ r-c t him I fax lis! Ut ir-- t irsr vut rjrs V Ws r"S 0ksi WnTtirm l . f sr-aa. I mm its oroVrw- xra ls kSX lm rm La hmrmmcm -rmm AiUkriVrrLS tlri lss, Im u ra- ur afi-4 . ?rs ss m sstMasa sa l roV V.arTtO. t5 a r-t.V-rt " ,ittOt jrrMf- --ti. , l a I IJaX s riis iss mwr 14 rwarxtsM W4 kl st rxr rmmm. 14 citsS ssHN ;? sJ-f, N"tir tlx 4 kr a4 l ! track smIiW4 lav Imt! T Vw art a tiwusn sa L A Wsde YX Opra- TVr tau4 Cw&J a fe liUZ. HnrMi s- a sa r-'f a sw- 0 fi- t Uas rtry ti t"5- , W W fss fc os t sr7 ratast IS r ms tt rs Sjal li rata ira--. mm ar iWlf r r?Bt" iSs. en.t W Ujrrm Uvt th tua- W . . . V . . . a. mtt ssUs so s..sss .T -- - - ' hm rfim rsser- s r hMlldiV I JT.S T il M3 T-v . t- Sh aerlr Ian fsss V ( c4 tirv - A- . Uri a wyt Jiv tfs4Ui tt .1 itmmmA LsmK tf T l, yut rt'u mCmr J rsi ai-- rmrtm w -2 1 1 r frss rwm tlMij er mesja-sr-- a ss t3 4 ftrt-tl Ua li s K- St centre. Drcletl are not so savtre. I at well rou&d extreme eaattrn port iocs of tbe cotton re-1 ' ,i . v, v MMt tK-m rith cion, while cool weather and htary rains wilhoat KTr,i a.ager. Srcood, A stona she bsre effected this sad other growicg LjgosI, (aow ia be .) a red fUg with a black cralre, will Indicate tbal lie ilf la rxractfrl ta be of ixkhs mstkrd crops uofsrorably in Miaaiaippl. EARLY r RUSTS. Sl. did not slay in the room as she r.n.vl.P.1 thi siiooch. but as sho shut th door, she ranch t a climiso of Lucy's golden LcjuI buried on her hus band's shoulder, and sho was content. T think .l.e has learnt her lesson,' ct. i . -i' t tlmnrrht tolierself. "and now I will Oil- IRIIIU ------o-- w r.ncv Bood-nicht. and aftvr a wild deHiro xros uonie w .1 L a4Tirit.-,n alnl.rrlitflll . t a . .. Sainrnhpr. in wuicii every iwuicu ui imiu t was lost. All at once &he awoko with a start, and her head leat in an nncven ashion: ishe sat up m bed ami ltKkci as slept, then, over two houra soundly, ami tho relractory tootn was sumiueti. oim was slipping hor watch under her pillow when again she Rtartel; it h.nlbeen no rlpluRion. foobt.ns were txuinpr down the landing, lake a Uasti iwdiUi wu.f out of bed aud had tlirown on her dress ing-gown. Uer courage faltered for a moment, for liKliin was oniy a gin, ami hideous stories of pistols and hasty shooting by, latter-day burglars came to her mind; but it was only for a moment then taking her candle in hand, sho weut as noiselessly aa possinie io tiid head of the stairs and passed down. All was still, and from the flickering light of the hall lariip she oouy see there wa ( no one left as tsentmel or spy; so sne ue termined, not without a curious sensa tion at heart, to creep boldly down, affectionately. Edith" he said T at cot your letter. once, and 1 have .'fit askelyonng Rochdale to dinner to-night. -X al .i It . iAX uuii t-uii. jmi Editli simply nodded. Punctually at eicht the door was thrown open and Mr. Kochdale announo- Mr. "Laseelles shook hands cffusirely w ith the young man. "Flini. mr dear he besran. But Edith"did not move; she fixed her pvm on Mr. lloulidale. ' -ilirt taid very difctinctlr. "I do not desire further knowlelge of this centleman; we have met lefore. Geortre Iloi-hdale'sfaco grew crimson. nnd then white; trecoguized the voice who hal onleml bun fnm her friend's house a few nights ago, though the first glimpse at tho tall, slender form m d iiuty evening dress bal no rnlighten- eil nim. "Eilith "legan Mr. Iscelles, alarm chI and sngry. She took up hor fan snd walked to the door. "Cousin Mamie will tako my P lo nipht ; I shall dine in my rornn. ' Tliree minnten later sho heanl the hall door lang, and from her window saw Mr. Rochdale g t into a hansom and drive SWDT. . Mr. TA.scelles came up. for the first time in his life in a terrible psvwion with bis diiuchtf r. i Vr.ii nmv uir in si uhslercr roa like. " Eilith remarketl very quietly, "I I nor this man to Ins a cowanl and scoundrel, and I wouM not marry or ovrn f.nak to him strain for all the 'fortunes in the world. ldon World, Krotts CKCurred in the berth era portioa of the tobacco region of the Ohio valley snd sloog tbe Atlantic coast at far as Vircnnia. which rrobebir resulted ia some injury to the crops. These frosts were anucipaicti sou warnings wrrc s-su-ed by this office, giving timely notice of their occumBee. good roa wcrrta wbzat. m The rains which hsve occunrd daring he week lo the winter wheat regions will prove of especial value, aa the sow- ing of tbe wheat b oeeo deiajta ia that section owing to tbe continuance of the drought. Wrecked Oa Lake Mlehlyaa. Tbe Canadian pateenger prorxller Cal ifornia, iljing betlwcea Chicago, and various other points on Lake Mi h'gan was struck by a gale oa Laae juemgaa. Her hold soon filled, extinguishing the fiies, and about 1 o'clock, when off Su Helena, she broke up and west down, tven of 'the crew reached Point Less Barbcs io a life-trot lo aa almost lifeless condition. Those not accounted for ara Capt, John Trowel, tbe firs, mate para cr, firtt engineer, aecocd engloeer, one firemao. the cook, the cabin boy and two . s a a a. sir rasseogers. It tt pouiDiea tnai tbe captain and some of the crew msy hsveresched Pt. Helena lathe other boat. . A tpeclal from Mackinac aajt that Cant. Troaal, of the wrecked propeua California, with the cm and second en gineer, the cook aad oae la-ly pasaeeger. were ptckol up oy toe propeuer, a. roi Kiin and brought to Mackinac, and the stexmer Faxon picked up another roan who was drimng dowa me sirana oa seme wreckage. violcocc. I a onler to affrrd the publie at exact information as ioiblc tegrad. Ing the rtlative pmitioa of tke turn anithewJnJs eipxiel. two v8eaata will be displajed. Art, prtasat -sU indicate that U wlndt are to be eitr ly, that is from aorttesst to south la- ctutlre. and that the storm ccottt tt at. firoachiBg. The white ixntatt w:l ndicste westerly wlcdt, that tt, fiota north to southwest Inclusive, sad thai the storm centra bat rsvae-L AVhiM tt l Inttoded that the jeanxit shall loli cate roaltivtlr oclr wlcthsr the wialt will be easterly cr westerly, tet,la ordtr to mee ttill more deficit informtKo, ths ml or easterly ptntaot will be d nlsred above the cautionary or stem airnil for winds from the nitbcal nuadrant sad below for wind ftom the i out Least ouadrsoL Ia tike maaarr. the white pcataot, while icdicating westerly wlndt alooe, will show by its prtitloa sI-otc the cautionary or storm simtl that north west triy tsiodi art nrobable. cr. by betas below, that they sill be fnta the southwest qutdrs&L la Mogia, view of the difficulty ol varying aitt signals they will not didiocthcly sh-jw tbe forcr, but Indicate the wind dtrrc tioooolj; a red light for eaterly wleds and red ard ahitc I (hi fvf -sestetlj windt. tZZrSr? lot Uaek baa. tle-.CrTTuli 1KB. Lit oimaaa aa i a Jl aaih'fity em thlg tsattrta. de eVra wlthephaai that be. the Iml. deaU etrtaialf dcs kaow Ivjw W hdU arvd. Tba lreidt iaja be te)yeJ the day IrcmraMly ad bit aJadraUca for tbe av-rarv cf the lakt U bea4ks. Tfc Pfsxitatial tssrtT dis4 lh; esealac with OL ViUs, rnaf. Chw:UT- U:a. Irtslll ! l Wssro-sssai a, retail?, aad wife. CcL Kaljtl sal wut aad IL J. S4rrce-t aad wife, cf Ma-l-sca, Uieg Istited lo emt tbeta. A public rveeplwi wsa et by UI IWdtal aad Mr. CtvtUa-i ai u-t Vilas ttaacsica bstwcew t sal llaiciora ia tbe eve els to tbe catirrat ef MsJi too. It hat already b-rt tUtr4 list tbe potmatrr gvacral aad Mrs weja Ua Ce rresldratUl fny h-rv. Tbry tat aow accrTld the rrrai-irei a tati- tatioo, aad will accetspaay ttx d&rieg tie rrtcaloder ol tbe fomtvj. BLOWN IMTO Tilt A IK. iupr cs a trcis-l k-t. TW a- J-: ' C iwrtar icmi U f. -"- xt..-ii.,-'v ll to rc3Xa'7 U f;f-. asl f-""-""- f r rremmi. It ss lrijrst a-i n scriKiam. H ItV's Umrsst ars- mm j Wisti- fcV-s rss.:'w scks s ttMUr is ts-HAt r I tm r- sriMb tlrr-. sjso Hirs crwtir tsw tkAa t- rs-a WktS I 1VT Msurs-ss . -rstAs at sWf aswssv XVm ''m mwCr ia ias saw. t u Ul r ttf 6aAay . ! si r-rwr tf caa- swsss. csm kt r (V ttaJ ai c-rw. crjm Zi iU. as VCa "Isfar this houttatonct! reconnoitre, and then go back and rouse the house. She made very little noise descending, and at last 6tood in thehalL' Hearing a faint voice 6he paused i - i.e,r.A nnvaKilinir 11ia next in6iani sue s mo ..luiui-wu. - , and had thrown it wide open. A smothered woman 8 shriek and an oath greeted her, and a lump seemed to rise in her throat. Lucy, she said, in choked, bardly audible tones, "your child is np-stairs en, "I should imagine that Iiuey thd not care about my being with hef just now. bho made me very welcome, certainly; but 6ho seems changed, and I don't know exactly where or howl Per haps she is ilL She may say what shrt likes, but she looks wretched. If so. - am very triad I nave come, nne is an emotional creature, and would probably have become wretched nnd depressed while Herbert is away. Just about 6 o clock Mrs. ua'ton re- turned. - -' V . 'Is Herbert in ?" slie asked m " he threw off her mantle nnd untied herbon net-strings. " There was tho faintst flush on either eheek that might havo been cansed by the autumnal wind, but - seemed to rise from suppressed" excite- ? ment. . '. " . . ' - A Romantic Story. Not long ago a wealthy citizen ol Boa- ion departed this life, leaving several children, but no widow, his wife having died some years before. His estate was large, amounting, I l-elieve, to more than half a million dollars. By his will he left three-ouarters of thit property to his three children, in trust, anil the re maining one-quarter ho beotteathed to an acquaintance, who now lives in 2(ew York. There had been no rarticula. in- Hmior twtween the two men, and al- Lueky Fla4 of a Taakee Sckeaaer. The schooner Peregrine While, wille cruisior of the coast ef Masaachuattw, U uod a Ui the water. tela rmnauort it to l amberraia. The specimen weighs 113 pounds and !.rth Ifl s aaiirf. WS.ew in swi. . lirt-stk ef the Stalls. The M an u fact urn a' Itrrotd foe to bef Mh psiblltbrt a cvrnptUUoa of tit ia crease ia tbe tnaeaTaciunr of ectioa ia tbe aeveral Wab-s of tbe rkmth. aeI ib rerceataga of profit, which will average ; fully tsrvaty r crat oa tbe crt, IlrglnaiBg with Nith Carolina it a;t tlat the Pacolet Cucnfr, with 12.0vl tpiadles i building aru4bcT mill ef equal aire, aa-l tbe Pvlitr Comj-any, with ,000 spiodls t building aeo'J. ermllL At Marion a l0,000 mill to in CvUne of construction, otx of 000 at Crreoville, cat at Oliftoaof W 000, oca at BcaasUvlIU f;-3,CO0, en at CsdambU of tISO.OOO. aad ooe at Poet v in of 1160 ooo. wu'a ctber are ty- . . I ' W 9 - -s- a - grajiah mass noawne o . t c,,, f raitabog. Aa It was pwkei ar, nacwr- q Ctmita sad bt and needs tou at once. - . . m . . w Without a word, but witn a lace m i ceeUmgly surprised most everybody who knew them was ex- 1 1 lv4 .V.. tV. lw. that white aa death, Lucy jiassed her in the j doorway, and tbe quick 6tep up tne stairs tesuned to tne existence ol tbe mother's sudden dread and pain. ' , The man left thus stranded was young, of a dark, handsome type, attired in evening dress. He stared at the girl before him with a contracted brow, and looked, as ho must have felt, wretchedly ill at ease. 1 "You, sir, whoever you may be, please leave this house at once.' Edith's hand sought the door for sup- port; though she kept so bold a front x.t hnnld have been made. It is ! nMvMrv to aay tliat all kinds ox J nl - . . a t PTnUnationa were advanced oy xn 'world. I happen to know the true ao lution of the mvstery. Many years ago Ka. muiT I do not care to say the t, y,m, nffered himself to uuewu ii'"" ... s bnt;fnl eirl who had refused him, and aubseouentlr married his leea rroeper ous rivaL In course of time the reject- .t cn;r ln married, as men do and. drinc. he took this delicate means of ad ding to the happiness of his old lore. i.ma nrlv in need of the money, i U- i;mw iron. fnamMt'nfr lw 1 ii i. .v. -W will admire both ' l . . - a 111. ft ani t TS control. He looked at her young face, rigid ini its contempt and horror, and despite hi4 anger could not. but admire her. She made a pretty picture in her. scarlet gown, with hair dark and loose on hei khoulders, but the admiration was bul which led tne uuxujt hu A reealUrlly r Iceberr. There it ooe peculiarity of Iceberga that is fortunate for tnosw erataing sa their vicinity, a.yt Ueutenaal rBwaxaa tn .i-;a.- and that tS Utr yisimuiy a lonir diataacea doriog dark altrhtr aad heavy weather. I remeraorr oo id iuxn orJuly, 1878, while making for the east ern entrance ol lluoaoa ctrais ssu wBu off the Labra-Ior coast, oar tecoad atala. a keen-eyed 8cotchmaa.caagni ma tarav rt glimmer ahead, during a raiaty mora iog. about t o'clock, wbea daylicht waa iul commencing to break, lie reo Botiaced it aa ievtrg. aad estimated it t. 1 tmn tie three miles away; aad. wearing ship ad Wio to, we foaad la j the mora lug. laa- u " . out of the w sr. This colossus of Ice wM flaaked oa cither side tj ua aeons tor threw or font miles ome of the pieces standing folly as high as the foremast ol our little achooaer. With my uaaeamaa like eyes evea with the aid of a powerful marine Vlaas I eemld oalymaka out the I?htraV break lathe laky eloadahny. the horizon; aod tha mala told nil ri v. i la ucorgvt,. ax v oicooaa ae Cotapaay b.t added t2 XSL JTJti-L lUXTtee7 f t. pJa't. ts'IJa-ag a aew aillof 4csj; petal a. Ia North Carolina they ara w 1-uiU-lag a mill at Iiacalotoa to ccst 130.000 at Big Fallt oae of 10,000, at Cotxryd ooe ef 173,000, at Enorrt cat cf 2ffO. 000. while Othrf a will be tmilt at iHrid tea College aad other pniats odlra la p;a't. It addiag a arwBai:ior4Csj;oms the King Com pey ?0 looms aad 3.000 tpitdles aal at AagatU, CaxkrasiIW, Aaericm. Weatpolat, Daitoa axd fU vanaah. Urge iaproyceatt art beiag made aad asr ailia b-ai Id. a-. Ia Marvlaad fwO.OO has trraexpaad ed by tbe La arvl taiiU. while tbe asUls at Mouat Ver aoa aad Plktoa are Iwiag ralargvd. Tbera ar also aotabla las peovrntaaU ia Texaa and Tcaar-are, ail looking to the talarj-yoaeat ot plant, tbe present f u iht l a having lra f o-aai ta aofltlfnt. Tfc a4srv ra wmtH a44sv A dUpatch ftaa NaahnUe, Tea, aaitt A trml'U areteax octrcrrwa m . . .. . . j a - - . tbe site ol lb lljcaa terry tl Curabrrlaad. a few tolUm oelaw z e.tv. TbetoiWrla the l.Uie tUsost " , m a a a . . a. t.d to txiran walct out ef tbe rai-r dm- eiDludrO. bunllf ' tlawiag the Iwat Into kiad:Ux wood, aad taataally kiliiar Tbocaaa J. Trirrsvd. a ytc tr.ai who was acting mgaevr of the I oil and lrrak.fr Ika U of WilLa-a Casrtwater of lt irvice . .... works. At tbe time 1 to crar lbe were a BUaber of aa al wk I it- rr.i?re dans wt ad sola la r lb Mr. lUtJtrkk, tbe roairaew, j be lookid ap whew be aveard a d'airalai .r!mioa- aai saw the air ebacurrd with frs-tnral. TV. UlJcr cf the IlUk Uaeoer, which was at tbe lu-t la tuBDite aJcr et ef tbe coder daaa. kd ainlodr.1. atl alt a ialf weakra bull, terror fwVd by a taaaa f kladdf g worJ. rrmaiad U ahow where tbe Kwt bad b-ra. WHiaaa More a Ibe ra- Ila-b HrtKbrrsoa ea a txl UsU wW eitradt froea Ibe bora to tbe coCrr daai ataduUorecf forty er Cfty f trca tbe sbramrr. A Uavy fUcm ef araa:nsg at tlda froos tb sleaaarr aei itryk Morrsa with ral foera oa tb kfl kg t trrsiisif tbe bote. I la lb iruitits arwnk waa aaade fee Tboa-J. THrrrd. Ibe ee-4eTf tit l-U llltbAlf waafsJ arte Ibe ga- sle of tba kalf taakra wmk. lit nuiU dal, with the freat el lis akait la. a 11 belt la tl ai ir. aad Vis UJv aa-l fr braW-1 .aad acalSrd Hit r ems las wrrt earned to tbe nskk aad tils a ccilt. Homi waa la We-ssea'a Teswperaae tToelu A tsrar rot llT.- A AasrvUl N-sV-S s mr-: -r um intyr r. a sj-4. I tt y ".Tumi s tVi S Trr-1 ' ' ' Ts t'Xm aS ,WrBBr ai 7rras-v f.MCaa It tySMd I rvTsi sj. cf hm rrsey s fc V js ti juri ta Vm cks Car aakl ? U U vr sirt frmtmtmi VL TX a-- ti MrlOi tt. r-wr e Ra ssas srU'- ii sa ws tss tao:sc ti W Vs -e d ts a. i-t h SwftM X Ita Lr4 rrl i-r--s ts i r4ra ssttasu. as n r i tUmmi r.Jat sVra mu)v l-sl lk V a&v saw m l&7 as s;- r m p s&a .r a-( I.W TSWf fT-S US lfcriaua T si;-' " t" sv--""" - "- j.rm -Msn. L4 a - ; saknUnl LLa4 U ffaf acr'. m mtm i ii I a t t-m - x Wl.'s mm ss 1 1MB tfrwrt Ijhs. I'l "1ms j -,t V m:" rrT4 stt-sr-aw scwalMwa Trwm is tr, rs f a-t? n.rs" a-s Ui -ir ?f l jj 4 a VI cassias ( xCaa 7-r-r l'a- ta r arr ral. r-. t r , r a -rt. Wsa-Tts rar-C U CTT-'a.- mmm U-rlr ta Us r- --. mmi m savlMass. - l ri I f ta tbs - . imtmf Is Miir -T sa V sassl. ast t - rrs ssvjstl Ii Sa rCarr . r trrmm I -m -I frarw tMif as rm'j S9tr-Sv SI Utw-r rm -y -omjtrw it Sl4tW'f sva isil tr kffS Nr -ra"-v rC rooem ai f rw4 f Sjos. " I ii sw ;' " s4Vf"s-ias 4 ti- 'rxM- f-a It Is rtnas M fr" m m son wa mm tmm92i .-ytt a r' mm Ut Vmt -tfm-i fct- a l t Sa As ta trss that the abreast, ecmll score between a bate r! ich led the testator to make it to tne brr and been ta visible. It U a p band instead of to the wife.- l?of their half-potu bed facS, sXrfluous tool, nre adjra asfiorinsUnc - characteri'tic of cle7 rce, that pene trates so far. aad und er r i rruretuncrt wh-Ti a baak of tasw or a ship's sai would tot be teea rrtia aa 014 Geecrapky. - GoUltmith'a Ucogrtfvhj', puLIUVd la 1831, deacriUag tbe Veird bcatea, tart; 'People become rUl la Amerira aooaet thaa ta Europe. Uroo terailraX Iaf a raca of the c.maf Sa str.l ar tx Ua. Wbea you3g the wctara ara g-t.-al'y beaatlfal. psicularly la PV.la-df.V hS kea KtlU rirr to lit boca. J? atj Coeoter Uoo4 was drV SVtll. JL-T f vr-rr as. t'Za aiwl rstt tWir arrwjat cf Ibe atsfol eiptooo. Tnak Walker, wk-s has bvra tie avais erg-aelrllal tlat Ibe loler bavl Uea lasjeVd by tba strat&boU tasfvetrft. MarJa Ilarvry, a U-y, asvd tUt be was a Ibe U4r iea sbuet Ira talaatr brf-wa lb ettlwo. al thalTrprd bad asll tt lWt aa lUpooaJscf tsaa a, ? faawt rnm ty.m ra allowed. Tbe rare brrwfU la a vrrU-t -tba Trin-rd emtio Us dalh bv la U-er ei sia era tbe tUa&srr ralara.cl bh be was rr.t-r. aad a h etu-w thst aasd ri;lS 0 wa eaarl by c-arry. Inr swore stsaaa lha-M alUwe-I l-y llm iesAxxUl ids pre tors Ikes. A Urj-a r" ' t:Wr- ei,S lay statrw-eatcf Mr. Walkrr. aa eU ewe. was focad abowt IZO jarJa srp lb titer lak, aa-l frtrtarat er birvra lata tbe OU tlik abota. Beet cf Oe w-ktaea ay lhat ll cf ti boat wrre bio a icro- tte rirrr. The stock, was txwrtJf t;t la Lcx-tri f.r a d lica cf klX a m'.U. IV r t-m- m rry'T " ;-rar SA taW tMM-SklMSi SMTMS. -4 O t trvscsal ml' -- j- ; ,i m 1 tS t""1" V V t. . """ eu r ta's" rtmri .Sa ar i-4 a'-" liswusi f tsrfrwi. f rS) tl I - . t ' 1m t3 tsas l-r sr-Z.- r-- jt Usl rrsa a--V taa ! tXT '-i f-v4 -r li V wrs S lVf Ji T- 1 s; ka r-r s "' V 'S z!Lmmt Trt--. kfrwssa -sis r'v' ,L swi'i-'s sl SMr-at-v Mt ry-ssrf7 sa s"i t aU ft t i r r 1 4 ta saaseasJ rrst r ra kv-im rr - t rfal I ' r-. ln.l r U t . i W ly Wra Msry t- I - -SJS- r rr sis- U- iVSi a.". Ik TmS.-r Va 6 H.ary Ar-i st W m rS 5sJ ArVy at A-. mLm, aat sWtinf as-y a t-4 r- ftji r-f U t -V fla' This st, r -' v TjOC It r.AV-m asVy srar-. any cf lhrn wcm4 pat fct ila pwt ' forty.- WLst fseay llt I a JvUre ta s Imh color aad tevtb. aad al the a -a tweniy era icacy oi Par-rta at . iv a tiui r'i'U! wrrv.to Th crirctal Iavev a4 enVf-cVle-ies 5 sure, i hka bars te-i as -p-j"Ar ia trjUss a will t worn very ctsr. sv-srwiy rj w;s aa a tr.- s- I t :s r- VmAm ta 1 1 r al i-s-si s 5vBa;. -ac--t'. s-sJ st V-j jt ia rvt.f:.-. K ms1 C"W-a Tr-efp-va-- v - a- iwrt-i m (.rtf t -r i s -e wt, ast M hiL. wf.a its U..rvyilt i- .r fiis-i4 Irrr-rjJ WL-ac t-l lll U It trvt tt C-" tr. Ut Urxt S--! r ml V aa ; d tfUaw t a aai st-i4 r t-v S4MP-m ll t -- rrr tal sa 9mr MU aJ It - ta sVU H.'iu v- asi ". - Iruas, Osaaa aa t ls.i- -ja s-t '. r--r..ad. As a r--v al stii. tv rt' s-r L-f al- i-r L ;-: '. ti -t I a--swr t -rsi i3 Vi-- 1 -'- d'rat '. " t-W. - 1 f'- t ---- S (kr-aa T L' '-, k a i .-.--- trv. t----'TS ;i TesBre-yaace rf- t-tiJ 411-1 r r Tu-- ar .i f r't a S ?ot r t'-j a- 1 'Decidedly. Luct is ilL" . Edith de- momentary. atra has wt i -

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