r s 4 7i it , ... . 7':: Western Carolinian; PUBLISHED EVEBY FBIDAY ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. J. P. MURRiLL,, Editor -'. . . ' i . - Presbyterians vs. Catholic At the late meeting of Meek- "TenBurg Presbytery the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas. The Romish Church jmen't and a note of reproof forEeaUai Advantages of ca- rmhl ishinir tha nnnil'n name. "or I - taDwa J.uniy I r -x--- 1 other liaattera Mnr.Mil wnh tho We are informed tho nnnil named U a confirmed Catholic, aa U a'so funt has made mucb nt one sent from Sampson county to man lbere llbak their school In this town. There While the Banner Democratic are no doubt others, but we har positive in lormati on as to ths two, The People IXnle. deserre our special notice educa tion and manufacturing. The writer will confine his remarks to the former of these The educational advantages of this county are unsurpassed by any The evidence" of s . ort of tral-, between Henry Geurge and th tte publicans in New Xork prows more convincing daily Th Stir ?.ir : Henry George hai evidently foun-l out Boss Piatt's opinion about tli catnraign that he doe no "can about onlinary campaign work m the country district, for the whok bu.ines is in the George vote in New York. So Mr. fteorge, like an obedient Ilcsiiaii, having receivM his order?, throws up thi can vara in the interior of the Stale and come 1 1 I'.olltlon rolnt. (birfiirnl. Mr. ir.Mfn,of u other county in the State She has attained this literary lisht since 18S0. i the citv to fiirht the I)inirvmt nn The people of Rhode Island, when there was not one active char-1 hU old bittle cround A last war. VW hERthe Coufesin of Faith 10 6lZtZ nd without tered collet in the county, now j He enters on hu econ-l local ra:u. : .aracterizea thus: ''The Pope referenc to partisanship, having there are three, two male and female p iign under th great disadvantage of Rome is that Anti-Christ, that declared by the amendment "to and one female. These are as fol- of the fierce mJ mti-llige nt opposition - 1 . . . M 1 . iL aT a . . 9j M rf i S V 11 1 1 I ll V man of sin and son or perdition, i tne ionsiuuuon tnat una sale on lows; uatawoa uouege iraaie anuiot tne rroeoive Libor party, rthat exalteth himsslr in tne intoxicating drinks as a beverage female), at Newton, under care of : Church against Gbrisr, and all shall be prohibited,' we condemn tne German Reformed CfiHrch. - .that is called God' is planting its eVery attempt todefy and thwart ThU institution was chartered as a J.Mi4'W1ll,r thisLpJevSand' college about 18.0 and continued a Resolved, That our sessions be sist that this fundamental law regular college course tilthe out 1 , enjoined to admonish all -our shall be respected and obey id " hreak of the civil war,when its work members against patronizing or The above is a part of the Rtt- became academic. After the close . countenancing in any way these n ... - n Uitlw .aa ftf- of the war it was run As a high S-Artnetirft and dangerous institn " " r.-.- " " kvi ifi! pdnrtivA tind rlancrnrrma irRtitn - - . Itions. and that the disregard of congressional convention in this admonition will subject them I ltnoae lsiana last week. It speaks to the censures of the Church. I volhraes. The Deonle have sDoken On which, The N. 0. Presby-land ine politicians have heard terian editorially says: theirvoice. The people, in their school till 1885wheu it again took up a full college curriculum. This institution is now under the man agement of the popular and efficient President, Rev. J. 0. Clapp, who is ever faithful to hia duty. Ooncoi " we pumisoio-aay tneacuon sovereignty, and without refer dia College (male and female) at ot Mecklenburg Presbytery in re- enca to partisanship, have done is under the care of the gard to the patronizing by Pres. this thing. No -Third Party" Tennessee Synod of the Lutheran byteriatiB of Romau Catholic did this work: It was done b nu u n mn .v.f,..j .i which wash: mam reliance in his lastcontest. iV-ople will not failtu notice how quickly George obvT when I'Utt comniands. I , - - - - vruu ecnoois. .xmsacuou 01 iuojrrC8- nne people, as was the case in I lege in 1881, with Rev. P. C. Hen- jy iery Drougnioui ev. maris o. iow, Kansas, and in huudreds of kel as President. Prof.R. A. Yoder Gross, the priest of St. Fetcr s counties in the' nearly all the was the first teacher in this school. church in .Charlotte, States North and Soath. And Our popular Rev. J. C. Moser is now Craftsman in wishing that Dei.i-i in defense of the Romish church, vvhen tne people become con- President of this institution. Under crats ami Kuights may all vote the Mev. ur. iacK, in tne rirsr jrreB-i vipced of the oronrietv of Drolhis efecient management, it has same ucKei . X f mS W I The GreenlNiro Craftsman is the organ ot the Kuights of Labor in North iTarotoia. That paper sas: 'A portion of the Democratic pns.s of North Carolina fxiuv. their doubt ub ut tli' ir ah:litv to carry the State, unlev an exlraordiuary cttort is made. Let thcni entouragt the organization of a great la!r party, pool thir iues and the road to victor) is easy. The Democratic party has always shown itelf the unniistakahle frind of the working man. U 'issues' are tlnse that every honest white laln'ring niau should endorse and we join with tlu Hark-, was in to m i.s iai iat rr.o.K. lV-Iitit !!. Mr. M.Os-on l the trop t f.'.r.n in thf rpuMiran ir t fflUrke. He Ihtak thetiikrt to in in svIU U HLwk nnJ Settle an.l Charl Price for r.owrnor. SUlexil'.e Matt. ff IV.t,. l'i:rl KltchrO. ot the S-otlan.l N-:k lk-mocrat. will with- Ix.iw lh nam- of Hill an n aniM. from hi Pri-Mcntizl mat-hal fr s.s. un 1 hott i:.t J 1 tne iiimo of Nimul J. lUn.t i'.l aat K.ir.e Miuthrrn tari!T r former, like Cnvlr.wpul shake hiM paw cit, it latt V l-Ur Wtn kly. It i U-livvvtl that Ju!e ?h tt-1 l:tZ his plan to Ih the !. -publican eanlidate fcr Uovrrnr. He .x ncmtly Um In tnfcn in with J-n Nu-hoU m. I al.tr KejnjMirin ialrs IfheU nnlnalM h have to learn over ac-i n the U"n whlth Vance aught him in tTC "ituri w.nlklnir nhi.i'l of U. Totutnle." (tlastoro Argii. Mr. It-chtaouJ IVrv3 i now irs Euri where he will rvrain notil neit Hrrin??. It w rlieTcd I.e wU ti iM publicao or lolejM,tde t canJiJt for Cngrrw urxt year, iu Li ili'trict. Th xIl of North Carohc wonU I vrrr listU' upricJ ty iach a ou on hi part. fnra. We were pli asl t tiet the follow ing gentleiuen Aho wi Ti- In attenlanrf thU week at the Knleral C.irt; Cl. V M. IfihW rt.ran-l an-t t. M. tlin of Catawba. I. . lV;iron. L. A Talr.' an.l I.. A. liristol. cf llurkr; S. ' I-nlonl. Jaob lUcvins nnl XV. II I llrown. of A!lo V. C. t'erjru-M.n. of Hurke. All of th-s' grntbuo-n arei republleant. and rirt thai ho far a their observation th" ch.tnre for i a republif-in victory wxt t bt tl.n. ar Z t L Mail. Listen! Lhten ! Listeal walrfl rvA.l O'k Alessa II ! t rr .!i-'rb't Hf.s!it tj gci.WUrMlilf Jl"!J h. It - 1 . - t It f lH T-rjt!j wls HfiiUi ta!.r3t4?r- ' Tl Jf V'f t11" to c'l .' tt at wl c'srp Us.- f ii-"1 i' ltHt tHsa a be. f uu -a 1 1 h' rr Professional Cards. u "u j evraW f tHa ar b- la tht coU. H r.r i f . v .t, ,o i Ti .tU m vit&e l'tt t RoepJil ia thi't t JoUr. t X Ur" ef -' oa4T art l rHc wLu-li hilo kit ttr Ikiai h toh tr. r.rrnv'H tr in W. it ROoK tt I oU clolb. n.n ps!- n.-lia t. eo'cr! fcrV.iri. Ac 1- O.-f Uh Tt. nbo haJkcT clif. kc-irj. cr.ti. 1. t KKtioa Vin u, Uk! wire, kaie ai4 for k W.jw Ikctor; r-rk. The cSf rt hncf UiJl J4 UaJry tor thai were rr cScreJ. A full ba of rcTw aal proTikfv of thr to-t cffal fcIcctoa an4 m low M the loftt. UecSr S3 fiwr cv.!ca tia, hat fcT rh b hat ka kel ti b. Hoa oat. Call aa Ut rattc4 bfe all th bar-tto tr ! 1. Vcrj rrtjs?et fatly. Ar.. IMi ALKXlNriER. H.C,' Hamilton Real Estate Broker, Will buy and aU town Ua u jWt. 10.IJT W. A. Marler, D, D. S mcKonr. x c. Bank of Hickoy, Hicltory, im. c The Wilrainton Star. byterian churcb of the same city, hibiting the great evil tbey will grown very rapidly. The roll for rlaa tnitn Ida kictn.n if Pnman.l J. Z 3 1 . . I iUT. M..V.. 1 10 ri........l t i .1 - .. uvu nivu uwvvi; vi vmu -i uo BO inaepeuaeni 01 party plat 1 1,1,13 numum iu. viuieuium .i me recent election m ic i ism and laid bare its atrocities forms or party lines.aud the party Collegs (female), at Hickory, is un- tucky, the Democrat received nboti with an unsparing hand. that attempts to check the move- der tna management of Prof. Hot- 15n,HH) votes the republic, u 1,. Reutitti for t'iuli:irniinriil. He had attempt Ot cow se there will be those ment will be repudiated aud left who will cry "Peace! PeaceJfeHirjd. Some elections'in Ten- ovTowhao Prohibition elec- ing its churches into every nooiqma5udwa?ooga is and corner of our land. There Republican' D1 -?lsa t5CiJ9ig. uvill be those who will denounce jority, but .Charles Whiteside, every exposure of Romish mis- Republican candidate for Mayor deed as a lack of charity, forget was defeated on the lltb inst., tul that charity to a wrongdoer is becauso he took an active stand tenstem. Besides the; there aio the ProSihitionts- o,ih and several academies aud schools of the Lalr eandid it.. omU- nU.n' lower graces. ,,K). It would Mrm that if we ar In view of these lacU there u no to judge by Kentuckv. that the !d reason why Catawbacounty should party line.- will hardlv U wil oui have on? person among the rising thU tear. In thi connection xv generation who shall not have a fair would pause to state, tint trang. (education- though he may never as it may c?m, five eights of th L . V - .1.1 t I .."-. t eiinxi w uc miTiuiug uuu tanner, counties ol lv.it itc " nT u: l r J i t i.'. r.'l the rlit-rial - -..int tuui. Hh vant l ti I j--lit- .n! I . T. ........ ... . ..... ; r u-t ' e...t ,irr.i him. He tiii'!l '.! l t:p t the !.!-. a:..l tr;l U i .L thr !:!!! ' Me !i- : !! - - Mister tVut r. ! j .ur fe ".IV iJiV" l-t r Mi Uttor. r labb roiii iuI I i a a c!..-iat Att-efoi l :'.. I fo ik' fb.tt r fta rat of .'-rij l.-'v. c a ia d vaar i iMt t'litt ita. . ... H CO ..... S UJ I to Fpoal atttk irr Zni D.XV.ttULEU.CaW L . Dr. J. T. Johnson, incicoiiY.ji.c. lUiac Cra4atJ la mKH L,o war a d hatitC fwt'j n-rit iWa , rtk ia rr aa4 UuU ait.il! f .... r I Mi 1 i m ' . V . ... .. . a 4 !, C- V rarwi uUl ii fa lo Tr. ... .... S.i Math..... ... Tkrv M'-t.l.. Oe ith Taa .Vtt.tt Sra. .... I ato 1 I a ir aluabl p -- i.h" I t -ITU lp ft Os Y. .... K M it' Ftr ifo5-.i. ta ' -' ;Um.. m: it iii.u!;t. V. ..is-.t. r. X. C. I! CO o v ha trat'r f. I it i r 4- t .. Svt 'up l lt yw .I. a a favmAp'a v.. f I ft. ..-ttl.il I 1 1 .1 ..... ... I . vi Olic; o lai uiti o nut. uu. iiiui inc.il OnlUlIl 1.1WS the verv reverae of r?bftntv tntbnaAl.o;nef ..t,:t.:: -.. I ... . . .... iw.ai ojuum mwl i V ' i ' . f'u",u,l'uu "iUuu" all ber advantages will she ever pro- & , ' 4 ' xvcpuuucau cuu- duceanoratorand8Utcsman e,iual K. 11, Wa-hlnHirue. for thirtv Tear H flr hntfni it ia fn An nn harn.al J! J.i C 11J . . 111 I ' - J J .7 . V '"""J uiuaies jor Aiuermeu were an to Zebulon U. Vance of Iluncomlw ? one of the most pr .min-nt actors 1:1 . ...w fcV cieuieu. mis huowbjubf as mucunf ghe not h will not be tor the the political affair of this rountn, prevention, man wait till H is "Third Party" as we care to see. want of intellect and opportune di(,i j Chic., on the -Mn I. int. uVug .uu iu. vwuijr ftiueuju-i wnen eitner ine Kepuoucan or for its cultivation, but on account ne was 71 vear old. and has nil.-1 nze tneaoing. ltisuarator us Democratic party puts up a man of that do:rt care disposition, which hie4rlv verv i-sitiu.i in i u. 1 v . i . . i . - i . i " xo Deiieve tnat ma-iy t'rotestant for office who has allied himself predominates so powerfully over the t)f xy .,arty to U-tow. iumiiies wouia patronize Koman I with the liquor traffic, and thinks I young of to-day. If V ance di.l vat none schools m prelerence to I it an "important industry let I come fmm a back-woods county he Here b nooifthu i ahnK ta thitk uieir own, tnough doubtless some the honest, sober neonle without I has surmoanted all dithculties and oi; but. uwcrth. i. .s. u t iru : in a under the trrnaslv miatntpn notion L i t 4U- ,i I won for himself the admiration not Oovrun.-iit Iune .vlnui. in Wah o j icgaiu w uaoi uw lULCiuer auu I i . ih.-.v r rfSlAlgLEIi'S .t'i. !! b ?". i .r' tlr"" t -t . 1- Ma j tn y ---r to.iij it. n. Nih'r! . t v C.lu il Jc t our r.n.tant p- r t I lh.it." A lha eaif la r l. an wQI H rap; i lt. ra.l pal! aa a raw. .-1 1 1 f ta v Aa acTvcnl'.ar! wriu? ' flw tc l tk at fuvM It U nr asaff:7 ? fl ar$n g l To. J-e ji I 1j I : ' t. f g h I" I'rrlrrl lrrrrr. that sucti conduct is no more defeat him. No drunkard is fit only of the State but of many em,- h;cilri U;U5 t!irvC UtltlJrta WOT,OU r-Vr. h-ia atf u ia, fa.-... ......... .t,- than Christian liberality, rxight for office, as very nearly all men, nent ltesmeo of the United States . w w;:.t,. ,uiv;.., be led to do it. The Romish even distillers, admit, and no Then, young man, do not make BO mhnJ moro mcn tUau WOJI, u tW,.? Mi-ef ,a.M ?m. f,rV,, i ijt,f . u.aic. to,u? . ctTw LADIE3 ! PKi:ULKS8 DYK.i T7 Ul !?oltv t TV, . M Sit 1'nor lO e a fUkrt tt iaT bt ao l-c ri ITU 4a a ra. ae t J.O. GSJNT.Mva. y.i Highland School, I Tho Otlx Annual Tern Thursday. Sept- lat. schools ate" not superior to I'ro- man who thinks more, or even 8P" ' tbe akwaid but earnest ti.o doct r t tho avyhuu iho .-tui.t Uk.tnj I .-.t 3 I endeavours of vour back woodsman I to know.) x tLat it ii uu account tf - . wiam BvuwutB uumnuBiouu- as mucn oi tne saioon as no aoesi . . " ... . . . . . t inr ihaan ,,1,1 . ... tl.i . I School-mate. YOU may in tho future tobacco anU whiakry. Weget the alovc --0 M ,uu. i.ivv, ioi me aome , ine bcuooi ana inei ' . . .. rom 0j anthonty Lincoluton 1 :i. . . I . bwlf hw finnnnrt nnrt lnw hpfnn Iim lro,n K v- auiuvn.. u",v-u"" -sovmvuRi on iue uuuiru-inurcn, IS 111 lO D6 nameaiU COn. . "t .'x. .. Tiumpet 1 v a a Aawav a w j aa The tli Inch f(n: filial o. A (rood tnaur far mem of Cabarrn 1V. in manV rfiSneelft ihOV Are fle I naAfSnn mUVt ann nfflm an1 Via i.fedlv inferior Tho .Uim fhatl- VU .i ' Jf H8 We ta hT J0,,,,K tb -in. i. l . . . -. . I men speak of their desire for au the teaching will be oon-seetanan lot rtonular sentiment and ahanel .l. . . . is not true-cannbt be true as 8 Arfltform.'.Sel?nrlr. th A"' baTf n Way. " and Koa cotmt.ca aro rctiJ their moment's reflection ought to 80oner they will be tree from the f iT7T T'm r' 'M ,h' ... . BWUW iuc; "iu w uco uuiu I comnlaints. if thev have the Will to ilrnriHlationa of haiitem anJ linhtriuau. sntisty any one. Take the maU "disturbing element' which now hel r themselves. More than half Ud Uo they My the, dr ,.ct want the ler of til of riT-TT A7Vof n.ll oiidLl. a. mu T I r . I ....... . .. ....... i iVi 'i " mreaieuB mem. me xvcpuoin 0f our pregents were of poor fami- iwirwgca suicvi, m mey aeairoy iu vuuuoru in a nomisn scnooiicang are fast aettm? their sails for i., t--u.. 4 the dreaded chinch bnc ana ie:.ucr . 1 ... I o 1 lies, uttci?ou auu uuuusuu ncic ... ... about the Spanish Inquisition, or the popular breeze, and we hope born in log cabins in North Caro- tbem Mf . ? nbniitv.njfrift- : -c I r ... .1.. . ?. . . ... I common euemv of fsrmera. Ooifarmrr boforn tK me Lremocrauc managers win not Ima, and Lincoln in a log cabin in from r,ct,ltIr kuw . before the promulgation ot the longer halt between two opin. Kentucky. These men educated pidse, and in his craw fonnd iiirtict oi JNautea imperfect us ions. The people rule in this themselves and filled hih stations . I . I "-O- iuui juBirumeui was ana espec-1 conntry, and they are determined in life, why can not you ? No evidenc?, we think, that tho bird oosht lally about the results of the revo-1 that the liquor traffic shall stop reason, if you are an able bodied DOt be - Concord Time cation of that edict. Would they I kill in tr .heir sons, and deitrovin? youne man. and will is at home ever hear a truthful account riflihAhflnninBa nf thn. wiVAa nA with ion ThW ;nn( far Recent investigations have hlrown tlm mnr.r. Affif L,,vff mL --.. . v -i. 1 that nearly a million pupil.- are In the " -"-. '.uwiu iqaugiven.. xaeir.yoice nu oeen l uur w UBT public schoU of the Southern States would they;mdeed, ever hear at I heard in every State, and iu tiro V5 from the stage of action and that the amount of money extrude all of these things, and hundreds! portion to its strength is the com I k'n political and religious duties annually for schtoi i: jn,i,.an of other thinfira In hlstorv. maklr.rhanaion f tb will devolve upon some of us. Then that since lw) the number of public no en tA;KiR I . rr. .. Ifhvaa dft . nni;fi J fill s?hooU has bec increased from 4o.( .n v gWU8ll luo paua" awaKenea. ine liquor curse I wi" ...it iu on k . xir j ;L . ii . .. - i r 4. :ii : n. i ami -t a . w n.rm rv w a n w . z . a aw a. - r . a a v a i iiiii in i i ii aw i a rwi'ui a. aa i uu -" - iuu. i rnuai u anyeo irom ine land: I ' . w,v. . , TTfa V. :U A. I .i . ..... I ward fnr tKoir ctrnrrrrla in nl.lmt.inr. vnu iikui iu wunuiuri na norm a htva paiii .( .v.. oHUKtit iu uuiaiunin .. v : ... .. . .. k.i, I " r''"' v. ntiu v. i ... ... I .ukiii k; is Hioiiir ni uiiuum a -tothe dictates of an eaucauon. ine earlier you arc mother." ttWUluoranteed w w vtr. wa uu,.; -- (to c: aran tartau, aa s)ui 4 avrtaft'a, ac-4 at to vr Ta rU U4UA ara Uuili Hxii V ia Mvk aa af U ta J wa-.r o tl a CU.ef mriaja axu .aa? WL tf g u ;l far Cf uva 8--f lUaot. Half a octfal oi ttU. a&4 aar la a taUaaootiral l lr atkd c a4ai Mltaa; waUr. 6ar'. aaa cajfal cf afar, two afvaeTai f 1 Haafw r4e u To tw4aaa a waJnat aOaia o wcL taka aaa a,aarl af aUr. aaa a4 eta half awaa af waaalaa; aula, twa aal e.a half iaa Vaajia fcrown, aaa laarta ootx-v Uaaroaaata af f-ah ; bed fr Us tula- lwa. afll apply wlU a traaa la tbaf a hot ar ala auu. Ceaa Braa4. Oba piBt'drw lavilaai mal. aaa flat laar, tartnagt valck Uoroohlj anis aca taiaapoaafal lara, aca ktoa (ul amfar ( Jf nora, acrordlrvf ta Uiui. two ff. cr.a rial aor milk MrmUk. ia whW-k aaa taaa arr id ear, aaaaoofal cf la araTioaaJy Oolvavl ta a LaUa watar. tUla la a qM ovao. ftcfn G kcf tral Tb raa 4aU Soar, ca eaafal laid wfl rtdiai ihro; it, ona laaafaafal aaJt. ana Uaafaoafal r'aiftr; aaat two a;jv a!l coa sial aaaUMa m oapfal hrwa a a far, oca aca a Ktif tca apeoafa amla 4UalfJ la var. tlrml ta kalf u pal w-.1 Callk or baiiaffx.Uk thor wig Ll . aJ4 an U flwar ;' vU .1 ax, 1 taka Wa rvaa j'al amka l-ja 1 j iiv a:: t:uj And lUr I'll Ciaaruuirrat by Cao - a t v k la taUft at aa A. K HaVKt. w t : tr-. Th r i . o a. AVJTtN.TKX. says a moral contemporary 011 e8. conscience," by the constitution of the Unite BtaWj--does : not apply to any ifonntry where the Church of Home holds sway ? Never .would these things be taught, nor thous ands ot other things that our children: ought to know. It seems little short (of infatuation in a Protestant to send his child to a Romish school, unless, iu deed, he designs to make the child a Romanist.' i - ;4 The pretense of non-sedtarian- lsm is too thin to'deceive any one who 1 cares to know the truth. Soon after the Catholic school was openfoV in this town wo pub -Hsbeu as an item, ot local news that a certain young lady pupi Irom1 Statesville, with others had joined the catholic church. Mark tB, Qro?s was then in charge. He wrote card, denying our 8tate of Georgia. Mr.BanoaT venerable Senator will soon retire a and that Gov. Gordon will succeed him. Senator Brown is a Protec tionist, It is understood that Gov. Gordpn is for Tariff reform and the reduction of the surplus. In other words,he is a Democrat. Wil. Star, Mr. Randall, editor of the Anis- brouSDt 10 W npon vour own ex- This may be" true, but hereal-.uts tfirh ' , AAIA7 I 1 1 1 111 a I 1 . a . a i P ti Hnf Rlo.f im t - lemons ine uetter tor you. Eselt-rorK naruer io k nioinern-in-iaw with Sentor Brown me.raenffa the m03t hocorable i v:-ti.- posuionstTSKK they are not than they Mo change. to get mothers. Ex- Here is a significant paragraph from the .Democrat, published at Tyler, Tex: ''JCansas has 100,000 more people than Texan. Kansas has one penitentiary with 990 pris oners. This is the result of pronibi- tion. Texas has 100,000 less people than Kansas, and her liquor traffic Texas has two large penitentiaries with 3.000 convict. The spring court will send about five hundred more. Don't you think prohibition a necessity Er.- Whatwe-Ski hen, my young friends, is not geni us, but self-reliance; not talent but the will to work. In school is the place for you to prepare yourselves to cope with the intellectual giants of the world. If you are careless in school it is more than likely you will bo so through life and failure will be your doom. Fodox. Mr. McRaa, who is mining for silver south ot the mountain a few miles west from Danbury, was in town hut week and Bays that ha has gona dowa fifty feet on one vein, whiob it two feet wide, aod tut some ot the ere as teeted by WuhinftonOity ehemist, assays filtf- two per cent, silver. BeportarsPoctT WMMaaiaMiMa , The K.C Baptist State Convention meets In Durham Not. 16th. o-yu3i of Sout swept away by were lost. jtv of Juclito. a -clnK t10, I a storm." Sl2 town on the Las becu n.T be. r Ak yottr tt;V tcr ih J tawi Urmr' 9 3 !. -..... .t .r ',-t t-t t- I ktrr t .! To lt ort tl ual a f. ! . . ..... cir I. t" l ? htw t:4 JARIES LEAKS' 1 J In I i"' . C -f ret . if .-4.. Ctf. --s i a, a: w The Lawyer And The : tiler, A bsok cashier wtiohrul alohn $0,0 0 from the bank at d allpx-d oat to C ia- cinnsti, weat to a Us jcr sad ssiJ : "How cau I x nutters i-o ss iobetafo from tbe a I will srrsoga to bare tho biak a t- tie for hall the au.oaat," was the r ronpt reply. Whei this hsl beea doie the thief expressed his gTrst plesArre and salia- f action sod iquii d : Aad nowwhat shill I pay yem lor your serrictaT The other half, sir," was the calm reply. . ir . aiotsi : nut wonder the Lawyer loxt s) much for, the bank. i- i run Ojr wt- lyw. frtmiv- irftll'r rf s. .-r o.i. ft.i. ks r t tj m fll 1 ifMM.'i. . r r I r a! by sr.AOi.i: imos. Mr. HdiUr Will y tt gia ta arco in yonr rpr to ssy tLal I Latc brru bald far twalre years froa a hrl p-;i Jf f trrr, but by 2 wr rk aw of Mrs, titers Rcsl Hair Kcatorcr. ray Lead is cowocTernl with a youcK growth of hair. J. S. AUu. I To x Coca Labia. Kewtoa 21. . v a I -s I V I 1 r r' V f "f- aa4-rSf4 crtaia2 i-.nf aallUfwaoMJ; 1 Aa3 lla,a h ria. lU&rktl aitw af fo tWttf h i7aa S.U. a.j ia ia IU ciaaiMkm a4 riww f iatj II A va(fat aaaaf U ! 1 aa li falr&ahac md ai;w. C- I la. I W lafaabalcai aj-jt la J. G. Hall. Tmiicx Mexican Twlustang Liniment Bdatita, Li Slaaaatitaa. Stsa, ScaUa, X.aa. Brvlata. Btalaaa. Cart v THIS COO OUltgi trsaaaas frrako. ttraixs, SeuVta. lUTlata, lackaaaa, G2a. ftaraa. S-yaTta Ctacka. tra BaafAZ, Scrrw Varaaa. twtaa7. TW-a. tiii: com 71 o. unnn. Lift and Force Pump !!' c. i.la Vir I-frtaMt fr aaj oairv t i if a c ca-aq txm --tp a a i.ry aJt trf4 tg Ums. ft t! t i it ? a I ii It t t a tr cf a tataT. ila ctrf boa as) ! ill t tr ! a:iat.- ar tu4 ta Lci ttia f-r ia avary tow i ia Norla Okroli&a, aa! anil b a r-ri4 iuUl tfr l3J a- a!raIj crcf4. I .'iawaei -.1887 . r -w nut i i.rr. x t aMajp,4f tMf A fV 0HaV ' C1MCAA. OO. u a. a. - a u aaara a a,, "a tft .' kxtnti . S' r r 4 m aa . . s . vaWa wa a iVa 'nn .?.;: ulaa - .. r- w Vr a Sv-a ( . ,t . a rUi., . vJ f --wit i a 4U'4t'fc.Maihaam4tt.i(l .a U m n . f va m .. ., . . -, - - , . " i -a w- lC t l JrT. T' i..r-j . sa tva ai a w