THE 1 REV. DBr TU1IAGK THE BR00KL1N DIYUiE SUNDAY - SEBHON. Subject ' of Discourse: "Free Grace." aaa: SMSSSSSSSSS-SSW h TEXT: "F lertnm.fJi rrrtie of nvr Tsrrt Ueaue Christ, that, though He was rich, jf 17 or yownsaices ue became poor." It Uorin fcblans,vni.,9. . . : .' I That all the world which on a cold win pert night make the barren owe great glitter P inhabitautless is an absurdity. ITiilIobo Bbers tell us that many of them world art poo hot, or too cold, or of too rarefied atrao rpbere for residence. -Bat. if not fit for luman abode, they may be lit for befngslif Ventfrornand superior to ourselves. W awe told that the world of Jupiter is changing juntil it is almost fit for creature like th Biuman race, and that Mars would do for the tinman family with a little change in tb structure of the respiratory orjrana. -, Bo thai " t here te a great world swung somewhere, rest i lyond imagination, and that it la the bead .5, praarters of the universe and the metropolis of immensity, and ha a population in numbers Vast beyond all statistics, and appointments kf splendor beyond the capacity of canvas, or - iwera, or angel to describe, is as certain as : (the Bible is authentic. Perhaps some of the istronomers with their big telescopes have already caught a glimpse of it, not .kno wine . Nrbat it is. We spell it with six letters and pronounce it heaven. f That is where Prince Jesus lired nineteen renturies ago. lie was the King's son. It was the okl homestead of eternity, and all its pasties were as oki aa God. If ot a frost had fever chilled the air. Not a tear had ever rolled down the cheek of one of its inhab itants. There had never been in it a head ache, or a sideache or a heartache. There "iiad not been a funeral in the memory of the kldest inhabitant. There bad never in alltbe land been woven a black veil, for there had never heen anything to mourn over. The I taasage of million of years had not wrinkled r crippled or bedimmed any of its citizens. LA 11 the people there were in a state of eternal lulolesceiice. What floral and pomonic bright ness! U aniens of perpetual bloom and trcbards in unending fruitage, Had some hpirit froui another world entered and asked: What is sin i what is bereavement f what is borrow l what is death? the brightest of the intelligences woakl have failed to give defini tion, though to study the question there were silence in heaven for hajf an hour. The ifrinee of whom I speak had honors, emolu monts. acclamations, such as no other ii i Prince, celestial or " ; terrestrial, ever unloved. As ho passed the street, the inhabitants took off from their brows gar lands of white lilies and threw them in the way. He never entered any of the temples r without all the worshipers rising up and bow ng in obeisance. Iu all the processions of I he high days he was the one who evoked the loudest welcome. Sometimes on foot, walk ing in loving talk with the humblest of the land, but at other times be took chariot, and .,- among the 20,000 that David spoke of his i kvai the swiftest and roost flaming; or, aS frhen' John described him, he took white pal rey with i what prance of foot, and arch of neck, and roll of mane, and gleam of eye is bnly dimly suggested in the Apocalypse. lie fras not ike other Princes, waiting for the ather to die and then take the throne. When a few years ago an artist in Germany ., inane a picture ior ido noyai STTC repro- i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i'imii imiii Will n II m l in. t '-mm.mmmmms-! iiiri tti- jpjwmuw vim Himnn'ne, Ihe Crown frince as having i trl uraial robes tn the Senate."" The world had applause for imperial batchers, but buffeting f5 YTi(" pC Poce. Plenty of golden chaboe. for the favored to drink out of, but our Prlpceinust put his Hps to the backet of the weUbj the roadside after he had begged for a drink. Poor! Born in another man's barn and eating at another man's table, and craving the lake in another man's fishing mack, and buried in another man's mauao- eam- roar inspired anthers wrote of his Mograpny, and innumerable lives of Christ have been, published, but he composed his aotobWRraphytn a most compressed way. mo: '1 1 have troddea the wine press alone.", poor , in the estimation of nearly; all the prosperous clam. Tbex cmlfed him Babbath breaker, wine bibber, -traitor, blasphemer, and ransacked the dictionary of opprobrium from lid to lid to express their detestation. I can think now of only two well to do men who espoused his causeKleodemus aod Joseph of Arimathea. His fnendS for the nMnut mwrnrm mnnU who, in that climate where ophthalmy or in- iiammauun or. ine eyeball sweeps ever and anon as a scourge, had become blind, sick tkm, and Wghi, and cbr. somecoinr we can take into our nearta, ana Domes, ana pt- and v Not an unmans reeble gift like the raZVy presented to Ptolemy, which required .OU men to row; ana its araugn wM-r wv great that it couki not come near the shore, but something yon can run up any stream of annoyance, however shallow, lineament now, enrichment forever. Right atmut face? for yon are rxng in toe wrong direction. While you are in a favor able mood for It, enter mio ma. iiww sw tost now decile everything that make lor . . . : . L , ft. peer ana neaven. akwx stood at one place ia the Alps where heonuVi throw a chip into we water in mm uimwm, ami it would roll on into the German orean, or he could throw a chip into the water in another direction, ami it would ream lb Black sea by the Danube, or be could throw chin in another directrm, and it weiM nter the Mediterranean bv the Khone. How GERMAN STUDENTS' DUELS. say aoc noima a xxosro touho xzv or rDucxnojr. Terrible fKrwggle '-Between Two I for the Mastery ill pert fiworda- ms VI t Idly Drecrlbexl. A young Gennaa whose fere U seamcl with scars and who participated in twenty-aeven duels while a student to Cermanr, said to a St. Louis correspond ent of the Chicago limit: "In order to give you an Idea of a German mennr, or dueling meetinjf. I may s well describe what occurred the first time 1 was an active participant. i having one foot on the A tit-m; a a Btep of the throne. Emperor William ordered the picture changed, and said: "Let the lYinco keep ' his foot off the throne till I . leave it." . . . ' ' Already enthroned was the heavenly Prince, side by side with the Father. What a circle of dominion I W hat myrmidons of ad mirers! What unending round of glories! All the towers chimed the Prince's praises. Of all the inhabitants, from the center of the city, on over the hills and clear down to the beach, against which the ocean of immensity rolls its billows, the Prince was the acknowl . edged favorite. No wonder my text says that ,"he was rich." Kot all the diamonds of the earth in one scepter,' build all the palaces of the earth in one Alhambra, gather .all the pearls of the sea ui one diadem, put all the values of the earth in one coin; the aggregate would not express - his affluence. Yes, Paul was right Solomon had in gold 680,000,000 and in silver 1.029,000,377 sterling. But a E tor than Solomon is here. Not the mill ire, but the quadrillionaire of heaven. To ribe his celestial surroundings the Bible uses all colors, gathering them in rainbow over the throne and settintr thenvas aerate in the temple window, and hoisting twelve of them into a wall from striped jasper at the lione to trnismnrnt. uruthvut. in Mm f mu.w.. j aw .u WW V , U 1 while between are green of emerald, ana know of pear Land blue of saoohire.and vellow of topaz, gray of chrysoprasus, and flame of jacinth. All the loveliness of landscape in foliage, and river, and rill, and all enchant-' went aquamarine, the sea of glass mingled with tire as when the sun sinks in the Medi terranean. All the thrill of music instm mental and vocal, harps, trumpets, doxo- logies. There stood the Prince, surrounded by those who had under their winm t.ha velocity of millions of miles in a second, rich i u iuyp, ncn in aaorauon, ncn in power, ncn in worship, rich in holiness, rich as God. DHwuMwwy there was a big disaster in a irtment of WCOJs universe. A race fallen t A world m ruins! Our planet the arena of catastrophe ! A globe swinging out into dark ness, with mountains and seas and islands, an awful centrifugal of sin seeming to over- t-vwor hw i ea iLiiui centnpecai or rignteous- tiess, ana irom it a groan reached -heaven. Huch a sound had never been hnani tW Plenty of sweet sounds, but never an outcry or distress or an echo of agony. At that one groan the Prince rose from all the Viliasrfnl circumjacence and started for the outer gate and descended into the nizht of this world. Out of what a bright harbor into what rough; seal "Stay with us," cried angel after antrel and potcnate after potenate. "No," said the PTtoce, "I cannot stay; I must be otr ror that wreck of a world. I must stop that groan. . I must hush that distress. I must fathom that way. I must redeem those nations. Farewell, thrones and ixMiipius, companions cneruDic, serapluc.arch- angelicl Excuse this absence, for 1 will .come back again, carrying on my shoulder a People who were anxious tn, & well, and sroooleTl people in whose family there was some one dead of dying. - If be had a purse at all it was emptv. or we would have heard what was done with the content at the post mortem. Poor! The nimttn hi the doive raie. the rabbit in its borrow, the silk worm in its cocoon, the bee in, its hive, is better provided ior, oevcer pir, better sheltered. Aye. toe brute creation has a home on earth, which vans ubs noi. i.i lf oa wiadv days the rswa Oawkwl Uks m daadac skht, Met tse les he levss sss aavea . O ,Oa the h teem ef Ue c!1. If almost with eagle ptatoa O'er the Alps the chamois ream, v .Trt he has sti sis sauttl dominion Which no doubt be calls his home. But the Crown Prince of all heavenly do minion bad lee than the raven, less than the cnamois, ior ne was nomeiesn. Aye, in the history of the universe there is no other in stance of such coming down. Who can count the miles from the top of the throne to the Doctom or ine cross! Cleopatra, giving a banquet to Antony, took a pearl worth luu,uw ana aissoived it in vinegar and swallowed it But when our Prince, accord ing to the evangelist, in his last hours took the Vineear. in It had hnon 1 wartl rnri all the pearls of his heavenly royalty. Down nntil there was no other depth for him to touch, a a s a . t . . I irouoiea unuj were was no other naras ment to suffer, poor until there was no other pauperism to torture. Billions of dollars spent in wars to destroy men, who will fur nish the statistics of the value of that pre cious blood that was shed to save us? . 4,Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor." Only those who study this text in two places can fully reach its power the Holy Land of Asia Minor and the holr land of heaven. How I should like some dav to take a drink out of Jacob's well, and take a sail on Galilee, and read the sermon on the Mount while standing on Olivet, and see the wilder ness where Christ wns tempted, and be some arternoon on uaivary at about f olclock, the hour at which closed the crucifixion, and sit'under the sycamores and by the side of the brooks, and think and dream and pray about the poverty of Him who came our souls to save. But you and I will probably be denied that, and so here, in another conti nent and in another hemisphere, and in scenes as different as possible, we recount as well as we maxjiQw poor our heavenly Prince be- r" a , ther holy laud above we ,3XOiseTul rVC TfnV Ho left behind wnow rTditkH1. enter the Mediterranean by the Hiwn. now . 0 Katurdsy afternoon, la the autumn of rar apart toe jdeuiierranesin, ami , Hu ; :,, ' Jv v- Kti.n.titur tvdsv 1 -,n company witft a avi aa. a wio - " - - a. a- m on the Aire of t kw-l rrivilee. you can I'm- corps broibera, l went to a smsll vuuge rignt rurrenis, ana it jprt your snal into will roll on Into uw of life. or pcoWt roll into number of tn j it in the wronir direction, ami it will the sea of death. But bow far apart tnetwi distances! May God help as to appreciate more and more tlie momentous meaning of of our text! The seven wise mm of Grewe werechWly known each for one apothegm; Solon for the saying: -Know UiysHf l er tander for the savin: "Nothing m impnwwble to iadnstry:n iink for the saying: 'Con sidcr the end ;"Thali for the saving: M8ure tyship is the precursor of ruin. Atsl I"aul, distinguishml for a thousand utterance, might well afford to 1 mmirabie for the nrmr- "You know the crace of our Lorl Jesua Cars, that, though He was rich, y. t for your sakes became r, that ye wrougn His poverty might be nch." The Honrj lire TUnL During the recent meeting of tho American Association for tho Advance ment of Science, held in New York, the honej-bee plant waa under consider.. tion. A lengthy paper was read by Mr. P. 8. Pease. The honcy-hcc plant is of a thistle-line gromn, ana possesses a great attraction for bees. The seeds re semble oats in form. The seeds were brought to the attention of Mr. lYe some time ago, and ho discovered that they contained considerable vcgcUblo oil. He madean investigation, ami find ing that the seeds could readily bclcatcn. from the balls, and that they were full of oil, he came to the conclusion that the plant might some day hold a prominent place as an oil producer in the com mercial world. After making eipcri mcnts Mr. Pca.c found that the oil was C4ual to the best linseed oil, but more like poppy-seed oil. The residuum of the honey-bee plant seed possesses quali ties closely allied to quinine, and tho taste and effect arc almost similar. Kach plant bears from twenty to thirty balls and Innumerable seeds. It is quite proli fic throughout the State of New York, and the cost is very small. The Ameri can Association wilt take up tho cor-.M-eration of the subject and mak m test of the qualities of the plant. Dctnorrrf. DISCOVERY. UThaUr lth antswtel sississa. . ua Uf4 ee r41a. 1 r come, la.8??; r'ooe:a thedoor of the FatheV slA?"S ' - utuia ol wie river just wnere il roin irwa under the throne, or at the outside gate. Jesus got the contrast by exchangiug that world lor this; we will get it by exchanging this world for that. There and then you will understand more of the wonders of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who, "though he was rich, yet for your sakes became poor." i es grace, free grace, sovereign grace. omnipotent grace. Among the thousands of words of the language there is no more queen ly word. It means free and unmerited kind ness. My text has no monopoly of the word. One hundred and twenty-nine times does the tsible eulogize grace. It is a door swung wide open to let into the pardon of God all the millions who choose to enter it. John Newton sang of it when he wrote: Amazing graee, how sweet the sound , That saved a wretch like me! Philip Doddridge put it into hymnology when he wrote: Grace! His a charming sonod, Harmonious to the ear; Heaven with the erhoehvll resound And all the world shall hear. One of John Bunyan's great books is en titled Abounding Grace." "It is all of grace that 1 am saved ' ban oeen on the hps of hun dreds of. dying Christians, ine boy Sammy was rarht when, being examined for admis sion Into church membership, he war asked "Whose work was your salvation f and ho answered: "Part mine and part God's." Then the examiner asked : " vv hat part did you do. Sammy?" and the answer was: "I opposed God all I could, and he did the rest!1' Oh. the height of it, the depth or it, the length of it, the breaatn or it ine grace or uoj l m r, Fletcher having written a pamphlet that pleased the King,the King offered to compen sate rum, and Jrietcner answered : " l Here is only one thing I want, and that is mere grace." x es, my blood bought hearers, grace to live by, grace to die by. (Srace that saved the publican, that saved Lydia, that saved the dying thier, that saved the jailer. that saved me. uut tne ncbeu or that grace will not be tuliy understood until heaven breaks in upon the souL An old Scotch man, who had been a soldier in one of the European wars, was sick and dying in oue r our American hospitals, tits one desire was to see Scotland and his old home. and "onee again walk the heather of the Highlands, and hear the bagpipes Of the Scotch regiments. The night that the oia rwoccn soiaier aiea a young man, some- rrAK met mil hit m m pany or musicians to come and play under tne oia soiaier s wmoow, and among the in struments there was a bagpipe. The instant that tne musicians began the dying old man tn delirium said: vWbafsthat? what's thatl why, it's the regiments coming home. That's tne tune: yea, trial s the tune. Thank God. I AdrerilM) Well. Advertise well! 'tis the secret of glory, stick to this principle fast as a leech; Think of the name that are famous in story ; advertise well is tlie loon they U-cvch. How have men eompat so wide a connec tion, made tin world swallow their nos trums at willf Tis that by constant and serious rfW-tkn, advertise well the principle sttlL Advertise well! you will never repent it; noth ing more wine van a uusinnti man no. Stick to this motto, anl never forget it; ad vertise well it will pull you safe through. Advertise well; do not think what twill cot you: publishers bi'ls are but frienls in digui; How do you know wliat your caution has loM yout Would you be wealthy, you inir4 advertise. Advertise well! though business 1 waning; those who spend freest niul win In lb i end. Up and bo doing! no need for complaining; act tor yourseir. and be your own rrvnd. Advertise well! all lanes have a turning; nothing pays lietter than ipt and ink. Thousands who daily this motto are spurn ing, find that it brings them to tank ruptcy's brink. 1 onArri Gazette. hTvoi:;nr"itenr, ."J-" """"auon, ana a Konnv Doon-were the Ut ha t. tared as he passed up to the highlands of the newer country. And there are here to-day cattle pen to a King's Palace, fricrid soim of earth to atmosphere of celestial radiance. I , , nave no ume to lose, ror banc ye the groan , that grows mightier while I wait. Farewell I . farewell l" , , "Ye know the irrace of our Tnt Christ, that, though He was rich,yet for your Bakes Ho became poor." Was there ever a contrast so Overpowering as that between the noonday of Christ a -.winwHwuwni miu uio mKuugnc or BIS earthly arrival r Sure enough, the angels were out that night in the skv. ami n..ui tteteor acted as escort, but all that was from : wnrini . rw, tint rwm tki. ml ' 1 . v" "VUI uw nuriu, im vno aemonstration of welcome. If a. "vl'rinoea of the work! stem em tL., rNTkresound, and the bands '!r'rv' w the arrival VLI Ull I I I I II 1 i saialirs J--"las 1 1 I 41 I 1- S. aT ation7 for he knew this werU as weU before v .VLx - I " aunwi asaxierward. It was nok tw&ixw 1 V. " . 0 : vu oecause n was easy, tor be tJ 1 1 1 e C0n8 tile music and the pomp were Habit!) or the (inll. Mr. William Brewster notes some in- teres t in features in tho habits ol a young Kittiwakc gull of the ft. Law- ri n 1 1 n I iriiiifrnf hAmn run nir n its mate having licl of thirst, the other one surviving through the accidental dis covery that the bird drank only salt-wa ter! Both the bird obstinately refucd to drink fresh water. Observation on this bird by Irofcsor A. Hyatt showed how slowly and timidly it acquired the art of swimming and flying. The bin! when first forced to fly was thrown into the air, andyto the surpristif 'rofcr Hyatt, flew with great rapidity and pre cision, circling about the bouse and through the apple-trees, and, finally, new near him several times in the great est agitation till he caught the bird, which was completely exhausted. For long time tho bird went through this manoeuvre, showing that while, it knew how to fly it could not alight, though it finally acquired this fsculty. Inuir ticienee Monthly. Fnaerals In CoU Rica. Funerals aro occasions of great cere ttiony. Notice, or avisos, at they are Jailed, arc printed and posted Un all the dead walls, like announcements ol in auction or an-opera, and printed in vitations are Mat to all the acquaintances of the deceased. Tho priests charge a large fee for attendance, proportionato to the means ot the family, and when Ihey are poor it is common for some one lo solicit contributions to pay it. The tpectacle of a beeffar titling at a street Christ, who, though he was rkh, for your corner asking alma to pay the burial fee sa" lfwm Vx- " I f his wife or child L a eyes; ror your sakes! It was not on a l .n .n(l on!ti, I T pleasure excursion that he ranuv fn, it f D? nU 1?1U. H .rtcn one can see a all pain. It was not on astraiiomibal exrJor-. Uier. carrying In his arms to the ccmo- in the Deighborhood of Leipzig for the purpose of fighting my first docL Oa entering the tavern that was chosen as the scene of combat, I fouod the Urge room filled with a throng of some 260 students, irp representing the various corps of the lrMrrsity. There were lo be a numbcrief Xtt1 during the day. and as I entered the first combatants were being rrparol for the fray.. This is an operation that consumes a good deal ol lime, " An attendant first slipped over the right arm of the duel 1st a silk sleeve, thicklr wadded with cotton. Over this. from tho wrist tn the shoulder, strip of silk were wound, until the arm aumed the proportions of a robust leg. A heavy fencing clove wn neit aaumcd, a thick leathern ad fatcnrd over the heart, and a similar one beneath the armpit. A silk cravat, stiffened with the blood that had Mowed from the wounds of previous com batanta, was then wound around the neck, and the eyes were protected by a pair of heavy goggle. The pauck hocn, or fighting breeches, were next donned, these being made of leather, heavily wadded, extending from the chest to the knee, and black with the clotted blood of hundred of fight. The swords, or schlacgrr, were then handed to the antagonists, heavy blade, about three feet tn length, with blunt point, and for onic eighteen Inches long each edge as Veen a a razor.. The bandaged arm and the heavy swords were supported by friend, a to sustain the weight would fatigue the duelists, who in a few mo ments would need all their strength for attack and defence. The joint of attack is the head and face, all other parts of the body being protected by the armor I have described. "The optionee advanced to the t enter r-f h- room, each with his second J"ht left side. The seconds were armed with banket Lilted swords, with which they struck up the blade of their prin tijials un the cry of llalll The students crowded anund in great ex citement, a the antagonists were both fani.'U swordsmen, whe comparative skill had long lireo a theme of warm discuion throughout the university. Klarus. Senior, or President, of the Wcstphallian, was reputed to be the best swordsman in Ixiprig, and bad been ictoriou In a score of encounter. He was a tall, graceful fellow, note! for the rapidity of his blows, and his wonderful nuicknc of eye, while Ilcinemann, Senior of Saxon, was lc known in Ixlplg, but had come from Halle with a great reputation, and had lccn considered almost invincible in that fighting university. Ilcinemann was sotnu four inthe shorter than Klaru. but of immcuso breadth of ctust and strength of limb, and was known to tiosseas a writ of almost unparalb led strength and suppleness. The encounter had been looked forward to with crrat interest, as decisive of who was entitled to pre-eminence among tho Lriptig swordsmen. The antagonist face I each other, the umpire gave the word, and in a crn the keen blade were flashing through the air, falling heavily on the bandaged arm that protected tho head, clanging ag.tinst the iron guards of the sword, or meeting in midair with loud rhuh. The blow came like lightning, leit so quick wa the parry on each side that for several rnioute neither was touched. At length the Welpha!ians second cried Halt! the blade were Muck up, and the arms were aught and supnrtcd by the attendant. A stream oi blood wa seen trickling through the Saxon's hair. The key of fate la in or wm haals; we oftea unlock it aal then throw tie key away. ? Th-v alv work who rUat the rosea. tle were we little Utter than the beast Of the field. Habit, like the fvv of our walls, ce ment and rnnoolHlatrs that whKh it cannot destroy. When the forenoons tf life are watri there U not much hope of a ctful ad fruitful err ft leg. It i a great mistake rt up jour a m r a. 1 . t own standard ol ngii ani wrung JV'V -fS-J- . I nliiK Tote'l whstansa ajs j-sy tttcatwa I J' tn the Iuopim- to sf-vrtaia what he ! jm r SawasiMsl W attstl Wffl 1 tlasf t f a A graceful per -r ore lr Va aerep I TL'wTutT !X lance. to MARVELOUS iyJE.yiU)Siii 4. r-f VZTTT t .- M ,H . m4 MM It M in. irt mmt A I , - IM S ' ' I sirsrjx m orxm tatixxxx. jutt jsk rou XiJL rtKMCtra fMtxn,! itrrvm sroAnooA TZ3 rxxxa. Iselsif ewtlrslf wv4Ahte, ae,. ijMt sstwiasea m jm rrsW 7trr Jsilii!"A raVsi SMsTtNTiJi" a Istsilts. slwrsilts. sr rmntttJ? SICK WWmi . ry ''- -4 s n?aTaTr??P I j( V t'r T1 H ' streee rt ssl rertlts slUsa give force t Uju,; ami t-jj JTrTCSrr S.ia'.ni k.I'wwi a -UT: Convince by .H.k and pt urr.' 1 s.. --si wie JTt ( mmt trwiai 2f sw eae4 tw iaw a- . i . I " "- .tTi i iw toi a sstnnsl M s ia m Perfect symmetry never tluce lb t a-iwr. ux s. Amr 1 T"st iTm 7 s-ZTt e fleet of vsttnc. It i only by studt l ZZrZJ-4ZZ s-- I twvw -7-wi Jng the detail tUt we oh,,,- betel tU - - 1 L"t A VX""' wble. I - - - sw i v- I Wear, at best but ,tr-.d...f -11 , tu I I rM-HflJirRIM falsely rail i-ir own; jrt atari- i. s.. --- -7- f t k VttllllR H H -.wU ft s- r 2?r I V 1 a sass. 'ZZ2 iTHProni or ca tab MM mmtmi I WVS awW irffWVIca St IM we laatUble tht it I nut liberality la routet it. C'oune that grow f r-cn rwnstttutUxi often forake t!e nun when be h sion for it; cHirgv wh'ch arie frwn a sense of duty act in a uifim mntMr. If joq wumM relUH yr fol. llf for it: if 10U souUrntt't tur taanwwt. I r ri r. d I saaasfa -. J( aasaa r iwv for il lf'rc w star it; f 1 Mrr would sleep Mundli, IjKc a tliar ton Kicnvc t Ul wilh yu m t4e H 1 A rajlax Teller's Hlf XUIakr. Aa areusing incident. anl one whWh for a time caused a circle j lag Irlkr no little antiety, tccurrcl jrterly afternoon at one of the numervu city bank. Il ws U thi lr: Mr. 1 Joha I.IIU, who wa on hU way to hi home la New Otlem. tqwl at a we!. known bank to bsve a draft f !.! cahel. A the jiii telW rvfucl to pay Mr. Klli the money tn.lil he hd leen properly IdentW'e-l. CV.looel laTt oil waa sent for, ami ujn hit arrival the PHiofT was pad ovrr. Mr. HU. however, had no inef left lha the paying teller dicrtel, to hi diraey, that indesvl of fl.OOi b- hl Ut 1 1 l. -(HH1, The Colonel ws immdUlt It n ll finl, and in enmjnv w ilh Mr., I ihl Townsend wa jut aUnit sUrliag out tn find Mr KUis, when thetrttcr rnite. in. and, with a face radiant with y. aunonneeil that Mr. l.lli hal returtel the money, saying that he w a 00 hi way to the cars and del not learn the mistake until he reached thetickrt office. The funny part of the affair w a' tlte frt thing that Mr. (31i d in thel-ank to the teller, whkh wa: "Ywuo rnsn. yii wire my wife a letter of aihgy for mk log me loiny train." .N-s )Vrl HWi. (S M ISMS WS I WM mm m ft . k. . m Mm I Urk I - k-4 m0-mm mmf iwflkoB i upM)Ut 11 1 1 w 1 1 mt sw y I ! mv 1 1 M mmm4 M-4 IvxrSt. U ft Ml a 4 ft rf4 MYVi. B Cl s-w. U-x:r e rsesi saw trm sre wraa. wsTT. aS tanssi 1 it taeea e7- l tje Mars. vwfawv. scasMe Mn rsravr ta tsest, fimrtwMa 9 sssxtsr. scsrae was waia fes -ew. n rvcw ss tA4 8W1 awe a SaaJ tsmt ; ttw teta ss xfMkti mmmxX a sssa v w. kwii x I hum: iw s sft a n I mm" mm wmmm - mm mmm lbw W an mt wmmm m mm m i. mmm IMMP Ttwl im sV ..t Wt-V St. mrmmj m mm mmmm TW mm rm mmM m mmm. tmm t 1 mmJ-mm m m f- tttmm 4-mm--S t. to" . tM MWt. mmt mm mmW mmm 0mm hmmmmmm -- m, mm mmm mm.4 immm mi tmrni t mi mmm. MUM m ft4b Jm I mmm mrmmmmmff mmm mmtM Sins. I mm mm mmmlt lW W STWTjnna SW. wax iumsjUs. al w4 t wm. !a 4 m mmx M n giui i tm, see si. mmt Swftal mm WW tt.u In wl , ri.ftwa,i)iial " - TW ei fmmrnm. .. "t rmm mm'm tmmmmt mm m4 tmmm$ $ i mmt mm fti mrm mmm IV. tm-m mm fmu me-SO St t mm f mmm 4 9 f M I i m m T m ftvw m,mmm,m mt " mm, ittl mm W mtmmtmf I mmm mmm MwMf trnmimmn mm mm m .!, aa4 Kmmmm Umym tmm in mm I lllllllll re r if mm ft !' Aft.ftl mar. t oirT-r, V a A Hatter ef Jfrssary. '(' yott and Johnny run the gro. errs forme. Irani. -! rvtueiui-r Is ak for thrve j"Miud of i -j r tll, I ciimi rin im.rtuUt llr pound, anertl Utrr I ruk A hlcratelr, "if Johnny wi'.l trinnnUl 1 llts'lWstl Keller, list C .' in the eirlamslftiHt 4 I I (Trnj f rmi ralarvh. To all rh c : t'alrfl can l enrv J ty 1 r. Ki'ft t 'iLi t h lU'tiMlv It I ui twen " In tiarU t ma, why 14 In T"irf mir iUnr.-r Uln iHm Tn- Awaa islSXl, liUUaVs . 1., l-C ahi-lWt ,-n lliH ites An rnllitt4lfc iijrtm - - t cut ! ha vent M-vtt wm ht4l-r ( sn b. yr. lleaaSB Uav Wvrt.1, Aa A steal. hundreds homesick for heaven; some because yew . have so many bermveenents, some be cause yoa have so many temptations, some because you have so many ailments; home sick, very homesick, for the fatherland of heaven, and the music that you want to hear now is the song of free grace, and the musla yon Want to hear when yon die fat free grace, and forever before the throne of Ood you will sing of the 'grace of our Lord Jeans a.ur world opened for him nothing nan a barn door. The Rajah of ihmere sent to Victoria a bedstead of r Varvei gokl and a canopy that cost 97&u,rxX), f I but the world had for the Prince Of Heaven and Earth only a utter of straw. The crown jewels in the Tower ot London amount to 115,000,000, but this member of eternal royalty had not where to lay his head. To know how poor lie was, ask the cam drivers, ask the shepherds, ask Mary, ask the three ' wise men of the East who afterward came there, vomut Caspar and middle aed Balhasar and oki Melcboir. To know bow poor be was, examine all the records of real estate in an that, oriental countrv. and see what . vineyard, or what house, or what field he owned. Not one. Of what mortgage was be -ue mortgagee? jz w hat tenement was he ine landlord I uc what lease was be the jesseer Whoever paid hun rent! Not own ing the boat on which ha sailed -or th Ivwst on which he rode, or tha Tallow on whih h. slept. He had so little estate that in order to . pay his tax he had to nerform a. vninu-U patting the amount of the assessment tn a uuia mourn ana having it hauled ashore. And after his death the world rushed in to take an inventory of his goods, and the entire oKKcegwe was toe garments be bad worn, EUrJink in them by nisht and tnnlinr ii H"?. b day, bearing on them the dust of ueuiKBway ana me saturation of the sea, Paul ln'mv text did not tm for- rnun k; . the mark, did he; when he said of the mission- ary rnnce: "For your sakes he became noori 1 1 ' The world could have treated' him tr it had chosen. - I bad all the means for. mak ing his tarthly condition confortahle. -s Only , a few years beforeCwben Potnpey, the Gen- erai, amvea as unnoisi ne was e-retl with arches and a costly column, which celebrated 7 s.n iTm. zzz.r ftt: "rvv"' --wwmwilim snxR. ana hmw i ' ' VOdfflrslion of .nm and thirsW-i7 win. -W,: For your Sk3t. ' !'.,, w' , Tn fara-iva rmr wresur- nanionship your lonotmo. to sorrows, to sit wiia you ny tne new-maoie grave, to binl up jour wwand in tb agly battle with the workl aiid bring you home at last kindling up the mitta that fall -on your dying vision with the sunlight of a glorious tery the cotHa of a UttW-wftnot bvinrr auie to cay ior a pnest and a carriage, ioo. lUiycr't 2fugaiimm roj.U Diamond. ' Of the greatest induTTri Ci?7 V otne yon. .rdam l the cutting and polishing ol i by the rww-trtade ti;.mnn,i.. -n4i nMri- -il the fin r.t dia mond in the world arc brought here to I cut into shape. We w ill make a visit to one of the principal diamond establish ments, and when we get there 1 tniaa we which gradually spread over hi face and djed hi shirt a bright crimon. Klaru, by one of his famous strokes in turn, had reached completely over his opponent guard, and cut a gash some two inches long iu his scalp. The doctor glanced at it, pronounce! it not serious the umpire gave the word, and again the fight went on, As the combatant became heated they became more eager lo strike aod los careful to guard, and soon the fare of Uth were masked by the flowing blood, which clotted about their neck cloths and stiffened on their shirts. Both had many wund, but the quickness of the Westphalian had proved too much for she Sason, who wa bleeding ia a dozen place and would on ho obliged to give up the contest, itn!rs by some great ef fort be could regain the ground he bad lost. His pride was aroused to the highest pitch, his eyes fairly hlaxrd through the heavy spectacle, and I could see the tnutclcs of hi leg eon tract as he nerved him If for a great effort. 'lie rose on his toe and aimed a blow at the top of hi opponent's head. Klarus raised hi bled lo ward it, whea In an Instant the dfjVrtion of the 14ow waachangeil by adctUroua tara ef the wrist, and, intetd of striking la tieree. tho Salon's blale, ia quart re, casne fall upon the unprotectel check of hi p ponent, laying it open from the letnpl to the chin, ami fairly rattling sraiast his teeth, two of which were sintek out by the force of tho blow. The swords were at once struck up, Klaru led off for surgery, ami Ilcinemann dee tared the victor, after the fiercest fight that had taken place for year. The victory wa a '-rTj r-. j jhf! tc tof wa MeedlSg from no les than aetraleen cut, ine sears or faaasMaat Tt arret a c-fi-- vr rlr vft i;: hb Krral elwrsnrv, iimvriiirtil i rn puilortfthip, witlMHit wsittnx until Imv K. i uot a travricr. Ornl a !-, t rtirWfvl m frliow man. H n inii. rtl ' (uvii of a lre"t ibOa-tlvr. V.trn n" tirp lent U lb rre.t a di w whs li. if t rU.l- I. wtl I4.1;U ! Wtpy a hrtmsn bfe. T1 f rvapsrel t;l. kaul of ai'ta4U. erttrvail Lansuar 4Hlitj. latllhl nkirt. and taftlily a tw aral rwif. n- nouncw the ieaj h 4 invar-v einni Utm. wits b a etnr arri tsi a-vii a nmtlv nin 1 bv lr. l-ecrs -.4.tcn 4l- raJ dtaeovery. H.4-1 by dru The Itntnh pn.h l rbH!jr Int. f-l. d3 two IhIU. in latwl I4H ati iiu.iai.) li. u Oom wher the WnodfaiA TWtaeih. KaJS sea saaawV hmt TaraMS m Urmm wmmmmt Omb. Weaa tfcSJa. Warw. T as rS aa. W aaaa Jkar. trUra. - Waaa. a. It -iasi aa. IWCaafa. bssacsa rVSAto Siaar. rfsnm, saaaUa. Waal. OfraaaMlla, rcJa ataam swsta.aca fcaicaaa. wrvaa Umj. M XNr. ROUGHjjDIRT mi auftr-2fia rouaa. a wnasft ;-erT. A aarw Answ- lowsa How to WasM mna ran. Dishes. Gl3sswafe, Windcws, YOUNQ GIRLS .Tz I.n. o as ea --ft- mm svaJ tnaaa aa - towia aay Unai.ter f tsj a a-i-i aaey : SJra auv SI eaa la. hH Sa fana wAtWiSOasaSTsSCWWO -a.alaa s we aaai ia. awrtarai s-saar rraw rx-aai o aJtaa a W aaa r. f at W arw a asw Ua rsaa( tmiMmTZ rWra. lArttcSM a mmUm. TV If aew. Vtmxl can t aa4 soataera .Wa e enil to fVmm, a rl taa mami t I 1 r I rVaas; aaa tmm aaav lWfM T 1 iraavv e1 taiwraeaoa. IS A SmT tSS aOa Javwry tWy. ROUGHECORNS t rs mumX. sau4iaar. si r. V. Save saserW S. sssie mmwmtmmt CataWSft, I4 " sa, Crtia sol rslsrrksl llesveasa. rv! r rwraa rvieawi m taa twi4 Agewr trHs Cauaevtv.- t. wr. ft a res sa. tw ff 4 t ". .V I. r t I tar'na SUl.iSS saar rmtmtm., H raa-f aaaa s- awe kararwH svjb4 s I swaaal . Wf wa aarW a tat war. tt "T mrm. ar. mmf anaal ti naiaiis sa Ww I mmmi tmmrmt awa a-ra. a w i a ae. la e SMtma Sf r ar aiaT sw aaae S t anwi ft ' aa. nl arwew BWV tl U" l Star f V. arr Sfapsaarfr. Saj Ismw asewaSav I wa S wa aaa taw rmT9 fcas Uvw favwaasws. Ur Itawhta-C avast as-tlOwa Twsat J. Itrwaatsaa, Tm. tc fw fM. M faa. la fawl wasa - trmm rmAmmTfm iumr ml- rft. At tm) I m-mjmt Wa4ir Mm a4 was mm aea swwSnt a4 mmmXl mmt. SB- fa t taa f mm tmmW mmrX lea ta saieM ISamawaS ev roaai Sap tSa taa. tf. 1 ftliw lo Ur I Nel Caused LMrft isl I sal nw S sw. I lala tkw aJr sasee iai l a. HMftlatasa. se wae sst mSf a a tm-f irwl iai ainan as urn e rw aaf a ya raVai s cwre." Twrsw rWttWw twee Caatarva. tti tViasaa, rrat f H. flrfaMwIaa ea. rmm ata- -Hf 9A "Ke ww mmm mm W r m-mX, VV tmVf. I t. mmmf'' C1aseri Straw f mi-r-mm-m. mm t m-wi a Umm ! mrf. m$ aaa mmm IM a Satvar4 SV : a laae kal- t a 111 wrav. saw is sa f xsawsi ytars as e4 Wart.'" rw ftnailfcH C rmmt IUI unttittl. liui tun mm tnitTii aaa an: tit. I mm itntiitattL HMOT K.MUI J A LT mmt OAU 9mm la. Imf. Alt FREE t ca loec. t-ttiii i4ai. r-- u. sial tstnrl ante ts rwe w.thit .hvaii-ian. AWrews ttT trvll. to entts In atanttw. Ve.'a lht iary Vllrai Asairialsn, UH Main Mrert, liuHaki. Y, tee Mill :, w ilaae. rl Trwette lisTrl Will rasw J 1V':A1 r.jjnwiO? r. (A CATARRH Cannon ws flrt uwl In the flrl half of the fourteenth eenlory. flfr ft: lie. FHEF.!-To liiars Uatv A tae. f4. Kn rm h ctsas. oval lrit hl t ae. Adlrras at tmw. It V.Ttti. & In, Mate Ht, llucw - ' s If yoa ar !! rl with be iiMm" I want tokwns l..w t torn vuwr turn lata rVcy tark!v aal 1 4-1 as nt I jr. mtiw U V. V. John! A. t- lle-nrl Va TWf havt a plan ii fa4 that j ! tajht rim ally lit rotmanr. fm 7iJf( mmm a V iUEIj's Crean Bala I .A..NA'.N lllliiaiMotarlftr,i La-rTyt. rea.ta uaaaavSM.rr G OLnNaautxswva tansrs Sea r,J- a. mmmwym XJmm mm ft. m-4 at fa m mm if "J-j- ICIDDCn'O PHlSlOIlSS555v EE1EJ1I3 FIFTH tTEEIL iTT uajtaBtaas c ha mm Cam S0L0IERSSs.u- Uw- V. rCwwe. 4 -- pATEriTS I aaa. raai il Am in m, ffiraiii roirrsr aMaSfaaai CtAp.oaf.1 i ten iTlnSMaq ('aaaasilas Siaratf t In the ttbte; IVaa iafiens yur tnm-l ers that 1 he a aaatl rewftrdy f-c 11 sleta nananl iImiw. Iv Ita tiva-ly N tbnajtd of s-raraal HV a-riat a-Wltly ewral. 1 ftbaJt ta lal ti mm I I a.. tatbw of my reeunly rasa t aay T .r rvavWcs wt tasra nmattntl It IWy ai. 1 ina their i:iaa and I. . skl fVaim-tfullv. T. A. MLUOL'M, M. l. 11 ivsrlru. X Y, roorp. Kor your sakes! o, I win cnangs . ea'ifhe fT iX U .urnriaed to find a great factory. bleceedoeas ot the text myself, and so 1 say For our sakes l For we all have our temp-; tattoos, and bereavement, and conmcta For our sake 1 We,wbo deserve f r our sins to be expatriated into a workl as much poorer thantuss earth as this earth is poorer than heaven. For our sakes I Bat what a fruitful coming dom to take us glorionsly up. When Artaxerxes was huntinsr, Tirebaxus, who was attendirg him, showed the King a rent In his garment. The King said: -How shall I mend itT -By riv ing it to me," s-dd Tirebara. Then the King gate him the robe, tat cornriaanded him never to wear it, as it would he inapreopriate. Pee the startling and comforting fact while our Prince throws off the habrt IsV not ccJe al lows ns to wear it, but eomnuukhi us lo rear Its and it will become a well, and for the pov erties of our.ptrltaal statsrwe may put on the splendors of heavenly regalement, for. our sakes! Oh, the persoaaiity ot this re ligion! Not an abstraction, not u arch under which we walk to behoMelaboJ rate masonry, not an lee eaatle tike that which Empress . Elisabeth, of Russia, over lOf) years ago ordered constructed, winter with its trowel of crystal cementing the buco blocks that had been Quarried from- the frozen nvers of the north, but a father's four or five stone high, a iteam engine la the baaefneat, and flj-wheel. and leathern banda, and all sorts of whirring tnachinery la the different stone. On lh Tefy tfp floor the diamond are fin ished and polished, and hertf wc,eee skill ful workmen sitting unore rirxijy re volving disks of atecl, against whicH the diamonds are creased and polished. It require great skill, time and patJeuw before one of these Talutble reroa is Cl into that shape in which it will beet thine, sparkle and show its purity. Nearly half the diamonds produced in the world,- the best of which come from Brazil, are sent to this factory to be cat and polished. Here the prat Koh-l-noor was cut; and we are shown models of that and of other famous diamond that were cut in these rooms St, JtldU&Z ( iimbhUi, sweafala. ra-r,al I t u.rrv, vr sani ttsAaa Canras, Chronic ( oWXba end tVeaai lota, nut la rwet.1 ty tba law rfrrw rst lev I we-1 .. lvrv (hi w.lh ll'4iat4Va awawat Kytarisna laaa it an I inti f M Ha c.rwl stw saw resat ll b. Is. wa 4 K4 Kwaks-l f a aa ol-li! t w.Ulbsa orvhaxe. Is mm of Ap)a-Ute. Imwassnaa. Ha .-flnataw, AC All 4 llaaa lae sw ML aeal I lalarvw tr I jr.aj rW4 Wa4 WaWl I 'aWa4a mx T. J. FltutT, M. i.. Iaiiar,Taaw. -I C see rtia Tk hbaic Is a famdaar a;M t u which he will carry to his grare. liat be 1 awatMa-r rewtrr. miiu a(vae em a' legarde! them with indilfcrroer, a U I Urf " IW s-l4ewt-wl w assay year. now stood forth the I fat ivoelunas la Iinrig, ami the fame of the encounter, innAvi I . . . I "" m uo JMiu, ai tm i Z'nl? KUieatOrlhon.sewitiiawKle hearth erackyn.a hearth . -i nuvTvcu ,v ww ms 4 welcome, a region of irarmui and i aod the dctterou stroke by which the victory had been w on, spread through the corps of all German universities) and made Ilcinemann famooa. 'Seven or eight duels were fought oa the same day, ia ooe of which 1 figvred and got this scar oa my check, Cily UeUI Swells. Festbactty hel wvlla. 11m dne s walla .TVhat asJalne swirsa each atUtoA .... 7 talis ' t How tba cW, ci, ecW An thf tfr. I - Ad rack rvotVw, raxkUirocw-n il- IT. II. ti.V,t4 .m. SMaaaWTwtl wiia rvartal a a awaaaa'at aaj4 la Uw lalfwiftj .Itm aiaw s Wav r iVab, ewml nw niaa ilua ll uWe ArtCI rnKsaal A sa av aftrara 4 r cl lath the Art a! a tne sawtt lia r-e bm reftaaly tn aH aa.?rrea aha. WTtVa t r U it they give Uar iCstevaaal I'taafaaeattrefta, tsatlara tVlvea, SSaaa-ev-fj 5sd fear rsjatt-aVt ns Fals Itawsaa, tn mcmi4r ssaUt. ir. J. IX aUrttal. I'laraJ. as I Sick Headache flssassswssaas V a srsi eras rot oiaa v sw Vara SMUTIUl.a Saa ti rftaa mmm m m taTa Was waaaMaft aaetarvu FOS CHCLEEA tlfUTCO. iiTm? Ca rr wnt, v-s rw ir wii(.sv ii e -e rr- 4s rki ji(i iix iuJm oi it;FiM rvla. P Ksrv t JS mm m"mw aa a TiMPImUTIUI Mali S a a a. mmmmf mJ mmt fmmm i raj ft. aaa a Qa mm .4XntaS ur a ymm w i laae m. r, i do sat m a. taa1a4Jftt,al4tV 1,000.000'; FCTIi-fcaA Sec STiit? fy Cric t. I CURE FITS'! e !S"a"a ' ftT-'a ' I I mmm Ammmmml'ftTi H mmf mt X mm fLLlU S . a -mA m li i 1 a mf mwmmi.mmm m i i t-TTmt mTmmt Vaft tAmZ fek mmt tfVT SS, Km t mA tmrnrnTt SS SftW 1 " M.L,IMrsfttS. 0 raa" r.CrT Tslaaaaa1 S e-v. e, rrrsft, I iisws a-e aT sTXaa a I 'm T atT a. V A GRAND OFFER! SclU Rolled Coli W js tirrjl a-xvxtirgr A lady was talking about going into llstcneJ attentively for awhile, and thea I exclaimed : Mamma, are anv ef onrre- I irarmUi ani iuspira- Utio&s hklf-lCadP - - I lwMl 7 aUtfeteaT . from early saora ,U kOe ai nl I r . thehotasil 1 IVaiW iWX UkryswwU! ov - T i my mm, --J mmm hm I zfi- 1 IttaVrsa elsirr rsaa UwelfroEa pmmtn Ul U doennktow. ' I w 1 1. ft I aru t aa . - t . il t. . i J "i ij ff VSV-SW. tjB. a. a. aas Sa aaa S il V U 1 I "I ( t I a f LtTs 'IH .iaawtaa, aaay4 asy arvaiaSaaa M IS S t.a 1 a a. . lv f I ttmtrnmrnm rj-jLT Sa waa. at ieaHa. nUa. I " - , fC V YSJJmTl -t---ra.s-ae aW. . an,. , - Blair's Pills. Pensions?; Hood'o Garcaparillaf as I at t tmr S. riliaa iV tfCtsoaoaro,! rffca.-JSa TP. 4 xrm ran rATALnailKmt. " mm m a. aa a a- mm mm m m mmm mmm mt m Ti rrsw-w M'r.Qm- Ta::.trfH.Drt3. I i . mmmy I . . il iui. mm m .rm mmmtm M m ..- . i mm. , m a s a rj i - mf "" ' I