- . " - ' " 'j ' J6' - - - w 1 I v ' , - j. F. MUKRILL , Editor and Publisher. El UAL AND JtsT LAWS ritUMITLT EXECUTED- !.r5 Trf Ataata. VOL. X HICKORY; CATAWBA CO., N.,C, FRIDAY, NOVEMHKK II, 1887. NO. II. The Manufacturer' ' Record of Baltt moie publishes a compilation of the in-frfii-f in the manufacture iof cotton in thf several State? of the South, and the ln f-ntae of profit, which iwill average fully per re'ent. on the, Icost. Fullj $1. Vi(,( 100 is about to be expended in n milh in that State. In North Caro lina $:',6.-,00qwi!l be expended in Cilsc .(.'"'inly, while in Georgia half a tloen pV.lls fire enlarging their capacity. A like n tivity prevail., in Maryland, Texas iiud Tennessee.- DYNAMITE BOMBS. Found in Anarchist Lingg'a Cell ( ir a'liaq botanist. The Bpider ! dug up by a classically A gnr cn of keepakes is described by r;ian( lien. The orange lilies cams fi m Cat ada, the bulbs being given by a orchids Iminded I fr n(l from the debris of the Monte TMaccio at Home. The Himalayan strawberry that overruns the beds ar lived in a letter as a specimen for identi ti.ntion. The lobelia in the hanging h;i-k t by the jasmine-covered porch was we t-ted once by the thick, white spray of Montmorenci. The snowdrops and cro ( u-es, the hyacinths and sixif rages, bring b:u k bright days in Switzerland or Prov mko, on Welsh hillsides, or among the wiM and beautiful Mns.achusetts' up- liill!?. Tar DmamllUiK l.n.i Kerl -The De pair Skrria-. Kenrrb ike ( ilrnmril Mrmm' rllt-YVhai the O direr Think. UjKm searching the cells nf the -evrn comlemned anarchists confined in the Chicago jail four loaeled Itomle yvere found hidden J away in a wmm1i-h x, which was "concealed under a pile of newspajM-rs in a i--m-r. mc time ago She-riff Mat son eh-cieled tet scan-h and clean out the cell of the seven distinguished prboiiers. Word was Hent bv the sheriff to the frie nd of the cetnelcmncd that no admittanee would Ih given to the jail on thi dav. The entire force of the deputy sheriff. rciiurtcd at tho jail for elutv.-" It hm shortly after !. .50 o'clock, when I.ingg and Knircl were led from their cell- to the consultation cage, and the earch gan. Enge!'. ce ll was first cute red, and thoroughly examined. The U-d and In-elding were looked over, the crack- in the walls, and the table thorou.:hlv ex plored, and the clothiug hanging around the cell searched, but N-yond a few empty cigar locs. some fruit. Ikm.W- ami pa iters, nothing was found. Then the The Unit d States Agricultural Ie purtment's report, just issued, gives the -average condition of the corn crop in ten Southern States, and on this basis the yield for these States, as compared with last year"(in bushels) will be: Slates. Maryland Virginia. . ; :. . .. North Carolina. . 'South Carolina. . ( ipnrgia . . . . , Florida, j AlaUfinvv Mississippi jl.ouisianji , Teins. . .-, 1W7. if..ro,o o HHiCI.Or) 32,0-21,0 n 15,70 5,0)0 2.00C,(K 5,1W);) .T2,K,0 ) I . 487,000 10,030,00!) 80,247,000 KING COTTON. A Rather niaeaaraalac Retlew 0 Oailaet. la I he (! rirN. The rop rcMrt of the New Orleans Cotton World, i h.- follow : Th-"tiit-i i.uif f the "M-a-on i lL-ap in in in (tMiiiKirion with Scpteml"rrrJivttr. and m crop even mt.il b-r tluia that of lt M-Nsn is iei"rtcd in the rrturn. In Atk.ini4. Texa and Tcnarwe the drought cut hort the yield greatly. The ontra-t in many jrtioo f th nrt nnniiil Mate i- greater W rean of the 2tn ield of la.t Mvtun. In Tea the ctoj were nttcu. lontratel iln thew tke Atlantic ralurd State frrl U tter, and while not reaching th ei-M-ctations tf the late summer wilt grt nion- than in Tte tJeoria crj wry iium h nttel, and a carrful rrtiew by count i d- not jutif y M,ine of the cent ral rpumns of the prltM t of the State triivi-l front merchant- at lsre centre-.. Mi the other hand the Carotins will come up to the late general rMinmti or excecil Hi in. Al tl:iui4 h not turned out anythini; like what ' rryrrixntly c-tim.iiel. the .irit r jield iu hhip tPiiH l ing more thrni off- t by tti- tl-. i ri H'w in other. In the lower Mi-siiipi allr the xiHd. while m much lwhm. ttie ip mie .... . I A GEORGIA HORROR. Harder of ft 8appod BercBa In former. Tt rfrKiriitr ih nt4t4lr I"4 H-Th Br)H of M OBrt t Itarwt r. IIraIo CuBtT. Irglt ttmti t the front ith a ptnuino brr. Tht fad, a f r p..r1cl to Ih 1pi1 Stall uurhal'a oflnr. in AtUnta. in-lt-cate that a man ntnrd M.-rptn w t.rutllT mnnlrre,! aol hw wife tfuHf t-catrn. atnl the oatt rnuMP ltr! ff J the drtd i that tb tnurdeftr rwlitfl Morgan to I a revenue Mtttt. Mr. WiltUm A. Mrv ha for mum lrr of jrar rride In Il4rat Conty. near the Atina !'te. A few cV ac a fwrty vt mo wcol to M'r rilencr." thej lItevrl' that he ha-t irn informtHn w,mU leI t the t urv .f McAlpin tlUtitleit ri the ?n of I If toler. Ti e altat king tM aine.l witk 4l Ik or hel t hit of Iwrd aiI tin 1 t ttln M"fn el littrrll frtrai wa-' deputy sheritTs cutend LinirH cell. I t(f the cwrlv fniiting wMn. is "jet ale i:.,o ?.,(k) ' 2,7'.tt,(M 27,2i:.,H 13.:',is,0;i 81,107,(10 4,l'.t7,KK 2S,k 1:1,1k x 25,.V)7,U. C 14,040,(KHJ 01,2i:t,0(Hi(l I 2W.45H,(KI0 2:2,412,KW These figures show an increase of ovci :!7. 000,000 biishels in the yield of the States above jriven. The new 15itish coin, the double florin orjAoilarv-is believed to be the beginning of the end of the old pounds, shilling, pence and fartfeings division of British money. For a long time the present pound has been reg i l rded av an inconvenient uuit of monetary value and many sc hemes have been proposed to remedy the fault. The London Chamber of Commerce has now under consideration a plan m iking the four shilling piece the unit of value oi dollar, arid dividing it ..into cents. l?y this plan nearly all the existing coins can be utilize 1 without creating any confit sion from bavin? a double standard ot unit value in force. The sovereign would become rive dollars, two shilling a hall dollar, -one shilling twvnty-tive cents, wlu'e the new- coins would be ten an I five cents, tlr- new ponny two cent and the half -penny cne cent. "It h strnnge," recently said Mr. Ties t on, the acting director of the Philadel phia Mint Bureau, "how the demand for the minor coins keep up. Last year we cent", $."32,37( in ,270.50 in dimes, and the Phdadelphia mint comcM s.V.I'i .lli m nickels and $1,095 ft the present tim? Yr; $70,000 worth of orders ahead and an:.ot ca ti the coins phia mint. Ill up. Ih? law only allows to be made at the Philadel The increased demand for them is ddubtlea-. due to the develop ment of the country and also to the fact that ttvy are u cl to an extent never kn nMi before, especially in the South and West Last lycarjwe coined gold coin amounting to $22,393,271), which was the smallest ior years. This year our gold coinage will probably be still !e-s; hut that does not mean that the Tieasurv holds lets gold than formerly. the only difference . being that now the bullion is kept in bars, instead of being coined, l a t year we coined 000, 000 in silver dollar., w hich did not take any more work than the coinage of the $2, (;0f0) in fractional coin, owing to the r. umber of pieeis.and that is why our or- deri for the latter are behind." while its foi nier ik i ,iii;Mit 1 autetl him self in the corner of his temporary prison, and watched them with eager eyes. He was jiiile as death and trembled like an asjM-nlcaf. as the scan hern moved anmnd in the little stone-walled rem. Sudden ly two of the three men in-idc jumpl out to the corridor, while the third man held at arm's length a miiiII wolen Ixtx which he carefuf ly Carric'd to the jail otlife, and laid on Jaihr Fotz desk. The Imx contained four pieces of gas pipe, each at unit six or seven inches in length. Ill leu with some heavy substance ami plugged at loth ends. Jailer Fot pic ked up one which was closed at one end with a round iron stopcr," and one of the otlicers pronounc ed it a veritable dynamite lomb. Jut then Sheriff Majsou arrived at tjie jail, and ordered that the dangerous wcaMns be placed iu the b- and sent to a chem ist for analysis, although there was no doubt as to the result of the examination. riun the search was continued, but lc- yoml a quantity of rubl-.ish nothing wa- lound. 1 hen the c ells ot 1-i-c her, J'ar sons. Spies. Si hwab and Fiildeii were searched in the order named, but no con tracts and articles of anv kind were found. It was decided, howe ver, that it was Inst to change the prisoners cells. All the prisoners, except Lingg, submit ted to the change and search without displaving the slightest emotion. Lintrg M'cn.cd much worried when he w as told of what was contemplated and showed so plainly that something was wrongthnt the jailers were not so great 1 surined as they might have been over the discov ery subsequently, made. Sheriff Matson was seen on the sub ject during the afternoon, lb-was ery reticent at first, but after consideration, made a clean bre:r-t of the whole affair. "We had no reason." he said, "to make the n-arch at this particular time. That is. we- received no intimation that anything was w rong. It was me re ly a precautionary liie-a-ure ehcided on some time ago by Jail r Fet. and myself. For sometime there was nun h ef amnesty buiin s going on I hat I did not e an' to intcrb r.- with ; !od e ilie ns who were iiite res!l in the condemned men, or place any "obstacle iu tle ir way, I'm 1 1 we felt as though the linn -had conn to take etra pr.-etnui.uis. and so .l.eid. d to clean the cell's oat. Of 'course, in view of the- eh vclop-ne llts ef th'" scan b. the most stringent prec autionary mea uicswiU now be taken. The prisoner will not be allowed to e .er i-e as much as formerly, ami the number f vi.-itr will be restrieteet. No one . ill ' allow- e-d to visit any of the condctnne 1 in the c age, ami if any int: r i ws are grintcd it will K only o near relalies. ar.el iu the pr-scnci of th i til ollie i:tl-. I won't say .H,t e ve ry vi-Uor will 1 si an lie d. but there will lc no opHitimity for an e xc hange of anything wliateve r lK tweeii the prisoners anil outide-rs. ; As fetr Linag. 1 lont know that lie will Ih al lowesl to se e any one, but I have lujt yet fully dec id-l on that point. Henceforth no lm.kets ef victuals er fruit will le allowed to Itescnt from any eif the" pris oner' friends to tie m. and nn lcttci. er .lisiLitebes will 1m- rcccivcel or sent until 1 . .-1.1! thev arc examined oy tne j iii trtn all f jtiirtU at lha Fair. A grrat tlral w a tec a aria 4ibe la CVlntntia durta thr t the aiortrvcth Mate Tatr. ! tht hart of Ih? Kg rttha,! thtT ff mtaof BeTtiix all rH lhtr tjwtt purtM aal a I tis; to th vk. th ry aie-l the rlrf r-C th Tl fm of ih0 Me Atwl!I W rhankal St-tt re a4 at lb Talf rrotiM. hre rtr rt wd loj to all da? t At kM ta ttefvti rmitfr ff tW rl at Amictttrl l!t! t att tat "ea -- --- w 9 tee. Ar. lj:tOf Whitf.fl. w W" Ik fitT a eritWl. Mi.iefil ltl i.W dtlk t4 ha l4..l'tn1' W trip of lui iaf da tl Wmfw N TurwUt tb KU .1 A W tmniTHwaU w e forlb-t atrt SiooUy than IW oUj !' Ilof fair ok. W Kti tte tfTM-l t fsrite-II r-ircr il. m. . a.n - a a faiK.aavaT am Ual him to dr.lt, in the lo-en.- h "" "1' "'"7 " l : ... . I tuilate M'T lllnj iif ai r T,. - aoi'i in Mtr l'w l jo-"- n WASHINGTON GOSSIP. iUirvamDtuxattf TW dnWT t4 th r- .u'.9 ha- of rrJ t th r tim dj At-r- n in . a . a a I it Ma-ui. but the cam ui' in Mis-is-ippi. The pie king sca-on lias prordvrry fa vorabb on the whole and the rrop ha In -en gathered unu-ually early. Nar lv all vi r the In It fnm t thipl se, n- o ht . f the rp wa- ri-ortcl a pie ke-d at the el.ile of our n plie-. .a fercshadowe d. hwc r, inur hi-t rrjrt the tp crop has proved a failure nearly eve rhe re ainl little wj tnale in VI-U-r." Worms c-ut sli-rt the prospect in many se-c tioiis. ii'Iding tt the damage by th drought. Light fnt-ts in all the States ami kill imr frosts ovir a verv con-ielerable tvut of the Wit have teen reported "luring the jsi-t month. Below we give our esti mates ef proeluctiou bv States: Yield per Aretface acre, luahs iVniluet'n Tti tut a top to er rrir-. e.rv i 4 '4llant ttu k lef re l-l ea the head, and whilr lr t tbfe ittntioit the It ft the Mine, "h n rn itne-4 t' tutnd tlw full ritrnt -f her aff.H-tH- a t't'all ! Mr. I!"r hu-tand lay rold in dralh. It is enjVtureI tljt the attarkift party IhI nt at fift coni.ntpjjte jny thin mrr than giing M of can a Mrte drnM'ini;. tnit in their r il iim ut lint rained! in thtir hhoa fiotr ami fat. For inetime the numn off. nlhe extt-riem rl troijlle in .rl"on tint. Hevrnue Airent ldieiet. on th: I tlh of ilant-l of Virginin 15,70) North Carolina 1,HY2" S..uth Carolina l.Vii).4e0 Ciria Fl ri!a Alu'ani(i Tennessee Mis-4-Mppt Arkansas Itusiaua Texis Tota's '.Oe.u -M-.'JH) Ktt.lWH) 1 .:5,7(X) l.inw.aw :;.7T i.KV . tle. r.t :t7 I-; : l-t :su 1 5 l i :tt o Jh . 4 4 t 3 4 34 balca. :r.n7 '.l.Nl .t'.'.w ri:i.7in 4..NtJ l.stt, 7ii 17,yyt,.Vi0 .4 3 5 .?i5,iH the iab A Dist rosing Accident. A distressing acc ident by which twil or more jersons hst their lives. h.pM nel in Pa-sejuotank Sund. N. C. The schcMMier Dccan Bird. Capt Daniels with "('i PTia'ioV we are tild by onclof its r.iivocate, '.s making gradual bult cer tain progress. In addition to the crema- passengeis from Nag-lnad Kit A Big Ship for SaTannah. Tlie- dim-tors of the (Jcstrgi i Central Railroad at the ir reinilar nvuithly mee t ing, helel iu Sa.anuah. lia., authoricl lien. Alexander to contract for .i ne w freight ste-ainship. It will I built unfl r the charter of the- Boston line. The ship w ill In built at IJae h's ard. at Chester em the- Delaware. She will U :;.'( feet long, ii 1 '- fet t tN-ani ami 17 fee t elraft. loadcel. She will It furni-li eel with triple expansion engines and will have a speed e.f eleven knots an hour. The new ships taming capacity will I- eight thousanel Iwhs. of cotton. or '..o'Ml tons ef gross cargo. She is to 1m- c-ompleteel by ScptemlN-r 1. lisv. She is not built fir -my line HN-cially. but will run to Philailc Iphia. New York or llo-loti. a-; bll-ines,H niiirc-. The -ti adify inc reasing busim-Ks of thettcean Steamship Couipany crowels the vcs.scls with freight, ami additional ships will Ir ni-elee w h n the new roml i eijN-imf te Birminghaui. It is ho-d that the (oMMh-wat'-r i xt n-in weiuhl In comph-t-el by JaiiiLiry I. Uit the we.rk on the two tuniie I- is net cs.saril slow, ami it i ii.tw feared tliat it will t" early spring K fe-re the line c an In oiN iicd. A Flau hi the Timber. A eli-ire -sing ae ih nt iN currt in Franklin. in wtiich one man a kilbel ami fe.ur prot-ably Lttally injuml. The MetheNli-t church is unelcrgoing re-juirs. ami a eonunittte apjiutcsl by the church to l.H.k after the weitk iitisl the Ituil ling, ami were invites! by the workmen te g njion the saff-hl and ...L.. fin r v.imin.it i.n A fl:W in the timli ri of the s. affethling cnu-cd the Mrui-tujrc te te gie wait precij i'ating the i.iimitte- thirty feet jo the ground. Jos. phi W. Cretw. a men hint, was killed ..utnglit, A. S. Walker, a lawjer. had his back broken. J. S. Ilai.lee. proprietor ef the Boisseau house, had hi t-k broken, (oorge B. Knapp. grocrr. hd Uth hip- broken artel was injuml inter nally. V. U. Jack-i lial 1-th leir bioke n and wa tnjurel internally. All are ptoenincnt citiren- and li-inc. nieu. January la-t. ith a ve. -fimirrd a di-tillcry ne M-vn nun and aj mule in the northwtrn art f tlir cint. Two of tin men were turmd Iojtm.. The mule was carried to Wa-o, titit mlir wanl--toll n, it i up--l. by moon shiner. The rrsidence of Mr. i. tbwe. who wa- smprt rl of gi mg information to the Ib-vi mif official. Mirned ly incenliaries tliat night. In Fbruary. while Mr. Uoar wa Jtneling the night with Mr. C. t'ome'l. liot wire timl tul th tionr. s-terl hxlcing inlet the ld-tead ami in a fa ille in whieh a child wa- lajing. The tent of a phtograihr in Tallj-a was al-" teim dewn. Ins -ol-e he wa- mij jH-ctrel of giing infrm.ttion t ft-cnei agents. tn t)ctttNr II. Dcpttty Marshal thn vjn anl Itetwe, ant ernnc Acent fo. ejuitt, while traveling a rtMel in Harl-n County, attrmitcd te -top a t"ggy l.id cl with whiskev. Eight or tin lot were timl at them, but they -il un hurt, nnl the i-artic wht. tii-l the tiring got awav. Tli same r renne olhrets on the night of tVtotirr laptuml Mr Alpin's ili-tilb-ry an-l John McAlpin. thnx mile, front the plnec where the di tilb ry wa- capturcl in .lsnu.iry. Th matter of Morgan' elralh will In thonMighly inyestigtitl. ,, I wa aiethi1atia '4 all t !' ra !U ,,rl. . ... . . i . II A M -l:l' M n ttd--Ni the aim I rf all tel ttef-l WrdfteacUt ffifli--0 at th ltf Jtm-lvJ lit iry4trl t the met.l f-f a '! U area. At It A M H. l .rtn cf' ttettt.-l' tn ! lte .M tata ttlltdirfi; the yfoatreK At 7f I M tit r.e lrva. lb- -r c mr rtw lrfing thTr .aMf mil- dl ! j S ilh Cao-bna td h-r. fde t-a . fMithiftg; r?ole hel, tf4tlj: - b ', Carolina, riel It.r Ja -tl aal jtHingef. anl half itb Hatt'j a e. ! IJe lve At I. Ih WallartP lb use A rnet at A$rt cultural lUlland rr a-ldel tie annual rratof. J. S Vrrf. of tv. clUttt t aanca. -f f Ijwf J Watter la t-C aa4 tarf allf fpar4 fa". h Ii etfTs- tV-f J t nl TV r-xi Wit h a! flrtj Thai IW te-t sae aefa I lU ffm tee t" tir l'e.Wfl aa aa mprjro Xaie aea-ax -tv.1 T1t tV r ! f t.L.-a r tl t tmr t!4 ar eea? aal tklt M I atjnuiaf I m -e t- V tftVf l'Ia. aV'k MeailiMtl la tlt I 'Nft la 11 tew 4 r4 t T fct al t taV, TVel Tktl t 41 i ajaaa a iW ? n-4 ttot atf aa la Uaai I W C in1 VJ a.e aWlar4 iW rat . al-tL aoaf ! ctlai TVal IW artaaear aaa a Vrtt't al IU m ttanmnita 4 ? ""v ato it ! I t0 ti aar-l tfi.lt eaf tWa lrf a,a lUawttre, wet a. .4.l- t ta Ik- lfl .rt. aa-l iKat 1 1 eel-see t va at a - lb t 4 ia t"aaf fti-l1 rm fifth Tl I W fmi;-mt aa-4 I" I ft rtlf IW ef af a rr.Ua tV aea t IWm frtf- aaf-va!:ti mmt a,t Wrf laa al a- lee e- tW delate I'r-aft. ! Uf,tr fa te t-il fcjiote T ats r f ff ael f f-ta er-a-r--al J t I U 1 , D aat nffer? jt - A. . Km e j arjA aij f , XTeaat tI tM cat. a a a ' fimtt aaasaa aal t aa na. aw - tur-.M(a aa ttirn a-a ft tf-tmtt f-w-ta-a tfrrf f-t. r a f a a ta n "e j A aa u-a twa ' a a J 'm I njt' 4 I a mm t -m h m muvVLtJ I ' A TiUaf - 4 at'Ma kra wf earf can a m-ttm tiaeaal W at a aw f aa ae a . aa v 4a. a at te a t mtr a af taat fcamaaaa raf J a a a (rm4 f amy aae aaaer aaatVI aa a a -r- cf i awlin aa4 Va aar re a".! a " AIm uaaa li i-a t ! a mm- 4 anaawaa " A a 4o... lHO-ttOI aj ! ltva Teaa ae riatJL tvmm aJ oU mLt'mA.m4 M erTaaj IJtwa a--ea n" ef a.iJa ajraaaa4 taa aaA-eaa 1 feeaa 4 a m wtawc mm maj t a tha ea awt-txeaa a.eH4 ia eMe.v a mmm a 1 1 an la aw !). TV t tm m4 ait-ra N taa, teeat er- J ra atfiaaia tmmm mwar t a- S- ea t-rN4 aa aaaat Wea mm aa amarat TWf ... tlw l-f t,fc"nr,r lae ptt it iKat. . ataaal ft eala-f jj aj !.ol ! l-e-t tl'd Mark at'.l rw er t tsftt fet ef atr .tii aje I i4H ft Fftiafl- vt-l . ,4a. I a4 fat-aa 4Wa laa f. I Ma Iaa aNHCa.tawNt aa X . raav. Tun ajai a a a. a a a ..I 9sm t -11 afa mwmm w mmm atorv PmMent Waller tea I hi htfrj of lb I hrf t?f w ,v ,.,,4 , ,w Imm Hou At yM trie '.""in-i rf w f,. Givda gr th-nr annut military V. f ,.,lhfM Mf.itv I aift tCC AT iV 11 1. DON. . . . .t If- " tory at Mount Olivet. Long Isla'nd, one has been established in Buffalo and an other in Pittsburg, the last using natural gas a a fuel. After the first novelty of thj process wore off, the newspapers ceased to. discuss it, and so the sub cct has ratiier drifted out cf public ne t ce. Fesides this, those ia charge of thevari- our crematories found that some people whd might have fulfilled the wish ex pressed by deceased friends and relations thaKtheir bodies should be cremated, wy-i deterred from doing so on account of yietnotoriety which in the early day of its adoption attached to each crema tion. Notwithstanding the apparent lack of interest cremations increased in frequency, and while the day maybe far pff when this shall be the usual way of disposing of the dead, the arguments in its faror are becoming better known. With ihU increased knowledge the pro cess gains in popularity, if that word may used-'""remation with an. err. at which h not generally looked forward to with treasure' -. '? Jc ? -. C for FJialM th Cltv. I he vtHl failed to reach In r destination on time, and searching parties were orinicd. Dne of which found an upturned tNat of the ean Hird adrift in the soiinel. Fnm the ceuieliticn ef the -Ntat it i thought that the sc he ncr wa- cap-ireel by a sepiall ami immediately sunk anl that all on U.anl p ri-heel. FHsidc, Capt Daniels and the c rew are Known to nive been on the sch.teuicr as jmss.-nj rs K. C. Howe, a school teae he r of hlialn Ui t ity II. A. llenelrick-. a painter ef Xair hesiel. Walter Midget, of Kuty Hawk, and a son of Capt D une Is. Uc lief par ties are out searching fetr the mining vessel, and anv survivor.. Cotton aid Wool. I he l.noree manufacturing cftmpanv. with a capital sten k of Jt0.U4l has Inui chartered by tju secretary of state of South Cartdina. The object of the ir- xration is the manufacture of all kind , . or couon anei wooien pxeij. me- com pany is compose.1 of a syndicate of Charleston capitalists, among who'ht are 3fayor AY. A. Courtnay, Francis J. Ptl zer and "Wm. 31. Pird, Thev luve pur chased a tine water power cn the Encree river in lAurens duntv, 8. I' know u at Tough Shoals. The necessary luiilding, etc., will I-e erected at once. All The cotton mills in Stuth Carolina are jxit ing handsome divilcnds, and several new companies are in process of organi zation. . A Tobacco Fallot e. Tin Fr.enk Te.bacro cnunru. 'f In - " " - . a ille. Va.. wb.tli-sale dealer incicrani tolwcc-o. bae asignol with Inbiblie ot I aUtut $1 !.". : a-rt. a tea k valui at trom ;." tetajto.ix'anel lk aci-ount- whieh. Mr. Frankly, will h-w : ."i Tin re are arfcrnd inditor to tbr amount of f4.s-n. Mcrrhandi- tTlit are all on the Kimc fia.Ung. The f jilurr isattiitnited to dull ttini-v. lar Col- lection.-and the ratten cd" doing l'ist nes. An Attempted Train ITrtc kl;. An attempt was made near YorkiUle, S. C, to weck the north bound aAcn ger train on the Chester and Lmir rail road, which i operated by thf Hit IinHoI ami Danville. An iron rail wa fasti nf I acrosj. the trk mar the l-not wlicre th train on a high trctlr. The ngtne t lortunatcly knokrcl the olstructin eu without sustaining any darnigr. The train was running a'tout thirty-five nil' an hour. The (ia rraar ml Vlralala at Nana C ara llaa ralr. The la-t day of the Uemnokt and Tar lltiver Agricultural Fair, at Wrldon. N. Wl tarmti titafl aal I - tla. ltlii tirr cif I laitr . V a m nr - a - - -' --' ernor Fitfhugh It. of Virginia. A lrgc rrowel w a prese nt, nnmlteting. it . . ... . i wi i, oyer ."". o. tr. wun Col. S. It. Witt ami C. M.t. Cowaidin. tfhi-ftaff. ami hi private M-rtrlan. wen- m t by a rminii!- anl etrttil to the fair ground-. Thlewa. nonion. en t 111 lN.-ai0. of the uthetn 'blire of Katern North Carobex. ami Ihv. Ie n rertiyc-l with a trt tmnd-Mt wi ,orre lib preeace rverywlH te reateil th pr foiinelft rnthuiam. ltovrmer Ie hay ing Imp escorted to the tanl. wa eloquently introloct-il tty t!cn. W. T. (o)n rts Antlitor of the State of North Carolina. Hi brief ajTc h w a like all hi uttrranie well tim-l. ami happr. Hi abb anl tonlcnri picture of the late n.r ami i'a caur ami hi rl'K ela tion of it rcfult brmiirht mnv a ttar from the vrtrran. wh attf ft It barl it. The t.ofemr in the eariT!ttion o hi- atblrr cited the fct that in at jinting the tatumlry line latwen Vir- rioia ami erth I arvlina lie a TPTr hepirr tliat. with the i.-w atvl fratettiat relation eyj-ting Iwtwien the t ff ttrnal State. It would t an aliw-t fruit b ta-k t lraw a line Iwiween them. 11m tnaoly anl -tratchtfrwatd epitome i f the taue ami fniit of the w ar wrrr li-ten-l t- w ith lkittt tvath ami liy ap4ae le frti time t" time ly hi hi- rnthuMaottn an I attftie atVlirnce. Thrierheer wre i;in oo hi, apja-arance on the lml ard at th n m lun oi li pf n. ami a iih- ai and the Suth Carolina t tu'i held its. an e nerl meeting t t btt new tmtut-r awl ofliTt f-r the tntiing year n ThurtaT. " the day of dai-C lh arrna at the Fair ground wa the wjf tbiring thcjrdi'Jiit-"1 "- " !; of trAt hoe in liarTce etV aem tte in sujlh Carolina At "2 n. ll rae tn can. ami the folt..in' fratutr wire teentcl; S-ye eitrhth mde eah l Swith Candma raid It, mile ela.h. one half mile hat. mile lrat trotting. At p. m the craml ftrewtk lil4y w a give n fft.ii tier r eten At the ame bor the annual tweet mr t-f the Sith Caftio Acrt ulturat and Meihantral Sifty wa If Id t AttWnl tural Hall. Tltete: wa a meftinr .f Cetnfnlrf tr utivor f e f ganirall -f. To crown all. th annual State m ly the Suth Carolina Hub w a, gtyen thi night in the lull of tepff-ntati. which I rntw a hamlne. a- it ba alway !- n a iHr. a ant in the Stuth. tn Ftlay thre wa a dt.pl ay of ! tile hoe- in the anna at the Fair ground at II a. m . ami an aHti'n e of fine lbalel ttk on tW ground. At 2. p. m. the rat"4 re tun. emNic iog a mite dh. thr quartet mile bat. half mile heat ami mile hat. tr-lting The premium wrrr awarde! In the the afternoon on the ground.. At night the new C ongare" Club rate a ltlltant grrroan in the hall of !Urtwfitatie. llvrry ettning Main uttret n lll'immi ted bf the arc he ef erob-rel ga licht. ami t at rt ) playrl Ml the Mfeet ff I be entertainment f y iifr Tl ir w a plenty of 0"'ltl f'f rer y lat . 1 .... . i. . . Inum H lifl I lie ! tail rr na rter gitrn. ami I Ik- ilin bar y' el- r I la-ttrr nf rtamtmot lltn trf Im mmff - ta t.ia.:Na t ajaa tka jaa aal to at an ) orv a"t(U. a, t.a mtmf'W iva rrif f ttataa.Vana. pmt'tltlf l-c. eaa ta aa tava a l ate-ag an V - asj Wa-'e : eeiflu ?rt t a fmmm re-r-J If t yaa itmr.Kart? U t fi-! '" aa a.a'x. aaa. 4 'te pa1a I a Ca-ax tat n m3 ttf r.a a ta t-a Itrv VAk ' 1 . ata -ta f m a lr e a r1 a f V j "f aairvaa- ta ta-jeetja e ft U.aa i aa ft mTt . - - - l la f ttud.f hae aa fftrtta I ' tila at I & . mr it-!- rf tpat-ai Ke t . I- I - tTeaSera) e.-Taa- a, Vat tf ti ,Va 1 tm k Ut n-.- lH.-ftae-4K I.. 11 . 1 akwfWWI.nal faj era- ' " ertiS IW f e-e.'t cra ai . iaa f ka i- t . lUtifnaa kaaai Mr . - wi-....... ... - pa"f Mrrtaiaaafcttalra.r 4t.-l ,t,- W-MlWt lre,e. ka. I I (f tkef aaifaeraar tani ajata ea t taa a -fl --f-tr. the flttaa.l. of t .-ittr ,JaJ lata, aa4 TerT'c- tt Hrea t:,-a it-fe .f the ! iea- f 1tea) aaJ Ivaaate ara a ttejer tWarJ aa fra-r f Irfk in tb N'ra V'-fk la-t-awbo-r. t a.aW. talaara HetaiM n-X a-l fTV" . . . . 2 i ,.ii . .w, ....i ' Weaa4eaaj ta4f at a2 law ajtUJe" an- oa-i f .aa. .Wea.Waa amlrf Of favrai nit in. teeth fu'tt'' pfdrrtt-tjth at Na Vfk laf ifr tb t . fi'h I-- Haw pur Aar)ar Llte-L The th w tthtt ajr takref ati thief clfrtTl tape-a th r-f.Ktl ri ra?tl arl cowrnt-a Xaay tear ae,o It IM enlf eat eif IStetoT lteI la rail btit. ilh to hiftret i-f (! ala a. with r-t aepa'ale fpittmewt 11 day Of , ly ncb. n- ia-a ra I he P--f. ava nff efrtaUy tn H f y-fp Iha bar rath A ta,r a th ttee rf ..dair I IU. tht hu4htM feirait-at f reetH. well t lfa,ira fe-atteI of a II laVax thta Utary by o tsraat a-fBtireta, a bra a rM if tekleg rrrjs t ltdiroo. a hfa. cafty a rajt tltp ad toatel. Thry hal ao chaua e-f tabb. and rtf o ta lb tVtier erf tL el-.l;tj l here waa athis K-t a f h-.l ! a-t opav. With thif hat-.lt f Idr chaat fae-a ajf iotroattb. aisl tt waa fi.lte- ft liaaat to ha- t!it at iaa th fn-rf ft dT. ler lteJ l"tef te rate) tar aH let w r-iroai ar la, a aa tmr t r"4 t e4? t an an aa lrae. IWea M a.a a a teda ajJ ainil tW? lit taa ? n-eaea-4 tta (ft traV aa ttt t na It eailf itm fe-v.a tea, ft It aa t V r j-a. uraeiy. ViawNurt, a-1 fi,aa ea. ibat lafa iaaa tulM traaa li -flf e-j0r'm leaLaJ fa-vA.! afaeaa at ajtartt - iaaa ef ! tam i-ef ta ax?fa la IS ee--eat !" tt tVoaa'a . 'aeaeatai- f a tj If a tt m evaait ail lata rrat;eaiet Um raoa n ajaet, a tint, tta ttes e-ia'Ws 1 1.1 yCaa ef ta;N aJ-a aje-.taet -. aorUea? a ra aaf BtrV' tr-- aaerrj rl .ar r-aaWa I rata I c-aar.. t . ae' -- v ra ta . ar 4 ta t- tVaa etf I aa a zmm rrawkat' aau 1 1 earn I a ta !t al , NrktaUieajalMUa tl t f el e iaa tea f txraala ca w a t ( 4aa a tat awtaaa at va M r- rt fj tailed reai. ao-t ia K rJC :l Ut fte uatan a ibt .vi avi in - part ll'Bfl Itotr Xttrh a !jit. It hAt beta t t'culalt I. t) U-chaH A. rrxt"-r in V C t , that ct the atrrae, fach mn thi atala tLt a;eof thire acorr aal tta foamnn dar irg the totir cf ht life tcaty watoa loattff fool to'wl ae I tl al I At laat Ion to the taa q, tat ttoul tfta roI to aa atetajf of bot a hnle ounce f fol per dy. r tii e ert buodff-l and tteaty oie pee t df iog a lull life, ar att.t C-bty 4a-r-dur.t2 lafaact an- ye-,'h )Itt n rm dortoi a;iee m traidir kua drfd a-l teaft ieetf f -! pafdtf. ctrrt apoo'lie to cm it hair--waa f liquid f--ei. aad iry -r tight r"v-f' of aotad forttl, a ta rtfeat ef ra daily rF4Jtefne6tt ef a h-atiay aata tt imui. IH wiiwt rt f ttaa r thaa thia. ta on ai; aath, darta; thely. l. jVtts- . Iron aa eytea lira tatlt l of tKa dtey ft a'rj aadcrt, -ftaafft, at I l be be'tef jd fUeef artaa ta-l fffe et. it ret la trtj Vn, ftt-l tb atfaj ijm'.t lvr ttf ta tta atrrt axa aaa. tlwa aa !--. Va f"- fmmr fc laaa art5 ta Ik rta tart. Uxr aanajef aa4 l4-fe eafe. aa1 ttaaax. rt.e!l asal -taawtvi - taa taa tt b-e-a. t2a U"', tr' -nv. a r. t p-rt. eaaaaf r4 la afc-a mr mumx, fat e i- t-4 -JL mi f -a rry araarW ea! it tVL . TW real Teta)e'-a AUaea Traaaiaeaai kaxt e a4 e-e-. I wo era? t?a aanit ;a aaea mr aak..ta:--as 111 rxLate.t tV aetaa ja fWr-.-a " ! -" uara aerWsia-aa. TWae: ewatrav, Tta r mf t tjea k-aa aa lia tal atf aa r'A a iw r-"UX. at--x a! ara -l laavt Or ta ' aaa a W .c-a. y VIII oir Ce!jtaa) f-Jal tea I a eaaf Wfcra TWa eaaaaa w uaka H TVt Zl av tea ef j Itt rt '-avtl aea.tesaH It r-flre. and aw ivb taiKlf e-f tea-l.taf ? 7 71 V!ft7 aa eeiaN-ta tta kW-ra I Wta vt f. ..t aaaWal al- bda Btr. If aav f . at J Jcaly J ! TIn Jt-aa l-aireeita t W1 a rfdca'f f tt tat af tie J IiUieJ'. !: .niall-.H taa 9-Jvje-f t at ariraa t crmfMt tacnH rt letrftlk, L.t M it j tntm - Te-1 lib a tata-a r? Ka; r ''r-? iae.fei h4 aa arh f-l ir Z -t-tkx li- a-t r i uJ m m Vw- tx.1 el I way la wkxh tsy r-a j mu u.jra n ra i , y. aai wy tt ta ahiird to tf. 7" 9r-' n- ta fit -Tier txitr tal ty trfWav,j rf 1 t1a-M..i,tjl.r . . ...I .... Mi.t ' j! fT I IXal r C W -t - la- Uttff as tie ff aal -t,. ot.af mrAi u u M tfh tblrt at tlvey . H t?a..sa atfry l gtm tw aenf urNU few jafa h te- r f ar! t Ii W a-a Wvkw.t ttal hm ta- taiae hiyrwi a e-ar arar l.fa, . Irala vJ m m r Ctc aieatifc-ua. .Kiel, la trtar tatTI U frtr4- w r , a.a r , tV. . . . . f r'-t a-lfW. a l a.al t-st a to tatar i f a mi - -ea4 CA.U a-a if rV Ca fat A Clx Car of Bell- I n.tatit of aeNl a ilel fd tt tr p! ii-- on hi i oim lu-ion wa thing out. j hadfel and fofty tt'? ce-iaret, I - the lemler f th- obi t'oofetb rate jfv . Ie rnaay take ta-aih I-. It aia-a I three i beer ff .ei r Fitfhich I titMt maty taar aatrli aa-e la Iki. av. tlte net Vier Yi-let.t of ll.ce.-'l . ' -i .-e aa allzi 'r ?',,vr Mito 111 atl.Irr wa abW. wk-. I raith the I car tit ea aa i.ra! t"rm Hptnt. Mtri"i-, an truly ultional i ratcwUlrd f.r ra b anaa" aM-TtraT turne- n laftl Iw'Kaaa, jba bt e Liiaj IVe y -taeaaat It M a .. '" lt aaamr at aX - - ? aateaaTat aaat taa aa 4i t v - ra.aaat -t a eaf I r -m . faa 11 a aaa lo.Vc alfetri J iaaaaatattl fVea-J. ea fee t " m-t. T-a itfl ll'il ta rf tml'ir-a t i raett-! ta lh TaiitH tt JteaatOf! j TlN timm ff-w. ta lit! tV4W4 teaterday J j TVa av!Naa a4 (Wa "-a a at na Mtef M't'-eadff. t fitta fr-ta tV U a4 tve t-. a-4 a-a mm .i ta, . t i i-a'd Xia-e. tf-Vl atwaat S,V ,!- -CV Oat 4 ea ,r- I MM,, a, at a I.tlJ Vl ffa fit, ' ''TJl ' ", ' . . . . i aaeteea - lanae a t mm 4 r ' vMtf1. llealll. lWI. TV. f ;,,, Tkef tf . 1 - fafwaata f! aeit-t aarea erNi H . at " aVVf aat-ea-- n -- kcir-lW r. a a-) ! th fral tli f I . Uaawl-n Tw a r a- tViaa iaal. a lai4 , t ac- f . w . ! . . . S V ... A V .Jn , A. . . . uwi ,. lymjtif Mtri --y . utWar.T7ra ' ' .t. aa-Hew tmtaa t f rlftfn!. .-. ..i. f a , w ltiacW4 Ulefawliiaf ret e -i t-r.; TW l L 11. 7 tW ad l thai. a , W-T t taw a.- eMv, I- ea- T, , a . Lf.a! .lja---J- Wa ff-- W t. aa pwte TW " A awer Kit Hy rifrlrlrlly. -Georgia started, built and conducted the first woman's college in the world. Killed IIU rarsaer. I.nke Russcl, a irfix-ctable jroatng far mer, aon of It. A. Kusaa-ll, living near lableton. Craven Ccmntr, N. C. shot and killed by Hill WilUarov coloml. I.u-v-ll went with a pn9c of eitiiens to arrest Williama for ttealing cot ton. . He U-fV" P into the aecoocl f4ory of an clMlding to M-arch for Williams when thn.1 lter trel a loa.1 from a pin iut hH lid Williircs made h t-H-aj. ! a.y li'd in half an hour. Io hit praad ho4 at CrreKh. Coon., Mr. 11 11- Jchitoa. ore of tfc new electrical m lUntire. ta hoia what can be door with electricity. Tha houe U on try high xnd. al la o nearly ablate taith rlttri- b-hu. latiu and out, that it Ika frn a greil iba Uace like a crJ tcaca luht, Thaj wiodia- raata of the groood arv4 Umt hou arr Ure I with Uean le rot laa;, ted rich tor" f lie hi? la tri-nt-! with them, the tower wtTea at a lan tern Kveo the la a derkrJ taith Uar t ia the gr.ad t brat joar.5 tceaia p'J 0,b- D'1 lhe Uuu mower that trim tbr era la run I j aa e!tXtric aotar. - J4 The fatteVrdj Thr total wble aupTf -f etXtoaj for , be world U tZ,l Ule. cf which CI ! l6I. tl rraprcti,... ilajttTrar. The recrii4 of t,m,fl thi at all theintfrW tt1MaTT?tH,j:3 lair. The ncci fttn the- 4ioU tionf. r- lhan-l U- crop ia .i;.ht i .,?U rlf Ctifpileat I I"h an4 tiilhot aajf flckat teitoat, nl th e5c.tJtl1t-aa.ata "I tMik tmr )fe. 1wiraaa. at K fet.r hfwd eeea." ThTa. avaKrr ft tlV Iadoa ("rN-Jse-f t. t teak a-O fartcer. w h" w a-te tntaf K ia. horaeif e-a, ad af il Ha, led t thti. flat? ! Pie. A aaa of etifawts tat'rt, vIni-mbj iW r-etfan f.tr Itoaai.' bet tnakla; lb rei rf lb- h- pi'al. i ft. le-rralira;. (a oHcf to W-r pevple die." IIMtw red rf tW ejif irtrat f hyikiaaa whrfWr th Lad aay Catara!t ca lh of baih. aa-I warn t rtcHtrd aa arcaafite reply, te e-i Uara to ho alVwrd to atari aitt trdaide darief the !y;- raoaraa. He aakl tht ha i alrauf hia.Hf foe the 'are, aad avlcr:a,l tktt taata Slf aa( aa 1 I'oaai sa. &aU a poat of tiljia; the aataerof d'h Irotai tl Ufa." Aa the raaa n iLoxnAf .. Ui: eeataad eridratiy n hla atraa rrijwrt araa -fraated la aoaw f fh Jfc,. puis all ho ;b U wa rrfoard la riVera. lie iar artably malt lapirir iVt m-aiof lb dTntrtu 1 it (aai rbrr lb t!rl p-r-)i rre r"or acst a p ; ; f -1 to tlelioi.'t, a a. A. a aa aa. 1 1 A -- -ar mww a . d.rH i- a -.-;i r f-r' at - 11 a. a-1 itvupi ir-aaj a l--l tacr aaa aa faa-er mf aaa M aw ri ea ee- a wmir a n ' f-a ww-7 w irei aaa a anain ati eaatertjafil it 1 tai5eafy cectAf, Waaaajr-r ,. TWt a-eaaa it a w htdd t T-t-t, -i:iri s LU" 'ljl J.mnir4-? axlcad-d frral le,.ff frt are j laa a. u,.- "tat tkaa ta- uta.i. t atr!t ar xae4 a u n f--., , , tatf h4 t a at-t parly at a.Ja"a, W j JT " m - I l -- a ft CS ara ttUrrafe-l i aaitf I J :. , Vfwaa-l a, IW aNWeea4 'f Uer:ifr a-Mlo a ,7 ar-i? I aal tW-a ta a afua. TW o-J I att-a. ui i,- rian u . ta . a'S-c waa fataa. aSeaJ lfXr lor crtrf lAttS ta Ik of aal ataf f'tarra. mm eetrea kit ter aaaUfl of lai aJf-a. J9ttJ fit lJot4S0 hat reeaif-oj at tlK-i-4 Iertita, aatat a.aa Sea MUaaalaleii taa eau p la t wi im aa 4twf-a IX ranan f, ea Aa 1 n an ia a a . ,,11 fa aawtaa aa arraaU aa TtMa r m mm a if aa aaa I-e eya at' IW t a aetaa l;ri 1 a erf tttr. IVa ,'ar aa U fear the f t3enai; f paJ f laat yOf. I tV IWatS 1 - aw 1 . aJ caf ccairrau f lar xrT" i taloa. aVtaO f X'rm$) tmlsrmUml. t( aS iW raA. Wara Uia la I aa-. rv-aa aV aa Ua Uar ftrati f Ca- tvu War aay ra .aaaa . i TW . Wa eaaaa. are . tCW I aaa4 UXm a aOa A" attMU asas Vf4 Wo a. TW tnaUl Wl.4 aa CW trw, Aa) Ii a-aa ea laa . T"" a-r-! tw tv- !: -. a , fcaav ra-i T ft- ' C J. 1 : w r-w n v a-a aa aw? ia a.. aaie a4i - M-iiU teaaa l a raw r"r f - i - Jl a taaua f-er n ai ; oaai ara (al aa aaa t tan ap a rt . TW ra " aa r- a to Mfvul fl Wa efertaai tac a a Wait A rar-U.;aj It atnr--j i rt, a ainS tNt taw sta-a Vat a" . ; a U,. t ta II M UNi( ff -. , .- ea a aaaet ar a aaa IVat U.'araaJ tea. if W a ef ar'l. Ha aai- tr a aaccW a tWt -t te- er. tact aa va rra-ai rn tVe. r -acU . taa Uaa eaekaa fan.vnt rt I'm m ae-aj ta la fa-t 4 a a arnil 4 I . r tp rrt; laa leCl I-e a a- .a at -a IW t xr-- H V.e I I r- . ) a f - oat aa ft- mm fei,t-MC. , kotra-j ) t t - I

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