3 0 R A N (i K C 0 I N S V e ' ,fc Se to 7 4 v S ATL' l: ! A V, Nov. Kb! J. 1- JOSEPH . IHIt'-JlS. i r lil . r . l- rre x t c jTiMIS would have Z.i! of Wake count v. 1 s o.d. i! liagar. Outlaw h id, . ':' si. to her i:' ad to on !: :.;. i:- cf tiu; k:.i.': ! i K ill H VAG! c write- io the Cincinnati K : ': 'lowing bribing a aa i' Entered U ; boro t gh, N matter. C or.:. V! i ; .1 -coo L i ::" 1' K .1 ni i". i .'.: . a.. t:n Hi :;!;'.;' 1 v, . :.: . ;, . 1 ri'i'-'il native i":v:'-. .-,1 . bat I r ;i.i;.uT.. t A' :o - a ' -.- l.-nt. of Heel, folio -A mg ::.- iiii-'.ih 8- 't a saloonist,' wa -talon-d throngh th.' heart and almo-i ::i'i:n'. i :v 'kihcd Saturday tn:ght by lV.'er ! Wines, a negro. He made 1;:- ;-:::h u o! kindiu s.- is the oigan:2 1 1 -r '' it consti'uti'u j W ma rrmi becan-o ".),. than man. ii'.- of iov -. nrev .i::v' lf h '. U IlU.v. Ot: body a tempi The s i il tha jXvncrw.Js a:'f..Tt:ons fashi j. lure into its own a.- the 1)V inhvr- !.t. 4 ii;o Is i-it : j rj 1 i-i Htili at. iar'j;. l i . V xan:: V. Ort I".-: 'ijor.-. i-'sy ny ti.o t.a.'U'j '?:-, :ibat f.art--ii ' : 'i t t it-' tne stall ot Mr. w i.- lti the tua: Kci, oi ii',vi;, uini vi- (ra : i'ii M -s 1 viiol'ls. an fir. plf, . .... ... ' . . v ...!. i...t i :''. ;ia:u II- 'i'ornli'.i-oii, . . . 1' i v . 1 .. I as . tiiff ro arc - lau'S ironi '.vihi-i tll,t Sv fj i official returns have i.ot yi-t i;-'..-n j of M r. T'laiiinsun, t.nt u-ium-'u to M. . Ja;n-- Sviovcr, . no n.i ju-t ( tarn-ti troxi Cioi a-lo. thus iv.ates the r's.iii Itnil-iti ii:U-u!ty there, -.vhi-: is thretttcnin to take hold o jM.h' -cs: "1 was a t.iuniho!, lifuen lahcs iiotn ti.e late L'te cineuie. Il was a hoi ritne oceut ' ctiee, and can not tail, notwithstanding-what l.'arl c!,ur. sav-, to drive the Utes oatot the Terii.ovy. A wagoner, called out tiiere a iVeihter, wa.- hauhng .r.u.is over a distance of one- lian . dn.'d miles or t:Kre. 111-name was . vjkson, and he is represented as a hard v.i-kintr, rei-ectable man! With -him a as hi- -oti and ; most beyoin ; uob.idv oNe.' They iiad ene i'itocd who are not : I'oimI.kj u: 'ht- when there came rid- an: :i:nct:eai ;c of the Ih T t-Tv : - : t . !iki iiuv: L-a- 2 rows in jrrfcee atni b'.o m loveliness wijic-h art cannot equal. - f Fr ,zi tl.e L'.;,'h'0 !.. ! KS TIM ATtil roi'l'LATION .'K TliK WOULD. The present pofu!athn of- the- en- !. l;iiv 4-t UPfiti', ! 'it I tire -JSC l.").").0o',.u,,'h This is a th.e Lira- f vc'.v coiner:-: inner e r . i i : s t .t wur: din' up to them at eed two the direction o! !j.a t'our way. TI rrv(- I bov dre .v a Unite and .-';! FltOM oresent indications Jaii' maioritv. will be sornewh.-re in the!1-'1 Uy nobis in the neck inHie-in- 1 neitjhborhood of 7,oio. Why-his j majority this yrar was not greater lnoians, each Willi i :one was the Hon of the chict o L'te haiel. Tiiese Indians di unhand hnrribiv ai.iiiive. to say mat i a Henry niie, und ; taken in. its jwi ie-l thel'K'O, and t ;;cu'ations. Mi:!i' it Tioimiation L ::dou i in' J . - Is O..0 lai . eor.seiia-. r if-y , t...e 1 .... ... . . I J - were A'tioie woim, coiu i.ms o.o -jv-i ..i.r-s 'i iiev '-as inaiiv reasons a- ttic -;r:o" ro- tban Vance's in l7f), we fail to un derstand, as lie barf made an excel lent Governor. TDK making of a (Cabinet lor Ca field becan before lie was elected aud the manufacturers are still at work. A Washington dh j.a'eh to tlie New York Herald hap : "So far, counting Mr. Ihjn Ilarri Fon for the State l)epartment ; Mr. Sherman, Tieanury ; M r. IMaU, Iost ofiicc; (ieneral 'Loan Interim, and James F. Wilson, Attorney (ieneral, five of the seven Cabinet placen are provided for by the i'os: dps. Hut there is Homo expectation here thai Mr. Garfield may oiler the Secretary ship of War to (ieneral Grant. The "General's friendx say he leally did immense service in the canvass ; thaw he ouiht to be re winded ; that ho Jik? Washington and has a house here ; that he could scarcely atlbrd to o abroad a fori'ign Mission; that hw wants something to do, and that, in short, the War Department ouyht to bo k'iven Id in. There a;re others who nrye HNat he ought to have the Depait merit of State and tnat.he wouid prefer U'm of vo the the Cabinet places." l'UKsiioiNT Hayks has appointed 'l'li'ursday, 1'oth instant as a day oi " Thahksiriviiiix. In his troc!a::i' lie -rtyrt? "At no period in their hbtory since the Fnited Slates i a serious tliOULrh not wo'llel. Kalcih"' Fvenic Vi it j i . ; , ,.i.;,.. ....... .l.-,.r -nut ot the ir;t!vih einni'.'e i it ii l;:c vwiut nr. n i'" ....... ----- i K..eer..UM , , , , , r t , ! . : ; ? i i 1 1 it : e arr linked. n the v--r in i'etcli water for theni -to . r : As a , wldte men in that- country are ini,wn,i it Irink. The izreat division ot the eh--. Asm. !. o s-:.!iliil'h'i!; :', i''h ' ;::!. :-wki Machine is li-bt running has s'mple tensions. calv-tiu.adid shuttle winds the bobbin without running ine- ;w.ik of the macliine, and is -o simple in its ct.nstruefon Ural it is eauuy 'T5.ViV-.ph-'i Sewing Machine is the best sewing machine over made i'-ral; ,..!:ds of larhilv hu:i. - , We v. ant active a-Vnts wi;Vreeir s.-win- machines are not represented, ..:V..r tt... no.vt mt:i i ., lu-emcnt s. en.i mr n.iiMiaie.t ..v... U W i 1 I but the stands first cm the bst, to'.ioWv-i p "is ever Kurone with h than '.all a- inatiy pasH-nry. tvain on the North Caro- 0nd of sh.viui; for Indians ina Kaiiroai bound West was near i 0hl man si. id to his son : lrinci-ton a negro tnan -was discover-1 ,nlhd. geuthe paii and i;o lip them '. viz : ol7,buij..!:;t. ; Air ca h ;- -ed lying across the track. Air brakes ' s.,me water and bringt to them. "' 00,ono. andj America only '..,i.t, were put on and the enirir.e n- er-.e l The Indians, still sittiiig. on their i , while Australia .:- I P-oUnesia The engine stopped in thiee teet 'M horses with lh-ir i ties act oss ; contains 4.'.ijit.nM.: and the Poiar re- lo tr.e , .!iA. P. PII1LADKLPH1A SKWING M AC II IN K CO., Pim.At.KL- !:(.!', Wit find : the ne4io. Hie was approached lv i,r kriC-.- drank the lately and gions only eniriiuM-r Swh:i and woke up. . The 1 1 1 t-n out intie I : "G d n widte i abided t'otrc - - . . - . . - .j. , i i hrsl ouestton the ncuro a-..c-d was. ! dot'- ' Make lire and cotjk supper? we have oiiift !. ;j.t " W here is m v bundle ?' lie didn't ' . !iti,. ' 4.'ilu-iti.r lit ,v overv . tal ot 1 . i '; 'Il have enough generosity in his lieart eh!;et Indians eouid reeollect- from j. into tue pojiuiai ns tile to thank the engineer lor stoi,i,in.r ! ,,..:. ... .u,, ;t tlie same time I countries o 1m li the engitie in titue to save his life. s ui'j ;antly tapnin" their l ilies. The ! Grtat lh itian ami i : elan i. .... I...... .... i.. v. ...... iiii.i I. l.iii .i:i. . ' r ii... ' . . 3y every house on our coast 'presents a busy scene of activity,'-the women and children making nets, the men building batteries, painting stool ducks, etc., getting ready lor fishing and duckitiLT, which commenced on the 1st. ol November. Wild low- are now abundant in Currituck Sound, and the, whistle of the duck. numne; e liacti'-p- -jr.-. nd "o -u e hopn; e ii in. 1 1 ; i ai .i:h ii-a-"' Hi..-' f the waon, and the boy took out Denmark has about half the pv.puia-j -e r.lle and sighted it on the wagon-1 tion of London, namely, only a few j thousand over 2 OiiOootJ ; v itzef- a Nation has tins nei.i :ilundant and so m,i versa! the joy and :r ttitinle at! t Alm'mfit v 'God, or hem s ha S' l VP...!S Joi I nivor .i ilt'l.'Ct to so protoiiud a.! o'.h-i! to -iVi'iki-iLv lor h.s i, ,: kiiuine- to implore 1 1 ;s , proteetieu ; 1 iealth, prosperity throughout decs; p a;-e, U with ad. tin.- world : h'in a t ti.l ., . .i hi i . ii i i i iei 1 1 y i m Oil our p pu! , lihei ly and ja-lu v u id. hi i. u our icaitn'.-s as ;i Natil-n. the u in- : , ,t o . ,',., Ot 1 o e ? ? 1 1 1 '. e J : t .7:.d h 1 1 1 u h 1 V 'ae and health 'and :'d l ; ! , . j- laith 1 1 r o! UM-at 'IV u i a o .'h. 1 ti; ': l." fi a me v' eh vid pcrp. ti,:,t(. i, - the thanks of u i.:ij.j.v and unin d people, as v.uh one v oije, ascend in devout homa-.-, to the (liver of ail good. I then h.te leconinn :;d lh ;t ifl Thursday, the twen'tiph day ot Novnnber i ext. tin- , e.o.je ru.;.( ;!l their respective phces d acrship t make their acknowlv.b'inenis to' ' mighty God for lbs !...), ;hs and ins protection, ami to (!.;;t., prayers for their con! inuamv." t o I!: m honk o the'goose. and tlie whooy whoov of the. swan are heard at every turn. Taylor and Hampton killed l'2't ducks in two days in October, 1-th and HHh. The Independent Fish Company commenced fishing for rocktish last week, with a good juospect for p successful season. T.h elfish a 'pursle net,' making about four fishiiigsNday. They catch about two A pounds sone days -''''J U-nieliiioy roc-k- I sh Ktts t- ynh-' 'VoMmot IA " c u'-. Irk V, I i ill I r i.f .mi t'. rri i J '".1.1.11)11 .-aar : mere are rtafcw mts among certain papers in NrJd i k that Hancock is elected nln. Giarfiehl. The Kepublicau ,u pers intimate very pointed I v that tflir- lt 10 il- ve u- fie St 1U n- t- ie ic u. ie a- e th ie mss eV i ork is counted for (i feh. by ( on-rcss there will be fh and no mistake. Whilst we h:ivJ .1( .111 i? 1 ! 1 .,. L.. ,1 ?....! I i'.t i t.iiucais spent nf "'ns ;md p.died thousands of frai ':! :i:. votes :,, New York ah d steal oaue me, t te anv tn country : t ! ; r;1 i t : tol to t. V c: .' ale -Vv ! 1 1 be j;artily ;l small nr..,.- now. t.tioral Co.v e Fourt'n Disirief bv I.d Latham's major)? v - in t .. :. . . i . is o'. e i o; ! i i ,:i t f T - - w i. I "'e has not b. e: A on?!.,!.! h. -i i have no i,K-a theie wi l ' Mil oie. l (a "i J si , v .M-n it had fi hr a L'raud ti dit. a seri is eie in First Di e : 'even j-.r C hdlii Car..!; i 1 1 v i - c u teceiva Ci'cieO m t li "V over L,;di- mai.irilv. 1 . ,,. 1 T . m 1 ' o I t f . ! ' i i :- . v l..l iO be &y in. t o; .a even Dcimic: ats in t ria.n. TiiK Uit ;;r The Wilmington Star savs that according to the Ne a Y. k Times Garfield will have a popu;;1I :!;:.;,,r Ih crane exchanges N... ;! heen claiming .tJ V A 1 . , ' . ew iorK i, race is Mectt d M:i..i by not moie than l',:.'.. :f:i-j t,. ing against Kel'.y is ih i;1?Tvr.. r J ustly i;;r o: a- Oi! CeO Ili.l iVe Ir; in . i j i ; : Jiovernor darvis has j'Tities as tbllov.-.s : jn-ri;uck 7tw; Martin ; v ilson i':'0 - T atj-: reported u I --mf rt 1! : ondm amj,son 170 ; Johnston yltll lockini;ham 7-"' : Sr.f :in :" M : : t (. aoarn-; -M : Meekh-nbu i. hcois! io, ; Cnion of. I ; TlV l.,.,; Ireded 7-'.d ; Wi!i Ii i ii! w ma; H.i; A in: e li 7 I : Me? ). .we:' ' ; (hates . " o ; .... 1, 1.1 . ..e i. oimnbus ,. i :ml " X : ! atmmi '271'; -Nr. c oil ; liamlolnh 'J, "'Ve I .O : (,i;;.Iu,-d o ; AllS ( atawba l.r.lT ; K-.U-soj, ;;j an.ua .- -ii ; Ashe '..'.I Luhv'omhe ,'i7."i : ( h 1 -o ; a;.ct y m-. . - v . : t'rj o : en . i i o ! 1 1 1 w s : xl-jii has itporltd majorities 1 u 1 tlul scape-goat id the parly. Tiie snecia to the Philadelphia Tmu s.iv : "The Tammany .Ih iuo, ij.r;. :U issued nil Mi 'I i ,..!.:.. h " .. 'v.-? in intii in i ;i throughout the 0 ;i:,:,y iUi. u: the defeat f Gu.eial lim , k . national calamity ami atfr.h to fraud, the coh niaiion uf ,., .. w. nit- r.. umj.c,;; ;i n j j : ,i men. In suj-jort of this iU lhat the vote ef New Vorkre tvrntinized nn,l vrxi'm K"rt - i I "-'O..!. ... , J .l,e i" - ,,,,,, .w;u.n the UomocratsiMiuheii 4o0 Ml i,;oUL ballots and the Henub- Ti.c above s-xtv-iv ,,-,,;, ; ........ r.t.jx t . . i ' - . .. . .v.v . .'?,)t!i. in isst, iJk, 1)(.Uio iiri- , 17G iS7,t'or: vous urau cast 12d.lu- ami the Kepubii- f Vance S.1H maioritv Thevl cans M.iliii h a Kepubkcan Jarv:s a i,t masorit, ovcV increase ol 1 ,:0 and a Democratic In ef The ; iweV! increase ol lv,:,7 The imjej t nd- th aw Vance d'Gl mail , Jii'll i av eia :: v iclt.e . . I i er.jjiiimaiis .H,..", ; Craven l.i'.O , ; ; j Green ; Lt ai .ir - Wan n : ':, v.... w . . . j ii.ii.our vi?;i - i i i . iku.u-.-n V2 : iLci.rn. :.d at-: f.rsu;i 'j; M.hi.dl --;C;.-. imgj!1; Pas.juotauk iu'j; Wadih: a,k-.r.; J;'l.Uvcombo 1.7-17 ; li t .l.,'M'"'V '"J,;'' -aiptf. 11 l-",'t; (ju;;) . ! '-'-i P. mJvr J.,:; ; Wai- miht jusl as well die ritrht here to ! populous, lor (ierm.'ny is est imao , be'eursed and ordered about " at, y ; at d b'MHfooo, Anuria:, Hungary at more. ( b uct yourrille, son." Tne Wh'O.DtMh hind France at k'i.Ui'O.. l iih.'b.v it. tlio u-on bov at the tail UOU. Anion-' the smallest kingdoms of tl tongue, only intending to shoot-as a last resort. iut tin; chief's son, look ing around and seeing the poy at aim, instead ot startin'LT off, in winch case tie would not have been harmed, slipped the tube of the breech of his rille and felt for a cartridge, show ing that he meant to shoot the boy and his 'father but before he could set his gun raised the boy shot him dead, and the other Indian rode off at full speed. Then these two men, who had been quietly attending to their buisness, had to mount their horses and ride to the nearest post ami Indian agency, lour or five nines distant. 'I'liuy h;nl not- been there long before the lites came galloping up, and the Indian agent, a fellow named Kerry, dehbera! ely gave both that man and boy over to the In dians, who took them away and tortured them to death. They hung them up by their feet, : mutilated their per-ons, and after inflicting va rious cruelties, eut their throats. Such a condition of things, exist ing in a country as vigorous as Colo rado, with about, a half a million ot people now, and with a capital town of nearly fifty thousand inhabitants, inflamed the population to the high est decree. The Indian agetits were arrested and will be tried for giving land lias .-.noooo -more; oouui, one ot the densest populated king doms, has o.oHo.dbo; Svwden d.o'Mf. 000 ; Spain lho00.OuS, and Portugal nearly 5,)O0,hi)O. ilus-ia is sparsely in proportion to its extent, t ho wnole population of its immense area only amounting to l-soojuO. Hut per haps the most striking results of these investigations lie in the fact that the handful of British in Asia control the destinies of 240,000,000 of natives, i In America the Uniied States is by far the greatest power, the population ol Prazil coining next, with 1 l,000,o.t. Cl'Ki-: VOCIi HACK ACi I H And all d".s :. e.- of the Ki.hcy-. bladder and I'rm.irv ii-.;':iie by waring the . Impnncil Fxfr'.xior Khim' l:tl. . !t "i- a M AKV bb f il f.A !.! Ni ;itolTl ill.! MF. iMinp'e, Seli-ihle. ! 't:v-t. - iV.mV--. I'ov.eiiiil. It T Ulis win-re all el- !'db. A IMAbhA Cl' an!. KfA'o'J' TION hf.M cdieine. Ab-orplion in direct apjdicat j'n. :i- oppo-ed to nu- -aii-f.'tctory inb'rn-i! me-ma!)'-. Seiid for our tieali-e o.m Kidn-'V troubles. scut lr-e. s,,,!,i by drug gists, or sent by mail. (u receipt ft price. $2. This is til Original and (ienuine Kidney Pad. Ask for it and lake no oilier. Ail dress 0 TllK -GNLV" f.UNO r.Vl CO. M lllinni- Illm k. Detroit, Mich. 'un by A H ' N iN.iiilV up these men. Tl ie people ate go- 1 I ' .1 IT. tng to nave no more oi the Lies m Colorado. ' Prom the Home Journal. significance: of pkuson al p.kautv. 4 A oeautu ii ri'i'-vii is tne natural Among agents ami families, the reat demand now is for the new light running Combination Sewing Machi: e, because it fias stood -the test, and is better made, with more improvements, will hast longer, and is much. lower in price, (only than other machines and having at tained a the poo n merited popularity anion:; pie -lor reliability, it as wel coined wherever is. makes its appear ance. It is built for strehLTtb and constant hard work, has interehang able working parts, manufactured ol fine polished steel, and 0 will run for years without repairs ; is turn pie to learn, easy: to manage, understood perlectly in an hour, and aiwavs ready m a: moment to do every de scriplion ot heavy or line -family all bi Ni; Pir..i:s. 111 -c vr i)i-i:.vi:s. iu:k. i hi v; rutriu.KS 1' 1IM i I VP TIi "V-t.-tn vii r.e in 1 ;!!' - oi ! lii'iiiiu'uii' li.-iin. Il IdlA'-s ldt'iM :he di--.i",d p.n;-lh' pboti tb i e.eisi-death , l o-o - n o- Ti -1 1 r m 1 r Vn. : 1 i:i . -ir can :u; i:i-:i.iv:v ki ani 1 i UVAK loii dr-p.u;- un.i! you have tried teh Seir-ible. b.a-ilv Applied and K A i ) It ' A L b Y 1 d 1 K "I'l'Ah Kcm e. i y . s-tdd by lru?git. or Wiit t" mail on receipt l Trice. $1, by Tin. -Oni.v' Lr?oj 1ai -Co. William Mock. Detroit. Mich. --3.J . - I ..III.! ...I i I .lllf lift. Three .V illioiTs :i Year." hnt fr. wm: HALL'S. rk n w a n MM a-ih with le. woiv fit less co-t, more smoothly and faster, an labor or trouble than any other raa ehine, dt amj r'c. ever lid, or can do.. Tuckers, o'lilters. 1 uiiiers. he in- 1 'i ................ , , uiv, 11.11111 .n . ,. -, p . ., Ill i" '.. 1 . 1 -,.1 ri j filers, binders, Ccc. fiee with each Kuin oj :t tcjautiiul soul. i he mmd I - , " , 1 I 1 1 , . . .,, 1 ,, . rP, , ! niacmne o iidvance pavmci-.ls. j builus its own house. I he sou! I , ... . . , ' -,, I :p, . , 1-. , ,. , i i .Machines shipped to anv lb u. sta i takes in est .-oeiice ot tiie bodv ano 1 . . :. , ; i Cures Cold?, PnenmonL"? IlrGDchltls, Asthma, Croup, Wbooplwr Cn;';ii, anii all cHscascs 01 the Breath!:!;;; Organs. It Soothes and heals the Mend?: ane of the Lunjrs, inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevent the aicrht sweats and tightness Jieror-i jlhf h" t which accowpany It. ( )rf M"llk'S Is not an incurahlo malady. It is c.s'y necessary to have tho n ieirHly, and HALL'S ll.VLSAM is tiiat remedy. DON'T DESPAHt OF KELIEP, for this benitrii specific Trill cure yoa, eyen though nrofessicnal aid f.dls. 'MR 1: - r- .-' r. y. Vi c 1 net y. I I V t h 1 ipi s the body to it own iikeite - i A vac:mt mind take.- 1 ! ail the tnean- tion lor uxhiniuatioii Ix'f'.oa of bill. Agents m. ii iK'b.'ie pav.inint ii-:e iiiotiw raj.'PJ- ciiieEic salyi. m o m w c j im' out ot the ran est bu e. .V .en- thi . soruesL i-.-a c u . e. . v e k' heart shrivels and ' d istorp. 1 k 1 - -' i-h'Mk.s. -v nn.-an old. seltisii the" best v. Sim!'.: in" tne .-it 1 i in.'ini! tor iYi.'cl -o,...; M..eh-... in the the Mst otrrfl 11. tiling Tyrntory free. I'o" U...I I.. 1 4 .1 I lit4ii-- lik vm i auv.-! '.. ..H..1.1IJ1II ;ii inv . . - , : sUil (1 h's t on 1 i1 .11 ;. li e hririil- 1 i AttP.it. f'ti',iiiiftvrff tf- i - - i... ..ii 'e . r i" ii i - - - - -- -'-... worn;. lyiiiiory iree. J o" i as-- , , , .. . . . , l ! . , " . . ' Ilrnr-i 8 t''rfntttr M -n bnln burn irate.! (.ltaiO-'Ue t 'int:-, Sp CMMens ITrnrif's ilnrUnl.n S.ili-c curt srrr. rovebiii' soint ol An., ad ii n:ce oi -be Combiii.-ition - Sewing Machine, Tib VJ ! t-iLe th,. dionif v ,.f , l... ll . ' " " " " ' U. ; i l .P I liroadwav, New l .s. Ai- nil' !iiul i; I the hfir4'l ,'t m!' if !-. . - - - v. ...... .... v.. . . . ...... . . - r tiiv ' cotuucnancv'. 'A cherished iiatre.i beaut ilnl ioiea- 1 1 an si . ' i tus the no in. ids into an linage oi Holiness. What t. Sir .1:1. i 1 ) S! 1 ; ii 1 n ; .Ii ,d as Hi .1 . 1 o 1. . '. : . 11 a o'oo i i)i .1 It ;ble to pi ' Serve good t he elect iori is no w our a'ten'ipn to maMer tiie ! fti ' . r li'rl!! ; '1. 1 'Old de 'a I j a-sion- iec'img 011 tne bioo i, a set ol i jw 1 1 . - . ni TVVflifi . ! rr.U'Tl, 1 ho -..-.- 1 tiii tn 1 v ' - .iv. "V ' 1 1 - 1 aint a seitiSn. ois'iaml o Inion'ed m tl -ir was:.- 1 1 an ' : S 1 iCe over, let us turn matcriil to V.-,'.p!!M! t kin-iiv ga.-p ' f- ! 1 : n 1 ot t !! ;: m re c.--.ri -a . -v i.H-i ..... , 1 1 . c 1.1 e will, as to prv ti.v- ii.a.;.ly vI an g in m-i w 1 1 n a ;.t U r . - swine ,u i ! e b.:-- : : .. x . I i ment. a tr.be ot -gv ps.e.- ;n ti.e p ir-: ... .,.;,. ear, ai.-t o'.v a:.. i v i.tures m j pel part. il.i ii-i. - and bet;; no i'v .h .., -. - . v . b get a:. is e ,r: sa d-:.b a b a 1 - . .' 'i nd e ' - 0..--S S f- lk e, I b:r IIriirtf'8 t'ltrhnlic Sll ve ll'i ' . j..iin . '-un ttirh'il.r ' r r- rr t'jtt fntM. 1! nry's tfirl",! ,s.ir- in ait j-tmplrm. Jl'.tmry'a i. it It'tl ;o t"tivc Inula brun. AkIi for Henry'', and Take No Other. liT EEV.'AKL Or COUXTEKFEITS. TOTOSLEY'S ismii mm ecu i : o.Mi .1; . 5; t n. Thi. -pac l lor a Piano cut. eii'iiM rs up i and e'it--ut t h more seep- company a great! ,t i5S said tH i th j 1 : ..ii -I' ll "ei- pUtt.'' ' trie! : ! ' , .iC',' X 1 : . r ; O-V. ii. C'-IiSO! t WO ij e.egaiU carving sui vlve ' e. '1 :. '.'vp? rimct : .-g u t.get:.-:r !; be:; U:'-" .g l.;,v i - 1 ,; " t I.e.: iti us .-. -trite iii.,1 tiasji tn..iler op m Ke is no alp . ..o. g v ii s .r,g es g r the nbnd. ii. V -O letin.es. oai TheTC Tr.eie d:she: us go bravib cr vftr 1 g'g Vhe "1 r ;i t e i'-o. s i v ' 1 r k . l' r e ! : e 1 '. iLie 'l'.S hav e 1 rn 1 'act, r t h:in Edey's Carbclic Troches, 1 A SURE rKEVENTIVE Of ! Contsueioua Dlfceaa- Cc-l-i, H.cirs?Ti'iH, r 1'i.rasant to tf- T'if'r. . i i V '. :( e V 1. . feok, put. . cr 'arvi- ih t c'iitjv a'.-. , 'ad b. at 1 r ve litlieve Dyspepsia aid Bxlio'osz.Ma- POP. f ALK BY ALL PICt'OOLSTS. ca ' ll " o M um s, j-o.i.-i.cs ( r,riud p a. e , ... . -. j, i; v . : iv. JOIIIi F. HEJfRY, CURRA2C & CO.; r .ami ennobles ace and mien a the lWd lhc. ,,t..t ju.u.isin ti.e :ate. 2-l CoUe Ple NcwTork. ? a!.i pre--cnee ot great thoughts. Tr 5. nlv K, .t.u;..,, fi T g ' ICV . V e3U .4.,,c mau who h9 m lhe rT'on ot ulemv is re3cLed. and with- ,,!lv ' ' ' f - meas. niootdK-um-, though they be, , come; happine. Tarboro South; s- M Baubee, Jr., Ageut, Cbap- oecae- ni.-ait.d.. .1 tie re are ln - t.rror, ' . ,; , el Hill, N. ( V I y alf nrnm . .!. . -. . . ' III . v i y.v f .n ui tne c iv 01 .Sew Reikis! -i-imvck r.n ahead of the aiul maue partly rcsp.isj. ble for the disaster. The hddress also declares tUt vho nomiT1-.. n nf ticket. Mews and Observer! Our St te Legislature will yene on the 5th dav of January being the first Wednesdav. ale .ii s.. no g- mnastics. no cosmetics Hii.cii can contribute a i;i.e .so rnuca to th VAN" ST HO NO xk Ckoshy, fiOie- T oigtuty, the -trti;t;tti, ; saie and lit-lail Druggist, Toledo, - -"- IMLI) FKl fT WAN'I Ki ! t -e enm-bbng ot a man s l.joks as a Onio, saysji We have sold large- I wilt par the highe-t taarketpri.e Igreat j.urj.o . a high determination, ' quantities bf the Excelsior Kidney ' fur all kind, of Dried Fruit-. a hour prineipie, an unoueucnaoje i'aJ. and have been surt.nsed at the. next i enthusiasm. iiut more powe.ful . nnvaryirpg iatia fact ion given byUhem. :. still tbau any oi these as a beautifier ' SteAdul . con j. w. caju:. Chaf 1 Hill. N. C if c 2 : x 0 x ! 6