5 0 R I X G R C D I X T Y CBS K K V K R . ATU:t!)AY, - - - - 1 ;s.o En'i'':.j v. '! bor-Migh, N matter. t ('... r.s f.i!:! ehv f !" . J, RtSIIUP ATS!.V.uX.-We clip thoi folln-Air,-- fVr,:na?latc Srtuo of the:;,, L O . i Wilmin .Moii av : but canmanairetowalk a Utile wY.ereJ r no extra evc rtion is repiird." Vr'lIILK regreiiing the defeat of Hancock for the Presidency, the people of North Carolina have many causes for congratulatiot.. We have elected a Democratic .State ticket, a Democratic LegiIat'iie, even out of eight Congressmen, and we have Democratic Boards of Commission era and Magistrates in each county to regulate county matters. After all our condition In' not a& bad as it might have been. Wk arc not much surprised at the way New York voted when we ee in the papers that the aged widow ot Abraham Lincoln was rudely touched on thc( shoulder by a com mon policeman and ordered to stand out of the way so that Sarah Bern hardt, a show woman, might pass. There is some talk of contesting the vote of New York, but in this the Sontli will not take much stock, nor will it ever benefit the South no matter which way it is decided. Presbyterian Journal, Philadelphia.'! Goldeji Days, tor boys and girls, .Tames Klverson, publisher, Philadel phia. This illustrated weekly has accomplished its first half year, and bidi fair to rank among its fellows. It has stories, and interesting and profitable reading, of all sorts, in chfding a page filled y Kev. Dr. Kidder upon the International Les son, with much else to amuse and instruct young folks. There is plenty of room for such periodicals as these, for thus injurious literature may be crowded out. 1 We have carefully read the paper abovo referred toGolden Days and cheerfully recommend it to our readers as worthy of patronage. Send and get a sample copy. )K or the things .young people Reem anxious to know is "the right time get married," as some put it. The great majority of young people are poor, and get comparatively smll wages. They natu'ally sup pose that if they get married it will cost them, more to live than it cost while fhey v ere single. So the ques tion with them is: "Shall we tnarrv while we are young and poor, or wait until we are better ort There is no rule laid down on this subject W'hioh will tit nil ca.-es. Some people are naturally t-o industrious and thrifty that they will get along , under almost any circumstances The right time for the tir-t class to get married is v henevor.t hey choose to do so, while the r;ght time tor the other c!r.ss to get married is seldom if it ever comes at nil. MoXKY is very much sought after, and it can command a great deal o comfort. But it is very wrong aivd very incorrect to speak of money as Tho Almighty Dollar that h, if we do so in a really serious way. The dollar is not omnipotent. It is mighty, but not almijjhtv. 1 here ! are thousands of things which it can-' nnt aMt . ' ! not acconihlish. It tnav h our ' " houses with not alone give tion ot them to see forei give us true taste about them may buy us an entrance into better ..oiAto .k. ..... ...... t ... i ... .'uvivvj man v .lie UMMI II), IUIL Call J ncvir, of. helf, ..urcln-o .v,re ,! manner anJ,S0 powe, ol cm-cit .. , . 1 . .. ! ana ali "o- utler things that come from Other and higher sonrces than a pecket-book. Thousands and j thousands of glorious things are be-1 , f . , , ? , yona the reach of the hand oi gold,) and lot tos thank God for it. 1 roinn, ... 1.1, home in tl.i, mlv, o ''- T the wo., . txh...- j - - hero ; no labor strike, or Communism i.ra'.l..'15i.h. .. AlkF..'"... for w'kw hl!"". '""'t : '!r"r",:lly 1 ' , J , manni-r " b" 11 m,c about a tnen.l of his .robs to church -1 . i'11"1: '. ' " 1 :,..:str,,,Mv , l.a.iKC th-ir -,.r kiii.l-. . yrouM chop hr oB. ami l.a.l to : , ,!os,01, , S, sl! ... The l'e..t.WS cwiotf Machine is lisht ..,!.:... .;. I...- 1... ,H:,.t...l ... lfl,i, an-1 assiduoun treatment. towardM . L Ktpi unuu coiisian- c;.k c v. .ix M)ran0 voice in the choir, looked Iar-e, casily-thi eaded shuttle winds luZ CuUrZn., .,..,,.'. ".yM....,...U I...W .horn i.. ...y h;,'- i o Wh:, ro"n'' i-' 8? black Vk f the ...acbia,. au.l is so simple "m. . . ii i f-t tin. -.1 rin -owl i nnm. it t hi'l r ! v ",H l,ci file .is. oi ltlc 1. Htw. o ooV rou- lllliliTi.f., - i .i n i iiw ot m lev I'm t. : i i --... x t. - --i fine pictures, but it can- in case anything of this sorlis done, i T nl nn lt', :'J"?:".!Rft iU ; . ? " T i 1 J , " VT' I ! , t - i i ... lOUCan irn troni it -tit m n t(. ., i emu n.mu iu iiic.i" hu e is a true anpreeia- the work of changing the track will .... . V ? ll.mt " a :l 9.' ! . c,. ..ih,,... ,,,a un . It may take us abroad o! course be delayed, and the mis-j . ' f ' t : i u.i i . . rJ h uouoh the kindness oi Colonel i Thomas Ruftin we sre permitted to! mh'iOi e following letter tr.' Daily V A '-v pub i?t.ed nt Brit-toi : "(iKvtm-.miin, Be;n:r on a visit ' " ! ! V" .'.VtlV, irr.l v -(olmii -,. .t. .', ... i 1 v(!, k'mdiy Allow me , -. ... , .: iv. A,,-,...trt 1 - . . . . - i- I " . ! ; . ,. . . . .... i -. ,. '. . li .( . 'if i,r,i' r Fii ill i til, liutt'i j v- . ,i i i !ii.;i. wii.il whom I h:.ve:,iay bV hwjic V 1 ij I i- ,. -j i i . . . . -i ; l ' i ; ; 4 s.t.... H:;i'vr.i 'i n ' -' ' ' f!aiti, a;i a')k!y '..!i-.:i.ii-. -'thai t,i ..-.l ,i rtlrAtc,. ;4 .! ...in.i ,1 in iy.':-.w-u: t" .......... i, j fhr., if ,n t.i t .n!-?i .rl skiStiill v. the : best Slate in the whole Union. r-.v. t ... ;r ; ...... .j - - -i j :U';lIil,, - s H,wa's 'qlale Jit"1 !sei.r integrity of tlie hitzhest. standard r inteudini: cmigranlfl I cannot too i rntila T inniuit. inn i stronsrlv recommend this, as I am " " ! confident of its proPerite. osperitv. The climate is mild sl: temper ate, severe weather being unknown there, the snowfall never exceeding a Jew inches, and the heat 0i)w The cot of living is considerably cheaper than on this sale t the ocean. . C APT. B. T AM BLY N. iNortlt Ju.ioli nit INews. Granville county gave 450 major ity against the insane amendment to the Constitution. Mr. John C. Cannady, a student of Wake Forest College, from Gran ville county, died of diptheria on the 3d inst. lie was 17 years of age. Granville Free Lance : It seems to be conceded that the Constitutional Amendment concerning tho public debt, voted upon at the late election, has been carried by a considerable majority. On the other hand the Amendment in regard to the Asy lum is probably defeated, and with reason. Italeigh Visitpr : A large and in telligent audience assembled in Tnck er Hall last night to hear Itev. Mo ses D. Hoge, of Richmond, deliver his lecture on "Tent Life in the East." Gov. Jarvis, Chief Justice Smith, Kev. J. R. Wilson, Rev. R. II. Chapman and Rev. J. M. At kinson were on the stage. The lec ture was highly appreciated by all present and fully sustained the high' character of Dr. Hoge as an eminent and learned gentleman. Raleigh News and Observer : The Synod of North Carolina has been4 in session in our city during the past week, its mectfhg beginning on Wednesday , night, and the Synod adjourned, after the transaction of the usual business, on Saturday night. We have given daily re oorts of -the business of the body, yet such reports are but bare state ments of what was done. There were several discussions of unusual interest that left a profound impres sion on the community, making our more cultured and earnest people ponder. On Sunday, Nov. 7, iSSO, Pink ney liviitield, r. farmer living near Lenoir, iu Caldwell county, assault ed his wife with an axe, inflicting three, severe wounds on her head, and another in her side, and breaking several of her ribs. lie was only prevented from ' murdering her by the interference of some of her rela tives. The wounds have not yet proved fatal, and it is h ped that she may ret-over. Mi. Benfield has bc?n deranged .r some time, but was not considered daug t ons. The Topic, from which we ham the above, says. he is confined in iail and will be f-eut to the :..-y!um. He should have beCn sent there or con fined elsewhere before he committed this terrible assault. A crazy man is a dangerous Kilo w, Charlotte Observer: It is now reported that it will be yet several days before the work of changing the guage on the Western North Carolina Railroad is completed. Tho force that, commenced operation at Salisbury had not reached States ville when the Atlantic, Tennessee fc Ohio train left there yesterday (10th). t Another force was put on at States-' iviiicto work upthe roatl. It is ru- ! mou-d that there will be an attempt Another force was put on at State? m,1 vU that there w in he an attempt 1,1 e"jin l,!e ,1Prs making the change, but it is not stated who ., . .. , Villi 4 rniP nion gl00 f.,r hi- daughter" Sarah Ellen, -i. .rnA v. u.i i- rk. iLit uiu i rsu .imne- tirwer. i . ! ..... i u.. 1 , .. . 1. ' . I r'l 1 it ii-i ri- . - r 4 , I . I . . V (III MH f lilt' .tlli'M.ll. " v ttisiijv.ii vvt iiuui lici IIUIUC l.tSWji . j ? . ; .Mo.ul.iy night. Mis ..Morgan ,WH ' v,''l' .Xrr -'"i 'ff 1C," he m V r -' 'dd, short in statnre. red ccmLlexlou - " 1 ; anJ jiht hair. "ory is the flood that washes le fof.ndatitoa -?le8liofl. H erty, and gathers to itself the hard- earned accumulatioM of liberty s sons. i. .rrum the Gidd.'-.eb M .V SAD Yuirxtr lady .: ci if by :?ANt; ii Sr.; r.h .ia;,' 1 T f -. . 1 '-'-i. u- "0!,i member;' ' J??n UIU- a vv' oi ine ineuua arm ja:e ; IL'pil.MiC.i.r :t In thai county, comiutttwi su.t. ct with a jiow i tin Ahout two venrs ao ...1.1 i. '. 'r -..-- ' h;ver, and alier her recovery it vfi.s ; noUc?1 that her intmi va eriousl v i .-t .fee led. rShe steined desfferat-y ( melancholy ami i aiiuaii v iecam more airi more not; cmpos menl-s llV.i - .1 . . 1 uiepasLin.ee oi .ou moiu,. a Kron won ana ai una-., her sad condition was tru.y heart- i t. 1 - .". . i . . : u the day ot her suicide she ap- F"!" J . 1 . t .I t uau i i i i. 1 1 : .1 t a,M "?c"u"l.u l,e,. J, u 1 W,U1 r I!"r. ullL ' rm.tuKu.,i,c...,uu,. """-jto utes later Air. Jox concludea to see m m s w na.:. miu was tiutir, out, to ni &m- , , . ..' . prise. iouni s e was noi in tne room. tT ' . , , , , . How she had managed to leave it i . , , . . e i i without beina observed is a mystery. ' (Search was immediately made, and , i ; . , . , . , -Tii , ; choir ana were just that much near now imagine the terrible hock oi ; P n'u , m., , U'u, , . , , . iii'-' -." wii, no. i iuiu i r r U in- her anxious mother when, m an old Li,,-.it; wi , ,- , , . , . desecration'! V hat a crushing of a out house on the lot used for storing cotton, she found her daughters body suspended by the neck,! and in her last agonies of death. The body was speedily taken down, but all ef forts to resuscitate -her proved inef fective. There weie a few heavy convulsions and the spirit ot the un fortunate girl had taken its flight to tho world beyond, where pain and sorrow are unknown. Miss Sarah was only -1 years old. 15 Stop Okgaxs, Sub Bass and Coui'Lek Only 8G5 Best is tub U. S. Open your eyes wide before you send North for instruments. Spread eagle advertisements do not always tell the exact truth. Better instruments at same or c less prices cau be had nearer home. See these offers : Okga.sk 15 Stops, 4 Sets Reeds, Sub Bass and Coupler, Beau tiful Case, Only $05 ; 0 Stops, 4 Sets Reeds, only 859 ; 7 Stops, 3 Sets Reeds, 55. Stool . and Book in cluded. Pianos 7 Oct., large size, Rich Rosewood Case, only $170 ; 7 1-3 Oct., largest size, only 8200 ; 7 1-3 Oct. Square Grand, extra large, Magnificent Case, only $250. Stool and Cover included. All from old and reliable makers, and fully guaranteed ; 15 days test trial. We pay freight if not satisfactory. Pos itively the best bargains in the U. S. No mistake about this. ' We mean business and compelitiorrwith the world. Send for Fall Prices 1880. It will pay you. Address, Ludden & Bates. Southern Music House, Savannah, Ga. A country paper speaks of a mete or about as large as a basket. The tail must have been as long as a piece of string. In the first transports of delight, the happy father rushed into the room exclaiming, "I've got a son. pit's a boy." Some bar keepers now-a days can make a sling that would have knock ed the life out. of Goliah a good deal quicker thaw David s did. Chic says the reason why Newi l oi k girls get married is that thev eat fish, and fish is full of phospho rus, and phosphorus makes matches. The test of bravery among . the Georgia negroes is to see .who can hold a hot potato in his grasp the longest. It is a great deal better than lighting or dueling. A man at Binghainpton, 'wanted to have somci tun with an old lady by playing ghost. The only mistake ;e made was in not finding out before hand that she kept a shot-gun iu the houe. A Kentucky police justice sentenc ed a Democrat to help raise a Repub lican pole a a reward for stealing a bog.. The prisoner asked for a year in jail instead, but his Honor would not -change, tin? sentence. ' "The Pai'kk. -A? witn 1 1 1 o fscnoot, so with :hn paper. Yo'i L t' J'- 1 ' ?P!,a-v -V,ur "fH"" price ,V' Wg room ; you 4.na a-qui at tho rigiit to he served with a com- uire all thai is commercial you can buy. j "ou 0VVM """ orves the Boston; But vou do not own tho i.aner Vou!'4 "Uul lne W'cond ihv, when : i Yn , ,ls snra!!"; c-.-:-.t ntS CO nit S fnacri auaiu on the r.ex: week i i tre-h- Ml ot i at" 4- v J. F. N i:wco y z ii, c fToletl,, Ohio, i says: I have been creat.lv Ifmetked T ... : , r.vceiior xr: i "Po.1. m.'; would rccorara- , eitiai&siR ctmr.a rt7-inAi c,mr,r uv Hvauni, xviuiit-T . jf .Vvi.-,A M-ith weak , -1 persons mneys DILI. WW. great SoUV !S rv.T. IT.,.. ; cici: v.hn't the tvck o thtr;:ht I.v I vAiK-t. i'm-.m ghtv s?rry, Ir.il I hi h I goitr;r ii4jti alntut h -w. - . nx.it 1 sulciuei Yfhu mim still ri'.s tn :!.' east atul'setb ii the wo.:. 't.i;; , ti.ii - n v.-.-mi to take it a'? i.'i.r.-.i-itlv ! i iVi a!I j i i e many tuk; at t;,'( :r t r. I .?aw Coloi .. Tun H.vr.'o man cutting the ji"i, s iu ! :. u-jvichoast- yesterday just' i- Hyfly a- a ;-u!;!d man. II w:I! ncv-r i.'v oi; or i-'lanohcly, am! ii v -.a! .,." Mjk';iiil world it. evei vhody -vas like him. Grand old irer.tleuia'i. he i- 3 ly p'j ol t'ne 'ood ohl tinje. Hj says we have -j;ol the host country .v,d the best people And enjoy liu more than our Northern brethren ; havit got as much money as they havn. rintijlou't tant as mucii : .o tne account in about even anvhow : no j beggars or tramps going round i i lil.olw ' L OJ I XL? ft i i 1 tl ! if . r i w urtoiL o I A- . 1 T 1 . 1 -,. v , , , . - " ...v. w v . . i a v v v I hope! not. Il shocks my eotion t . r The church ch 1 w the young man s i earliist dim use of t: taradise. I usetl sit where 1 couh i see them and ! teasttupon them and always felt like j. . . T. - . CA't-ia.init.g, '-liark ! I hear .and angel i t ..... i , smir. i ltseemetlto me in mv yoiuig ., ,;r i u ' . ai,1 rapturous life that the sweetest , , , 1 i . . u f f ! . i U ii til. y tftl III ll'i.i'L frt ml A hho young man's ideal of loveliness and beauty to see a darkey there. I know jthey can sing and I always enjoy them in their places with the banjo And the bones, (tr at a minstrel show, but I don't believe thev sinr in the white folks' choirs in heaven'and its agir natur to inix'em hero. THE DbME OF THE CAPITOL. The dome of iho Capitol at Wash ington is the most ambitious struc ture i:i America. It is a hundred and eight feet higher than the Wash ington) Monument, fiS feet higher than Bunker Hill Monument, and 28 feet: higher than the Trinity Tow er iu New ork. It is the only con siderable dome of iron in the v.orld. It is a vast hollow sphere of iron, weighing 8,000,000,(100 pounds. How much is that ? Abot 4,000 tons, or a weight of 70,000 full grown per sons, or about equal to a thousand coal cars, which, holding four tons each, would reach two miles and a half. Directly .over your head is a figure in bronzeV' "America," weigh ing 14,085 poumus. The pressure of the iron dome fnpon its piers and pillars js 12,447 -pounds. to the square foot. St. Peteir presses nearly 20- OOOgpounds mori) to the square toot, and St. Genevieve at Paris, 1 7,000 pounds more. It wouldJ require to crush the supporters of our dome, a pressure of 557,270 pounds to the square! foot. The cost was about $1,000,000. The uew wings cost $0,- 600.000. j . . The following is from the London Economist : The tide of -emigration to the; United States which ebbed rapidly after the crisis of 1873 is now flowing on again in greater volume than ever. Going back for a period of ten years we fiud that in 1870 the total number of immigrants into the States . was 387,000. In , 1873 it reached 4fi0,000, and from this, its highest point, it swiftly declined.until in 1878 it had fallen to 138,000. Within the past twelve months or so however", the arrivals have been on a constantly increasing scale, and if they continue at the same rate as at present, the number of -immigrants dnnng the current year will not fall short of 500.000. Co:. A. ii. Andrews now holds a power never belore wielded by any railroad man in North Carolina. He isGeueral Supervisor of the Atlan tic Load, 95 miles from Morehead City to Goldsboro: General lana ger'of the N. C. R. R., 220 miles lrom Gbldsboro to Charlotte; and superiiiiendent'of theWestern N. C, 140 1 odd miles from Salisbury to Asheville ; besides the Salem Branch, 2S miles from Greensboro to Winston. Total, 4S3 miles. Ifsuch consolidation must exist, a better man could scarcely be found in the State thaiv'CoI. Andrews, w ho is not only capable to run lhee roads, bat v -r v ii.eh a Nirth Caronnian. I Greensboro Beacon. You rnav become verv much at- !-ci :C1 l a young dog tne hrl day ClIAU! savs : I FS 1 1 A KTM A N , Tol ed , Ohio, know it cured me, and I hope others similarly troubled with pain fh tpe chet may be helped by Tihe"Only T.ung I'mV is I have. Se Adv. j During the month of October the! r.ai r . i , ,i. I i oticujcc x-r-et'uriiiivui isueii i i i ..r.. t . , ! i envelopes aim muuv posiai 1 tiil'twl l L fiJ I l? rviu nr it a i p ftik.W i Tho Lople's Sewing Machine is for':!l kinds of family seVing. ' - We want active agents where our sewing machines are not represented, and we offer the most liberal inducement. Send for Illaitrld Circ. bus to the PHILADELPHIA SEWING MACHINE CO., Philadxl- I'll I a; Pa CURE YOUR BACK ACHE And all diseases' of the Kidneys, Bladder and ITtinary Organs by wearing the Improved Excels' or Kidney Pad. It is n MARVEL of HEALING aiKKLlEF. Simple, Sensible, -Direct, Painless, Powerl'njf. It CURES where all else fails. A REVELATION and REVOLU TION in Med'e ine. Ah-ot ptioti or direct application, as opposed to un satisfactory internal medicines. Send for our treatise on Kidney troubles, sent free. Sold b- drug gists, or sent by mail, on receipt of price. $. This is th Orijrinnl and (.cni' i.' Kidney Pad. Ask for it nd no other. v Address The "Only" Luxe. P.vi Co. Williains'Rioek. Detroit. Mieh. SCOVILUS n m, a peerless remedy for Scrofula, "White Swellings, Cancer, Erysipelas, Goat. Chronic Stores, Syphilis, Tumors, Carbuncles, iSalt Rheum, Malaria, Bilious Complaints, and all diseases nJIeftl!nr an Lrnpnro Condition of tho BhHxl. This Grand Remedy is a com'DouiiU of Te-retable extracts, tho chief of Tfhich aro SIRSAPJLRIIJ.A and STILLCi(JL. The enres effected hU V ILL'S BLOOD AM) LIVEIt bYRUP absolnte, and their record is URdbilinxred hr failure. l. X . 1 . I 1 -Tk . MQTT'S Il t??Jt-'v'' V- rll LIVER PILLS, lb Eaal Crii: hglifa They rectify torpidity oflK JAwrr. They giro lone to the bUnnaeX. They prevent ffripinffofthn ItoU. They vemave bile from the Stood. They pxtrif-j nru! invigorate the Hotly. They extrc all bilious complaint. IE 11 am BEER'S PAIN PANACEA for JLLV and BEAST. Per Hxtcra-ii taZ Internal Tm. 1i3 ('rca!t livvtr ff tho Age wmi uim CTT11ES COUjS, COUOS3, ETC. ( a i ;u a Piaster. :t all r.auGoirra. . vTcTTP.IlAN c CO.. & I-., .j'.-ii-r' us. ITow York. Baubef, Jr., Agent, Chap- ei inn, -, i,. J H.ii V e . JOHS W.CItAUAM. THOM.V? RUKFI5. G,!- A HAM & RUFFIN, AITORNEYS-AT-LA W. Hii.ui;ofiO, N. C, iractice a the County of Orange andT YI1IP iiiU 24 Cc'.kir Place, . a z-JlS S M. all adjoining Counties runninc-has simplo tenionn, a the bobbin without rumiing tho in its construction that it u cattily the best sewing machine erer made Cures by ABSOR1TOX (Nature's way) ALL LUNG DISEASES. THROAT DISEASES. RREATH1NG TROUBLES. It DRIVES INTO the nystrm cu rative agents and healing medii-ine. It DRAWS FROM the dUeascJ parts the poison that cause death TlIo:SAXIM TKSTIFV TO 1T4 J VlKTL'ICKS. YOLVCAN BE RELIEVED AND y CURED. Don't de.-pair until you have trlnl this Sensible. Ku-ilv Applied and i: Die A LLYEFKECTU A L lit-in- old l.v P'li :!p -fit ' on i ce . . T:: K t .1 Mi I'c .i V , . i!.:iu.i he., k. I 'fill .1 V .C. flu. ! Three '4 e in li;-:is :in I mil k. i.i.ol.v :, Y, ar." ,,; lire. ILVV It I llf"! 1 ' -it r Z s " X r O V X i i s mJ 2. m i- T - C a w n t - .n slso 2 S B I? r ? K S i -j v. m -g S "12- 1 2 o E o 0 ... This space is for a Piano cut. ' ' s ss t rW r- - - 3 I S - A if. ! n 7" j . i - 'f. ; Vrl - r m v: c A m r-. O o W V J 1W. T I B V.01UO. , iii J