,1 U A ti i: f 0 l . TV C 3 S I K I I K . , x I VTI'I!!)Y, Kntt U"i t. t!. . Nov. P -u Oiliee at Hills .' . as sec lul t:!;;;.s - S masw r. llioli S::hol a'I Ilii.Lsnouo. It seMns ti..w a hj-hied fart that the ; old .M.hi;i:y A'-M'.emy at U11,'oroi -titer i n r iii-'i-e, im to nc soon again oroiiin. i:,!o .eiviee.t ;i iw.nv .-en t hiu-i ur.i.le. It win ne unoer me ..l.owr. ..I .1 u i i.tilillfMlf -il !K:l1 ( rs ... . T t 1 I "I . t the Mr. Spfiuhlin-. .If Caiil-- lifvojished renutai ion WfWl ! III I 7frWW inn, a rnlive ot .N.'w ork : ami ine ..11.11 u mm.i .tixmi tu uh. pai.t'uiM.r. j There are times in the life of the' kmetles went t bed at about mne lan:e, asi!y-t breaded shuttle winds the bobbin without running the Kev. .Mr. IMS. of Ohio, .1 native -; ;i.bove r Instead of h-jlping a (el:-w j smajj 'loy wjJt.n jiy c,cjs Verv svjjo'elock. S.;me tune in the night he ju crks of ti'e machiue, and is so simjde in its construction that it it fltily Maryland. H.-th ot th";n are lead Pj in;lliv art. tit.vcr belter pleased j frt,m the use of a slipper 01 swifa-h 1 vva awaVei.e.l. Uss Wiliiatns stood ; Undertood.. V ers ol long and approved experience ; lltan wl;eJ, ov keepin- a fel- upon .him. It anything happens- toi-vt-''' ,- I owe hand she had a' T! e People's Sewing Machine is the besee wing machine ier Mlde and both of them an; di-unes of dis- t , . ,. ,Prsnn w'n, has thus nfllieted I ?l' and tu the other a large butch-, f,,r all kinds. of family hewing. O, We ( an give ;iodefinit' inlbrrnntion man and ch'iM would attend to their when the school will be opened, but own business and not be meddle- suppofte adverti,em nl will be raade : me .j, ' lhal o iXh,v uhat a of the tacts. Durham Keeorder. :, , , , . Xr : happv people we would be. 2s ov We had honed that the above was!, . t t ' .11 A'1 Ui n" t,-y br tiienext four weeks, true, but information of a later date j . hm . 1 . . ' ! say until Christmas, to attend to our dispels our hones We learn that !, , ' , , ;. . 1 i n.ismevs and see how deasantly the the gentlemen who contemplated os j . .. , .,, Xt , ! hoirdays will pass awav. rot only latiiislimg lue f;cnooi smigm. me ao i 'ends vice of fcorhe- Vrfshington fi and w re hy them dissuaded from ; the undertaking, 0:1 the ground that nothing of that kind (high schools) ouhl yet succeed in the South. While e aie extremely sorry that iich advice has been given, and liken, yet we feel a pride in point ing the gentlemen and also their ad- visers to the educational recoid of Orange County. For nearly a cen- ti'V Orange has been the educ,a-" tnmal centre, the seat of learning, of N.oih Carolint! and not ' our j w n M. ne only, lor : he fame of the i CiiiviMMM at L'lnnel Iltll. the Caid- ! ;ell heunite at llillsboro, Tew's . Iilitai v .'v.elemv at llillsboro, the vv l'l known Rngham School, the Hughes A.i le'itv , -and the Fema'e School ol' M sscs Nash & Koliock, have drawn into In r borders num hers ol the voir. h of eveiy Southern tn!e to li ink" of her fountains of v.:-ii m and ol it artiing. As to locitinn :- Hillsboro's al vaotages .11 cTd ftie best , sit ualed im mediately on .the Central North Carolina Railroad, twelve miles from the I niversitv, in a region of coun try unsurpassed for health! nlne.-s, in easy leach of Raleigh tin' Capilal,in a community of high syial develop-men-. and above all. a people who would have n-ceived them with o-.ci: arms, ami encmu agel iheir under taking lo its lu'.h st ie iopir.'.ii'.. Hut aias, we Icar that politics may ' have opvM a: d, imt upon ihe minds of the gentlemen who proposed loun bug the r-h"ol, but upon their a liser. Of one thing we Would iisMiic 'hem : we are not 'all Uour ,bon d'Un lute. The election is 'over, its animo.d.ies, its h 'pes, it liai point cu nts are ail gone and we now t th" iuevitaiile, tin- Wlllofthe j c n'e. '.il I iu rant" spirit a w hich we aci-eptctl the results of the war. G n. Citi eid is I'lesident elect, is jr l';csiint, aiihough we hoped and voted f'-r anothci ; and we shall leel it our duty to applaud him when right, as welt as to condemn him when wrongf So tar as elect n are concerned, we could ivler von to ever lead' ing Republican in li e Com. i, and we vei.tutc tie avn Hun thai not one aun-ng them cou d be loUic!, but wou:d say that every election in OrangeNs peaci abie. lair, honest ; il al ' bnif-iloxitig ' hss n place aimmgst us, bul cvey veter, white and btack, Democrat or Re publican, gees to the pedis and votes precisely a- he wishes, and his vote is fairly and nonestly counted. No community in the count j y er-jov . a larger oninical liberlv lhan oa: Sneakers of either sid t :in !:s!'i.i'd tu w . I 1 1 I'.iw... on.l olli.iil'i.n ... .,. tu-'.. ..in itu'Mi . jinv man win. wouhl a.lvtse oipei -; , II 1 wise wouiif -lu ckU feel .he imh-o;:,- 1 t .011 ol" botji pai tii-s e bae ald thus ma: ill J u- :.-h to Ili!!bo:o and Oran-e County d its people. It :l ie scin..'i i i;ot .0 be amongst us, no urn will regret ; tmu.u 11.au ourMM,. .vnn e s-o 1 nope lie i:e:,tleine:i inay seek other! advisers, who know more of us -ind Ui wavs: and ue feel assured if 1 j. . ... . ihcy do, that they will yet come. , - Dum.VG this severe weather, tor- get not the poor. Ul. Tom another ur-, :?dn who is pittifuliy crying on t he ', jvv.w. " Vhal- -Mi'. ym unn.r. Tnimv "( ! u:;iv .!jiiiLT a fellow i:--! That is j i-jhi. T-iii:n . 'X 6 w take : ih.it n-i vi.'.u i;:(.'i in! 'r'h Jile. t. 1 1 r : : ;! '. 'i ii' M i !h; drunkard who i U ('own ! !'.!'' tli ink. -and 'there i J e tM.n: tf;-H. is ' poor, or siok, or , t"ru;,-.'.. Give each a haul, ami ' L ir. a Iirllow no. w'hat would have beeoiiM' oi' y:iv l in Luther, whe IIklping a Fellow tuv is Hitrimiu ,3wav at en he was a youni( 1 answered Uie spokesman ot the party, the slieet.s for hisaboy whearrieda lare j-ack in man sinuriut; mine slieets lor iwsaooy viv.v ca bread, it some one who had an eve I to observe him and a heart to fee'llors. At this point they were litis- j for him. had noUnut out a hand and ! lied out of the Court room, and at; helped a fellow up ? There are ! t j,0nsands to ilnuwlio never could ; have stood where they now. are i'; tro - ndlv sou.s h td not extemied aid o;i, ,..1,0,1 m To oW Ut I How diir;rent are the people now- a:ls m n.paris.in- with the youth luat we lead aooiit in the paragraplt will wj" all feel better, but we will ... m? , . ... ... x. ... vnus ue cuuineo 10 enier ne .u-h Year with new hope. Wk learn that the book .of Johu I). Cameron, Esq., editor of the Durham Recorder, entitled "Sketch es of the Tobacco Interests of Xorth Carolina,'1 will soon be issued. The price of the book will he 50 cents per copy, atnl it will contain 150 to 175 pages ot useful information ---- - - Xinrollna rVov. Winstoij Sentinel : Our town is nuking preparation to handsomely entertain the Methodist Conference I. . .:1.1.T wnen il meets jtoucri ijong :ged '(')."), was sentenced to the peni- teiniary for twenty years at Stokes Court last week, for stealing a horse. Toisnot Sunny Home : A murder wns committed at Easou's Store, in Xash county, on last Saturday even ing. Two negroes, Ed Robinson and Kedmond' Halts, 'got into a dis ..ntf, which led Hobinson to draw 'us knife and cut liaus on the arm just below llje s.ioulder, from which 1 litis bied to death in a very few minutes. Robinson escaped. Edenton Clarion : Issac Lout her, a colored man on W. r. Warren's firm, adjoining Edenton, has raised nine 500 lb bales. of cotton, 75 bar rels of com and 15 hogs, aU within hints -.'If and his children, having paid out onlv S'l for labor; 4 bales of cot- ion pa.s his bales of cotton, tioo bushels potatoes, 1.) biarreis ot corn and lo hogs to iive on for the vear locome. (Irei'iisboro Patriot : At Winston yesterilay, ' before the United States Commissioners Curt, one-, Johr lleaiev, white, and Jack T'iiompson colored, were committed, lo jail in default of bail, 0:1 the charge ol manufacturing ami passing counter feit, itun. Two more candidates for the Albany penitentiary jut where ihey otrrM in be. .Indd Hilton, a white man. is on trial to-dav before the United States Commissioner at Winston lor the same oti'euce. Eutiehl Senf iuel : A m gro at Hali fax, w;:s shot in the face by au un known person one night last week, under the lotlowing ei cumstances : He was parsing tloough a crn field of Ir. .John (iregor's. and hearing some oue.neir'hini hecalietl to know who it. was, when the discharge of a gun folio. v.'d. the contents taking effect in his 1ace, tearing his teeth out and making an ugly wound in the nose and fu-e. '1 he next day a bag was tound where the rogue had been Moahitg corp. After tiring the gu:: he th-d leaving his bag and the com he ii.nl gathered behind. Laurinburg la. lei prise : The Gov ernor lias also jianloned George Ch-dlcltc-, a convict o?i t he C. F. '& V V. R. R.. who had both eyes blown out a few months ago while Idas; ing rock. The old man by the name of Syke. who killed a col ored man named Morgan in Favctte- ivi.ie, t!kNO or .tlnee.ve us a4o. a no. m miwii. i 1 e try mtn miio v o- 1 - 1 1... .1 . .1 1 .1 1 .1 ' ' 1 TI 1 w 'to - .Ava-; M'tili'iii'i f.' a term - , .one. 1 and berated Sv 1 1. MA 1 1 . kitlinji while intoxicated and h.i.l no tss 1 1 . . .. .1. i. 1 ii..uiaxwu.i e;oit,cei i.oig me ueeu I when arrested several- hours ihere -" - aster. lie is now m a dioos eal con ditiiin aa he WHS .p.KvuM 011 ac- count thereof. Will iinmuioii : .v panv oj aooui si x or e!-r:l lilt lo eoiore.I li-w and phis were on the search ytster-; ilt',,rn',nn ivV Can ,tt I " V. VI . . . - . KAWlir :ed to th,. ifniUMitiarv!HTKim 't'i,K'd 10 ,a- Ut :1 lhe j yi m-S-Lt if ut s"a.Ut.-n t-.rv. P... ot yt-ar-.. f as been par-1 "' U-:iowr h vul out ui.-u-r a jnuo irt e iti;oh lue ,v, lr iains in ih, l' iberated: Sn kes did tin-3:ul V1? I.o,dram;s Xo nil.t.lke aJ;lt lWi xv, I ----- r . j. u v. w.il -UU1I I U'l, U3 I CO UI cu j wanted to illuminate their houses mm,- to hJtl, T .hull i. ft urn 111 i:n' t'u iii nm in mntn u-n.i i honor of Garfield's election. tu - i n . i 1 1. 1 . -r . In .the COUrse of their peregrinations thev , called at the City Hall aud wanted- to know if that was the o'ace where - they were to obtain the necessary material to light up the pathway of! the Kadieal procession ; -itnl, upon findinpr that they were in the wroni: f-ew there, 'they next went to the' Court Hfnc where, enter in the oftt - .je of t!je Jiid'e of Probate. vh- was hearing a case, they stopped the argument of eonu.-el -bv the 'ie tion. "Sav, mister, is von the nn:i what jjives out de candles 'What candles reu'.ied tlu Jud je, startled ' frf'n Vii.s uuai dignity. "Why. i;e i eandles what von iltiiminate with." which to take hi Radical illumina- last azcounts they were making their j way in the direction of the Custom j House, where someone told them thev. could fet ail the candies they I wanted. A WASP IX? AX OLD MAX'S SLIPPEK. im his iov is great as will be seen ! from the folhwinr incident: A j irentleman returned front his dailv toil and had nulled off his boots and i was ooing to put on his slippers. ! when a howl of intense agnnv re-1 sounded through the hall. The af frighted family rushed to the door, atd beheld their papa heaving the shadows with wild gestures and frantic gyrations. 'Take it oft"! he shouted and nude a grab at his foot. but missing it, went on with his war lance. 'Water ! he shrieked and star ted up stairs, three'nt a step, and, turn ing, came back in a single stride. Uh I'm stabbed !' and sank to the -floor and held his right leg high above his head ; then he rose to his feet with a bound, and screamed for the bootjack, and held his foot out to wards nis terrified family. 'On, bring the arnica,' he yelled, and with one despairing olfort he reached his slipper and got it oft", and with a groan as dee) as a well ami as hol low as a drum, sank into a chair and clasped his foot in both hands. 'Look out for the scorpjon.Hie whis pered hoarsely ; 'I'm a dead man. The small boy was by this Time our. in the woodshed rolling in the kindling in an ecsiacy of glee, and pausing from time to time to explain to the son of a neighbor, who had dropped in to see if there was any innocent sport going on in which he could share rOlf Rillv ! Billv ! : he cried, 'you wouldn't believe; sometime to-day, somehow or oilier a big blue waj got into the old man's siipperr and when he came home and put them on oh. Hill, you don't know what fun I've had." A TEXAS MULE STORY. Not long since a Texss man read in a paper that if a string were tied tightly around the root of a mule's tail it would, in cases of colic, give the animal instant relief. He tried the remedy on one of his own mules, and the doctor's say that the portion of the tail thus isolated was sooir swelled up bigger than the 'mule. The Texas man says the mule turn ed its head and saw his monstrous tail and got alarmed and began fo kick. The first kick drove the mule's tail away out behind, but th tail immediately swung back and knocked the mule forward a little as the tail was so heavy. That made the mule madder'n ever and he kick ed like fury. That only gave the till more momentum, and on its re turn it knocked the mule about a rod. The mule looked around and didn't see any body and kicked again! The tail was there as calm ami reg ular as a pendulum aud il came back like a steamboat running a race. That time it lifted the mule over the barn yard fence. Hut the mule lit on its feet and struck out again game as ever. The tail fairly laugh ed as it caught the mule on its haun ches and drove it down the lane a mile and a half at every w hack. It looked like destruction to the mule as mule and tail disappeared in the dis tance. Hut after tnree or lour hours, a returning cloud ot dust was seen aud soon the mule emerged therc- bom kicking as br.skly as ever but tbe tail was totally ued up aud ooupJ Xot l)t iig able to offer any more re V.I ' ti. rr " sistance, of couie the 'mule kicked himself back to the itajtir.ir pomt. This is imt a caiiipaiira lie. X'v Orleans Tones Oxlv Juki.ng.-A -ood jke tw... us oia etMa u 0.0 cioreti uroui- er. D.inn a lecent lexivul tbe e; - , 1 1 i' . i i- .... ...T 1 Joo inaveo tons: "K) Luni ram : dow" a sl,oWcr o! bricK-in's a:i-l v;t 1 ci. ic iiiMiis .it) iit'si k inn iiiir-rnr ; . . , 'v !1,lM'l"ev,,ih iear by tore w a . . .1.. .IJ 3 1 a-t?- ; at lut u,u uarKe.S wrucn nil hilU on lh bv:ia r,,I,i -r..ckt,l h m j over. .Al'.cr tie had -recover id trom t ie sho,:?k, he went on. -i. r!. mu'l . .... . -. . vou - u , joul- sUl his devot ions V . II. Ran riixt Sac and F ox : ;PrK' lUxln -i'itory, i .. ii-ii. -. . .. i Pad' has res ored i . If 0 . . j recomtnerd it toUny one. See Alc. Remember t poor. PilrJ - MNG IIMi; SUIT VV IT II A KN I' E. i AX IXSAN't: G l icr.i TUYI X( To DUi Tili: M v.iio ia:Ffi:! TO 2I.UU.V lli'AL Ah 'tin . S:nedef, aizto worksj lor C. S. 0"i?n. ;ua: V.!lcis, N. V. barai v illiams. :ed u as .t er v:ttit in the samel hbue. 0:.e t!:iv last week Smedes and the ''ii w t'I'C ieit alor.e in the jJions.', the reL t ', the fainilv .beiitoj ar. av on a iit. While the young man and Mivs Wji- hams were eatinguppvr the latter ; snid : ; 'Abram, I want a httsband Hnd you'.' ! Abram laughed- He said that it wnuhl require two to make such a ; bargain. He thought the girl was; joking.. Hut she insisted on pressing her suit. When Nnedes positively 1 refused his consent to become her ; busband she grew exceedingly angry: rein? You won't marry me 'i Then you'll never see the sun rise again !'j i she exv-htimed. ! cr n;ie' xw bioli slnj; held as though in luc iiCt 01 cmeues ; ,!P SJ1 the girl by the wrist. r or "eaven s saKe, wi.ai no yon , 1 ' j t. 1 1 luv lu -r ue e.vciaoueu. X m-,a' ly cut your throal!1 the girl replied. Smedes tried $0 take the knife from her. A sn uggle ensued. The girl dropped the lamp. Smedes suc ceeded in putting her out of his room, bin she retained the knife. He closed the door, but there was no lock to it. The girl remained stand ing close on the outside. 'I'll wait tili you eorne out,' she said. 'I'm bound to kill you., Smedes' remained the nt of the night holding the door.. When day broke he heard the girl go down sta'ys. He then went stealthily down ami lelt the hou-e. j The girl was ta ken into custodv and found to be in sane. v j A LITTLE RED THING On a certain occasion an old gen tleman was invited to a fashionable dinner, and on the 'table, a large pyr amid of fruit had been placed, near the top of which there had been in stated a few red pepers by way of ornament. Our friend, not.recog. nizing the pepper, and thinking it was a rare species, of fruit, helped himself to one of the little pods, and with out examining it, eh'sely, began to chew it. The iirstj bile revealed its nature, but knowiujg it would not be exactlv in accordance with the strict rules of politeness t.o make any noise about it, he heroically kept it in his mouth, determined totake advantage of the first, opportunity to dispose of it. In the meantime the heat from the cavenue became intolerable. Tears eoursad down the old gentle man's cheeks, and his agonv was in tense. KAt length unable tp stand it any longer, he look the- oftei:dinj pod between his fingers, and with a voice trembling with emoiion, said : 'Ladies and gentlemen, with your permission-, I'll puti that d d red thing back.' Exchange. A North Carolinian tried the same thing. Manv years ago when the Legislature first me tin Raleigh, one of the legislators stopp'ed at a hotel the first hotel he ever was in. A dish ot red pepper was sitting on the table, and the Legislature man see ing . everybody else helping them selves to it, he thought he would trv it, although he knew not what it was. The very first timejhis mouth came together on the pod he found out his mistake. With tears streaming down his cheeks he slowdy pulled it out of his mouth, turned it -over ami over, and as he laid il by j his prate, he ex claimed : 'D u you. Lav there atid cool.' . I L I -. lo Stop Okgaxs,Suh Bass and Coui'LEit Only $05 Bkst is tiie L. S. Open your eyes wide before you semi North for instruments. Spread eagle advertisements do not always tell the exact truth. Better instruments at : sam or less prices can be had nearer hpme. See these ofi'eis : ()K(;a.vS If' Slot.?. 4 .Sets Itee'i. Sub Ra.s anrl Coupler, Ieau-o titui CaM-. Onlv SGo U Stojw 4 Sets Kee-ls, onlv 8o9 , 7 Stops. 3 Sets . - . . . lijed, 6.r. Stool j and Book in- lulcd. lf and- 7i Oct.. larize size. ii'S(;',vo(i v.,ase. only 1 1 1 .1 ; 7 1 :, Or;, largest '4ize. orlv S): - i -i 1 O-t. )!:ari Grand, extra ' M ,,.;; 1 ....... -".i i!vt)i and Cover mdirded. Aii t'hm , ;,(i ij,!,.. In ' ,.li:!r;ml . i;,,i.iv, kv-rs, ao; Ill v t--t trsa.. v... M an !u;ne sand f.Uiip-rnioT with - .t - i . i- ine VUhl. e:..l ivr i'ai; J rice- Seiid i-r sso j. wp.j ,..1V !N(lU A-bbc- "W Trn,)VV t. Ibm S.o.rhe, Mnvi, U,.,,., Savannah. Ga! t'nnisT, Ge3:hek, Wholesale Ha; d- v.a-e. To.edo. Ohio, fa : The Kx- celsior Kidney PaI his aceompo-du-d more, for mv w ie iji three 'weeks linn ali t he medicine) she has taken three vr. IUtVr ad skeptic, to e.$t'e Adv. - ; A rumor comes from Paris that I j ounner are to oe worn on tne head ' uereaiter. , THE LIGllT The Pe.-le"- Sewing Machine is . We want active agents where our We want active agents where our a;ii vve tner ine intsi unerai inaucerneiiiH. ena ior iiiubi Sjis to the PHILADELPHIA SEWIXG MACHINE CO., phia, Pa. 7 cure Youi; i;ack achk And all discaes of tin- Kidneys.' IJhiiyer and lMuar' Organ bv wearing the Iinprotrd Exrclsior Ridncy Pad. It is a MAKVKL oi' lli;ALlN(; and KKL1KF. imp'e. Sensible, Direct, Tahiles-, 1 owertui. It (TUhS where ail else faii. A IIKVKLA I'lON and UKVOM' TlOX'in Medicine. Ab-.u-j.? ion r direct ajj)lica:on. a ojtpo-c.l atis'aeio'ry internal medi'-ine-;. Send lor o ;r ire;ii;-e on Kidney trouble-, sent free. Sold by drug gists, or sent by mall, on reci;t of" pi ice. This i ib Original and (lenuine Kidney l';ui. A.-k for il and. lake no 01 her. Address Tin; -Oxia" l.vsc Iu ( . iiiillM-IiiK k. Detroit. Mich. 3S? inir Orcrans. It soothes and lieals the Membrane of the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevents the night sweats and tightness across the (hest TThich accompany it. CONSUMPTION is not an incurable malady. It is only. this foenlim specific will core you, even thougfi professional aid fails. HENRY the Most JPoiverful Healing x Agent ever Discovered. IT&ttry'a Carbolic Solve heals burns. Henry's Carlolio Salvo curr sorra. Henry's Carbolic Salve allays jtain. Jlenr;' Carbolic S'llo eura rrnptiois. Henry's Carbolic Kulrc h'al pimplri. Henry's Cxirbolio tUilcc heals bruises. Ak for Henry's, and Take ?.o Other. t2T BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS, TOWNSLEY'S TOOTH CUBES I If ONE 9IIXUTB. Edey's Carbolic Troches, ijt A SURE PRKVCNTTVE OF Caniajrfous Diaeacn Coldj, Hoararr.esr Diphtheria, ar.d Whoopiner Couh. ' I'leasant to the Taste. mil 1 Iiivo Dyspepsia and EHiouiies. Z'T FOR SALE KY ALL TiRUfiOI-STS. joh:; f. 24 CoiIetr Place wYorL 1 "I " s M. hnm ,:, el Hill. X. C. .:nn v.ianitor. -Ir.. A-f! :", 0 frf. ll'iM A - ULKHN. G R All AM ArrOKXEYS -AT-1. A W, IIlLLSlioHO. K. C. j rracticfc. 5n lhe Count v of Oranrre and wm. 'HALL'S Curc3 Celds, Pnenmonla, . Bronchitis , Asthjna, Croup, Whoopinff Couh and all diseases or tho Breathinir Orcrans. necessary 10 nave tne rifrnt remedy, and H ALIAS BALSAM is that remedy. DON'T DESPAIit OP BELIEF, for mm mm. AHM - KUNMNG light gunning baa gimple tension. sewing machines arenot represented, sewing 'machines arenot Illustrated Circa- Philadel ( it res hy ABSOIU'TON tNaniifN way ) ALL I.rxr, DISK ASKS. Tlli.'OAT DlM.wVh liKKATIIINfi 1 IH 'if.i It DKIVT.S INTO the sysu m ni- rat ive agents and healing uidicim. It DliAWS KltO.M -he di.-a-I liaitslbe poison ibai. '-:i'h" dt:h. 1 v. Tiioi:s.Ms TiAi'in f- ir.i Vn: 1 1" i',.:. of AN iu j. 1. I AN!) r.D. D"n'. iieo.or null' oti h.t'-tried s Ibis XMl-'.n'ie. l.:l.':l Applied : nd i: Dh ai.i. l.l i l Tl A L iiflii- i n: .v nnurnist.-. t-r m-ui nv , I 1 mail ..is n 1 i ipt ifl. by 1 'in. -on 1. i' hi st; l'.ui Co. William JUo( k. Detroit. Mich. S Tu. I or Test iuioui.tls and our inrnk, -Three M illioii-a Year." Sent free. X 3 a v c ft S, c X 35 H 7 - m c 'S. k s T. 2 t 'J. K E. C r. C c t J. This fpace is for a Piano cut. it r- 1 rr v. r j t It Z T ' - V3. . '. V -i - - V I v in c O n -1 :. ail adjotuing Counties.