ORANGE COIWTY OBSERVER. SATURDAY, Dec. 181880. Entered at tin Post Office it Hills borough, ,N. C,f as second class matter. Men gr-w weak by taking too much strong drink. The Raleigh papers announce the suspension of thej Raleigh Sentinel for want of sufficient patronage. The New York Herald saya that women can vote in Texas, owing to a provision of the Texas statuies which declares that "the masculine gender fchall include the feminine and neuter." But the 'women have not found it out as yet. Wil. Star. Well, this is the first time we ever heard the women accused of not finding out anything. . Every Legislature that has met since the war was the "ablest." Wonderful U-Wil. Star. Wo can't speak! lor the balance of the State, brother Star, but so far a Orange c unty in j concerned, it will le the OrceneM. We think our brother of the New bernian, brother Cap. in or, :.iii ' say lit' same con tret aing Craven county. Speak out, hi t.tlter. . 1 ! TflK Baptist State (convention held in Goldsboro a lew weeks ago, paused resolutions meinor ializing the Legislature n the subject. of prohi bition, and the Methodist Confer ence, at Winsjop, adopted similar resolutions. The County Commis sioners of Halifax, Chatham and Moore' have refused to grant license for the sale ti spirituous liquors in those counties. The prohibitionists arc concentrating their forces, and we may look forward to lively limes in the near future between the tem perance advocates on one hand, and the friends of license on the other. The New York Herald is daily exposing the dishoiu-sty of John Kelly, and appears determined to hound him down. His withdrawal from the politics ot the country would materially benefit t lie Demo cratic party.. and we wish the Her ald success. Hancock owes his de feat to Kelley's treachery. Bonier Review, Henderson. m i i i Any party tliat will allow one wan to defeat it in a national elec tion, deserves defeat. We hope no other paper, especially in North Carolina or the South, will admit that one man defeated the great Democratic party in a Presidential election. It it is true, we ought to be ashamed of o. 1 WUA T IS THE MA TVER ? When old age overtakes a man who has spent his young and best days in the nervice of church or any other organization, hp should not be east aside without provision being made to take care of him. See the good old preachers, (and if there are people in the world that we dove, they ar the gxxl vhl preachers,) who have spent their lives in doing good, now that they have arrived at old age, cvst off, given some inferior appointment, any where, just to get rid of them. It is wronu. The peopU say they don't want an old man. The trouble in, wo fear, the good old men live too close to God for most of the churches and ootigre- gallons. This is a Ktranre world. NEARLY all of the Democratic papers in the State Lip an heard trom, are in favor of giving the State lriM"."'.r t lhe News and Observer. vv. i,... i...... ., ) r V..1U l' mm .1 1 'I III" I .1 1 II. j t I.i'jsl.tUii'O, with an ouiu-e of if rat i- tude in it, eotild do lhecwie than! i te this paper the printing.' It i. clearly entitled to it, and wo hope the Legislature will give it the Slate I'rinliug, and that, too, at a fair pricv. We are opposed to grind ing down good and taithf il ser vanu just because other, knowing I hey ftaod no chance themsehes, are determined that whoever does i;et tbo work, khall do it tor little or nothing. Give the printinc to (?apt. Ashe, who has nntunly been faithful as a journalist, but when he com manded the Democratic forces of the entiro State, success was ilways certain. V r o The Connty Cbinmtssioners of Moore, Chatham land Ilalifixiave refused t Ijraul license to any one to sell ihjior in those counilu?... -'-'' Whisky did fata! work inn week. Not lem than tout men in thi Stale lost their live by it. S says the Southern Home, Charlotte, N. C. A lire in Kaieigh last Sunday de stroyed $5.00J worth of property. Four More houses, the property of James M. Harris, were burned All Insured. Two terrible incendiary tires in one week have swept away almost the entire business poitio.i of the fair little town of Laurtuburg, there being but two stores now left stand ing. Tarboro Southerner : Mr. William Hodges, of this county, raised this year 200 bales of cotton on acres of land, using mostly home manure. He fclatids forth the champion on no large a scale. A negro named lied Batts killed another named Kd. Kobbins last week in Nash. Whis ky fight. News and Observer: The patri otic people of Guilford an; taking steps to make the celebration of the centennial of the battle of Guilford Court House a gnlmd affair. Adju tant General Jones takes a lively in- 1 terest in the approaching celebration and will do all in his power to make the celebration a grand mccess. There was a big fire in Winston, Friday, Dec. 10th. We learn that the store of Messrs. S. 1). Franklin & Co. ; the drug store of Dr. V. O. Thompson , two vacant stores be longing to 1 II. Joyner ; the har ness ami saddlery store of A. -M. I'ayms, and the groceiy store of II. L. Graves & Co. were destroyed. Asheville News Mr. Hassell, formerly of iho Central Hotel, Dur ham, N. C, has taken charge of the Eagle Hotel at this place. :Mr. lias sell is an old hotelist, and under ids management the Eagle wi;l be sec ond to no house in the Stale. We can cheerfully recommend him as we have tried his fare in days gone by. Salem Press: A newspaper di rected to 'His Satanic Majesty, Hell, Below China,' catue into the hands of the Houte Agent ol the Salem Branch Railroad, and it puzzled the old man how to dispose of it. He awked our worthy 1. M., and he an- swered in his usual -quiet manner 'All foreign mail matter goes North.'' And so it went. News and Observer : The State on Friday concluded its testimony in the case of in. Parker, charged with the murder ot General Bryan Giimes. The defense had examined a few witnesses when one of the ju rors was taken sick, lhe Judg wait I'd until after dinner, for an im provement in the juror's condition, and when informed by the physi cians that it would be impossible for the juror to continue on the trial, continued the case until the uext term of Beaufort, court, which will oe ueul next soring. -lhe cross ties for the University Railroad have, with the exception of 5,000, been received, and are now on the track. The remaining have been contracted for and 'will be de livered in January. The irun is to be laid, it is understood, as soon as these other ties are received. TO AcOMX10DATE THH PUBLIC. The proprietors of that immensely popular remedy, Kidney-Wort, in recognition ol the claims ot the pub lic which has so liberally patronized them, have prepared a liquid prepa ration of that remedy for, the special accommodation of those who from any reason dislike to prepare it lor themselves. Ilr is very concentrated and, as the dose is small, it. is more easily taken by many. It has the same effectual action in all diseases of the kidneys, liver or bowels. Home and Farm. ALL OUT. "I want to see . the villain who wrote this article. Where's the proprietor of this paper ?'r "lie's out." "Where's the managing editor V Mle's out." "Where's the city editor ?'' 44 He's out." "Where's the reporter ?'' "He's out.rt "Where re 'm I ?" (Kieketty- slain-bang jam ! Two panes of glass broken.) "You're out." Man found on sidewalk ami car ried lo hospital. Verdict Struck by lightning. Still they will do it ! AVw York Dispatch. W. A. Titus, 02 Ashland Avenue, Toledo, Ohio, says: My wife is now as strong as ever, her regained health leiu: directly due to the use of the Excelsior Kidney Pad. We can heartily recoKimend it to all kidney troubled persous '$ce ado. Preparations are already being' made to make the inauguration cer - emonie8 at Washington, on March 4, very brilliant and imposing. The ust oi names constituting the van- ous committees to arrange for the inauguration numbers five hundred and fifty. COUNTY COMMISSIO lKS. HlLLSBORO, N. C, Dec. G. The Board met in the court house. Present : Jones Watson, Chm n ; John F. Lyon, N. D. Bain, J. W. Latta and D. F. Morrow. Jones Watson, John F. Lynn, N D. Bain, J. W. Latta and I). F Morrow, newly elected Commission. ers, appeared and were sworn in by i the Clerk of the Superior Court ac-j , r I cording to law. Jones Watson, Esq., was -re-elect ed Chairman. rri.. . .v., ........ ...,,.. u v i V 7 i V upon the bonds ot the newly elected eouoiy oiucers iouoenveu ...eir oiucihi oonu, . J .. .m :i 1 1. 1. were received and ordered to be re-IV j corded. nu , j wr r, T e lhe bond of Geo. Laws, Superior Court Clerk, was renewed as re - quired by law. P License was granted to 1,1 .-t. (rar-1 tield, V . H. Hicks. N . U. Chii-tmasJ. 1 i . n ui . .1 . . ario J eter ( oh n to rptm siiintiioiis liquors. - J. II. Briggs, N. V. Kay, illiam ; TY1lL : r, .,.1.. .1 m tl! drn A p tf ft n r ...wil i . - 1 V't CACIIIIIi IIUUI 'aJ :,o mjO lit A , on account of disability. Jesse Clark and Marv James were permitted to list their property for taxes for the year 1880 ltev. Charles Phillips was relieved j from paying 20 State and County j I..., w. ii.wii.c cuui.uc; noivw , against mm in Chapel Hill lown- . snip tor the year ioy. lhe Board settled m full with D. C. Parks, former Treasurer, on ac count of County and school funds. Susan K. Polk was released irom paying poll tax erroneously nsted against her. Various accounts were examined and allowed. CHRISTMAS. At Rosemond's store I am houud to stop And view his new and attractive ptoek Of beautiful toys ami presents ;rare. Which be is selling at prices so lair. Your cheeks and eyes will burn and glow s To get a peep in his beautiful store. He has pretty dolls and lare size drums. The choicest candies and sugar plums. His beautiful books are so cheap, you know, . From a penny apiece to Robinsoc (Jru- soe. There are trumpets, hoops, and every thing funny. Which he is selling for a very little money. His store is filled with splendid toys, fo please the little girls and boys. Before going elsewhere 'catlttflee, ' And you will astonished be. His stock of China and. (ilas ware is 4 complete, No other store in town can compete. And lie wants you all to know. His. prices are lower than before. And from the tropics utmost heights. He brings their delicious fruits to.liht. Of candies ami nuts there is no end. And with him you must your "money spend, j The old and young may come and go. But never in "this town before. Was seen j'Uoh a beautiful show 01 Christmas goods, as is in Rosemond's store. Then go and buy your Chri-lm is 1 oys. To till the youthful hearts with joys. And presents tor your wives, ons and laughter's. At Rosemond's, Santa Clans" Headquar ters. j. Fiondiisti Xiiitloi-. the HELLien workJof tvo black DEVILS. Charleston, S. C, Dec. 11. The details of the murder ot Mrs. Kennedy, in Clarendon county, and the subsequent lynching of the mur derers, have been received. Mrs. Kennedy, a lady twenty years of age and of tine family, had been left alone in her house by her husband. She sat by a window writing, aud saw Joe Barnes, a negro lad, loafing about the premises. This he had been incited to do by Vance Bfandt and Julia Brandt, the purpose beinr to ascertaiu when Kennedy left the house, and then enter and rob it of a considerable sum of money which they believed was in ii. Brandt and his ister lay in a thicket near by, aii.l u-lion Itarrioa aiur liii.m..i. ... he at once cave a sicnal to them. 1 Brandt made repeated attempt to enter the window, but was thrice pushed back by Mrs. Kennedy. Fi nally, seeing that he was determined t gel in. she ran out ot the front door and was going through the gate ot the yard when Brandt seized a hoe and knocked her down. She begged for mercy, but he cursed her, saying, "J s beeu wantm to kill you i a louir time." With this he twice! agan struck her, almost cutting her arm off. At this moment Julia, the I ueirress. came ud. and with another he comtlcteIv severed Mrs. Keuue- dv's head from her body. - hours later, he found his wibVs dead body outside the gate .stiff in death and horribly mutilated, wkh the ifiMins -catteied over the irr.iUtid. On Tuesday the lad Barnes 'was ! 1 arrested find made a confession f!' the crimr of which the above are I the detfe a. Marks of blood and brains ftre found on the clothing of j i Brandt Jar.d Julia. A crowd ot 150 j white afcti 50 colored men, enraged at the lorrible murder, gathered to1 John K. Hughes, Sheriff;, IK 1 ! :, - 'I v , rr.-,, rp T if t , 4iyT lht il an, IlltMratrd 1 illey, 1 reasurer : B. II. Bell.Tynr- , , 1 ! ... ,. . . s r t t r i " ' Catalogue, containing hst ot iremi-i veyor; Dr. T. J. ilson, Coroner ; . c ' e. . 7 , t r'u t t . . i 1 "tiiuis. KCt, or l.wil tor a complete and John Laws, Register of .Deeds. ' r , f I punish the ni'irdeicrv The ntrixji j implored the whites to permit them j to take ) the murderers and burn them alive. This was ietued, mi 1 all'but twenty three voted that thev V.I ill . oe ivncneu at onew. natters were, oiind, and all three were hansel) with dispatch. Mrs. Kennedy at the time! of the murder was encientcl with twins and near her entitlement.' v,...,.;,, tk,o iNOIIOE. I nose of our readers tWlrimJ stM.v nn. lim. pioytnent, or valuable reading mat- ' -J J ' - I . I : I ' t l 111 ler cii-eap ior i-i, sr.ouht semi (-en,K !l ,m FliAN K LESLIE iiviMT TinTVr' iYi i - i n, Mr -irttm , i 7 , "l ' i u , 1 Ml Vl I II 1 1 1 j" (Jill -JM' ta 1- , 1 ; mau ur. ivenoaii s eminent ,;.?,.. 1 Tr, , , x, t .Ll r. ,t 7,.' "l i"- ... our 1 4 j. ' . . . . ... , ,, 3 iowh twenty 10 iriny oon.ars can , 1 '. . ... 1 be made week'v. Their Illustrated 1 uoiiero iou, won wieir new i renu- "", ""- ' e:.Y o your territory. Address FlWNK LesUK ji.tsniNu Co., Jib Dey St., New Y ork. S. II. IltwiK, of Ute Creek, C !- fax Xew M exico, savs : My witc ,rls oeen cnre,i ot- a 'OOUoh o itnrtv years etandinu tv wearing an - Qnly Lung Pad." Ste aav. Subscribe for this paper. : in either Liqntd or Dry Form acts at the aauie time on the dint-nsen of the a Liver. Bowels and Kidneys, !M This combined action aires it wonderful n WHY ARE WE SICK? Because ire allow these great organs to be come clogged or torpid, and n.isonous humors are therefore forced into the ocooU that should B oeexpaud naiurauy. - BILIOUSNESS PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY .COMPLAINTS, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESS, ' AND NERTOUS DISORDERS, by causing free action of these organs and J restoring their power to throiv off disease. Why Suffer Billons paius and acltCH? Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened orer disordered Kidneys! Why endure nerrons or sick headaches! Why'hare sleepless nlghtsf Use KIDNEY-WORT and rejoice in health i . tyit is pnt up in Dry Vegetable Form, in tin ttfeans one packago of which malwn six quarts t rof medicine. "t STAiwi in IJquld Fonn,Tcry Concent rated, ETfr the corTwnienw of those that cannot I muifly I'reireititnctsnffcP2 Tl GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. ITUCE, il.OO. WKLLS, MCHAUDSON St CO., Prop's, (Will send the. dry post-paid.') Bl'RI.IMiTOX, VT, si ; ViL nm i ' a peerless remedy for Scrofula, Whit li!iou4 Complaints, and ail diseases jidieaUns; r.n Inipnrc Condi tica oi the V.v.oiU This Orand. llemetly is a coctneantl of TCfretabhi extracts tho cluor ot which are SAKJSAl'AKiLLA and Sin i.L(iL. The cures effected by S(( ILL'S BLOOD JLXD L1VEU SYRUi I are absolute, and their record is undisf!irured by failure. For sale ,hy all Druggists. I NOTTS LIVER PILLS, lis Era: Cclbfc liptWi Rsgullsr. They rectify torpidity of the JAvcr. Tltey (ice tone to tJtc Stomach. They prrwnt ffripitttj of the Jlola. j ThrUrur, invigorate ti iiod:,. tt - . 1 , T r " y . I. T , r Tiiey c. rt 'I k. ous eomjjlamta. Br miSh t,V'.WA.M vEpsMlEi SYBUP '' --- V-tr reWOKMS and i rpun. aded by T r HHJ H T t IT TU V I pn I I 1 H T K I Kil .H iA VA TTtlTt Mfr iiTP 7 Ci7 iJ 7?r.'T r-.r ri.itral ud I 'erxuii Use I T h ? i e I ..I.i lU-Ii cr f tho Age. i ! - I j ! r,j H J n V 0 SBSElSSS'i o 1 CCI.DS, COUC- j, HZ2. ... " h" 1 T . ; o-t- " TV ' jizTtY, cxmiiAir cz co., t 2 1 CcZt C9 ?Iace, S. M. IiAiiDEE. Jr.. Atrent. ChaL - i el Iliil, N . f ' .11 ! '(-until v. iii o ill on I II if 4 lAfAHU imw neiiinLN, razicer, trysipeius, uoni, Chronic j Sores, Syphilis, Tumors, 0arin!Rcl$. Sait ISneum, Kaiaria, BALSAM ! THE LIG L.LT XM-O PLE'8 8KWIN U MACl II 3N U. The People's Sewing Machine is light running has simple lmiots. lact, easily-threaded shullie--winjls the bobbin without running the works of the machine, and is so simple in its construction thdt it is easily understood. Tl e People's Sewing Machiuo is the. best sewing machine Tr made for all kinds of family sewing. We want active agents where our sewing machines are not represented, and we offer the most liberal inducements. Send for Illustrated Circu its to-the PHILADELPHIA SEWING MACHINE CO., Philadel phia, Pa. 4- CURE YOUR BACK ACHE And all diseases of the Kidneys, BhuTUer anl Urinary Organ by wearing the Improved Eiecl&ior Kidney Pad. It is a MARVEL of HEALING and RELIEF. Simple, Sensible. Direct, IVinlexs, Powerful. It CURES where sill else fails. A REVELATION- and REVOLU- I'lON in Medicine. Absorption or direct application, as opposed to un satisfactory internal medicines. Send for our treatise on Kidney troubles, sent free. Sold by drug gists, or sent by mail, en receipt of price, $ 2. lhis is th Original and Genuine Kidney Tad. Ask for it and take no other. Address Tiik -'Only" Lunu Pai Co. Williams Ulm k. " Detroit, Mich. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.) Oi'iinyo County, Si I'KIIIOK Cot'UT, Nov. 15, lss. Notice to Creditors. Eugene T. Crews and wife Emma Crews on behalf of themselves and all other creditors of J. L. Browed, ayalnst A. W. Graham. AdmV of ,J. 1.. llr.nv. :. S)cciil rrnecaiiiHjx t settle, the rsttiu: A siirnmoffs has . been i..c.i in Hil a.-e'rJ'turnable the.'JOth day ol i.v-:ii-ber, . isso. in behalf of the'plaini it": au i .ill other ereditors f .1. L. B rower. ! - eased, against A. W. Graham, adiriin--'trator. to compel him to an sieeontit ol hi.- administration and pay tin: en d.i.r i u h it may bi payable to lliciu iv-pt r ttvely. All creditors of said; e-tate a;-e hereby notified to appear before Hie on tiie '.nkh d-.y of Deremler. LsH0. (the . iiu n day ol siid summons,) and li c the ev idenees ot their debts. Witn;'s : Georij1 Luvs, Clerk of said Court, at office in Ilillshnro, Nov-mbcr 1."), lsO. GEORGE LAWS, . Clerk Superior Court. W. S. Roiri.iiAC, Att'y tor Plaintiff. SS.VJIO Olf LEVIS' 1. (u Monday. Jan. 3, 1881. the under .signed will expose fur sale at public ontcrv. at the court hftuse in llili.t ft he following tract ol land, to-wit : mat iraei oi ianu upon wnicb Kob ert R'ley lately lived, upon the waters of Kuo. adjoining tlie lands of John F. Lyon, WiUon Jackson and others, con tail ing 170 acres, more or less Th land is well timbered and well adapted to agricultural purjoses. Terms : Fifty dollars cah. Balance in 12 months. Bond and security re quired. Title reserved until purchase money U pid. " R. C. STRL'DWICK, Commissioner. ilillsboro. S. C. Nov. .iuth, 1S0. Important j HuIon Land. ol AS ATTORNEYS OF JOHN' C. BLAKE, Esq., Trustee, we nre aittfiorized to sell the tollowlng tract of Land situate in Orange County, at the following prices : St reet Tract, 1 1 A acre. $1 i.'A per a re. Waters Tract. ;;2 1-10 acre, $10 per at:e. j Watts. Courtnev, i acre, 12.5J and Phillips' Tract, per acre. lis and Pa.rkr Tr-i-t acres I" W per acre. ! d, iayior and ewcome Tract. All the abuve lamui are well adapted i tire growth of Wheat, Corn aud Fine r t a ioracco, anti me terms or payment will be mad" eay, and If desired the larger tracts will be sub-divided to au to suit purchasers. Esicial notice Li rfven to all i?rsmif I that. all trepaes on the alxive Und i mut cceue. and tiiat henceforth the law jiU be promptly and rigidly enforced I .tL' iinst everv teron firuiltv of commit. a-. : ;i; ir the fame. GRAHAM & RL'FFIN, At:orueya. l t n-.n riiwnt.ii.'ivni' r r.r.M., ..,.i Nov. otii. ls-w. -. . .'. . I i : ii . r. . i" . .ii . . eeiid bill to Graham A Ruiliti, Attorueys. 5 S f'- - - KUNNING Cures by ABSOR1TON (Ntui W I ALL LUNG DISEASES. THROAT DISEASES. BREATHING TROUBLES. It DRIVES INTO toe ytem cu rative agents and Irealin medicines. It DRAWS FROM the dbiul part the poisons that cu'ise death. TlfOUSANliS TKHTlKT TO IT VlRTUUK. YOU CAN BE RELIEVED AND CURED. . Don't, despair until you hare tried this Sensible. EhUv Applied aml . H. D I C A L I A E K FECTlJ ALKrm edy. SfM ly Druggist, or nent by mail on receipt, ol Price, $2, by Tiik "OSI.Y" Ltxs Pap Co. Williams. Block. Detroit; Mich. S-im1 lor Trvtiinoninls ami our hnols , 'Thr'- r!illin a Ye:tr. Sent- free Having j:jt niunnd i'rom N-V ork and U.dtiuioi c, I have open .! a large Stock of ail kinds of ( .bought aficr the oiarkcts had !;' Rock linJU'in, v l.ich i iifoi ii olfcr to the " 1 c- ?T;d adjoiMii I v..i figures, for Those ate tn v 1 s rr: , a:1. l 1 von torgcti . . 31 V - Stock conmifts . novelties in DRY t;Ovl. Mil(;N. cc: A pletidjd as.vrtmlit ( CLOAKS and 11AWI at winning' pi icf i. ' BOOTS aitdSIIOEs in end lew varie ties and nt prices low an a year ago. HATS ami CAPS, late tyle, liv- A Nice Line of TRUNKS, HA KD WARE, CROCKKmr, CLOTHING, TOBACCOiV CIGARS and SMOKERS ARTICLED. Besides a Full Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES I make a Specialty of FINK TEAS. CANNED FRUITS ami YEGETA- bLES, and. POTTED MKATh and FIJUI of all kinds. -TRY 51 Y CRPSffED INDIAN ANI SHAKER CORN. I am still the SoleAent of the !r hrated ROLAND CHILL PLOW.n af,d REVERSIBLE POINTS, and the far famed CAi'A DLR A CIGAR. I only a.-:k an Inspection, am you will be convinced. J. b."g. ROULUAC. ,

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