. K HSTAHLLSHHI) IX 1878. HILLSBOROUGH, N. C, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 18S;i. NEW SEUIKS. VOL. IV. NO. Wf3 rfl a t mm t m u i m m t m m t mm i SOUTHERN INTELLIGENCE Aj,l,t, mi-any has U-j,rgati.ed i;' r.g all over Strange Characteristics of a Color-Blind years ago. and we had almost Corzot that ) A Hermit's Home That Defies Indians;. Man. iLie dr-ara of the past was not the reality of Louisiana. Smallpox M.n " ll'r Kentucky. Then- r- six ti. Sj rings, Arkansas. 1 her- w r- v s last week. 'I should thi.'.k'you would meet with fun ny mlsukesJ'"' "I iloT I often ee' on thewronz car late j at nigh'.," and, after h while, fiu I myself al-.,;jV,r-. Kt Hoi . most b-Vofid walking distance f my deti- . r t 1 : nation . Jf coune 1 .-wear out mat don t .,, . j h-lp u hirw. '1 he other day. my wife said. J4' 1 r ur 'hlr-WC'tf. black suit of clothe 'this time, and don't come horn- here wearing that eternal brown cloth.' I sriid 'a'l right. , -afi the present in the memories this day bad f called up. . . Property of Tomat. Leaves "I planted a peach orchard," writes M. Story, of tie Society of Horticulture of France, "aud the trees grew well and strorgly. They had juet commenced to 1 Prof Lfnjmon and his wife recently re urned from a botanizing trip in the wilds A Arizona. The Professor bore 1-ttet introduction to a curious old hermit, rekriove the bfouiht into flounce. The little eirl w&s into court wearing the dress ob jected to, which had a small flounce or fringe at the bottom, the ornamentation ob 1 lard eompaj i-s ' xas. holy ( T (Int!- an v-ani'd in Moid ar- ''!. augl i q'iite p'-n.ful n. ),-iiariia t" t v r. Si. Charles parish I.ouii-i;; himself l)r Monros. That was their . ob jective point. As they approached his cabin the rmise of their feet stirred his hens bu 1 when they were invaded by the curcubo j to cacImg, then the upper prt of bis door , j-tieuio. i ne nei aoae lean ly appearance o toe ! , , , ..c i- .... i- . . l CEUJ tvosea treat admiration from a vw.. pui ji tijcaer iiiiej, cpulyon), which insects were followed, as frequently happens, by ant?. Having cut 1 bought wLat l wai sapi-eiy conL :ent ; omfi lov -atoea f t,e ideaoccnmd to me that wai a jet. - ut. I': ' -o lr,me I j )J j4ac:llir FOrr of the leaves around the ', Pudiy upon my partner and said: ttnnU an1 branches of ihe rHt';h tree?, I Se, I have th'h time irot a black flllt.' ; .n;.,V,f .tmwch thm frnm th r;,v nt th,. opened and the old hermit appeared a I ttle old man with a hooked no?e like an eEfc'le's, a dilapidated Ptraw hat over his rxh ear, Jou tine hair, streaked with Cray, and j'iercinj; black eyes. His elothinp was half military aud haVMrontiersman. He rnad crowdei caurt- The Chairman said the rule as to neatness was a very proper one. The dresa of th child did not appear out of the way, but it did not suit the taste Of the managers. The Bench would not inflict a fine but the defendant roust either take off the flounce or end the eu:li '.o another school. What Surgery Can Do. The Ixndon "Lancet," in publishing its record of the progress of medicine in its man' departments aurii g the last year. j :in; ha? a ft- am she lau.hed. and to thin day 'I atn waring which are verv powerful Mv urn-i i t!'" lfct!"'r an.l.thrtj opened the lower part of m-s pickery in full fdaft. - tho.e do-!?, which are a de.-p brown color. ! was Kreat Uj,on tne fol'owin day to find j ,h" ,'"or a;d. invited the guests in. I ..r1"tl.i..,,( K-U 'IVi.nefe mer- ! 1 want -ah 'tie circus all to mysif, I ' tve mes entirelv free from their enemies, i 1 he i.tertained his guests with '"" 1 . i. it?. ... i ... i i . . . . . i i.;:.. !... u:., . c ; . . - ;.. ir, being shipped to Boston. "'.v vioiou-ij m,, my i not one remaining,, estept n-re ar.d th.-re i " ""J'U"'' ,Jl f gave some ot the more prominent pomW or. eyeoaiH. i never --.-e over seven colors i ,illrA a ,.,t1 w.f ,.MVn'..H th .tr.ntr of-ier,e, w lu.ii co!,?'0ie i oi a certain tunnel ,-nnnerted w th t.,rv...rr f t ee these svveri tr.iirlitv u ulck and thev c , ., : :. .1... ti. . .. ,., , ,., I iniienitHJsl v constructed that it is worthv , .irmlnnj Lomi -t..-.. a. id z'g- j 1 cnrefullv unroTl-d. id i.mtr uoon thc-m i ,f de.-cnp':on. At the- bacs ot the cabin , were regarded as imk?ible previous to ex- 1-V'i'' ,'- ticeii rr.'i ti n lurei ov co calher in isany tioii ot Alabama. d hi' I se d:nce around in fpM and .-;reak.- n A ill be planted it: Kome-of-i zag .-liaje-ss Hk- demons. 'Bkod has a dull i rejih on(.s from the i,,mro vine with the ca'el-sfly bung, which, ; jv-riment. No region of the body is now the t a ar. l.oi... ::u.a pari h-i than any year iince ; gray appearance, line i-to i.e. My .inability ! k(.sUit 0( banUhing the lant insect and en- j wn ran a-ide, .dieclosnj what appeared i cnidred beyond th e recipe of surgery. Its iuiiite i.-i .that twenty to distinguish colors renders m- more sus- i blimr the tree to ,-rnw with luxuriani. It0 U; H cellar, but which really was the ; most marked triumnls relate to the iuteru- t , ...-.rwl " music than mti.-.t P'-ofde- Ihe ! Wishing to carrv still farther nVexperi- c-p-ning i t a tunnel B!0 tet.t h?ig, with a ; ai organs and cavities th. ,ave vi-it.ed St. Augu-tine. 1'ioridn. lost power is thin compensa'ed for. '1 ti 1' .1 "111 (i.nt I c.id ;., u.-.t..r mo r.f iI.p ! o inie enow in trie miajie antf a cat,u am h. What has rendered the op-rations com ilo magnetic, but whether tins ; tomato and sprinkled with this infusion hCb nJ- ' 1 a' tunnel was ju-t lu-h enough paritively safe is the u-e of antiseptics i depends upon my color blindne-s I do not ! othr panti roses aa oranges. In two j fr biraselfai.d Le was a bhort mau, onty j tinids that prevent purtiefaction in "the ,an;aToal mim.s are t.-mg woraea 10 know. et. 1 trusli my liair, you hear ttie ar the wre fr. from th.. ;..nn.n a.jout tiv atnl one halt leet high. i he 1 wounds. Hithert.i .rh ,bV AriH h 1.pi. t:i:.,-t eapacity. The deiuai.d for the j ;;acking sound and sparks jump from under erable inaecta which covered them, and I bottom and roof were ro igh with cobble j the chitf agent used But this proved more I ' bat. 1 do this without any ilort, lo i fet 8Ure ,b;U had I used. lh- sime means 1 -tones. ! he mtldie was enlarged to allow 1 or less h ngerous somtimes fatally s : a cettain extent i am' insensible to pain 1 . with my melon pa"ch I should,. have Icel for strong def-n.se. It was very dark, and ; in oth-r directions. A much safer and think this is consequent npou most cdor J wjth the same result. I th. re fore deem it ! unless one was acquainted with it, tt was ot , equal y effective substitute has been found ;il ;. efi'nilOUS. 'i 'Le Alabama legislature ha-i defined of cotton seed tobethiTty twc pounds .r Jiipo.s. -'. Nat ban 1 orton, d blindness. My nerves are blunted. Once j a lutj I owe to the Society 0t Horticulture n to try ro follow the hermit. For de- ju what is called eucalyptol, hich is ob- j 1 dropped a heavy piece ot iron on my toe, .. inth recently to triplet-,--ill g;n 'i-iiig four poundn each. : Carryiu'j His Skull in Hi3 Pocket. .lohn Harris, not hurt me. I -iaw blood ,but that was all But I mu.s. say goodbye here; we are at the depot,", and the stranger jumped out and d s ippeared. Philadelphia Times. to make known this singular and useful I t'se, tn case ne was overpowere-1, he had ained from th.? Kucalyptus tree t.roperty of the tomato leaves, which I dis- . ah arrangement of -fuse careful y covered D! THE COSIC LINE. Fint woman '"But of cours. ther is nd way of gutting at her age " Seoni Wot. "Uh. jet there is Multiply u by twos." Pari a Papor. "Bah Jove!" rxclaixed young Daiibol, "the weathah L cettir.g so- mild. jt know, that I must have the terrain talea oC my cane. It's to beaty heavy I. a warm day, yer know." B pton Transcript "I am a native American citiien. born, bejibers, ih thus country." Mr. Mul ieou at a recent o5itical gath. riag, "and if y disbelieve it, omie around h m- and I 'will show ye me natura'.Zi thion papliers." The Judge." ) TkA- HKR: "Ibfnie thw,.rl exmfar.' ! Scholar "It in -an s to hollow out" Teach- ' Construct a sentenc in which the wird is properly used." Scholar. "Ih baby exc -vaU-s wheu it g-U hurt." High art appreciated: "What did you think ot the water-coo. er exhibition this year ak-d an artist ot his ruper a;hetic friend. Mrs X. Very fa r ; very fa r, in deed. Th picture? set oil that diviue gill piperlng in a charming way." Life A polit man, truly: The scene U laid in ar ailway C trriag-, where seven passengers are siy'okiiig fariou-!y. The eighth passe tgr courTiMUf-ly : "I Ix-g your p ir lou, g-uile-men, but I do hope that my not smoking uoes!j' iiiCon venience you," Freuch Fuu, ' Was it a small, white dorg, with a b!u ribbon rouul his neck, yer wis locking tor. covered by the merest accident." !i ! ( I'i h.-cember I. 1 miner w:.s working at the bottom of the t shatt, (Jold Hill. Through th- car-l--.-liens of oneol tlie workmen at the top of th-shaft an ax was droiped i'i,i..v,.t, tl... irifiutn iA the nit . which in its 1 ' ; i... . : i t . .i c .. i . i. ,j t( (, , Known penis oi ocean iorm, oi snipwrecK The Unknown. It i- what they don't. know that frightens people. Soldiers can brave the known ter rors of the' ..attle-'ie! I. Sa'1', h 'dare the tier ( i-nt m' rue k Hi irrn on hea1 keen oi.ally lull ' the his sk'i'l diag clg- cleaving and stretching hiui length in tl bleeding 1 dia'' 1 and colli-ion with iceb-rgs. But soldiers ..,!... i . i .. . i .-r. u u.i and battle-fields have beeiijterrified at the appre- finncum .t ' if liiJt itol i1'iriui1 nit cltiLTi t ri u supiiosed ding i-ofdnwti. lie was linm 1 , " , . ,,,, i house reputed to be haunted, the brave du-tely cunvewd t the open air and me.l- i . , althrmgn his i ' . . 'jnoj(!uty in trittie ar il m storm without lunch ing, is it. lied by some superstition of an ;.al aUeii'laiic bath was ep-c-d at any mom nt siitl'er-r proved to be very tenacious ot life and th- attending surgeon, Dr. Manson, deedtd to remove the injured portions of j1"111 oi thet-kull, which was accomp.ished -mces.--fiilU thirti'i ii nieci s . ov-rii g an area ot ' ' ' t i :.. i t. i:. . . .1.. : l. i- ,i , I 1 1 i' mi ii in O' uieii iiomea iiimii ii i in: . i ''.in ii in unknown terror, the unlucky .ship4 the be- i voyage upon Friday, and nothing tin reassure him against the vague evil The ol-l fathers of New Mnghind were How Long Ought a Man to Live ? Thurlow Weed, who died not long ago was eighty-five years old. That in America is regarded as a very old age. It gave Mr Weed distinction, as much as any! hing else, iii his city. Comparatively speaking, Mr. Weed was not an old man, but, in fact, he came nearer living out the measure of his days than the majority of men. There is no valid reason why, under favorable con ditions, a man should not live a hundred years. All animal life is found to be con stitute)! with a stock of vitality sufficient o run it five times the period the parricular animal requires to mature. For c xampb . : l . ' i tne norse matures in aoout live years, aro will be dead in about twemy five; the dog over with rocks and cobbles, which wnen fired, wouLl blow up everything. This Dr. Monroe was a very intelligent man and tad evidently moved in high cir cles. He had had some twetity-thrt-e occu pations in life, from playing the clarionet in a circus to teaching school in Virginia and practicing medicinev Hanging xiver the fireplate were ot lesihan twelve hats, in different stages of dilapidation, and he was never seen without one of th-se on. He never put it sq n.rc on his head, but always on one side. H ; kept cats and chickens, and when asktd why he did not have a miss?" "Vim," g toped th- young lady, in anxious su-p-ne,. "Well, Jack Adam' Newfoundland purp, he a gne aY swal 1 re i him." They carried hr into thu nearest drug st3re Chicago F.ye. "Whut a mm Finixton is to change, round!' exclaimed Mrs. Fenders.m. "It was only I tst week that he went iuto the grocery business, and now he h is g m- into i dog which wns considered very . faithful Obe day the pVtuer returned to the cabin to g'-j dinner, amPwhen Dr. Monroe reach- .... 1 i T" !. iif.iir ln.-r '.' fnlirid htfi friiiii.l rlti4.d matures in about two years, and will be dead ri i j . .i i J . The dog had not given the alarm of tie 1! I '.'h ii idles on the apt x o i . i .i. i ... . i in iiooui icu cinu bo uii iintiuiiu ine si i t .l i i- L . i 1 i ii i . af-pioach of the Indians, but had r.skulked ouc a mau wno matures m aoout twenty ,r , , . ... tl Ht,d hid years, and ought, therefore, to live one bun- ..:'.. 'in 'logs Abscesses of the liver have oeeu freely and snccesslully cut into and drained, Large parts of the stomach have been cut out, including even the pylorus which i.s the more highly I organized part of the stomach that shuts in : the food until digestion is carried to a cer tain extent, and then opens aud pours it into the intestines.' Entrances have been made through walls of the stomach fur the regular intn- ductionof food ii case where the gullet j "'solvency." "h, that's nothing t" replied has been closed by diPase. " ' K"0 1 d-al more money in it you ' kuow." Bohtou Transcript. Mrs. Sam Mi'l-dge, an Austin. 1.-. ly, was busy trying to mak- a pincushion of tciw diist whd'u (h ol.red cir-ik. cu- to "att what she should cook for dinner, "fio way, I aud don't bother me now. My head in full i f sawdut now an 1 I can't thit.k of any thing els-." lexii" Sittings. by Two pieces embracing the entire circum ference, the one about three inches in length, the othet five, Lave been cut from the large log. h sai 1 thai several yearr- ago he had a , intestine the colon.- T, all cases the di- pa-tner-on a mining scheme, and they had j vided parts are brought together and sewed. The stitches becoming tonu absorbed after the healing is complete. Considerable progress has been male (he Indians and French, hut when it was St :i !,' to sin.' Harris - ' .!.!. -.. . .1. . - 1 i , t umoreu i ,iai many among lueir own peopi- dred, is dead, on an average at thiity five. ; had made covei.ants with th' devil, when by .-erics was bt-lieved to be brought upon t'ue subjects by those who had made this alliance vvi.h th.- powers of darkness, it sent a terror to the L. art which made these good The failure of the rule in the case of the j Tiniest of Wee Babies. man does not prove that the rule is nc-t , applicable in hi.- ca-e, but simply that he The smallest baby in the world is at the fails to comply with the conditions of life. ' bouse of Mr. Poe, on Carter street. It was The lower animals rnme nearer pnmnlvi i boru last Wednesday. It IS the most di" tielllg taen O.lt. began to improve, and th- expiration oi a lew weeks th- flesh had giowiMver the ap erature, snd i e was apparently as well as ever. 11 irris lias sine- b n to England, his native country, and applied to the sur- . .'.i.n',t (iuv.i's Iliinitnl in 'London, .to! ' . - , , ,, .),;, .i, an 1 jus; meaning nu n as cruel as death, in-- , .mi he trenannm oi ration, winch . - ' . . .1 l i . . - . . . 1 . . i.i i .i ; , ....,..- cilice uuHe uays oi superstition science nas , . . ., , ,. ... r..(.r,al, th-y relumed to do under the circumstances. ' , , , i dearer to a man, it is said, than his life, yesterday. , , , 'it ti i exphnneo the phenomena, where they have i , , . , . . . . . , , i as the wound had entirely healed, i.tnt the ,- . ! ami yet there is nothing with which he. is so deemed it prudeiit to b t well enough alone. towards ascertaining the exact spot wh-re th brain and nervous system may be affect 4fd, thus facilitating the reaching of disease. It has been found that bone c-iii be trans planted and aid in the formatiou of new j A'er that lie never had faith Sun Francisco Rural Press. none; and more won Jerful still, that sponges can be grafted into a large wound, and be a porous support for the granulations the new fbjih particles while they are Jil'ing the cavities. '1 he sponge is benevvd t' I in i I, with the conditions than man. Man wastes ! minutive creature imaginable, weighing j graauai.y aosoroea. 4 his stock of vitality, and is bankrupt before only one and a half pounds at the time of his term is half spent There is nothing it birth: and scarcely twenty six ounces' It can har-dlv be descnoed. j ! lev, however, pronounced his rtcovery ..n- of the miraculous events ot the century and were at a loss to account tor it upon any -urgical hypothesis. Mr. Harris is still engaged in mining, an i claims to be able to perform as much w .,-rk w'th t'ue pick and drill as any of his comrades:. He is now in this city on a short vivit, and yesterday exhibited to au En i'.i n r reporter, wiih pard onabte pride, the upp r crust ot his hea fpiece, the detached particles of which'he c ktries aro u d in a not b 'd as fraud, and with the u i.iuir'i ii.i iifin.a, iiii'j 1 1 1 luu i . ... , , ' ! t 1-i t, i tl tk r t .,.,.1 vrt r. I i . . o .1 , , , , . i iuiuiuiiui ui aim iubi. I... ...1 l- .l . I! .1.. !.... huowitue oi naiurai iaw.s nnu x:ie ouj-cis r . . , .1 Advertising. It is sometimes ouestioned bv merchants The entire body is not as large as the fore ' av tL ,;..r. of nature th- terror has been very greatly diminished. Knowledge is the antidote to fear, but the s ..! fact remains that only a part ot the people in the most enlightened community have knowledge even of the i ? ? ? ? sin all San FratiC.-co Enquirer A human interrogation point went to an oculist the other day to get a glass fitted to his eye. "This is the weakest glass you rudimentary' sort which ei. aides them to see I liave ?" he asked. "Yes." "Well, what that this is a universe of law and not of j sha11 1 'Io wheQ 1 ca't see with this'" mvsterious terrors. Th- people who do j "Whv- -vou wiU probably be compelled to know are net generally aware of how much P ifchase a stronger one." "And when I ot the old time s.ineAtitioii of the' davs of i can't wtih that?" "Well, then you will have- witchcraft remains. larm .ot an orcinarj per.son. ii is jusi ; wiU hafdlj bear (ifiCUion in lhe 0n0WiUpi ! .'iivArv'iinil n h'i!f inches lontr .nd in nn ir. r . , . - .. iaCLSi rates ot transient advertising being portion of the body is it more than six ; . Thp Chicago Tribune, it is said, inches in circumference. Its head is no , fof a column a yi.ar reCeives 20.0)0. The larger than an English walnut. Its arms ; Xpw vnrk l(rM reeeivrs for it.s low. m I look like a man's little linger and the legs price column $3, 72.), and lor its highe-t ' - T .1 . I . - I . 1 like tne centre linger. us nanus are ikm i ;Us OOil Th w V,,r', Trireme f..r tf!(. as large as a five cent piece. 1 he child is j W8t 0 -tl ani for ils h),hi, ?-o,.; perfectly formed and its physical orgamza- J auJ these afe n.ef at ft him fof tion is completein every detail. Its head ) adveilit; t filI tht,jr coIuran9 Their i . i - 1 1 . i. , . u : 1 1 . i : l9COvereawunai, incnv.ruSuai,,ouu.ioUpf.rOQa(re CQm n(jt Rny to "if you d.n t like my hermons, pray what kind do you like?'', .id a petulent miins'-r to an "Ttr candid parishioner. ' Ve!:," was th-r-ply, "I like the hind that drives a mau into lh- corner of his jew an 1 1 1 .11 t "I . I" makes mm ttioik tne uvu is au-r ana. When you preach like t'iiit I shall be tou- t verted. "Well," Vein-irkel a ynmg M D. ju-.t from college, "I supp se the next thing will be to hunt a go'xl location, and th-u wit fbr something to do, like 'patienC'- on a monument.' "Ves," halt! a byntanl-T "and it w jti't b- long af;-r you do im, before the mouumenls will be on th pa tients. " In a Boi'on n-'pip-r o'b -" : I h- gen tleman wo is uink .ug up 1 fi - form 'il-fi a an item that has u m irk an i th-r- i n way to t-il wh-r- it V-i ng " Fort-m tri "What s it h-a fed Muk-r up -"A-i Uii Scandal B-vive i " I'or- jnan "), that goesrnth- Ne Eng'-itel ti-.'.' L ijuviUe Courier J.jurf;al. 'J hate to tee a wo nan with rie-gin her Fond Memories. ! to use a stiil stronger One" "And after that ? j one 80 yoane' anJ 13 a! I"1 u d,ffefa ' assist the respective papers, but from biM- ; ears," V,Uim .1 th- go ,1 d- ,,u, "h-y "Oh, then you will have to get the very 1 in nolu,n u oru,UHr CMm eiceH 111 ness men who fin i it profitable to advertise. aim natural. It it w., in-ndei tor woman strongest." "The victim of defective eye- j S!Z. I sight thoughts moment, and then asked :.' In ftnswert0 our qaer ion whether it cried, j whether he Iikps the papf.r he advertise- .a j holes in h-r r4. I be hr.t The sensible bu sines man does cot consider j t j wear th-m, sh- i hav t e . t i i;h w (Din del:, t How this perfumed air and soft sunlight j "Ar.d when I can't gee with the strongest ?" carries us Uck to "th- fist reci diug days ! The oculist didn't Care to Bar what would ,ne Waing the XOOm iaV U'izhi yp ?m;1 experience bere it pays him the best Ld the quo-t The Use and Abuse of Bathirg. l'r Dalley A. Sargent, medical director ot t ie l"n ion g mna-'U-n, gave 'the lounh nt his talks ot pbvs.cal training at the j -dmr-ln ry. and tr-.i." of years' growth that ; inquisitiveness of the customer, so remained 1 nil n hall lat wet k taking for his subject i were planted long ago bv our sweet moth- . silent. "But tell me," persisted the knowl- Mr. Poe emil-id and said; "If you had seen ! or not. It dpe.8 not take long to find out w-ar rings, I'll b "No." fMli - mu i fi th e i. or n nor and memories of our childhood. W- s e happen after his own skill had proved the o'd homestead alimst hid by vines. : ineffectual, and was rather indignant at the The mother was asked re.-arding its nour ishment. She rep'ied. ' It tak-s nourish- Bathing; Its Uses and Abuses.' Hi gave general rules tor bathing aA t dlows : A warm bath, with liberal us- d ca-tile er s direction, a' ii ; i. ii.- i l v ' i i t j x . i ; inentperfctiy nhtural a'ni h.s a most 1 whose ha:..l tendej tnem , edge seeker, what- shad I do when- the; . . . .. , . . . , . o..p. is best tor cleanliness, ai d tnht the aiJ.j hevond the oid Ion many and many cars to the perfect growth, , strongest glass fails me?" "Oh, ahem, d w:i the orchard with -.fs wt a'th ot bloom, I well." was the answer, "I should sav that best time. av voracious appetite. 1 he chud is doing very well. To show you th- .-.ze of i s arm , , .1 ii i ii i- , ... ia ir: i..ia L.iiti t vii j iu.'. t.eyorid the id lorest :hr uli which we ' the next thing to do would be to buy at- , ,. . , , , , , i , ; ... . , . , , . , , linger and s.ip it over the chuls hand to so o'ten wandered, gaii;-r;ng the ! small dog with a string round ris neck and i . T,, r,,ii Avurm- .ni ls dell itate t .e (.. .:.. - :.i .... i . - .v. ' . i i i ... - -ns eiow, ana -uiui-k wieacuui. v, me v i v.viaao-, ii.iii wooi-'wei, ui irs.fd uu me i iei n;m ieaj you. ..v... .i..t . ,r VL-f... .lll.lfl 11 l,-. .lt 1 i imhii. von r('uinr . .. .. . j. mossy Deos ana buiMed p:ay nouses. 1 here i should be taken daily for its tonic effect, the little btr-am: clear a- crystal, rawing a.d-a'ways in a warm rootn, If tr 'iu an i j ov-r it's pe'tni y b .:t nn and past its mossy! vigorous the best time is the morning; it ' Ujw r-decked bank we see now- the rihr 1 Twice a week is otteri' e.i )'igh. j J .-v,-. lcL- the nnp;Tinn ir i-ritj aa mii.iiv 1 . i .- rrt . 1 . i I , , m- i iiwl t--"-' " ; io advertise, inaiuo jes pay ne nas no j nouttng '' i u- Oo-cussson a a ij ur.i- ind as lustily as any cni.u I ever saw. j doubt, anj rni, no questions. Lvng ! -l w.hout d-Uv. experience with almost every hur'ne man J ..j M ,nt JliUr a,,.: (jUt tf ti. pT,it.n. who has sacc-eded has prov-i that beyond j ,iriry a inr, to aa acreamuicf. qution.-Printers Circular. , . w. r,r.lV . HHtiity wa the c&.i - j 0f h s kiiufig "h- teS-oW, an l -th-y lurne J j h m out on probation ' Hows thatr' ! "They da d thai they'd let h m stay oit a A Coon Hunter Wife. Remedy for Cold Feet. and j word, the ring, which was very small, s- p 1 red over the forearm with the 'utmost r The following remedy for cold feet is i facility. Chattaneoga Tim1 A minister laboring in the mountain or ?wo ar.d if he actv.J like a era man they'd Jet him stay out permanently. Well, h; ac'-i bk he w. ni'.". anl I rei.kon he'll stay oil" "How did 'he a.; i X . f i i ii f.uviivi a J-l rT iar 1,1 J l . 1 . r- r r I .... .. - ----wf i.ot strong, the colJ hath haa outer oe . an UIU.er:a".n.. to u. trvir.g to ca'ch -them t -'imn Pr,!ria Sinfulness of Wearing Flounces who nre i om.fed and -the tepid substituted. After minnuW. C,n b.r is ever sing so sweet to j exposed to the cold. All that is necessary j At the County Court, Guild ford, Knglaud. -rcise. it gr-a-ly fatigued, take 1.0 bath ; us :is del those wild ones have wa'.chei i ja to stand erect ar.d very gradually to lift ' ?ome weeks ago. John B.tlcL'n. wh. re?ide. 'listncts 01 ayetle county, vv . a., gives the following conversation he had with a wo-nan there recently : ' i your husband at home?" No; he is a coon-hunting. He klilel two wbooping?b'g cooris !at Sunday." "Does he fear tn- IjOrd T' like he ina'.e'" "By k-ll:r.g another man. Hot to tart an b..i mV) down vigorously with a dry towel Is i so ott building their nest ia the ground, . one's stlf up upon the tips ofJ.is toes, so as ; in the village of Wanborough," w.v- charged I'TO..' i V tt ir:n.i, nr. ,!! n.il t:ri1 Inkr- I II . I .k , .J; 1 . t . . M .1. ' . . 1 e .1 r .- . , i - i i i . . t . .... . , f i;ia, uvm . iur - :9.ai:i iof.uoi me i n ii'Ji mi ids tenuous oi ich iovt a: Sua witD nei ecimz to s-nu nn aaujr.i-r. H--i a tt j id pon bath standing. Nev. r take I t.U ;n ihe i-re-n meadows ari.i th t ,v.r r etrain. This is not ta hop orXumii up and ' :w ' w-.t TV . (,.r.t t.i.n . -fc ------ -i . . , - ' ; "11 ?roi.s( vv UUvi. - ' - - - - at... o:un, except when bathing tor clean- lUbelii.e but charming to a cbild si.unis oUl lt lu T1"A aodanc cf th chili was admitted but l.tuss. A warm -..wer bvh ,.1 w.d bv a ' u u i a mu 1 -upon tiptoe. anUori36aam standing : a wnja; CI ir- -C.i.jw&s... . k! , , lb .oo..?.i a trom the barn yard. An old hen s vo.ee j. on the point ot the toes as lo-ig as possioie. for the defense it was shown that the cnud - h alter exercise Turkish and h b t;h oruJ 'xercie rehd-rs ! race as to who would get to h-r r.est first ! lioa- B-r-at this severaUimeV-trtrd.by the ghe trad a ti ounce on her frock. The I lev unueceasarv , those should be reserved tor medical ca?-?. Skm .iistrieri are trequ-:it y caused by exces sive hathing and ihe ue of too a:uch soap. Although no general r lies for bathing could given, every manjnu?t . gaidtsi by his vwi, by si cal conditiou aud Dia wivpatiou end capture the prize awaiting them. There I m&?f tb? ure m G Chilton, the" vicar of Wanborodgh, and . , to. do tn tsu.ammg the bcdy wtight, . t.x. is the. pond upon whose b.ja floats a sucient and lively circulation is set up, of the managers of the- choca, ea;d teat a ti jtiila ot geese and ducks, an J anon we i A heavv Pair ot woolen stockings drawn ' cue of the rule was thar children must come hear the gutteral, homely voice of the frog. I T xhin cooa ones is also a recornmtn- J Ee&u dean and plain in. their dre?. The T. , , , . i j I dation tor keeping the feet Warm aud at; , - . , , : 1 here the grand old taoun ams, could one j th. ,;mnJl; ' Z1 ' noacce was deemei an m!nngeaiea of ttre ever ure. gazing upon their .changing, coming lender aad tore. From th Fire s piainne, and the cht:-d was conuectiy I to U.e ao practice a wu a to tno4 shifting light atd sLade. But this wa. team's Journal, Utf---d aiuiisciTi, the mother dtchiJr.g to wbo iffr th neglect. ' e caoo? to'i- ti ! or t's tf 'itn f trie !'ilj.ng urr, bit ai ' I guess .0 does, caus he always takes uitin gentleman id he w4i ey-b.- gun w.'h t-.m. . I wit&ei of th- jcr-urrene?. He vt on 'Have you any Presbyterians arvmd namboat on tae Hu-fon rier, w a pr.v re - i , fur.inilt. ltf fxi. Bfcr.r-! a; ' I d n'tkaow if he ha killed any or not ! piC. i0 the riv-r wb-r- th-re l Jj mu ir Vou can go r-hiod th bua and look at -cho Oav of the g.ui.ryk a-i the pi,- of ht :e lo see it you tan find any j erf.,jr u the crowj for .4 .Ziv ot their ii.Ti 'I see that you are .living in the iar " Yes ; but my hatband is gi:.g to cut out a wit. io soon. D ty ca'rmot he-ceglectei without harm I wtica to wake ut the Njb?r b vi aflt. Unr T.!ril r,a! h ff-tst - from Arks.-.. "Aid that he tai jta-tb tg -Jai A,idari- ! tight more reliable lb t. a ptil. aad pa', leg out of Li ihjtj'. a ksile :ia tLsrt-u-inch b.ie-Haded i; o?r to WUhr prtjr who wanted,' to stir up the ecb.-: l:x4. il J