o y 5 K-titUshed in 1878. HILLSJiOKO, X. C SATURDAY, OCTOBER S. 1SST.. NEW SERIES VOL 8 NO :,2 f oi l a I'ruK Store. Night iii a drug store and . ... a ...ice sang out from a Kabe -" iu '11 Ruber" asked a .. . .- I..-UT bj. . . , s h. of fOnl'ie. 1 hut S uVir . . , -j ' . . tt do want?" growled and who art v ou?" ... ( .. :n-l. Ain't it a littl- dull .; , ., ' -aid a 'I ru- h.-tu-jri u.r .,. .. ... .-t laff! J" a-kt-d ('.ti'i a - a-. -f!-i iii' a t'lvtrh of . .. - a .'UT ln-iiii-a drtitj , ttt-r -aid tfnv actt-il a- if , , : ... -ii a. i)-- tin- -ti't-t-t and , 4 ,i h oughtn't t- iiae - iiiLr n- .a!! of that Sin-l-. l0; - .i!iii-h iiru'.-h.. hiitlin- ; . ,j. ..i I'll lt,t 'l'.-oth I'a--tt.' I; .- vi, i! ii oii drink?" a-kfil a s . :. iii'.:ir 'Her tin- iuint-ral- . : '.J ih a lotiil oict Sotia all 1 . -oiiicthiiio- at thi-i ar . : . . t . ii.. in d- until v oil -.f' tlf," ei li.n.-i - I'.otth-. I .til Nit if, I am," crifd a .;i't anv of u t a drink ... 1', ; .-in!" -hoiitt-d Hn-sho had ;,, , : ,. I,. . ii trv iu to tlii-t w hat v., ; rv hi-, nil),", crifd (-nac, ;:.)- ::.,!.' i- .i-i' than an rint.-t if. " il . - ail liht." t'M'lailiifd a box i ,. . "i 1 1. "a h -fd It fun vill Nix .... . a' II. .111.'.' i..- ii.utii l.f. attt-ndt'd to loint- tinu'," I I'.-aii l.u.lcr. I.:... imw. U-t" -hake for the i. -ai-l a l'Vini Aiif rurt-. M.ih.- it fm t ht- tirin k- and lii(il ) i-fo, .-i.'.l a fellow on tht- -ht-lf who r. . . r him. 1 :.. :.( iar Mand rnnarkfd tliat it h i- treat, ami th. v t ould Havana .'j.-:iie wantftl and nothe up a ':'ainot rt'inarkfd that ii In- ttuln t : I..... :.. up .i nt it wa- tin- tir-t : . .. Ii it thin1; had hajn lied. h i i ll j i pretts uiiil mot tor H' t';5 A i.-ottle with a p'uture of a polar i ' ': -..lithe lal.cl .-a'nl it was harl to ! - !ittd Hair Oil thoe batl puns i ' ting in a word and liru-h up . oiir wits. t'.i :u' -,,ud l'oiiiatum, "and .-. how it ...0e with you. At tin- time lunch was uunouneed. A:, .',.; the delicacies verc Straw-bi rries ; .i. d ' I' Miu .f Tartar, Stomach ..'ak 1 .:!r u ! ..f S.piills, fried liver with A;-!..ut a pad. etc Sulphate of j ..u he was a!mo-t finished and : 1 b.,!. ,.f I'ota-h. - Sif'tiii's. hi 'li.- .-ar-. l 7o-'J there were ;nore ih .""' l ate- ,f .stnall-pox ami over a :i- iroin uie tnsease ;a .muv 1 hi ce v en - later, in 17;. t.here . i " .-.i-e's and 1,-S(I de iths. r .i i -. V : b. M i- -I thxl vcar the record r.-ach- 4."j ct..--. and illdlllv there .VefO If. 1-S1 -mall-pox k'.i'el 4."l !' : - th i 1, :' were made ;t k. In "' w.L- no small-pox, oiilv "26 '''::-s h f IS in lso.;a"mi :i 1 . iu LSM, i;. ! wii; "s ate chargeable to the i-'t t ;dc:titc. I 't.t ih 11 s. ervve a Sheriff" I'ohsp. ! ' - i . . 1 ' 1 1 , , 1 ' ' . i: a Voi!!l-r I. llel. il'iil'i. I tl T.-t 1 - d A-humd. about niMetv , . .... ...... ' 1 M:t- ( 1 1 v . and had not ' aiti-.ough complaint was ,""!"' ' week, when tha war- 1 '," ; 1 A !' 11 d in tjie hands of a ' ' ' ' ,lh W in nil th. I "nit.. A St'it.w i . !...;. :. i:--.,,,,,! to make the l'r -.iotg to the a-ency. tho ,: : -' ..'. 1.1 ;--. -lant ideiVriticd' t'ffvir - - 't- ' .-. 1 ... i sd out for ; w '!., about fifty mile I , a h-in,l of ('hi.venr.ea ; t. ihd with gunsdrawr ' '. -ture forced tb, ' the prisoner. 1 he - numbered about t mischief. The ac i no miscuiei. i lie ac '.leers in turning their " h "it bloodshed is a sals. , hdatioti. as one Indian ' w, resulted in a whole- ! f white settlers-win. arrt 1 ugh that lo.-alitv. m ar uiver vallev. .Vttt- ! A s.pa.i l lie, uesi Kitty A -.,,:.;. -A dco.i.M'. ! Tving 't.'l.c 1 , . "f the, ! : -'t- 1 !i.:;,--' ah., ard -.i.ph to the , :- it the la,: ', fdeh.-d' . a" ion. " " :; ' he threw" her b hi f: it !.-,,, -catiiel "pre- ' '" into ttm ' ' h' : '-u k in tri- U li: " - believed v 'a'-n.er -n-mained "' ?hr,'u 1 rpuss again, iik, an-oth.it. ' the Mr !tiUs. ti.r ii th 4V I,,, I - !- that r4;id i . ? i1 'U , '-,r !" U !" td:,v- irt ""'"f 1!l1th"t"-" N..t tf.-h eh.! aga:n he drew her s.lf, Vj t....' ' ,Ua! u l"'"'t of the t-t ' il, '! U;iU 'ht furlU-r -t- of -leU-e Li ..,. I I ;i 'ti out iaanu-s on .; 1 -. . 'oai.j lujt t.... i F.... 11 it-Ii.lf,, -- '....o , : ') " ,' " - afaruiu Hand- 1 will hang thm there be;ue the ar '' 1 ' :-: '.':.. ii a beautiful .but us in the corner, which .- h.-r "rr'i",' " -nthless farmer smile. She was fond of pink . :t was V- F.- ..'v i v. ,es ot .,. t . . . I I One at lIoie Gne m(re ,Q i, -irnj.-. i . in ..r.,,;.-n . H tl..ar fu, ctcetjt'.lil.'l t.;ac' uul ii-ii::.-n, ttliJ -a "'d. and !- one mure in Htrtv,-:,-. If,.- a-ti at e(,.ul.: ne voic- ,t u. :.,,.!. h..,.it.,s an,i .-v.-rsm-r. :,. farewed w..rd -j.ok.-ii- .,ti tL, --ha - " .i -ie. r hi eoii.t IliOIV - hot. otie - iaadcl ; Une i.ivr- ;h Heaven: 'Mi" j.-s at h..ru.-: - Oih! a- Hi.- -.u Hi-Im in m ,t , t!l, .uw , ,j r;-.-. And wrap ..i;r hiotsleps around, ttii 1 'li i in uur Hut the Ni -ifht -unht iiiii .J.irt-.l f r.i. the ski- Miu !i, in- lis HeiiV -n : 1 !! IK. ! - a hi T:)e J it i- ii'.t tn.riie. v.heie 1 1. tii !uui.-.i :m earthly moid. . i ur t-iiitit .! 'hri-t !- .1; r i .v.- :- c. .1,1. Lilit tin ri:, -rth.-l.- :.!., li,.-.- ue -hiiV M-ii .fj, is hom and Hi'ttV.-n' 1 n- je-t (,tl .-urth ! I?- Jain, its .in-i., a?,. I it- ti.ii to - hare : One t!i- .iliTinii - daily i in-- t. I ;! ; OU'- in..!-- -Mi- ckaui nui-oiKi-il auuis t. At h'juif in H-'HVfii ! Jut- uii.tc in H-av-ii'. A in. thT thought, to tji iv' !i t-ii cloudy days, ' A ii. M tii-r t in-inc of. ttiankt ii lu--i uu.i prtt'iau Aijottii-r link on inli our -ouii to raiso To hoiiic und Hi-m ii ! rit- inor- at hoiiii! Tliat hotiit wtu rc -t j.niation cannot )-, 'J' hat i). .! ut- v. lie 1 1- none nit m i--t-d ct fi nnliv ', Joid Jt-u-. irrant u- ail a plit.t with 1 hec, A t h- inc m hta fn ! - Tllll IMilMA Hi iNN . The tiit time I saw them thev were Li tt hint Ije w indow . C'lar!Jina w:ts" leaning her arms upon the -ill and gaing upw;u;d at a llock of -parrow.s ipiarreliug and ehat tering on the ojpo-ite hoii-e-ti ..p-. She h. iked-vlike one t)f Kaphael's i-heru'o- with her thatch of hair and 1 . iiaiian ex.--. annger oii ner ,p n,r ( .Ire--, wmeli -was white an.l tlowing, , with a. .-earlet band about it. was I' risl.e.l 't rilfr TlWo'.r W 1 t r .iTloror euri!.. -lh.dowereti.lv ornaments ih ... . . , . her ears which twinkled ami danced ; a- .-he turn, d her head. . ii i!. l fii. .vuioiuo sioou oeniu.i ner wuneves turned aboe and beyond the spar- I rows. Hi- expression, as I made it ; out. was that of a man who had for-, ever settled the most vital tpii'.stion of i hi life, and hem . forth deals in no : st - f uinlarv oii-s. A jale tare, cut fh ar a- a vanifiN with proud, af(jui- e.-ft-nt mouth. I a- l-nu' in making their aoquaint- ante, fur they -eeined fintent to live apart, although (,dari.--iina had nod- ded to im; in a friendlv manner more than once. One afternoon when she -appeared at her ta ..rite haunt in the window ami I had seen Antonio, whom I somewhat feared, go dow ill' the street w ith his sketch-hook under his arm, I seized a oot of trimro-es from mv baletmv. as a propitiation, and ran across. ,. .she h-ad seen im- coming and ad-'! mitted me herself with. a"half-hv, h-.lf.!, o.ov e.mi tesf ...b....ntif.il f o, of scarlet plumes in her hand. - .. The room w hich I entered was one of three in direct communication, but separated by hangings of anti.pie silk pushed far along the rods. To utter a cry d admiration was inevitable all beautiful, so full of individual life. 1 had known that Antonio was an ait 1st, and a successful dim1, but the woikthat surrounded mc exceeded Iliv w lidest surnilses. The face- of an angel confronted ' rie, 'hung agitin-tc a velvet, panel of 1 some oriental blue. Never, heaven I knows, could such a -countenance h:lVr ",,u,l its h"UW " Mrt'h- A C"P' of H.iiite and a few violets lay mi tht . . 1 r .1 It eoll.-.l I I i e t 1 1 It TI"o!ll tile lllllll) etl cushions of which' Antonio had lately 1 " risen. lletweeii the windows hung a paint- im" in o;i. It seemed to me. at first, nicrely a. roseate sky milling iu little waves of pink toward the west. Hut ud.b iv I discovered a river ru.-hing ! throm;''" - a desert country, vA tho , f v..r ti. . 1: f h nn.ir lit !!t SkV. d' e wa n-d a tree.jftor shrub.' in;'- living j creatme in the scene o'n W tiiat mar- j vt-lus glow in wave and ciohd. On- either .si-le of it w.-re wa'-.--c.,i..rs r . a ... -.. other ! oi pntkmov. eiP. .ue -.... a. : a foreign iiant unknow n to me. I ! became suddenly aware v.o - that 1 Uis satin pale tlu-h pcrvatled. .-.11 the room, changing in eltec: for :t was mt .a tnomdoiic. On a table at my hand Java half- fmi-hed sketch Of pallsleS. - p.-r- feet thing, with a purple d;;-t up-dt them. Involuntarily 1 turned imin them P. the angelic face up-n the wall, and Caris-ima said. i:uplyv "Those are the Lady Ko-e's eve. When Antonio has lini-h.-.l then he her favorite color -and Ant.-n:" ll.h . o .1 Mv oiisfere.l ! II lilt siiaoes. loVcd'itl Vilin." she cditlh tn-iti.-dlv. ore--ing her p ra ti. - get her. while the p'umv fan -bpo-d b the th-or and lay at her feet. : there." pointing to the angelic face. -and there, ami th.re. ' iu all tht tt..,v...-s That rov kv-- - -it i- th. IX-Tlt.- La.lv 11 Li i-e : aim i 1 ' ' ... i . i . in An- tonio's life, tinged with the.'-'d- of the'-kv. It i- a pity that 1m -amiot better-do h-r hair. .Can-imc he f((m),th,,s s.V d,.ok: t he -1 :va k - ;f li-ht that som, times come t. v.ugh the shutter voiidert i'ick it up - bring . .. I I.e I ..if . . 1 1 . 1 - m. ... if .oil 1-allst. -Ami i'1 -oa. And bv mat ii ii 111.. ii .- , ie mean that it is as hitril io gamei You have Wen ia Rom-3 You Lav--lt-tli in the fallen ex? Ah. hut then is nothing there lik- the Lady K-.-e's Lair." (..Taris-ima pati-ed for a :n.iu-rit. lO'.ked at me 'p;t--li.-niii'h , -und then went on: -he was a "jfeat singer, but it wa a humiliation to --r Ant-.i.i" f...! .vv in kt,v fout-tep-, from Ita:. to Kra!;.-.-, from M. I'cter-buri: to. tie' Nil.-. i.Ke a ...... . . ' i . . .-...( . i -.'atit in 5i.(ir, alio .iii..." "I -o lio.iie a family! He uHV-e,-'. :he anui-h of it ..v.rgatoiy f..r her. And ah. some women are m . ii-itor-.. ome- : t l ; , , i i time- -he -atig lor w.-ek- in th,- -auie f eity. aiel then he wa- in paradl-e. He ' !-ent her t'ow.-fs. It.velv w ,.j! ; Not great !tit.jucts, or nlgar b i-k.-t. but -ouje rare b.i--onis -u,-;i a- de Voted loe alone i -i 1 1 : i t.t .pro. mc Ainl while -In- -till -aiig on. -miliiij 'up .n him iike a -pirit from the h- teiiU wttrhl. -he iield them, iii ut hautl. he plV--ed thelll iilith to her blca-t; , she buried her lips iii their h!o..m. I "It i-fiirioii- what iii - p.-.-olc can i'Mive together who llf. er lll.-.I . All- toiiio in hi- .. the Lad s 11 on tl le : stage they i peiieii. ed all that hu i man heart- ran. I mean Antonio did. ; The Lady lb.-e !iad neither heirl imr ; t- p.-rieiif ... he w a- :i be intiiul cic- 1 , -V-atioii, a vi-ion. Antonio- -aid. of iove I u.-f j :tnd -ong. i "At la-t she came to America, and j for a time we h.-t her. It is" hard to ; pursue in a ountr -o va-t a- this. , She allliretl II-, illtd thell ellldetl Us; I had gone, or failed to keep her eh- I - j gairemeiit -. I was v.-ry Weary d the interminable tioht. but the look'm m ! brothel-'- ee- liet I" pel'Ulittetl me to ! rebel. We were in a cit v of the we-t. I i i,, i i ;n , i , ,,; i i i:, , ,. i hail been ill. ami Antonio had lingered I f;iithlullv hl..il!t. ni,. although the hilull,lllr(. ,nut ha, ,:t hiln lulll.h. v. ..e.. .l.;,..o ,!.,. rh tl...' ........ , ."""T, T' ! creaieu tor uie piupt.se, i saw uie ; ,,.,. f th,. PMv It . It wa- the I bills announcing her to -imr that night; aU(l W(. (h,lVe .. th,.v uiuhi. : plied. and there were rude portraits of her in thtvimlows of the -hops, ..-Imbeciles:' muttered Antonio, "ho eo-iM not bear these outrages upon art: but nevertheless, there was a note, "Hoy in his voice. J was too tired b: go with him to the opera, and anyway it. was best that he shochl go alone. He was" verv rrantrrT"- ihat night. You have remark--.! that he is so5 His eyes were brilliant ami rest less a stars.. He had. a bracelet to semi to the, Ladv Kose k-two'ii the acts, ard :ls lK. wrote the mde that acromi-aiiied it. his man's hand treni bled. Has it ever occurred to oii that the love of. an artist is r-allv a te.-rih!,. t1,i.rh.,lf divin.e halt dia- I bolical? "He ki-sd me when he went away, and I could feel the rapid beating of ... ...... - - - - - - , his heart as it resiea lor a momeni - .t. . iiexi io mine-. 'Wiiei he had gone I lowered the lights ami tried to sleep: but I was tortured bv a terrible dream. I saw a s.dt. xviiite. arm arise uj pon a seaof j l in the air. ight and the ; light and wave a moment 1'here was nothing but li waving arm, as lar as 1 eouiu -ee, until at la-t Antonio appeared ami came across the sea to where the arm s xvas beckoning. It softly curved I h'."it his neck and the hand lay on j his breast. Jiut suddenly it changed j and turned a hideous bronze, and seemed to slip and lose it- hold; ami j the hand had turned into a head w ith j burning eyes. Antonio struggled to j be free, but while I looked something " ' " ' - .... darted from its mouth and plunged ;,o,. 1,; . !. ..,.. ! into his heart. T awoke, cold with fright, to find Antonio in reality beside me. I sprang to his arms und turned his white face to the light. ' 'It is nothing, my child,' he said. -It is only an artist s dream. Hast thou. too. be. n tlreaming?' And I kuew by the icy -mile, the frigid lip, ID il .VIlloillO UlfaiU .l Uif VI iii cation oi my own. Cari-sima -toopetl for he r f:in- nnl leaned back languidly in - her chair, -ivriiaps y..u tmnk Antonio is mad. M.,,,1- ,..,. oh. do 1'heV . o n.C know - t t -" - w hat it is to sailer and to have tt great imagination." . ' I was in this ajTartnieht often in i 1 .1 ft later davs. and ireuueniiv inei au- . touio. liiri-sima's suggestion that I might think him mad was a vain one. A person more self-contained and ur bane I never s.iw. The odd conceit, cd pan-ie and arbhtu. vvhich Cari sima was pl. a-e.l to term "Ladv Lose, ev e- and -utile," took nothing from my e.-timate of Ids sanity. Ma n-d art w:tiidt-r int.. b path n ilr w :i to th.: great goaiJ the u all w as 1 ii illlgeilc fa. n Upon the hv itie frmfen of "til W a S "-1 b-e. p i . - 1 1 . V led to he regarded it as the i li dre.-tm. I t ' ; ' , - h . I e i i e ', e v. 1 1 a L ma x of in- t . . h ; o p 'l'hi-: w a, oil a i ei tain. -v ening w h. u lietu::..d to hi.- nn.l.-r tiie M :.-, lamp a : h . v - it a;,d ut t fed t!tee vi,,..-.!- "A ill Ui h ;.r toiil In- ! i,e ;.eiH , .f t:i- ga if. fill. -lit .1 lit .U II! I he i,l- his 1 .-.'tit. He s!.uiti do : a- tpiickiv a- p. i-si'de if fie w i-,.. - paint or t.mp.'se a - . , -. i rii-l I 'e ''. . U A' a' ir'v ii -- Calif ia has 4.tA wir.e-gi owers, and t .rat '. .:. acres aic p. anted in f::.f 1 ids represents an ;uvet- , meav ioO.C'j.CJU. and . -v . , - - - , mea'.' i U.WW.V.'V, am L'HtS eiii- , p0yc;eut or support lo loh.UvO per- WIT AND UniOR. H- p-ar to d...-!or Ileae, kind sir, help :ii-. l'.-e twt-lvr -mail chiuiren." !,.. !-. "Put out i: tongue." Ttxas '.:. .utiati iady to husband returned from i u :I i - dinner)-- Wu- the dinner an .-".H-.-ortte art air? Hu.-baud - KUbo- '. rate; ila-- - were et at each cover f.-i A- v e f n .iitlei eiit kind- of beer. . j .1 - h Cook savs thej-f is no re p.-nta:.--e alu-r death. Let him, there- i - ,i .ii. i .. ! fore. u. don the leet u re plattorm ere i it i- t. ! The Letter eity 'has no Tivi:i,.:;i I, mole, and no u-e for it. . i 1 gueeti -Albert, dear. 1 fain woi.i.i !,.-.ir ti.ee pl.-tv upon the banjo." Tiie i'o'i.-f '--U'liat -hall I plav, moth.-:; -We li get there b-ainl-bv?" 'i'he l:;..,-ii No. Albert; "pla -('iod a .- t : - A f .M.eeU. -i . .. li Hem -a - t iat "a ball tlress ; - plain enough to -li...w ,,t the j 'llt- object ik.w appears to j ke it brief enough at the top ma!.-. be to ! to -n i' a con-idt-r;ible' portion of ll if w e! .M- rt.-l' tru ll fti'l. "i" 1 -u t epia.u me I . . . . l . : .. . I. : that singer. "Aeitliervau ; l; i. -ines t lirough her no-e mst , atr.if i .u-l ." -lVrhaps that is the rea-oa w ii evt-rv one l wallig a , nam i h .a . i . . - .- ef at her."-- Fnncft Fun. i I Wh'-n 'u s(H. something in a win- 1 d'w that cannot b anv jo-sibilit be J of an. ii-.- t.u anvbods figure, that I ran': k.-ep am thing, warm or fit anv- ! wlie. , . i,u m i know it is a portion of a wom i.i's i ostuiue. - Sai Ffuwi.sco ' ,.,,. , ', " li." -a t! the bookkeeper, "lien--on's ,$iw.i'. s good in an emergency.1' I kn .v :." -;iid Old Hsi)ii, "but he is driiiik all the rest of the time, and t -ve an emergency on hand 1 ! . . J.. keep him sober." lietisou ! .j.,, .'. - I ..v:,... th.. rush lM.t ni.riit oV.t ! man l o. ielt ah t 1 ..! f ,i. ,,, . . , lh'd I? I thought of the windr party with me from the -i.e of the one 1 havebn me this morn ing. uh ahead? Uless you. I got on ;i full bust." jlnrtitttc. Th - i. v-ee at Paris ami the royal palace at llrus.-els were connected by telephone a day or' two ago. If Presi dent hi.i and King Leopold attempt to ma..- e.vch ot her hear what they say we fen." the great European war will bo precipitated. A't :w JJactu Xtws. Tic L-.-vcIl Oturit'r says that statistic- shoe, ih;it no actor was ever killed while ; r ;', eiing upon a railroad. This would -ei-ni to -ugge.-t to actors the wisdom ox spemi.ng au men umo i i i- I-: . . li i. . t ... .. t . -1 i i . iii traye.u.g upon a ranroau. liwoiiiaoe a splendid relief to thy public. Boston Fost. V I had.no idea Shaker had so many n iciios i;; me t juo iis nc seems lo uae. .O...-!...,........-.. ........ Whv. everv one looks quite down in , . - . . 1 , ,,,-..! the 1;.. ..:tti . since he went abroad. No i wonder, iie iorgoi to inaKe any an- i noun, emci,: of Ins departure , you . know a;;a he carried his check book , with him. I mcn-'J uptr.s. . .. , " - d.u. t nave such sermons as they I UM.,p t the apostles preached, j h;lid Mr. NVvergo. "No." replied the j ,,ar(.:.. - a,:! we don'.t have, such ton- .: grcgati.m-a., the apostles had,, either. : iXl r;:;::t preacn to nVvcongregation fnV x .v.a ks and tlien th.ey'd be two month-, behind with hsalary." Fur- (f ( . " t, . 1. .... T.nn;.-. rh th drf r.fT ! I .,,,:,. Johnnie Is that th kind - f ,,,.. ,UV)' talking to gov 1 - 0 r eruess s.b,.n:v AfotherWluit. di,L:he sav? Johnuie- ii said:- "Dost thou luve. me.Agi.ts?" MuttK-r No. it was not, Johumc, but Agnes will dust out of hrvo to-niorrtAv morning. Iotjn (ov. - ' Tle re is a woman in Philadelphia XVllo tii . -ooUeJ elite!'- the ,ooogical i Caitlens than everv animal begins fo ; :tt : ;ir ;uni bciin' funou. :iiil j a tiger which -lie looken s.piateiv 1 ; uo- ...- to, -imv s.-. ouu- n, -olim so,- and tn-t Ids alt tl.e I.tf two ; , , . . .. ' -, ; dav m- is pr.-t.abiy a booN ag-m. l'!r,'tt ' ' " v' '' A th-- theatre: l nimg iady in bx, facing -tag?-, witii in r drt cut imme. ibi v low in tiie ba k; ladv in -the a'.in.i ic e o!i-el'Ve- hi ate iv.- a Violeir. --a! t. L-coit ( iootl What' ;,,. matter? Lady ( recovering) I K iio'iiii.g now. I w a on! v a 1 raid that g".!'i a fall ba.kwaid- out of h-r th H '.',! '-;''" ' Vt'i. . At.'1, do xogtioiibt mv love'" he fl-ked. She ii'. but v. t ; . . !: I " io'-..' Vt.'U . a -'i . - - (if. i g-' .hate.V , "-No. Ceolge. ae'-e,! with a ..In, . I. n- v . -u say t hat ;!' w id u- ti-r e 1 1 a , V o . J au : ti d a ha dioi, UJl't tele! r ; Ilie. de.il - .oil '-'ii ll "li .i . o thi- k. Voli -ee-a to fo: get. that I am a wJovv. A. a .f it.d'griatit! v -The report . tna: I am on.' of the be-t p' s. e . n.e a Wife . . . - ; n e;i. .Seal dhing1.;. ) .i dear. h - i ! to -i eoUiitrV is ha! Ill -ii.it- r s I d h 1 see W h V IV. ...he O t v v rv ni- . lie tale. iioW0 dator-I can't ith m. A', ic- l .e . . dl" - 1 il-rv .-'?. Seli-.ivsjctin"' citizea "I ara in favor id' an inilignatioiijmeetmg to ue- lioUhce the ballet." OidiliarV CitlZeli - M dear sir. whl tiis anlipathi? ' ; 'lie .ui-e it is vicious, indecent, r.n Uiorui. disgu-tiUiT. braen." Jyd,-gracik-u-s! I ne er detei tel any i f tho-o things when I -aw it." " r.--ib',v not. I have lifVer .-eell it; therefore 1 -fuk w ith ctiiilidence." -'i;;.'ii j la.L No "Aoader the r ernmeiit i- r-'ing to -:-v:.d i'i.l,'.!l'l,lW for ca-t ief Two Ameriean ba-e ball flubs aru thivateniug to play in Kn-xiaud and - 'Cjern;an this ummer. Sa . can t wo compromi-c thi- thing witiiout an u-e-le-- eliusiou of blot d? 1 lie Lh- will o oei" there and persuade Lord ltan- T , , ., , ... , ." ... c, vlolrdi L uurchiil or t 'lint e lu-man k to 1 . . . t. Cl nipire, ami then . ur- u "Riches take unto themselves wings and ily awa," stid the teacher: --what kind of riches is meant?"' And ilie .smart bad 1kv at the fool of the ela- said he 'revkoned ' they xnu-t be -:-rii'hes." And the" tdliy bound that c broke the ensuing -i'ieiice was the Sound that a real smart bad boy makes .r. vv ith..nr s.v in.r in inst mr.t.v words, he seeks Ute.nvey -and u-uaiiy does convey the 'impre-siou:that he is u i,n.al pain Hurd. tit. Tliestj strikers are all alike," said Bluhdei bore; "in daughter w a-read- ;ing last ii i lT tit about . one ol ttiem. . . , . , . i Miiik OTiozaris was his name; e dentlv of Irish exffaction. Well, tins ryl vV made a speydi to his district as- seiiiblv. and failed uinin his kmchtlv fumi'anioiis to strike to the death, and wound up by telling them to .strike for their native land. They merely wanted the earth, pu know; they didn't cute a copper whether it was fenved in or not." Jtotton TrtHtxcriyt. ' i Merchant (to applicant for a job) Do voti know anything about figures, Uncle. Ka.,tus? Uncle Kastus Ves, bah. Merchant. Well, if I were to lend you $v, and vou promised to pay me $1 each month, how much would you owe me at the expiration of three mouth-? uncle Kastus i l d.d!;ihs.j sah. Merchant I'm afraid vou dtm't iuow much aboutjigures. Uncle Kas- tus-S. sah; bull tw I ki... aU- . ! An Aristocrat Astray. Class distinctions are wholly ignored ' or are unknown to the average Ameri can citizen of the backwoods. This j was iUu-trated in the pithily narrated circumstance by .Judge Tillman of the Ibike of Siitherlam-rs encounter with, wiiat to him, mu-t have been a verita ble rnra avi-. the hack driver from Manatee to Sara Sota. The Ducal party, leaxing the at ht at Tampa -and going to Manatee on the ! steamer Margaret, took hacks at the ; Town of Manatee for Sara Sta. 1 he Jehu of one vehicle was a Kent uckiaii, who wa- a -inioh-pure erai ker, unsur passed bv the Florida cracker in his u:iti e- wild-. As thev drove slowlv .along the -andy road tiie driver witxed communicative Hint sinrh-it iitlt hi- I I " -k - fl s the oh- , ,- ', ,-, , 1 . ,,. , , .1 jet't of ln- attention and patnmage, al- , , . - , . , -i wivs a 1 h I i-.-ss 1 1 r h in as All I like. - ,. , ,. , 11 j,,, f .i,.,t- i --sllit ttavoieoil..lll'4.iiOlil tii. IV j 1)llke was a kimlr-d pirit from ..funvn .tfi- aI11p ..f iKlck." he ..w eon- ! lilknt5:u ;U!)l fMniiiar. calling th- Duke, j i,t :l jocidar 'manner -Citpt. Ibike." The Dukec-ood-nature.lly r.-jom!ed to his driver's comments iii a dignitied wav. showin' bv neither Ha nee or 'word that he thought him too familiar upon short actpiaintance, even when the large, sun-browned Jiand w as laid patronizingly updi his hotilder. r he was tapped familiarly ui the back or imtiched in the ribs to have his august attention directed to some trivia, cir- cuuistam-e. . . . 1 1.1 At h-ngth a halt was caned ami tn party n fn-diol the inner man with . Vine. The Duke's light flannel cat became caught ov, r the ivory handle M . . . . 1 . of his breet he-. -Hold on. Cant. Duke," railed the driver: "v our cat is .-aught in vour britches; let me take it out," and J.-hu drew down the otlehding garment and fell to wo! k v igoroii-1 v du-ting "':it Duke," remarking that he - w uj "moughty tlh-ty." Ujn Jehu'- r turn 'to Manat.e, when the joke wa- t-'dd .n him to a group of gelitbdM-Ii Wti became 'di vulsed with laughter. h- was not ont whit cre-tfaib n. Ut exl i.'i.lUHl Well. I -wear! I (.. aid you all rail him 'Duk. Duke.' and I thought that wa his name, o to . i-e H .1 ,te J C&.Vii him Mr! and 'app n Duht-." After a. mom. -id - lir-wii -ttely he -x-rlaimed. witti tr;,.- Au.'ii-'ah spiiit; I'll be - - if I a. n't a- g - 4 as he ii e r -, - r I anv li'j w ...ii a -of i i tint - i 'ti'jn. A Unman Who ifa Won Her Way. Ml-- Marv H -.-'ti i- -aid ' b.- :.. b- s-.n abr-cfl f.-r ret. and -ne ,f p i r, in romu.-e.'dihg njdj it-, cali- U-v "ti..j ceptn ig-i. irian ' dd .r of '; r' 'i-V tl . . : " Mi- L. -'h r- I . 1 n-.g.-t xou-ig. b it I tl.ei',' if -tie ai..l -he i- w-ii .'. -i-ro'i of h.-r age, re tain her th.':K. grav ii.slr. -' : g .... i I..-.:,. a:.d g. : . t hg-.r--. ,.. :.. i.i cv.h.g nl;.. . i r a v.i.rnal-.-t sa;. to -....- -. a; v. ii-. - her do no h- a hi , at i--n h t- .-r a ' n. i ,L- iii the tre L .l.-ii.ig, a - a-. . i . :tt -. t.l 4. She .. .:..:.. 'or terd . ' :..i" e e a ri h- hi. b-eu th- tratiS.at-.ir ;u ordi i.arv' ? ;r the H trr. and for :wdv ears t-e ed.toi of the IlUZir. A.' InJ Savetl hy a Laub. A w-";-kr,.i a aial poptilar you:.jr br.-k'-r i r,; ufetow n m t!i? na:netiiate v.fci. f h.- f a-h;tdi.tble eiub, was few .1 a - io t:.e i,U:n of an eperi- el;, e a Th-.e. .o ...... i . : i- to. e;.id to r-ni:iia ute t.od. t .1 all name will U withheld through - mpathx . 1 he otiug man w t- .11 at in- i 'Igint, and I'oweis, ki?;d eig-iis. tlsoiightful 4 . . ' i I 1 i f. . 1. , .. . ioiii: !- o'.iiti ;. i.tie e:i.uiv w a- ii -- pa.r ;t.:.i a m du me n.au was .-i I lor. After f.-eling the pitieiit's pul-.-tl hv -ic;an h-k !.- i.ead, ri a elv an a n.oiii i:a: n.au wa- iit nd J.-. ias d tha' :!;. ! ke." m:;-t do -ome- tiii.i t eei o i:, ai'l" i ne. -i o u . 1 I a ! 'p i if. -1 o do thi- a sample Iron, the r pei toire of the a:--I.me.t cui-ine t the 1-io'ker - club w a- ;.;-es, N, o! e ; i n w a . . . , ra:-e.l ,1 l Iiit.lictue, thd to k lu.tii - t nt at oncti f,,, !a, ,Itl tt te Co .. I he it! v aiid a. -e dhd. ,i Severed head oil 111- eilioW, oi l tiie bid ot lal'e, p o- Ceetit d '"Old- I what li"' ihotlej,' ,,ijld l"e-' . . ! e t he I . ua on hi-i he, k- a!d tho iu - ter to Iii- 1 here w a- lilloji. thin and liaii-- pa lent a- an , iu..fiiiig, c an v i . ;n k dic k l;- -h from the -hol of M a! it nd . aid a hd .it other daintv ih - iie - . li;;- wa- topped .dl with a liberal suooU o tte tie 1-ne :'las .tiul lu.. ,,r thit . i-n;.-. of Pt.utet 'auet V and M wmm. i he m- --.me, r 11 wnj tie u i ung ai.ti the .ud. r w as inti u-li t a i u i hi .-. d i:tib- M.-i. tin . A w a p. . the to tin t ii.it ami .hi- order s t v r v t mp;o th.ie m comm-diou. l:-' :! !i"''h''! u"k'' u,sil "Ul1 1 l,;''!'-t"a :i -;iL,,i ,i,v- in. l-o-li; .'. n.-, -i, f,.r the g...l- Meanwhile at the i-.diio- of tho broker all wa- toj,-v-1 i.rv . The in- aiid w 1; h " -i a-: a! . i it paced the r. : 1 1 . a !;. i s a i' t be -! 1 1 i , d h illl- 1 i ma: - a ib t . 1 h-v pat leM . but tlt dlit-r hojee la hd - put ill il It self v. ill, extra Waited io j : ah t!;i '" l'l-.' - " r '.-...' "'.v that 'he m i !i--oi v ant w a- ..ni.-i.-.l to 'At!. 1 fol.sjdi ! able delay o in -ear. of fhe V t'illlg-ler ai id bn n bun in den! .r a i i v e. Heat otic t si a i , i . .. :. I,,. p. o. . e, i. -d no t ui t her d i i.e hi oki I " lodging, a b'l V -e,j 1 id oil tile I llg i ! i -j 1 1 1 1 g ga v i e r the than the .!,...! Then-. - u:.!- ' with hi - io t M Stt p-. W a - t he gl.-av iill that ;-.-:u'. i ; 1 1 i i - - I ! i g III . hill. I lilllbs, a I .d em i t v i .1 1 li - w ere in -d . d th. -i. mpt iiou-t it' ll!: ! Mi i f-.ii v w :t ia a pa-!. a:.d t h. Ira nit f m.nd b...'b i.ug ..n lulatitv. A- -o.ci a- th. biokt-r h aid lto, his dinner h. ait:':. .ai'-d Be laughed long and t v. a- the hi -t -mile that ho had g I . !i while ill. 1 be iiix.tiid tried j to -a v e the b.. ,' ;tie! 1 : . ' r j - .- I c .t I Iie-t -! lv f.-r him. but in v .oh. Now the boy and the biok. r an ......1 frieiitl-, and j tin- broker is fa-d t;o;, .tle-cing. Atta l'tj'K .si,r. Karly ! lnt;l i-ir "al Mining. Coal Iii- be.-n woiked in Kngland rste-e 1 u- time d th. .Xunnaih; nut tl w a- in a: !:'. n n Msg 01 ui t.-'. .:' :.d ii o-sihirv that explosion i a app. tr to have b n heard L.. tl tiie'i tii.-V W.c -.M. mi fat.tL ..ii,. if 01 . u j ,-d at M -1 n . on tho in ! -7b. and w h ii k lib d a of. ( :.. . mn at !: nd bh ,v u iiiding drum "p oj p. . w a- appal .-lit 1 an '".I'd a - to be though! f : -. i ,p!...n in tie- "Th ilo ii 'I i in- e-- .,i,. -,.f i hi Kov a! Iii- ' . ; j . : a ; '. e inf i e- t i S.o- .a - iii the early g- ! -l-i.l.'. at . . iimtett "f- r bv " ', ' it. ' . !. . o i ; w a- got at I , ' - v.i. -hal- !"'l. at t lit b gilitiillg "f tfie ii' :'h 1 h t!; - ; X f V fat h' dits ; h- V .'. . r . f ... .' ;:, thatl o li f.oh-.m- .Je-p. "Io- t ' o I'd- u h a i f a Ui 1 1 i li v - .'.;,r M pd at Aud.-n- ! i- l"-e li" .li 4 ) ,- '' ! . o- r. the old dd ! , , ;,d to .'IU '. ' oli- f :. -iiaf!-. ' 1 !i . . 1;. d of ...d gafher- - .. . !.: : h.i. '! ted bjf : . a ... ' . : : ; : . : h i'. bv espb ., - :. .... d tiiii-'. imJee.1, i ' : .'-, A nny : .. ..:-! . - - - d t;;. trod - ; . , : ::....'! . oil- I -.. ,. h. .1 - a: e t.dd. - v a i .- - ' h if h U.d lav them t h ' . .: hioatii Hi ' : d S ... '...-. ; .a th-tii full ol i . d ' .- ' i a. i " v i ,a- iudti I. - . - : i'i . ii ' lu lie Wa .Not i m-ri.w rmi. I 9 ' r' vih New .. y.:.jl ih-1 Cnvfrrtor , - . . o a ':. I I iii . sui : th.-ii ':. :s .tt,;;; h. jUM- ah-1 h - -.!.! along with it:.. f the '.. : . ho was of , . h . i ---.i'. -d I't make ,-r n,- n the untutored a a;.d .v . t :h th. o'-j.-.-t arr.tl i 'A g a", ' tie 4;.d lOWtbd ' g 1 h. . e a'id b;a.d that hi ; :tr. A he X jn-ttri. A had - w i h - : him. a a r-d i. -ii v o't.-i w c, tr." 'i.-ji, the 'h.ef 'A i't a d-d th- utt'-hl.oli of ti..- t: .he, ,ut the imprr- t.'.ii n;ade I. t- I.ol 1 JSl W the ow :,.-r A ' Ih-ovy ur.iforra had looked f. r A i.e -tr huA up to the Chief the ; afer erj ; hi mAei t f ia curl L. t in f a-r...m: ' i ou at my ?' No. No. .3,-1 u.e cdticer. "avyr M. itia- Y3 ' Wherujoa . . e tii Chief, with a '" -k of supreuit cou lnid, tiivUi-Iol: U, bahl" llvsl thv sunlight u into the two iia.iit..s gonS- X

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