'5 I ft . ..- t I e jiv jiv uy IIILLSBORO. N.C.SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1888.1 NEW SERIES--VOL. 1. NO 22.. fj A biter fi' tn Rradford, England, to one cj iIk.' London newspapers, says that :. number of firms in that city, "which have large dealings ' with German and otlcr ( .ntin nt;il houses, haver rcceixed formal ii'.t!''.-i t liif aft' r a ferta n date Vol :j. ik will f u-ed ly tho-a: houses for iut .-rnaiional - oi resbondence. 1 ! Mm h of )l,e ,-. ,,, blindhe-s that is hc 'OHiiU" jH:K: n j 1 1 n ' in is f-ai'i to he !y the u-e of tuluiro, wli cb, be narootb ln-n :mbs tlie nerves, inesthe victim 1oh sight uito Rut i- )-. notifiable. avs the that, the old smokers are t fie ions .about tlie co'ors which the call f' l ing a Some! i ; ,,.,; fabae iiiji-I -jjivc their cigars. All- Minnie Freeman, t he herob school f.nii. r of Myra a'hy, Neb., who saved ' hri te: ;, tn.oj children by her pi,e-enee of mi el in th- iff it. "blizzard," has Sill. eh b. . n -vel V, inlllt'.f.l with oilers of manic. Tin- N i w Yoik Tii'inii' thinks ! h it 'id- a p .! ii .i 1 1 s for this vacant po-i-1 am mn t tegiid her is sure proof tig i : n t f un i I v I -i vcs. " THE BABY AN I J I HK SOLDIERS. Rough and rea dy the trooper , ride, Great R-arded men, with swords by. side; They have ndi-u nz, th'-v have r it Men hard; They ar' travel-stained an 1 battle-scarred; -The h n (1 ground shakes with their martial tramp And -oarsi is the Iau'h of the men of the ramp. Thry r aeh n spot where a mother rtmd, With a baby rlapping its l,tt!e ban Is. baii-ln'ii- aloud at t h- gallant s-ht ' f the mounted wIIhts fresh from the fight Tie- ( ';i.rnin !;n;-hs .mt: 'Til ve yon this A Imi'lful of z , your bahy to k-.-s."' Sinilcs tli" m it..-: "A k!s nn't lt'S!)H, Tint ejadiy he ii ki-.a soldier Ik.M." Ib'liftsiifi th.i haU- with a manly jrraea A ii'l rovers with kisses its smiling faee, Lts rosy eheel.s arvl its Tirnpb! . harms, Aielit (rows with ihli-ht in the soMier's arms. (irandfatLer . in his endeavor not to 0,;s5n PattJ rrcston. "We maun-ed 1 llOU'SFli'S KIRK ESi'APF la-C'b choked hHiw-ir with a bit of the j ) arrested to rrertni their ; l)U U OLH 1 ,UL Al " while oak bark he was rifVwiu", grand- 1 1C1',J ,J1:rrel.M ! motbe.-broke the back liandedarri and! l wilf!fl,aw my complaint," said ' HIS DISASTROUS TRlATi OF THE ffrew red in the faee in W ,- ,7.f,,i f. j Jacob Murcev, llachei's father, wh o had NEW APPARATUS. forts to-hplic' it -othat the knot should' le invisible, whilu C lianty tossed her lino, head that was set proudly on her f-honlders and turned back to her: loom, but n -he-broutrht forward the weaving beam he asked : "When are tliis wise and dignified couple to be married, Niece liacheir' "Next Monday night, if t) ie .moon shines bright, at the 'ministerial hou-e,'"' said the little rirl. glibly. "That, it Keenly is a part of the forfeit." "Forfeit, indeed,'-' aid Charity, more indignant than ever, 'something must be done; thev must not b ' married in Ijim hastv wav." "Iut slie is his Valentine ami he is rher's, and their meeting t his morning has I"'""-'! i ro.MMiu iiitviiei, aim pro pi 1 1 . eve;- a n v c s 1 1 out , ; le n te I it I e e i 1. 1 , Mt-. 1 ' ! n.i Hill Jray !)w, of ' Dover, New 1 L i m p -1 1 1 1 1 i enjo'vs the distinction of being ( in- only watn.in in this free eoiintiy ( ei eh eled to tlie Jiiesidelicy of a. street railroad eompany. Mrs. Dow is forty ears old, m n i ied, and ricli. Mie invested a few hundred dollars in the Dover 1 1 ret railway, only to discover that a lloston -ymlieate was I waring her :-toi' k, le 'pin to ::ain control of the r --ei.ted that, ami wlien- k sha 1 1 holders wanted to 'a;.;li! before the Boston it up, and sin edilv ; he got iii eoiitii.l; ami, fully aroused, she rhi'te I liereif p:eident. Tlie New York 'l'riin,,- says that Ihe f.umei.s of the Noithwe-t and the Na tional overnment ought to take meas ures for the encouragement of the rais ing of biitlalo slock. An ordinary cow hide H worth but it is useless as a robe, while an average bulTalo hide ii worth 1, and a robe is almost indispen sable in the Nort hern climate. Tlu; buf falo lfi tls its woolly hair once a year. This wool i; ca-ily gathered, and it ' m ork up well intoacoaise yarn. Omi animal will yVhl t en to t w cl ve p und of taw wo .1. At one time there were far tori' for th" mmuf e ture of butTal" il I n; :!:," b :i '. e i livaoiieaird with the ii ; The w oi i of t In. hvbrid animal "Not all for th" "opt'iiu,'" the solliers rail, "The baliy, w e know, has a kiss for all." To th" soldiers' hn-asts the baby is pressed I5y th- strong, louh m-n, and by turns ea l 'es ed ; And louder it laughs, mid the mother fair Smiles with mutt- joy as the ki-.ses they bhare. ".Ju-t sU' h a ki-,"' crie one troopur grim, 'Wli 'ii 1 k-n my Ije,- I gav to him;'' "An I ju-t u -h a kis u the jiartingtlay I gave to mv util J.s asl"ei she lav Such w tie t hu i i ii-. Ixi .a' 1 1.,. t, .1.1 ;.... i - ' - i.t '"ihit i r, ill iiv , And tle ir eves were moist as tlej k:s they Kue. .' s'oti Tmn u rifit. -ngoadcl on to make it by the two j . ?p;ifters. his couiri I'atty and sister-in- j Mrs; uWM,r iPs.Titw lU r Wowr iaw h anty - U.iTs Latest Kxporiinoiu-llls Jmpo-snbic at this st aire of the pro- , r, , , - , ,, .i-,',, i i i tv r ii 1 'a ' ' Artlor Cureil by a Talk coedings,'-c;Ud Judge John Fuller, with , aut hority. "Yo'i must pay co'ts of ' I'he other afternoon an expreman court, I' arson Noble must have a mar- ; hliTe-ed at the house several strange riage fee, aud those two tines are to be i P-agev and wlirD Mr, Uowser came - i -i i ... ;.. .1 i . . . l . l a... l pant. - t up in ine c uing ue. epiaincj inai uiej i oung nomas was as "ood as his Tin; r.iT.i.s forfeit. W 'ill. buti'alo become s darker am I lim i , and the buffalo bump ili- ippi ats in ihe .mixed bit e 1. Tlie animal M.clf becomes more docile, ibmi:. o i et ain'ng- it s hardihood, and in a better milker th in the pure buti'alo. This ( i o-s I i e 1 1 ie; lipoids, a wide eppor 1 Jill 1 1 v 1 1 U' st oi k ! a i -its. M i . an j ! . -tli i !'s : i -. Til ' . U ith the New CoilllU'l-. of t i Ve " Tie : a i . a 1 1 : o i ! a i m i h 1 to t . o v i ;nnt.::!. - t hat in t h -be! ! . i' mil t i i triei t i ; i i.i I ; 1 lie w V bi i i i i i 1 1 1 1 ' p" a' '; i : ; - ; -'- ii I (.;.'.: I o! 1 'a i i u i Y. -t in 1 A i (-".'. ! tin' m i'f o ; : i ; ; : t ' : s ' ! '. : . : ' , M r-t ; . the, ...... w;.U b- , I - t W 1 ; a I linking '.f the hl Worhl is thus dhcu-M'd in the ' u n au i A 1 eka ! I' re '. : c : p . ject of building ibej-.a, now being H ! i"n Iy til bus-ian ugiy I l I - out t he idea '.ear : ut U! e a gn at iron i ie of the world will ami t rax el by la id from t" the ' 'Id will have. !. tin a! l ail w ay cor - : lou dy look ing into u; endoi,-. project, but in ' it a'u iindi i ta ing as b 1 v e. The . ouilt I y ' i i ' ha X e to 1" t r -sei 1 i n 1 ' umli: i ami en 1 1 al u 1 " a ug tlie 1 1 ig d 7. !! : t to be. 'I he line i ' y i a i" - eui -e math i x vi of th-' Yukon d.'X :i f!i it mi::htv MY Mlts. ANNIK . TUKSTOV. ' Isn't the 11th of February some thing asjxcd little b'.'iehel Maw. v morn than loo years ago, of he r m denial grandmother. " lio was reeling back handed xarn before a glowing hickory lire, in as m at and roomy a kitchen as could le found, ai that date, in the whole township of Y il n ing! on, in Connecticut. " Why. let urn see f y,.s ,y , hihl, it is ,t. alcntine's d.iy." replied the tall, bright faced, erect "o d lady. Ibin't put superstition into the c hild's head, wife, ' said Grandfather Holt, xvho was sitting in tlie chimnev corner, peeling whiie-oak bark for the coloring of the smooth, evenly spun and twisted back-handed yarn. " Why. father, then; is no superstition or hearsay in a plain fact,'" put in a hand some little woman, who was deftly fash ioning pumpkin pie crust at a white, ta ble under one of the high windows. " To-day is the 14th of Fe bruary, and it is St. Valentine's day a-Tos the ocean. It can make no difference with us lure. Why did you ask about it, dau'datcr Fachel . ' It would make a dilVcrence with us if Aunt Charity lo u'H go out and meet a lover in a gie n l ine and plight her troth, wouldn't it, mother "What is the child t alk imr a! .out r.v. plained Aunt Charily, who' was weaving blue cloth, dyed in the wool, upon a loom that stood in the corner, nearest the. tiie. She turned about upon her narrow weaving bench and rubbed the dark crock of the wool lroiu her shape y white hands upon a corner of her wide check linen weaving apron. "I'm talking aUutt this morning when I went a little way with. Cousin Misanna when she started to go up p. ( ; rand fat her Marcey's. We were walking, upon the snow i ru-t along the beuton bivei read, when whom should meet but vomer f Thomas Knowlton gin:r over to Vnele David ilaier's alter a three-threaded shuttle for his Auut blia. ami while th"v stopped to ch.it a bit I looked about with the do-s to iiml whe ethe rabbits and .juails burrow r, out. after the storm : but once again I con 1 md helu hearing bits ol thcr t.iik. and it w ouid'sefm that !;i-t year tie v were b dh on the ship coming orr on M. "alcnti::e's dav ami tiicie x i re -oine t;i' i r game ami among the it. fofeT;: ami thrCaptain ;ulge,d them in thi. wie: 1 1 ,i yt.ar from' to-lav von two shall cl.anceo meet in a green hnie, ou -iiall plight your troth,' and. in tai t, to ti.iy t hey (htmal to meet amb the am- w a as :;ie ri as hcmlo k b uighs could m ike it, a-: I. of . our-,., their troth waspij.htid; for what e's w a! there for them to dof" .4.1- ... ar s a s,y n xx oman ; sl.e'- -1 v , h.l t , . ci"-;.;!m XX I'M)' .1 ' ' I 1 ; 1 1 1- ll'O j I , of 11 slie i- jnv Ums- c. " -a;d tail.statelv ba r x bite hands. hboren, they must not r . u a to, w here it i ami running nearly W ol the I til; , t X C tame a weu'd Mid'.'. ! the 1 Ilk, s ; i x !' , I to p. j h ,, e at Ca i e 1 tdty . im e o tatut" mil rv 1 1 1 r i XX a , X' : n 1 - 111 I liiii- in (:ross;ng Ihe - of the'-Vukon, d in d. ep i" dim it'- along hut verv little ' ' I'hey an on i ; t'C al ow ed to n. e, t :;g i n " Cia idiather ar;d raminvdht r dlolt oked m cat h t!icr' - i s and sniib d. I ei haps t'a-v h el tint luomii; t it the tide of tine love runs smooth, he will wear a green sprig in his button-hole when he comes to meeting On Sunday morning." ami lbiehei t i-d on her tu;itel hood. anl said, as she ran cut again to slide down hill on a long, smooth board : "You will see, Aunt Chanty. -you will see for out -elf, if you are at meeting on, Sunday win n ilmy come in." You may be sure that on Sunday morning the t ill, handsome woman did not fail of being betimes at the little, new unfinished church upon the very crest ot the hill top. It was bitter cold. Then, as now, the site of the church wa a wind-loved spot. There was no tire, but the .eal of t lie worshipers kept them in good plight. ' Grandmother Holt and her unmarried daughter Chanty, and her married laughter airs. Marcey, Rachel's mother, and etiger little Rachel herself stood, be fore the service-, by one of the south windows where the sun streamed in across the.unpainted pewjs and the bare yellow pine floor, and kept a lookout for their voting kinswoman. She came at ia-t, with cheeks as pink as a roseate sunset cloud and eyes as bright. as the evening star. She brought in her grandmother's hat, hi-ckory plank, her patchwork, feather cu-hioti, ami blue ( heck blanket, ..Mid placed, them in the pew. For although ' i andmothcr Marcey had rheumatism, she went to chun h to keep up the dignity of the family, for the benefit of her example in the community and her own spiritual en lightment and strengthening. As pretty Susanna was tucking the blanket .about her gentle grandmother, young Thomas Knowlton tame in, straight 0a.s au arrow and handsome enough to set any vrettv girl's heart in a flutter, even if he ha 1 not been her ac cepted Valentine. In .the buttonhole of his velvet doublet, that had come from beyond the sea. was an evergreen spray, and as his black eyes met tin blue eyes of Susanna, -"they both did smile, smiled in the meeting house, on a Sun day morning," and so it stands upon the records to this day. Not only their waiting, watching and expectant relatives .-aw the .scandalous spectacle, but the whole congicgation was a wit ness to it. It was not an audible laugh, it was not even a broad grin; it xxas only a smile. Innocent little Rachel told Cousin Ratty, who 'had tarried at h tine to mind the laby, that Susanna's smile was like summer lightning just as sudden and pretty, showing depths in her eye-, blue as the sky, and his sin. le was like the sun shin.ng out from behind a cloud. Her Aunt Charity gioancd: "What, is to be auiie of a child v.Jio, at her age, sees .- much as that in a young man's smile. M - " . " h, 1 shall f p.d my Valentine before I am old as yo i. Aunt Chanty. Rcrhaps Judge .lohn Fnlh r, of Tolland, will be your Valentine. lie is coining to tlm court 'to -morroxv. 1 heard my father say it would base-to be simeall the justices on thi-, side tlie Wiliimaiitic River-were relations of the young offenders. If Judge John Fuller sees you he may .still turn that le- li s..me business -with (iramlfa: her Holt, ami c nne over to i ad."' l'or whi li p ft lemark "up and 'coming" Mi-s !b chel was sent to 1 ed W'it' out la !' -u ' it ,". There was a, . , , next day, imbed, for -m h a h; i:a ;s offcm e card not go unpunished, id Judge John bulb r, who had riddeu oser from Tolland on his big giay b.or-e, timd t he t w o culprits 1 0 shil lings e:te;. "I haxi no 0 ,-hai i gobbed pre'- xveid. iff had done no harm, ho would pay no fine. Su-anna kept silent, as was the part of an obedient wife. No one came to the rescue. So to the jail the yountr couple went. Grandfather Mfircey and Grandfather Holt provided furni fum and supplies, aud there they kept hotw. most happily " ttntil The spring opened. "It is not' a very good place, but it is much better than we had on shipboard.'' said cheerful Susanna to Parson. Noble on one oi" h s frequent vidts. "And 1 doiit think I shall cxt be sorry for pay ing the captain's forfeit," and she never was. Their fust child was ca'led Valentine, and it is not impossible 'that by search ing among the weather worn head stones in the obi Willington burying ground you may tind his grave. Aunt Charity xxas s chagrined at the way the whole affair turned out that it took Judge John.' Fuller the whole of the remainder of the winter to console her, and in the mean while she concili ated him for having jilted him years be fore he married his wife, and -it trans pired that she became the faithful step mother of the six children. "St. Valentine's day has mad'? a dif ference to ic,' said little Pacini. "I wish 1 knew whether Aunt Charity, met John Fuller in a green lane when she was young and pretty, like Cousin Susanna-Cousin Ratty says Aunt Charity ha I Fsipiire Dunton in her eye then, .o d that btdxveen two chairs she got a fall, what do s that mean Aunt Charity choped hcr-wliite hands and red-tcd the impulse to box little 1 lat lu 1 s ears. "Thank goodness 1 am going out of town." she said. "No six ordinary children can be any comparison to this young one."' , "Yet I think she helped to find you a A silent ine," said Grandfather Holt. SprimjyieUl Jl y i!4 n . wi,tc tire escapes. " What lor f" t 44 For the house, of course." " Ibif we don't nerd any ri re escapes on our house, Mr. Rowser.' Mon't we s Welt, we sliall have them just the same. If you want to' be buiiud I have no. objection, but I propose h lw ntne othervaTr1 ' -- - " You never said there was any dan ge'K" " Recause I didn't want to make you nervous. As a m.tt'er of fact I haven't IN THE BLIZZARD. Tlie sun shorw fair in tb, clear, crisp ir Dakota, at her tst. In winter array is cold, they say, if trIM hj Rut Chamlrs was a W-stern man, on th frontier usxxl to nvim. And his boys wentalon, witli a laugh find song, t help drive the cattlo hotn Tlie old man's eyt ranht th cleam on high of a suUeiu Ve'dow cUttd, And lo, the light fadM out from the sky, and far on the prairi a bad fierce roar was heard, and with npver a xonl. Rave 'TIo:ne, while the storm al loxTsf He spoil iw Imy Riek. whiU'.he kept th track with the oth"r hid and th cows. The air tUv up like a frozen. vup, each drop had the pint of n thorn, K)ich gap br lreatli s-nn sl e-rtain death; it fri'w black, thougli tlie hur was morn! felt -ate an v night for a year.' They staggered on with fa "s wan and our age groxu al mt -te"lt; "Lie down, my son. my darting son, and thi rxat atnuit vm fold " "Ami now the danger .will be obvi ated ;" "It xx ill be retimed to the minimum. certainly.- iiven if we wake up, and ! i'iiid our lied room on tire we shall be able , to escape with onlya s( orch.'' j Alter supper he carried the parcels up stairs. There were several bottles ami a j couple of wdre racks, a hand lire extm- i gui-her, and a rope and pully and other stull. " Wh re xvould a fire be likely to start in the house'' 1 asked Mr. Rowser as he was lixing a hook in the casing of our bedroom window. "Down stairs, probably." " Well, we have a front and back stairs. ami here are three chamber xvimloxvs open- I His father low iath" driftl snoxv lav stiff, ing out on veranda roofs. Couldn't we ! and vet still he smiled escape by some of these ways? " - j As though in death h- seamed to know be ha "11 I thought we could would 1 be loot , e nough to go and throw away on this j a oi in at ns " b' antrrilv ilem oirled ' 1 I ' Rut-the man in angubh walked tin anl down and tuml'll at last to lns'kiii --- For the coat that xrnpjed the Imy si wanr left the father bare to fre-,e And le felt tlie e.t'd h m l al his li.'art "Fp, uj. tnv Imiv, I vix ; Kiutd for a nioineiit by my sid and let ni hear you pray." Their prayers went straight t heaven's gato, nnd at dawn the fa.tbful hound Rayed for the res u till the loy by trndei hati'ls xvas fou.n i. diinl to save his child! ,'ii 'iiid I'.ncifh. A jil Holistic rrodigy. rhere is in ChiftTa wee bit of a girl, pix yea(s of age, who can converse in six languages! ' Yet she is not a prodigy nor do her parents maintain that she is. Anything is 'among the possibilities in tht- age of the world. hittleCorinneCohnwasi o.nl in Chi cago six years 'ago. Her father is Ger ian,"in charge of a school of. languages here, and her mother is French. Pro les or and Mine. Colin speak nearly all the Continental languages, ami their daughter comes naturally by her legiti mate gift. Hie has had very littl ' in structioa; in fact, hvr lather has never given her s-eiious attention in the matter of languages, though he 1 egan giving her lessons some mouths ago m Volapuk. Then he changed his mind and dropped the Yolapii'. not r.triaig to tax her brain too much. "r- lie g.ta-p' l the rudiments of the universal language xvith astonishing rapidity and cae, and in tie- short time she was under instruction i ecame sutii cii ntly h arnetl to cany on a conveisa ti'n. A cor .espomb nt called np-m the little lady sit the lesidueee of Tier pan tits in as street. It was the propcrhour for j j.t ;ls i. engines arrive and the pipers " 1 I suppo-c vo-u know be-t. " Mnt. Rowser, wle n I don't know 16-st I will resign. While you have never gixen the subject of lire-escapes one sin gle thought, 1 have devoted years of study to it. Take our wall-eyed darling .ami go dow n stairs, and w hen 1 want vou 1 will call." In about .an hour he called, lie was in great goo I natuie. He had the hook Jiimly in plate, and hanging to it was si rope stud some sort ofharne-s. "It Ni't imu li of an ornament to our bedroom,1' I ventured to observe. "What lists' ormiment got to do with fire-escapes:' Isn't your life worth more to you than the daily prcsenne of a -tea-store chromo? The escape is now ready." "I-or what:" "To escape by, of "course. Here is the sit uai ion : It is midnight. The cook, while riimagiug about in search 'of her lost ipiid of gum, has dropped lighted matches under the fronRand back stairs. The tlamt s- have been smouldering for hours. They now break forth with sud den fury, cutting oiT our escape from cither stairs." "And we craw 1 out on the v ran la urfs." "Do we? 'Not much! We start to do so. but we tind that all the verandas have fallen to the ground, tin; supports hav ing been heaved out b' the frost." 'Wed;-' ''Well, we awake with the erat kle of flames in our ears. While you wring Rooks your hands and declare that we are lost, I calmly set urc sill the money, ; jewelry ami valuable papers aud coolly make preparations to escape. I calmly pull down the rope and harness, seat yoif'nnd the baby the;cin, ami the next moment Vou .arc; landed on tlie groiimi. l iohow failing i igh.t o dock. ( "or in lie is a lovely child, small for her age. it- may be said. u j ' ( "- 1 I'll f If C '.T 'C. 11 A 1 xvith black hair ami eyes ami a FrenciV j danger ca-t of feature;. She s;tt down after '.'Ami can v-u go th -abitation siml took hefdo'd iti In r arms, j J,.,-lies-'"'' " . i - i l oi lm; next inornng ciironn ie my .wain- i i .-i . . r ... r . . i 1 ueriui -oosscsssou in ineiaieoi sixmui This js niv oun.iC-t doll," she sdd. "though it is t he biggest. ", s-he was not etitirciv -sit "sfh;!, ex i but i . that tii s was as it should two others. Ibis one calue a' i eit ( hlistmis." Corinne 1 ves po. trv and can i from 'ictt Hu e ,-th.- II 1 ' en.e fellow". Her u.otle r said h and r?.-n own by that ro'pe J "Can I? ''sin you chop wood with an ;i? What i- tt for except to go down cm?" T would almost, as soon be burned up III'MOK OF TH K HAY. Sign for a money lctitb r Lucre here's Cientlenun learuing'the lornet should employ private looters. An awkward waiter fieiptently piay the deuce xvith the tray. Jte! .l.iV. Mis Cidumbia w.is the first girl to get a New Jersey. . V'.i'a-. C7ieoW. The pen is si mighty engine, and it sometimes runs siway xvith the engineer. Cfiioitt Titnc. The barber's Is a strange profession. You seldom see, one that is not at th hvad. St xhaitniii. Says the New Haven A" m: "A foot rule wear overshoes." We tdioubl call that a two-foot rule. -Xirristoirn II viM, When D.akota becomes a State it will doubtless adopt sis its oat of arm s an e.ir-inulT coin bant and si shiver rampant. (irihi To bashful oorre-pomh nt Tlie first thing tor vou to do is to pop the tpiestion, the second to tpiestion the p'p. Jlur lintoi Fne I'n .. , Wh'-n ( Grecian tiletes s eight th" field And nobly fell, in bravery utter. They brought h in linini' uj"u their shield They bring them home now on n shutter. pehoit Irff I'r We don't know whether to Relieve th storv that Mr. How Us replied to a jk rsor who'askdi for sdist of the best hundred I have not written a hundred Rooks." Life. A girl xx ho weighs l 'JO pounds and ha? ot(0() in her owrnr'ght, Jio matter how homely, unattrsn tix e or cross t cm pereo she mav be. is worth her weight in gold. Ji"foi ( 'ui i r. The Roston Trn,rrij' knoxv of an etudite clergymen who spoke of the un fortunate wonism of So' bun .a'i "Lot'i ladvwho was transformed into a mono lith of chloride of sodium." Th'r rha-te sa!uts ate not iiuspla -- . When women ki-s a friend r I roll er; I'.ut of life's honey what a wast" 'I here is when XVoTllel kiss ea h othT. --1 '.n!iit ( Wh r. IVaran Jon s to nmibt ri "The col- a-to try it. I don't believe you wouhl ' le tion this m"rtiing, Mr. 'ioodurm, wa gratilvinglv 1 ar-.e."' Minister es, I notied '.ude a number ol date to go tiowu -n" il. M r . Roxx r, v. hat si b ii eves Meacon, a 'ii g a t t d t he poet s I o tb.o died ami ou'd tc -t have a ni'iR' attent! ve li-t im r. ,'- - ) ; n ' 1 xx h it a hisi-itntl kno s are two dif- , stran"er- among the otigtegatlou. i ! rent t hit g-. The Cradle oT Ihe IHi.'aril.- Where isOje blizzard's, cradle - it likely that 1 wouH ' r"-' i purcha-eih s apparatus arid put it iii j h. . i if I tlnl n't tlare ti-e it '. Shove up i i that x indow ." ' "R'it i wi. ild'i't 1 1 v it. You are rath' r ! It w they w i re a n'. pie-s. ovtleir !en!,.r .. ho i - , t ,.- ,t ut morit s oj a -bin in o . , ; ;.n 1 jt in.iv iH, i a' t he it:dig-;;i! ; ui vx - i.-i' ; 'i.i ; ;u Sicr S ' 1 i" ion's hoe aiTair r.e ex. on .m- I an" oii;nior imt ( , ii-.n Patty b.-e-t n who xxas ortin,r black sin cp's-w-o-l opIt,.s te "cratsther i ;tt -get !i' r out a-: rer in- ghot t p ix e uih a tl, at o:kc. one it, in order to give th U lieiolls b-,oil. pltttx y, N hie r Mi; in.!, t li o i' v. i : .- p. . i tab ci , l a; . i ; . a' t ;n it tii t x '-'.! t ! , ..lily, p- W 1 ! , ; : . : : tlnw b e k 1 1 1 1 c "t s - k ; a-.. I s i t p! i - i 1. 1 1 'i V the g : ( . ; ! es Wot 'd. lb am ii lire coast M tt le.ie" ! s afl- i iti' cr. uii tics i cp;:a. Fx 1 1 erne j la t s 1 1'U.xv cro. i t v. ,.. months of' mid- i th:- xx oii'd be the greatest o xs dp r traxt 1. Rnm -.ue i . ie- i , i.,'i- tit a: iy to the coast j ni.d-.y ay .boa !: the Yuktn sire ! to me t. ! ' V s , ; o I die i aa lu I .liiilj easts ;ldn me onlv 1. ,1 1 U ir 1 I.Xt tl Fuhi r of Tolland himself ex t s :o her. smd h. tdd ' h- r dav, when ;i-kint if ss;e m-ide.h'-r h ev. here, that he had budrn'-- xvith Capta n Hu.t and hou;,l be reiing over so ei. " ." J ud ge John l-'u !er. i- a w it lower, with ty S'iar:ua t , .-- .i oi UV, I er 1 T I lie J it, and no one : waiting br sc.i , 1 I ind s it i t, mi-- a ! '-1 xviilmxer j a. my line," said young j Tho;.n;is, ho was h.uid-omer to day than I ev r before. " i on e;in s.-:nl me to jail ah-o if you will. At that, b fore any one bad tune to repiy, tai-oii op;e arose, wi.u gentle (iignitv. The "ail ho but one room," he said 1 ' 1 iiere is b st o..e n rr.my ami orie Uf hi not ! allow etl I I''ir - In. the n"it:.e of good order, and d :;up:o; Tu-ty Mtig at to pra vent ar sullying t;ie-e .cHd 1 1 . o : g ; ; !C home '. The Arctic icgi'.ns. 'Ihe papers talk about si Rli.ard having sf;;rt.tl from Manitoba, but that is not i'ts home it-" starting point. Manitoba is only it-haif-wsi.v house. " Why do bii.zaids 'tune by way of Manitoba, and rii ik; them-- lv - mo-t f it upon the west side of the Mi-s;ssippj river: W-bv do we m verb a1 t.f bii. ir is in Canada. New Ktt gland ar.d the Middle A lum? Vol i kn ixx '. A tedle r in i 1 1 j ut ..p ; . . , t He ve tip t h it xvin- ?-d t c s'-at' d h in a ra-p li it :, I tie of wan e b ! t ;-. 1 f o ; .' a r, I o ;,-,( i b t :a -tnki-'g tie out '' -' l. xx s'-r A"""''. ' Hu-band 'groiniugi "The rhrurnv tim in mv leg is vanitg onagioi.'' ; Wife iwith sympathy) " di. I am sc sorry, John. 1 x ant' d to d some sh)- ping to tbiv. ami that is a sure ftign ol j rain."- .)" . A lov r who addrc-s. d a hex e rr ntel : b tti r to the obje ; ..f b:, atb 'ions. aik- ing the vteing'l el v to bef orne his pirtnei .1 thioughhfe, in-'rde ti on ore orner ol ; t!,.- inuo.ti,- .- ;ed' nroio.-a!i." Thi xx i!d h -w I "rent , th. thml of S'Unr- ' ne-s.-e reads: "Dear : 1 he n a-n I'li I n't :at! wh. n et 1 ttt at mein .th Ro-t 0!h Vs'eralaV V. as b'CtUse I bads bile. on mv fa-eaml kan t .atl. H 1 lil -li -s. -s it .biw n oa t he sdl rop- oxer h'-.s head, and e-'i iiii sn In- ' T sir; 1 ,1 loo result xxas be xxisa.xnr'bd t b- contract. note from a rural r-totb e in Tcn- n e i cau-e the I.aun t'.t ,a-.i ra' ge o m I. str.i. it s w a st xvar i ! n IlioUil .or e i or oth. i i ing in a nc.cp !.(- -,v the windoxv. 1 r.iti doxvn and "'it a a- p i - - i b . ' -, and after ,e -n or rea Oi toe ii. tor -.n..- rs. I x ;i aa''.., K I'd oanks in tl -tx -hibsr. -a i Ibu iu 1' her baking tab e. s in t!.er fr-m ie n. w See 't KV s t ; fair ( , ":!: xx omb rl ui. ami piogi i m tm. i e fchoit tilhj no tap all the rich mineral f th- i: tt W"h Midi si ::-y i e f t tle'm it will be , i;; it eil. in this nlightcned vive .age, if work has not 1 "u Midi a line within a very u. b.a - m-n-'v and retorted t'uu-iu I irrdt.d w ! M .sst . i ! "And x hat il h" sm.ls ami he is not 1 atty. .e - ... .1 on li 'tii ii is n " c : li'!' in R;e hel, vx ho-e ?e 1 lips loosed liKe.-tr :ixv b. Tries s-i't'thi n d in cream, for she was cleaning ,.iit tie- wooden bowl fro'n which her mother had 'ut tilled tlie pumpkin p es. Aunt ( ha: ity is not oid whv van s10 n,,t ,-r.arrv Judge John Fuller herself:' both are m u; si m v i ' coup e, who tax b'ii!:s hie i Va e.dine I Matry tie m did, tlsen and there, ami no , dar d tie-ntsr, f.r in those f i lay- th a-t a: x as the ;eader :: well as the "h-ip't-erd of bis f.o.-k, a id w-s re gret, re-pe d a sid re verem e. 1, v i" ", i ii pr, iCeeil 1-,'ity to btarrv this e ! r eie i 1 he ioci in- p . de i t lit ir troth oa - St. : a x . g :;er .-, r e, v w nte i;eiudv : t i'sc hael. t-un- a'ong the south' rn line i-.f Ri it ish A tier i a ;'.oo.i n ie-. skirtiiig the iiorth side of Rake .s up. rir. ar.d tap' r r g out. in n rth e i-tern Mi:i:as-'ta. tu.ui-r.iug :i ' pro tecting wall of solid reck '.'" ' fe.-i h;gh aga n-t i.ii.arti- fr al; the region M-sitii of it. G-ologists tell us that this range is formed .of the oi'b st sibfian or seii- -.: m::;!-i;(-s i '!-- w iti -Mr. Roxvo he v.;i, able to Rmp into-i' Tl bu-t. Rut I low ou, bile or no i H.e. bib la'.! or no :a :. ire v e: much hurt:" I lb- glared at ra'- bat did no re pi v. I to d you I ti 'Mr-. .',xs..r; : . I J ! o : i i '.x ; t right :t -1 i-gt ra-h'- liUSn j;y 1 iT iti li I it Sis Tie i '1 upon the f. . .. s n.eiitarv ro-K to n 11 . ..'.. gi r.e, ami ttot u exteiet- it'.-: be ow the -urfat e. F'.isn north-a-t'T'i Mint . ta to the i.iiSKv xioutitains is u-. oi-:i tre ts I l, 1 ', : i. 'i and x .:-g of t! at d.- y a". '.i n my . r - to. 1 ' k S to on : ;.e s,o!a. .... i IS.e iii ; - j :ave made the last at- i.fe vo a'll exer diave a I F-a or xv k s . 1 . !....!.. t:l i I nn to tiay.iii'i Oil h ;:; i-d Iii re ' M , o. :n h-jmc to attend . 1 ; tSi-e i lar r, reil ttii'-r hands an, i . 4 XX llO luid ! un ax'av tlie o.;it, ami. -tw 1 1 si t lie par- n . was eh xvie ipiiltx d bo . a w itu gruit compisiccucj and en ;ovim u" . "Ch dtar.' they are married 'to stung o n e I be he her groaned a h.y .Moutiiains is a-, op' a ireta. s. V--i ne-.sr.t j.;y 'i-.ttli by a fall item a gr :it borway or-- th ..-i-a:.d " .- v yT' ;.,v.,r m-b-s wnsc. t;i:o-!gh wh ti--.- ne King I ;tx . tm .rc I 5. it in vour ev-4 Tissies. Fr-.m that Iii. - - iihward is, ; n 5 ... ... - . j . ( t-a., .t; ; To ui'k- in li.e luafi. the same tt ' i s p:;ur.e u . .... .. t tie x. ,iv to tlie Uif -f iv.c., lorinrtig ( It t w -..? t in -.rr. iW --ii:- be ,-. .-. I.. ..ll-.S'lri'l i...- ... "... ' -t.T:. T he w.iy'.'ie f ivers eoagh an 1 h-m. And -tn t-i t"se tlaar breath, aha' Vo i d I-.- ne-hoM :-- p.tv them.' Think, r.4 th-ir tr-ub - is the n-thni-v Tii xvav v".!ii' ii.ai l-risi-'x.igri an i le-m. Y'-u"d thin . the.r t.-..b!.- tlastMn: Rat 'tis ie.t t' at whedi !"-. ad th-m Tb-v'.T'H: -. -troubi-l with ttie a.-k mi . -C'"'e i'ti .Sl. in" S ri el-; .Miss tdara (to therly, who is masng -hu evening t-Vih "Poor ti't'c R d,t.y .-w.tiiw-,i n sil been tiiiien worrietl aho ;t st re-.T.c r.y .v.;in-ui f,,r wov.Ss ed em ogrg menu - . r -vvo ddn.t worry. MisCbirj; 11 ir,- r ". Not! a i si "Oh. I a n: uus is njt inuth.' xvhii h his . Ii.vard, sV mi e- e-ssg. Up ne i -epS Hi iV its if t C role - 1 .of the .Tgan -.ii e X V i C d to swoon m t?;C arms o t;;e !r", c.c u se.n. The Texas n -rther is o-f tie- frayed j fringe-of the bli.ard king's mantb. 1 i xv came he - re axe i i e: apti tratus rmti ; m ?h i -1 :.;i-' ;:T he J r .- . sia';e. ti fringe-of the bli.ard king's mantle as j T b.ere are stc forty-5 he whirls past. -Ji.'i'--i C-t iUutivsi. yers in the Fuited "states. -five female l.w. A I ondori coroner his r.ii-d the tp"s tio'a wli'ther a maicaa o gh himdf t . ,;, (. , A broken rib was found ia a d c.-.tse l lun itic. when medical eviib no; wa- brought forward to showthtt under , ertad. abra-rmal . oselltions bones ia y be brok.-n tVv mucu!ar eifofts, e en bv a vio lent fit of coughing. " I I 1

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