ORANGE cOUNTY OBSERVER. II ILLSBOUOUGH, C. SATURDAY. - Makcii 17. 18. JOSEPH A. HAKKlb. Editor anu - - - v . Proprietor. Entered at the Post Office at Hills- coats and expansive shirt fronts cir borough, N. C, as second class I cles for a moment and then demure- matter.! 77j Orange Count; Observer u the oldest paper jablUhed in the (Jaunty, and Up to Any. th, 187, irax the only papt,r in the (Jounty for the pant seven years. THE LATEST. Hon. C. C. Memrninger, the first Senator of llio Confederate SlateH from South Carolina, died laHt week in Charleston. The Agrhu'lural Pureau, mi iln n-port relative to cotton, tsiiiaates a cmj) cf between 0,500,000 find 0. 000 ,OU0O halts. ' . The .Mitchell Sullivan fight took place on French soil March Klh Thirty nine rounds were fought, when the referee declared it a draw. A fire in the office of the Evening Union, Springfield, Mass., Mar. 7th, lesulted in the loss of six lives, and the serious injury of srx olher per sons; of the dead two are ladies. Emperor William, of Germany, died .March 0th, aged nearly 01 years. His illness was very brjef, atid his last moments were free irotn pain. His son, Fredick William, takes the Imperial throne by succes sion as Frederick III. The. first State election of the presidential year will be that in Rhode Island, April 4. The State gave Ulainc a plurality of 0,430, but the Democrats elected their Gover nor. last year by a plurality of 2,984. The Democratic State Convention is called for March 10. A Woman's Discovert. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and tli3t too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severer tests, but her vital organs were un dermined and death seemed immi nent. For three months she cough ed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously enred. Her name is Mm. Lmher Lutz." Thus write W. C. Hamrick A; Co , of Shelby, N. C. Get a free trial bottle at W. A. Hayes' Di ug Store. P.OAUD OF EDUCATION.. There w ill be a called meeting of the County Hoard of Education, on Saturday, March olst. All persons wishing to confer with the Board on matters relating to the Publ liC Schools arc invited to attend. JOS. A. dTAltKIS, Chairman. J. L. Clkkii:, Secretary. The great storm of, Sunday and Monday at the North w as the voit ever known. The. Slate of" New- Y.,rL ...o. kBAi i.. . i .... i , , ,. . J :t 'j V ..JU .! V- V I 11 Hi 1 I nicatiuus were entirely cut oti. In some poi tions et New York, snow eo v. i o.l the .Tiiunil to tl.o ,,v,ih lour iu'l ADi'lKI.Ds l'KM.W.r. iik'cr. l.ATOR. A lMiiic? lor Uoman's i t Such as Painful, Profuse, Sap pressed, Scanty and Irregular Men struation or Monthly Sickness. If taken during the CHANGE OF LIFE, great suffering and danger will be avoided. CST'Send for book "Me; Women,'' mailed free. AGE 70 . P.RADFI F.I.I) IvKGUJ.ATOU Co., Atlanta.. Ga. For the Orange County Observer. I TimiKWART) ROUND. ! to ...... fp, ling and pitching we find ourseyj Mv last hotel bill is paid. lne;i.linrui nn r,bn mmm;oa RfatiiilH rttr jiUgeS the bell furiously to j nnAiinnn t A - t hn tx'OtlOfC flni KOf. ' : vants that a brace of guests a"e de- U1IUUUW -" . nartinir. A flock of vultures in dress lly arranges itself m a double line --. j Irom the hotel door to the curb i stone where a carriage awaits us. i T ',Y-c ll o Tndiiii'ia viollm 1 Ti th Ct( i jjiho '"m colonial days, we are compelled, in order to uet; away, to run this formidable gauntlet. The main dif lerence is that, instead of each band holding a club, each expects to hold a franc before the carriage door closes on us. One reason why our hotel bill is not as large as it would have been iq America is that the landlord has 'shifted to his guests' hands the responsibility of paying the servants. This is the universal custom in Europe and the mo6t graceful thing to do in such matter is to accept the inevitable and sub mit to the imposition. It is not everyone who will do this, however. One gentleman, sometime kgo, took his revenge in a peculiar and effective way. Having learned that, at every hotel, he would be charged enough for the use of two candles to more than cover ihe actual cost of a dozen, he made it a practice always before leaving a hotel to pack away in his traveling bag the candies which he hid lighted over night. The supply rapidly accumulated until, at length, he reached 'Antwerp where he put up at the Hotel St. Aidoinne pre paratory to sailing the next day. In the morning he called for his bill in a manner sufficiently ostentatious to arouxe the expectations of the host of servants w ho make their living by preying on the public in this ex cellent hotel. Accordingly, when he started for his carriage, he found two unusually long lints of expect ants awaiting his departure. --Alis hands were concealed under his loose over-coat and as he passed down the line, with stately step, he placed in each outstretched hand a candle. Put, lo come back to ourselves ! A lapid drive through the wiuding streets of the quaint old city of Antwerp .brings us to the wharves of the International Steamship Com pany and, a few minutes later, we find ourselves on board the 'Western land, the finest steamer of the lied Star Line. All night long the creaking of derricks, the rolling of wagons and other noises incidental to the last hours of preparation for thede parture of a large ocean steamship, render sleep out of the question and hence il is that five o'clock fiuds me dressed and pacing the 'deck impa tiently. The wind whistles iu the rigging-and showers of snow beat in my lace as I impatiently await the command for unloosing the cables. On the wharf a gas pipe whose open end is fit teen feet above the floor' pours up a huge column of ignited gas which r.oars and flickers atd throws a ruddy glare over the entire ship, painting the sea blood red and bathing the decks iu light. O iAi last we are oit. i lie main deck is coveted with snow, but the sun shines brightly on the red tiled houses of Iloilaud as we steam rap idly down the river Scheldt. At Flushing we drop our river pilot and with him go our farewelljetters. Now we are fairly out upon the horrible North Sea. I say "horri ble'' advisedly. I have not been upon its stormy bosom more than an huur betore I find, myself in close proximity to the rail thinking what a melancholy world this is. -As night approaches we are pass ing between Dover and Calais and are signaling, by meaus of a dozeo little flags, the signal station at the former place. Passing through the English Channel we find the weather more agreeable and when we reach the Lizard and signal our farewell to Europe, we imagine that we have nrmiv on our ea lens . 1 : i . . . i but, alas! we have been a trifle pre- mature : for as soou as we are fairU- out upon the open sea a sale strikes i i tne gallant ship arxl she shiversj Irom slern to stern. A wave nioun- j tain high rUes iu front of us. For a uiotntnt the hi) lies tales a undecided whether to ro ov as though .WiKn rLin-,.i.1.n i .',.?. over or nn- jtJnly a . moment I Then the sharp j steel bow plunges down into the on- jcomirg Loud with a roar ; ihe water 1 pours over the decks iu a torrent : the spray flies high into the air wet-! . it ting the rigging and half' drowning every one wno h3ppens to be on jdeek. Let us go below, if we are I not there already. The dinner gong j is sounding now and we take our cavo a i, nit- V.upiaiUS ILiUlU. : 1 He good ship shivers : so do we. Bown goes the bow 3gain and, of course, up comes the stern like the uther end of a see saw. The propeller, lifted high into the air, whirls madly round and round with a terrible rumble that shakes the vessel like an earthquake. The table rfltote dinner has lost its charms for cs. We feel that there is imminent! necessity tor our leaving the table. Every one is in the same mind and a! mad scramble-is made lor the door. ; As we pass out I observe that the! t Captain is helping himself liberally to . sauer-kraut while a disdainful smile floats from one corner of his month the other. Alter a night 01 y QUr eagy chairg on decfe The snmmg cneenuny ana me sparKuj, i i it i i L1 ! J sea seems to be mocking us. It takes us several nours to recover our equilibrium, but at length we re cover sufficiently to join the ranks of the convalescent. And so it goes for ten Irng days : several hours to recover hnt fit. lpncrih I Wlr nnP mornine I -.i " i: 'PI.- J..1I ' vviin a peculiar sensation The dull thud of the machinery is hushed. The clauking and creaking of der ricks is heard, mingled with short sentences of command. Through my port-hole I see that we are at a stand still. We are at Quarantine. Hurrying up on deck I see on every side the beautiful land. Every one is excited. "Home" is the word which is on every tongue. Near us rises the great Statue of Liberty. A forest of masts surrounds us on every side. Before us lies the great metropolis. Never was a group of homesick boys so excited by the sight of home. A dignified Jrrofes- sor of Greek at one of our trreat x, ii . . ..7 .... ii uu .rgw OCl8 uj vuc arm and fairly dances up and down the deck. Now they are lowering the gang plank and the Captain, the king of the ship, shakes the hands ot his passengers and bids us all farewell. From the wharf friends are franti cally waving their bats and umbrel las to us and, a few momeuts later, we find ourselves once more in a land which our life abroad has taught us to lovp as a whole, with out regard to sectional or party lines, and to think ot under the one comprehensive word, "Home " G. II. M. THE WONDERFUL HEALING PROPERTIES OF DARBYS PROPIIYACTIC FLUID IN CASE OF ACCIDENTS, FOR BURNS, SCALDS, CUTS OR WOUNDS, etc. Its prompt use will invariably re lieve pain, promote healing and pre vent Erysipelas, Gangrene, or Proud Flesh. Owing to the cleasiug and purifying qualities of the Fltiid the most obstinate Ulcers, Boils, Carvf buncles, and Running Sores arerel dered pure end healthy and speedily cured, no other , application being ! necessary. " The Spring Term of Orange Su perior Court will convene Monday. Judge James II. Merrimon will pre side, and Solicitor Strayhorn will represent the State. There are 72 cases on the State docket, and oh tlfe Civil docket there are 43 eases.' The only capital case is that ot Jas. llen, colored, who is to be tried for killing another colored man by the name of Haithcock. There are no cases of much importanee on the Civil docket. The following-named persons have been drawn to serve as juiors for the term : A.M. Breeze, Ilobert J. Carden, .orresi, l nomas u. nayes, Wm. It. Sharn. Ilenrv MurdockJ Ihomaa J. Hall, Jas. I. McCadams, Joseph S. Kinion, (carpenter.) Dan'l 1 ' w V .. j c i t" i. iauuuiuuioiBu.oaiuuei land Lewis 15ogj:s, Dauiel Latta, nAin0 1 i j r' . -i coloied, Alfred Carr, A. 1 . Cates, W. it. Moore, Gt-o. J. Faucette, C. T Viil-Pion V TT li,r-onl r T :n a iit t , r t tiT x. tinier, v. v. joraan, lienry . Lloyd i.f Mavr Tom, W. A. J. ' Conner, Jos. W. Allison, James A. Glenn, II. II. Patterson, Wm. C. Latta, William Overaker, Robert Faucette, John T. Burroughs, Jas. A. Ashley, David Nevill, John W. Sykes of Richard, G. W. Lasley, Samuel Couch and L. S. Chandler. m FAULTLESS FAMILY MEDICINE " I have used Simmons iLiver I'-r'uhitor for many years, hav ing made it my only Family Medieino. My mother before - me was very partial to it. It is a safe, good and reliable medi cine far any disorder of tho system, and if used in time la a ffi-etat preventive of tiekne. I often recommend it to my friends, and shall continue to do so. "Rev. James M. ttollins, "Pastor M. E. Church, So. Fairfield, Va." TIME AND D3CT0RS BILLS SAVED by altcays heitinff Simmons Livr Uegnlator in the house. "I have found Simmons Liver Regulator the best famCy med-L-ine I ever used for anything that may happen, have used it in Indigestion, Colic, IHarrha-a, Biliousness, and found it to re lieve Immediately.. After eat ing a heart y su pper, if, on going to bed, I take about a terpoon ful, I never feel the ef&fets of the supper eaton. . "OVID G. SPARKS, "Ex-Mayor Macon, Ga." -OrlLY GENUINETv Has our Z StAinp o Se-,nt of Wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Soe Proprietors. rricf. S1.00. riUJL.VDXJ"UtA, TA. ( Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. i More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in rompeti- tion with the multitude of low test. RhortxWeight, alum or phospnate pow- a-. "Sola only in can. Koyai. Bak- ing Powder Co.. 100 Vall-st., .N. Y. C0UGHS,CR0UP -AND CONSUMPTION MULLEIN. The sweat (rum, as frathercd from a tree Of the game name, growing aiong me smau nireams in the Southern States, contain a stimulating ex- pectorant principle that loosens the phlegm pro duclng the early morning cough, ana stimulates the child to throw onrneiaisememDrane in croup and whooping-congh. When combined with the hPRltni? miiHlncinous nrlnciDle In the mullein plant of the old fields, presents In TAYLOR'S Cherokee Remeijy of sweet Gr.M an mul lein the finest known remedy for Coughs, Croup, Whooping-cough and consumption; and so pala table, any cnna is pieaneu 10 inte iv. ai juui druggist for it. tnce c. nna oi.uw. JSJ" OTIC E By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Orange County. I will oflertor Auction, at the Court House door in the town of Hillsboro. on the 10th day of Court the traet of land whereof the late Annie Corn died seized lying in I , .. : i 1 1 4... .!::..: 1 .1 . Elijah Maljnei the heirs ot the late Henry Malone, the heirs of the late Dr. iiester, James iveau anu iMienoias ties -ter, and suDDosed to contain about filtv acres about twentj' acres ot -which lie on the west sme ot tne puoiic toaa ,M(11n(r frnm 1Til,shnrftrn i' ant 11111 which will be first sold, and the balance oitnetiacr, oniy in case tne nrst lot shall fail tr hrinp- Hnoup-h mnnv to nsiv I - . . o Mr the debts ot said Corn. The tenns of the above sale will be : onft-third onp-third in sit months and one-third in twelve months the two deferred payments to bear interest from day of sale until paid, and title re served until tne entire purchase money is raid. This 6th day of February, 1888. J. B. WARREN, Commissioner and Executor. "lyOKTGAGE SAI.K OF LAND. By virtue of a mortgage executed to John v. .Norwood by barab ElleTi Day and dated Jnlv 22nd. lS83f and regis tered in Book K., page 28, in the Reg ister s omee 01 Orange County, I will sell at Dublic auction lor cash at the Court House door in HMsboro on Mon day the 19th day of March. 18SS. a tract of land in Hillsboro Township, de scribed as follows: On the south side of Eno river rbout opposite the bar racks and H. P. Jones, adjoining the lands of R. M. Jones, Mrs. Josiati Col lins and others, being the land former ly owned bv busan Valentine mother ol said Ellen, containing 60 -acres more or less. Sale is madeto satisfy said mortgage ami costs. This 18th day of February, 18S3. JAMES NORWOOD, Executor of John W. Norwood. QN WARD ! IS THE WORD ! The PROGRESSIVE FARMER en ters its third volume at the following rates : 1 subscriber. 1 year $ I. a subscribers. 1 vear, 5.00 10 subscribers, 1 year, 10.00 One copy, 1 year free to thepne semJ ing a club ot ten. Eight pages, 40 columns, weekly. Send cash (charges prepnxl) to L. J POLK, Raleigh, N. C. N O T I C E i i r nnn ran I hereby warn all persons. not fo ride, drive, or trespass upon my larnJ in any way. Any person so doing will be dealt with according t law. This Sth day of Feb., 1883. 'I HOJIASs D. TURNER. a. ouER sc s-ors!- company's SPECIAL COMPOUND FOR TOBACCO. Reliable in its manufacture. SPECIAL attention given to the r?ian. i . ufacture of every pound. Standard 1 Profitable in its results. Has been used successfully by the farmers of I Viroinia and North Carolina for thirty years. By proper cuhi ration P yarc and management, it insures you BACCO. Try it this year if yoii want TOBACCO. None better on the aands ol planters who have used tt GEORGE E. INISSEN Ac CO., WAGON MANUFACTURERS, SALEM, NV C. Acknowledged to be the best. WRITE TO THEM PRICES. A. W. GJ1AUAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, IIlLLSBORO, N. C. Practices in Counties of Oranr Dur ham, Person. Granville and Caswell. AMES B. MASON, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. Ciiai'kl Hill. N. C. Practices In the State and Federal Courts. CsFColleetlon of Claims anl Revenue Cases a specialty. War taxes paid on land, prosecuted. Send receipts. Jno. W. Gkaiiam. Tiios. Ruffin. G RAH AM & RUFKIX, ATTOUNKYS-AT-LAW, niLLsnopo. n. c. Practices in the Counties of Ala mance, Casweil, Durham, uiiiUmd. Rockingham. Person and Orange. J-R. WILLIAM LYNCH, DENTIST, luiiitim, IS., C?. COfflce in the Parish huildihir on Mangum Mreet. T)- J- -L' j SPURGEOX, t) E N T I S T , llillworo, IV; O. tOfflce next door to Dr. Hooker' Lrug more, upeu every nay. POMONA HI L NURSERIES, Cheup irmir' Mtock ,' ! i For Winter sod Spring Sain 17,j I have a Large Stock of A. X X JL J T It E E H Two and three years old, good vari- neties. that 1 will Clone Out CJlui. ALSO, Plum, Cherry, !, Acer., Jfcc, Acc. Ifyoo want ariything in the Nnr norv line CHEAP, eneciallv AP- pLE gend for my IHastrated De- ncriptive catalogue ana opeeiai a ft. V I Pricfl List of surplus sloek for Vin ter and Spring sales of 1887-8 on)y. Address J, VAX. LIN1XLEY, Pomona, N. C. piilVATE BOARDING HOUSE. You can get good: board by the day, week or month, by applying at second door west ol Lynebs jewelry store. HENRY RICHARDS, JR. just the same.. Quick in its action. a crop of FINE YELLOW TO. p a crop of GOLDEN BRIGHT j market. We refer you to the thou -; year after year. FOK ltiiiiioi! fe 13anvillo Kail road Co. K PIEDMONT AIR-LINE ROUTE. CONDENSED SCHEDULE IN EFFECT SEPT. 4, 1887. Trains ltun by 75w Meridian Time. A out liloud. l;,ilv Iailv No :h No ."2 Lve New York 12 l." a m 1 :Upm " 'Philadelphia 7 20 a n. l -u p m Raltiinorc 1) 4." a m ! 42 p in "Washington 11 24 a m IMNipiu Cbai -lottevillc p m 3 (HI a m Lynehbuig r r0 p m j 5 20 a in -" R'u hmoiHl ; Id p m 2 : :mi ' Rurkeville ." 17 p m j 1 2.J a m Keysville ." ."7 p n " n." a m " Drake BrVh M2 p m 21 am " Danville s"iOpirf S hi " Greensboro 10 41 j m j ') IS a m ' GoMsVo .1 .'0 j in S 10 pin " aleigh .() p m i 100 am Durham I)2jin 2 M am " Chapel Hlllf S 1." p m " Hillsboro 7 2. p in .ira " Salrm v- 7 2Upnil C jmi High Point 1 lio p in 10 1; a m ". .Salisbury 12 M a in 11 21am Ar. StatesvUle 12 'M p m Aheville " C. p m " Hot Spring l :i: V m Lve Concord 1 20 a in 12 01 p u -' Charlotte 2 2." a m j 1 (hi m " Spartanburg 2 a m 'i 1 p :J Greeueville 0 415 a m j 4 4y v m Ar. Allant.i 1 20 v in ( 10 40 p w Daily No ."l P.ily No S P :t ia 2 31 p ! 4'i p ta 0 2. p H Lve Atlanta Ar. Greenville " Spartanburg " t'larlotte 7 00 p m 1 01 am j 2 W n m j . O'f. a m Concord r Salisbury High Point liieensboro Salem " (M a iii 7 -2'i 1 n ; 44 a in s VI m 7 . 7 a m '.Ml j n 8 2S a m j f 4'JjQ 11 40 a m i fli-'H am Hillsboro Durham Chapel Hillf Raleigh GoldsLoro 12 p rn I fi 41 a m 12 45 p m fi Uiam 8 !." p m 2 10 pm f 3"ni 4 p ml 11 4" aCJE Danville 10 10 a m 11 20 p n Drakes Rrch 12 44 p iu 2 44 ;t m Keville 1 (X) p oi a 0.1 a m Uurkerllle 1 40 p ni .'" a m Richmond :i 45 p m I l. a rn " Lvuehburg 1 15 p m 2 0 a ro r harlnrtvillo .i 40 u m I 4 lo a rn " Waiingto 8 2 i p m - Raltimore 11 2" p m Philadelphia 3 00 a m " New York ti 20 a m Daily. f Dally, exrrpt Sunday. 8 10 a rn 10 O.i a ui ;i 20 p is SLEEPING-CAR SERVK K. On Train 50 and .Vi. Pullman liuflel S1eeier between Atlanta and New York. 1 n On Train- 52 and Piillraan RiiApS Sleeer between Wai;liiigton and Mont gomery, nahint'.:i a:.d Aiig.uta. Pullman. Sleeper b-;wi en Ru-hm"iiu and (ieeix-!K,ro. I'uSiinai, SiM-jn-r b-twe-n Green-boro and Ralrjfh. 1 ull mjin Parb.r Car laeen ah-bury and K'novilU-. , . . ' Through tirkftf rn sule at principal station. U :d! p'mt-. For r:.t- and iuforraation. apply t anv agf-nt of the Company, or to SOI. HAAS. J. : 1,(,11' .t Traffic Mmvzqer. Inv. 1'im. Ay t. ll HMOM. Va. W. A. TURK. J,vs. L. T.n LOK, Dir. Pn. A'joit. Gen. J'as$. A'juU. Raleigh, N. C. QEDAR GROVE ACADEMY, MALE AXD FEMALE. Ten months' Sioii open the lir?S TueIav in SeptemU-r -ol each yi-ar. Term rpr month. Enghh Lraiiche. to $3.00. caWn-ai Coure, $U. Rjard fS.OO. Mum with ue ol lnH U' merit, ?3.00. Ten jer cent, discount on tuition, should more than one attend; from the fame f imily. B. C PA ITON. Principal. .edar Groc. Orunge Co.. N. C- i- t i f i In f' - -