I. I ,' 1 i? . 4 t , '.' ' 4 4t "Hi .... ' i O.TaNoi; Jor.VTY OBSERVER ' The Wilmington Star iavs"Thei jiudicaticns now point altrost unir.is- i i i. r.s r. i) u n it ii u xr n : ; ! i lakalily to ihe nomination of Cieve SUL'RDAY. . Afbil 2, 18'J2. ! iaijd NORTH CAROLINA NEWS! ! . I In 18S0 C. M Herr.W-ice 9c-! . . .. i f! on Jannar. 3d -1S'4 t;! "ri v UUrfcam W9UOriie. Hr Foi the Ob-erve 1 Obittutw. 1 ! liieo at his b tii in Onngetu i-j Highest of all' inXeavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report JOSEPH A. HARRIS, Editor and Proprietor i Stale Ctltonijle . Th T)o: !nrat a in North Caro Kntered at the Post OflBce at Hills-;lir3 jf lhere be af,y wh,, are ell borough, N. Can second class paged in a Till ! t'r. I Y. II Jordan, m ihe 74 h vei'I M'" al w"n tU4 to" SIU,oUy j ins are. lie. haa heen comi filing , " w. ..v.. u u for a wees or h. before hr death.., ! but was not entitled to his Jed, o - R ixWo Courier: The Preshy !that neither him.elf nor tftiiiilv lell1 tof't.u ... L ...... i; , ----- ... - - - . , irii.nr in ituauuKi niu iiibko aui'ii :t .wt vL'Pri l hpir i i . i . r : n i-iiariue'i at te cor:itioii. i.euce n;a canon to th anu iDe im.ru 8 ? il ei'h ws fitni r nnf it feuiel. Al the i lra.Kni. rnriU g . .iii- IV'J It' f l"i IIIO tu VIII 4,0 k IV 44 ' , - -if&i ul a church in K xhoro The r'ank of Oxford i-!oed its All depositor drs will he paid in i consciences IHiruiV lieoi IW.i-r iriuiuuG.. tuai me,,, , . i .le:.1K I.e Win 11 S ! development of any Mibstanlia! ; memhvl )( the church, but for ev imenffthby the so-called eople s vflin ! Partv" .will ot necessity restore the i ,. ! doors March 2Ut. ' Hermblican Dartv to oowcr in our ... ... M., , , ...... ; and lckhold-e ; State, county and rnun.op',1 .eri ; anij aj waV!l ;,ai)j him rcadv lo lav ! u-K The Mipenion was caused by w. ukaham. a i II iu iitiii t,.r ihoan u'hn Ciru . i tr a do.ivA id If II L.pnin I hi V r fiA 1 juiruwn. xi. i" . ttuv. iiis Oioans on Gods AJtar for tLe uc ' " . "." IcnquHtUi.: war, the pIih ot a n,,tu h(J nJ fJ- Ki.dotn. Hit rany, anu yev ebnauiiK uecaue . . , the miciater i - v. : their tiense of duty, to look the fa-jlfr jtquarcly in the race. i ' : .J2 . j New Orleann Slates, Dem. STHTho O rii)5 County rP. t , , , 0!N.rvr Iwilionlv iu-: 1 be Repubbcani. would be a very liXiibliMlM iii Orange ,unhnpiy lot ft people " ere Senator Oountv. ; 1 1 1 1 1 to he nomnaled and elected by ! the Dfcrnor.rata to the Presidency f r County Convention. jtie imie rea-on that he U n-l The Democratic County Conven- ! only a hard worker but a wondeif'ul ol the Lord Jeus Christ, and they dlway louri'I a hearty welcome uu dcr its hospitable roof. To bhake ins hand w a guarantee that you were welcome, tor in hm ery rasp he made you feel ho. H was al ;i8 a triend lo the poor, never turning the needy away empty. -He provided weti tor his family, was a kind hurand and itiduieot father. Honest in his dealings with his lei low man, doini; to them, as he would have them do unto him His tuneral preached al Cedar ATTOKNfcY-A f-LA W. U1IX8BOPO, K. C. lion oi wrange couruy is nereoy ; .rjcuizer. Ihey tuily appreciate, called to meet at Hdlsboro, N. C, i,e )aet that it Senator Hill is elect. on Saturday; May 7th, 1692, to elect j ed' PrWiden't, the" rascals..' will' be j delegates to the .Democratic Stair j turned out' in a . hurry m Ul in I r. . .u:..t. , :.. i.,i.,,..v. ; ; .... i t . .. . . ! x.oiiriMiiiuu wiim-u lut'-i." iii noiciu raci tnai a hiiie or cnuie wio nave ; p !.,.... i.i, nio- I-,.,.. At- to l. i ai . n T, . . . . , ,1 brvp, Januarv 4iu, lJiJJ, Irom ict ..(Orange county are herehy not.- . lhe uu)j rlUtt .S'-ecially at -Vahiui:- t (.r..,.M.. ,,r Jhh, i iiiorial remains were iatd to rest in ? . 1 .- .. 1 .L I no io a:ienu a.v mo ubu-ii meeuu ; ,ov. tk'fw'iii fcctinb tiivvtfktiin on Sni 11 rd :i v I April SOrti, ISO'J, nd choot-e 10 del ntes to Raid County Convention Kach Towriship (yonvtriti(n will a'no thnose an Kxecujlive Committee ft five DeinccralM t'i each town.-hij' to serve for the next two years. lly order of the Democratic Kx ecutiwe Citninitte rt Orauir' conn ty : S. M. GA'ITIS, Chiinnau. HiiiKboro, N. C , Mar.2(i, WJ'J. I prescribe Simmons Liver lf'c u laior, and it deserven all the p?:fie j resurrection moi u. it leceivef. Dr. D. Siioaui S.ringM, Ark. V. New IJcrne Journal. ' Never aft there a lime in North i Crohna when it was more impor j'at.t tr her patriotic people to stand itorethei than it )b al present. tkiuon, n , . ' unci; nwi'c, rtuu a laijc ill uil ui iriii- lives aru trit-iids t o inoQru their lu?f. I'Ui we trul t hat oir los is his eler i,al ain. May the God ot all grace Misi-rim ihe tereaved in these hourn ot Eviction, and th'is draw them nearer U iiiuiulf. The lollowingnamed Counties rompoHc the Fifth Conressimal District: Granville, PerKon, Dtir han, O.rauge, Alamance, Caswell, Rockingham, tiniltord and S'oke's ( fever in our family San" Jose. Cal., Ncvemlier 25. 1801 Watson Sa Co., San -Francisco DtAtt Slli: Vih the use ot the YV. II. Ga , ay Rheiiiuat idnt and principal stockholder to retire toui business. It i thought that a National Bank will soon re r - I 1 l). ...; ..... t.. ik. ...mflaa nf A in I L r itl Li KTKf 111 fcOC VHUilillo " Ralei"h S;rnal : The Burlington I m.i nee; ('as we 1, Durham, Guiliord liakeve ot thu week u brimful ot reronani umrrye. i i o tn i . t I ' aiiaeKs on juage opier wniiaKeri yf qraIIAM a rn ) k& k y - a r- la w . OSfOKl. S.C. Practice In the rmmtW of fir; h- because he wan too merciful in his punishment al Alamance court last week. No officer has ever yet flut tered on account of heinif merciful, ; ami it is n t likely that the Hawk- eye or any other visionary orb can hu t Judue Whitaker for acts ot vlllc, tJrau v Person :mt .Durham.. th s kind. Better tiud some, other pretext for the next assau't. Greensboro Record : To-day new bok of the Kt-elev Institute at this place, were oi eucd in the name id the Durham syndicate.' with Mr Neil Edward, of Durham, a book J AMES B. MASON, A'lTORNKY-.VM.VU. Iracive In th-. 'ount'.ei ot Orangn, D'irhni (!liHt!iuin. anl the VV.lfj.ii Court. p'HU vl .ittrutton ive;i t.i Co'., lection -out Kevenue t'3Mf. Will r..-g-otlate "purcha-" o 1 Kilts of ( harxM Hill real property. t?"'"orri'pondeare oliv-itcl. "8AAC R. bTRAYIIORN, AnOKrCKY-AI-fW, Hlt.LSBOKU N C riuin:K d. 1 1 k.m-.i-:. ' AND KKAh T.TK ACKXT. Spi'rh? -ittfvtlou Jiiveo to : p.- voi!-.-. ' ti:i oi l-oiU'. rit!'? .:!: . i r I tnvb;tv of Ii-mI i t .'. ' e . I.o-ui! H iir l upon r : ettt. i Attoitiev lor N. A. M. A. at tlUUboro. N. i . jpKiVA I L Bu.VKDlNG HOL. keeper. Thett a. e io w in the tnst i- oppo8lte offlct of iuter.oi D tute tnirty eigni unuer iraimeni the largest number ever enrolled Judge EMer, ihe manager, sayn every room Is loll, and h is oot to day huntinjr roono for fifiy more appli cants, who are expected next month Il hat just leaked out that three yonnjj Granville county farmer?" were enticed by a "green goods" letter to io to .New York io invest three hundred dollars in counterfeit Prnrth.e hi -the C-Mntte o DuV mi r,.'r. ,'.,..' ..V...P '.,,l,;ilnrt,u,.. Orsnville. IVrn t'l O.au-e. . ., ,,,, tlff 1 IIKNKY HirilAKDS. 3i Wi'dor, Mayor ot Albany, he has suffered witn m lor iif'teen vears, and in thai iime he tried ail the so callcil I money. It was their intention, of K!,...trof,oiso mv w.tH !, v,rv s,u, !IDW. I,ut l no Prpe il ih course, t circular ,UUU ot bad -j j i . ... .. i. .. il. w ;.. i.i " . J iiomo:, will; v r viii tuc u. vkj : paper aiuuug.iiieir neijjuoorn aim in 1- J ii . 1 1 !:...... ...... i.i.. . i : . t. i . . l l ii . - Our ihi von- J'O-'oao, uiiany yoL oiin a ouineioi ine towns in tne neinuornoou lut Will IIIMI.1I - , . , , . I t 'l . , .1 .1 - - Jl 'l old daiurhler. since the.date ot mv ; 1 1 1 ' int,t uulue i ; me utaai ming r.apj eneu. w uen The State Commissioner ,.t ,mi.li-,.t Liiur imtlrl Miowe.l its re.narkaiile ttleciKj ttey nere alelv in tl.eir own roorriK .-...ltiire k.ivh fbai il, r..i.m, nf -crri. The rash with which her bod r'"1 after usig 3 8h'ort Dm 'the j and wiih doors locked they undid n , - .1 i iniitnrjttk.m illwQIi n'J'u, bu i I itii rtAoLoorua ot.l f I I vfiiri li.ii w as covered has entire! v disaDLear. ! -" - -'. ..v ii.c- m, a-... v..i..i What i cesstuily treated a cae of fcariet .... i . . . . . i i . cuur.. Md.suc,, as m.ioe ,ast year - : ,v nles be ipeU ,lke a new man, and.J say., fou.nl i.oteal of greenback. ty the tax Urs, are so mcoinpl, te - . , .. . . t ak( s pleasure in recommending a I - - It. . .: .,r- -. io ivueuuuanc suiieieis. aiid carele8tily prepared in rranv cases that he fears tlny trill not be valuable This is unfortunate, and. is said'lo ' be -all owing to careless ness. This year the taic listers will be forced to do their. 'duty in this matter. ot her eyes, which at first were qui'e bloodshot, a;e now clear, l es.ter day sno was tasen out or a two For the Observer. t ide. The disease commenced i Rebels places were once thought to "Clothes Makes ihe Man," pays the proverb, and a new spring dress is a necessity to every woman. The April Peterson gives specimens ot hours with sore throat : we t'joiivht i nothing muie b" 4 won h until the rasu apr j Ihey were panners to the hky anil peaied. ! earth, The 'poise was applied to the And many lost that ihey might gain, ihroat for half an hour and ihen to The best thing that a rebel can fay, the wrist for an Jiour. As near asj to. this day, is my wite can call to mind, two treat j Peace and good will to all men, luents were made the first day and j triend and foe. cne the second day. The 'poise If we love not them whom we have worked iike a charm, uutcklv arrest t seen, all the newest and moat becoming jiugtbe iuflammauon in the throat ( How can we love God whom w suits. The two double fashi-.n and checkini the fever. have not seen f three brickbats. Durham Globe : Durham boasts. show every variety ot Arneri ! Suhsetiuetit Ueatment was from j So let all the old rebels try to pay 1 Parisian costumes and bon- 1 x unl' l. a., hour on j To move me to watch and pray, ' the wrist and an uour on the auk!e. 1 strive to be sincere; plates sh can am nets. Then there are excellent de- lins and descriptions of all sorts ot No physician was oaUed and noiTo take up my cross day by day, medicine-d anv kiud iriven. And erve th- Lord with fear. V. II. NEWMAN, One cocHion rebel. ami has a right to boast, ot her far tories 3nd railroad facilities.' 'The amounts paid out weekly by 'the Durham Bull and the Duke branch of the American Tobacco comi an are a God send to Durham mer chants. However much it may nt feci the producers, ihe fact still re mains uncontrovertible, that these concern give more employment, and at better wages, to the poor !. r XT'. I r ,- .. wnue urns oi ixoria Carolina man all the balance of the philanthropic men in this Mate. Caatoria Is Dr. Samuel PItclierfl prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphiuo nor other Narcotic substance. It 13 o harmless subsHtuto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing1 Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee i3 thirty ycllr uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria kills "Worms. Cattoria is the Children's Panoccxv the Jloth-; ;ro IVlend. Castoria. Castoria. Castoria cores Colic, Const Jpatlon, j "Castoria is so vcI adapted to SonrStom&ch, I)iarrhca, Eructation, i 'children that I recoTaipnid it i:s sn Giles healthy sleep and uroxuvtev . pericr to unj pref-rrfptlna kacTia to digestion, f tuo." R. A..AKT iU'K, M. 1,, Withont injarions dedication. i in Bo.oafrd .vu,trv.i;n,..r. 1h.e Centaur Comjuwij, 7 7 Murray .Street, K. T. c garments lor ladies ami clTildren,; We have had the large instrument i besides n.HR of notes and no. i hangiiia in our sitting room for ai " ; i i w gestichs for housekeepers as novel as they are nsetul. "A Strange year pal ; have allowed our neigh no ca.-e has its use laded to produce Youi6 11 u!y, .? ...11.- L 1. t I. bor to use il, and uiust s:iy that iu -au.y may ne only sum tleep; t ill. I ' llMt I III! hKrut it O I 1 1 1 t 1 I II I w I i.i Country, py Mdney Itof s, is - the 1 vti v beneficial results. 1 hrnt account any American :rjguzine ! has giten of that utiique ilis-tricl in j France termed The Landes, and the! liliiklralions of the inhabitants perch- i ed oji their lofty stills are the quaint- out thin-'s imauinable. "T,e Storvlana Nt uralgia radically cures in 1 ot Gilbert Neair bv M. ii. McCleb ! 10 " u:Vt" AlS. li in,) 'Mon l" 88 K. P. REED, 209 Mat'ket Street. iiiiEUMATisM Cured in' a Day. "Mystic Cure" lor Rheumatism nine lilood. Thosu' coarse, rouoh. j pimpiy complexion may, in moi i caes, bo tendered soft, smooth. and lair by the perseveiin? and sys tematic ure ot.Ayer s Sarsapinlli. FOR SALE. ;. A first-cias Sate, at the Hillshnro Book Store. Price 850.00. Terms !.im iv rjnvjil-nlnu orwl m t- f . j . . n j i S'J.1.00 Caill. flnil S'Ot!fl in iS flinntho , , , .. , .1- iv iiu-i nuuii. unit ill 1 bCI I'Jiiii : - - - land, promises to be one ot her best, l renioVuS t , cause and i If y. "eed a Safe, uoiv is your and the. number o etm with apor-.ti, ,ii.sea.e immediately disappears, j chance trait and biographical sketch of the i 1 lie hrrt (lose greatly benehts, o: popular authored. "Old Tire ' 2t "ls- Sold by W. A. Hayes, Drug- j IS :gift, Hillshoro. ThimbUs," by Harriet Lilhara, very entertaining and gives btsides j Anut 1ki iniicb interesiir.g information. The fibort sltries ami pems are capital an-1 the miscellaneous art ices 3re ex-! i c-ptionally g-od. TvniH, 00 a y ar. A -ample copy will be sent '. tor '( cents. Peterson's Magazine, 30'3'Chrntiiut stieet", Philadelphia. II. Stkcimkn Casf5 Clitford. New CimI, W IS. U oolc Store 1 New Testament. 1 Pocket IJuok 1 Bollle Carter's Iuk. 1 lii-M.k Book. 1 Qiii-e Good Paper. I P.iekaop ot Envelopes. 10 .!srbieH. 4 L id Pencils. 1 Slate tlx 12. .'' Slate Pencils. I Pen 1 Pen SiatT. All the above goods for S3 cent IVIuIiiria. Th"s disease yields, quickly to the wonderful powers of P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium ) People living in miasmatic rounities .should never be without P. P. P. A word lo the wis4 is sufficient. RHEUMATISM neuralgia, and sciatica can always be successfully treated with Ayer's Sarsaparilla A cure Is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. ' Has Cured Othero will cure you. s HOYW ANI GIKLS Have Yoiicpn OUT II K R.V a U.N n V. A M S V.H l..U;'IT Mi ; rrn; i class's (NEW YORK) Wiiv irenl.itio'i if ui New i..p; r I ha i: POWEl.S' TONIC IIY- POP1IOH PHIT ES IS A CAItKFfJLT.Y rUKPAUKT) T combination ot Pure Chemicals lr. perfect solution. It Is highly endorsed by many of tbe lending medical men of the country h beinoj ailmirablv adapted for Pulmonary i o t i t i i i Diseases and for persons suffering from ! Gen Milton S. Littlefield. who cjtMieial Dehiiity. nss neon on iriai in iNew i otk lor ftlleoed frauds 4in obtaining- money i under false pretense, has been au- . quiitud of the charge. nan troubled uith Neuriiia and RheunntisTt, his St.u. i'n is dinor. ilered. his L'wr was atlected to an We h.ivo otiiy about 50 ot tLese bar- alafmmg degree, appetite fell away, g3ins. nnd he was terribly reduced in flesh and Jslrei gth. Three bottles of Elec-' li Hitters cured him Now Tat This. Edward Shepher f, II irrilurL'. 111.; ha 1 a running sore ot h le of .'iglit year.s' standing. Usd three Hottles ot Electric Haters ind -ven 1 boxes et PJcklens Arriivi ctlvc, tind his It 'j is sound and w!l. John Speaker, Cstawba, ()., had live isTge Kever sores on hi le;, brlors sa:.i he was incurable One bottle Elec trio B't'ern and one box Uueklen Arnica Salve cited him entirely. Sold by W. A. Hayes, I)rt;og:st. IF Torn if. 4 r ,Y u i- c i.' r .: . ;: . ; v '.I v'i- euro yo'i e..t'i t.yo.1 appetite ' Ly til' (ituivrn in r.i'niicii.e. i It will co(t you .nothing and will j surely do you good, il you haves' Cough, Cold, or any trouble "with f ; Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's Ne w Discovery for Consumption, j j Coughs and C- Ids is guaranteed to t It is prescribed by prominent physi clans of Hillsboro, and patients derive great Ifentit from It. It is neatly put up in a full pint bot- i tie, cont-iini:)' more than mi? simitar . . r 1 . l V .. 1 . prep: ration.. anu is -oio t iefg price. It is rei'ommended to the public with entire confidence. POWERS-TAYLOR DRUG CO.. Rii omond. Yd. C"For sale by all Druggists. Sold IllLLSliOUO MAUKET. Corrected Weekly Apples, Butter, Chukons, CoiVee, t'orp, give relief, or money' will lp j aid ; b ick. SutTerers froru La Grippe j found it jut the thing and under its u-e had a speedy and 1 ertt-ct recov ery. Try a sa nple bottle at . ir ex- ense afid learn for yourhtlf jut ho gi'od a thing it is. Trial boti.'e tr a i t W A 1 7 M . .u llM,,..i,,r 10 to j . e si2e 5Q a, z. 0Q 2 to IS to 0 Steil Cotton, English Spavin Liniment removes Flour, per barrel, all Hard, Sotf or Calloused Lumps Lard, Had Blemishes from horses, Blood Lime, rock, Spav:ns, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, : Meal, Ring-bone, Mrtles, Sprains, and Swob Molasses, len Throats, Cough-, etc. Save SoO (ats, by uso of one bottle. Warranted Salt, the most wonderful Blemish Cure Sugar, ever known. Sold by NV. A; Hayes, Syrup, Drajgiat.HiUsboto." Wheat, 10 to -Jr, 17 l-'l to :to NEW STORE AND CON FED-i 10 10 PJ l'-ji ERATE DEPOT At the John Laws Jc Bro's old; O i $i oO to So li ; Maud, east rf the post office. 'we will j S to lo 1 tier a Gene-a' Stock of Merchan-j 01 OO dice for Cash. 70' We tay Cash for'Coantrv Pro ! duce. 1 Look to yoar interest, and ycu will give "Brown" a call. Natban W. Browx fc Co Till I r- 1 cmkl iimiiiI March 7th. 1892 'STLXTS A 26 to ;-0 50' 75 to SI 60 4 1 2 to 5 1 25 to 50 ! 75 to 1 00. 1 III 1 r . r -m nVVTTVJ - ,1 VirraO-TM Omt w li.. w lUS, a Mrt mm u4 !!. if kanftwW tm mm mr mt U.ut,M4 man u yvm f Bck KIM, a In mmf m ui fia mil yamr n mat w. mw m mum u4 tt mrm. fr-l Mr ia k &My mm lyrs. K. aetal tw tmnmtrhi. lwMib'4 im- That- beaiiMful minzine for Southern Boy and tiirls. It i ilie banuomtt Young People's Magazine iii .America. It has become h welcome viitor to thousands of iSoiitbern Homes. No pains or expense Is spared To rr'nke if ..ttraetive. Kach number - contain" a volume ol inteiesrl'ia reading for yorn folks. shoit and continued s;orie. out door eporU, new ames. and In j'act everything to interest hoys and girl-. Twenty-eight paes nnd cover, .i-H h pae U bamlsomfiv ilicstraM'.. ft i "The Queen of the South." -The Ptt of Every Home Circle.''' : iid no boy orirl can afford to b'without it. To se it is to want it. nd tr 1 ave !t lor ix months or a year U a continual enjoyment lor aii the 1 l'umy. We. want every boy and girl who hi no; seen this chanuiri manzine to s-nd o. seven ou-ceit Kmnps at one- for ;iinple copy ; or. better still, it you uili S lul US ONK IJOI.I-AU We Wll'i -Mid voir MjL' 1 1! K.KN M'.SHKAM for one year :iti m k'- voii. a pr !. of ; ioikrs i:.c j.r.ATii.i:sTocKiXi iai.ks. t ivi pr-nt works in one , l irgrt volume. irVi ot ;.l cost. Add re? .SOU 1 IIKKN' SUN BK A MS. liox Zri'i. Atbuita, t;.i ej 11 1 in Aint rn a. F O II 1 S 9 2., DAILY. SUNDAY. 'WEEKLY. t be As:r-i ve l-pu.U' ;u Journal ot ti.e M et 1 "t A N i;ws;f. run for tiii: M.v.isK.s. Pounded l),--iil!,fr Iki, 18-7. CIUCrLATPiN" I L.s uvki: !(,00'3 ror- !AILY 'lhe pre. i tlie oifau of no f.n ti'n : t.li i;o w '..'e& ; h.ts 1.0 Hijiruo.iiji'.'o t- avenge. Tne. Mo:- I!km i:k h ,r NV w-.taim.u Tin: c'. :t.'-. PKLs: NLWsi'Al'K.i: N ATI ON A b ' "if-: 5 r.i-ws. vlcir sr-nat ins ail I t! ab Ii .1 no jdj r in :ln- o!uiiii.! ef N 0 ' r 1 c e Th- I'ren h.i iti l,ri-htei K litorial ..p-g 1 u -. y. rk. The !'; -iiudiiy Kditi"n j n ;!-n-- did tvveniv pac rap-r. rovei ing every ieitiifiif iopie of interest. j )!. iMv Xe.-kly I'.ilir.j i-rint?i!i sM :..o.i ibui-s " ul tbe Oai'.y unl i Sui:dav e..liti,v-. - HutfngT thisday qualified ) the sole For thi-e v. ho i-aunot afford th Exei.utor of the Ust will and teftnt:ient s ImJIv or ar. nreveuterl bv diitame of the late Thoin:ts Met Yaekeu. J bere- from 1 trlv t- i vin it.. Tlie UVkly i by notify all jterxous Inrlete-l to nid ' s,-ie!!i.;d M.ri:n'. estate to come. firwartt and p;;v tbe '. aroe. and uil tbo-e holding claims AS a N A I V UK I l N ; MF.DIL'M against n-id. estnre to urefent them f. The lre b no m .pereo 1 .1 New York. tne uiulersignod firoperly aui!intieate I i on or nefore the 22n'! day o february. 180.3. or this notice will pe plead u bin j ol their recovery. Th: 3d .lay of Februarv, 1S&2. j johx Mccracken, Kxecutor. lllltiL i W. mmr jm. li la ( u vn r m c ma 11 II 1 t 1 1 1 11 11 V gwfiD &m ai? J 1 t n ! ; p p. ess Within the .reach or nil The ll'tl Hint ' 'heopi-.nt -'( ir4jiter in Americ. P-'.'y a:jd'.irid:i-. on o-ir,- - " G iiioinh. I " " - I month, i Iily only, one Ve.ir. - : nr ulonths. ot.e Year. Weekly I'ie. on.j Year. Sunday 3l V,') Send for tbe I'reiw Circular. ami.-Iree. AireuM w anted every- ! bere. Liberal cotninibm. T H E P R ESS. Porczn Building, 33 Park . Ho. New Y'ork. UPFMAN BBOS.. Prprte'or. rpOWN LOT FOIL SALE. The unde.-.igned ofWs for ai! "1" uable lot in the town of HiINboro. -snJ j known a Lot No. 50, contaiuln on- 1 1 . - Wi. vrk y-. 1 i- For aaU W; A. lUyea. 0 jamks a. nt.M : v M - I AN