:.xr,K county 11 I L L S B O R O U G II , N OHSEJIVEK. Wuekeas, Oar Heavenly Father; hs 'SATURDAY. f For the Oberer. JUied. On the 24h - March 10. l;- our Mother, Dr. Octamu. , Mrg. Cathnne Pendef, wife of Vil- uooKer, who wat lor many years , iiam pen,er .in vbe C'nd vear of h er 1 l ' -f i F seen ov to remove Irom our I oeiovea oupennienueui oi mi atfe. she bad beeR a !ailhtul ,netn .My,rVf u 6tQunu c((M,unnsv acliooi. ami who irom tits . RANK NA.-sil. ATruKX ET-AT- Law, Hillsbora. N. C. 'rVr. .": her of Chestnut Ridge M P. Church of7 - for sometime. The deceased leaves OHIce next door to Dr. Strudwick'i JOSKPM A. II A K HIS, Publisher and Owner. a husband, seven children and a "CHESTER D. TURNER, Inrrrn ...voir. I - . 1 1. J li - . " 'JWr . .... Kra-T-k- - 1 r. j - v. eariiest childhood has ben an : tiv member ol this t-cbool ana a laithdul member ot the .UetboCsst i. ,.;r,l, Ar Churcn. 1 hercfor be it to mourn their los but their los 1 Attokset-at-Law and Real Es- HosoUed. That jq his death this js lnflnile qam lQ her . , tatk Agent. school has lost one ol its btrit and Iiev. W. M. Pike conducted a 'rn-r'V' -.to the Collec- ; " ; , , . ery loucmng lunerai service irom ' of nvi tate. I.oa enured urn t a lailhtul aad conscientious member . Hev. 14ch. and 13v, in the presence rf-alW.xt. Attom-v lor X. V. M? . ! 2. That we tender to hts bereaved of a jargJ COngiegaiion, alter which :- a HUi-boro. N. V. : I and sorrow stricken widow and lam- 1JP Ptmain orr r.;,0,i i ilv our mnt-prt svir.nalhv m this ;... r . i. i i " , -.I : wiiy ui iub ucau iu await ice resur- -. p ; their.sid a3icion and point them reclion. ;(t ' ;to the bleed rromi.es ot that dear, (,t not Jlelhat u l0Q har?h a: i Siviour whom bo fco loa and laith- worii, Attouxets-at-Law, I luliy served. She tlrooped away and jrliJel into 3. That a cony of thefee reolu- ln-aven. ' . j - Hiilsboro. N. C. 10 her hesband and her children f PAUL C. G HA UAH. AH AM & GRAHAM, Ti, c,Mu i j ;i il lions be 8 jical upo i the minutes ot ' l 1 he Mate (juani Lnl as passed by i c j t t 1 .u . t T , i j lnls NUtJ,iay School, and that a copy i w , T ... ai ..... A . . . i . i ' nti ! il o v "K,i Ihnn (iM , hi am ! i t ... i " . -. . the Lei.-lature does away with the be lurm-hedHhe widow and a cov alter awhile there will be a hle?ed and Oran-e. ( Enc3tn)inent, and ives each com- sent to the Orange COUNTY Ob ; reunion in heavenf on whoe bhsslai i uny oitiy Srj". fiEUVLi: lor puuncition. ; snore me snaaeti 01 aeaiu never; , 1,000,000 PEOPLE SING MAGDALKNE," -UOSALIE," 'WHEN YOU WEKE A LITTLE BOY, JOHN," 'OH! THERE'S BOUND TO BE A XjIHL UP IN THE MOONT "MUST WE PART FOR AYET Worl niid Mimic ty CJlAItLfcl II. HA1UUS. NORTHCAROLINAS. MUSICAL PRODIGY. k For sale at N. W. BROWN'S BOOKSTORE, HHlsboro, N. C. N. B. This is cot a dead head advertisement. Mk-i:s. S. M. Gattis. C. M. father. 'ContiiH'ori has n ined hupreme" Pakks, S. E Cole, M liS.- JoliN It. 1 Wo nil o mourn :nn1 drop our tears In the. I ilii'.KP at -Kali.ii. h fV.i KOAi.ll. 31 1.-sS 31 A O ( 1 1 K IV fOHKET.! nil wc.-,iu;' is ui Vulil. f n - TOUXDS OF RKD : rrvr 'JJ Jjyj TOBACCO. WEKUY nuytliin that grows on a tobacco stalk. '( or longer. When the Legis lature adjxiinH we hope hu will be able to cet a Ihl of the new maiiH ! trate tor Orange connty and to tell' M iss 1 1 a tt i e L. Fa rt-ETTE. Cum-! J ,wvt" 0" ,r"lu awa , T Ullltee. jtu not return again. i iJiiu ampa. j Smoke -Old lied Hoove" ! T moktn ot)afe. Blcklen's Arnica Salve. The b'ft Silve in the world for Bruif-es Sorei, Uh-ers, Salt Nice nine and t int a-tom with ! Oh : mother dear our hearts mut bleed. , ;idi 2 onnoo aeK lor 3 "U. Try It i . . ,i .i ... I to .;i'Mi-.. nno aione, ! Help ii- to "5ty 'ti-i not our will, Fever S re, Tetter, Chap- But thine Oh.: Ood be done. M. Si no wd. 'o ir reatkin hm tiling about the ...... r.l i . n ; Kheun:, ' - . ped Hands tnii Mains. anus r or seven year- or more .urs. The r,iiwaK ot the United Stales, aI1 ki ' 'i-'"S p itively : W D Louder, ot Quircy, Ky., was cure Piles, i r no pavrt-quifed. It: subject to fevere uuacks ot cramp m earning, paed the bnln-n mark gI1.anteeil Io Uo per.vctati j .-olio Mr. S. U Morse, a druggist m aeh ol the lour years ending with ;i(.jin or IIIM,.y. refunded. Price; -f that p'a.-c, . recommended Cham lr:. but la-t vear a decline ot cents i er box. For caie by W ; berUmV Co.i-, Choiera atsd Di on -1; fr ii, X. W. BROWN A: BRO. I AVAXT YOUR TRADE. M ONEY MADE EASILY AND I expect to sell you your jp urii itu it io, ii ,v o . i OItCiVIS-i, RAPIDLY. KEAI TUI AND THINK IT OVER! We 'want li.xt men w ho have energy , and grit. Wo will give them a situ a"- I tiou in which they can make money , rapidly the labor beug light and em- j plofment the year round. Require no ! capital or great education. Some ofj our best salesmen are country boy?. : YoutiL' Ulfii or old will do. KmumT- i duced SSl'.UOU, but nevertheless the two.weeks ago, Mr. J. D. Thomas ! t.nse ol Mt.dit.r for a doctor, which ! utiou qukk and -ore. We hae need j , . .... . . I 1 . . i or N itw.ii n I Inti tl.lt m.vf Vih ,1..- net earnings tell otl to the erlent ol killed a iarue spotted adder snake, if New Stvles, Fine Work and Low Prices count for anvthin- Don't you think il foolf-h to pay 17 50 ori S-0 00 tor an 0k Bedroom Suit when you can buy a better one from me in OAlv s.t $13.50? . Is it wise to pay 80 00 tor a Parlor Suit to or e dealer, when you can buy a better ore Irom me at 50? I can offer you the ntne savinij in all grades and Mvlc ot Furniture. THE LARGEST STOCK for you TO CHOICE FROM eer displayed belore. Srjli,0i0,0uo in receipts sent them . A- HaytK, Uru.:gt below the hue. Expenses were re j HThea Reurc'tly, which has eti'ected a permanent cure, saving her much During; the very cold w eat her, ; utlerini besides the trouble and ex PIANOS a i) o it a ,v m S 10,000,000. If the people of the Southern ; Slates are wise, says the Savannah1 News, they will agitate the buildir.g of good country roads, as well a the budding of cotton and other fac tories. With good roads and fac tories, the South would 'eonn out- says the Chatham Record. Weekly Uillsdoko Market .He- t I'OliT. Wheat, per bushel of GO lbs., 70 cts. Corn, pet bushel ot 5i lbs.. 5(J cts. Oats, per bu.-hel ot lbs., 4) cts. Ieal, per bushel ot V) lbs . n." cts. 1J icon hog round 8 to 12 1-2 cts. Flour, per barrel, So 00 to 84.UU. ( r,0 v - K.. tor H in,-u within th next ',) davs. a fd'en necesarv. r or sae by i . . ' At it t . ' J Do not wate timn. but write at once to j v. t. naves, jvrugi;ib. rP.ilInu- tir i.niniil 4 t r. ; ! K strip every other section 'Ht-eswax. f.er pouml, 10 cts. t.ial and C Miimei enl pmnperity. j HuUer( per pound, 15. cts. , ' Egt:s. per dozen, 15 cents, tiom "Muhc Trader," Now York.: I)ry IIi(ies 4 rlH I)er I)0und. March L 1MJ.) , ! Green Saltetl Hides, P 1-2 els. per JlnnIsrf II. Iliift-iK. pound. Chailes II. Harris, known iu bin j Hens, each. 20 to 25 cts. rpni: southern stoi.k mu JL i u a l i n r ii a x i: com pan y OF GREENSBORO. N. C. j OFFERS Jliciets ITiro IiusJiirance By making every o:icy-holder a sharer " in the profits! Ad .profits except . a re.-ei ve of 10 per cent., are J returned to t he policy- V holders. ! CAPITAL ?100,00(). Subscribed by twenty capita I iM whose liaines represent over Five M i ( i. ions of Dollars. l'odiy-J bidders are non-assessable. II. C. HUDOtNS ,t CO.. Publishers, Atlantr.. (Ja. s ALL OF LAND. DIRECTORS : J. SprMieer. E. D .! native Statu as ''Noi th Carolina's Feathers Live Geese 40 cts. per Musical Prodigy," is establishing pound. quite a reputation as a song writer, Wiol washed 20 els. per pound, and the "older heads'' will hive to j Unwashed Wool, 10 cts. per pound. liti'.H -lIL Ai'l'r ';0irels. Although Hurry Wool, 5 cts. per pound. Mr. Ilanis has w.itten several v ury r Sugar, 5 to ( cts. per poundr " c:itchy ditties, and his resource j Sassafras Bark ot Root, 2 1-2 cts. Feem mliuiited as he boastH cd beinoj j)l?r pound, capable cd oroducinir a new soiil? i Fms nam. q lit vr cve.y for,y.eighthoursboth words Ail kinds ot' country produce in i('f lV r; and miiMc. -good demand. ; A. W . 3icAlister, Secretary and Tit-as-"M i-dalene," ',Rosalie.', "Oh I , There's liouud to Be n G'nl Up in Moon," "When .You Were a ! Latta. Wm. E. Holr. D. G. Worth. D. Ma.-Rae, Lawrence- S. Ibdt. Samuel. Mi l). Tate, .lames P. Sawyer. J. S. Cai r. Ed'4ha?er. F. d. Miudock, L. W. Seort. J. Van Lindlev, L. M. Sc E. P. Wh irtou. ott. The Lmle Boy, John;' -Must We Pari lor Ao?M and other composi: ioin. too numerous to mention, are fioin Mi. IlarriV pen, all ot which hae N E W A I) V E KTI SEME NTS. OR D i A O E sTiTeTF LAnT) aui inn ii y given io me undersign- j e l in a mortgage deed eXeeiited h i ttaton Green. Sr. and Mill.v Gieen hi I attained popularity, especially m t he j wife. I will ell at public "auction tot j S"inhein Stales," where he is well- j ca-h at th- court houe door iu HH1- 1 known." I boio, on Saturdavf April 'JO. 1'.).. a 1 1 ie j ' J of laud in-lIilUhon township, adjoiii- ; lug I iimU fl (i;;(ou Green. Jr.. Ihck-oi, , t " ! A" I I I li i L c V !i 1 1 1 I iitluM'. it h, . i 1 1 . r t I ... tern "portion of the home tract ot tic i i l Gaston Green, Sr., containing "J- ai-ies. This 12th dav of March. Is'.t.,. JOHN W. CARTER. Mortgagee. ; j When vour i m .1 v expires see that it j is r.-newed in t ! i o s O C T 1 1 E R X S I C K iMiTL'Ah IS l 1 1 A N C E CO. i 1. 11. I I:i in i 1 1 on, Tx:il i n i is ( n e ! y, v " T T t T Tht! old R'lhmotid tncatre is i :. .. . .1 t. . i e c i n e i i cu Mini a l'iinowit; mimc. Edwin Booth and William Florence began their careers on this st3e. Free Pills Send your address to II. E. Buck Icn .Vs Co., Chicago, and get a tree sample box of Dr. King's New Life l'ille. A trial will convince you Of their merits. The-e pil's ate easy in action and ae particularly t tfecl ive in the euro ot Constipation and Sick Headache. For Ma'ani and Liver Troubles they have been proved' invaluable. They are guar anteed to he pcitcctly tree from every deleteiious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but-by giv. in' tone to stomach arid bowel fre.ativ invioorate the svetem. Reg , ular size 2.'C per box. A. Hayes, Druggul. It . i V'Hii' o. :i .VCTT. 'Hi Ka;-e 'aid ( I.'O. X. '. Pl.f i ALI'IES. r : i , v i i.i -jent nv l l - IN " - i. JJ Mail c- i v !.m !D. ; in M"i; In.V s ALE OF VALUABLE LAX D. Sold bv W.! Mr. D .C.-Murray, for many years Steward of the penitentiary, died at home in Raleigh last Sunday. Fiulei authority cd an orilcr rd tie Siipej ior I'ourt o ( range "ounty mad in the Special Proceeuilg ot Mani' troud and wile, M. Atwater mi others ugain-t l.uther E. At water. uie Atwater. "!n. Womble. Guar'!! th and Samuel Womble. on Decern her l" l'.'l. I will on. .ttuiday. April 'i'h b'.i'i. (tV.r for a!e on the pr mi-; :r t he n ileuce of John G. Xevilie. at 1". m.. a tl.iv t of land iu Bingham tow n -hip. part of the home ti act 'ot the 1 j t W e-!ey Atwatei and known as rh' West tlMi t. coutaihi-ng MXt-Eight a:e tne ll.ill Au-v inoif or - Term- ot -ale : n--t bird - ea-sh an-" h. dance at '' an 1 12 uci.th- with in; f - 1 Thi- 4th da ot M.-.reh. 1 i , - s. s. wi;nn. ' C'Hiuni-i :, r. i.i' ! I . 1 . . .; i ae i.i a nv ; d . Ii. Ml'.iel ... ! J. M. 1 . !: ;::t:.. a .. , t , .--...:.. ! .i.ii, o. ' ill'. rH!!i ' , . . . . I : . 'd o ch 1 -; Orange e- - .TmImi 'r. p. ;. . i. :. ' e j " I 1 t( - I- j.-r -th. ge oi : at on '. ' i V !, ed re I' hi.- I ., . j.il.EK!:. 'F I. AND. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Orange County in the special proceeding-of L. A. M. Dav is. Admin-i-tiatiix I'd' D. C. Davi.-. deeea-ed, I will sell to the highct bidder at public auction iu front of D. McCaulcy's store iti Chapel Hill on Saturday, Anril . lS'a.i. at 12 m.. the lollowing tracts ot ! hind to make assets to pay debts : . j 1. One tract on the we-t -ide of the I public road leading from .Chapel Hill I to Hill-boro. adjoining land-, ot James j Wei b. Jr. A: Bio., A. J. Brockwell and others, containing Filtv-Four Acre-. more or less. -j 2. One tract on the east side of the , -aid public road and opposite acro-s j -aid road from the first tract, adjoining' the lands of II. Q. Strain. Mary Ann j John-ton, and containing Eighty-Four i Acres, more or less. 1 Every instrument I effer is Ptriclly firstvclass and is fullv ojur'n teed. Wiite tor catalogues, price and terms. For THIRTY DAYS I will offer a regular $P25 PI A NO at $375. I haxe .dhcr special bargains such bargains as I have never before been able to offer. I 'pay freight on all instrument, and turuish tine sloul, 6carf and iustrbcior. i : . 3i . a i it l: w s, F U R N I T U R E , P I A N O S A N D O R G A N 10 and is West Traik Street, Citaulotte. N. C. KEVWTONE POULTRY YARDS, SHAW fc ' DICKSON, Puoi-kietoks, Hillsiioko. N. C mally parts of the W m. Strain, tract ot j laud. 'Ierms of sale: Fifty dollars ea-h. j balance in equal instalments. h 12 and ! In month- time, with interest on oe-! ierred pavments. I This .th day ol March, lSf'.i. j JAMES B. MASON. Commissioner. : j -r, . -i i jjree-i r r Comb lb - 4 i .)HL'n ..nini'( T ....... . . , . . .. . . . r . . . i .on now uei ut prepares man ever -xc tir to aceeommodate boarders by the day' elie. e, . 1 Wl.n 1 JDKIVATE BOARDING. i - I 1 1 week or month. HENRY RICHARDS. o ?.,. , i :ii ;e.t les 'J U I I S I . ti b' il-,ri ' ' ' i I'.y M ''in R i t J do il L u a..i u. i i o p.r l.j IfO i. sb i Clo g, l n'tl" i - l;d .".1. 1 e to ! o-l j r.d P. .'try , Single. t 1 1 1 1 -, 1 k Ltng-hmi, .an i !..-. l.ghl Br at.na. Eg uiad v at i- ' "ii. l"-g;s for --ale t sr me Eg I I ti l.' ' 'H 1 11' : v i ' ' V '' : a- t. "Perhaps you would not think so,! tf r"? ' ?"'-- nufavcry large proportion of dis-. U v-Jt.- .-y s U , cases in New York comes ft cm care- ; i r ; ' ' : A Jj. lessness about catching cold,' s I 7XiCP. A I VON Dr. Svrus r-dsou. it t . 1 v : I I u rhain' the w al'-r- lie.- N .. ; ': ; i t r . Ii'- t. : 2 n:.. a t:-i : i r.;i-ge ' '.;:.'' -. 1 ! at- cl ee. 1 Mica simple thing and so common that; rj ' , verv tew people, unless it is a case. ' . v i . T i v.-i - 4 ' Hut. ire: - . f J . R. II o'her-. an- I X islet. .I. peoj of pneumonia, tay any attention to a coul. iie iotk is one oi ine( healthiest places on the Atlantic ( oasL'and veil there are a meat' "rw 1. h; V. dl-l.n-aiL; lion wnicn nave ineir origin in inis; v ---- :-;tJ n i. ; s b - ? t. k it o . I- HI r- e ! i ;i p iv !-. eo;., a A e : dv ile.f 11 ; D. and he ge -. ! I -.".ie h iu I Wo ( lb;- b'.th dav of F. -bru ar . " W. J . A. ;i; 1 K. Mot;:,.e, many cases of catarrh and consjmp-i crrin cr i. r. lion which have their oritin in this! ".-." ----- C neglect of the simple! precaution ol ! ! t TJ? A every dav life. The most sei:sib!e ; -i tLr - n.leiMi-i i tt Ion n "k r n iinf ! i4 " rid ot it as soon as possible. By all j Awi .fn f - n P-.. r-s-nff.. means do not neglect it." Dr. Edson ! 5V ... '-u does not tell you how to cure a cold t r; . '. "... -7. 7..; j7 but we will. Take Chamberlain's 7 :;.7:- ' .:; '-r &" Cough Remedy. It A ill relieve the ' a r.'-a.J -o o.r :;sif romj y lungs, aid expectoration, open the; !W-ru' '-Cl1 ? gVj.- secretions and soon effect a perma- j (:o: :) l l oxvl :i g...,. nent cure. -5 and 50 cent bottles j 'f-'i ;k ;.--:.uf,;p4 for sale by W. A Hayes, Druggist, j l.:7rr T Pnf :se! High Point. N. C, Dec. 13. 1-01. yn Mj. Co., Lr'fi'yn, X. Y. (lontlcinfn: My hr-o had a vrry largo kr.olmi his fore leg about tho 'kiieo joint, crijsed by a -train. I used two or throe? bottles of your Alcxlcan Muftans: Liniment an I it wis -non all riirht. and lu'.v would Loi take $-o' lor the hor-. j Ro-pectfiilly. GPS BROWN. For ii yars driver f -r ix A: Co , fcpvke and liaiisiie ilaniifatturer-c C) Reid-viei.f. N. C, Dec. 0. IVjI. Lyon Mfj. Co., r.,i:y A. 1. (ientlerr.en: I have used Mexican Mus tang Liniment f r rloMimatisni ai d found it the only thing thatiii-i me gooi. T rccoia meLd it to ail R-eet fully. ' GFA. COBB, Car;er.ter. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POVVDETS i f ct .-!' i 1 r- - - ' -f -:.t. T or I." ( '. -. - Tt-' t f -i IV ! - ..... v f - The worst eueujy gome meo have is rrof parity. i 1 J5 Jr..".i " ' n 'v.'" f,?pfi,'.g If - er . -re. Dvis . rcrrz, Prorutoi. J Formle at HilUboro by W.I A. Hayet, DrogUt. &g WENTWOr.TH r. 0.. N r., ) Dec. 7, f GV-ntmer,: I e"nider Mexican Mustanj Liniment t!e f.r-t in the world. Have ued it tsth on iny-elf aiid al-o on rny horse for Fprains and brui?es" I rcornri,erid it to all who Lave use for n iinirnevt. Re-pe- fuilv. J. II. CHAD DOCK. V.