.i OT? A rs . 2WJXTY OBSERVER. rlgrrr77 0CT. 8t 189, J05 P A. II A U RIS, Hp uJblieiber and Owner. i 'or President ; WILLIAM J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice President, ARTHUR SEWALL, of Maine, and THOMAS K. WATSON, of Georgia. STA1"ESoWic lIciLET. For Governor : CYRUS B. WATSON, - of ForByth. For Lieutenant-Governor: THOMAS W. MASON, of Northampton. For Secretary of State : CHARLES M. COOKE, of Franklin. For State Treasurer : BY F. AY COCK, of Wayne. For State Auditor: R. M. FrjRMAN, of BuuCornbe. For Supt. Public Instruction : JOHN C. SCARBOROUGH, of Johnston. For Attorney General : . I. OSBORNE, of Mecklenburg; Associate Justices Supreme Court: A. C. AVERY, of Burke, and GEO. H. BROWN, of Beaufort. Congress 5th Diftrict, W. W. KITCI1IN, of Person. Judge 5th Judfoial District, J. S. MANNING, of Durham. Extensive prepaiationa areieing made for the coming Statcv'air. Candidate SW has presented to v. national Derao6raic Executive Committee his check for twenty thousand dollars to be nsed in the RiMH--M-a National Tlolet. ) - campaign, there are uo condltiona-ffc to the gilt. The Darlington, Wisnoosin, Jour nal says editorially of a popular patent medicine : "Wo know from experience that. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all that is claimed for1 it, as en two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly avcd us trom an untimely grave. We would not rest easy over night without it in the house." This remedy undoubtedly saves more pain and suffering than any other, medicine in the .world. Every fami'y nhould keep it in the house, tor it is su'e to be needed sooner or later. For sale, by W. A. Hayes, Druggist. There aro 2 45 students regwtered at Wake Forest College. Buckle x's Aunic.v Salve. .... i . , .. . i. ... ,i 3 r - the lesl -Nil vo in in:- w.iuio. Cuts. Bmises, S.res, .leers. Salt ! Kheiim, fever ores, leu-i, aap -. . . i rit ri i peu usu'o, v.,. ....., ...... all Skin Eruptions, and positively j nres Piles, or no pay required. Ii j is guaranteed to give;, perfect satis-, faction or money refunded. I ncej 25 cents per box. For sale by W j A. Hayes, Druggist i rT !-..,! i nn l exas c uiu i tuiu uu- ... i.. .lomo iv hp-ivv rams. i serious. y , A Japanese afm .i. ' i- contracting tor a large part of thisj , i i year s yitmi. Belief in Six Hocr.. Distressing Kidney and. -Bladder diseases relieved in six hour by the "New Great South Americm Kid ney Cure." This new remedy Lreal surprise on account of its Ha ex- eeeding promptness in relieving pain in the3 bladder, kidneys, back and evqry pari of the urinary passages in inft'le or female. It relieves reten tion of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. IC-jo-i want -.,:L. folmt nnd cute this is vour- IIUIV. n remedy. Sold ty A. Druggist, Hillsboro. N. C. Hayes, There are 140 orphans Thoraasville orphanage. at the! Ths fss ilmilt Is rs rery dent of the election of Bryan. Con vincing evidence is daily accumu lating at Democratic National head quartern that liryao will sweep t.e Southern, Western and Ceotral Middle States. We like to obey orders wheo we can. The State Democratic Erecu tive Committee has instructed us to vote for two Vice Presidents Sew all and Watson and we will do it. Hurrah tor Bryan and Sewall and Watson, and the Democratic ana 'opulist and Silver patties. Stands at tiie Head. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading drag-1 cist ot Shreveport, La., savs : "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is I the best seller i have." J. r. Camp bell, merchant of Safford, Arizona. writer.-: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it: it never ;i. , tails, and is a sure cure for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds. I can not say enough for its merits." Dr King s S e w Discovery for Coosump t.on, Coughs and Colds is not an ex periment 11 has been tried lor a quarter of a century, and to-day stands at the head. It never disap points Free trial bottles at W. A, Hayes' Drug Store. The Voice of Her Sex "Mrs. Lease savs we wan't a dollar that will stay at home." Well, wo don't; we want a dol- lar that we can speud at the bargain stores." Chicago Record. If Troubled With Rheumatism Read This. Annapolis, Md., April IGth, 1894 I have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism and found it to be all that is claimed for it. I be lieve it to be the best prepartion tor rheumatism and deep seated mnscnlar pains on the market and cheerfully recommend Il'co the pub lift. John G. Brooks, dealer in boots, shoes, etc., N . 18, Main St. also "ukad rnis. , . .- r, c, f... r.i. MechanicsviIU-, St-. Mary County, Md. I sold a bottle ol UOamDer am s l'ain iaim to a roan wno naa been suffering with rheumatism sev- ..rl v.virs. It made him a well mau. v' ; . A. J McGilI. bor sale at oU cents per bottle by XV. A. Hayes, Drug- .fist. I Senator Blackburn, of Kentnoky, av Itrvm. will Prrv thirty out ot i will can the forty-Gve States. mj - - J - " j -m - - - f X'ci'MOIlLtll. Democratic managers are aonfi FREE 04-page medical reference m the north, the lands ol Wm. Pritch hook tn nnv i.rson afflielpd with :UI 011 tlt' east, lands ot M. Atwuter on ..:i ..u.-,: .i..i:... ;, ....jr rFn., Vu.u...u ease peculiar to their sex. Address trie leading physicians and eurgeous of the United States. Dr. Hathawav (j0 22 12 South Broad Street, j Atlanta, Ga. Don t sav how vou inteud to vote until von have registered. You cannot vote unless your name is on the registration hook. JJ;.n t taM to register Saturday, October 10th, be tween 9 a. in. and 4 p. in. CURES WHhHt ALL USE FAILS. Best Cough. Syrup. Tap tea liood. Ubo Jn time. Sold bv druggists. Mvvivr--yvVT Ah-BMBBM-Ini Weekly Iiillsboko Market He POkT. Wheat, per bushel of fiO lbs., 60 cts (Corn, per bushel ot 5(5 lbs., 3o to 40 cts. Oats, per bushel of 32 lbs., 35 ci. Meal, per bushel ot 4b" lbs.. 00 cts. JVicon hog round 7 to 10 cts. Flour, per barrel, 81-00 to 85.00. rp i , itf.rw.,. u.. on , Hliner, per pound.7 15 to 20 cts. yw pt,r dozen. 12 1-2 cents. nuie dryj ;i to f, ccnl8 per pound. chickens each, 10 to 25 cts. Ftalhcrs jAve Geese 40 cts. per pounl. Wool washed 20 cts. per pound Unwashed Wool, 10 cts. per pound. Burry Wool, 5 cts. per pound. , - . . Su-'ar. o to 0 cts per pound. !l kinds d country produce in good demand. ' It 4 t. 1O0. ?irriii jj nl Summer MILLINERY. 'A WE LEAD IN STYLE AND QUALITY. And at Prices that will pay you to know about. We have a complete slock of the Laiet Styles in Hats, Bonnets, Rib bons, Feather afid Trimmings. Indies' "Dress Trimmings, a Full Line of Notions and the Latest Stvles in Jewelry. Agents tor "T3E K,E IDEA Pat- j TERSS " ThesePatterhs are correct ! in design and accurate :ti fit. He-1 tailing at the uniform price of 10 I ppm! a. v I Ladies are invited to inspect our ! Goods and pee for themselves. ! niters from a distance will re- 1 ceive prompt attention. MRS. M. L. TAYLOR 4 SISTES. . For the Observer. 'J. lie Presidential lium- Shine on in Goldtn splendor thou the the sun th;U rules the da v. Give liht to all mankind who tear to J lose i he way; The blind that leads the- blind, ave. their lull will be complete " And liter to ns when led bv one whose Wand is rabbit feet. Can superstition be the rod which rules oui jilorious'land ? Can superstition on this rod in Ruler likeness stand ? v. Or bav we drifted back to das that knew no freedom sweet And will we choose a ruler whore wand is rabbit leet there a dark secluded pot tipon our ll:lflVP .r Where -Semi-Pagan people dwell and ------ - ius to instruct a subject in witchery complete To rule a nation wtaelv whose wand is rabbit teet . . . " I With shame would noble Washington and tnoe who've ruled and died, uui mi tne curtain gently and told it A r . . . .! loinesiue, lhe; V?0." ur natlon Wlth eyes upmted . , "God save my once wise people irom my once wise people irom I supersuiion s wav And there are thev who hare retired and one who holds the chair. Who blush like crimson, and with I shame in full amaeemeut stare At this, a once wise people, with loy alty complete, vtiove thus descended tor a man whose wand is rabbit leet. Willi open ears and eyes aflame they drink the hitnl cup Ot vilest, poison isms with death in every sup : Thei; wisdom is shoitsighted thej know not what thev do. We'll let them teast in plenty, this dai they'll sadly rue. ? adly who iv --.t-., iir. I e r hath stumped the States beforg? us ne wno Dolus r. sacreu mat tne . . ...... ...... people most adore : jas j our momer r.ve was inus aiiureu 1 . 1 t .1 .!. .l bv vain deceit. And yere thus allured by one whose WatUu is rabbit leet. Beturn oh! Prodigals, return, betore tis lar too late, Ere six more months shall roll away, ! you 11 know your awful fate. II thus 'you follow onward until you reach the end : l Deception is your leader and not the nation s lriend. It your number ot feet Is even, surely there will be no charm If there's luck in numbers odd, get icauci one uioie arm To twine a..oull(1 . aye. they'll need a sure support nen we anchor in that liaven in a uoiu Amuiazoneu noat. SOUND CURRENCY. Q ALE OF VALUABLE LAND. I Under authority given in the will of Wesley Atwater, decet?;d, i will offer I ... 1. . 1 - --."!, j Av.,..bx,? VIV VV..- 4 A. I I tl I'lll. 1 A ... . . 1 - . - . - - , . Ior sa, on aruruay, uctooer 1U, isuh. at his lat? residence, the Home Tract ol about One Bundled and Fifty Acres, allotted as Dower to his widow, who is now dead, and adjoining Paul Lloyd hhe Botith and west. T,.nns of . One-third cash, bnl- ance at six and 12 months with interest trom day of .ale, and title retained until iii payment is made Sale at 12 m.. October 10, 1896. - This 10th day ot .September, 1S M. ATWATER. Executor ot Weslev Atwater. SILVER OR GOLD Better than either is a healthj liver. If the liver is 0. K. tlic man is 0. K. Ilia blood is kepi pure, his digestion perfect, and he can enjoy life and act intelligenth and patiently upon the questions of the day. You all know what "tc take. You have known it for years It is Siiiimons Liver P.egulator . regulator7 For years you and your father have found it of sterling worth It is and always has been put ujl only, by J. ii. Zeilin & Co. lata none but the genuine. It has tin Red Z on the front of the wrapper md nothing else is the same, anc aothing so good. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DCSICN PATENTS,! COPYRIGHTS. Tor tT.ronr.adnn an 'I free Handbook write to 11 CNN & CO.. S61 BroadwaT. Nw Ycm. OM.M liurfaa for -runivs- pau-r.t in Arr.rrtr. erT ratr.t taken out by u i brought before rt-.e public by a notice given tree ot ctvaive la Ue r- . Iar?rrt rtrmlatJon cf any rtentlS. parr tn tJs wjrid. frplernliily lliu-trkled. No lntJlurent KAa houM be wlUioul It. WeklT. M OO. near; t:V tx trsr.nUia. AAdrr. It CNN CU.. tauts, sol Eroawaj. New York Clt7. MnntoHlln Moo kmiicu mii iuca x-r, Protect yonr 1dej; theymy brtic yoa wealia. Write JOHN WEDDERBrRX A CO Patent AUcj. tera Washington. D. C, tor thetr ISS jsrtM oSt ro American Jli 3A UX.TRIIOI MARKS aLM DSICM PATKMTS, r Walter nageiie. The Most Complete Zoological Collection ox Eautu. A circus, no mattpi if It -.. T, i " - a ov i WolUr I- Ml.r,'-, fl 1 "V . "'Y11 arm nae ol all tee Worlds Show, woota not De complete uithoat a xt .,! ,inoa.a xia ciiai'r ! it-, nun iifi nnn amr,r better than Colonel Main when he . . . .... ' w,,c" ue i r""- . - m.ihuu uuuars oe .,l,.nn. lr,A .nnr.1., ....1 . J - -.vv.-.--.v. i taak lore 21 fl tl terocious, strange and beautiful, to people his vast Menagerie, which is connected with his monster 3 Ring Circas, isew Wild V est and Ro. ippodrome. Will be 6een at connected with his Hillhboro, on Friday, October 1C. -- -'--' ' ' - - v - - aam r ciiIj-.L T u'"'u Wi,-U crj -irauye ana awiuih,, "ea81 known to the Zioograpber. i M Uhiet among the amphibious, carmv- roue ni-nornea, spiitnooled mam- mala is the terr.ble Bovalapus rr . . There are iLlephaots, Cameli, Dion edar e. Deer. Bears. rinr. Tiror Leopards, Grizzlies, Serpents, Rep iiu -nri ;n . k;,i. a . Hies and in a word birds and beasti - 4 , v ? r' i au B wur uirus aim ueasit 01 every sinu. x nereis also, in a very attractive part of the Menag re, the cutest little Baby Hippo Dotamnn imaoinable and lour IiiiIp Bapy Lions; and in the unique de partment, - amidst many marvels, too many to name in detail a Giant Camel, theiallest animal alive There is al-o the Longest Maned and Tailed Horse on a'l the reen earth,, 'with a mane five times as lorg as any other known horso's and a Vail m like manner. One hour is the performance in lgiven K,ven oe which all before can see the animals and hear them lectured upon and for this object the doors operKSft 1 p. in iji - -i" aoa me periormance comtnenceB at 2 n. m io honest 1 opulist can support a goldbug tor anything. Caucasian, senator .butler's paper. BOTANIC ilM BALM A thoroughly tested Remedy s FOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES. This standard remedy baa been tried and not found wanting, for forty years, by an eminent physician, who has used it with cer tain and unrarying success for all diseases for which it is recommended. It never fails to benefit from the first dose, quickly and effectually driring out all disease germs from th system without any unpleasant or injurious effects.' It is not the result of ig norance or superstition, but it is founded upon common sense ana a thorough Knowl edge of rnodern medical science, it effect ually purines and enriches the blood and nuem asta Eraptlon. CKtorrli. I)jf pepsla, RlieamalUam, 1.1 Ter, Kidney and Bladder Dleases,FrmaleWeak neu, Ner.oai DtwasN, etc. INVC8TIGATK FOR YOURSELF. Send for our FneBook of Talaable Information., together with a wonderful s 'ray of certificates of remarkable cures, fiom the simplest to the in&ftt virulent dis ease, after all known remedies had failed. These certificates testify with no uncertain sound, that Botanic Blood Balm is the best, cheapest, quickest, greatest und most pow erful Blood Purifier and health-Riving rem edy ever known to the world. It bncOta from tlie Ant doae. Price fl.uu per bottle; 5.00 for 6 bottles. B. B. B. Pills are a fnild and effective purgative and Liver Kegqlator. One Pill is a dose. Price, 25 cts. per box. B. B. B. Salve is a ecpericrr dressing and Cure for all kinds of sores, barns, erup tions, etc. Price, Wets, per box. B. B. B. SnnflT. excellent for colds, ca tarrh, etc. Price 60 cts. per box. These may be used, when necessary; with Botanic Blood Balm. For sale by druggists; if not, send to ns. Address, BL000 BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. IN EW UHIIVKH ! 1 T"K IilLI!;BOItO imi'G CO. have now in stock and is constantly receiving a brand new line of Pure iinl XTi-ewH 1ium, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS, HAIR BRUSHES, Also a tresh lot of 1 W e are a!io headquarters tor a fii i 1 - T . Mil line ot tne very oei i ainin, Varnishes. Oils. Grain Paints, Bugy, Carriage and Koof Pamt, in tact, ad ,. !.;,.,. tnr .WoraiivP nur. poues that can be found any where. ........,.. J i jl -..- - - - r Call and see the postotfice. .Next door to PARRIS & SfAW. iD R J S SPLKGKON, Dentist, inii boro. x c. , , , , , , . , v.,lV1 EOffiee next UC?r UOOe Drti"?tore W sveu Presldeutlul I Ticket. j Few rei.le h-ive any idea to Hhenuuiler of Presidential ticket I Ji the Held. There nr eiaclly I sewn, viz : IrV and Swi.i Hem 1 oeratic: MeKtnW II .,., if.. ;pWic.r, : Pa: , K ' L . 4 t. .. standard De nocraiu-; P,rin and trt . Mn i i ' Jubr.fi n, P, hib.tionij! v. t , tj ; B-.v.i aui Snm Imn a Vo.. . .1 I t. . P'U lf' A 1-l.al Pn-hl tit and Makheu and Manure S .0 c aUat. For i he Observer. Uiel In Chanel Hil liiumhi:.. Sei temWr 'Sh 10,, w r . Crai in tl To-h ' k it. . ' . . x. . i.i ude A S.tav- 1 1 Craig, and im hi inouer'n great grandson ut l.iiWrt hnru, and a great greai-grHiLnon v Win. Biackwond. Win. Cmiir and Win Blackwood emigrated in com pany to ltd country nmuy year ago from Ire!ai d. Mr. Cra g Ieaventwi Sons and u any ielaiit; and (rit n.ls to mouui their loss. M. j .B. Your name may have been on the registration buo the -last lime you voted, Lnt that will not entitle you to vote in the coming election in Chapel Hdl. Cedar Grove aid Hillsboro lown-djip where a new registration is required Dmi'i fail to register Saturday, Oct. 10th, be tween 9 a. in. and 4 p. m. N O T I C E ! . Under Section 7 ot the Election Law ot 1 895, notice is hereby given that the following pcinons have been appointed RegiMrnrs and Judges of Election in and tor the Coun ty of Orange and tor the vari ous Townships and Precincts below named, for ihe election to be held -therein on the Tuesday next after the tirst Mouday in November, A. D., lb'Jb : IlthLSBORO Township: 'East iiillshoro Precinct Begin trars, N. V. Brown, John Kiikland and O. G Crawford Judges of elfclii'ii, T. D. Tiunin, H. N. Brown; W. P. lioheils. West HilUboro Precinct Regis trars, M. C. Ray, Julm Chrtiuas and George F'.Ci utchfield. Judges of election, W. M. Jones, John Pleasants, C. L. Smith. Cheek's Crossing Preein-.i . Reg istrars, L A. Eaton, Win. II. Rich mond and Albert ISykes. JudgeHot elect'ioi, 1 )avid 'Fh"iiit son, Henry O. Jobe, John F. Mc Adams. "university station l rccinet Ut'g istrars. James F. -Shurnaker, A ft en Browning and R. P S' ray horn. JiidireH ot election, .In . C. Stray hom, M. E. Ciaig, S. 11. CJaytor. Ceoau i hove Township : Cedar Grovy Precind Regi trars, B C. Patton.A. W.Tmnin ami W. H. Anderson. Judgt of election, R. II. Hughes Jas H. Dol;ar Aiteinu-, Cotnpir'ii. Toler's Preciii- l liegi-l ran, I )a ; vid Sam Ray, W. Woods aiol Geoige Sriiilti. Jlldi;e it i-Iection, B II McKee. Wm. Wilkersixn, W II , Wilker-on Cari M I'recir.et liegirtt rr-, Wm Cofnpton, J. C. Walker ai d Robert Hodge. Judges of election, . W. R. Haw kins, Louis Wilfon', Joe Pickt-ii. ' CiiAPf;L Hill Township: South Chapel IJii! Pre. inct Reg iiitrars, H. L. Hackney, J. D. Webb and E. II. Wilson. JndgCH of election,. W. (.. Cole. London A Wtiitled, W . H.Merritt. North Chapel Hill Precinct Reg istrars, Join R Clements, J. Frank Ezzell and It W. Lloyd. Judgen of election,. Milton Ward, Pinkney Lloyd, Rufiin Whitaker. Cole's Store Precmct Registrar, J. G. Dodn. J. M. L!od and L S Chandler. Judges of electron. C. I). Kirk land, Geo. R. Rrley, Wm Adarnn. Patterson's Precinct Registrars, Hardie if. Couch, G. E. Douneli and Henry Whitfield. Jodgen'ot election, .1. R. Black cail, Wm. Clark, II Q. Strain. jiisotfAM Township: White Cross Precinct Rgi trart, John Neville, Thomas J. Ed wards and Sidney C. Durham. j tuojen 111 rirciiun, ... i u Jiiu, G. P. Ch-ek, P C Lloyd Calen' PrecifiCt ReyiRtrars, J. P. j Teer. S. S. Webb and W. J. Mir . row " - - . Jadges of election, Z T. Scipes, ! Thomas S. Cate?, P. 31. Syke. , ' l?t ' Tnir..,i, . ' LITTLE liH EU lOWNfeH.!'. . . .. . 1.41(1 well J recmCv Ue?itrtrg. John A. WiSkeroo, Thomas M. Jor dan and W. W. Latta. Jadtren ot elf ct ion, W Ii. McKee, Wm. -A. NichoU, Wro. Gray. School Hoe Precinct II trartt. U. C. Hdl, John P. LockLarti and Henry Ho&ert. Jmlpes of electiou, S. P. Terry, j James B. Lewis, Jacnen Murdock. ! Thif Ut day of September. - D. t CUAWKOKD, Clerk Superior Court. ; An entirely NEW HEGISTUA-; TION is required in each preeir ct in Hillftboro. Cedsr Grove fcnd Chapel Hill Townships. - The law require the Registration Book to be kept open at tie plate Saved His Life . BY TJSTNO AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. rif n raj ao-pi- o fd sua m nrvca year of be h4 p u srere a cougS. 0 x I r ter knew any- aii t . 01 j. w ft He coughed U-ces-l lanl.y. an-1 spit up I Mooo. i uiMfvery- tblng I couM thick c of. tut be constant- C ly grew worc. ami 1 frett the Poor n little fellow would surely di At Hn. I o - - i recomrae nde-d to do so ry tne pnysscian. ; This medicine rve tb ct.lld ?jc-dy re- O 1 . f . r. . t . 0 - a 4 e tiirtn.eiof rk Mrs. ii. debat, uueny. iexam., o Ayeis Cherry Pectoral Recalved Highest Awards AT THE WORLD'S PAIR o o o o o o o o 00000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ ot voting in each precinct.- The three Slate Chairmen havo agreed in the construction of the new election law U at registration of vtiters hail legin Saturdnt', Septem ber -0, and continue three moro Saturdays October ;, 10 and 17 ; that October J4 shall be chdlleng,. day; that October ii 1 is the day when the registration books are to close at ! p. m., save in cities ami t i towns, where they are to remain open until 0 p. m. c miestek i. ti:j:ni:k. Attorn ky AT-1. AW NH t a r k A a: nt. ia Ai. r - - u tion ot Claim-. Title. Sate ami Pnr-h.HMjj ol Keal Klate. I.tii( seeureil tij'fj-' real estate. Aitorn-v f .r N. A. M. A. Co. at llilh'boro. N. C. SnoeliU iitti-iitimi -ivimi tn tin ill.f- pit AX K NASI I, AT TOItN KY-AT- 1. A W, Hillsboro, N. C. Oftiee next iloor to otHee. near the hotel. Ir. Stru.lwieky s. M. 'J at ns, A i r fy n s k y - a t -1 . a w , ilil-boro, N. C. Practices in State ami Federal Court. Prompt attention to all buine. s. Spe--lal iitlentioii to 1'i'obale bulit-. IMIIN W. (JUAIIAM. 1 A l' I. I". It A 11 A M . G1 hah am ,t ;i:aiiam. Attoknevs-at-La w, lliiUhoro. .V. C. Prictiee In the CurTi of A luniinit-e. ("aswell, T:iliam. (. i aii ille. Person iit-.l trrnTig. S ' T.TK Ol- Nun i it c j:oi,in,. UlIASliK t ut n rv. XiijHriur Co'trt. A "j.'ltlt, JMG. hintii l lireen, Jamek (,reen alias Henry Hayrs. Mil 1 V.. the th'.rtslant .latne- lreti nli.i-i Henry lla rvill lake notice ih.U an i.' tion ha t ( i n i-'.iiuii' iii-ci lv the i!ne tut in -i I pi;tinl ii in t!n w;itTlor ("oiitt ol Jr.iiic . ' .'nut y ag.iii-t aiil il'-l' iel iiit I r ihe jii.rp'-e of t.bt. nning a oivoree fiom the I :m i- of mat t bnoti v. il- lor th M---in rini , euTo) y ot a ehilcl iiam"l hrtie-t t.rt-v'ii. And th -aid il fein.!iT will Inrlher take nofie-. that he i required o fe and appi-ar at the n-xt terin ol I i - fijei'nr onrt of Orange County to he held n the th Monday afer ihe lt Mon lav In r. temhet, 1h-m.. at ihe court ho.ue in II ilbhoro anil- an-w er or ilmnr to th eomplaitit in the Kth. a tion or tie plaintilf will apply-to the t ouit tor thi ie lift demanded bi al! eomplaitit. I). K CKAWfOl'.l). .letkt tip;ii.r Mi!?f. s ALE OK VALCaBbh I.AMi. Hv virtue of an order of the -up ti-.r Conrl ol frang County in 1 1 - .w of Aaron Weaver and other a'ga:'i-t JJ;r-ri-on Atwater and oi hci", 1 uill -i ll it. public auction to the hlgbe-t bidder, in Irottt of W . C. I.loytl A Co' tor Chapel Hill. X. C.. (mi atuniay, Oc to ber 17lb. l'-ei. at 12 m.. a trad ol land in Chapel Hill, Orange County, adjoin ing the land of iJr. .A. H. JJoberou, Haywood Purefoy and others contain ing One-Kourth ot an. Acre, more or 1CM. . - Terms ot al : One-third eah. hal-ani-e in motitti- lrtm day of niie. ThU 11th d-iV of ep? njfHT, JAMhs H M ,O.N, Coinmifciorier. s Al.K OK LA NO. On aturlay. OctotnT 10, '. I will m-II to the hl-h-t t.idd -r at tl- ro.irt j boue dK,r in Hi!llx;ro. tti following hr,t 1 ol lan'1 In )tAUZ' tut.ty. hipei KiU town-hip. on the wMers of N-v o. ert--a. a-ii-nnm.' in- i.-ui ix ft ;nv. i. .. .i:. i. .. t. ... i i.i j Tbotna K. Llvyd. Hrysnt Neifis'e. lh f 1 la. Dollar and J. W. Mrow'l. at J coit ! tainiu .V. 2 acre, more or ! Land l ld ptmuat.t to an order ol I Mifrior Court in itei-ial Pro-'eJln-.. ? entitle! M. A. Mc 'u!ey, Adtniot-tf a j tor of Jme Neiiio, deee aal'-it Oeore XevilJ and other. heir-i-taw ' ot Jame Neville. d.Ce.iAeJ, to Vikt et to Day detrt. ' I eruis ot aie : 0:?-third cth, 1-3 in 'j mofiih. lra:ite in 12 month. TbL Oth day ol Spt-nit--r. !.'. M. A. Mit.AlLr.Y. Adrnlfti .trator and Cocnmuiorii.r. pKIVATK KOAKD. I arn now tetter prepared I to uwxu trtuoi-ite hu-tnitr by : l rt Uie e ekiyv eek" or month. HENRY RICH AKi. r r s rwp. m V ' - w