ie ESTABLISHED IN'187 I1I LLSB0R0. N. G. TIIUKSDAYl DECEMBEU 17,18. . NEW SElilES-VOL. XVI. NO. :; illlSnillf ifl 0 iff ffTTT ITViT TTr tiVTi ((I rlilF (tliPlillif rtfi ft The fa rem of ire. Dp In tbe.eavern of ofJ, Murky and tni-k is th'-if; Ciri f and woe and d'---jjr. v'-.n.omous hixV-'r V.itif-. Are -r:i!y -iUm; tr- V u'XxW'.i.'Z th-ir l--ty. ' v h r-' vi r a-trnri'-r i -'"- m 'I ha, .'ivcrri of ''tr' tlfre n.-- a I?n if -bn--ks and yelp, j roans and -it?li, A terrible 'li.-'-or l r.f -tfe-s- n 1 its iiii..T-' .rp -nt -''.rfiB to saj 3 1: .1 wanming v 'jl '. J.-war ' la-ware of th-c r-r.v rri cd ar-'. '.' out r-a nns of eheerfuliie-a Ji.i'i Ill's lilies f f.-irl'-rsn .-. V. It" riv i of r ptur- run! iv.z loud with the. birds .. ;o.ilnt Hrjojr of s w- w rd"!. And lo A. look uj. to the -em ! j !' far away from the cavern of ear"1, V';j'-r'- tin s" j.-tii-nt sifter.-, of darkness f.. r ri f and v.i,- and despair. JIar4 th- v ry ho'-s repeat ud say I:i t'i'-ir .Ti-o'-l. in way . "I. -.are : I'i ware .f th- '-avrn '-f ''ar-1 !" - l.r;.!r r V. I'. I'.at-.s in Hou.wlb. 0MI fi and, approaching, begrred the privi- but lay it to waywardness, not It-go of j j. oil: j. Shj responded that real tell Hereafter I will beuiffer ed.e was engag- .L j eat. - And now, come." I "You are aKirs engaged when I "I cannot. I am at tbe eerype ol happen around." Jack (yivagely. this gentleman." "Yo::, too, have c-rtam Snga't;. The rival regarded them rrdh a rac-tits, I W-fv.," hbe retorted with i melancholy f-miie. He bad passed bittng t-nr.-asm. that period of volcanic youth, bitfcow . Jaeii tt.un'Lt of prima donna j La lit fciuttieniy as n tbe ufaa. of i ext: tt .-a-n t.- in the. thirtitl nnd wa.-i H;i:;.t. Ashu turned away age grasped Lira and luade . llm 20 -th-smontb. as 'l .t7 aHi7a th'V captiv Mr M-ti- carried .tT th'e votiii? vt-ars older. How fair hbe wai with '-the rivf:. ofChir. that tao heava wer : . , , ' , , . , r-entj. E2f kiel !., 1. I adv. r.e.iL' luo moat profound i tnu dew of eanv morn inon heahair I . . , - , . . t J - , , ill with o;hr, h i I b?a "TratrS- avrr.i' n to Hit!i'-riii LiH riVdlr . hap- ; How imassioned was sue who sue? ate!, aa-l wail ja U,rc: laverv. Man - -r; tUt J .".'ut. : r.. n '. rari C '. x . t;- a..-.; i r i U- "rt- OurIrpartplC Friend; Who : "; " iV : - 'r t ; "-'J In ihii rii -.f Xt 1 t r- nr" ; s-j -h th s.'t r.- DR. TALMACiK's SUNDAY THEME. Are Still Regaling That Taste lu the V orld Celestial. fay -tA. y t; Iv n:r; rs-r i If ::.o-;r!:fvii. si.-! I U JUi t ' r..t ; al! t'.v t!" far a i jiin'-b-, hmed into the smoking rjoia s.tid i::iUicdtat.-ly ordered a bot tle of h:u;ipaU"'4 Thea he lighted a ! r I cogitate 1 bitterly, trying to j HhvA out the melody of the j orchestra. 'The more ho drank and the- more he H:n')' moreeuraged h- cani". Yii' ii. afu.-r a consider 1 able itit'srya:. hi A ;:itered, Jack iiro-" arid ibdib'-rately jostled against I li i in i m mo vi:ig toward the. door- A tliirti of unger cros-.ed the other's face j v. hi!- ihc i'nvcr ytood thero with ah i , ' jnsi.iirl:t rlilli'.-. i "Vuu joined me, sir?'' said the hal. d:d I?" .-aid tho lover. .i i r a l . . hi is u,e in;c o. a con. irons gen- , You hay(; lJ(JtU drinking . too 1h:it,, uu impetuous lover and "muck- ,Sr(;rnly. li"!. io in-iid.. The i-rene in iu the gav j t v i i JS ot at a i !. "You imply intention. You fchall us '.uiQfs t'aaks cfth- r-val c.aaal wai.h by aai tther frfs ha I bWa coa -nu J to a ijj by th orler of X-ej.n?ha !ntsr.r this r-r-yal canal in the text ealie J tho Hiver " Chsbar thf il' Kn I I T.lons at h.avwn. Indeei tt is almost r.:- A Courteous Gentleman. told her love to another. Thoservorda she had led him to believe, wde to Lave been addressed to himself one day. But thev were n banusotue COUJ all Lis 1 1 "Tl I c i.L'. T ' ' 11 i. in K. Dir, a was in our way uis.i mjjm , . wniif-am aa l i. tii T.iurta , 4 ,J v rnoatu .at: t -r. th.i ti't'.i .ii;- of th rmnth. had the right to feel offended, I pro Mime. I am convinced now that I fill i h . pr 'wh . f t ' :'i.f:.-e I ja.";: ;-t I --t !." r,- -i ji ii1 f- if Ii ba I :;u.l t . n: :u .a t-- v ',;tn- a:: 1 tr.:;r.; rt ;.a i rtj:w.-. c.r.-.:.! t.i Ha Jr.. - au- art; arn "r: r th .a-t tsi' i"t- th . rtr; ';' T. v': - t lew .'- I h er.atcrii of xh "Cr-.-ittcti." IT. very K'.y that a.s th crc:'"'itr.i ea-;:t to ttsai jAnioi: r aa?f. "I. t th-r- t-,- ir--';::" th whu!' Hu !i'-".o-! r an. I ci : i i, anl liarac wacl h'rs haul t a ir t -ava .m l cai i. t WVS -S.--1 flint- V -i .i . . . ,iel Ana tie naa imaginea net n-av-fri com not to th -who ar on' . V- 1 n v .n !U ? Xbn be spako to her crave- " . 1 ,':rp',i,"r','- . hi, ,-(,; M i ... w; ,., ...... ... I urn at your command," be eard. V-,,-; l:iVlks ,,! ,l'.teh - ha! mr, , ,lU !lm , t!nvjri i;.,iv,., . . u : .I: ! iein comre le I t ! v.-n t th rc-tr.- . ...... . u.sduel bhall not go on." hs hearti.roKfri. t-a th-W wlxvn -roV ! V" Xr",J U"'!"1'.1" " W 'V'- "I But." began Jack. 1 . .'.r.r ''WJ rueufHr t- . thron- m a --n. .v. 1 wV.t v..a to un h-r- 1 tha: it "ra.-'.ouat-'lv f.-:i I t'a- h-a K; i ir' former. Yoii re-n:n.i'kr til" ynr. von r-'Tjem-berthi nv.n:h, von r tvrn-er ti'v iav. v u rf'nio.nbcr th-i h , ir. Way m iy w-uot twiv ; to b-ar.'n. T..S-1" i:f;.- nr" n ..V a . f har.:L tv. I IbinW that tae raai cli ct.s: -h ica"6 that tl; 1 vii-c . , , , . i i tt : fOTii !.a?a v .o!i nut an i if l.a in th. . a-a m.iv n u...v. r-'-.-"- o twolit!i month an I k !:'. cent C'ity, twenty yearn or more j bet ore tii'i war,"wh'n .New lineatis 1 - , $ i apOiO'-M.'1. piomi e l to b: the l,irget cy tm the j ..J;;;Mt?.tthJUL. ,aks, at yotjrconveu rontiTient, win n its shipping was enor- ; -j,.,!,...," itue; -, atid when du ding was the gentle- ' Very v.cil ; 1-w sll sen. I a friend to n!;!,iv atel approved method of feet- j yon.'' I "I will le pi ail to laeeivv liiin. 1 tie tiitr' (Iipie.ites. . , ! ' 1 , ,. l..t..M I -t . . S. .wf)(ilier N t! Ji:'.. I i:n- ii;ui;i. a us.-iv; isn't r.m or both of u in New Or-iean-. " Tii" rival bowed and left tho room, d'wiee liiore l.e danced with the belle, while Jack r--uu.ied bin attentions to I the wines of Jiis host. Late that iii-lit, or rather eaih- next morning,' when the French m;id was disrobing her mist res.--, th-girl appeared anxious t' impart eei ti'iiu iufw lation. "Made'inoiselie, the- butler at tho ball told me something." "What is it?" Indifferently. "Ha servjl rdnn.sieur Jack with much wine and many cigars. Mon skoir Marsden entered ; Monsieur Jack ju.-tl. d h:m; Monsieur Mart-den re-.-pom led with anger ; they exchanged words and are to meet early this ! morning at the Oiks." I "At the Oaks!" exclaimed Made I m.ii.eile. "Oh, that' cannot be. Are in six:u lav of th glected to d i so, this lady ias madej tu.mth? , , t ' ' i 'J'h qu-tir.n i.-? often sl,,snt!v a-k mo feel the error of my position and, perhaps n-ver an Ublv .top oun-i, 1. -Wtuit I now do niolo'ize for having been ar,i r,ur lt;,art.t Ciiri-tian fri-m U !oin m your way. My apology, I trust" with a melancholy fcmile "will ba accepted. l.fen b n h 1 ts i-t l-'i-n. an t s ya-ir crran i'a'h-rr .111 have 'n- wt!i thf-a Wa ei t:i - t-.R " !, tvv -h 1 t'r .-..! ! ; nil ve 1 t : n Vi k they nm-t m ttu jtn.l rs o; aiaea-.'jr Acain, I r-.iUr tUaJ th of fir ran I t.'ari-tian fr.h-.:- w : ui t'i.s wor'. 1 now.'"' Th- 'jn-stioa is more ea-ilv nn-w.-re I , a 1 very st.-.tiu tu a ary .-srit w n v sa than von nii -ht T,rh-n, mr,nn.r Tt,.-.u .-. i aimie.-e.oe-t ia' an t .-urm ts I--' tat - . th-rohas 'w n, re'nt into'lier:.;'.) froai t T,;vr" iir h,lu lr' "yP" the heav-nly -itv. an 1 wo v-'m d-p-a lent ' They eair.t h-.; it. in ! .upon th-; -t rv of e!--li!.ea cnhir.esnc i ; maH m tl n ... ; ' . . - . - , , a ora n . c, .. o ,m s-aiier-. - ! s jii ; t r--,- -! .:"' i:n t ; ' r . ml t k. ; -tp t r1tf ti r?tr!'I frv t. firimt tTOfld: th th.n -i l-t.rii,.tT, s' fhm th wll: .j-.a: rier t s-a it tfrn ti N lat " r tea thr tih N.-jlen thruca ttoa on ; ; ty, te;50i.i-' a tiecraFhl : ?.at.' broken tMx-ucl freas. th ether .. f:rnx- tr.f!rr.isi whtca ! n lai tb;r ic?ct&or ct,, rplrit-. ' si't'!.; hvi-'-'tVa AU that xoiUter :?-.! -ir. They ia-ijh ec t oM ' rersT vo! iM s-t .v? mfspffraov-i broth fr. th -v n w:a isi-ttr-tesl brw it. v.c a:. 1 n; rifnctmw, oay with r.; thy . a i stv-s-r u th way ta epa 1 t'-i" mtV'ri Ah'xm.; taatiuc atall hi :r, li'nt. fip'Tfr. .l-a ia Ur.sil, comics .rs,, f.t n vf'ty ta th rv-cVf. tk-i-.C e.T hi ba. a:..! yr.c: "(intlnieo, let u p'av. We mu-t h jt li viot tiSnzaiaatioo. ,V- want wi ' t fr en the t'.-eator to rtaJy s r 1 mi !' tht-m. Let u ry-" A'e- ? c in; en with kU itaiitafor- t-T at 1 forev. r. r. at !im nretftrt men ef the Vatr, wh In th;5 weri i ? .itin.t tblr chif joy in the trt what r theT 1 - t injt.a'vin a nlvee hre eTfrythlaK ,,ts'r hv l iw f ram the nieht oi m'r.c Ur'.Mfi fdjrht t xrfrbl law not nn lhart an l .lru Umff. tut rikhteoui . . t c s . M An mislttf nt law. H'-orr w oicw r'n'rub .aa t ?fr.aph an 1 nrohant'Til llipwi! i.. -w: th thaiti 'f i - t i in 1 ar-mu !th itn:n'.'aitu' tialTn ,n ! ftTr.-.ty. i ha n t law. What a J to s'r. '.v law. where ailtU links of the c ar ia tie baa 1' Whatftts ear lftrtl rhrilan t w'j m li. vcr'-.l ha ! thMr jy in th' .art ! i? nsw'.' ihiv at th'r ol4 1 r. --.. S' i m -iviis.s in h'v -o. but pteti'? Hi'O!"" on earth, i !ntv ef w Hinds la t hT-reat rart- of (! la rdalon ! 1 h-al't an t f" !. rn St a !: !h-s ir'.riae s ''.r:i i. J v.v;i n-.t in U?y ,hotr C'C at Wit ii iU't.tfon,- le tU. Oil CtBllO i: -i 1' r-:an 1 wh v that ratnt wet! afte ail th- s'iiil'nl ,i."t r ha 1 a 1 h inut be 1' -rhar. - A1.. ! -r--r.' e- wb . nft-r maav yeaii i '.'ru; th t ti ' :ia ! t:i iu e pi- in Sm;!vi(, weru up 1 a 1 m l1;. rertiap- AhrcrombH to !:Ml.ip. I -h-a! I at .o.ler If m el t 'r.-a i. lr J-.!m It wn. wn iHeUn V. i the 'i i;e 'i'r vwes iit th largo Catholic r-atlodral had pist bf.-eiii concluded, and; through th'; entrance, out into til'1 oub!i( spiar-v, sauntered a middie agfd m hi with a ynung won ni:, as fair as any fb sii ed - to look upon, at his fide. Her cheek had tho hue oi J the Mtn-kihsed peach and her sparkling j ;1 i nee hho wed tiiat hhe was bv no mean- : ! a ib i.'i.i! e madoiinn, although she h id j ju-t eome from church. Her compan- j ii i i . . : " i 1. I ion win tall ami iusi;nguisucu lookiug, "dressed in the height of fnseiou and carrying himself with a mi iliry erectness. Everyone ad miied Mr. Marbden, theeloiieut law ' ver, the superb orator and tho bril liant hohbci-statesman. Kindly, but linpetiou- ; with 'generous jntstinet-, but a linry temp r, he was the ideal type oi a gadant, chivalrous southern ( r. Ti:e t nder regard ho exhibited lowaid the young girl with the fpark- i v ..j Sll . , y ' :iu ' giancys was in keejong with the j ' .. i--;.,.. b-.ttler saw it all. " atteati.oi he h id bestowed upon her l lt is terrible ; it is terrible !" for twelve mouths past, giving rise t j "Wrd. mademoiselle," said the girl tnu-di .sje cul iiiou as to whether or not j eotwdinglv. "Monsieur Marsd-n is h-' woai.t carry otT th- pn.e. M.any j (),,., ,, xie best swordsm.-u in New ti's:ipp..i:ited suitors for Helen Man-' j (), .ans It is not he, but Monsieur Mile's hand felt, extremely vengeful j tIiU,k j.0 win n, Uii;cd." "Yes, do accept it, Jack," pleaded ; 7 h, m . T., v ar , r ire-n s an i wn -.. I'f- VOUllt-ladv. ' lour transferrel kinsfolk. After (ol ha ; !'yy "r11 lr 1 IV .r,V:. V. I., i,':; ' - :;, un,,,, L i ' ' :. nhv4 kho love- was about to make a T'1' U lr 'l"tU cM v !'u a -i n:' s ..n nn ! wri l r:i wr I nathor I -shoub' the Joe. was about to make a charactenst.c of its te:nPerani-nt. ou nov-r y i!:: ii v? Til .: w-n-l-r if i... ha l un Uirk aain n nme-fuced response when the rival knw a aiaa r.hl-n-.atie in temperam-ut to jlorr'of ii'. -I'v.-a .'r-tv -i lot a?:. int.. m- ..f ..t 1 patient. Two . i 4 1 v i i 1 tV00 in t -ineeraniear. , , ., !, , . .. ' u iVi I en 1 wat v. h ha 1- th ir i in lialm the pakt.HHi luted them courteously and turned ou nver knex .a map s:tn- ! ' ;V f J-f , , ault!,, o'l earth, uP to liravet? , . , I ETUini- in t,.n.nAm-i,rtnt f 'l.-im., i.bft"m-i. . "Til- eillrl-ft Of I " 1 Tlf- 21,))'. 1.1 'hi . . . ... . ...-.ll . Jack, returned in trmmpn, i; ? , " . . . .i,,.,.,,,.,,,,;,, . .:.. ,.-,;, r Ta ania i,t u-u.gmu 1 ' tie in temn-rar:i!ir. o:ivr-inn i.lant n-'.v l, la ' .n '! ,e . w .. a "i. . -.1.1. a- I ,.......,, T, I eh sa away his divinity'H carriage, while the rival tlrovo back slowly, telling himsell Detroit Free Press. . itaising Large Trees. In the vicinity of Philadelphia they have a fashion of lifting large trees mrtranciit. onavr.-ann i prineip! s. ilv tu; soui, t,ut Paul an 1 John ar t. J.7Uti salt!. "'a arm.- wa-..-a ar- inst as dilT-real from each othor'affr on- ! In heaven,Vr,l Hi:: on winte Jer- " ver-ion as thev wer-i .tiff.'reat fro-,-, each i Nw. vu tho- w'a.. U id tin- nviit.arv .-p.r.t that one is never too old to lcam I oth-rbe'or e..nver-ion. I: eonver-ion .hv.. T'' ! JYv I l,n!,,IA l!, nr,....l..i.nt f -i r . n' nrj s.t ??. j : thV HS-lt JW IV OUf.-te 1 CO. f.' 0 tl.-.U'Vily of te anvrameat. neither will 1 'ath era -H-aM i 4 -i:,;!,,1n. ' " " theai. " Paul and John ar rus d'li'erent fr.-m i Tu"r !' ' 'a fl"-iv s1 !""' i!h oth-r in heaven as th-v wera diffcre'u't a sjl.iierly s?inr.. 'l arc -4aa 1 p i;a 1 froai e.a -h ether in Asia Minor. day wh-nth- km? r!v.e-.v-1 aa t r.;l :.ere You have, then, only bv a f-itm in sub- must l an ann-d es.vts -at t i.iuK' up traction an I a sum ia a fdit'ioa" to de.i lo j from earth to he iv-a tU e wa . w-r-j ra-.rc want are the emplov-euts of voar leparte l than conpi -nrr. i;i-;a m-rt hi en-t-i i.;s . ill , . friends in tho hutter fc'orl-1. lou are to VV . ' where the grade Las been raised that extract from th-m af e-mhiv crossness j dominhm oatti. hi , bs " -1:0. . does not seem to be in practice else- nd add all earthly ffo-?lne3s ao 1 thea you. P :iinl-s,-ano of ev.l t o Sc ou at .bova where. Two ropes are attached to Uoin now in heaven what m their lust ' n.iu"r.-d, w-U to ;-ut to twt.r.-h, the top of the tree so that each can be,' they did en earth. Thaoa j P'Mdoit lii 1 J why so many people never start for hwvon voriu-ioo. sia.T. win - ' drawn iu different directions. A is because they could nstand it if they: i sdes that, in oiir wa worel tu-rj aro oa.- trench is built around the base tbl j tree the circle being as wjide as may seem judicious. When dug to tho rn ir it inn I I trfrn nil ta tn. tti I lirts lor Tl JUl la l HiC-Ois. iuj wi-. -irid and foniial nlacu J)1 photo-1 wh-sro w mart havo t" have:ily military. ffrapa it. Wo lik to como 'o c!inr.:i, out mat 13 wnai i" ?- wu'.'" " " wo would -not want to stav h"r till next buoyant So J cy 00 1 tie a ai: iuit so n any aurnmer. Wo like to har'thrt "Had duiaiv 1 bad m-n; sif rv vUlirenes a.'atat s many depth desired the earth is - forked" j Chorus" "bat we would not want to hear i Krocshops ,0 taviv pur rnn o nr ;s 1 - . 1 It r.11 tbA UmA for hfiv cpnairien It micrht 1 against F-o many P o:tc l nr.n.m-, p. ss. ., away from the ball oh one side and a t be on so mo great 0-2 it wou'-l b possi-'' , 'And vet wc ar- h l-iyaat ia caur.uoa-. block set under the roots as a sort of I '. nfortahle to wear a crova V goli, ' n H-erhn-rnher', : witr-ung sevrtral pounds, but it would be an ; eil in the w.1.1 a. i.u, r My fulcrum. The rope on that side js drawn ' affliction to wear such a crown for-iver. In ! than the arniy of truth, th re ana .a- ! hnro in t!i. a;r M-'ltin.? no o:W fi I". I bav I iftiprir.r.lo h-i. run f li.; .I.ii.ri r.tir.m llf lion VP'h bortS it! til tiT il-T itO over the block, and the result l.s tho -; if ,1,.. .K;!a ,...',i.., .;., I c-. m'.. -.h f.ii-h in th-ar.nv on th- er uri I lifting up of the mass of roots on the j waOnten lol as social an I cet-brativ to.' 1 as I haw in nv 111 thiji.r. (),. . , 0 1 I h.ii,J.i.:.:ii3;,...Amr,iA,.m.w in linfivon An I A-.n iiiir - that w- rhav v lo'.n . VJ I II' ' V A - Ol.Tl O e Oipi ' T IU Us sl 1 .1 1 v u, m. s -m ' ' . - c a -re' at Hat what ar enr frinH wha foun thlt hi"f j. y in e . a an 1 in so'ittlity do iv.j mxf In brihtr e- riv.r.-a.lan the r an iu l'mu It-rf n'la ny. What a pin to visa ia when y ur 1 -- .',i,r ieiht'.)rs are klnv' an '.!! a- f-tisi. v..i viurlve kta?lv an t qtieet.- h ! If ti-.. y want to ku w m r pactlcularf. th- t!r-t pir tit-., thv have only to h. ev-r a:i 1 a-' V Ia n. If thev want to leuow ho th-. sua an 1 th- m.on hait-J, th-y havrt only to e evr nn I ask Jo.-hu.i. If thev want to knew how tii- storm :-!td S jiiorn. they hT ..a y t k "v-r aula-. Lt. If thev want to know more alwut the .arroiraoee of Hainan. tb"v h av- only to 1:0 ovir an 1 ask Mor-IfPuL If thyv want to In .w ii"wthe Ked.Keu t0ii when it was fnvrti t hoy b iv only to ro ot .... .... . ai-t ai ,u "". 11 u.y v.i'it.M kdowi tani'.rars ti -a: iaf iicinn?aem an th-v have only to Jo over an 1 ask terenadlnir aie-'s wlei t-ttvd that Ch mas liiiht ta th- ail.i r,f rvts th"v want t Unf rr.oro of thfa -jirtloui of the 'ru-tfUl-n; th y bav only to ffo nn 1 a-' tie -:. wh wcfi rTsoaal- fpoct whil- th- m .intain1 rr.)ii.nel and b- i-.-f-a-" l--l bin -k in the fa"0 at the ta 1 If ib'-y want t know more atr su.'T -rlnp of th- s , itoh Covenanter bar- ...n!y t vvt 'i..aHlj Andre vi'ii-. If thv want f ' sn .Jn or a oil tir. r-vivni-. th-w fin. mlv to as i Wh 'e.i 1. an I HlV.iay..an3 t ,n, an 1 T.-tchT, and Netilejon, lilt what nri eur departs t toward the' gallant statesman, none cm. ma tided thf nns- "il. -p.O.M We" are early," th-v ' conn", he aid to his " was the re- 11 s - than Jack Culvert, n rieh.tnl- j tre-'s. ..nt.-d an I c.tremcdy r.-ekb - .young j' Uri .dr. and cat ly 1 he next morning U1!1U. Tor several months he had .J ack t .un I hitnsd f beneath the Oaks, K,.ie d before the liniif of the diviu- ; ith hi second. His Jiead felt a little ,tv without nuking mark.d progress "I havy and . Lis ban I shook, but not and thni the state-man had appeared withleir and -seemed to be carrying h r off, de the vouie: lover's most strenuou i -' . 1 effort-. -si it happened that Jack, no ; bett r than he .-hoiiol have been, sougni , y,. yllVS vo.-n on toe spot the consolation of miut juleps an;, .tu. ' sU(,;i!s -vtv brought out. and similar beverages, becoming a l A! (r V)U, an .tie r gr,.up eon-ti.nt -h . .pienter ot the rs'. v naries ;k,.t,w ti;Ht atiotner cafe. isort, wtiere were iiiiiiia men 01 mi u.- tious. it might be said, he made the j - vii:i attempt to lirown his sorrow and ' ;r, 'm:i.-t this matter i: y bis ciiagitn ly mean-, of the beverage .ip,I..g he so persistently drew through two , have n apology." t(.,vs.. He even 1 luiicred into greater 1 "Vcrv v., ':.'.! itiss i.ll'lMtl iu operation then 1 Willi I;.. -nr.. ouoosite sule. A little eartn is then mlmt as well, if asked to dM"rib tha bahits ! lialiiary spirits ttia. m ru. ni in.. 001 .. , f . , f flJ af.artiirt placed under these elevirtcal roots, and Amricm so-ty deserib a Iteration ! join th-Mdjt'.r VZxnlVn I '-r !..i-y finding th.r ehbf 1 . ' j Dav or a Fourth of July, or an autumnal . Jo-hu ian i( al -o n 't .-' onnni .m.ii a.i 1 1 c.,iwnat w :n-v don n the opposite rope drawn to- that side, j I'hanks-ivinvr, as though it were all tho time : Hamv.n aa t th- b 3 lr Is or Chn-ti 1:1 war- r(,,;), in . ,n !i; w ,rk John . , -, 1 that wav. " 1 riors vh ) on earth f e. it wit a 'l.c'ov ar"i, ; ,tir,-daa -n-; th. wom" luis lifts the roots overp. biociv.aud ; T ftrn 1,f)t to r,.,,,aiat0 in regard to i an I nv.v, havl i.r 0.1- u- 0.1 h'..:a. arc e-m- s n;,.rn ptl-Q-t Kftllliil more earth is placed there, y The tree, ! :h-futun worfl, but i mast, by inevitable i in- iJo-vn t !s of V ava mi ly t o tl-jht f,,r th w.,uu lei: 1 5 lf f by the aid ot the' opposite ropes, is J(.n ,n .,. j.-, that in li.wa w-will bo i p,-, .vhat a'on-. vith-ynaM 'a1 frn U to ! 1 ,oini; .afiej; t'. .-navM 1-all i . ... th n " - ".- -'I iv j'li'.v -.un t tti-ir 1 . e.i l! i-ii carta t-i.r fin an.l delight 1:1 ;t.i-"na: then drawn backwards' and forwards, 1 hist a- di.Tcrcut . fr m e.a -h oth-r as wear 1 .v diff r-nt. an 1 ii-nce thatthr- will 1) at Ti:-r- w is ! br-f . ,r-1 h t .n.''-.t n-t t he ter more earth being 'placed nt each turn. Te.ast as many di!T;r.nt employm nts in thy '. n.;iri, p..-tVv u, t: .n bi 1". 1 ''-l than in J .'in- -.farting pv'-?. What .arc our d. Tn-n vai v vbnrt time tbe tree r,iv ho ' 'ehstial world as ther- are e:npl..ym-uits ; ll;oi Tuv -r p i--c.a'eiy f ,ai "f ( tian fri-n 1- wii f-un-l Ibelj Juaveia short time the - tree wav DO aere. chri,t;ilto be the-r-at love, th-ffreaf ! mah-nVi.;s a- 1'lat -a, wa - -v-.c- wv-r 1-U j fetu iyire.- liol dolnc elevated as many feet as may bo tie- jov. th-threat rapture, fh-cr-.-at wor-hip ot : door, ,l."t no i:--r Imtc wd is. n .t ii---. . . heaven, but will that abVish employm-nts? ! A-iaiutM wlt a:m-tt-.'" What ar th y sired, standing on the summit of a s'o more than love on e.arth paternal, 11 ii u. -' , ,;n n .'.V.' ;y rv lJ-y fth fg ir--- y.-t. lirm mound of earth. Trees twenty- 'rarernal, -eonju.sjil lov--abouslis carta. y . N , ,.;a in aH !.un I k- b-;av-u ceunaiion. U-'ar-s. .uj.ri riu i . --' In th Hr-t I remark that ad thosa ' 1,M,i.ii,,.,c bi iio., if t'o-v want t i".o five to fifty feet hiih, with trunks twelve to eighteen inches in thick ness, have been lifted m this way with very little cheek to future growth. Mcehaa's Mouth'iv. Of our departed Chris-ian friea !s rv'-.t on Drought Every Nineteen Years. II. C. Kussell, a scientific man of md thev New South ales, announces as a re- wt.-re the .n:asts an 1 tn- r.aia.-.w am it,- Charles . ;k,.t,v,. ti.Ht ntiotner i;spnte wis Wing j .-tilt of a prolonged examination of .X, t" ?Vpp js-,'b -au-Vth- painter dr -,;.- In that great subterranean re- ; s .,.;t i U titW Vl.p.r,ar fashion. The ; history, from the earliest times that " 1 1 1 .rr . . . ' ,i . . . . :.i . .. e :i r.lra . . I.1- Hill , . a ... . . . i i im-ii s an 1 a' " -i-rc at I ff '" ' - e.arth found preat joy inth-tin- art- are-si -w tr"noai-tr'.-s f.-.r n : ''.jtv. . a 1 ' indulktin their t; ' in th- im" dir-ctioa. : of s- a--t- 1 o v . W aat m i.v;' .-s-Ou earth th-y ha 1 th-ir irla 1 I--t p'" to ir.-.i-nr-! Wa i d. -.-i. t--, w:r Sr a atnid pi-tur-s and st itua-y an I in th- ft 11 iy f..r,.r! wait tr-a.'-. v.- ia '. ; i'-'ui ;. cf the Hw.s of liht an 1 an 1 p-r-.-c- what P, what .yron-. wa it tive. Have y.v.i aav i ! -a that that nfflc-n fa"u,t v at'.i-a'.h e aps- I ar. J perLsh-id.'-Why , 'when tli-r-is rr.'.'M f i tti-.n to look at an 1 th-v have k-'i-r aopr-;a-i. n of th - beautiful and th-v -'and aniidth vry loo ns 1 4 v;-' vi c n Is eric s-.-t e .a--; Win aro o d p rrao a-" exol -r -- V--. lit will .."..: ' i tirae. A'c-'atia-'. a a ? . a 'V ri 1 i' a '--.a 1. a piarcer.y. - ' ' :.. ' a ( ' ''"' '' a 1 1 ii. wca ? -'lri J ... li i r " ; a li'ai'i t -r i : -v "' v- . .. t . ' i e r 1 .' 'ontcsta lift w the io.ver seasons of drought recur with tin fail . wiiieh hewas eal irj; 114 an i inren-.ifyi: nig rcgu laritv at intervals of nineteen rty T fl ft v v.-a-s i- entire. o ).;. Ih-se artists, or th- .' ar. on -art! Aa- 1 vear Of 2).S droughts recorded wori? 1 ia e .arr. m it-ria! an i with rmpr ! : i 000 feet brain an 1 with frail baa!. Nawthyy since iub ci 'c " iiisccn have carric 1 the. r art into lav r i,:c-rtn?s form to his theory, which is that there and inta wiJ-r eir u:nfer,n-"e. Thp- arc at their old - u-in. vet. but without the are everv nineteen j-ears one long fatigue-., with .ut the !:rriitai-?o-. without .;pit;oi-. Helen once saw him j To him w no rMves she shall be- j Ierioa Jf three velars, during which V." vni t the races itht re were two hi.j. ' i the rainfall is feoinc-whabafeficieat, and .piec-ul .M.eJa;l tb-Armani-.; cv.v that ban 1: 1 Can-tiaa 1 I. ,.-;c. -b; -:;a !"i Je.r.n'.: W' j'.--. u -r. -r-r r,y. ' ra s r - r -tue-n. ba a.; -f :b - -v- t.ik i.rja-haio alr.n.stost th -r pe r- 1 wit;. V'.t a -li 'inharre i -nn 1 op 1 "V .-ilia a-. a-. , If.- 1 A'fi -an r: r: . ' 1 i-r. v.-.k it.,: 1; i;i '. b it '. 1 wa -n-" a . ip- '..;';' --a'' I . w.ta .at tl ' lb - m -1- ., - mo jaai:. , .t .-ir H ia.pbri.-y i .. . u'.-eat tiaCu- r ensivciy. 1 ne y luia d 1 . . ., W U-i Co oitia of ;v 1'reue h nb , ... c.i.i.a.. l..d!. r wn-rcoi'ou . ..s. .'. ..V..S. 1 . deirocr-ttely took th; other way. And ".vie v. "We arc." 1 They v, n- ao ,,ia,,y were the evenings pasel n-t the.- selves u.t i..- :;: e.ibs, when ht-cii, 1 ttrgundy and the ; hv.ird m th- : ?no:e btc rages dewed in ' next :.;v. nt a ulv;i. dance. Hut the sorrow wouldn't : It was tn dioatC and t::e chagrin always floated. ; Iuipetu- ! the br on ti'.e . . the so'.dter-statesman and Helen arms oi t: or. ssed th5 rp.iare whom bh mid they ! then contr ,t to ttit ow -tnem-u when a carriage '. 1 id ne by and the ni-.e l forward. v...:a.iti- herself. v s .e . a n- r. if md upon : :; ii but into the e .'. . re 1 voung man, a shorter period between each of tho J' 1 long periods when the deficiency is ih-t b-h vi-c,e excessive. Heevtu limb a coclirma- I',1' . 'V T .5 1'-l t i. 1 1 U . .t.r.Lu.binr in tho -r r. -'.'"-; r. ' liOli C'l Oi'- Hil'lV CUiUU..'Jiv 'U s w ... .. ' fact that the dates of . the Egyptian ; drought during King David's reign, i that told bv Elijah and that predicted i by Elisha all-fail into tub ninetetn vear period. 1, r.,, . rs f,"i 1 1 r.r - v n r 0 a s'i. tu- "I r nityM- t'.-w te 1 th-m. Mi 'ha -i Anir-io r.-' r, tii- '"La: Jo l?:i.-r.''' a r f.-h an 1 b- rd the r.c::s -1 O- thur. !r. Li- r u i.-ite co..- r re r . s..?. . j . nii- i.-:-. j -er'u csjar s-;- h-re. r :t I ?-.m p"r-:a'-l that th isr.Oi r ' -t:; !i an 1 th- t-rl-snfr ealt-n-- a-- ii.,::r e;.. t-y th- w.n !; rnar- ri-tair ' t r.ui'-b '-r. ar. t thn? T..f;:r r j h - - H ...t t It"-.' rar.i-anlTit a:, ar I p.a; V-.-: r. if tb-y 'i'T .-! favinc t y ;x,.rtra V- . t - .. r tr Davv 3 1 v ia a- - their "hMff J in ''') '; j, . v.-r. ? '.-, 1 r --'- 1 ''' "" ii :,-- - 1 a 'e ;v . a - ' . i.-iV'-" ';":; ' -r- a - - C ' a ' -1 . L . f,r v ;'.: v - : '- "' ' a- th"- '. ''' '" '-' ' ' ''-nn.r-r W;.at sr tr. .'-'" ' a '-- - - i' - - t ' . -.- . ': - .'--'-: " - r. .."m1. fr!r. ! wh' f el", i y r tii- t. V- 11-- 1 o rrvomion b'.m -h- 1. t !."V nr fa" to ffil f n hnii ! lb .'iin ip'.t "n' mst ai a ebii ! liar. '0-- t!i- ftu ; ,.r ,...,R i i r; ffcn victorioni wL 'i aev .'i iv ne hid; na far. eons"pini! S:u lyin i"hri-t. a t through a rev.1 j -av- th r"V-'att'n ef th urars tht A : i.-tt -w.t. w'.b-h I nn;' St all up ot :! onis'h. H" -.; .!' i: tb- ChrUt 'V.f th It -ri 'iravj-1-i'.rv, th- Chr.-t of the rr nsi 'r-. .' 1 Its hmorrhft e u t i a,, t ba'. 1 ant f.'-et and tile; the Cbrh ;,. j.,- .ire ! n a'i" t'!in, "bYit the rol . t:.- t sr. th s n. th's Man, lb f r . l-'Poi, lb- Man-oiol. Its bark! I ' r,' "..'b'ilrit fin? the eth r .! -..-:.. V. aat Si tho rr. liter a , i :.- l r.i.- to n- a trai meting In ..-.- a. w .r-'o-tr. aii - atiasc throiish J ;.(-;-. M .T.oaaf-rihefnir-;,r, C-i .uc. P.'!-' ia t? ttrar.le- A!l traven Ktt ' p. - fir . .:. 1 H.T..1 Ih'j wholoy-dthe r ! if a! c ae-1 1 at th f'.j-n of Hhari To - wn 1 rr 1 ra ii? e i-s to mta to , i v .i . Ti:- wh wf athemttl'Uort : , r- t.' y.-ars f IPs r-3g;n. Tnoj r-r- . loir r ' cot.- t i nleover the b an ! f a-d':pth ac-1 the length ant br i e.i Hi '.aire. Tho-e Wii-j mi ,-t .- .-ar-.h wiettCel.' "rPj ; -..rd in h avry. firm to loj i e-'O: a? the Slorr !. ...... r r-.-.rJifO I'jOV s I ' .1 of pu' - an 1 4ea-J. II 2. '! the ..n-2 . to loJ i vj ,-!.. !1 'or oar trf 'l,;f-r-nt a'-1 dffrQt forf ..... t . t no a ai 1ft ";;'.- In w;-rhip'- Jcr 0 n .ke m J-mitis in the doxofoy 1 - ; -a": a Whl U fr OSf . ,' .uimaadmg t -ic uiiter but Jack htmself.wao looUeO ouewaat pale aud fr.tigued. She l,,,rdtjLi;u very coldly, and then t - iguend his presence, 'hweit st nr. 1:1 her companio n cc-ture tbe - Jack 1 !.-:.... 1 .. ground his teeth, gazeo alter tkom and thea strode toward the' St. C'aarlJ-s where he drank three mint juleps one attar another. At a fit,,hi..i.nbio ba-1 ht he again Lll. divinity, who looked simply :n oh able. Jack forgot h:s refill- ia..:.t iu a budaou speil of admiration, j Iwajs lv.d lias No Friends in the Jungle ! Birds and monkeys will often wara j the jungler of the atpruach of a tiger -Stet." -he sH-r.. "Y .u shall not j the Utter especiily take every op . y ... j. ,.,v an:t I have ' portuaity to express by loud hooting tnn;:... lb, v,.n forgive ' the latently t f tneir feelings at tr.e Promise :i.e vuU wdi not j hated pres .ice of either of the dread beings of their jungle?. I have heard aidv do otnc-rwise," too that birk of the sambir i .ve- who :ra- I stag sound again and again in the seven t a ne-oc -?.".va. ar-' r - . ' ' - i V " fl u: a t r- j.-.i j I r'T-ar-c :r; ' -.,,; r.. at- r : h at t v.-'. - r-.u -v it 'ant ad ! ta t ;.- .1 a . - Cep. ett-s 1 me. i right." 4 '1-0:1 n not ho replied tlie eat: aeiued him - ii wit ti iic-r at :u r ..v . . idea si- d. 44i i a . , ... tr.lT.p-. - -is. . fc-ar..' "1 i- - il r i - r . a ". - w . ) - r.-.-.-.tiT.- an- ar. i ' h .... , . . . T . . - r r . 1 w.-r 1 a- - i 1 r-ie i c. Hi- L :. -;- --f h-av-r. that vy ... u t b i i ri " --. n t r. - i.'J. r. 1 .. . . . , - , -..,,.. t.i'it. a- - : o '-r 1 .. - -rt t a-- a - 'srr r - . ! ' . ; ar44.. V --' r k- -f -v r. t-o-d.sst T.ade U klOi4 and -. r, f. t . 11,31 be sior iathi! -' ia ot d woIJ wMWrat ir;- r . ' i - . . . a I -s o'- aa , ; i -,"s-,t t-u tbtt oir-tlepartH frien . - r- af 10 v.-. f - h-rt-a, yon a ft..J , v . f tb- -cr.t to.tKi rete t J r ' Tl " '.-a a - Js lit a tn thi ' . s . 1 " r. it xi. a a a ?u Its shoulsie: fa r h v e-l. ieth '- : 1 rra : night-air from out the .lark jacg.ea on the banks . c f the Nerbudd. as b, v; V -r. oV:v ends out a warning tu tits iisa tuat 0. : -..-. :- - a 1 - . -.- -a, ... - r.r. 1 " r.i v r aa 5 v-rn-i a p".i ...-n. P bar-n bat rf'j ' - - - - --' . : a tu-r up J y '-f, v - .v ; ( rr.-tii. r-'l sii4 j; a tr.-r-' .- .. m t&T-n sfe ti' r. an 1 Ant: -i . a-. 15 i '.e c u a -. v a - ! a; .-r " 'V 14 f . ... .. H fce.,t f rom .-anaori r--T ---'a- ; w .at J -: It a r v oi -. ,- t..: t:..! a.i t. e '.n.T ?'h.a!lf1 --'; ., t.-.- i cr:,i,v rroTi.- Chla2 Tr.'-v i. a rjr':'. t:.-- '.a - - -- eut turrc i r:. . :,,' at I : rail fof OfH-j d and th -,..ifti! , to i- apptaudcl. Ijf)l .: -t-. b"s fro:a great hi l, .. s . . b.: ra'T cs a "I'ia .rj - t r v fiKc,; sac v,.n. Jack. (I have 1 murderous 4'6tnpt" i fctaikicg iear I Live bw on cruel, i Scr;bucr. , . C It 1. .. i a a i.. i- - -.,-.1 .-; i i- . Pv-n-ior. to tbe zxwt ci rmtjtrW :"X?'a" -'"i- ;:? : r--vT. t.,e !-.a.htr of the l-eTfon J "' . ;;' Vl., .a I ,--....y es a ar? rt tttr-.j . . .. s .... iib.V'o,. - - j a . -1 1 r Jc. V V "-4L s. J

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