ft mm mm rfiriil1irWr ft. II Ml n lV E:TEHSHE HILLSBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1897. NEW SERIES--VOL. XVI. NO. 52. FOREVER AND A DAY. -!! kV,!r-l on the bough ii th" air ..ft 'r'-"'-'n'lo now; . i , (."--iiP away, , i'M -h w-;nt sho toolc instlm" !n hr look. Mow on her chet. ; , j'it'-r from tne oroos, r : fr'-ra out the May .v.'.nt .-.he alh a week r- v'.r an 1 a day! It's little that I mfnd. How the. blossoms, pink or whit! At every touch of wiM ; Fal1 -tre.mbling with delight; I-or in the leafy lane. Beneath the trar.lea boutjh And through the silent house One thing alone I seek. T'ntll she comes attain The May is not the Mav, And what she call a week Is forever and a day' -Thomas Bailey Aldrich. in Atlantic Monthlv. t ;' ' '. I'J-i 9 i ; 7 vtw on? 05 rjc. o ormonB rw n The Ghostly Singer Jiy ALICE E. IVES. 4f pR HE Rev. B r o n b o n Masters ob jected to Mr. Shelby. The fi r s t and foremost rea son for this aver s ion was that Mr. I y Lad presumed to pay marked A'.r. t his daughter Eleanor. Th nd was that Mr. Shelby was t::;.i'!v a 1 1:111 k olerk on a small salary, fv, j;i lianl people, might have been .his enoii'ii to observe that the bore the most weitrht cried Shelby, eiinjrinit tc from some spirit who wished to warn him of peril to her. As he closed the door leading from the president's room the sleepy janitor awakened with a start. He eyed Shelby suspiciously. "Wa3 ye wantin' anything in there, sir?" he asked gruffly. I "So; I simply opened the. door be- ! "I am ready to risk anything, cause I heard a strange sound. Do ! myself I am not afraid,' said "Wait! his am." "They are ready to cme up. and they are ready for murder. They are watching on the outside, doubtless. Don't think of goine cut alone." The president gave him a strange look. For the lit I'lit-ction I) w;th tin- lU'vrrend Masters; but Much 1- h;iv- never known the anxiety . 1 ;t t-iiifij with a marriageable daugh-t.-r. i I )., then can they be expected . ju intelligently on such an ini )..it:i!it (jiM-stion? "V...I arc quite right, Bronson," f-.u 1 hi- :uster-iu-lav. ' "What do you k;, -.'. about Mr. Shelby? You reniem i. r til.- :v uatntunco was begun in an insular way a very irregular way." Tli'Tt; was no denying it did begin in an irn-gular way. The Merchants :t:; 1 IVa h i s 15ank was next door to the ii'mI".!1!! of the Ilevorcnd Bronson M i ! rs; and Mr. Jack Shelby, an iu- -i'liis, energetic young clerk, with hi- 1 - iger quite near the front win tl i v, 1 1 :i 1 allowed liis eyes to feast fre- lU.-ntiy m tho graceful liguro and j n i'y face of Miss Eleanor Masters as -h 'lit ted in and out of her father's Strange to say, Miss Masters had uh a H-ahionally allowed her glance to htr.iy toward the front window of the li.ru. Xot that any one cotild )Osi tivcly state under oath that she had ' v.i the lather high-bred face of a 1-r.e.vn-eyed bank clerk in that hame v. Hi -low; certainly not. But one dav f h' i ipjie 1 and fell on the icy pave- :;t in front of the bank just as Shel ly v. as enining out; and he helped her i'ito t ho house, and was asked to call, vl did call. A Mtli.T strange thing was that ?i i 1 It . -r of them seemed to reorret the a.vi.l.-nt. a it would seem natural thev Shtd.by, the third time he called, ?at.f:- damaged his prospect by gtt- ti:ii; into a discussion with the Rever- ! bronson Masters iti which he mani- ! ! a t 'li Iency to spiritualism, theo- s 'J :iy a'id other occult and unovtho .1 . !p -liefs. This 1m l impression was ::!' Hi, augmented bv tho dincov- yt . it he ha I no fortune, not even ' i -ctations, an.l was dependent on l.H -.alary for a living. Tu- growing atVection of the young "!.- !'.r each other was noticed by Mr. Masters, and he immediately cou .L i!i-1 with his sister-in-law, having no ii.- i-lsewith whom to consult, and as la - been seen, hhe quite agreed with aim t h it smdi tnTeetion should be im Ue tiutely nipped in tlie bud. A .rdiugly Mr. Shelby was given t tin h rstand that Miss Masters was :i b.Jiu'-r at home to him. But Shel- h'dger was still near tho front 1 -w, iiud Miss Masters had no 'f egress or ingress except by nt door of her residence, so e -till preserved his old roputa i!i regard to locksmiths, and :'i"d after the coo 1 old fashion. Abi.-tt this time the Reverend Bron- n M itersr met a fascinating widow, M-v H.irt 0:1 Wrlance. who had lately ::ie a member of his congregation. Ma-t.'rs intimated to Eh anor be would like her to ask Mrs. lance to vi!l. Like a dutiful -rhtVr she obeyed. Htid Mrs. Ver proiuptly. accepted the invita- a c miev often, and dined and bys W pj. , 1 '. iV 1. .V tl C! hi Mr tha V.r -Ian is:t.' S lun-U-d with the!ii. much to the a-uro of the host, but secretly to ana v.ince of his daughter. "Mr.-. Vt i lance never seem t me jetrane. ' sr.e ventured to sav cue to ! is -r 'i:ie:r. father. :. J am r.arita!!e --.1! 1 5 Iv S( frou surprised at such unchristianlike re was the stera re- And nhe walked the floor, in her helpless rage. Shortly after this Mr. Masters an nounced to his daughter that ho would spend his vacation in Europe. "I have decided to take you with me,'' he added. Eleanor'was delighted with the pros pect, and gave her parent an ecstatic hug. "Shall you close the house, papa?" she asked. "No; Mrs. Yerlance will rent it fur nished. I consider myself particular ly fortunate to have her here to look after things," he said. Eleanor didn't agree with him, but concluded that silence in this case was wisdom. "Mr. Burrows will take a room, too, so there will be the added protection of a man in the house," added Mr. Masters. Mr. Berkeley Burrows was a nephew of Mrs. Verlauce; he had Jbeen intro duced to the Masters family by his aunt. Eleanor felt something of the same aversion for him that she did for Mrs. Yerlance; but the Reverend Masters considered him a young gen tleman of great promise. Besides-, he had large expectations," as that gen tleman phrased it, and such things are not to be looked upon as drawbacks in a son-in-law. No communication being allowed between the young man iu the front window of tho bank and the young woman next door, Mr, Jack Shelby went off on his vacation without hav ing had an opportunity to inform Miss Masters of the fact. Shortly after he left she sailed for Europe, having cast a longing glance into the front window as she entered tho carriage which was to convey her to the pier. The glance met no re sponse, and she was both piqued and grieved, but gave no sign. Mrs. Yerlance came into possession; and the bank clerk returned from his vacation. His weary eyes watching for Eleanor's flitting to and fro were greeted only with the apparition of a rather stout blonde woman handsome ly arrayed, and not disposed to look Ins way. lie concluded she was a visitor of the Masters; and that perhaps Eleanor was awav for a week or two. He knew nothing of the departure of the family for Europe. One evening about half-past fix, as he was going to dinner, he discovered that he had left in the bank two thea tre tickets, which ho wished to use that night. Ho turned back, wonder ing if he would be able to get into find them. The deaf old janitor was just finish- intr un his work: but lie had some t A. trouble in attracting his attention, th uight.watchmau not having vet come on duty. Ho Anally succeeded, am the old fellow sat down m a corner to wait for him, and dozed olF. How quiet it was! The street traffic and roll of teams had ceased, and for the first time Shelby heard the tick of the clock on the wall. He had 'never been in the bank before so late. This strange silence made him feel as though he sat with the ghost of the bustling, noisy bnsiuess place whose features he knew so well. It was some thing dreamlike aud unreal. The strangeness of it all seemed to produce a peculiar impression upon him. He felt that could he sufficient ly master the occult forces of nature, that in this great, quiet place, and so neitr her home, he might make the girl he loved feel his presence. The silence became more profound. Suddenly he heard a low. musical sound. He could not tell from whence it came. It seemed almost ing to the vault. under his feet. As he listened it be came more distinct. There was a strain very like a well-known air from "Trovatore." Next be heard a name which made his heart bc-at fa?t. "O Eleauora." sounded the soft, ! my5terious voice, instead of the S familiar words "O Leonora" in the you ever hear strange sounds about here?" he asked. "Don't hear nothin'," answered the deaf servitor, crustily, and Shelby took himself off. The next day he thought of nothing but the strange happening at the bank. He burned with curiosity to again in vestigate. After hours he went again a little later ' and found Flynn, the watchman, there. Flynn didn't seem disposed to give him much time alone for occult demonstrations. He invented a pretext for getting Flynn away. It was quiet, and he listened intently. Again he heard the low, musical sound. Then came the wailing words, low but distinct: "O Eleanora." The voice, which seemed half reproach, half entreaty, was heart-rending in its appeal. The cold drops gathered on his fore head. What did it mean? The next moment the watchmnn came in and put an end to further in vestigations. He could invent no urther pretext for remaining, and went away. v The morning after this the president 1" 1 -i gave aim an .oad 100K as ne passed hrough. Shelbv went and stared into the mirror to see if lie had omitted lis necktie, or if there was anything peculiar in his personal appearance. He saw nothing but his rather hag gard features. There was a new clerk installed near him, and this man he also caught ooking at him in a scrutinizing way. He wondered why he had suddenly jecome so suspicious of every one. Was this mystery, together with his suspense about Eleanor, driving him insane? Was she menaced by some terrible peril? If he eould only spend a night alone in the bank, what might he not discover? 1 He determined to go boldly to the president, Mr. Bortree, aud ask his permission to do 60. "What is your reason for such a strange request? asked the omcial, looking suspiciouly at him. Shelby hesitated. Could he tell this hard, cold man of facts? "You are aware, of course, that should anything happen here it would immediately be traced to you," added Mr. Bortree. Then it flasthed upon Shelby that it was suspicion ne saw in mis man s face. My intentions are the most inno cent," he said, straightening up. "I think the bank is haunted, that's all. I am fond of investigating such things." "Why, so am I," said Mr. Bortree. "I'm a member of tho Society for Fsychical Research. Spend the night in the bank if you likeonly I'm afraid you won't feel much like work the next day." That night Shelby went to the bank about ten, settled himself in two leather covered chairs, and prepared to await developments. An hour wore on during which he heard nothing. Then he was startled by a sound. It was a soft, clicking noise. It was in front. The door was opened. There were the footfalls of two men. He got up, and peered out cautiously over the high counter.. The watclunan and Mr. Bortree were coming toward him. "I told you I was interested in the occult," said the President, cheer fully. "I've come to help you Avatch." A shado of annoyance passed over Shelby's face. How could he expect any developments with this man there? Two hours passed by in silence, duriucr which the President read and smoked. 4 ' There were no ghostly manffesta- tions. Shelby was getting very sleepy, and TEE 1EERRY SIDE OF LIFE. STORIES THAT ARE TOLD BY THE FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. young man looking the other full Lc the face. "Then take this lantern and hold it in the window." It was an ordinary bull's eye lantern which Mr. Bortree took from under a chair, and which he had evidently hidden there. la that moment Shelby knew thai he'SadlJeen the subject of a horribW suspicion. But he quietly took th light and obeyed. After about three minutes, some one tapped on the door. The Presi dent opened it, and admitted two po licemen. Shelby spoke first. "Put a guard on that house instant ly," he said, pointing to the Masters residence. "Don't let any one leavt it. There is a tunnel from there undei the vault." "Why, a woman and two men wen1 away from there just as we came in," said. the policeman. "I thought the minister was having some company." "Quick!" cried Shelby. "It may be too late now." His brain was in a whirl. It seemed so horrible to put a guard of police about her house. Investigations revealed an empty house with the basement dug up, and forming the entrance to a tunnel un der the bank. An extract from the morning paper read: "Mrs. Ilorton Yerlance. alias Ar lington, alias Baker.is at her old tricks again. This time she nearly succeeded in carrying out one of the boldest bank robberies on record. Jake Perley, whom she had been passing off as her nephew, was her accomplice." Mr. Jack Shelby is now assistant cashier, and the wedding with Miss Eleanor Masters is to take place just after Easter. "Shelby," said the President, as he congratulated him the other day, "I won't deny that I had you shadowed. That new clerk was a special detective placed on you. To think you should only have been a crank, after all! But 3id you ever account for that straage eingincr of the 'O Eleanora'? "Oh, yes," said Shelby. "That was evidently a signal. It wouldn't excite suspicion like a whistle, you know." Dinner' Late, Etc. 5omewher in the Peril " the Study When " 'Tis alwavs morning world." Ah! by what crud fate this cU.be i twirled! Forever somewhere oh. the t itter cup! tad woxea try to set their husbands ap. Chicago l'ecord. HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS. -v Clouded ChocoUt Cake. One cup of 'sugar, half cup of bui- ; ter, two eggs, ball cup of milk, two cups of flour, half teaspoon of oda. one teaspoon of cream tArtar, tiftcd with the flour. ' Flavor with vanilla. Take almost half of this mixture and me leatele Struggle The Ol.lrr the natter Another Matter Not Heatly of a Great City DUtrartion to mV : 1 4-1 v 1 1 - r . -. I t " chocolate. Put mtho tin the same as A Predatory Crow, For several weeks the residents of a neighboring tow n have been puzzlec to account for the disappearance o small articles, consisting of jewelry, penholders, napkin rings and othei trinkets, and the failure to apprehend the thief. On Friday, however, tht offender was accidentally caught it the act. A gentleman who had beer acquainted with the fact that the thing! had been stolen was talking to friend, when his attention was attract ed to a noise in his office, and on going to ascertain the cause was surprised tc see a pet crow, belonging to Mr Blank, pick up a gold pen and fb from the window to the ground, with the pen in his mouth. The gentleman followed the crow which went to a shed back of a bakery and saw the bird deposit the pen un der an old box. He drove the crow awav, and, turning up the box, fount all the articles that had been stolen from the different houses. The owner of the crow was called, and he identi fled several trinkets that had been taken from his room. The article were returned to their respective owners. Kalamazoo (Mich.) Tele graph. The Older th lietter. Old Goirox "Am I, with all my millions, too old for you?" Miss Mabel "Oh, no. That would he impossible." Diffraction in tin- Study. Professor Margaret, p!eas.e take the cat out of the room. 1 cannot have it making such a noise while I am at work. Where is it?" Margaret "Why, sir, you are sit ing on it." Boston Po?t. Another Matter. Jack "Is Charlie a man to be rusted?" Choilv "Id trust him with ife." Jack "Oh, yes, I know. But would -,1 ik 11 you trust mm with o-j. jirooKtvn Life. my . Not Kea.lv. Customer "Are my clothes ready?" Tailor "Not vet. sir." Customer "But you said you would have them done if von worked all night." Tailor "Yes; but I didn't work all night." Harper's Bazar. for marble cake. Peril of a (ireat City. "Jenkins pays, bicycles are more dangerous than trolley cars." "Has he had any disastrous experi ences.-' "Yes; he got hit bv a trolley car while his head was turned watching a girl on a wheel." -Chicago Record. When Dinner' Lute. Grandpa "Don't get scared, Willie, the tiger is about to be fed; that's what makes him jump up and roar so." Willie (easily) "Oh, I ain't afraid of him, grandpa; papa's the same way when his meals ain't ready. Tit-Bits. Frightened For Moment. He "They ay that George Hart ley has been talking a good deal be hind your back lately." Sho (turning pale) "I'd like to know what he's been saying. " He "Oh, you know well enough. It was all done on his tandem." Then she drew a long sight 01 iclief. Cleveland Leader. Why lie Liked It. Yisitor "You don't mean to tell mc that you have lived in this out-of-the-way place for fifteen years?" Citizen "I have, for a certainty." Yisitor "I'm -surprised. I can't see what you can find here to keep you busy." Citizen "Neither can I. That's why I like it." Richmond Despatch. Not Waiting Koom. "What I want," said the. man who was talking about taking a flat, "is some place where the" rooms arc big enough for me to turn around in.", "Certainly," replied the agent. "That can be easily arranged, as you are not an unusuhlly large man. Stand up, please, and let me get your exact measurements. Star. Washington Sewing on Hoard Ship. Any sailor or marine on a man-of war mav "tailorize" for his ship'nates nmney if he has the skill, and on everj ship there are always a dozen or so o men, usually bluejackets, making ex tra money in the devising of uniffrms and caps. The bluejacket clothe wishing'he hadn't come, when sudden- served out to new sailors are quite as lv he heard thefamiliar "O Eleanora.' ; atrocious m tue matter u m as me Mr. Bortree heard it at the same I Government straight uniforms of the time and looked at Shelby. ; army, and all tne unofficial tailors Then there came a faint echo of the ' have generally all the work they can words, and in a minute or two a soft attend to in the manufacturing of mus- tapping. f ! tering shirts and trouser. These "Strange!" muttered Mr. Bortree. j men do their work on small, unmount- "What direction did that come from?" ' 1 sewing machine -which suggests d Shelbv noint- ! the recollection, by th way, that I W UU liit Kit.ti iu-i.-tti V tI i C - T o v ; 1 m ;r ctiM Samoa, about ten rears a?o, aoont hear it." i three-quarters of th ships' companies Thev called the watchman, and went ' of the Yandalia and ?Nip?ic, the men iuto the vault. M was as quiet as ! of-war wrecked at Apia, put m claim the grave. Shelbv lay down and pnt i for sewing machinr-s a- among the ar his ear to the floor." Suddenly he ' tides lost with their other personal ! effect As to whether all the claims The American Plan. Stranger "Five dollars a day at this hotel, eh? Well, here's the money. By. the way, hadn't I better leave my pocket-book in the safe until I want it? If so, I'll hand it over to yon." Clerk "Um if you expect to get anything to eat, it would be better to hand your pocket-book to the head waiter." . How Ue Made tte i.-le. Agent "Can't I sell you a card of patent pants buttons?" 1 Marmalade Making. Marmalade may be made of any ripe fruit, boiled to a pulp with a little water; the best fruits tons are peach es, quinces, apples, oranges and cran berries. It ia usual to crush the fruit. Use three-quarters of a ponnd of sugar to a pound of the fruit, add .a little ; water (half a cupful to a pound) aud Uil until it becomes a jellied mans. When done, put it in glass or white earthenware. TVhole Wheat Bread. ' To make whole wheat bread tho rnick process, as taught at PrAtt In stitute Cooking School in Brooklyn idd to one pint of thin oatmeal por ridge one pint warm milk and two compressed yeast cakes dissolved in little lukewarm water. Beat well; dd again two rounded teaspoonfuls sugar, six level teaspoonfuls shorten ing, one rounded teaspoonful salt, and whole wheat flour until, you can stir it no longer with the back of a knife. Cover lightly and set to rise. When twice its bulk, divide into small loaves, ind again set to rise; then bako in a moderate oven about forty minutes. DlahforTrn. Thicken one capful of rich milk or rream with onetablespoonful of butter ind two tablespoonfnls of flour rubbed :o a paste; cook live minutes, then add Due heaping tablespoonful of chopped parsley, one teaspoonful salt, one scant teaspoonful of onion juice, one 2alf teaspoonful of paprika, one and a half cupful s of finely-chopped mush rooms and two tablespoonfuls of chopped cooked tongue. When cold shape into tiny cylinders aud pin each n a very thin slice of bacon, using for this the round, smooth toothpick. Make a batter, dip each into this, lrop into smoking hot fat and frygol len brown. Drain on unglazed paper md set in the open oven until served. Cannclon of l!eef. 1 Chop finely two pounds of lower part of round; add grated rind of half lemon, level tablespoon chopped pars ley, half teaspoon onion ? Juice a few, gratings of nutmeg, level teaspoon salt quarter teaspoon pepper, one em? slightly beaten, two tablespoons melt ed butter. Shape into a roll after thorough mixing, wrap in buttered paper, place on rack in baking pan, baste with quarter cup butter melted iu cup of hot water. Thirty minutes in good oven should bske it well. Make sauce of half slice onion cooked in two level tablespoons butter until lightly browned; remove onion; stir until butter is browned. Mix two and one-half tablespoons flour with one-fourth teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon nhite pepper; stir; add gradually oup brown tdock. Mush rooms may be added. Ifouftehold Hint." To prevent a brnise from becoming discolored, apply water an hot as can be borne comfortably, changing the cloth as soon as it loses its heat. If hot water is not to be had at once, moisten some dry starch with cold water and cover the bruised part with it. When tablecloths are beginning to wear out in the fold", cut two or thren inches of one end aud one fide and re hem them. This process will change the places of the folds and will add new life to the cloth. Napkins and towels may be treated in the saino way. Cold roasted or boiled fowl can be made into croquettes, falads and en trees. Tough ends of r-teak are good when made into Hamburg Meak. All fat from meat can be clarified and kept for frying. Doughnuts and fritters Miss Ancient (indignantly) "Sir, I am a single lady, and Agent "Ah, ma-darn. I can't beliew that a lady of your attractions couM possibly be single. It's a shrewd way of yours to get rid of me." 5lis Ancient (simpering) "I'll tak a dozen cards. " .Inde. started up. ! Lv V.: .e saw that her father wis !een!v I '")'' 1. a:i ! dared not say more; but j ': be closed tho door afur hiia, ' b -'.n;s found audible vent. ' 'l)u. it's all right for you tc- send . l.v b r J:.'k h.-catw I like him." j ' 1. "and here you are falling '' with a c.j "iu!!,,.y ki-)vs, and who I'm ' i. n s.-lume.-. Oh, I wish 1 were kth-.-r, for jnt on hour! oubb.i't 1 turn her mil living' ay and j opera. Then it d:cd out. more. The t u n ii scan seeded si?11. For a moment or two he c not move. When he ha 1 recovered himself,, he started up and opened all the doors into the various "Mr God:" he cried, "it is hollow under there! Some ttee is under m&ini: the vault! I can' hear them at ho heard no j work." 1 ' "Impossible'."'-exclaimed Mr. Bor tree. "On that side is the Knieker- wereallowed or not is another story. Washington Star. Objection to I'.rorlier TVailand. "How did you enjoy the sermon thjt morning?" ' "Only middling. I have one objec tion to Brother Wayiand. He has a trick of lowering his voic hen he is very ranch in earners, and then burst ing ud ienly into a tor. thit i almost a f bout. And rlxcu he does that h always wakes m '.p .'".--Chi-o Tribune. under a .mid lSeientiv- spany. W that side. It ,auldn t I mysterious v oiaan apartments and corridors, trying to ac count fur the mystic voice. The more he sviirohed the more he became assured t'5-t sound ha 1 1. . . 1 ..... :unie occult siirmucauce, auu came bocker Insurance Co could bore from there : "It doesn't come from come" Suddenly Shelby stopped, as pale as death. "What? From Mr. Masters house?" "Yes," he stammered, feeling choked with the horror of it A Cee in Hi Stomach. While Peter Carson, of Kalama Wash., was aticg his dinner a yellow j jacket got into mo-ax3 ana was swallowed, or at anv rate neat down hi oesophagus, and, accordit eMera cii. stomach. It vi.- t. t-he ti.e bee its .iu:etu. Car son describe 1 hi sensations a those a'caa might feci who was blown up j bv dynamite iust as a Louse fell upon 1 tl :. .r.l I T rr - nici'r. stung tarn m tne 1 took pLvneias'a ser ine ?lnUu-r' Salary. Deacon 'SLmiUnt "We've azain this jear, Mr. D:csiz.:c. raise LVa" yotir .-a!-. y. ' Good Minister "omitte Thai myself r.:-ti:-t the 'heath'.-, and r-d j-ay of the Bcrird ci 3I:sions Deacon" Skinillnt "Air, ye goia' No; either from the woman he loved, or "1 must give the alarm at once." , kim. Xew Vort Sam. Africa?" right Lcrc. " Nf.' York Wetkly. A ' . 1 1 - are mucn ix:tiT inea in urippings than in lard. (In the cleaning of a stove, if a little soap is used it will lighten tha labor. Wet a flannel cloth and rub it over a piece of soap, then dip the cloth into the 6tYve polish and rub over the stove; finish with a dry cloth or brush. It is said the polish will Ut much longer than if it is used without the soap. Instead of throwing away the wick of a lamp that has got Vo short, fasten it to the new wick, which then can be male to d longer service. AlUt lamps are filled and wicks trimmed turn them don, tbis preventing the oil from coming over the ouitido and causing the unpleasant odor of oil in the room. The best pie plates are thoe of tin with straight sides about an inch high, so there is no danger of the content of the pie ruE.ning-v.orer. Porcelain lined pie plat do not bake so well oc the bottom as those of tin. The old-, fashioned pie plate of yellow stone ware is a mistake. It i responsible f or the sodden under crusts of old ten pies. It can be s accessall j usd only in brick ovens, where the heat is at the bottom and there i laagr 01 I shall uy j Earning the under crust whea tin fa!UA Can't Have a missionary to Ik: in th? j to ( p:e phtrve is Used.

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