i0 'T'ii; .if-' . - I .g" .1 M .ft t f - ji , i ill ui i r s t l-? i m m. r a fr a i.i g gy -t - -it - v -- ' V ;''. 'I. - 1 J-afc. . ft ' " & .if 1 w- lip 1 r l" I USED IN 1373. HILLSBORO. N. ..'. THURSDAY. DEGEMBKU C. 1897. NEW SERIES-VOL. XVII. NO. 1. EVERY -DAY VERSES. :. -1 at I m--a hov ! - .'-:.t prai-'; ami -ha I g.V, : - .-mie-r lay.- 1 t "-":u" .-. a:. 1 vail.-y, .' ;. ..'. i sty .!.:'.. : t -. t iitl'T! r:'' l-"ilg"!, . . -. n-k"- wmT- r.arv-.--t yi-Mi '.s n:; i i'l'.'T- - . : r i am ami ! i -1 -1 - l,-ko:antr m-as-en. ira-pt vol . Br.--;-', h.-ii.'ri from slop.; ami '-.!, Iiuwf ring tLii.-tl all r.-'oi"es While Urn roumi worldV't "tis welL Wak-s the tnub. lb-art- r-r.on'liiig, Let m-, to a, tie story t.-h. ',cu all g-rdal Sif". tog-tlmr Siu' with joyous tiiron. "i on pinions ri.-. with fath-r, Swift a.-i-fii'iir;, rnov- sxluiig. l'rai-- forvT. ilii4nfriH t'llincr : I. if; jin 1 joy in jratful .x-iasr kV A A "Vou i r-?" he qncstione'I, raising lio'iT,"' she ' auwer-l, very r 'eutiV. 1 a la folae.. to til you I U6 lie; V4j.ii iiiiioct-nt. . Nt.thin caa save :u lif-, I fear, hut I want to" t:ive y:i proof of my won. I want to i'e your vife before vnii ili.' "Mf!:i'" exelnimeil the youu(r man, "TLursk Heaveii! Not as my wife, la:)in.'. You shall be no felon's wi'low even in man'.M iht. In God's si-ht I am innocent! He onlv knows New Y.rk Observer. how that oll was Dhire:! within rnv ciami. lut iis I soon shrill be sum- I .JOHN HUBERT'S LUCK. A. A Jl jtk. Ik. A A A A A AAAjt j rt.on-.! to His presen-e,it never noiietl JfVr'C I I ir h. illV liamls. Your words have wru'112 , j i -. on. I'riiL lit iiiCT1 SINCE BABY CAME. IN I5L0CKS OF. TIIIKTY. -: ." , .. . t -AND1NG IMMIGRANTS AT THE NEW YORK BARGE OFFICE. t iSotlnail of l'ort-igri-r tskf T!-ir l.n j try Into th- Nf w AN orl.I I t.-ilian ami Polih w..iiirn Hie Mom !'iiurfqur i t":at the deaietw in human hair t, a An.J r wuh f-l. A HARVEST OF HUMAM HAIR. Million of rutin. t ; rv lor .rt Sir.- ? -f 'T T..cleU l ,. in ..u.mrr..-. !r n 'rttr. wrri-r lr. remai n there no staple art u s about which hs- is known by the aer- '. Ajttiht ha- !-.l lato jrfivl ' ae peroa than the human hmr a an 4- Ma tty ctir. arti4e of ommer-e. It wi.l doubt Mn.' x a:r. vurpt i,' many w hen it is MtVi Tl ri l i v ii a;, t th h --m if nt. ArriuU. All Hear llur.lrn.. do not depend oil chalice , d i J t l ; -s One. of. the most uriou- sights here and there,-but that there 1 arc:- ' rbieh the eitv has to offer is thes.ene ; u!ar hair haive-t that tun a! wax. she Aui tin. !-,!. ty v a ift axi i liM m hich takes place almost duilv at the relied upon. It is estimate 1 that over ; n-... U'AV!f 'Ift.w i, r-r'-vi oar ge oJlft'e dock when the boatload lrth. I:V IT.! KN lif'f KJTA- P j I should have '(tie silent to the jrrave. i NtAv..th.'! Jinpr. h ave'me, le-t you un- man me for the lnonow." ilibert! Ill lii-i: had ' a mono-ntary airier, but nexer a Idow As silently-as she had come, her l J.ODo.ot.H pounds of human hair art of iiaua'rants from all parts of the ued annuaiiy in the . is died v orld At ta.-t I r-H. pri.-.u w-rtb. worhl make tlo-ir entry into thisroun- for adorning 'the Wd of w..men. In , Aai h rviu ,rf' u" ttj. It is not. strictly speakinjr, th ar a? liis Jieebi for many a in the dark or the assassin's hidden ...o it s.-emed as natuial a steel. So a trreat tlirill of .luirror anl plea lirm in vain, Meta passe away. l'he trial vii verv short, the teti- every undertaking.' as amaze sio-k - the little -ommun:ty to i monv ronelu.-ive and . the , di-t that to other-nmen. Hut its -entro v. hen the day after .bdni ilu- ; the next morning at -davbreak iJoprer !.,,:! -t b ea-t v. :i s !i ' bei-t's liii-L- h-.I .....,.. I . I . . l , , ; i . .1 1 ; 1, . ., i l : r..' .... :. . I I O 1 it , bubbling to tl.e f.-un-l eold ami . lifele-s in his bed. i tested her beli.-f -in"' his- inn"-enee.. in . -a -m;: I ippb-s t:d VMiiSitjpr as th'.j'.h he !ul no time to T vain :u.ieab'd for.niercv: 1 ''j-ev lliouaht i : 1 1 1 1 v o!.e, h;s" uv.aken from some happy Irea!:i. b'ut ; trrief had un-ettlcd her reason, w lien, t l -tioo! ; . spite 4tt wittl t lie eohl steel throll'l his lieart. as the shades 'of eve'lin- were o;tther-: !: .:;.).--L.ot -.if'it. It Wlot hail tloiie thi- thinl- . -A inr, a man sta.ee 1 into t'.i eatnj boundaries -v. io-u 1 e No iictd to u-d. whv it had been -m ,r:a!!v wounded. Me had v. amlel 'Ay Mi-";i Abefi tor tb.io-. The :;ii- lnu' J-'"hl j : t ) a i ;o t--( m .if tlo-v . ;.4-;;t to- the lootive. The ni!irdt-!4-r ha i been ! ' ':: ..u- thiol" as -we!!. No stra:r.'-r had t-:i- ii.it his deatin ; :'' i . U' I '! m . .-- f t ! e f a a p ; lione of tlniv Ji II lii! it'' !:'!! il'indi e lo-rc lair-s'lH.r. I do !j . l.litU I'eari'd to it o ha-tl t- ji, - loi.k in the ot her'.-, fa . Sil-n;lv,'a 1- i :'..j-'e , ." I'.nt , tlo-y li-ii-l tiie pnor bodv ia the Oeyoinl t!i, e-n-iVU- a'.el m ail e!i-.nn-o-r u ith tuoor tiiree s rav Indians ie v. a tn o! tin ir nu!nb-r --a urdy.siVnt f-I!o .. .but one :i:.iv iM--iiir4 1 1 s 1 1 attention and care, l'wo oi' the. a sat by his 1 1 the dnv ;ou:-s u 4,5 e on, and on--, b -ndm 101" hiiii, Mild; ."You v. tui't o'c ilavb;-t ak.oldi fellow. It you'v e an vthin-e; to say any mes sage to hae say it now.-" "So sin.:;?" he an ered in a broken eannn ! oiee. "I am Lro:niru.ow ulu-it: 5 st:ut iier bice v.a- pa , in-r cvcv i:ad in : poor Ilub' i t." V "VYha- V" tii.-v.ir.i-i'stio'.i" 1, 'aghast. HUMOROUS, '-o'l. lit." oa.e iiMii'.l. A riole buna . bill few d. in.l.. t. on.lo'M:-! h at e'e r t he mi t wa rd ptimji, eceit ; V of (t is silea i-i!e:;t meeii of ' l it f. i. - t.a; i. ! in- 1 . .) h i : in - a d.. v. io-: the poo and yon :i Iloo-r Ho'diu- aik ci l.. r liji-. a-- thi-v bv -nb- on the o.n-kirts of tin - 1 1 );-,. a m-r only ; i'e a;o-;t t hem, an M 111 niiiis later, ami M-ta liunert 1 Mde tin ni an e ie t --ion 1-otn th re since 1 bnr.-.e-i Jniv, unheeib'-l, her fa'ln r's crnel ilcath, and she lis- '; '"Yes, I murdeie.l .him;. no, the lxy n-tt of po ert . but the Idled .with t --solution already formed you have out there in chain . Tl.e'i 1 : . iiii h brood- 11'.-;' to t he yo,i lm; man's words. did not dare no- the money, ami aider .. 1: it t he ho . .-! hut "Will y oil imt marry no-. Mi-ta? a- thoe I learned to b , e tin- ui h She e-, and .'. et " Mi tu 1! 1- Have I not !o-d you ewr mho' y-m spurned me- - v ouldt no: ,ive me even eioue a i.o!i us a little. ;ri.l? d 1 ue, , a kiudlv lama'. and !;? n'ic.ht I imard 1 . o'o' ; i ; ; ! ' in ok tire stroiu iiadno. t'ne wa'tii for which I have tell Uod.lis that sh e e;ti t it ol- ium. . e a 1 hiJil at ln-r be I- so path tit iy toiled has not yet come Aiad w itii jeidousy, 1 at c n 1 my .p- 1 h- ! .1 -! t 1 in o. v. h i le toe In m 1 e; e I ami v, eat t Ml.- ill.-:. little u hih- Ida k .Lri.i:-s John 1 i u l'4-r 1 ' - -oil. ' i r - of. -5 he sp! in -eeim d t . In! his y mi nj .i Id' had 11 II ' lU.fo' t eil. it it will cm..', Met; it I ! el it, and tiom I awav froai all the.-e -ad out 'wliio you must Oem-rc let . mv love cdt-i-r and comtort ou. ew lorKciiy alone over lour tivn ; Suj -' t ,bv -arr.-. st time that they have set foot upon of this tdass of goods are impirteii -rrno.' t lufM, ia La-H Ham Jv.ur Antnimn .-ib for tliv liav( been .' vearlv. I u. iilf ,.&jnffi tt iulle of ihe liatf u.t in tkU puv of the steatuship m which they ' country," said a New Yo: k 'dealer to .. .1 .. - . a - . ..i..a. 1.1 . 4.T.4.1UC aim, nun , n MMn ouniit u xtie w riter, comes irorn tue nea4is n 1 No f-ir T never Weak tut worl ti-iVAVat tlll.il. . ,f 1. i.f.r i;fn Ch,.r tl-l-.-k ....,.' .. ... 1 ; f 1 .. : .1 - ..tvv.., . ... . . 9 ""'v- aiiitnu an uuii-ii aii'i i- unit in iiije . "''',.,,, ,',e4lb'e eh''" Weu re-embarked, with all ' thir in shale and texture as t!ie imported , , wildly poods, upon the barge ..nice lirllde. We had.a big harvest .hiring I X ,MtVr 7 Klul wh(' ar" ht;!, iK-liieh is waiting to receive them, .the.raze that the lair sev had m-t ''-rt ;w ,th conscious pn.le) Bntheir arrival at th" battery marks ,,,, f411- hav ing their hair cut m tue baby h brother. ( theirormal entrance int.. the Tnite 1 short. Mativ th.msands of women " VU'? f;atre- in the n.-.? States,. and it is .m.t until after they -,-iio then had their locks shean d have ! V';hr.-" "Weil." t'ne Ud itn.i.-r-d, have StU-.ce -if u!!y pie l the cai'-ful sin.-e bittern l .-netted it,, as in n.aav j "-biiin had hi mouth fail of cb..t-.. iuqttiries of the legistry o:l;ee tliat iastam-.s their hair- has jo-ui so j "lUejor must have been fitting .up they. can 'be sure timt the new land sdowly that tii-y have b en c.eai . Ib d ' a thit. " "Vi, -a. - ' "lie' at ..rk thfyrhave eho-en is .w illihg to a lpt to wear a v. ig or a switch shu-e the ; now try iug t. inv-at a fobbtu; butter thMia. fa-iiion chaimed. After the majority dih." the barg :l-(a. boat draws up to ,,f w..:uen r.-a -h th" :tg.-. .d th.rtN the "I . tbr.' is i eonntv"'in Iowa hefd(ck there is Us-uaiiy great auima- hair .-e.ms. to ptiuialiy lo-. h. Ntg..r, xUiX s, f,, ,. ,!!a bt." "lb. did lioato be observed on her ne.-k. The uu,l if cut it wall not grow long .main. tjlt. ,,nt ti-o-re- get t i l .f their pasiriifgers are Hian.ling about in little -Two-thirds ..f-the l.idiet a yw -a- ! poim. ia ns'-" groups, either talking tarne'-tly, with dav use faNe lm:r more or le.-.-. The i ... , . ... . ... 7, , , , . i , , . , - . I I io,e i,U. o! o l li.'-Tnnif? th adundam-e t.j gestnre ehara.er- decree-,.t la-hion.or the de.-ire to .-on- ...... . , .. . , , . - r r . - : , , , . . ' ; W 11V, e-. of l o.'.ree V. hat i is. did tl! Of 'foreigners, r else '-aliig, si.ent- ' t-,.al a deiet u- nei'ihten a etiavn-., is " , . . , , . . , , . i , i voii tiiink I wa-' t a King tiie cooKrf IV. towartl the new cilv ;is it l;tM'i:iiitol ,t h i eaon. of course. One woman, i -, r . , ' J i'.. . ; . ' , , - , , , , 1 ie.-s-4.ns for.' o ms a oea: aace. i . u 11:111, w :aau or 1 r. t n nr. mis a si mi 10 . .. a 1 .iTi.i 1 ami child mamh-ts a d.-ir. to g. . wishes to reduce it 'in app.-arauv e. I "y",i, " ! -,,,w m;,r" .'"'ttifn! asllor' imme iiat.-iv, an t if it w.-re- not ' An.otht r lias worn off tiie trout hair everv time he e- no sir! 1 M ar v, 1 1 . i? . 11 r . for' the whole -ou.e it snect which they by ntiui.ous friz.ing. and would ii e j xl 1 t,,lu Ut i'Utertain for tiie blue uniforms of tlio to conceal th fact. r..t;i maki use!,r' said. Anne.--. .officials there wouhl in td.a'ol v b some- - ,,f a front .. t-.m iue.-c. w ith a choice . "( '..rrect th.--s-ntence, P.n't nevr . 1 j look a gift horse ill the th.fng like a stain ede up- n th.; gang-' uf i;1anv stv. r a- , 1-1 t . I . t 1 platiK. Jo Ja-ilitae the w,ri, t th.. 1 .... .... ,) , 5 mo I '" ner i-ou aj i-ecis try clerks, the immigrants are , r ,f " u ' .....i" sv. ; t"i". s' 1 the name piate. divt-.n! (.tV while on the boat into frm jiU 1o accr ling to .piabtv. -imj.sof thirty, and n.tmvais ar . . ,,. uf h.,w ith.' rift In. vcle 11 aliowed between the landing 01 the tlifTerent grouo-, so that t'ne: e may be Witney Y.eii. judge, I'll (ell ytai ill 1. know. Judge Ml ii..'1'it, from Sv it-e! land, i.-r.i.any and ti.e ,ainad; there are tvv. minutes et bo- 1'rench i.rov inc -. Th.-re is a human I hue time to adjourn. eta. I know .p..rt unity, and in the ihirk:;.-- - of the uoerowdnig. I he only w:.,y in w lucn iair market in Merlau. in the de art- I ;J v-m kn-U . I'm .,uit.- worried v hi take v.u : mglit . laced the stolen treasure ii; his the groups en:i b pre on ved mtact is -l!U,ut of , tI. J, Pvre-ua-. held;ab..ut n.v.elf I oalv hdi.'v, I'm as.:ociatio.,, ciaim, knowing well what w.,ubl fob by- fencing t h -m a; art w itu ropes and v Fridav. Il.indreds ...f loir tra- ' u- 1,0 nrro' " " I b . w .b. v on !,... ... ,t . I 1. k. . ........ . . .4- . . ..7 ..!-.l.,, .l,.,.i - f . . never smi dd have tahl. I don't know what it is mak. me "h OOC-. 1: ogi'r: it iioes. I' rv ill . now. unless unless "' and with a 'ii'iv !ia- confess to voii tonight w hat I have or. at choking in his throat the man 't-'d at hi- hea't string-; a mver before acknovv iedged. 1 do 1 fel'l bak dea;! ! tii rel the waters t loca love von, or, rather, - I wouhl- hail p , No nceil ot notaries ami leoosnions. a ei as the months u : 1 vv 100U1 "or hue in mv hr art-- room mi 1 he tra -cd in the littb for ; Jitstice and lfc'.t i-.ilccl in tkifi ine;appcaranVe 01 n.m.riv inn, .uwo- (vys Hujk a,.(l ,ov,:, the .,e -?r,-,t i tice it." "I'm . ttmg so I hate a-k- etl into m-us is amusing. 1 U' mv other feeling than t In iletcrmina- ! ami' though clothed in rn rude a auie look which had tion to bring mv father's murderer to ; garb, ami the men kn.w I'hii Carlton s her mother's his very soul justice. How do I know but that you." '- woitls were true. He had gone be t the child who was as speaking with sudden impetuosity, ,oml the reach of their vengeance. 'd- "are the man?" ' I'hev left, him to the mercy of his Maker. . Hut ere another lay drew to its close, the solemn words wee sail which i, i;t.de IMeta Hubert iloger lou- "lk.rgive me .".h. forgive me!" dm j,,. u jft,. Her fadiei 's fortune was i-ie.h noting his palhe-.. "I did not o ;t - .. lU.( to Puidl a home Itoger Itollins" face grew ghjistiy pale as he almost wlnspereil: "Meta'd' mean that; Kog'T. excent Unit we K nor 1 in 1 w lie hot 11. ami t he w 1 ; hope once more bubble)d and 1 1 w a for h.-r dear s-d; e, 1 "J liter his young w it" had ! o 1 1 -1 , that in' determined she 'lave kept ever green a id 1 i e w e-t w ard. 1 1 is fa' m el. hi- ; t up ! e a ha n 1 , V 1 ' .; d e-'-r ' I s, naet !i 1 ig .o.iili he h id and. w ith , -s t . .ut for t heir u.-w - le- ii l "old co intrv. !:. witti iildm-k 'Vei- pursuing him. , uci.ee, of ,m hi'dd-m an.l-wh. n at . la-t the tide of f.utum , ... I.,. . p:;s 1 e nil. d. - t urn. d biee: ! 'ke-ei-. w ho cou'd iv d r. the roitiit ha-.e.begru.iv. d him ut tio- end?" i 1 o 1 on v Miows. vieot . 1:: : . 1 i : : . I ,c.iii' i eV.'eum-i' in Ii;- ha!..!-. I m v w 1 i'e and '..rv t . .tir 1 a ' ' y in o ; ; . 111.! .)-i.o: -. " "1 c.-o ; ; ; I I ! a; ' et '" sh an - v. c r i a -1 -..It : l "I : c r J10 '.:.-t. as t to- br"..'-i! hers now far aw a v f r mi the in! -cem-s, t.ui. not w houi to suso.-c'. anil am , t- ,,. , , p(... 1 , 1 u, j-s ':; v, b h its proud, hopeful trust, she f.dt with a!mo-t 'u chieneo w it n mi-ihi - a;i grn f. I',, or fatiier! He had toiled s ' i 1 I . r.. 1 hi.ir J',.itx 1 1.,.' 1 ;,. f. ... .. i...... n - r .1- , , , , . , , , ......,., ...... iir iiiiiuiit- on .1 iliiii. ..-.- i ... . On the forward end ot the boat are ; fro:;1 tbt.ir lff.ltN nn, in,.irt the ' Puw voii I b.gan t treudde." irir'S!' .braids which the peasant girls, Maud- n;,t Au?hor ,0 vou al v. avs indo,, gage, too lieaxy ami UUWlt Idy . tj t (f the houses, let ft mamoed a- d .elf 'addreHS.-d iveb IW-the iinmigratits to carrv in their ! 4l(l,vn rtir hisiuM-tion If a harcrainw' a st'imlM ,l u!1 M ' M'"1 ' JV ' &!fT....5..- 4- .t... ...i... 1 -down tor msj.t. tion. 11 a bargain is ope when vu seal guUjaunmpUr.'V luesreii 111 ine cuMuine m .uCi'cuF.c, the , the price varvmg .1;...., ,T w.t. U-k "-iV t ,' - ..1 1 . ..... . .. V,.,,. 4. Kriiwf 1 oae womu u.o ''M- . ..... . - ... h ; froin ;0ents to o in our money. (.ihU)t to M.n,l thw .-ontributhm levek many iossessiou won loem, o.i 4 oe, , "A woman's hair mav grow to the fact remains that there are bundles j,,,, of U,vU And 1 know u baskets, boxes ami budgets of all de- j.ul w,M iia8 !.,. orerel atid refused criotions. m adtlition to the trunus Kind Ibarted !d Parlv -Hrlh'.mr little bov! Has so;ne t.ne been kiml 4.. . . 1 t-A.t t . OI t ll lit 1 I t . A I I 1 U L' U t . ' - c 1 11 I" O I ilUU '.I" il '"U "Hi ui t: wii.-n'. w v L ii 1 ,, (0-lbU n li it nrv H i b'M s ... .1 11 id t-hests which must be inove.i i')" llV(,r H;x f,.,.t hmg. A sing!. female iie expressman. d hair will bear up a weight of four The most picturesque arrivals are oUn,.,.s Nv lt h,,ut bi ak ing. b-it t h. hair of egg" and egetables'.' Fittb; Jb.y No, mum; u vs.ek.-d fr it. Hn plavt'l Haudet at the theatre last night. icr hand in his she c u-P. g 1 ;my- wm-re. lint si-m-'tmo's. w n- u her la.r- 1 s h..p. s h beeu real! 'e 01 tiie "inng tv. dig.;., v. u'.:- waiting tne p.pv ii!isba':J' and f.tt iter's retuin. ; O lit. "A ' 1 1 lei!- tie ci'imrt-ii 1 t : . 1 ' f.oi' .1 e-.-ti v. no .11 , i' n t lie 1 : . I ; 1 U e 1 1 1 1 : -' UM a 1 '.' ' i a- e- lo ;t. '-. 1 a ' 1 . : ! 1 ' e a'. I t. a - - 1 ' a ' : .' ow it mo : -. . . i -1 n: e ; - m-h a - -:." u . boiS.-ating ' t'.i A J 'd; u a::s v. . r-'. I. t nr.!" . . i - " i n.i 'h' ..b; 1 . m. o e . c 1 y c ; !" . w.gd ca-n e ' -i d. to he" as a pop I,.-, - , j : -; iiei v -e.e ii'.i.r meant -he 1 U V I e l! 1 ,'cd W Iteil V ' 1 1 tie I h- :. one stp : t w e.-k after, tin' run , i . .- ; . her with t r ri in pti m their ee- and voice-- and told 'her that they . Mi',,1 to A itieV eh. -ript." sh .ws a -rovai bv i I.! tb. New V.-rk at ner r. the Italian and' Polish women, with tlU. heavilv weighted must be dai k j ,1,T" Iheir resplemlent shawls and the gaily liruUl! for p,,,,,,. hai' breaks umbr a 'aihi-e -The "Hi" MtperMitioii hai e.-orated handker,hii-fs winch cover straiu ,.f two and one-half ounces, j be. a -ph. d-d at last. A fellow wh. liieir heads i:i lieu "f hats. Their n iir,. :.-0;,-lt. -jooo imp-.e ters; n.uie I I'.eated . hum No, pt on Kbh-rado yowns .are always short enough to ufU(.tur,.rs aI:,l ,lea ers in human m.ir 'j ,,; U' ,,f ti'" rh'" striLen ,'atisfv the most advauceti are he l.-'--. : o! g; e it an' i i U it V. It 1 1 i 1 1 " i in i in: i ii 1 1: - ei i i a id v le;-' i n . a i re- forme!". and the most popular styte ot foot covering st en. s to i'e high-knee eootH of s'out b-atiier. i-.-.'-i-ely hi-.e '..osc v.oru bv th- nien. Ilu- women marcu a-ho-e w itii tin- b.-avy, cbimp iug'tr a i w hi hi ti.e 1 its ... mi o-l, 1 re-lUeui-ly carrying i.-ig- bui' ih-s np.ci tlieir'heads ami ram ! r ones in their irms. Steio'time.-. : . cv-r. it is a in the Fuited State-. Wit Star. A i:.-ueirl. ilil.- Iii-ini'r.4 Tu" ( dim tjaii w.udd h a- ton ' " ,t"' '' I'.rrv Ves, ami rt w.m- firr'l i 'tartiel bv tue some u uk m w u -ay ;;g- 1 'fell d is: i Vt : t d. ii M op.un- t'laei.t tn.it i ! .) - ;-; n .i -em-- a- "if a m l ra n.- w a- o osg ''ti.n'.' o bef. i vt w n.-n v. out- w hse new- f.n i n g - t i . ,rl ) : the vi lli ' 1 po 1 d- c;o : w lio s wi'ii t n-ir i .-lie r. and the T.i rt ar - and d .b-cove-c 1 hr fa'lier'- murOeier. modern Anstiaimn- u-c a iuniimeutary babv whl'-n taw.-s ine p; a ot the s. - i ond bundle, and th.-re may be t Wo or three toddi rs clinging to tin ir moth er's' skirts. l'!... t.,tl,,.r . ,f tlo. -..,.)' v is i-tot idle.- l.;i;- . .( .. Ml v-. uo.a i sun o-e i . , - : . .. id eith ;-y-:'-1 -h- ' . '. ' ! ,,. ......l.iv ;,-,,-,. i'-iu.'iv -treasure in ui.r.)-. i-:t,. )'ir l.ioUth of J.'-US. b.i boit - and bags, l io w rapping- of tiie w hat they ha e m ;.,r th.nr oi- u,,w be.-n done, th ers it v. Lcs; : : mown saeK.ug, two votin-r:-.-:-,.mf t - t . .i i i- ... i ...... . r; his arms are iu;i u w nai hi e ... ; pi,;;. ii iiiii'iiv more ;. e , o i ca i : ; i , i a ; ' , , . . . .1 . :.'. 1 . e . ! o e-1 i -o. . , , , . .. . 1 A . i i 1 1 u a o i e - a . I Ue .an an-mr- ate saio i u-r- - a'lao -. ni:;etet n entn i i'g". I - ' a f et, or so.,-,. ;.f' ange t'. t-.on td..t V. 'Pllie - '-K i d to I -1-V 1U tiie pp-.-i- thl .g- d ue 1 .. i. " liove.ist.- ha.e not tried to put n.-w an marr:.-d him heP.-.-he got out, of j the country. I gu-- "'.', ' i ntb! m I tiie JiUg. "Wiiv," sh" timd'v ventured to fal- h oj. s i sad 'lion u at e lttillg tilUs?" "lb, all'i.," he an- s w t re i, g.i 1 ng t n !r. d-vv n u-P. h r t ; o'd.b-d eve-, "a loan always !'kl s.i.l whtgi h- 1," d- a lov. !', i.nii i ' St..- o a . '. . 1 1 . ' i o i f - i, ait n . g ti .-.r:" did n't agogeine' a w r-' n i a red to .1, w ie t a r. Im t i or, s m t : 11,,- for 1 It. I, n.r. l.k. . : 1 Hi ii ii-aiiuni d i !. .!. ' '.i r ; k 1 !i t h ! U lioVit- a . lie; e tatt for the !..!.. , w :t V of rapid trati-tt in there are bin. mat pink cab. -os a No lit I'.i to . p '.oil VV h.o. lie mime !a- -o ii e in r. o r to multi-colored fiim -po-.dmg in Arthur S ud 0f dxhud, lecioo 1 P. b.-nfed and catch v. did or t .-tract rv li"i'r id n.i Wallach'mtis . .. I. a..d .i.-'i . : i': . i on' W go '.:.!".;;- --.: t;,g the V. ; .,- i . - a d i , rang dike a' .'la '. ui t tirough tn cam to her . - -bke a dirge. :n . it w as pole -, ( ; o.t'ia'tis a I'm 1 i.ne i f ihe n.au -h-' hadboed . v. ith tin' li'ii;;.i i'U'-. : an i tru - t.-d ih Y..-ld.::i' in ! d gold, and ; th.' (b-ru.au a:t;st I'd .-ht.-r sh.c. s l'o- . . j . , .-. . .;...! ' '"-' - .g. lousio it-u reu ?. ..a further as '";! d to i kind to the cloth.-- of t - . ue! Not ".uiirt :: even tue I'l.lMUli ; burden bearing. Ntuny e.ery on t'i.a ran rui r. has .-.,. n . u g o io()i. I. -hi :.- , ;mdt!i..rt-,i!g;ii..,;g:ri,g:iiu.it;;(r p;;iUV (if ,.;:n st-.-n to g. ciim u- imd i-r:eb. of th la'c-ent -. Jifirv;. A picture by ; . . , .;.,....'. t ;,. u ., g.i .... r -.i- b . . ' . a I I. JO. ' .3:' 1.1. ...... - ." ..... I ; 1 . ; . I '.:' i'.i'. el c jit - for th-- . :."g.:.in ca a . ry being hi-s.-i-a in tiie .w lug't' rt 1 'fe - I a" .- 'U, 1 : p . .; V d - i ; -' U. a-' w .: a an I t ah . i V : .. ' a. . . a '.'... when : e ; -i ra v 1 .ed so '::: i ; . - ' ' ' . , a :-. e det'-c- ! p.... ; -1 , . den. Th" h r-' - ; -- Texan "i" n- a ' anin.ai-. and th- .'. . .,-oded and tin ow n. ig e id. -a v th.-; c, n priv ate . , . - : . 1 ' ( II. I T.-oia itv. cm.iuj times- a mm a to ii..- ; I : 1 .g tcrs ;g .. ":.;.' jiog- .-. . '. ' tt.e.r i ' -r : io t oi i : o o r.n ie ' i .rig !'-: o- UoU" . , ; cli.ite'- : : Wo' i P'- a-". ; W I'.lll t air of Imter i .t Y ge.;. , e : a t a - a . . I n A V!-. .t.-r I Thpr.- ; .'. ' I w hi -m - ud v a k -i at s a a i ; t : '. nc .11. . l f i i r g'- i ; -r C- :.es i ow n at: M"'i!i I- i a I .- g . "a- ! r-gh tne v. ori. of those i v teg;-?.. 1 ky tnt.-nd to lr of ih- 1" ;u. emit v p.g.d on .b.g train t.. . arry thir out- lit, atid t. that . ml have .--tab!i.-"he-l m emen ilog ff aifiiug -' !a-o. a;t gi v liiit:;. .'. i. i.-nt -o 1 he trainie. g hoot or i. mo ! iu :.- kg. An en Ik I'. I-4 a iao nym d belonging t - on of t!, ;a-a. !- tn pro-; ii .e party. T'n- .i.e.'.. number t wen v - .jv.. w:.d are of V aTI-'U' brt-ed". 1 l.e ? f .-.J a 11 T ' to e2l- p t f jv. !ogn ;e-h, and ky aro tf'a'go-d a h . i ..V to hau) a !-d. ' .. Ti.- 'I".'4 .-"; a to j.oik- ilttie' doe-ti'-n to b.-tng bario'-s' d to the -! an 1 k m! ; tram ar. i!i-l ever thi bg. gro in 1 at unt. I to s K-gVOt bv tio- "FgVI.t Il. location I'tntd. " a a o.-g.iMat n n found- d bv wards in l-d. Tin y p. g A a nun; u a no aid", beyond ('alio hit u to the Jj: tb- -. "age of jh-h. th" w.-s bank ...f the Nil", u.-.o a. V i 'O' J.thvOi ge t g V th" i ra-; -bank. , o , . . ' ' o .. i '..Ali a, i - . .- , , I -. o; 1 : e I g' .1 J .v"' f bat ', ' K . i .- pi i ..'; a : 1 . ":":.' g. ia-l ana a . I, gar . , A, i I . s ei r o! V.t " i. 4 -.: i. ii . r- i'.i. 'a U r. . -i . t li - : ' .5. a U : :. g in- U until) II tx-ir.-'l Vo iuki -'- - . a I . e - m . 1 4 W i- ' ' ' g' a., c .! Ma ! t - .g . v i : "e ami -! t' a: a of - a ouK's; v. ord, i i ; : rt -1 1 t I i . "Vl . tl.t v furlht r age . w here he !.' 1 a b. - : b..g a O n ;.;. . n .;d j p;.-.n: a A". - n malt aj pear- thirst. ng fo rk- yearning i-ircu- i a'a . .'o-.i.? : f..s- i . nan ! .ig- n -b.--,-e have teeeutly I churi.Hs ot ?f k o.o-o t ,-. ,tn . , .aio. e t. ,"':..foi'i thb t a'..! c!..-e.i s.-rza C f i -'-i vv 1. ; 'mthoit -urcess. J oi a i i ' -a . . U 4- e i- i Ax-i i. dyo.r- i .;!. i '. ooop .1 - - .-1 el .-. J . 1" ' I'.'i;!.'"' n r- b-g- g . . ! . t :.- - a av, i thai i . ; zr i'itU; I'g-l.-ter I; -a a'.'; 1 v : g .- :..i. a :;. ".-: rr r.t Jo M a k ! 1 ' v . f A n-r.g.;'lt. Ii .urr !-.'" ".en the i-n :. ejve-ru:t.t ut rstti tor ti.e ii!i.t-