flip V7 - " ' " . ' , ' - . " ' . " t I ft 9 m WW I I I m ii fiw ii . i n VH It . - . T . it ";3LIPLN 1878 " - -r- 11 Ui i iii Hi 1 : 1 ! if ft 4 'j v , t?r w o ' '. V-;., 'V '11 iv-n to t'i i,,- - G. THURSDAY. MAldl 30. 1899. 4 Ti n f cfo.'. it. Annunciation. as : ha'f an , inch, and presTtbT Tne average yio'4 of a Imlh ' I fliSat)y buttimly against it until bet Bize to for i? :S.b? b a fnl NEW SERIES-VOL. XVIII. NO. 11. rJ- hHHt f.- . 'alirrf.rs-VV , -:t''! that f.tfr "rot v' . Ti!C'- 'onqnorM (t,. 1 A !!.) i'l'lv TT An!".. .... bize to force xrhpn ti,n T V ' - a irHl ac &9 top of the ba- f l'e cuf long; such n b Vb 'afV Jf & dub!e casiD?' th -aces from one to tV,, 011"- P.ro' i wb tlrawing-strinss of narr evea inch i, tbe most nrni!". .v6 ; , f'Wsoaie ribbon. When the paste !! . 3 IO C'J" 1 ' 'P. fl.lTT 4 . Tf J -;-' at a time flfio. k : r - ''-viucr the is te dry the bsc will be .vimn' owers. ; aiicbeu von Iirva tmc,i 1.,. ' i 4k i,i, J ui ij- little ke. vre all school tiiraiul will make anrpttv nninm.,1? for e tlressing-table of your friend. i ' u ' -null J Plants off nffoi. ki auin lc:3tatheu starting them ETER AT FUS5TARA3IA, SPAIN. Cuws Cercinonles AThlcH Mrk t!ie l'eriod t That Tlace. is 9 in rri- - i w l,J nor- . ---.i..j: r-Luau iuv. a oa 1119 n.jU ' uo cut at'""iei V raia. xne celebrating oi Tho (Miru . ... V is Eep: up uuii.i jin. 1 t t i?? '"if? 4.re ili"5 to the ilor. ii).:. 1:1 . " u'i me ,i;innn. "iimuv,Li ut iuu ceremonv 01 in"iii:r. .,-.:n; , I ' ,',,a.re also grotva here for F val raes. :::;V:frrQ0- fifteen n. . IS i?" Cf -H, is tnc . on the .omin, of Good IM- iiiV LIU IS u kot;)t 1 - la0Ura:i(3 C3 are!X t .''31a,pro;u3iou tU3 ! windows of the church are un ti -r,,. - 6 i i!f;";. V" . I AS tne cbulbs rot very eilv I cIo;1J veiled fo that tbe interior ? tiiiV FLOWER, H'o tb, franco I 1?.ClSC'1 en;; :!.' 'lark, and it i. a condign" bat 1 no-oH, r)r I)f(onf. f th-Tnve'.mi' fl!'Va-'3 know en ? v nr , g thro"- They i r tbe cruciGxioa is taking ; i-'.ouh ... 0,"l,0n- 8 of ;?., tr;;;;ai- one the- aeRS ! bo, ,,,lneaT,iearI-y t!l3 e,65;, I 1I. A large cress is rabed in the g iut;v l; ne10- b H bursts I iauu I h1 BermU!la h-t?- The; ! "Pou which bangs a wooden tig. ' ' -OOGCOCGr , , V- 1 I r,1;111 much f01' our Saviour. Tbe Koman sol- . 1 r-V r.L ov,r tho Uutou ' ,t u j"..1 rpe,14 froni ermada ! hS??1 I'ter lt!ieS aro bu,y ab0nt the cross, and act tho iVv i Ti , 1 ;V 1tMrr- I rom r J tb fIunst3 oraer theui I oufche stT of ibe execution, v 1. ; 1. i- . . ..i !-'u't5l Picked with fm. ' tue fifeva a yen- ahead r fhJ Ixring tho three hours that "th " "o count'- "'J'"" a ioot on-,..,,.1-. 7 , j 'eusmea coutrncf in i;A..mM 1 : '-. (i" t! ; Hi. n 0 J -i cKccl m hoip, -n.t. m jjeiinuila a vear - i "l thn K.-a- v'li their prj- v-1 v 1 v 111 ativaure: ho t in T i,ri, 1 V- Cl. ) ) H is true that n wavneV: ksnu'33 ' -nv-i toil nol, uor hour, r"d V 1 A st: la blorVf T ! '. ..... -J I ' i but there i, nnd nc h"W k's to two r,ee W hi U ) 1 -v- , Is :;. 1 bo :aii-i"iod rtc-1- the:niii aud uchvers tbe tb0 bud. f v.-iw do "foil" v.onl.7 1.., .. ' ' V1101'. they i, i..f !t, rr lornn.iablo rival or .1:0 real il.er ; cbenper. an, 1; e-, vi ' 1U tli0 ; t.1V,tn'-'- iu Vvw ut Ea.fev ln'e ??le iuto "or bow th- I this timo a large proceioa has 4 vihoivi ,UrCCti2-it, urrly oiMho Annuncktion lily tUoh them aro.e. In j fea itsef oside tbe church, in V. u l, -p - !fV1C i . -a we, catueo a f; utwt-I,atglV in,',Jat;ou about lich U,V tho audees of Fuesta- h'!i au j)1 J-- tho4iad,trof oi1! ,th3 V1.- .Ll!:, 'nor of joining !t 1 vrell try to count, inn ; 1 01- as t.j ntlempt to esti ;i ;)u-:dnv of Uater lilies t-o3d ' ;y "vy jear," Paid i 11 J:iccr i:o:i1,r.n,-f,,. al of taster runce a ti ne 00 re noe that no ini?. in,rtJ 1 ,eJ1'J Ji-i- -... v4" ll' KU,JW just wh-n r r-'., 1,.,,. , n. . . ,1 i uaii- en iue cross xue people ; kuel in a fileuce whihisonly broken I hy he l eading of tl ven last words froi tbe cro::?. A tho completion of the third hour the figure is taken down from the cros in a crude fashion. Ropes and puleys are used. The nails are taken out and finally the figure is placed in a ass bier aud pealed. The tomb is thai borno on the sbouldera of tbe guivds around the church. - U5 aa master emblem i3 oh 1 b i i -r t be otin r ttHV. n. ! . .ir-N tho l,Uf.iae 'V'i.'iHit 250,000 every -.. The greuter part of the ! ! :ore ftvo j;-ovn witjiin a i tilly iuiles r.f tho city. , "ci iii t country, has now : ( V".:u!ei' lilies ready to ii:::.':t, r.v.d every church,, ( ;. i;nb.::-.s in a remote stc 111 ' 'loi-wralod with these -r Sunday." !:'; l.r(.i,;'!it to Xt:v Yoi 1:, . Mr.-iil!-.:; mi tho so imported, i 1 i i:.'. y an-. bf;-:;ht from Dor- - . 1 Hi ;:iU:ie. 5 .....,,.,. i,,, frT',u, -sitei s v. ; ihev ate. rai-'-d a. id , " .viH-jvis t.r any other j l ir-Y FIELD IN BLOSSOM. i- , -, -. .'.i -iiit ...1 .11 i. ..r ,TT - .-..t it;cil is grown tiiere, inn.i un,; as.-i "Y," ; , , ,' V , i mourning have passed awav, and the mitnber. Among tho ; seiv,s is now a lar; and pioi.tablo ; coloring and beantiiyinx u have been b-ml tb; hout tbe 9ervic;. '-tl,Ms!,.,lMuc tho immense I business onmud .Now Wk. Ihe ; in u?e ruuco tue tarliest fustian j leavi tlje cUnr(.b thev safute - .1 beautilul white Holers ' eiVort-. tt Pf,. and propagate tue times; but just wny it is held as ana congratulate each ether! saving : :s.r hn.b cd. of acres. The sur- bulb itsf in iui, coantvy has not sue- : emblem or how 1., use arose it is very : LJrd baa riseu"-to which rePW ' apeeuHarred earth, jgeu- eeedeb Exp.r.uaeni proves that it ; mim-nlt to hnd mit bo when I tell t -The Lord is risen indeed, . ,...-! ...i. i., l.nf ln, tU ilifiTV'.viishintr and mar- vo.i that tue pretty bonbonmere made " , , - " t-;t'iaiiio i!i'..'iti 1 . . . , . " atif r.is anneareti unio rsiuion. . - "X X in this part of . the ceremony ia one mat passes irom parent to child. Tbe procersioM escorts tho bier around the outskirts of the town aud through all the principal streets. Every bouse is draped in mourning. The body ia followed by a large float on which is placed a figure of the Vir gin. Xarx. dressed as a bride. Her ijou.jueL bevea nine " dressed as brides, immediately follow ti-o float. They represent the sven stages of the cross. The disciples and all intimately connected with the life of our Lord are represented iu the precession. After it has made its journey around the town the procession returns to tho church, where the bier is silently de posited on the altar. One by one the people disperse, and then the church is closed. Ou Easter rnorning, with tho -rising of tho sun, there is a. shout of joy that can be heard from one end of the town t fie other. The people rush to the church, to find that the body has van ished, and that the att;r ismva ie l by a Hock of doves. The darkness and P. ;iU,l 1 .,,,(!, vin-.M i th. 1 -elons merits cf curliue-i and profa- trom an ostrtch s egg is ootu oainty ' "' - - . - ... , . .,, , , :i .,1.- 1 ii , l a ii. .1 f m n 1 ii fi vm it1 iiri'Trv i.t-iu'iu -ai-.-, ami to some ex, eut ; canj0 montu. In tiio latter part ot . V , i ., , ,S ' , .7 : ,b;,t, or the ground have An -n,l th. tdr.ing for the next year VT1 V, ad the ,n Icr their territovv. Even ' i, matle. TtKv.cfulr bulb : are shipped i . 01' reason that it ia ,o .troug , , . , ., - : . . . , 4i , T i that its f iiell can be used just as fine 'is ..with hich the nam.; 01 to the c.i --men, tne grea.er po.-; 1 , ... , , i , 1- , , . 4 x-' . ..? '-iw-.v . c iina, aud with less fear ot its coming .i h-is s. iong been hniicd, has tioii c'-nunj: to .m'w j ork. xuey n.e . 0 i.)om for" a more " refined r-.;ckel in' boe iu Miwdust. This"; to Harm. . tii.ns mr this i.r.rfiose. Tiie boxes are j put in the eeoU-t par; ! Imt rr is used. 1 ot tbe vessel, iviwers'. ho' are .loaion about ; ',.w York, revive their bulbs fro 1 i the seedsmen in August or .Sentenibe-r. ! Thev arc immediately potted, as they tv. lUM.i in r..t 011 fiPosnre The j-ots ar- -aced away in an ev t!i:uner;.ture, until the grower gets 1 1 A 1 Veil Co1' !or-U' a 1 s-rrf t M-e:er-s in pott Iiootrs. A :.' -.luow i;g lilies. . , . 1- i, ,.... .. .. .... - 1 W 1 fir li'l! I'fM - It) ' vtt-'-dav-: "The trouble with ma Uunatems. and pvvu t!orits is that lt'w.vid-,ut the bnlb too high np in: 1 ' " " 1 -. . . .1 . ii. .1 1,.... .i 1 ne r'.iois in.ti ;iun now u j ivt v,iri-h the bubo, but the, ' - -1 . ! 1 , 1 ! up nouriMi tne nine-. 1 r .-. in is the iirt es- ! i?. and if a bulb's tp 1 ; t :e p I..) e nv IU t ; iot-; that gr-w ; ;..'! !. r.iictul ? s -itial oi -ueot.- ' v ive 1 .uw in tu"1 a'V tuer w 1 ,. - . .1 t H; v be a failure. i bull, -hoald be planttd 1:1 a dV pot ill The feV . . l,fJ novel roNfco noLrri jj,i laie way. It 1:1 lies i mu?i two rt well lot ted.'" nr..'. y '1 lv iJil'n I!a,MCPA MLT. aler.iivah The mahi b-.ii- cuhivai .-ii of the lily il;e-e pet. axu 10 tc r. t;-iken out in batches v, t 1 ' ., T for a 1 November to get ready for tne xra-lc o ! i:tke a bonbon nieie like the on, it.-:; -hows, sc-kct a shell oi . r '. i 1 u ..d p" eoh-. s'leh cau be lounu Tails Deroratlons For Easter IHntirr. If the table, on which Easier dinnr is setved. is oblong, run diagonally across tho table two stripes oi satin ribbon, ?.bout four inches wide. Let the ribbons' be of alight aud dark shade of heliotrope, ,and cros them in tho centre of the table. Tie at opposite ends of the table a streamer- bow. Over the whole table scatter loose vio lets, allowing their stems to form a net work of grfen. In the centre oi the table place a round mirror, frame theebges with emilax vine-. In the la?s or silver vase in the centre of the j miner place a few Easter !i!ks. Have the centerpiece low, so there will be : 1.0 diltieulty "in seeing over it. If j candies are added, use. pules t of laven der shades, purple ones would cast aa unbicoraiug glow. 1 1 j Eater K?c 1" Kusi.i I The Easter egg is used iu the Eac ! sii-.r. Church as a syinb ;l of kindly feel j iug. between the clergyman and his I lloc-k. At tbe conclusion . of the ser I vices the members of the congregation I ' click eggs" with the priest much as ! are clinked when hf-alths are I 'trunk it banquets. "(l oon.'nc S 1 r:nz'. I ,-;el for tae thro" wictry hoars, i .-:4a it be tht t ti li wiit t-r.a,? Le.rt !t ohieii tiiar .- of Sowersf ' o .uiciialoj: !i'e of taster Dy, 0 -;r-?t of a owj t-ioort':; r L - r-1 Las ri-a. IfHe say, i ri al -o ,;;;ne Ber.e ..-foiiv;nie ud'a Easter. H':y. ;. .ti ict v of t he t ne en 1 m as fd je. le -t e .viug jisi .-hipping tf is gradually pas.-ed into the ! ) j v.- of the wives or:-, it --.ti for ih:i uio; I :i ! 1 !:IU tUil irnt.''rs .oi the 'pi- w 1 i ! ru:u : 1 . the y .... , . . .1 ....... 1 f.,.- e-o n-n:t.ber hiz te:.t -lztse a oag of ?c:t slik tae color o: : vuty receives 1 01 bo Ujou- ,;i. ..... - "J - th,ir ti;o d,-,er, aud : it n.atlv inside the iiauVbuudrilcwe Altowthir iiliv. and they say there u uo hlv , fhe!L Pasu XQnnd te ria for tltfj cv.i be forced hitu ji:"- :i::rveiou s;i": t Vhi!- ito;;-;s co'i .li iiv. a in even tout- t:ert it is eouaoy true tv o; cro- lu-.e ;t :isv trtai o.t i'r; r'.ilar With g ' l b- oiize gi'd a't the p 1 1 .re-Mi;;: ties, ana iu a 00 ud -i -.Hi'l ti.e U! -pel ed:e. Tbel - i- sh.t 11 itself naiut svvtc-r. t.-nder rct-i-:t-ue-ts or auv other ind a lail r.h-r-i OU .fo.--iwer Mske a bag of soft silk the color of "I' ri r st i " A'i :. X; Co. vour he.i is tiii-i faer the - t htjt ud tope -sr? , d-ath's daric n'.gt: La KOLel tothtr f.it ShiiitOg leic, 'T ;';. iii : wlnu an i s-l: : 1 L,r;u. tU ti ?- is :-o a.' -: - victf is 'tol: i.c r w,:: t u 5 : r. 1 1: - - i.ai. n Whfn to Sprrir. The first spraying shouid be done early in tbe spring before tbo buds open aud it must lie done, thoroughly. The second should be done after tho trees aro through blossoming, while the third may came tighter n to twenty days later. The fourth spraying is due about three weeks later. A tree is sufiicienily sprayed when the drops of tho mixture are seen banking from the branches and leave-. Manv or chard trees be.iies spraying need a thorough scrapimr, as in the case of the elm trees. Then the biush and other waste matter, including all dead leaves and rubbish, must be removed from the grounds and burned. Do not leave it near the trees or iu the road way, for tho ?ggs deposited therein will batch in the spring. If there aro dead trees or b.-tdiy diseased ones' hero and there in the orchard, cut them down aud bum them. in price growing out of tho location, condition and varieties frown, the latter being regarded as a matter of great importance, but which, in many instances, has been too little thought of in planting for commercial par poses. A friend, who is known a" one, of the best apple growers in my county, has assured me that lOOd per acre would-be no temptation as a purchase price for his orchard, be claiming that his plantation of Nonesuch and JJald wius has paid him more than ten per cent, net ou this sum through tho past ten ycaxs.. The past season, with only a moderate crop and. an un usual amount of defeetho fruit, the receipts from about twenty-five acres have amounted to something over 81000. Now, how about the value of ordinary farm lauds iu general tbrouRli tbe sameiepeijrui? A hasty by my rather, im y..OI v J, orchard referred J!f holl x,J:iot . 1 How Orchard MhU Tntne. Good orchards of . all fruits hare a fixed value that has been well main tained. They are rarely found for sale, their estimated vl -.....V..,.,tIV,;., s20'J to eitiOO per acre, the dilTcrenco L. 0 e'ieolHn;' 0,,:t,(t l tre pient wah. ing on rue groiin 1 mat tho goods wear out moro rapidly. Thin 13 based HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS. To llreir Good Tr. There aro several wars of tnkin tea, and many persons contend that teas of tiitTerent brands should not all be made the same way. Tho uuat way of making tea iu this country and iu England is to pnt a tcaspoonful of tea for each cap into a teapot, pour boiling water on it, let it stand to draw from three to four miuutes.then pour it through a struiner into the cups. Some persons say tea is btttef made as follows: Ei'l the teapot as full as desired with boiling water, then drop the tea into the water and let it draw that way. Still others say pour cold water on tho tea aud ftand the pot on tbo niove in a raucepau of boiling water and b t it remain tilltb water in the teapot comes to the boil iug point. The Japanese do nol pour boiling water 01 tea; they boil tho water, then let it stand until it gets little cool before pouring it on tho tea, and they stir tho tea two or three times with a spoon after the water in poured on before turning' it into tha cups. The Sappl.r ol II.iup Titian. TVhilo a very largo supply of lions linen is not imperatively necessary, it i well, where the family ineomo'will admit of it, to have a sufficient amount to make the work cay. It is not good sense to bo obliged to wash towels, table and bed linen more frequently man on me reguiar wasninc ilar. upon error, because twelve towels used continuously will la?t jut twiv ns long as siv, all things- being e-pial. It is a good plan to have a sufficient rr.imbor of articles fo thafcertain sets ot them ran bo used in rotation. This gives abetter chance for proper wash ing and thorough drying without haste or too much severity. Where one needs clean articles on tbe mo ment, they cannot receive the eanio care as is possible where tho work is more leisurely performed. Then fhould bo three sheets for every bed in use, with one extra for every two beds. Thus, in a house where three sets are in use, eleven sheets or twelve are required in order that thero may bo no putting about in case of thear rival of guests or any accident. This should be exclusive of children's , s - - . I- .. . - - . . m. iitiiu iirriimiinn. orchard referred o' lief, ,l V 'L 1 , o.io-'CSrwr- e oJifv "ovr to make a piano an ornntnen- yeais since at p- acre. ,. 1 ' -. n i , , - , V 1, 1 i i f,T ' Ji, it I 1 as well as a useful article of fnrm- lias reeentiv cban-red li:iu,1 at ic.n , , - . , , V? -"iJ:r '.aro has been a serious problem to acre, and this 1 no except-Jon o . . . , . , . , '.. . . i,-.u' -, v- t '1 ir ' J - I people who wish to have tbo inntru illaru, ia New England -01u t.. 1 1 . ., . , . . . . ' inent in their diaving-room, for in it- Home Dtsl ra Mi-DriiHiiit'iitHl IXntbu. All aro iooie or loss familiar v itli lilies and some 110 doubt have a hue collection. If so, let me caution you t" quarantine e tiy imported bulb you -ii. .... - i 1r.11 ii : . :.i Uvui 10 jour ii!. wiiu mis, ui uiu every other bulbous ila'jt, get home grown bulbs whenever possible. All lilies require about th same treat ment, except that liiiom i-andidum should be planted in August, as it is then at rest. The others m ay be set as early ia autumn as they can be ob tained. Edit generally FK'ouId be planted si: inch.' 1 iletp, !ei cinliug of coarse on the of the bulb. Small bulb varieties and Eilium candidum should not be pl-tuted so de p. Ihlies need i.ol be lifted oftnor tljau ntees sary to thin them. All bulbous bloom ers are to le planted in autumn. Many are planted iu spring, but soring planted bulbs do not become sunk-nmt-ly rooted before top growth begins, and as few root vo formed after that, their bloom is not fo s tiss'uetory noi ls their'iucrease so rapid. A mulch ol course, litter or leaves, i a decided advantage when fall planted. The glmliole is standard which America can produce for the world. If I could h ive but one specie ot plant iu my garden it would be the triudiole. It begins to bloom early iu self a piano i- a euinbcrsomo piece of furniture, and tbe rub is that any bric-a-brac placed upon it interfere ; Heriously with the tone thereof. Hoty- ever, pianos are necessary aPsuIute lv necessary and so all that can b done is to make them look us attrac tive as possible The upright piano is more gener- ally used in the ordinary drawing-' room than the square or the grand. The square piano, indeed, is very rarely seen, aud tho grand piano in limited to the n:uio-roiui or to very large drawing-room. For a grand piano the finest kinds of Indian em-' broidery, pieces of rare old tapesiry that are laid on velvet of some color which will either hortuou'uo or con trast with the colors used in the dec- orations of the room. 'I bis rule doe not apply to pianos that are made to match the furniture in tho room or it woodwork. Earge. photograph frames do not look badly upon a Ltrand piano.' aud 1 pretty idea is to have a larg three-leave I fiamo holding photo-' graphs of the great composers. It ii most -inappropriate and in very ba' taste to have a variety of 'cheap pic tures, even though they may bo in handsome frames. ( Very much depends upon the posi tion of the piano in the room, auditi 1 . . Julv aud continues until frost. With j really abusing to ee Rt wl4.it oiuer notiiing bat a good collection of bulb-s ent auylt-s people dispose of it. for it and cot'ios o:ie jjiay have a ri.-it5i M..ct l.riUia'-it 1. Willi. ill ' ' L. mr -fi- . iija it hard ireezincr. "6 s--t well our iuo uh- ro o n, ai riK'i'. angles, so that t.i'i Iiyh? from tn. ion 01 iMijo-i tui.n i" wwf. .... jv. --- i L'ardeu tr-iv is tllo er.'-ept ion not to see it pu-brdj b'oo 01 fnnu i back azaiust the wall. A piano fhouM vorv cariv spung uuu Gladiolu.i should Lot be planted until danger of hard fro ving 1- palt and may be planted a' interval until June. Tho corui-. 1 did biiiOs should be set i in iio p and five inches apart. Give th m ""'', shallow cul tivation ninil duly, ait-r whi-h they will take e;.e of themseive. The be ii't.'ed woi'm the toji ihe pla'.t i ripe. .N'f'Hi' thcrn to b:c:a-- so ripe before ng that the top r iaia'- from as in so broke?; cor los should 1, ,11 1 indicaU al!r .ho the e.orm iti'j, C )U potfcd tO UTid stem "Luu . d a! rtuuire eu'.t- i.rnniiing -h 1 - ei! 1 Ura::."e Ju i i i ormer. log tie ju. -ct- i.i-' c I k ration : fir -rr: a-The r. i eooUeu to t patpoFe be d. Tbe e for l. r, t ? lease i t Lu-:nr!S I to a firt tt.-ii-j rea.ar 1 air 'o in .jjtr.i.;e. the first wc --: iu April, 1 jTT.' The instruments ntii'-.-d wer- iove.ited bv AlXAader ; iuara Beii, of Los-ton. - ...... r windows will ia i upon tue keys. ii conceal the baok of nn. upright jhan the Eastern "embroideries, aain cora-i into play, and Pip. -6try n a'so used, or oddly colored froho.. Often th most conspicno'iT thing in the r-j'iM will be this drapery. On th-; top vt the piano iay be p'ae 1 V' articie of bric-a-brac, and an escelb-ni. aVcl is obtain 1 by a plant, a palm -not large ou" or a : i;hh- r piaM, Tit 1 some bright bow,-oret in a dar Indian-red flower pot. Wneu th-f Ionia ii 0 co:itris.-: 1 th it ix - in in jios'dble to get a g ; i Ii-iit frma th window without o'cckiog the roo'-i with tiie piauo, it mu-st -, turnel that july the Iji -h 1- . : iiile. Thi--of coll-'e, fu tne drapery to fc& alvar.:ae. Harpei's iiair. Ti-r i.'n'i.I a- v o":uu.' 1 i" American line ft -a:..-;i ir'.p.'.-x to build fvnr-:.v I -, ':' - SLiit-s witn-iu- i-e tiri-' Tti.: at ccit oi IU fll t Ion. I sba1.' ray nothing aVjnt thii 4 9 anybody,'" said the yoang woman, a ttiuiptig to sof e-.i the blow, "and t need not a id ' :at -. re i no oceasi4 t for yon, e;tu" , lo repeat it Rep." at ' lover, lnti-.'y. prypfje to aijther girl becaxe of b.W pretty loM fa:- asEng aa I Ua"- Chicau Tribuae. - ecu. eti ihu reject a 'No: I shall nT' Si - . i,- r- ; i- , 4 1 i . i t k if HE