The Southern Hail Itsnin iviir Moidat, atRilubio, I. c By T. B. RYAN. noaui : Q.RAHAM k EMniJ Attorneys at LAw. Maine Matter More Mudd'ed. i Boston, Januiry 1 A special from An I gusta to the Herald save It appean that not a single member of the ExecntiAe vwmcu areea with tie Governor in his determination to ask the opinion of the I Supreme Court on 'he question growing I v me ioccuv Mtrcuon. nr. ri Us bury " "'""K'j ppoea to to the i out me governor, backed by M decided to "subm t th 11.00. : cession to Dublie eentimar. t. ; r. tyTraetlee In the eouiitt of Oium. 1.00 however, that the Governor aCTeetL?0' G"k,r Ueawwu, j i cuoci on uw result. I The count it completed and the eertncates i issued. 1 be question are so framed that 81 per square, first Insertion, 50 cent tor i it i expected answer favorable to the fu- 8abecriptioo Per Tear ix Months ADVERTISING RATES.' BILUB0R0 I a Courts. each fobeejoeat insertion, Liberal reduction on cash orders for ad tkMOiouts rooniog thiee months or loose. Correspoodeace elicited from all part the Slate. The reeding not in Local Column, 12 centa per line each insertion. Transient sdreilivmenl payable in ad vance ; yearly adrertiaeuienta quarterly p advance. All advertisements character rejected. of an objectionable MONDAY, JANUART oth 181. Advertisers please Notice. That owing to the large edition f Tn Ms it, printed weekly, and extensively ct culated in Orange. Chatham, Caswell, Person, Alamance. Granville am. otl counties -as well as North imd South its Monists will be given, and if. by any chance. I 'here should be any contrary result, ncth ' in can be done about it probably. Mr. i'TUi win concur in tms opinion, Vac ! tre fusion Senators elect,IsaacTfLb- n. a Lincoln county Greenback of IV f- i i.i ii. i I 'iD.ican antecceucm. nas gnevea ms ru- friends here by declaring that the sole 4puics of the Legislature after organizing urlit to be the adjustment of the question f the disputed seats, and that noting else -Vmld be done until that is finished, rlob- i is one of the counted in hiinselt The ! .iou in.-nagers insist that the election of j i'tvernor and State officers must -ome fist. The election cave will be deferred as usu a'.sirjce to ettle these contested seats and cpiplete the fraud and bribery in vestiga , tion contemplated would be to hare every, j thing at loose ends and the State -without a (jovorner for weeks if not months- A. W. GRAHAM, Attorney and Counsellor at Lai, & HILLSB0R0. N. C. BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBANEVILLE, N. C, Is dow PRE-EMISEST among Southern Boarding Scuooli for Bnyn. Iren. J P Gordon strikes the nail square. Iv "'U the head when he av : "The best r I -n;i to put as end to the ertionaJ strife ti. put a stop to sectional dmcussion. 1 !jc rtnlv bfinA of RndirAl Rnrr is in columns afford an unequaled medium ir. i, ,.- .ng al'ive sectional issues. Last winter placing the merits of your business before Republicans halted their hook with the public- ,,'s I 'licy and Miccaeded in hooking some To those who are not advertising wis1. us, we only ask that they give our columns ; ,n,i .e reult WJW a ..soiid North" froni o( lb" Ruin's hiitoiy. a triaL feel in? that at onr low rntos w.. ifmnx tn l'i.!if,.rniii Tl.ov uill trv to can most assuredly make the investment ' ri,rk ll,e s"ie m9 Juri(18 ' !lt present Tne l"2"d Session Trill beg;ln Jaji, 14th, a remunerative one for you. , "f 8"n l'pnv ,ut 'f seems incredible iV. I that any Democratic leader will be foun-.l i - . silly enoujjh'to repeat the blunders cf lat SA.nTATnfiY. 'winter. ThA lillif KAaalan .ixii... TV.. n.L lo-ft uthern rish. They carried these tjhh i. . . f Mm irills throuirh the lat camuaien. " ' w years "K is better that every kind of work, honestly undertaken and discharged, should speak for itself than be spoken for." Chablks Dickxss. OTO DOIIGEATION COLUMN. We will shortly publish a batch of notes relating to the farms, crops, stock, mann Cactnring facilities, mineral and other re. sources of Central North Carolina. Our readers in the section named can greatly assist us in this work, by sending us items concerning the above interests, the starting of new enterprises, or the progress and development of old ones. HORATIO SEYMOUR, "Thb HoassT Mas, Thi Chbistuh Citiibs, Thi Patriotic Maoistbati, and thr EjLioanain 8tatbsma,'' is emphatically the man for the occasion. For the past ten jears the people of New York State have firmly believed that ! pr.unply into Afahaiiistan, three having Iloratio Seymour had forever retired from i the Rmnan Catholic college near Lon- public life. ... ..... .V- .1 .. IB1 The rhiladelphia Luthern Almanac for 18S0 reports for the Luthern Church in ister, 5,388 churches and 695,420 coni- Rellgions News and Notes. The Anglican chnr.'h cost- England (58 000.000 a year. One-fourth of all the Presbyterians in the United Statos are in New York State. The Sisters of Charity in the I'nited States numbered recently l,17n, in charge of 106 establishments. Four churches IWtrm-the 0!dSonth Central, Mount Vernon and Park Street give oiiefifteenth of a" that is given in do- j nations to the Anjenc;in Board of Foreign i Missions. They arc equally liberal to Home Mission. The Presbyteri in Tiieological Seminary f Charleston. S. ('.. which was complete ly bankrupted by the failure of a banking firm which had $3o.ooij of its funds, will recoier all it ni 'iiey hy agreement of the creditors that :he-e t'unils shall come firs, ou: of tlie assets of the firm. The Catholics frn sending missionaries Board 12 prr roonth. Tniiioo $60 per Session. For Caulngua giit3g full particu lars aldrfsa, Maj. R. BINGHAM. BnpL 1 880. 1880. HEW FIRM ! HIW GOODS ! JAHES WEBB Jr., & EEO. Keep always on hand a fall stock of GENERAL 1R0UISE, cooslsling In psrl of During that time, the p ople (f the j .......... , , i "JUnpire Btate, wnnout vogani to creeu lofty character, , aid have let no opportuni ty pass by withjot giving full and free expression of t ne affectionate regard in which he is held- don. for the "arduous apostolic labor." and untried field of C. S. COO LEY. ML,ofactum of Furniture, Bedsteads, Mattresses, Chairs, Slc. REPAIRING ai.rt VARNIdHINO, Neatly and Cheaply doue. iUlVDERTAKING.iaa Coffins ot all ntyle" '"! fizes, connlantly on hand or fnrDil:-'1 to oror. Ildls'joro, N. 0. Jan 1st, 1880. municants. He is respected by the leaders and loved The Business Boom. Corn is cheaper In Iowa this fall than in any other plsce on tbe elobe. selllne at eieh- lading Republican journals have been TlS' Z foremost in bearing testimony to Ijis noble rsilnad. It is reported to b rery rip, ... . , . , , , aronrid and and thrc will b- 150 000 qualities of mind and heart, and have ,0 2DO.000.000 brsbls. net one-mth of freel joiBedln stvliDg him -Our Country's hich can be shippH out of the Stste. j A Bost on firm is shipping hammers most useful citizen, . made at Buffalo to the Sandwich Islands His name and fame is known in every : an.Nw Zealand. . i I he grain trade of Baltimore is increasi State. He is popular at home and abroad. ini: so largely that a new elevator, of 2 500 Ooobushils canacitv. is beins constnited- The hiffL'est aroaofoil Innila by the masses, i posed o!" in Pennsylvania at once was the In 1868 he carried 11 ew York State recent sale of the 7, o acres comprisedin . , the M...nly tract near Bradford";to three against Grant, when the feelings engender- compos for loS.oo,,. ed by the war were at a tar higher pitch j - thai- it present. ! Happy Thoughts. If lext vear, he accepts the nomination, I,on'' P,a.v with the "levirwhen you are yo'.inc est you have to work for him whan which we feel sure will be tendered him ; yon are old. by acclamation, he will not only carry He who uses religion as a cloak for evi ! deeds is like the ti an who passes counter Nev Yoi'.: against the "man on horse-fyj, ,norje . ne jure t0 t)1 f(mn, out at back,'' or auy other man the republicans j . ' .ii1 Everv word uttered in this life is echoed may tdace in the tield. but he will nold i iu the life to come. In the resnrection we the doubtful States as well, and have the , shall meet these echoes, and they will de Solid bouth" at his back. 1 cide our fate forever. .,.... , , , It is not so much the qnantity that tells JlUwu. 11 '. Ins the quality. The devil has as muoh bearer, tl.e democracy will achieve a J b'ains as an archangel, bat he doesn't look splendid victory, and what is far better,'4it at, things in the same way, and that's why , . I he is where he is. deserve success, i There is ft aiuount of true phu090. """""" phv in the reply of the man who said that RADICAL LiZS EXPOSED. I.e liad overcome a preat many tempta- ,. . ... . t lor? by just keeping out of the way. It is all The Radical press at.the hort. ; - .. u g so happy as when misrepresenting '-' tI;tlg.1 t resUt anything and then put &utJMrn people, and pursuing them wah TOnrIf the way 0f everything; but the feelings of relentless hatred. Their favor . to 6 ,9 thftt of the hero ite lie, of which they never tire to ring whf (3ec,areH be fave1 mmieif from a Uiecnanges, U to repreeen. kne e-aiw horrible deBth by hydrophobia by climb people held down under the trim heel ot . tfee wheQ , d went b DEALERS IN Staple and FanCy Groceries, Foreign and D.imestle Fruits, Floe Cgtrrl Tobacco, Snoff ect. A Full Line of Canned Goods All our Gnods are Fresh and First-Clsss .. .t i. oppression, the testimony oi idoussoiu of Northern men, republican and demo crat, can be furrished to prove the falsity of their statement!, but for the present we content or.relvevhy quoting the following from the Ji una! of Industry! paper conducted by colored men, and the recog nixed organ of the race in this State : "The 3ep interest tak en by the white people of North Carolina in the success of the hUe Industrial Fair, is such as should challenge ;he highest admiration of all. They have demonstrated to the world that there is no natural antagonism existing be twoan the two races in this State,, and that the oolo.-ed people have no better friends than .re to be found among the better ckst of the white people. We war never so proud as when we ssw the white people of North Carolina, regardless Muninv forward witn warm i heexta and renerou hands to the assist aaoe of their colored fellow citizen in their etngglefor higher and ! nobler manhood? It ftirnished an additional con. flrmation of what we have always aa.d of them both in oar private and public utter, noes, and through the public prmto, to wit7that lo better people dwell on the faoe of the globe than the people of North Carolina." The new Washburn A flouring milL now building at Mlnneepolia, Minn., will be the biggeet thing of the kind in the country honng a mffliM opacity ot t,6oo or S,ooo barrekof IW daily and storage for I00.000 boabels of wheat. ScBscniBi Fob Tbi Soctbibs Mail. J. LAWS A. SON, Manofacarers of Til Ware, Stat Iron, &c, and Dealers in Cook and Parlor Stoves. Roofing, and Guttering, i tleeded to at short notice aft at rsaeocs- kleprice. Extraorflinary AMOsncemenl ! I offer my stock of Boots & Shoes now on naDd Ai Cost for 60 Dars. I mean just what I ssy. All Goods In my line will be sold at Lowest Market TPrloeu. lySlaple Produce of all kinds taken In exchange for Good. All person owini me aecionU will please com forward and settle the HENRY EICHA&DS, Jr., Is with sse and in be pleased lo see his frWsida. Tbscks for past favors, and I leeeeetfaDy olid fa eooUcaane lb Ute fa tar r I. A eruGrCrS. GRO'fRIKS, ROULHAC & DAVIS. Attkeoga eeaDralley a new trss in the old Borough, tbvtr daily iocraeaiog trade, josiiOr ibem lo saying (hat si their store the public will find aa large and coaspleie a stock of goods a can be fonnd Id Orang County, consisting of DRY GOODS, of atery style and price, Boots and Shoes, of all grsrits, .HatsIandSCaps, of lateet fashion, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, To ssy nothing of a slock ofj I STRIVE TO PLEASE! Tke sabecriber, renwctfollv hi brats the pekHe, that he baa a foil stock ml Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars, which I offer to my enstotner at Reduced Prices- I buy my Rya Whiskies direct ftOSS Bourboo Coaniy, Kentucky, and jus ranlaa) uinn to oe parr, i make Corn Whiskey a gpedalty, sad have It made to ordvr to salt the Trade. l guarantee all goods to as npisaenl K m.lA T .1 Thank Till fnr tka n..t - f rvepectfnlly solicit a coMinoDO in the lo Nrv, J. A. CHIEK. EXCELSIOR BAR, HILL8B0R0, N. C Groceries, HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, DRY GOODS. niuTPa BOtTS Sl 8HOE8, PATS . ('APR, In fact evruuine T(u want can be found n ourstoek,j)ini slwsys The Best Goods For The Least Money. Tbokln tbe public for thrlr liberal pat- reaac In to past, sol soliciting a con- tioDance In the fa tore, which we bop to merit by fair dealing and strict attention to bus loess, wrVre Respectfully yours, JAME8 WEBB, Jr. & BROJ We sell tbe Best Guano in the world POR TOBACCO. COTTON eV WHEAT, which 10 ra's experience hss laagbt one of tht Arm t- bay lo adTanlsge, ioclaillng all Staple an' Fancy Groceries, besides a com plete stock in Hrey Oroceria, such aa SALT, BACON, MOLASSES, Ac. Ccantry Merchant will do well lo exam ine their stock before buying, as they can offer Uiem all ihe srltanlages t a wboleaale runtliet . R00LHAC 4 DaVIS. I). M. LAWS, Dealer In Confectionery, T HE noderslgned having opened a BAR U the old stand lately occupied bv 8. K usrrmgion, ironting ibe uoon Moase eqaar, , win De lounfl at all tim.s ready to wail upo an sppreciiiiT' nnoiic. ue teep coniuull on bao-l a In II supply cf N. PLU&ADORES GOO) FARMS, TOWN LOTS, mL,LS, WATER POWKU and minerals. FOX SALE, fJSTD EXCEAVQ2. MFmsNortlCanliM $3 to $10 per Acre. ONE TO TEN TE&S TIME INTKh EST BIX PER CENT. Brad Bump for escrlptie Ctrcalar. Holt'i Pure Corn and Bye Whiikie!, the high character of which la everywhere admitted. lo, all other k tads ef Whiskey Wine , & c-, all of tbe beat qua Hty. Tbe patronage of the public i respectfolly Ii, riled ind every effort will be made to cite full satisfaction. W- J. HAYES. NOTICE. The undersigned give notice to tbe public lhal he Las ooened a First Class Sharif Saloon and reptfQlly OTtes the geotlytneo , Bire bin a call. 8atiiFctios oniaTjit-, With ten years eqpereoce, 1 feel compelet to sccomplkh anything in my line, come adK gWe me a call and a fair trial. Psrucola attention paid to n 16,000 Acres in Northern Orsrville Conef . 4,701 Acre In Pony iVorty: 11,000 Acre InOrsr.gesid Altnrce Coontkes; 25,000 Acres in other rotmiet-, some wild Isods; aome imprnrei wfth horses, haca, orchjrda, occ. Well Suited for Colonist. Oood fuarkeu, tyr clims'.e, ery healthy pore water, plenty Jmber.good for allerreal grass- s, tobacco, ijltnn, freha, e gets h lea, Ac. Ladiei Halt Cutting ft Shampocmg, and Children Hair CqtUng. Ladle can be sitsd oo at their residence st tbort notice. Yours respectfully, PRANK W. HARRIB. Under James A. Cheek's Bar. Foreign & Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Toy 8, Tobacco and ft a , :'-awrflj 4wwrTrMy?asaigalJ Cigars of all grades. House and Lot for Sale." The Boeao has Tea eosveeleat lleoea, KUAesi and oaber OeWHovaaea, sgoedweD e( vakerte theycri. for partkakri spply ttu DR. O HOOKER, HILL880B0, N. 0. Dealer to Fine for Stock Sailing. Mlurial proeii,, coosl.tlog of rhrcoiic iron, coion.'uiu, n.-a. copper grid, plomdago, koapsto 4,r. oraKue COUNTY. Below w give a ew descriptions nt choice farma we hare In tie Good Old County of Orange, sod olfaercouulies. SO. 1, 87 acres; 36 acres in collitalioo, 6 seres bottom, 48 acre, original woodaofr-ak, hickory, pine dogwood IOplar Ac aotfsce undalaling soil Orey aLd Red witb clay subsoil. D is lane 1 1-4 mile to Hillsboro has new callage with fire rooms, foar unC houses, one eabio.all In gwd coudilkm, baa one mile of good fence, good well sod spring aler. Local too bealihy. climaie mild; There are 60 yoaog bearing peeih aod apple tree. Price 11600 ooe-'bird caa.. oo. third in sa aod balance in 12 mouths, with interest at sia per oeot. Lobger time will be giren if needed. HO's 30 to 50,eOjprtitg over 1900 seres of floe red laod, Jrtly improsad, some well limbered wlib airklDds of Oak, Hickory. Poplsr.Waluot, Dcgwood, pe Oam sVc Ooe floe Water Po; Surface rolling, adapted for worst, graaa, Cote, clover, tobacco, beta, peaa, pouioes, fguble od finite. Uea' from 1 1-2 to 7 Utiles from Hillsboro, aod R , for tale si f lo aod 112 M per sere one to ten yeais Urn will be gfseo gooj parti . WAVU COUNTT. Oar 6 IQim to the Capital, V 0. S4, 264 aAea, 70 la eaMvaOon. to or . sood tioes, 124,old gwlde, 40 0 ?'&Tltun . Bar ee rolnog. efl red grey, grff(y and ao dy loons, teed fee tobacco, corn, cot loo beat Ve, 100 fkeaeb, 12 apple aU a lew -cber lie. aod plsms, alee 20 Vme. of djffer- ,t klods of irapet, 600 rods of fmc Uont 6 roosB, hare.eoro crib aod etebl hi 'htir order, 0 Stile West ef RaWich. eoa mile fro. the N. C. R. R., 2 1-2 rnlimu, ClTV laneLLna. W M mtA .a k .a W per Drugs, lavedicines, Chemicals,"! here, half or lea cash, befcuxa Is te ean Jtntereal at 8 per eetn. mil TOILET SOAP, PABCT HAIR and TOOTH BRCBHE8, PERPTJMERT, sin Pasct Toon Aitkin, Crass and Garrton S d. Prepared Pasats, Oik), Vsradshes, aad Dr 8 talk. PhysMaaas pmrtpUow tecmtktf ALAMANCE COC1TT. 10. 6, 164 seres, S ssiles Sooth ef C. boo aad railroad. 100 la enhJsstU to houom, K k 0ia, erWtoel and beerv eel ; bickory, walcat, rfcoUr eYe, dark reef , tehareb, school, fbop and atins Bear bw. ?;3ood bona 6sbs, klicbeo, good barm. I subta, core erib, 1 eabtB, good swrtgfe - walev, 2000 goo paaels ef (a, 190 trait f eoss, beerkag a ihas, peeehes. ctkerriea aad pleas, Orape well- Pries 27JM eask, y U.OOO half es t, balaae k eoe aad taee vrrs, wfU uiUfBt si 8 per esat. Pir fellpartrtlars address wttai N; PLUM ADORE 1AL&GH, I, C,

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