j The Kinston: Iqijrn al 1 J. I. WHITE, Fre?rtrtflrt- - TI2IS-C1.50 toTcr. VOL.1. KIHSTOIT, IT. C, THTJE8DAY. FEBBTJAIIY 13, 1070. TVO. O. a. a, WEST. IL o. WOT. H. 0. WEST & CO., Ofitnl Dealers la M o x c Ix a iv'cl ise, and Affenui for Tie Lirerpcol and London and Globe, tad other flnt cUu Fire Ins n ranee Companies. Drs. HYATT & TULL. - OESEIIAL. rBACTTTIONEBa OT IVIcclicine &z Hurgrery. try. Ofllc at the Ir. Bhowx Office. jan.'Myr Dr. A. K. BIILLlK, DENTIST. t l I . llolu nimfix in 2? Artificial Teeth, Ex tract, till and clean, or do anything: nec-! emary to be done Dy a Dentist. OClce at residence. Board famished, to parties from the coan- Jan.V12m n. asms. T. J. rREBBOK Hancr Up The Baby's StOCMncr. I pen to the shoulder, and sure enough --. .. . ..-I .1 JV I ' . . . ... toe son wmie ann was corerea wiio blood and seemed to be riddled with shot. 1' " !' V'-'V'.. 'Dear. dear, what hare I done? he exclaimed, hastily tying his own and ber handkerchief tightly around it. There's no time for apologies or ex planations. 1 thought I was shooting a partridge, and in some unaccounta ble way I have shot you. Now tell me where you Jive so 1 can get you home as soon as possible. I am a physician, and we ll soon have the poor arm all right again.' 'My home is just over the hill: I can walk if you will help me a little.' With a set, resolute face, and lips tightly closed to keep back 'the moans of pain, Meta walked hastily towards nome leaning upon bis arm. -out as they reached the gate she - fainted again, and taking her in his arms he bore her rapidly to the house, and without any ceremony pushed open the parlor door and laid her upon a sofa. .. . " ; i ' -. P . Mrs. Smith screamed murder at the top of her voice, and went into hyster EXXIS & PRESSOR. House Builders & Upholsterers, I KIN8TON, N. C, 1 AnnrtMrnl to hnlld and repair Houses and make all kind of Furniture in food style and at reasonable rates. , -in It n --! and Carta built and repaired on abort notice. Janl-12m GOODS AT IAW P1UCES! - -i- AT IV. 13. MYERS'. IIjuic up the baby's stocking-- Be srnrs yon don't forget, The dear Li trie dimpled, dartinc. She ne'er aaw Christina yt; : Bat I've told her aU aboat It, . And ah opened her blf bine eyes, I'm snre she Understood me, She looked so funny and wise. Dear ! dear ! What a tiny stocking ! It don't take much to hold -Such little pink toes as baby's A way from the frost and cold. Bat then for the baby's Christmas It would never do at all Why, Santa Clans would jat be looking For anything half so email. I know what we'll do for the baby, I've thought of the very best plan ; I'll borrow a stocking from grand-ma, The largest that ever I can, f And you'll hang it by mine, dear mother, Bight here, in the corner, so; And write a letter to Santa, And fasten it on the toe. Write: This is the baby's stocking. That hangs in the corner here, You ne'er have seen her Santa, For she only came this year ; ' Bnt she's Just the blessed est baby i And now before you go, Just cram the stocking with goodies, From the top clean down to the toe. IS e iected. nam and delirious. The ana was hA. I of ) K a .i It swollen and inflamed, and altareth- on their retnm th hmn r'rwnr r er her case had assumed an alarming sented his wife to his friends, there aspect, xxq aia not go nunung or I was not among then one more highly The da tiahino tt . Am tint mmA K I,.. I . a , &-?r I rv bedside administering medicine with fined. The doctor was rery proud of his own hands, and doin ererrthing her; and never tired of telling his in in his power for her relief! He was timate friends how he found his wife. greauy aisrjessea over ine accident, or the result of his-last shot. and inwardly vowed he would never fire off another gun as long as he lived. But what a revelation of toil, hard ship, and cruel wrong the unconscious Meta made in her delirium; she fan cied the doctor, as he bathed her hot head and hands and smoothed her hair as he would a child, was her mother. In Tho Liht. caftixrrrA mtT. From the N. T. Post. Clay and Peanut Coffee The writer hereof, while sitting in the office of a large coffee and spice mill a few years ago, heard a clerk ask the manager whether an order for very dark, bt towards Its clos The svm ahos ont. m svdden batr Wrrmed The Western iky,ad aU the clods wrt lanwd Ton sreat flam of rwrpl, foU. and ros. And, though from early daw tW skies did Imrt, That nwemt's glory swept aU gloom away Iu ramvory erm for, ol that long day, I do remember bnt that one bright hoax. So sweet, so strong, lu light ran never die ; The conquering sunshine, with lu perfect Joy, Nor all life's later shadow can destroy ' O heart of mine I we know the reason why. uci , i i : ... t i . , , and she drew hU harl cc WlirvL ? rR quanuty 01 grouna conee C0U1Q The Natural From the Raleigh New. Channel' of Trade. a then and whisnered: wui wuain i ceran ume,' jwow n rtt,0.f t am t, replying the manager stepped to Tm: r rrT "Peaking tube, whistled, and Auntie has no merpy or feeling for me; she has. kept me at work over her could be filled in the time mentioned. In the course of investicatinz this asked: 'Has that carsro of neanuts ar rived yetr Having received an an wer apparently satisfactory, he told a :sZr i" :Ai the clerk that the order cot many and many a time, because I couldn't bear to eat the food so grudg ingly given. O, I am so glad you have come!' Now Meta was a beautiful eirl. The Charlotte Obtrrvtr might profit, sbly study the Virginia legislation, which led to the Mahone eonsolidation scheme, and therefrom gather a truer notion, as we think; of whst.there is in the expression,, the natural channel of trade.' The Atlantis, . Mississippi k Ohio Railroad came to be a natural cheque! alter toe Uld Dominion teauuiui mn. i ?. , .. : . : ' - . .f. ".I.. .... . I TnrmfriT mrarwn in si ivHbo nri mios ics. lhe doctor frowned scornfully at though she had a sweet, pure womanly .,, A 7" 7 , . . - nl am nnrt I owmt vt THE DOCTOR'S LAST SHOT. Now in store a good stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &C, &C. Alao constantly rcccivinsr a fresh Mrs. Smith and Mrs.' Brown were having a very comfortable afternoon together. Mrs. Smith, who was an invalid, or thought herself one, which was just as bad, was reclining in an easy chair, and Mrs. Brown, who had e.s .. run in with ner Knitting just to see how she was, had been persuaded to spend the rest of the day with her friend. ! j . . Vm Km TlvAivn T KAnaMor It VmTr- her and said to Mrs. Brown: There's 1 lv face, and great wistful eyes, and no time for nonsense; bring me some abundance of dark, silky hair. But cold water and bandages at once, and her small hands were brown and hard send so me one to the hotel for Dr. ened with toil; she was poor, depend- Chester's small case of surgical instru-1 ent, alone in the world except for this ments. ! selfasb, unnatural aunt, and the cous Mrs. bmith left to herself soon re- ins who scarcely deigned to notice covered, and insisted upon an expla ber. m " S nation of the affair. 'It's nothing serious, I hope. I have ' accidentally sent a charge of shot into this younir lady's arm. Are you her mother? Dr. Chester was a rich old bachelor, not so very old either, only thirty-six. Why he had never married no one could . tell, but true it is he had re mained heartwhole these years in spite statesmen. subject the PSwt's representative hap- n 8? many northern men to pened to meet an old acquaintance SiK"? !?.5 ?2?lo.!C??a.Ullf ' U tuuiuu us iiiws uur, uiuaosu lor lonpt time enjoyed th 'natural channel of 4be li. A D. H JLi and would per haps never have become satisfied to see Norfolk enjoy the "natural channel business, had not ber wise men sac ceeded in proving that the 'natural channel' of the N. C R. R. led to Richmond's door. Now Norfolk comes back to the fight, transferred as it is to our soil, and wants ns to believe that the Creator intended our Anson county constantly rccclviiif? a , stock of FA3I1LY GitOCEUIES, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, and HOLLOW WARE, SOID AT IX)TVKST CASH lUUCES. aiaJT A continuance of tho liberal pat ronage heretofore bestowed upon me is respectfully solicited, janl 12m N. D. MYERS. . ! A. HARVEY & CO. Maiufactnrers of Finb Brands of Jlievingf tSmolcing: T (j) BACCO, janl-12iji. Kinston, N. C. dn'AS. F, HAltVEY, 'No, indeed, she is a poor, depend -1 of the many beautiful women who had ent creature that we've taken in for smiled gracefully upon him, - But charity's sake: a niece of mine, and somehow this poor orphan won his vui . f- - uiaiitv a rase, n mew ui tunic, auu euiucuun um uwi uiuuau nuu uu ii i . - , idential. That poor niece of mine was what I'm to do with her now I can't heart completely during that week of ".'"J?1 ?nndTi lhoro"gnly pa . u a out the water, it was then moisK left an orphan on the cold charities of the world, and as I was the only friend she had, she came right here of course. Well, here I am, in such very delicate health,, needing Constant attention, and I could not expect my own girls, poor dears, to be fussing around their sick mother all the time. I want them . . n . to enjoy themselves while they can. This poor thing needed ; a home, and I gave it to her at once. 1 said oi course, child, come right here and live with us. Yoii can make yourself useful, no doubt, it will be all right.' She has been here for six months now, and has been a wonderful help to me. I keep her busy from daylight until dark to keep her mind off her troubles, you know, and nights when 1 can t see. I can't take care of her, and, unconsciousucn. He was charmed indeed, sir, ltVmighty inconvenient I with her sweet prattle about her child- to have her laid up just at this time. She is very necessary to my comfort. I need, a sight of care and waiting on night and day. i 'Well, madam, Mil need a sight of care and-waiting on, herself, now for awhile, and must have it.' By this time the young girl revived again under the vigorous treatment hood; and her innocence and helpless ness,- together with the ii suffering he had so unwittingly caused, appealed strongly to his sympathy, and he fully resolved to win her love a'nd make her his wife if possible. Never had a pa tient a more assiduous doctor than poor Meta. Mrs. Smith fumed and fretted over all the fuss that they made about the tricks of the trade he said: 'Now; look here, you think that there's nothing too bad to be done in cneof these mills, but I can tell yon of a trick that beats any adulteration they ever did clean out of sight' Haying obtained a promise that no names should be used, he said he had been asked a couple of years ago if be cotton, for instance, to seek shipment would like to undertake the manufac- ?lT at lbe ttonlh of the Elisabeth ture'of artificial cofiee. Being of a VrTa n . .... ,pecul.tW, trnofn,ibd (.nd ipa, Jjft sanf, none too scrupulous) he went in- We have known oasca where by throw to the business. ing in a small dam it would not run on 'We used to buy a very soft. fine, a neighbor's land unless his consent ' I 49 w" . (irv wMnru procureo. nioiniDg u easier moUtened ,U"S. "u"'c10 DT?V'. cpmmeii wi vuiwurj uu uauueuuu, mouiaea mow states that keep ont into coffee bean shape and mixed with a certain proportion of pure coffee. When roasted it had all the appear ance ot genuine cohee, with the addi- ont of corpora-" tions and more of the same sort. It has been bar erode readiog of the subject perhapa, which' has thus f sr. uniorxnnaieir ior ua, prevented our tional advantage tou. of weighing Sj'fe SVLSSi using twenty-nve per centum she received! and the instruments were 'that girl,' until the doctor frightened brought to him. her into silence by telling her that he 'Now, madam, will you tell me knew how she had treated the poor where to take this young lady, for child, and that if she didn't keep qui- she must be put to bed at once. et and have everything done that was ' Well, she sleep in a little closet off needed for her comfort be would have more. of clay beans, which weighed about 20 per centum more than the real coffee, we would get 61 per centum more weight out of a given Quantity by measure, and this additional weight was enough to pay for the working of the clay into shape; so that our clay our observation has been that when once a State released control of her' corporations they quickly took control of the Bute. One has only to glance at the map to get the number cf States afflicted r in this way. . North Carolina has not yet taken a fixed place in this list though one seems reserved for her of other sections. It is really an external ... nol- my room i 'That will never do. sleep it's dreadful handy to have hen largest, best room you have wucie sue wiu iuu uujr uaifc, ouaik. mj nouse. lasiing Meta gently in NOTARY PUBLIC feet bathe my bead, and read me to and ; Inferior Court Clerk for Lenoir Comity. Probates Deeds, Mortgages, Lien Bonds and other instruments required to be Registered. to? Blank Deeds, Mortgages, &c, sleep. 'Don't you pay her wages? 'Bless me, no! She said something about it one day as if she expected to be paid for her work, but I told her that we couldn't think of hiring our arms. me the in the his! the doctor followed Mrs.' Smith her arrested and tried for inhuman cruelty. Under his watchful care the danger was soon over, and Meta was pronoun ced convalescent. The doctor took upstairs to a large pleasaut chamber, her out to ride as soon as she was able one groanea in spirit as sne turnea down the white counterpane,) and as sisted the doctor in getting Meta un- coffee gave us a clean profit of 25 cents icy for all the good goes outride on tne aoiiar, oesiae me pront on the genuine coffee. 'Did you sell much of it?' 'We did a very large business. We could undersell any other house in the market, but we never ran . down our t: - u uJwar claims. The Southern disconUnt. mvkiiUK just etuiUK. ucivn waiack i i , , , , - rat tS seoure a safe for all we could !!blCi 18 80 V"4 f nd.dP J From thJf.Y. Uerald. The Old Flag and an Approprla tlon. The real cause of quarrel in the tj Democratic camp is not, after all, the LOUIS GllEEN FAsnioNAULB babdeb and HATB dbbsseb, KINSTON, a . own blood relations to work for us. I lorn uer lu just oe easy auoui vuai, whenever she needed anything we'd see about it. She gave me a kind of queer smile that I didn't quite under stand or like; but, on the whole, she is wonderful quiet and gentle like; and I consider it a real Providence.' Where is she?' 4 1 sent her down to the back pasture to get some blackberries for my tea. I thought maybe I'd ralish them if they were fresh uown in the back pasture she was, dressed and into bed; but he I was not to be trifled with at such a time. 'Now madam, I will excuse you, but let Mrs. Brown bring me plenty of warm in the easiest of all carriages. Rare delicacies were sent every day from the-hotd to tempt her returning CXn.T the Democratic afann about it would petite. The sweetest and most frag- " T.,7; A, 6 be excusable if it were not part of the mnt flowftr that onnlrf hfi tnnnd h. 1 6 . ... 1""!M.U"' domed her room. Meta remonstrated with him for all his lavish kindness, water, and soft, old linen, and remain but he would reply by saying he. was OffietOT(r Pelltif r's Ih-ng Store'j. Jan3-ljr b. r. mxL. a a tatlob. ' L. J. HILL & CO., 33oot Sc rUioe TVa.li:cxs9 KINSTON, N. C. it crying as if her heart would break. It did her good; it cooled the fierce fever in her heart, and she finally grew qui et and slipped softly down on her , French Calf Skin and Louisville Oak ttole Leather, to make and re pair Boots and Shoes to order. ' Satisfaction Guaranteed. Janl-I2m J. j?y Iarrott, Miller and Lumber Dealer, Kinston, N, C, Is now prepared to fill all orders for FIRST-CLASS LUMBER at the lowest Casu rates. feT Also keep on hand the celebrated place, was out hunting that day. AiicKaiioc jr amiiy iJoor. Janl12m fine, plump partridge flew up from the tii i ..... . . just at that moment, and the to assist me. And I want a servant close at hand to get whatever else I may require while dressing, the arm.' It was a terrible hour to Meta while he probed each wound and removed the shot that were deeply imbedded in the tender flesh. Fortunately no bone was broken, and at last it was neatly bandaged with soft linen and wet with a healing lotion, and she fell asleep. Mrs. Brown proved an efficient the cause of all her suffering and she must allow him to atone for it in eve ry way be could. How ; eagerly he watched the faint color that crept in to her cheeks at his approach. How tenderly and delicately he administer ed to her comfort and pleasure day after day, until at last he ventured to tell her of his love and his great de sire to have her for his own. He had ,Where did your clay come from?' lnati can t ten you. i ve gone out of the business myself for reasons ! of my own. Business Law: no rwcnm verv dear to her diirintr all prepared with the best the poor niece, Meta Langdon, but not helper, and as they passed quietly out these weeks of suffering, and she ac- picaing oiacKDernes. one was situngj Qf the room the doctor said: j knowl edged it and promised to be his on a mossy log among the' bushes. I 'Mv mtipnt must Hva tha orrpntpsf. I wifp Hp. ViAfttenpd in inform Mrs. care and attention. Could you stay and nurse her for awhile?' . 'Yes, I might.' 'Very well: I will pay you well if Ignorance of the law excuses one. An agreement without consideration is void. Signatures made with a lead pencil are good in law. A receipt for money paid is not le gally conclusive. Th knees and prayed long and earnestly J0a will do it, for everything will de- for patience and wisdom and help from her heavenly Father. Then she caught up her pail aud rose to com mence her task.' But it so happened that Dr. Chester, who was spending a pend upon keeping her quiet now.' 1 he met Mrs. bmith in the ball. 'Madam, this woman has consented to stay and take care of your niece, and I will see that she is well paid for Smith of their betrothal, and asked forbearance for another week when, he assured her be would relieve her from all future care and responsibility of her niece. Imagine if you can her astonishment! She was completely dumbfounded! and had not a word to say; though doubtless in her heart she he acts of one partner bind all the others. Contracts made on Sunday cannot be enforced. A contract made with a minor is void. A contract made with a lunatic void. is whole absurd and impossible political situation here, arises out of an urgent and irrepressible desire in the South for large appropriations for internal improvements and subsidies. The Southern Democrats imagine that their section of the country is excep tionally poor, and they would like it to be made prosperous by a large shower of government money. They see that they get no sympathy In this matter from the Northern Democrats, who have very persistently and effect ively kept guard over the Treasury and have resisted the persuasion and threats of the Southern men, until, as in General Bragg's case, they are los ing their temper. : 'If the Northern Democratic party is not willing to help the South, I, for one, do not see why we Southern Dem ocrats should any longer go trailing at the heels of the Northen Democrats to help them to oGce,' said a Southern Democrat to your correspondent the iew weeas in mat aengntiui country it. Knt minH what I Mv-mn must! A not see her. nor must an v one else see T. B. IjOFTtS. J. Q. Jacsox. JACKSON & LOFTIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KINSTON, N. C. bushes Doctor fired. To his astonishment the bird escaped, but a shrill scream and heavy fall beyond the : bushes made him throw down his eun and rush furiously through the sharp bri ber but Mrs. .brown and mysalf tor a week at least, 'for she will have a se rious time of it at the best. 1 regret LUangdon in the latest style, ouch a it exceedingly, more than I can tell time as there was then of cutting and you, that 1 have been the cause of all Das ting, ox trying on ana trimming; this suffering, and will do my best to two other seamstresses kept their sew have her out again as soon as possible.' ing machines running at the highest Agents are responsjbleto their prin cipals for errors. Principals are res- other da v. and thi is rmerat M . i i . . i . . . I :ui r i r .l I . ... ' . " : inougm it anotner most mysterious iwwiuwwrwe ui meir agem. ing that bait the bouthern men in dispensation. Each individual in a partnership is Congress earnestly and even vehement- The next day a notable dressmaker rrepousiuie ior me wooie amount oi j ly approve of iL from the eitv arrived with Tanons uie oeou oianrra. - - I a . . m m note ODtainea oy iraua, or from a person in a state of intoxication, cannot be collected. !' . A note given by a minor is void. If a note be lost or stolen, it does not rv lease the maker; he must pay tL An indorser of a note is exempt costly and wonderful fabrics, which she bad orders to make up for Miss The most careful biography, of Washington Irving yet written now appears; strange to say, not in Amer ica, whose literature be almost found ed, nor in England, which he loved. nor in spam, which be celebrated and served, but in Germany and in Ger ers, never heeding the rents they made So saying the doctor wished them good rate of speed, until at the close of the 'roa liability if not served with notice man a country and a language which JTffiT ttt Lfnoir, Qrw, Wayne. Jooes and iZj?:?ni ntatk paid all bos- in his fine hunting suit or the scratch- dav. and soon disaDneared from their week there was enough of a wedding of its dishonor within twenty four Irving knew and valued less than he .i . - I .. - , , 1. - . I l m . - ! . ij. . . oi estate of dHtupl iwruwi Settlements pecuLUtr. Sat-Office PdbrJ ?f "ClSqare,fornierty W. J. EASBEREY, Attorney JVt liaw, KINSTON, N. C oc- 12m es upon h face and hands. view. tronueau to fill a huge Saratoga trunk. Ihere lay the game he had brought Well, now, if that isn't cool! And The doctor took daily pilgrimages be- uown, in me shape of a young girl what am I to do all this timer groaned tween that chamber , and the city, un i J e-K - ... if . i- u . j .i icu ior I Aira. omiin rocain? nersen viirorousiv t ui at tan uc coum dok ueviae her great arm chair. 'And hours of its non-paymenL certainly would have done had he lived later. In two compact volumes WU1 attend the Qowu of Lenoir Greene and Office o Court House Sqnare. . J. W. HAEPEE, Attomey At Law, Office over Post Office, KINSTON, N. C. in ner great arm chair. 'And my best spare room, too! Say, did he muss everything up dressing that arm? - 'Oh, no! he was very careful about who was in a dead faint or aught he knew. He ouicklv loosened her dress and dashed water in her face from the full canteen which he hap pened to have, and finally forced a few drops of brandy between her lina. At length she opened her eves, to List that-' iani-ism great relief, and tried to rise, but a 'Well, that'i a comfort any way. sharp cryof pain showed there was To think I should have such trouble something more serious than a mere with that girl Just when I needed her 8CrvTTLl" V most. I think it is a yery mysterious What is it, where are you hurtT dispensation of Providence.' , My arm,' she exclaimed. The nt mnrnintr thm (for tor fonnrl He tore the f faded calico sleeve o- Meta in a high fever, moanini? with 1 a An, Yes! A Fnlton father went Washington Irving, ; Ein Lebens-und -I. . , .1 , I 1 1 mm mwXA m A A 1 f T . T anotner i nome tne otner evening ana stepped vk 4V &auu, rxwibly in the narlor to fill nn the stove. As 1 E Oppenheim) Herr Laun riTes ' MT ' 9 be the resuiu of an affectionate and mtel- thing which his darling could need for dress or ornament dunnsr the 1 the li?ht of hia kmn diuinated trip to Europe which he had planned. I darkness, he saw his daughter and ber licnt study of his subject in all iU Never was there a happier bride and Adolpbua, but they were in separate pecu, ana. succeeds in presenting a groom than , those who were made one chairs, and were engrossed in a box of remarkably interesting and correct in Mrs. Smith'a parlor that bright figs. He felt compelled to ask: 'Some- picture of the great diplomatist, tray September morning. They went 10- thing the matter with the gasT And eller, and. master of English style. mediately to bis borne on the Hudson, I the time-tried youth, grasping one of 1 xwffla Miagaxw. . where nis mother received the new I the golden thoughts that overwhelm J l. a rl I lt m m i t I - r ,w ...... uauguber wita opca ana s ana wa a-- us in umo oi . neea, axawcrca, as no ine campzon people Will this year ter went to Europe, where they spent picked op a fig: o, sir; we turned try their hands at a tobacco crop. a year. Meta made good use cf the it down so as not to notice when we Wayne will plant 2C0 acres in the time by putting herself under the care I bit into a worm. IGoldsboro neighborhood.