THE JOURNAL. THTJESDAY, IIAECH 13, 1879, Beantifal Spring weather. Trees are budding early. Peach trees are in bloom. RaiD, Thunder and Lightning, last Tuesday night. The Soiree of the F. F. B. B. Clnb has ' been postponed until Friday, xr.Mt, ouf ThA mfttch eame will be plajed to-morrow, Friday. Take Werners' Chill Pill. . - onaa www vcuw w f r J of oar old citizana remember the time when ten cents was the highest price paid for a white shad. j Messrs. Nlcol and Harvey and other cnano agents have just bnilt a large gu- ano irareuuuBo uu luuum I ho steamboat landing. The following list of names were sent np to Raleigh by the Executire Committee of Lenoir for appointment as Magistrates have t hesrdt i suppose and as we nothing to the contrary, we they were duly, appointed:'. Sand Hill, S. T. CrosLmd; ;Wood ington, Jesse Jackson, Jr.; Trent, A. W. Whitfield; Pink Hill, Geo. Tamer; Kinston, S. H. Rountree; Falling Creek, J. W. Daly; .Lenoir Institute, M. 13 Creech: Vance. J. M. Mewborn; Con- ten tnea Neck, H. H. Moore. IXFEKIOB CoUBT JCBOBS FOB APKUi Tumi 1579. P. M. McCoy, B. T. DaugLety, Bennett Gray, Dallas Daw aon, Frank Dail, Jaa. Wflkina, ;WJ F. G. Hecrr H. King, Loftin, Wrc. S G. 8troad, Phelps, J. W. Daly, Juo. Joshua T. Aldridge, Juo. F. McCoy, H. A; Litchfield, J. F. Brown, . Matthew Harvey, Edwin Taylor, David Williama Jaa. VT. Boose, G. W. Jones, B. Wiggins, " Jerry Warters, Jno. Field, J. F. j Daaghety, Iioftin, Beni. Boose, T. P. DaiL TJ Hartsfield, J ess H. Moore, Wmj F. W. Henderson L. I'atronar In Draylnr U rwpwtfullj solicited The will of Mrs. Chelly Warters who died near LaGraDge a few weeks ago, admitted to Probate on Wednes Mrs. Warters was in her 80th The South Atlantic, edited byt Mrs. Cicero W. Harris of Wilmington. N. j C presents the following bill of fare ) for February 1879: "Cornelias Har4 nett, J. H- Wheeler; The Evil Eye, Gi na Stuart; Mrs. Sarah Helen Whitman, John S. Long; Sonnet, Paul H. Hayne; Jerusalem to Jezreel; Eugene Aram; Act IV. Espy, W. H. Williams; Carmei lita, Chap, vii to ix, W. H. Babcoek; Bayard Taylor. Paul H. Hayne: John Davidsons Wife, Chans, x, xi.k W. Wj Alexander; Recent Literature. Hines. t JCBORS FOB SUPBBIOB UOUBT FOB Spbtnq Term 1879. Cornelias Pad- rick, William Aldridge, Jesse B. Soblej which, D. R. Walker" says is the best. J ones County Items. Not an Item of news for the JcuBsrax this week. It has indeed been a 'very still week". II anything bnnsaal has "stirred" your correspondent has failed to get it. 1 . H-:- , - -. . As we are "hard np" for something to write about we will take a sally a- mong the farmers and see what they are doing. The favorable weather the past week has enabled them to push forward! their work. Marl dig Kings are tbe order of the day. Our neighbor, A. P. Barrow, invited in fif teen or twenty hands last Saturday, and threw oat between two and three thous and bushels of tbe finest blue marl was day. year. We received a communication for publication from Sandy, Foundation, but no name was signed, and accordiug to the old established rule we cannot publish. H. C. Parrbtt h an for rent three one-horse farms, separately or together, with food buildings We regret to report the death of Joshua Unrdison whose arms were so horribly mangled in Harpers saw mill, as atated in the Jodiisaj. last week. Mr. J. B. Stanley of Contentnea Neck township says that the, guano men held up their prices so long that the farmers in hi section have concluded to let it alone entirely. An old colored man on his farm says the shovel is the best fertilizer he ever saw. Mr. D. D. Haskitt reports that he Hawed 040 feet of piank out of a poplar log tea feet long, at his mill in Wood iogton township last week. We notice this mill is furnishing the A. & N. C. 11. R. with a lot of excellent lightwood sills fur bridge repairing. Tak Wkyiikk'8 Cough Syrup. The Senior member of the firm of (Ettinger Bros, is now on a trip to the Northern cities for their Spring stock of goods. This firm has the largest dry goods trade of any in town and be lievo in the free use of printers ink, 1 (see new advertisement). They are getting up, a is their custom every year, a comic advertising circular for free distribution among their custom ers. '.-.-- The drummers say that Beu. N'uuu kt eps the best hotel in the State that the fare is better than at the Yarboro and the order kept is admirable -we shouldn't wonder if the credit had , not ought to be given Ben's "better half." The ' Quarterly Conference of the Methodist church is invited to convene here in June next. It is said that be fore the Vote was taken to extend the invitation Clay Pdrrott was very par ticular about finding out if time would be given for spring chickens to get grown before the meeting,' and when assured on that point,. the motion pass ed unanimously. 1 ' Landreth's Garden Seeds at IIkxrv Duns's. Dempsey Wood, Jr., from 'Buckles berry," reports the cholera playing hav oc with his hogs. Out of seventy five ho only has thirteen left within the last few weeks. lie says that one of his neighbors hogs has been with his, ever Hince the cholera appeared, and that he eats every one as fast as they die, and Instead of catching the disease, has fat tened on the diet James Williams, B. H. Langston, Levi H. Carter, Jno. H. Suggs, Junius E Sutton, Jno. H. Coward, Jas. L. Tay lor, Jefse H. Hardy, S, H. Loftic, J. T. Daly, Seth West, C. C. King, John It. Dawson, Wiley Dawson, Jos. H.! Waller, -Thos A. Harvey, L. M. Hardy B. Frank Sntton, J. G. Ervin, Noel Albrittqn, (col.), T. R. Cunningham, C. P. Barrow Jno. Cobb, (col.), A. J.' Neighbor J. C. Parker had n digging last week and threw out a big pile right where tbe ixliior of the Joukkaii once dug and found it not. (May be it's! a good thing he; didn't find it; if he had he never would have started the Jour nal) Moris McDaniel, Wiliam Pollock and George Barrow are going to have digging pretty soon. And your humble servant, having found a plenty of the very best all around these branches.! is thinking about having a little "spree1 It is so nice to have such a great big Mclntyre, It. ; W. Moore, Ualeb Button, pie thrown out in one day. We think T - 3 ml TT A 1 TTf ir l A'l- '11 . ierxinzers win siana poor cnance tuis neiguoornooa alter tnis year. , Isaac Fields, j Thomas Heath, W. M. Nettles, It. M. Kennedy, B. F. Dixon,1 J. W. Brothers. F. G. Griflln. i ; Last Saturday we saw our worthy county commissioner from Lousin Swamp escorting ladies down Gordon street, and invited him to dinner,! whereupon he imposed on us the threadbare saving, "Did you ever be- Onslow County Items. Things are very auiet in oar xaidaL There waa some excitement a few morn ing since; a young man wishing to break a Taurus, w had quite a crowd standing around to help him "hitch np." When the word waa given to start there was quite a caner cut bv the strong fellow, and in the tussle a negro loond himself standing on his head. Several Professional men were standing around and seemed to enjoy the Ion hugely. The "Taurus" would make for the crowd occasionally, and you never saw each scattering. Tbe male fellow, of the cow kind is about broken and ia now hauling manure in a hurry, f . ; There has quite a goodly number of bales of cotton left Bichlanda in the last few daya for New Berne. Somebody ia going to handle the greenbacka. lue farmers are preparing for crone. and will soon be ready to plant. mere uvea a negro woman not far from this place about eight feet in height. How is that for high ? Tell us exactly how high she is, Ed. xnereare being made in and about Bichlanda some improvements. One very nice and stylish by Mr. H. W. Humphrey. , Mr. J. W. Shackelford is speaking of building a brick honse. - Iwo of our villagers are absent. One is in Washington city and the other in Baleighj representing Carteret, Jones, and Onslow in the Senate. He will soon bo! home as the Legislature will shortly 'adjourn. A horse ran through the village a few days ago with a baggy, bat was stop ped, and it was found that nothing was broken The owner is lucky. He drove the horse out ' aud went back to shut the gate, and the horse took advantage oi being left alone and ran about half a mile, i Richxands. LOOKOUT . roa (ETTHTGER BEOS. Adv ortisomont. ONE OF THEIB FIRM 13 tST NORTH NOW TO PUB EST CHASE A LABQE STOCK OF GOODS. fore hear tell of a town man inviting his couutry friend to dinner!" "' "Never!" "What, never?" "Well, hardly ever." We had intended to keep that stale plied to the Examiner in If it pays some Of your farmers to hau eight or ten miles, it will certainly pay us to haul it two or three huudred yards From the farmers we go to education al matters and this time we want jto take a hack at the Teachers. A meet ing was advertised to be held in Tren ton on tha 1st Monday in Jan. last at which all the while Teachers in the County were requested to attend and organize a Teachers Association. Af ter one or two postponements on account of thin attendance three or four teach ers and the County Examiner got to gether and organized. As we did not think the Teachers responded to the call as tney ought to nave done we ap- to know who quotation out oi our paper, but since we have it once, we will quote one more of the town sayings: "Did you ever know a Kinston clerk; that would help a farmer hitch up his mule?" "Never!" "What, never?" "Well, hardly ever -unless that! farmer has a pretty daughter boarding! iu town and attending school." fc The chairman of the County Commis sioners tells us that he thinks that $2000 can be saved this year from the! general county funds, with the same tax collected as was last year. Then by saving the same amount 'next year, there will have to be collected only $6000 to build the $10,000 court house. If this amount can be saved in the ad ministration of county affairs, it will be quite a feather in the caps 6f the pres ent Commissioners. The old Board of stream which is the next best thing to a Commissioners, thoneh difffiHnt in rail road; good farm lands! in every di- oolitica with the W minrltr M tfca rection; good water; healthy and in fact . . ... . I everything but'a good permanant school. principal wx payers oi iue county, yet 0lir people are not averse to education, hadV the confidence of both political far from it tliev have their little pri- were the Teachers and if he knew why they would not attend the meetings and join the association. Ho did not know why they would not attend hut gave us this painful or rather shameful piece of information as to the whites, viz: that the white teachers in the County are on the stand-still or go-back while the colored Teachers are j advancing that is, when he came iuto office about four years ago there were white teach ers, who held 2nd. aud ond. grad? cer tificates aud aire holding the same yet some of them) not quite as bright jas they were four years ago while colored teachers who could barely get a 3rd. grade when he came into office are now getting good 2ud. grades And some 1st. grade certificates. No wonder they ie fuse to join an organization, one of the objects of which is mutual improvement consultation and cooperation. Tell us "Lenoir Teacher" what ought to be done with such. Weaeeinyour Onslow Items, that the little villiage of Richlands lias three good schools and only lacks a rail road in order to become a city. Here is Pollocksville on a good navigable parties iu the management of county finance. They were eminently con servative and, as a general rule, econ omical, and the new Board will have to vate bchools about in different portions oi tne country;: out we want to see a first class Graded school at Pulloksville and at Trentoi. When we get these we can begin to compete witii our We publish below, some Jonec county poetry without endorsing the sentiments We have known Sheriff Smith favora bly for several years: and hia vigorous campaign last Summer, single handed in the face of overwhelming odds, is a sufficient proof of the soundness of his policies, we print me poetry "on ao count of its merits"; and knowing too tnai iriena omun is good natured e nough to laugh at a joke even at his own expn8e. ( Jokes Count, N. C, Mar. 10. I guess I'd better apologise a little to Mr. Harper. Unless I thought I could exercise myself a little sharper; For as I stand on politics I can have no opponent But every body now expects to hare some poe try in a moment. But as I never do stand back for whining or for yawning, ' I guess I'll give the Democrats a little piece of warning. i X FEW STANZAS OX TUB PLURALITY OT TBE 6UKSIFFS OF JOXKS. Now j ust to think of the county of Jones, She used to have money to loan; But now she can't tell what to do, Instead of one Sheriff she's got two. One's named Tom and the other's named Joe Now which one's wrong I do not know: Tom's got a white man to keep the jail; Joe's got a black man they call "Bale" I do'nt suppose they will disagree, As both of the jailors have got a key; But wo'nt it be right funny sport To see two Stu-ifls call one Court? Tom, they say, is a Radical; Joe's somewhat of a prodigal; ' Still he is a man of spunk; Tom's aj man that do'nt get drunk. j Tom's aj man that used to labor, And they say a right good neighbor: Joe's a man that's somewhat twisty. But he can't stand when full of whiskey. Tom's a man that does things right, But he (jlon't suit a 'Benjarainite". Joe, they say, is a Demote rat, Although his jailor is most right black. Joe is a tnan that's somewhat fierce; He was Deputy once for a man named Pearce: Yet they say he's a Democrat, Although his jailor is so black. R. IF. PELLET1ER . WITH ISAAC J. TAYLOR, Kinston, N. C DXALEB IX . ' Medicines, and Chemicals, . FANCY JLTD TOILET ARTICLES, Spouses, Brushes, Perfumery. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. (Established 18(4.) HENEY DU171T. MrCCIST 4 ATOTHECm, Kinston, N. C DKUG8 and MEDICINES of the BEST QUALITY oozutasllj be- ing reoeirea. ST" Prescriptions - caref oIIt com pounded at anj hoar. I return my sincere thsnfca far thm liberal pstronscre heretofore mrtfnApA and respectfully solicit a continuance of the aame. dee 20-iL HARDWARE, &C. OBDEXU ANSWKBXD WITH PATCH. CABSAKD DIS- cut close to bead them off on that point, neighbors in opening inducements to Alter a wliile wo exDect to Drint state- uutsr"". .7 ments from time to time, of county fi nances and compare with the former1 administration, no matter which side may suffer bj comparison. We call attention to the new adver tisements in thi issue. Mrs. Miller has just received a new lot of millinery goods, selected with her tisual good taste which she is selliug on very rea sonable terms. JoeLiasiter wants to buy a large drovo of ybuug steers to carry to the Virginia grass regions for fattening. Messrs. Gates, Foy& 'Co., of New "ur, luoeri vueir cura, aud we give oelow the analyses of the Fertilizers sold by them and by some of oar Kin- wa mercnauts as made ont bv the Commissioner of Agriculture of Geor gia: Zell's Ammoniated Bone Superphos sum uv Messrs. Gates, Foy Jb Co. rbo.phoric Acid 13.00, Ammonia 2.i Pouh viararrctai xix per Ion 43.02. B. D. Sea Fowl Guano sold Harvey: . . in,, 1 .-- .BOncAcl4 ia. Ammonia merclal talu lw T .Brdl7; Pnt Superphosphate of Lime sold by L. Harvey: o.phorU. Add uoo. AxruaouU S.Si. Chesapeake Guano Cox: by L . S W. Cora- Com- old by J. G. lho.phoric Acid 15.80, Ammonl,, ,U8h We give below some of the proceed ings of the Lenoir County Commission ers at their March meeting. We hope to make arrangements to give their proceedings in full hereafter. The people of the county are more in terested in that than even in Legisla tive proceedings. Ordered by the Board, That they rec ommend to the teachers and school committeemen of Lenoir county, the text books as published by the Univer sity Publishing Co., and for sale by Nathan Stanly pf Kinstonf N. C, as worthy of their patronage and support. We n commend said . books as the best published and would be . glad to see them introduced in every school in North Carolina. Ordered by the Board, That they rent J. K. Davis' (Long's) Hall, for a'court room for two years commencing from Jan. 1st 1879, at two hundred dollars per year. . Ordered by the Board. That Jno. P. Woo ten be allowed to eiect an office on the court house square, to be used only as a lawyers office, and that be locate said office adjoining S. B. West's store. or between Jackson's and Graineer's M ... - omces; upon connition that said J. If. N00ten will act as attorney for the county Cammissioners free'of charge. We find the following proceeding in February. Is he a red rose, or a white rone, or a black rose, or an Irish po tato? - ;-f Ordered by the Board, That1 Early Rose be appointed to attend to the Draw in Neuse river bridge, to keep off the rafta and patch said bridge when needed, and that he be allowed eight J aouara permontu lor nis semces. 49" Farmers and Phytirl&na from the country will nnd onr tock ox Medicines complete, war ranted genuine, and of the best quality. Ja24-ly J. BL DODSOX, PHOTOOBAPHIO AETIST, Will remain in Kinston a few days lonrer. All persons wanting work done in his line would do well to call earl'. A fine lot of NEW FRAMES Just received and which he will sell CHEAP. Call and see them. Janl7-tf ETcry Fanner his own Manufacturer. MLLLEE & CANADY, . Kinston, N". C. DEALXBS IK FOREIQN AND DOMESTIC A AKD "VV JSl. Powell's Prepared Chemicals ISukLTI.0; Cart . r , 1 rials, Rah, Doors and Illinds, patata aad OUa. j:ur iuuKuiu reruuicrs. IlTTIf.niMpa kitodi A splendid line of Table and Porket CatUrr fimY"2. Cbap nn"' PUloU' rowd.V?fS2t "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. He was Deputy once for John S. Andrews: Still they call him a Democrat, Although his jailor is most Jet black. . F. McDasiex. TRADE Register ed U. R. Pat. Office, MARK. May 7th, 1878. This snbject of Education leads as to think about what the Legislature lis doing and the Bell Punch, yes the Bell Punch is the first tning that presents rtself. Last week's Joubnai speaks our sentiments elactly in regard to the o lections being raisen to lit. we see in the proceedings that when the Bill was before the Senate Democrats were warned that if they adopted it their seats would hereafter be filled by Re publicans. We were surprised at this. Do the few men engaged in liquor traf fic in N. G. hold the balance of power? While we think the honorable Senator who so intimates is mistaken, at the same time if it! were so we dout think! a Legislature would be right in refusing to support measures for the relief of the people because they think by so do ing they will jeopardize their chances of re-election. I I To-day Assistant Eagiueer I Burg wyn and his assistans came along. Now we thought here is a first rate chance to get up an Item for the JourxaLu So we sallied out and asked. "Are your surTeying the canal route"? "No sir. I am Ass't Engineer: we make a distinc tion in surveying and Engineering. Well what are yon doing? " We are taking tbe elevation ot the level above the aea, Did you see the Bench mark on the, Tree'7 -, VNo air. ,,Jf lease walk down and let me show it to too. I want yon to witness it We make one every three or four miles in order to guide Engineers in the future." We walked down to the well at Finev Grove Courch and he showed us a nail driven into a pine root and said it was a Bench mark. We began to think of a string of questions to ask but he said he was iw - 3 Li oenina ume io-aayt so ne oowea sou passed on and we concluded that as to the canal we could report progress. The ticket 391732, drawing a$3Q0 rifle in the lottery, belonged to a wai tress at the Kestaurant Duvrl. On learning the good news she cried: 'JJoesn t a soldier go with it? "A glass of wine said Sherdan, 'en courages the thought which is slow to come, and when it comes it deserves a glass of wine as a re war.' Let us add that if a man too often rewards the thought that is so slow in coming, it will hurry him to the station house at double-quick. KINSTON MARKET. COBBECTKD WEEKLY BY F. G. Griffin, General Merchant. CIENTTFTCAI.LY COMBINED. k any Farmer can make at home, hla own Fer tilizer, at lea than one-third the priee of manipulated compounds, called Phos phates, Super-Phophats, kc For Corn,. Wheat. Tobacco, Cotton and Tsjreta tables. The Chemical for each article sold in combination as represented in the plant they are recommended for. Price for Quantity anfllcitnt to make a ton of Fertiliser. For Corn... 11 no For Wheat . 12 00 For Tobacco 13 00 For Cotton 12 10 For Vegetable. 12 00 A Copy of Powell's Farner's Memorandum and Book of Crop Formulas sent to any address free. Prepared only by Wm. II. n ItOWX & BRO. Wholesatc Drvgyinl, BALTIMORE, MD. An information and Material famished by lr. V. E. Weyber, Aoext, janl0-2m KINSTON, X. C. COTTON Market quiet. Sales at 1 8l. J - , Bagging, 13 eta. Ties....; 2.50 $11.50 81.75 . . . 4O50 eta. ... 50 eta. .......75 eta. The small-pox has broken ont in SL Jago de Cuba, and all Teasels coming from southern ports of Caba are imme diate v Quarantined ia "1 all Jamaica porta. BACON, N. C. .8 eta. Hams,. 9 eta. (3. R. Sides....... ....7 eta. POBK, I Mesa, . Bnmp,. 8ALT, LiME... CORN,....... PEAS (Stock).. FODDER,.... LARD, f " Countrr, . 10 Northern.................. 10 MEAL,.i... 50 eta. WHEAT, SL00 FLOUR, f bbL. . ........ $5.00&$Sw00 SYRUP.i ..40 eta. MOLASSES, (Cuba) .....60 eta, EGOS. ...9 10 eta. BUTTER, ... 20&25 eta. BEESWAX. . . 20 eta. SWEET POTATOES, ? bo. . .2530 CHICKENS, in demand at..Y.10a20 KEW SHOE SHOP The nndersUrned bee to in form the citizens of Kinston and tbe snrroondinf country, that he is keeping a F1EST-CL1SS SHOE SHOP la the new ofaee next to lr. wey hers Drag Store, and that he la prepared to do rood work of any description ia Lis line of busi ness, at the rery Ixrsrest pricee 9. Mi. tJlajtor. fehl5-ly PU3IPS, Plaiu and Porcelain Lined. flnnVincr onrl TToo tin re OfAnsa The celebrated Tin-Lined Cotton Kin Htovc. Also HOLLOW-WABE; soch aa , PoU, Ovens; Kettles, c Lamps, Lanterns and Lamp Oil,- . Carpenters ToUs of an kinds. Farming Implement of , all torts nch as I Tows. Flow Castlars. KborsU ansl Axes, Orabbtac and Weedinc Il fjades, i Forks, 4c. Yes, T13 80! GrO AIVI SEE. Jast arrtred and for sals by D. 3IYEBS, Bestrnlton Market and Dried Beef de and No. 1 Ooshes . Batter. CnsrVeston . iiice. Irish Potatoes. Vnck Wheat Hour, Whits? Sarar. fwHneand OiU Twine. Boots, Moss, Uat. Clockm. Cot lrry, tSoap. tt and other Dry Goods and Orocerks mn ally kept In n bre conn try Store, Look Oat Ladies! A Pine lot of Good Shoes, tncjndw- French St rle. daily rxpected and will be LOW. UhS V. Iron and Stel. Harness, Saddles. Collars, llames. Traces, ITow ltn-, and everything neew ed to cultiTate the Farm. Enrlnes. Cotton Otns, Presses, Threshers. Mowers and Ilea pres. Saw and Grist MUls and all kinds of Machinery, fnrnUUed on short no tice. . Also Axents for Walkers celebrated Cotton Gin laKATIIKU Drtiaii, Warranted to clean better than aar other brwk. and to tin damp cotton. Farm and Cosmty nchta ' for sale. To onr Bunerone friends aad patrons we rs tarn thanks for their past favors and hope) to jan3-i2m Ililler fc Canady, Chafes for sale ail.ts per tek or fTJo per bosheL XlLLta h CAXABT. Bra. HYATT & TULL. s cxsxsaz nxcxirxoxxsa of Medicine 5c Sror-grer'. OSce at the Dr. Baow OOce. UrnX-lyr A.NICOL, iam rosv-- "AHCEOE BIlAlD,, Fertilircr mch-4t rrans. Same aa luist Year.

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