I f V i For tlio Kington Journal ItETTER FROM SNOW HILL The Late Court--flogs -North Carolina IJaconFortilizers t , Prejudice against "IJook Far miiiiC iVc. jMit. Editou: The desert of Aquilla ud around and in Snow Hill the past few windy jlaya reminded . one veiy much of o 6Low storm; so thick va? the i Rand fall that we hnd to close doors. Our friend G of New Berne was here armed and equipped with a long ulster aud a green veil, when an old friend of ours passed him and says he, dlw evening madam.'V V. gave yon all fhe court aud rail road news last week; only One civil case was tried, and-that "by consent. The Jury made a hitch on the Gaines and Frazier trial and were dismissed 11 to i. ; In our last letter we did not quite ex haust the "Hog and. Fertilizer" sul ject. Well, as "compromise" is the order of the day, we will have to compromise a little on the hog, ami yield to progress. Every farmer has not a good range for his hog to roam in, therefore the inde pendent, North Carolina Land Pike or Gate Lifter would perish out, because 'hp would get nothing for his labor. How shall we. then get around the dol lar and cent question referred to in our last, and ave our bacon? Well, I should say, crosses of Berkshire or Es sex on goou country hogs would (ill the bill they are easy kept, earlj to ma ture, with small bone and make good bacon, marbled with lean and fat. FEKTILIZEKS. There; see ins t be a notion prevalent ftMong fanner that the Ammonia ol Acid Phosphates would be lost if placed Urai-the feurfsice. Now bear in mind that there is no free Ammonia in. a strict Buptr or Acid Phosphate. (If there was it would be a Sulphate of Ammo nia which is not volatile. And for other reasons already assigned in mv ' last it would not be lost.) What is a huptr or A?id 'Phosphate? A Super Phosphate is made-bv dissolving ani mal bono, or bone depoMt, with di luted Sulphuric Acid. .-Gypsum, or Sulphate of lime, and 'phosphoric acid are fot med (phor.phate of lime) the gj p btim is prccipitattd and the phosphoric acid rise? to the top of the mass this with the addition of potash and soda is a'sui per phosphate, and none of these arc volatile any more than ashes would bo. After a super phosphate' is deposited in the soil and decomposition sets in, . Born ammonia will be formed, bui" it will unite with the sulphuric acid with . which the bone? were d:$folved, and become fixed. The difference in a sc-termed guano and an acid phosphate is that one has Ammonia, in one form or another, and the other has not. Now. then, we have Ammonia at home, .cheaper than the Ammonia of commerce. How is that? Thualy: By mixing and c-mpostiug jour cotton teed 'and stable manure with an honestly-made Super or Acid Phosphate, decomposition will com mence, Nitrogen and Uvdroetri will bo given off, they unite and fotm ii'.a, the ammonia unites with phuric acid aud forms Sulphate ammo- ihc snl- of Am- mouia which, tear in mind, Unit tola tile, and thuifrewill Lot escape, and will be securely held until liberated in the soil. Acid Phosphates arc rated in value by the amount of soluble phos photio acid they contain. Aa this is sparsely dihtrihuted in most soils, and hungry Foils are graiefulfur plaut food, manures that contain even small quan tities phosphoric acM. aud-potash must produce lenttlcial results. Tho acid phospLates are of moie valuo to us than the guanos . ' 1st. Because cheaper. 2d. Because they contain all the plant food that puauodoes,- x?ept am monia Piidwe can get that l.y cbtnpost ihguwiih cottcn need iir other articles rich in nitrogen. We o!teu bur it remarktd,, and with truth, that ocM phovphatcM do bitter on stu;bble grain 'fi, Ids and brirg out lands heavily crepj ed v.jth weeds,, bt canfe, 'tis said they (v hosj 1,'ates) lJave Bomethir.g to "act on." Well,; there is no doubt a b. ut it. But "act on"- l.v.? This is the w.iy the "action", takes - place, vis: l'hosphato of lime, (bone lime) hastens the decomposition of the vegital le matter, (weed.-, stubble, ic.) and by the .same law already quoted, emmcnia is furmt d, Wins adding one more of the iuiportcnt articles of plant food. "Strict fiuperphosphMes do net do well alone on limed Laid. Mind vou 1 say ftnct--becaiue the uioi import aut aiticle, soluble phosphoric acid. vrouia the thj proof wlrcb lime would reunite tcith the lime in s cnt in the soil and Income '.insoluble. I have a field known as the Lug field a part of which was heavily shell limed Dy Air. or ii , I lo not recollect which. . I drcso out the previ u iutuu.c auiuuio ana it- lod Lr 1, v v-vwu. in- a.i .wea one Ji L Tittop f a growit.acrou. Wlo n. nunurea .an.t tiitten dollar; and fifty 1 ' . r; - . . . csuz-i to t Ultr; a;t.-.! nmfii.fr H ...... I . in? soiuh.o phosphorie acid, rers and lunatic m - .c.V.... . , Muva.ruu-ui.y Uissoiviuff &0t nana UUI. towns li ins for their hnrv.,rf '-. . ..fitL.. n..... . . r ' Acid, and to the very line of thp limed f portion, clear across the field, you ' ! could see the effects of the lime1, i. e., i i i - -i..t.i v i - l-i , ! luitt me rmuuie puos-puonc acm naa ; i i -if i i- I i i United Willi tuft lim and hwnmA mt uble; the cotton was but httlel better than where nothing was used while tip j to the limed portion a good crop was made. . - Now don't say that AYalker is . "g np in Snow Hill selling calico and ro- 5 1879.1 to Julv 1st, 1879, as follows; u po.sou. . . mandng. and it U.U "tonk famiug,- PlUVi,. 83,00; Eiiz.tietb Se J pSSi," for 1 say unto you they are ttuths uu- . rnan.j 89,0t); Jem:ma Shavers, S3.00; ; rest or bring to a successful termina varnished. , I i Sharp Harper, $6,00; Elizabeth Cobb,! ; t:on most ofl the malarial affections- Why there should be such prejudice ! . . , ogamst prmted accounts of agricultural j CAi;cmuiui." X lilil m a lOSS IO iKUOW hen if a slander, or tittle-tattld gossip . . , . , .L . to Halt upon or any proof-why, it is ; aa iriuu, aru win cause more taili ana investigation for why, than all put together. Yours,' truths ! 1. E. Walkei: PK0CEEDIKGS Ol'THE ... Board of Commissionm of Lenoir Connlv. Tho Board of County Commissioners oi Jjenoir county met at the House in Kinston on Monday 1879, it-being the first Monday iu montti Present Jno. C Wooten, Chairnjan, .Jas. M. I'rttrick, F. M. Pitt man, J.ts. . Asuew ana Areorge lurner. Ordered: That the petition turnpike road from the South or the envl of Queen street in the town, of Kington to uie .mu nver bridge, he referred to the Board of Supervisors (f Ktustou township. ' Ordered : That the petition for a pub- lie. road from. Jarnian Bectons to the nnbbe. road npnr Hinn-r F;itr.n',k' 1 i i . - - - - ' j v " . i- v v. j j. ton tuwuship. Ordered: That ihe petition for; a pub lic road . leading from the Snow Hiil road near Charles MeArlhurs' tl Wil son Tilghmans' mill, be referred; to the Board of .Supervisors of Vance! town shin. I . v v -4 kj iijl 1 1 iiii;in it Mi l'. George L. . Iulnatrick oame forward ! and presented hi official bond asl Sta n-I da id Keeper.-'. Said bond was accented and ordered to be recorded. Oideiid: That the a.-eouul of Mrs. H. E. A- Peeblgt-ti bo lefeiied to' the Bri.'igo C.l.mLiitiee, "consisting of Jas. M. Wo(.tej), Jas. T. Ahkew and'Wm. A. Coleman; kuvl that the, former Commit- .. i. i i .. . -ii. o e ue uiccuaroeo. : . . r I, W. F.I Phillij.s, of the St.it.v of North Carolina and Count v of Lei?oir; and of the town of Kinston, hereby e r!if tisat I w ish to' retail spijrituous hquois ' inj. .'the town ;f Kii-stf.n, ojj (nt en street, one door Noi th of tin store ikw occupied by W. Harper, and South' of A. Mitchell's stables, all being in the Northern part of saitl town. W. F. liitLtps. lo the Honorable Board of County Commissioners: L We, "the undersigned, hereby recom mend to you Mr. W.-F. Phillips as a suitable persou to be granted license to retail ppiritqus liquors in the town of Kinston. " j ' - ' B. W. Canapy, Mayor. . Cieo. E. Kornegay, W . ti . Morton, B. F.. Nunn, Commissioners. VvV, the Mayor and Commissioners of the Town of Kinston, cheeii'uiiy re-commend Mr. L. B. Cox for license to retail liquor for one year. j B. W. Caxady, Mayor. . W. H. Morton, i . Geo. E. Koruegav; G. E. Miller, " April 7. 1879. t ' -Commissioners. Business to be carried on utl N. B. Woods aiore, on door South of Gvo. E. Kornegay's, in the town of Winston. L. B. Cox. - Ordered : Thai W. F. Phillips and L. B. Cox be granted license to retail fpir i.tuous -iiqtiors at the places aboye nam ed lur thu sp;'c. of t-rrlve months by 11 '.nwi jinuug io iue oueriu me uui- ouut (,t .taimpot-d hy law. U.deied: TLa- S. B. West !be' pointed Pioct ssiom-r for the county of Eeno;r. 1 . Ordered: That the following jnr.med persons be appoitt d Assessors ifor the Hever.ll towushlps. Woodingtori, Jas. Herrinp; Smd Hill, Jas. D. Sutton; Trent, N. B. Whittield; Piuk Hill, W. B. Nunnj.Vanee. B. F. lairoU; Falling Creeh 'Jap. V. D'v vrn.. uiw i ap- V.. Wou'Iey-- Institute. J us. M. Ili'us ..ntent - Jr. ; Kin.'l..!.', Lenruel Harvty; C nt ii Neck; E L. Uaz!eton; Cot iarpr, J.ks. M. -.-W.ji.teir and J Countv at n JUs. -M. .Mew born, and that luov meet wiih the iua.u u oouniy ommi.Muutrs on tht- til fct Monday iu May. Ordered: That Frank P. TT.irrr Iia ,1 ... . . 1..,.. 1 '. 'i - , 1 .. .uiw..u.uiu-i; uiiiiiis 11 r iu;tKiUg:i coi iiu for Joshua Hurdison, a paupelr. ' Oidned: Tlutt W. K. l..ktr be al lowed Stvtu , uobars fur buiidiu oruige across btrawberry IS ".v am pi Orler4fTuatS. B. West bejallow- d six dollars and twent y-tive colls f.r uflirr rent l'r the ni'.nth of March, 1S 79, for Superior Court Clerk and! li,.... a .. . IN D Ordered: That W. C. Fields T 'Tt- bo allowed one doll; and riftver' lite f , cchts in the case of G illoCay ps the or Ordt-ird that.Xa.thau Staulv be cd cue dollar atd tcu cents for j-!ns ai d ene rpure puper. Ordered: thatJao. C. Woaten irom pr.i 1st lb.U, to July 1st,! 170, t. A . hnnn.irr. lt::ehel .dray. $1.50: Moses Whirfi.1 nmi TT,f. f A. V.,.. ti ' ; .'. hiu-j. siiicriormotii- v-y.w, Kjjiu urav. iO.MU: .L.UCV ftmitii - I y i Charlotte Caria-vay, $0,00; Celia ,Beu-l 1,50. Total $115,50. Ilannah 1 ;tvl l"ree doiiare on hend from last I allowence. J j j llie auore amounts, one third to he i . . . . " . lu ur ! Ordered: That F. M. Pittrnan, one of the Commissioners, he allowed sixtv o dollars and ninety-three cents to! ll": 4 rik.Ur, 1 At - iKintt hins for th-ir snmv.rt trim AiTf-il i ! 'f rtn. tj I' , ' v,u"'i vj,w, Hnuijju uai ieij co, uv: Asa Martin and wife; $12,00;' Nancy feeb.00 Amount on hand froi last al- lowaJce, $15,07- which added to $T2,93,i llie present allowance makes the total - of $i$M) The above amounts, one third to be 1 paid quarterly, by F M. Pittajan Ordered: That Geo. Turner, one of the Commissioners, be" allowed sixty thr !e ilollars to be distriljuted among the panpejs and lunatics iu Pink Hili and Trent townships, for their ir suppr.rt 1st 1879 ' ' from A pill 1st, '.1879, to July as ioi low s.- Sally A. Heath. $1,50; Sallv Deaver, ta!. SS3.00. The hbore am-Uiiits, one third to be paid monthly, by George Turner. OKb red: That Jas. M. Patrick, one C(uit -rj-ri oi Prince ; Iron bet koy, a Roman- gen- April 7. 47' v,yv, mu ui, , litteman who has investigated the sub- said.l'w' Tt J V , y-- ?t LV ' 'ct thoroughly, the eucalyptus amyg ! tVT'cJ-FoT luEatlv')' -1'00- To jdalina is thUst varietof tbetrel of the Commissioners, be. allowed j t111 exposed plaets, and bears cold twenty seven dollars to be distributed j we'i- I1 successfully endures 21 da nmotig the paupers in Moseley Hall j firees Fahr. The eocalyptus could not auo xuhiiiuie lowiisjups, ior tueir sup- i port fr4m April 1st, 1879, to July lt, 1S79, 'as. foiiows: J nuy Sutton, $0.00; Nicev Sutton, ?6,00;Ila Cauuon, $G,00; Priuee Wool -UUI - t it Naucy Tindail, $0,00. Total. The above amounts, one third to be paid monthly, by Jas. M. Patrick. Orderjed:, That Jas. T. Askew, one of the Commissioners, be allowed forty three j d ilars to be distrihuttd am.-ng- the pantiers in Vance and Fail- ! ins L.reeK towns! !.li2 c'ulnps, loivthnr support noni.?l;fU lsl nj' to Jelst, 15,9, as follows: Sn?nniPate. SG.00: Craven Jones. t. 00: Bebeca lieu ii er, col ;3,0(; Jennv Moeley, c-1., 83 .00; lleasant Barker, ! cob, 3,00; Peter Keui'edy, col., i?i.50; Toney Parrot t, col., $3,00; J;tek liar-.; ' vey. ."c'oll, 83.00; Chellev Summerill. ! ! vey. col , 3.00;' Chellev Summerill. ..t'0,00; Henry Y.nts, Col., $0,00. . Tola!, j.o'-h i . The abbve amounts, one third to be ! ,.;,! .. .,it!! 1... I.,.. rr V..I I OiMeivd: Tit it J. A. Garland be 1 al- -.wxd ihr;,e dollars nnd't-rty cents .fcr iliu-.Q- a e.oat, inrnisnn:" a en -iii ana 11 i 1(1 1 tO uc, liver., to be u-ed at the Cnntv otiose. ' " L i Oideied: That Johnson Coviiigton ! v,e allowed one dollar tor Ins support for the month of April, lfe79, he being a pauper.! Ordt red : Tln.t Hyatt &TuM be allow ed two dollars for visit, medicine. Sec lor prisoner m jail. Ordered: That Earlv Itose be allowed eight dollars for turning the' draw, c.ea nmpr away raft.v and cleariiirr of Neus river bridge, for the month of Maich, 3879r Orderecl: That Geo. ' Turner be al lowed ted dollars and twenty cents for two days jseryices as County Board of Education at two dollars pt-r dav, f.-rtv two.mih h traveled at 5 cents ptr m.le. one un f-ervices as, Coutitv Commis- oiei aiiu -t lUnt.s liaveit i n ...... i j t t five cents per mile. Or That, J; s. M. Patrick 'i,.;:een dollars and seven cents for 2 days services r-s Board of Edu:a- ! tion, 22 miles traveled-at five cents per mile,. one d4ys services as County Com missioner a; d 22 miles traveled at five cents pu rl mile, tv. u !uva attendincr to ; having bridge bu.U, and eighty seven i cents-paid for a pitcher and glass. i Ordered: That Jio. C. Wooteii b 1(J- I.owed thirteen dollar for two davs ser vices as Board of Education, ten" miles traveled J at five cents per mile, one days services as County Commifsiou- siouer anla teu miles traveled at fire cents pei; mile, one day meeting Vitl the Fiu nce Committee, one day ut th trial oi jGalioway i County Commis th je toners, one d.iy attending tu.Lsi 1UT a bridge built across Strawbevrv swamp. m Ordered: That r. . M. Pitfw.au be al lowed sefeu dollars, and lifiv cents' for .....! .1 . .... .. : . . , erv:res as UMit.tr Uoiumis- siG,ier :1!f'1-lj'lfy iisiles traveled ut five ilvl,lt;V5 "'-'V. ousVVSSt"rviClia hav r-;,'B --i'-Jge-r.-pairtMi. Ordeieil; That Jas. T. Askew be al- j lowed. sereii dollars and tvt nty cents for t an djtys -services s County li...ard "l 'Cati. -n, twelve m:;os tiaVelod at ri hve ct nt. p-t r miie; one davs fcej-vices as uuinv Uoinnitsaiou' r a twelve miicb 1 traveled ! Ordure i tin riz; d it Jive cents-trr mi'b- -i-kut B. W. Cauadv be an- o sell as many bricks of the old" Cuii it -llonse for hix dollars iter ' thousand ne can. Ordered: That th raatt- r of rliaivT. ing the file e l tne Superior Court v.ifiv at. u w TiS-15-r ni jjetMs Up ed to sa-4 otii-'ris to make the aim: -e- rvterr- meats. ,.i-onrni(i r.J On mo ion. ti e Bonrd ineel on i uesdav. April 1 ISTf) fh.it -s tlif. ln .r - . . . Xle roan li.ked . 1 a little suVpri rpri---d, 'iud answered: Card? carrv a pack? -Whre are V Xothe Carliay 'What l.vri'n ft-,,. . ".1 . uo you a wh-u vca . visit u" tb-re S ue tir Leei himi 1 .1 r., .. w..t 1... ' i r a maSVI hv. r . : t . 1 h. . 1 . i a oue iii 1 iv in tneri! nt f 1 iiVi,.i- a vi i t . -i i ..c ! f t!it . i C. 1 ieldi. Ket.. lufifv tl.rt ! f : .:, :Ji .:. .. 1 if j . " -iii?5;??iiiui . Aii'i iiuu liiiti ; e-saa es 01 sa d mating. the Republican Ifcilators did not ,o CII12AP PirOTKCTIOX. THE EUCALYPTUS AND THE SUXFLOWEIl IX MAT. Mil An DISTRICTS. The profession and the public are rapidly com iug,to acknowledge the fact that malaria is the most abundant f source oi disease, aud to recognize in hydra of the ancients, tbe t pificatiou of ibis manifold and prote- l.u w-',Ht the. w.UoIe world ds, and wuai is certamiv needed in t,y, is some pSfoM mis coun A ting miasm in the suburbs f.f Rome has everv sum- mer uotiV of late been closed byrdTr of His Holiness", because of the fatal I virulence of , the uialaria thereout. Groves of Eucalyptus trees have now nia :e it a nealthlul spot. Such is the statement current in medical and other journals at present. In Algeria, in Corsica, in Italy, and iu Cyprus millions of these trees are thelU? H1?111611 as a protection to health, tuc varill:i govtrnmenta havo taken ilU.e matter iu hand. There are some two hundred species of eiicalyi)tus, if ;xiwuue.Koy siaits mat tins species contains far more esstniial oils in its 'I'.. . .1 . ..- leaves than the eucalvptns globulns It grows equally well in damn aud -dry iu-uiuckv wajiers, uni m rue !y "'bera States it wouij. probably Well, and iu Cilif(jrnia it hucceee's do per- fectiy. llie eucalyptus tre js of mar ye:onsly rapid growth, its wod is valu able for many iurpose, -md iU leaves in a room are said to drive the mosqui tus out. The plants that we have seen j emit a strong but not unpleasant cam- Ichorous ou-.-r. t The Southern State goveri:ments should investigate this subject, for ma-. 14 1 ia is the South's greatest enemy. The sunfl. v r (heiiaijthu-) w as rec oumen ;ed nK.re than twenty years ho i a prophylactic against malaria, and he claims that he had render, d the ma lignant marshes about the Wa.-hinstoiv Of ?.ervatr.y comparatively, if not n- cl.v b:.ruiless, liy hu abundant giowih osunrlo wers. Tins plant emit?, a not injj.leasant aromatic scent, and is said tolbe an enorim.us abso'rber of moist- i" -' an tnormeus absorwer of moist- niT- v,e ol,w beard a 'Missisippi far- 1 V J"euiai ly u era re nis I eijti, wiien tliis ulea v;.s so mucli discussed in 18- iiiat it tin iintJKUig" capacity saui to ;bc pos-esst d bv the sunflower were ti lie, ai d the people plante d as many Un,ijOVV(.rs a. h prop.i d to do. that i t-n.i v i ; . . : . - i i ie totuiiv uruuup, nua the coctou bales wouhi have to be taken to N-w Orleans by land. The sunfl- wet rxperimcut has proba bly never been thoroughly tried, except by (Lieut Mauiy; and as the pbnt is noi expensive to cultivate, and besides yu !d- an abundant croj of nu'ritious seejd, which aie good food for poultry and abound in oil, w hich is snid to equal that of'the olive, the mt er is not un worthy of attention. In Louisville it is tbe poor people in the city's outskirts, who live iu cottages about the ponds and ditches, that suf fer! most from malarial disease. It is ehicfly.from the poor people of Ameri ca that Powers it Weightmau have dr fined their half a hundred million of dollars, and if, in the eucalyptus or the sutll o'w.-r ,r ,the calamus, as has been eh imed, we Imve a possible protection :ii?rin-t the j andorie poi:in called mi 'osa. then most as-uredlv we should' by practical inve-tirxt;..-n, b.ok-into the M1bj ct at ;nce. Sunliower seed are e!. -oi, and Loir'.wiile oilers an excel it ii. lield for the experiment. Louis ville Midival Journal. A special from Dallas, Texas, says in the difficulty .Friday, at Kaufman, John Kell shot and killed Chas. Quiitb, a t:ep hew of Congressman ' Brown, r?f Ken- ttli Zach Chandler has got the .blues, lie is-ali:iid that the machinery by which t-;e Republican party has been able to control the election for many years is abr.ut to be everlastingly smashed. Bunion Giobe, Dem. There never was a plainer road to travel, with juide posts at every turn j than the Democrats now have before S thbni, if they have ten.-e . enoujrh to folov.td D.wiil Crockett's advice: Be Mire you an; light, then go ahead.' Ac it" .r!c ."Sun, 2nd. RobcsoK is undoubtedly the posses sor of cv)i)?!dera'de leal information. There i no iiucjtion but that he has i a cltarer eotu-eiitioti it th tnintn rf limifatb.-iw tb:n. !ir,v f.il,. r b tl; i..,.- : L';uiui . i 1 ' til iiir 1 iiiniii i.i 1 v. 11 U'tirhiugton Post, Dan. Our Republican contemporaries ! n:ivt-' heen coinplainin-r, with' t?ais in tlieir type, that one alter another the Democrats have ousted the negroes ! frgni Coiijjrtss till the sole repreen- i much as deign to c onult the personal 1 in'; of Senator Bruce when uiakinz I "P ;tlser representation c:i the comrnit- 1 tc uithf uh they did consult the i petr.cal ivishts of the white carpet- l bap-ers . AV Y. World, Devi. I , - . Parson (s'trub): How could von. ! coci toehnrch tu be liiarrifil to a man ivt . iA. - v-.ft. rte tl that' I) ride (werp t my fault, sir. I ! Cvuia whea Lc a ' Olir momiirf n-rx?ru nc- on. I .inn.ip.li.in MONEY IS COlTOX Jf LOW! AM) TUICPSST1M2 IS STlbb LOWEn DOWN WITH THE PEICE OF GOODS! The cheapest Goods that were ever offered iu tbe town of Kit.- the stand of lvl"ton,u SIG. OF T AAo Avill not l)o Present dull times and overstocked enabled us to select Our Goods before. at tbe AVe invite the attention of the public ST OCR O ever ordered bv us. We have in Stock Iry Gods, AYliiie (Joods and Notion", Icns lioots Shoos, Large Stoek of Clotliinjr, Confectioneries Grooorios, IU11DWABE. CUOCKEiiY. SADDLES Vn,I X HARNESS. Audiu fact ever.vthinjr needed bv the l.ivinir or 1.?h KXCKPT W'Jirsh'KY. ' a1 All of which will be sold as LOW as Firt-Class Goods con be boniw any where. ",ja'"ti We tb.ink our numerous friend' for . - - - x auce of public patronage. -ery Ilepectfullr, jan 1 12m HARD AY A RE, &C. MILLER & CANADY, Kinston,' N. C, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TI I A .V li E. 1Ioiip Vjirni-l ;v, ;r,,('-. V.':i;-(.ti :in !(:irt m.Mi-rial-, S-t-U. I'.r.- ni.i lihn N. rri:m :o.l iiLii.is:ics srijLii-:s, nicli a-- X:u'-. Lik U. Umu-. . 'l.iin.-. rtatr lIair,-CVjiM-i:t. I .at lies. Liir o . r. &.. A !p" n.i:.! i.i.. .f Tan!.- ami INkW. ! Cut!, rv. anl very t k. ap (Jtms, l'l-iol-. lV.v dvr, .Shot . ;iy PLIPS, Pfain and Porcelain Lined. Cooking and Heating Stoves. Th- i -! nr:u l Ti:-l.ii-l Cotton Stove. A1m IIOI.r.OV-VAi:K: fuch a Pots, Ovns K' i-, ke. Lams, Iantm ais'l I..on; OiN, Carp liters Tool of all kiuJ. Farming I ut tilcinrnts of all soits such as l'lo, T'i-w C:iiinr". Shovi-1? arid Sparta. Av, (iiui.liii.c: ana Wi t!in Ho. . l'ork, ic. Iron and StH. liam SadiUf-n, Collars, Ilarnrs, Trac. I'biw !in- . ar.d -v r thinjf n- d 'd tocultivatt tii-I'arin. i 31 Iaicm s, Coru n (iiu-. Pr-s TlirliT. w rs ami 1?. n: rs. Saw ar.d Gri-! Mill r.tl all kii:d of M.tcb;ncry, furi:il'd ou iiort uu- Al-o Affrnt.- for Valkr o-lrhraonl Cotton Gin I.KATlILlt Uruli, Varr:uitl to vW: n h tt r tl.au any tht-r bru'-h. anl to ;'in drxuip .otUn. I'arai andV'onuiv rii.t for al. T" . . 10 our liiiiiifro:; ir iu; ami ai;t .ve H:ni lliank for ir t-1 fiMr and .!. jt r 10 iihth a rtMJTiniiauon oi iu- mm. jan3-pjin Miller & Canady. Clmfni for .-air at 5 ior -ck r '! tr u-h.-l Mtl.I.Ut iCANAUV. Drs. HYATT & TULL. GENER.IL rilACTma.NEIiS OF iy OfZce at 1 uf Ir. Ikowv Orf: . JiaVlyr It. W. PELLET 1 Kit with ISAAC J. TAYLOR, Kin.ton, N. C 1 r :.r.r. ix ?!'oclieinf, n! Chemicals. F1MY AXD 'TCIT.IT ARTULD. Sponges I5rn!Kt l-rfii!iiery. nrrs r c r a ns i 'Iie.-cri rnoxs CAKEFULLY COil POUNDED. CARE AXl IilS- 1'ATCiL Cir FarmT sr.d Ptf 'uln fxo:n lh roantrr : . -. . 1 . . J I win t!r v m. 01 r-.fZtriT" coTnp vrar I rau!l grtu:ur, sv.d ct ihr t-! i:.iv j;ilr SLUICE ! CO (i 0 L D E X x.;ni312rsoli): Gon!s in the Northern Mail. i. 1 lowest figures that were ever kaoJ to the Largest and most Cim.i. F (i OOD S a larire'line of ri:i. - t w-nr nn.1 ),t . . . . f n lurin a contiCB- H!"'. J. 0.- COX. V OR SALE. Oik? Town Lot sum IvelHnr - in Ihe Towu of r 1 1 'S T O 2V , situated nn Bright Stre f, tuljoining pr -Hy.iitV lot. 5 rooms iu dwelling, mi i of an acre iu lot. Terras easy. ' 360 ACRES , line Tanning Land io Jones from Trentot.n County. $ miles tu.Ies frora PulIocksvilL? 17 mile fniii Xi-.v Uerue. . Soil Lonm with good clay subsoil i-oo vein's ci.i:aki:i. An exctlhut two-story frame dwellicg in poo 1 lepair. .-tud all necev.ary tenant a.nl ut if.ijt s. (Jood Ueinhbdihoo.r. IT. nltliv Uooil V.;U r. Will U-toU n moderate term. 300 ACRE FARM Adjoinitiptae ahivt bind. Ou the pah he ro;ul h adin fnua Tr ntoa t Iolluok4villc. Tkkms p. r Acre. One fifth jca5h. Ril.ii.ee i?i -ne, two, three, four aud live f..r.-i. 500 ACRE FAHjM i Miles South of Kiiiton. S horp l'ai ni of lino citt'n lnd cleared. GOOD FHAMI-: DWELLING. j j (IIS HOUSE, 1JAI1X AND ftTAULES, and four ,'Hd tenant houses. Two itoies in p.oil rcharj aud one acre iu VINKYaR ). Abnndanee of TriiMs.SlO per acicrO(X) ch and balance in one two and three yean. 1000 ACRE FARM Iu .Tom CfKiuty :5 Miles from Tren ton Clav' " Mibsoi) 1 1 hi i5e farm c.'arnl-LM)( ACHKS r.ch Poeosin in v.o.-d.", well adupd d to com and cotton. There is on the place a goo J ' 2 storv frame d !Hiir. c- 1- JV iiorsi;. Tenatd Houses good llaru, Stablet and shelter. Also a pood Orchard And vixi:vai:i. An inexli'tiitiole Kiipjdy of Whita within one foot of tp)f the cnoind. A is-. :i good M ill Sltv .- li-rms easy. Applv to J. W. IIA It PER, Jouhnai. Land Agenct. FOR SALE. ACKI'.S t iJand on mil aa a loll of Kluun. Iwd Iwfllmr kixl out how. Two lior lartii cl art-l. TEE Mis: .. i:00O. .7H) CASH, and 1 year time ou balance. J. AY. HAHPER. NEW SHOE SHOP fonu ilf rii;'n of KitMloo n4 ll, mttrrmK'ltnz fycotry, thai h'nKST4UV.SSn0E5H0P in t." n w ofrc nf I tIr. Wt- m JOSEPH LAS3ITTEK. Livrry. Sa!r, end Eutanrc Stablo, lilr.ton, Xm C f-U2Iy IT. A lei: TX ' ' Ditv c;oo:s 4v (;ftnii:uics KINSTON, y. C. Anr! cfT-r. fur ia Kxchanr tor Conatrr Fr .li:c. Sftv, l!at ar.d Osj. IJtiEC .' IVk r, ..;-. an I Ca:i.- al4. A. . 7 1-2 coi. ci. -. S-nr, r.nM.-r. 1-anl. SiiUa Tol Ac. V.''U! U- i-l.a-f d la te toy Fn Nurtl tf NcrlL 'r--t, jal-t X 103 iTv-;' 1 r' lrn sur-. nod ihxl h ts IrtJM j r.-jo.iwi to for--l k of m.nj "-irVtV. u enj-tun irvht line of bo- ti" ,. ljtor.-