THE j, w. habpee; : Editor. Kinnton, IV. O. THURSDAY, FEB. 6, 1880. . jour firitetUr; write .again. The Govern ment pay him and he had just as well answer your letter : as that of any body else. And after awhile, if he don't answer, send him a! pottage stamp and request him to return your other letters. Maybe if you'll make for the The Maine Fusionists have bacW. dqwn. ,-T(e only-. Jtohgjble result of the uproar has been to give BUmeaiwwBooro. : novelty of the thing. And iu; the. -meantime, don't forget that three days is'plenty long enough to wait for an answer, rccraes von win ; better i- ivew letter. 4th At possibilities of thrasubtle agent. 'This n n age of giga'ntjc stride in tlje field of invention and discovery, and Electricity is offering nJlaterjug re- turn for atttdiouaUr, and I if none commence a Remember that a modest and ira- -Th. .rticle on Electrioitr od .the n WJ,, w liDacUj , Ih page. oPd from the &,e..I,tf'Jei.ic. in. merican, is a clear statement of the, ; olbililfes of thra subtle a'eelTt. 'This nnnvAntinn sLrxA OnVftT Convention and Governor, v The Stur'm coiriraeuting on our article suireestinz Wilminzton as the oo t . : best nlkceTor lroldinz the next demo r - . ,j J t ' cratidcdnVeiftian, submits he follow- ing very permieiH anisic nunc ku deringthe hospitalities of the city. The 0i elUi M frvfi U sdvincwl 36 pwM-' f I 1 -4. il a I a4l&& kSf we;m.jr 7 J uuldf rrmarUhXf wir lt Sdricc ft-jfti Baltimore are veutlOB 1 U .llftll - . ... . . v, . 1 Jll.'l i. made some points of te rest And value. He then showed that from Chicago to Baltimore was 889, the , utmost in The -question "to be considered. whilst from1 e no now mucn -money nas tne ThIfcHTir rrft nay; Tlw blwiiK boom' kna alrttok thai newpper a back-handed Mow ;lad to have the Con lafKt4dT Ice from Uitltimore are veuviuu iu M.iwuiugvuu. " , -. - -- a- r .... A I- It,. 1... .rait., nf tiflTSf f. I, ..wipe, a nt 1c onttPS Wnfl rlRVR IIPVPT H" w. uvu " " " owwFrnt,.nd are told that it w.ii Ro vi81tej gectiou of North Carolina, -eats. ne wan tea a icqniiuous line till hlRhor. Jiomi. of tUnwparara.Advanl p , , , -f wrMA nnriie amonfT fao"n Chicago, TlCt LOUlSTlIle; to the : - . . 4l . us aud see for themselves tbey wouia On account of this rise in the price be friend, 0f the chief com- of paper the price of the .Kinston town eVer hereafter. But a- Journal was adVahced 6n the 1st of side from any such considerations, we Jan. 1880 from 1.50 to $2.00 per an- would be pleased to see the j num,and though we had to listen to a re- As wggehtcd by . . . ,. teemed contemporary, the ! great uoivi oi grumonug yei we.-are , A Wilmiutrton would glad toMy very few of our subscribers Ln,Pthin' new in the way of attrac stopccT theirpaper on th'at'account tmns, aiid'is easyof access by rail or j not more than fifteen at the, outside, river. ,Uur hotels ana Doaramg nous es can entertain them, and our nana- some Ojera House will gfva them verge and room enough. ' " if - The Journal is pleased to add: "Tho fane Vcar section ought reallt to be allow Chicago to Wilmington was but 884 P"l -or tms roaa, out irow ioch roiles5hat iomStlouU to Baltimore' nM 11 to P&T ''if . bonded debt. wa 920 miles: whilst to Wilmington TWHwa .u iot o lorwe the distance was but 860 miles. Atl !Acu.u,e " w uuu.. un inese. Donus the otate Days an annual interest of $68,000; these bonds run for .twenty ; years; ruuUipJy I your qoo.vvv, inieresi ior one vear. by tweuty. and you have $1,360,000. To this add the principal, $850,000, aim you nave aioiai oi $z,ziu,UUU principal and interest, which the State will have paid by 189a on account of tuts juuiuqKiniuic - property.-. : A ma takes no aecoiint whatever of the mon ey which iv is 'sur posed it will ppro pnaxe carry, on ims wow u e have built 130 miles of the road; we have yef m:- build - 194, miles. ..We know vbe;:.characte4- -of the cpnntry though which we have already built, and.we know something of that through wmcn we are lo ,duu. nine miles builLhave Vost $3.000.000 the lowest estimate we have seen it will be putting U quite mildly to say that the ly unbuilt will cost $o,UUU,UUO. Let us add this to .the debt account- the other interior North Carolina towns' will le much nearer to" the great commercial centres of the South west, -West and Northwest. Colonel McGhee thinks- the road - should be completed by the State of-North Car olina as far as Paint Rockj even it it never paid a dollar upon . the invest ment. After examining the table of comparative. distance he felt war ran -ted. jn .'speaking very encouragingly an4eaid: . , j 1 do not, howeyer, heaitata t o aay that the road, when completed, will mot 6nty pay upon the lnTt ment, bat wftl becora to th i?XaU of North . Car-, olioa.Vbat tlw. Western k Atlantic road U to the State ojf Oeorgia a Teat aoorce of re t rune aa it will be' the abort Tine oon'netitig the iinmen.e pojV ulation of the Korlh with ' the aetera Atlantic Seaboard.' r. - , ; '.. . He says the statistics of the past show that those roads pay - best that Carry Western produce and .mAnuact ures to the South and take back the Conven- our es. Kinston offer Southeast' Atlantic'States, aud he said when'ihe Toad to Taint Rook was built that the links to complete the line would be constructed at once by the other Railroads interested. Greene County Items. In advancing our rates we gave old subscribers the privalege ot renewing at $Y0,O.4CpaiJ tbjr; Fvbuary lt wnicu iMue.-nas , now. - run. .oui,, But can the State afford to complete to Paint Rock wilh our State' pride taud the strain4 necessary to nusb it through?- If not shall we sell nut to somebody who will, and thus give up an unjxirtant link m'our North Caro lina Policy,' rather than wait a suffi cient time to test the value cf that portion which has already been com pleted, and the feasibility of its farther extension. We once heard of a man who woo an elephant ' in a raffle, aud did not know what to do with hip after he had won him. Tb Western N. C. Rail Road may yet become, a dangerous factor in our State politics. WiUorx Advance. Havillj taken the makea of Buggies I all the time the rH M Agency 'for tztnX and Vpr.afta thrf.iir p'r.f thA-.TrTRW a t. Uio natflfl the mlxt Oovtyraor, and Wilmiagten w I ., i.: . . . . . , iwl Lh nfT " lilt' proper iiut lu-gno iiuu fe""v will invariably be $2.00"per annum; and e.have no hesitation - in saying that our suWafcibersVill get 'value 2(A.L 4( ut attempt to act as a lead er In pontics,-but is published itrrcfly f if Y'-li j ! v. i Our River is rising. The snow is here, the snow is there the snow is all around Three schools in town, two white one colored. ! Mr. Ed T. Albritton has retired form the Advocate. - j There is no end to the poets in Snow Hill. I can count fifteen per- 1 Ill ! 1 t I ..A.. I1 sons - who dahbie in rhymes, irom youngeM oi interest payable fo'r twenty years and bonds : maturing at the expiration of thai time-and we have a total of $6,- 210,000, now paying and to be paid within the next sixteen 'years on ac-' count of this road. ' - There is'- no use undertaking to dodge thee figures or to conceal them. They will not bedotlgetl or concealed. Are the people willing to continue their investment in this enterprise? Suppose they are, how long will it be after this road is finished to its termi ni before tbey begin to get a respecta ble interest on the $10,210,000, (coun ting its cost iip to this time at $3,000, 000.) which they will have, first and last, put into it? The oldest of the great-great-grandchildren: of the Eighty sheriffs have settled their taxes with the Treasurer and obtained their receipts in full. A: number of others have paid in almost all the a mounts due. The time has now ex pired and the Treasurer congratulates himself thai the necesity waabot forc ed upon him of taking judgement a- gaints them, except in perhaps one or two cases The Raleigh Obiereer. will keep cn haaj very Best cf HiiM Made Hfeggfe, Made by 3Ir, Xt E. .TONES, whose work tUnda in the from rank of any woik iu the State. Will sell 'them precisely' at Go da bo ro Prttea, Alao will keep the very best selection tf TOP and OPEN Bnffrtesi to be sold at the Lowest Figures. us will have died of old It is some forty yearssince the large Doggerel up to wellj we don't like age before beginning to realize on the lUVtatlUCIIl.-'OilUMUUtC Uf Aim Cape Fear section gave the State a to mention the other type the most Governor. Our people have not been of them are engaged ;in writing pa obtrusive or clamorous for place." thetic and sublime verses, but none of 'Thev have been content for four de- them can ever hope to equal the dis- cades, during which.'time the State has tingiiished bard of Jones County. nearly aouwea in popuiauou, w uu yv. uugg UUi.uiuS The CJanal. Subject. and as a lonl n4prjand as iBuch is Regular, unfaltering servicejin belialf commending residence, and Mr. Silli becoipTD2 a welcome; fuajiy' visitor .to of principles they held to be right and vant and John Exiim contemplate lh hW?niola.o:iiMir .and the honorable. They have paid a large putting up each a dwelling in the SlliirB 1J1 L11C pUUllU Mica uujiug w'v i .... fortv vmf nd ateadilv voted for all Snow Hill is building up more The terms of 25 United. States Senators will expire March 4K 1881. ....A Prussian graved igger has been arrested for roasting bodies and selliug their fat. . . . .Preston D. Mood, editor of the Clarendon (S. C) Pres, killed him self because a Jewess would not mar ry him. Col. Fred Grant, A. D.C.,who is swinging round with Pa,' caught the orange fever while in Florida and invested in the golden spheres. Gen. George has been chosen U. S. Senator by the Democratic cau cus of Mississippi, on the 49th ballot On the firat ballot he was the weakest man. . .On the day that Senator Bay ard was first elected to the United Stated Senate, his father, James A. Bayard, was re elected to the same body, the only mstance of the kind iu the history of the country. Miss. Lane, who in the days of James Buchanan was mistress of the White Uonse and who is now the wife of Robert Johnson, a wealthy banker c ,1 . , W 3 Can always be found at 13. rcCJTTLXIilTV'S 8il and Excliange Stables, Kinston; C. Jan4t. Eargaiiis'"Iii adjoiniog counties. " " .FERTILIZERS;- -' ' TJie'sa'me old story ofthe Guapo agji)s. is now begjnnin its rounds. Ffamin&r posters adorn the trees and coxervpllbe,, newspaper;, ppyap are freely used to draw to. buying, ana, credit brands xf manfpw4te wise measures that looked to the main tenance of theicredit of No.r;.h Caroli na, and to the development of its re sources. WhfenDemocraticJprinciples were to be asserted , and upheld the i .i v-i V - ' I u-.. neon e ui me vind rear nave uwu ouiiu ai lug irum. jliicy rapidly .than any other little town in the State. The spirit of improvement has at last fairly overtaken her. Eight occupauts of tha jail. We. are all anxiously expecting 'Wallannah It will probably make not its appearance tins month. Two communications relative to the Moccasin River Canal, appear in this issue. We are glad to see this sub ject noticed;V.i - ... . . Greene County surely needs an out let of &ome k"Hid;iiKUf..the canal can cf Baltimore, has recently purchased be constructed without oppressing the Wheatlauds, the place where her people, wertrust that it wjll soon be uncle was born, in . Pensylvaaia, and accinphshed. . Ihis winter the nver wil there erect a memorial of him. has been so low as to materially Inter-1 . fere itli' ffat-boat navigation, and tit-u icr A-xr4.- dinarilyn'tliatlViieiitn only be "w"wb w WM58' ilizen three br foiir riioiiths during - Washington, p. C.,Pb 2. I t 1 II C t M A I Ta rva rann naa la Iron a - wai 4 ikit 1 the farmers Hf-t ywy Bv,HfF?a y-1 X- , ' 'i I -rC iJ " x.VZZJl CTS -n 1 - -1 . f i i. I a Mv..Anf av a n n no it rilii a iixili imirH iirxii. . ii4.n 11 i .1 1 1 1 kl UatilC IU1 UIUY5UUS1 . ' ' - ..... 1 .the. vYaClOm U,6 , l . j.V..a. U-.. J I,? Kfa aV.ilinr; ' fioa - " -v .' iov ii n v p irruui Tiaai.f iiHi'ii.uite Liirv irc t auiiuui; iuv.t i I IIV J W W W V w w wvw-. j m , . . w 1 iMnAf -i h. . -i tv ft I :rtr.M 4i. nfA..M xt CUCUSOa T iAim1 thnt thA I laniAle TIP Tin TI V WHK I . -JVC A n 1UIUIIUCLI 1 on uti the year. We are' of the opinion that the river cannot be made navigable or steamboats by cleaning ' out and redging, except tor a.firw- months uu ring the twelve. .liaL . lTicsain.-. 11 . i - -. . m ai.n0UWIFtS,.Tr.a word agtataatetMt UHS. CfeaAlfaH JUcce depeuded the prosperity, honor Mv; purchwed the iH rtZkiSii JSk r i u y on run iiii i i r ' . j a -- . . . .1 .w. going to boy juat so-long accredit can 1 be h,a4d,af w'evnvarelji aftugges ,thAtA they turn .back to A the' intefvifew of vaitoastiaunexa ei.ijenoir on inev-uc end elorv of the State. NMr JUunes 1? . d ones, situated two miles ( The lime has come when the people southwest of this place. if NhftK rUr-iiTtfin. b6iildbe-willinsr Mr Travis Hooker has eone to or'fertilizen as given in the Journal 1 'lY T ! J last lau- it is very . cieatiy. an iseot no me own ma- thcre tJuttmeSTlto the use nvyrjes, marl e(c., the use 6C chpmlals ami therewith' - manipulating aiiome guaae;,wa8ythe cheapestand the best of aU the fertilizers. rtiere saBbther queitJolii"l"b"e con sidered in ouyng guano this 'year nearly Vn months, and 'accord ing to tliweUsUblished physical la we gov eftntg our climate whereby there is neiWltlequaT anaofWtiraTr'ftii evefyyeaf, U is llafV to expect'i large amowntffj.'ralri. nthlg lhlri doming f ummcrilnd itits become;n old 8ayiuVii!bgJfaVmers'i that guano nettrprfs dijriug a wet year. : "' TlnyTarmer in buying fertilizers "on a creAlit ought to ask himself one ques tiontmd if je can answer in the ' af finukiite, he may "be justified in 'buy ing: Tic If I had the cash to run my farm, wjnM;I;pay ; jhjs r amount for this Fertilizer? Washington City to appear before the Exodus committee. He is a good' representative man. , The town Commissioners meet to night hope they will take steps to to put the streets in good condition. Mr. Frank Harrell has a - promis ing little kid of the male varietiy. The importaut query now is. who got the Mail route between here and o fake a Governor from this impor tant section of the Commonwealth, 0ur people have been modest long e hougti. It is high time that they sent their delegates to the Convention-instructed to vote for one of their capa ble and honest sons. If they will t- hite on some man-, who is worthy ev ery,, way 'fit the. honor they can carry trfeat -weight when ' the Democrats mVfit in. RotineiV. .Thre are Democrat's Gpldsboro. r.: j . r XT m nnw M l ll 11 in f no ra.i arrtr haa irom varinui secnons oi nuriu viiruii . v .u 7 na who would giaaiy- vete ioracanai datf from the Cape Fear secttohj : If the people ' 'f the Cape;f Fear think fottytyearii long enough to wartrand that the time has come when' one of their1 fellow citizen's' should be and obtain : tbip. Ncli "portion ' of the fetate needs an outlet worse tuan tnis. r'If we cannot get a cafiat locked and darmmed. (there wotitd be- biit: little It was nggeitrd to .-Speaker Randall ; the other dwy that an tra session be called fur th connideration of the nw rules which have prevented legislation for the last, month. -The roles ar a special order from day to day, and ex cept on bill day .Monday; or .pri- ate bill day' Thursday, nothing is done but' talk abont rols. If the Speaker is sincere in wisking for an ear ly adjournment he will see that the r IK AM 1Z 7 WE HAVE JUST PURCHASED AT THE BANKRUPTCY SALE OF A LARGrE FURNITURE FIKM--A GREAT QUANTITY OF ,: . Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, ureaus, Cradles - Oribs, Children Carriages, &cwMchrwo propose to sell at very low Prices,, damming Ic do) our rierill flow on rules are disposed of in some way. forever, wasting' its ebbrng current in The event of the week was payment the gushiug' Neusep without our reap- uf customary respect to the memory of ex-Senator Chandler. In the House no Democrat united by speech in the eu logies delivered, and in the Senate only Mr. Bayard. It is said, that several House 'Democrats had prepared ad dresses, but were offended at some part of the arrangements which had been made. Mr. Bayard may be said to have eulo- dead on two occasions last ing any benefit frorn it.-r- Greene. Coun.- ty Advocate .The Greenaporo Beacon. Die Kins' ton Journal, the Wailesb'oro Herald and the 'Elizabeth City 'Falcon ity ralcon join the Ash vll fe ,: Citizen, TarBoro'Sov Ih erner and nrlief'fexeli'anges in opposing the tooeftHyl,hieeting of "the Demo cratic Contention. It is always "diffi cult to keep public interest alive for a gized the honored with the choice of the whole people as GpTef nor of the State, then mey TO move .171 me mauer. be efoMbe'redifhat Morehe left, and Jane alone remains to heighten our hilarity with her eccen tricities. ' i nr. t: n-i 1 : r some neticein the columns of the !?SI. Zd A u PapaUon in Advocate. 1 cold as the. aehes of extinguished ar- the Chandler ceremouiee, he spoke at The bad weather did not prevent - -r. c cv,"uu:Jr0 rc length m favor of his greenback resoln ' I 1 1 Sp r III 9S LIl Llln IH.9L mmr.V itS 1.11 1 A I Ul 1 II V interests,. by - causing employers and employees. to, neglect work to attend our worthy County Let it from meeting to day. Commissioners orehead, Gra- A represenUtive of 'Erius fair Isle' J., -:no6. Ti;,flir -t ham, Maly. Braggr Ellis, anorded amusement for the funloving n alwa -- narimount- were alf from other Ion our streets yesterday. motion stiii remaining on Haywood JJaiis yard. More Anon. t?sU Huts for Census 8titervisora. "NVe believe -iti the 'principle that every man'ought to work for whatever moneyh'e'geir.. .Now the Census Sa crvisor lor this District is to gel $500 from the Government, apd it is nothing but right v that he should be made to earn his money. ituus the duties of Supervisor, ex officio.. will; require some labor, but ewjbodj.lwvws the. Government. i very liberal in its payment, aud ho won't half, earn his money, if , sqim th ing. extra, ia iot added on. We ad- Vance", 'Worth, sections. - r j We feel sure that the delegates in Convention would listen very respect fully and,1 possibly obligingly, to any claims - that might be ; urged for the nomination, oX one of the favorite sons of the Cape Fear section, jjlf the peo ple desire ' it," then let them in; their -township and county meetings, desig nate the man; let delegates be instruc ted, and let the whole Cape Fear couu try go up as one man aud say to their brother Democrats, u-4i b ways De pai We have "been "frequently asked what effect this' election year would have on "business, -Tar&oro Souther- iter. Cotton Factory. A Kind hide r of Editorial ' Poverty The editor of the ChaTloUe Observer neatly twits some of us in the follow ing manner: 1 w. v.w.cj win uukucepir lu.UUU ids oi cotton per ; of reaching a 'city by the sea and plenty of orders on' ban uue i iu luiuini mm toat mere IS a av HpnnM of the mccMji of nronprlr rauroaa up in western north Jaro- conducted-mauufacturine enterprises tion. I am of opinion that a majority of the Senators wish for the passage of the resolution, but nevertheless, there is usqaestionably an understanding that it shall not pass. It, with every other proposition to intetfere with the currency, is to go over for latere ac tion. Secretary Schnrz summarily diamiss- ed the Commicsioner cf Indian affairs, Alii Early Cttll 1 Kolicit?a. iiinger Bras. i Br. V. E ii ukiici iiEuiui:i za lb . il "in utriTiJiuiiiir i . hat after forty yearn our true Dem lna ing very much in the d.rec- al the South, are given in the 12 per Ir.iu -uLia ua tlon of hls "tern cities, and whose cat dividend declared bv the Lanir ;ratie eeetion h9uJrl.fe honored again, g, ind we name for the place one who is ;aJe - k, rn termmut can easily be low -otton mills tur Auirimtai fit.. - u i j r .1 : i" . . r. : . : every way qualified T ' - Ul ,1UUH naviganou last year, and the b per cenL divdend If our. people are agreed among ; " . r " n 't T " j o! vxiumous ya.i mill, waicn is bow thebselves as to the righTman fo? XOUS l el1 ' d m, 0 .r so .crowwith orders that it has call- the place, and will pull Vgether earn ff'?aP never ovmed a ed in its. agents. Augusta, the Bouth's wono.notseehy WcapeFear- doUar 8 road. Lowell, U to have 24,000 spindles section mav.not, as the Kihston JOUR- -T n T ' T V J - v vn oiuiey iuauuiacturing vom 'be allowed to name the next r a , . c tuu i viziuri p ve got a oig thing, and you can make lots of mon ey out "fit. It may hot be worth while to say tnat your bloated Kailroad bondhol XAi,ay's, Governor.' 'Tlic .Railroad Question in Xorth Carolina.- pany having just been organized and the capital stock, $500,000, all sub scribed. Jarmer & Mechanic. The Eabbit Trade. and testimonials good., long ones and giye the honorable gentjemen a little whpljssopie work to do in read- nff,0Jf fpd answering his correspon dence'. ;' f 'jWti&t tha(eve applidations nave already, gone fromlvinston; four teen from La Lrtnge; eihtjfrom Tren ton; three from PollocksTille, 'and in num'eVable' nnmbra''iVom the larger places like Hew Berne and Goldsboro; butthatis no reason . "why more should not apply. 'There w.lno .telling who will get: the places. - ... Under, this heading the Wilmington ders and stock-jobbers, are not gener Star protests' airainst the ! sale of the al7 deemed the most careful of the Western North fWnlin kaHmail i Pub 1 in eonlirrttttif Wai i 1 1 Ve had much m.rt tnt BlirI. Pf1:tn . -o. get;Up,Petitionsf nilher ur hcme people should own it per, of the Kinston Journal, Biggs, of Vise ihctf, X.Avauy., readers;. to- for ward their applications for the , posi-! a foreign corporation. tion of Lnu mora tor and run it for devel opingiKorth Car- the Free Lance Caldwell, of the Land olina interests"; but in any event we mar McDowell, of the Southern think the State ought to come out of Home dD A0 we could our rail U; r .k . J IL if the Supervisor fails to answer Under State influence jroids'wi 11 always be run for pelkieal ho the W'estern railroad, are as patri utr, and will be a bone of contention otic and sensible as if they had each to the . end of time. The following a wealthy father-in-law, uncle, or aunt, Western road la a more favorable TT light than we hve Wthertft regarded p0 lA ot tba, ir. L'n f : -.-'' v Kailroad, has the nag ready to be un- ll v .; .;. : .'.. V. . farled at King's Mountain on the 21 st Col. - McGhee, Fresident of 'the of Febuary. It cost! S200 and the Knoxville & ' Ohio .RaHrcad. " iff 'hU pole frorn which it will float will be address before: the -Directors of the 200 feet in beieht. l Colonel Harda- Western North "Carolina Rai'road mon. of Geotvla. will dflivr th a. 1 since iai ivaieiirn. mess. UUarlotte Southern Home who. met not long Since the new bosses took chanre of Hoyt, on Saturday. The reasons si n i the New. Berne cotton factory it is leged for the action are yet too nnmer running night and day,' using above ous and contradictory to permit an in cotton per week, with telligible and reliable statement of the of orders on- band. Tangible fot a. But. vbirliTr innt i. eepted, there bs evidently been crook ednesa in the lodian Bureau. Probably j other dismissals or resignatione will fellow. ' I have so often called atten tion to the unability of oae man, a Secretary, to give the necessary atten tion to therwoTkings of all the numer ous Bureaus' of -' the Interior Depart ment, that I am not at all surprised at havisg to give in the same letter as in this one, an account of fraud in oae of us Dureans, ana contusion sna incom petency in another. In truth, neither Secretary Schnrz nor any other man can manage the Interior Department as now organized. The Department ' should in some way be divided. At the Pension Office in this city with its four or five hundred clerks, four pension claim are being received while one is being disposed of. To change all this two schemes are pro posed, one is that of the Commissioner of Pensions knows as the Sixty District bill, which propos to rdaoe the num ber of applications by making success ful applies tioa impossible. This the Senate Pension Committee is sow con sidering. The other proposes a reor ganization of the Pension oflce, in sueh a wsy ss to utilise the work of the large number of clerks employed which, it is needless to say, is not new done, sna to preves frsud by a more tborewgh and practical examination of all papers submitted. Tfco House has a special I "OS - . 2 vV"1 r. 2 5 o --2 .-3 ? K 3 5 a Y ?J h S 2 o 3 I 5 S -Ma J tg- g . g s. 2RE-MCDICINE fiERFUMERIf - - -t- - INTS oic-- - -- I . 5 " S; S ! Large assortment of Toilet Soaps, and Cologne at Wholesale Priest Attention is callt-U to a very Fine Selection of -EC O L I I Y c o o Ms ' Fhyslcians Prescriptions carefully pre pared at afl hmrjDaev.' 1ST" Use WkthcBj's Sewing Machine Oil. .Wariantrd para. Price last sent to Merchants on application. Orders by Basil rreeirs Ff? Auenuoa. But few perons have any idea of the vast quantity of rabbit skins that i a aAi aAn wevaw 4 W a urt e a public interest nor the most patriotic "Y? 'T "UUk'J wf . n -ii i . ler. ana situoun inev sen ior oniv o - , . three cents apiece yet this brings no inconsiderable sum of money to our j county. The great bulk of them goes j to the Raleigh market (as does almost j everything else that we sell) but still , a great many are carried to Greens- i boro,' where there is a firm, Houston i & Bro. that deals in furs on a large scale and that buys for dealers who sinjp direct'lo Europe. Chatham Ree- New Euggy-.'-Eatorj, OS CASWELL STREET, (opposite Bjgbj'.n.w tr ek to- I The Kinston Joujuial suggests Wilmington as the place of meeting for the next Democratic Convention. Loud and long have been the com plaints of the Raleigh influence on delegates, in the 'provincial' settle ments. We second bro. Harper's mo tion to meet in Wilmington. Taoor 1 Ccmmitte on tee syttesa now in force. Any S-tyle furiiislied to order. KEPAIBIXO IN ALL IT3 BRANCOEBl HAY & BROS.; ' MATLY and PROMPTLY executed at t1 oontAerner. " r ' -. . . r. .. t-w 1 .T OUR N A 1. O X" ICK-

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