THE JOURNAL. J. W. HARPER, : : : i in 'the world save that the Judge did! The Murder of De Young. Kinstoa on me t k-A t.t ooh lies in wait FOB HIM AND ; not want to stay in .1.... It KnnT flirt rod nv of flolirt Editor. - , week, and Uourt having oeen iu te- sion only two days , If a common laborer is employed at SI per day, and, while taking his employer's money, manages to shirk labor and work, only one half the time, he is considered dishonest. If a Judge, who is hired by the FIRES FIVE TIMES AT HIM IN HIS OWN OFFICE. THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1880. Judge Avery should be Impeached. When a nrivate citizen di ... i of Nr ' are puni Eicer ( fails to carry out the laws it is in . . - tr -i 11 .1 .! power, and the duty ot the Leg.sla-; wime suitors are c.amunng 10. .a, j the balj gtrikiug De youug in ture to try linn for the oflence, and San Francisco, April 23 Just before 8 o'clock this evening Charles De Young entered the business office of the Chronicle and stood talking with some gentlemen leaning against the counter. Directly the door open ed and I. M. Kalloch entered, and drawing a pistol, without, as far as can be learned, speaking a word, be gan firing at De Young, ihe latter every section, that whatever of ill feel ing may have been engendered will be forgotten. Let it be understood that we are for Shotwell for Auditor, and we call upon the press to give Bro. Shotwell such a "boom" as his merit deserves. Chapel Hill Ledger. Judge Seymour. Bear Hunting in Lower Craven It is genera lly conceded by the Bar, who are well qualified to form an opin ion, that this gentleman- is one of, if not the beat Judge now riding in the State, This opinion ha.J been strengthened by the course of His Honor at the present terra of our Superior Court only a over which he is presiding, and it is State of SortU Carolina for $2,500 ' J ! r... : l. o.,l.,,r ! gau the laws of North Carolina ourCourts j " -tar l ,UJUr'iUl"c ai"'J . ! ran through the gate of the counter to r hnn nd th nfJadmit, yet he accepts it and promises . , , . 5d Kaloch firinsr" at him fender is punished. When the nre- :-t fill the duties of the office) takes i as he ran. Go reaching the desk De sidin, officer of one of these Curt, j advantage of. hi, power to adjourn j ung turned to , face bisopponent -- ---n . - . , ... . . ., i rt . :.. ...Till- P tl,Q . lr Willi a IHSIUI 111 Ills 11UUU, WllCll JlVrti- llie VyOUIl.lll li e I-Uiwuic ui tne j.vvi : C A r. 1 i locn, leaning over uie couiuei, uicu lor a trial j . . , ... D Yo in -what shall be said ol Ins con- i tlie nioutiK Kalloch then started for j w. a.-wv remove hinr from office. IOeU i the door, and JJe 1 oung raised his pis- Thc Bill of Bights, Sec. b, Art. I And in addition to the above the tol as if to fire; but apparently his of the Constitution of North Carolina action of hi. Honor in leaving the H-k! . county aim uisinct wnne me urai.u ( he fell on the floor. The ball Mr. EniTor: This s not country of deer, foxes, and cats, but j superfluous to say that he has given ii is aiso me nome or grim old isruiu. satisfaction in his ru nn-s and judge no larmer s nogs are oui or aanger ol ments says: "All Courts shall be open, and Jury was in session seems justly cen ; na(l evidently pierced the base of the "every ncr.on for an injury done him- surable. All day on Thursday,; brain, and in a few miuutes he expir- "in Kit.-m.h fTfwiilH. nerson or reouta-; while the Grand Jury was busy find- ed " - e i " 1 . " ii i i .. i... T;iir. t . i t n.v ..... l. lion, hltail IiaVO reillCUV UV UUV inu lmiv i ni'in-micni. unu uianui . 'ti2 i nv;u, riniii J J n . o enmp timf h ii iHirpr pnmp. nn took "course of law, and right and 'justice Presentments, his Honor was speeding j llim jn ci,arge conducted him to "administered without sale, denial, or away towards the hills of estern the city prison. As Kalloch ran out of the door i he wa3 seized by a citizen, and at the hungry Bruin, in the summer, and in the fall, he divides his messes between the farmer's swine and his corn field, paying rather more attention to the corn: the result df which is the farm er loses mauy hogs and also much corn. His ccurtsey upon the Bench, his promptness in arriving at proper legal conclusions, his strict impartiality and freedom from bias makes Judge Sey mour an acceptable and able Jurist, though diflering'with him in his polit ical principles the Tree Lance does Washington News and Notes. STATE NEWS. Artolan ATell. Wahheioton, D. C, April 27. TTt,. r r . l - . ! . 1. .1 ored Cadet at We.t Toiiit U becoming j f ""?en Umfe' P-U one of N.tiou.1 f.rue. Parties in ILU J.Vf. sinking an arufcita city are interested iu it for seTeial rea sons. Tbe Republicans think that the with such entraps .aid ther are will- i II inon Leader. iog to juiu tbat numerous body of per-; sons who believe that West Point ongLt to be put down anyhow as an atiti- tiifir cttton and wuoleu mill bj? just completa it. It is GT'fTr ana ine lorce or vsUr isSr!) StureeoiiK. Sturgeons ire am Where there are so many bear, one j not hesitate to award to Judge Sey naturally concludes that many are mour the merit which is so justly his killed, but such, however, is not al- due. ways the case. In this section is a! long, thick, briery pocosin. To at-1 tempt to hunt in it is outright fool Jones County Items. ishness, nothing but bear and wild cats can go through it. If perchance a bear takes a tree, or stops to fight the dogs, it will take the hunter so long to get a short distance, that it is for the lack of judgment in a man to start to his dogs. If anybody doubts this assertion let him inquire of E. P. ' , . , t a- i .i . e . .i . i the truckers joiiiu, as 10 wneiner ii is a iaci mai j . one ever conies out of a bear hunt in j Plclons this country, with any clothing on! Mr. Jno. Parker was down again last jjjm week trading stock. We are pleased to But with all the disadvantages of a ' se Lim down often. Prefume be i large, thick, boggy pocosin, we have prospering likfc all other horse tradein a few men who occasioulv out cunning shaving. the bear. We have various modes of j Mr. Thus. J. Whitakrr the present deceiving him. Some are caught in Superior Court Clerk in Superintend- steel traps, some in log traps, and , eut of tli6 Sabbath School. He makes "delay." Carolina as last as steam could carry Under this Fcction of the Constitu-! him. Young Kalloch on being arrested was, as the officer remarked, the cool est man he ever saw. He still carried Hon, as well as by virtue of the gen- Can a .Superior Court be earned on j tfae smoking hlol jQ hj3 ,hand aud eral principles governing our legal wuh the Judge out of the District?; surrendered it to the officer. On his proceedings', every suitor in a court of; It is generally understood that he is way to the station house he observed justice ban a right to a speedy trial; a component part thereof nay even ; strict reticence, and on being shown to and any Judge, who wilfully denk the head, and that without- the head ! cel1 positively refused to have any . , . f- i i i t it i i . -c-A intercourse whatever with reporters, or delay, Imn in obtaining h.s r.ghts, th body becomes lifeless. But if it ; q the abgence of any explanatioiia is unfit to preside over a North Caro-; is lawful i r tht Grand Jury to pur-' from the assassin, the act is generally lina Court of justice. sue its. labors in the absence of the (.understood to be attributable to the We charge that Judge A. C. Avery i Judge, i, is certainly improper for now riding the 3rd Judicial District : such a course to be pursued. The. of tliM State, has wilfully and delib ; Judge ought to be on hand to give erately deprived and delayed a defendants a trial, in case true Bills suitor in the Lenoir Superior Court ; should" be found and the defendant ! great deal of attention to gathering from having his rights adjudicated; I unable to give bond for his' appear-1 4licts regarding the past life of Mayoi pamphlet recently circulated about the city attacking Mayor Kalloch, the father of De Young's slayer. During his recent visit East it is be lieved that t'.ie dead man devoted a Ed. Stanly killed a fine turkey last week weighing 20 lbs. Stanly was sixty five yards distant and thinks it a good shot. The old gobbler's beard meas ured 9J inches iu length. Irish potatoes cut down a second The seasons ate not aus- OlUIkTUlin Bit 41 f I W Ivan.. cratio aud monarchial institution. It ir-r nn..nt,ii.. Oniu . i Ptk would not surprise uh if orue Lottile v ia8 ttireadT Wcu iLii legislation should be the result f the ,;ru mrt,kctH ud tie Reason inrestigatiou. It is very manliest that ; t he a g,HH, ODe U)C Blim ff the colored cadets don i meet with ini- JrRr wlU not un nnJer U.U, partial treatment from the whites there, ear tcvictc. and a purpose has been tipiessedto: m m drive out the skins of Color. j htock luw The Hill scandal cne has come up j " , again, a correspondent having at suited ' A Gontlt-taun ho has tr that the Senator is trying to compro-; through unie of the adjiijicij co-. mise with the woman who makes the a g od dral w.thiu the charges against him. Senator Hill de- ; months, mjb thut when be getso t nit-s this story, but it is generally ob- i f Meckleuburg he find n;fc cj7 served in this case that every time be ter scarce especially butter v denies some more ttsiiuioy against . Mecklen'Jnjg and part of CaWrrtlw him appears.. " j rarely ever liuds a larmer ml0 The (Jraut boom has received some ; an abundance of both. So mnv ? more severe blows thi? week, Georgia j the Stck lnw in Mtckleubar ttdr having gone square back on the Gene imtTs.--Cuirlottc I)t mocrat ral, Who bis friends have been' faying was certain of every Southern deiegsi tion solid, and it was only after a haul fight that Virginia was forced into his columns. The news from the other Son t hern States is also discouraging to the Ex-PiesideutVboom. A revolt iiovrat. Slaughter log. We l-;iru that there has brn :, slaughter of d gs in the (iamNr neighborhood (lour mil. s fri.Q aud many pi rM iis tlnnk thf j l . tfc,r ill Ul a UiUlP that against third-Urmism is apparent ; recently killed bv l.ghtnu.g. JJJ Tennessee, South Carohnv, 1 1.., i.da and M.rt . jh1 lf rlec-lricbfluill IUium, nm Deleware. . est A irgnna lU sh t f ,he 1U1, bul ,e J fit and Maryland are pretty ; surely opposecl ! hal ,((lu , our UxrD K iioiu liiv: rbiiii, Viimiiuu J in u( arsenic the iiitiie, ni.d tLnridti, coiniuiiii t v of some hlicei killin a J- void. Kalloch for the presumed purpose of either using it at his own expected trial on the charge of shooting'Mayor and to support the charge give the j ance at next court. - following statement of facts: j We are sorry to be compelled to On Wednesday morning of last! censure a Judge elected by the people j Kalloch last August or of making it week, alter the firu4u Kinston on the j of North Carolina, but he was elected subserve journalistic purposes. The night-before, the Superior Court Clerk ! to serve ' the people, and when he Pa,uI)hlet' was of some sixty pages and i .i... t...i... '.I rv...:,i , ,u e i.. ... A ecounted the details of the Kalloch r ' 1 J scandal in Boston aud other matter of issue Dockets were burned, and the j press of the State should condemn liisj a scandalous nature. It was anouy papers in such confusion that he could ; acts without fear favor or" afllction. mous, but young Kalloch evidently not gCt them ready lor trial. On the '; Life, liberty and property are a free assembling of the Court the Judge; man's rights, and lie who would deiy announced his determination to ad- lor deprive the humblest citizen of one, jouru the whole Civil .Docket; Im-1 if unrebuked, might soon disregard inedhitelv the counsel for plaintiff in j either id' the others. i tne case of Bouse vs Joyner Adui'r, j it is proper to add that iu. i-ditor was J n' i't Oif I'MiiiiM-l lor riJaiiitiU' in tlii-c:ii" iii cu !. I VT TO a I. ! T - . i .... . . . . 1 . .. 1L neillLT i I), to Oil llie VlVll ISSlie '"" " -inai accouiu, nor i,,r any Docket arose and gnve the nptice that the papers iu that case some killed by tiling cuns. Occa- sionly we catch one in the branches or ponds outside the pocosin, and shoot him before he gets back to the thick. In the several ways mentioned the citizens of the neighborhood some years ago, killed thirteen grown bears durinir the summer and fall. I believe. a very good one. k'i:i liivitirr ttlixot. ii.i..l I i boast that Giant would I.mvm a walk : . . U over is becomiug laughable imw. II Grant is beaten it will be tho hnrdt st blow to Cauieionism and machine pol itics ever given in a National Conven- t i n v " m t " . ... The two reallv vigorous Democratic! UI M,,r.vm..l.-.?. d .'-T.M,i booms are those of Tild. n and Han-! ' 1 "'. i.aira A True Shake Siry. Mr. Brogden has a fine assortment of cock. It is difficult to tell which is d-f ckuaiJn, goods aud a beautiful display of cali coes. Be certainly displays much tase in the selection thereof; he is oue.of our largest nitrchauts aud is prosper ing in business. Messrs. Foy, McDau- argu were iii the possession of plaintiff, and that they should insist on a trial, one of the counsel remarking that it wolild not be. a Jpry case, as only questions of the law would be ed. On Wednesday night at P. M. the Criminal Docket ished aud Court adjourned to 9 P. M. to hear motions ami grant orders on the Civil Issue Docket. When the "case of Bouse r Joyner, Adm'r. was reached which was a simple case of a suit aguiubt an administrator on a sealed promissory note of his .intestate account, nor iur i ra'isi'. U'oiilti hi1 niKii'iihnt itiof-wt- mi,i f Ooiirt I oiinlirm.'itioii oi tlie allr (l facts hi- is willing lo lri ilicni r.v a n y im-u Iji-t ot the bar piv.-.t'nt; anil for coiilii ni.ition uf his ariinicnt from thi'M fnttB, lie i.- willing to leuve to tli-(lt-cision of the mtiUc. about 8 was fi u- Judge Strong for Attorney General- Ih. EditoiI: As it has become the mode to make nominations for of-, fice through the papers, I was pleased to see," among the legions of persons, whose individual friends imagine, and have no diffidence in expressing, that the various offices were from the pro toplastic age evolved especially to provide- recreative" employment for them, the name of George V. Strong Esq. urged for Attorney General'. It seems to me. and I do not de- considered that De Young was res ponsible for its publication, and acted accordingly. As far as could be learned from talk on the streets the general opinion seemed to be that the death of De Young at the hands of the son was the legitimate outgrowth of the recent attack of the dead man upon the father. The Coroner's autopsy shows that the fatal shot struck tire riuht side of the jaw and did not penetrate the brain, but ranged downward, and was found imbedded iu the interior jugular vein. Another shot had pene trated the outer and inner coat bul had not reached the body. A". Y. World. however, that Mr. E. G. Bell is chiel ! iel and Kounce all have good stocks of of the bear killers; he has been in general merchandise on hand close charters with angry Bruin. On i Messrs, Green, Mallard and Perry one occasion his dogs had two cubs ! keep constantly on hand a supply of up a tree; he fared on them but tailed drugs, cigars, garJeu seed aud liquors. to kin one or tne cutis, mulcting, : Liquors seem to be a specialty although now ever, a severe wounu on i , wnicn fneud Dawson saJ.s this ls a dry town V.UU3CO iiic i u u iu nuunu liic iiiai 111 nu TT. . . , . . i i t , . . . , , His statemeLt contained in the Journal help; in almost an instant the enraged ! , , , l .1 j , ; a few weeks ago was a very humorous mother was there to delend her young. ! J She dashed at the dogs ar.d they ran j OUH an regret to say vry correct, past their master, who was but fifteen The "bquor law" here ought either be feet fiom the tree; . when the bear i euiorceu or lepcaiea. ai ii can oe en- came to Bell, she made light at him. ored and accord. ng to Judge Ehre a There he was a ilh his gun unloaded; ! charge to the last Grand Jury it can lu.the thickest ot our thick pocosin. , it ought to be; if it cannot then it no one else in the woods with him, ought to be repealed. We are opposed and no way ot escape, j 1 here was to this kind of monopoly here. It is only one alternative, and that was to contrary to law aud contrary to good .... l:i- 3 .... ii. i l i l J ugniu ouu 1 1 1 u o i ueaiu uepeuuei ; moraiB. if then, jt is contrary Loth upon n.s conquering, ne w as ai i to kw BuJ morals it ought to be abol iiuu ut'UK ut;u was laiire auu ahead, Should Grant be put up, tbc n?': fl l" " H Democrats may possibly think it safe l,i"u ' oi.t tu t9 to put up Tdden. But as it looks more U,,M: 1 MU;1 'We W like lihiin than Giant, so it appears to "'"J", Ut."'r, , " X' tai'n mauy political that Uancot k , ,,'"v " ' ri ' " ,ru will be the Democratic candidate, ll L'S'" so it will be a lively canvass. ' ,:,rn ' U14M"U " 1 llr "ker - t ..... .i i . . . . i i .i t The adjournment of the Senate over ! K" " -iK-,t. cnr.oi f f;,.. ,c .... ..!...;. ... ! ' "'i i"i e umirunNn simply tliat the House is behiud hand, n'iW6 aud the Senate will wait for it to come ! ) l"1 " . ll "'"'K i'. t jlV up. Husiness never proceeded so i he.c-i. n. i jaiv uuWuU sh.xvly in that bodv as it does now, and j xv' Ul ' '- ,tl,t" the middle of next uiouth will arrive) v ................. .... . .a. ind-a iill -JfUl CtfSfS 1 t 1 perfected. Adams. I'Ucli icitj. 0:H of t!l? r.t l ill o( elt-ctiicS' ; ir 1. reti bv Jnpu i h i.utkrj Onslow County Items. . . v.v'. A . i .- ii um i r nn . l h him I ' ' M - ' " We had refresliii-g showeis a few j an m iit-m-- xi -lif a u- luia btw? das siuce and the lands are now in a u,,i V" 1 g'-t'r. r rmnr.F i kit nice condition for planting cotton and r..u, , 1 euce of 2(0 Yards; stuu.-i.i i. I . !' r it 1 ' me iarmers are mating gooa use oi me ,Uei.; Ulc. ceiui., aiioaK, u.c-.uipW opportunity, biuce Ihe rain all tiling.- j lv torn into sLn d-, and thu-vit Mt tell us that Spriug with its many beau ties has made its appearance. The real business of New York Re publicanism is not to preserve the Un ion or . protect the freed man; it is to push the fortuues of Mr. Conklingand his army of captains and lieutenants from governor Cornell down. The real business of New York Democracy is to promote the interests of Mr. Til- . . . ,1 - 1 l. " ... 1 " 1 I T precuue tlie character, ability and j uejl AUil I)1S personal iouowers. it is laboiiousness of Col. Kenan, that Hip I precisely this plan on which the partv which, on a plea of no asset,, had j nomination of Judge .Strong would be I nianagers propose to conduct not only been referred under a-former order j peculiarly litting his character is the ensuing campaign but the whole business ot the -National Government. strong. v The disadvantages were all on his side: the advantages all in fa vor of the bear; nevertheless the lighting must needs be done. When one fights in self defense, he does it well, and so did Bell in this case. ished ay a nuisauce. If it canuot be abolished because officers of the lair stand in the ivay thereof, then the offi cers of the law who thus act ought to be invited to "fjtep down and out," and the sooner hey do it ihe better it will He jobbed the bear on the nose with be lor society. Whenever it comes to his ''uii so severely as to cause her to! the question as to whether the people retreat a few feet to growl and gnash shall govern or one or two individuals nt him, thinking thereby she might uud these ouo or two stand in the itviii-e 'i IiO.ikU in t i uirertj No le.-sttinii lout htie. nii i ( .rue'rt l.;l.f-ll .til llitii nii.ii.i'i I:. .1 rfn A young man went fish'og the other ; 4hl, c.ii,l ,,iow,Uj u , .tu cticuk day d-iriug the rain; he had h ard that , d taiict-t-. of n.ts-, u, bis sweetheart wis sick ami wanted a I -ecoud e1.ici1.4g the e uth ti m fiaii i..t ; Lurs'.td through the'it 2 1 . 1 1 - 1 . ,! me loao iu lour places al i..uii A ... 4 1 . -1 ........ --- ... I I . 1 1 au"u,ri J-""'t iiuuiMur "'; '""Mlivetret ImI.iw llie h..rUv., linn' his sweetheart stolen by u rival, the lo-J above tl.e ku SLr i! 1 , 11. 1 I 'I I.... li t. . ... ... .. ! str loaoeu iiih eiiD auu cave cnase mihi "-u ut. o . i r-.--. after a pursuit of hereral miles returned 1 d il'lu Ux utiil' s,lu ... . . . ; hi. jl . rn 1 Kll'ti'. wuuoui uaviug caugni mem. ; ...... u.s .i,,,,.., ,.,. li:wJ Oar debating clab i still lively and . .1 W. li. Mcluti e 1. cir ii.l trot-l croquet flourishetli. It i- 1 e.eei libly felt for the ujusi A verv r. linbl frpntlpmnn stntrs tht. 01 ,cu ;il,,eH- l'-CCi .'iu.siri i. i.:n 1 ,j .1 ... . . , r . -" uw niiicu tour ueer ui one cuoot 1101, ,:. . . . : j. succeed better fey but threatening. ! ,v of iw nci order thv o-irht to b. 1, i i 1 j u utioo, tin.c ami luieniatioy u. ii... .!.;!, ,i, wa- 01 la UU OU er ney dgUt l e louS s,uce aud tl,e deer Wt're ruling ho pabs that vt.Uibu Auri nt, MithViint to ri-i4Li But while she was losing the opportu- hu;lea from A and tLcir cfficial ft , ,.v --. !..,, If ft 1. K .... . v 1, ...,-.! " uny .0 tavy.nt in. umm: uu.ue heaJa brought tQ the block of; political .inn mh. no rrjl jt iu j rriin n ri.Fl J loawtu out uauv.1 01 1110 uu. 11 1 v.u 1 .. . , . j . , , , . 1 ' .1 execution aud decapitated stud rolled nt. on hpr nnrl hroiicrhl'. hor tn t ip 1 :-..i- 0 i down iuto the executioners basket as a c.iiiii ucau, 1 v , o -...f.r r 4i.-. I 'warning to evil doers for all time to men and a boy undertook to tie a bear which they had in a steel trap in opposite directions. Who can beat it? A grand "fish fry" below here to-day. Hope all caught enough to fry one each. EicniiASD3. come. Commissioners court in who pat8 that w-. 2In.iby ttiruij rr.:. . . 41... i'T'.TI . . ' . . . 1 w . . 11 ip l llir jrilnilUU J w Soctloit. I session last and haul him home for the women ! Monday; nothing of interest was done. Mr. Editor: It is scaic ly possible to express the feeling of gratitude and V ionlr o 1 .l.itirn tn WilhTi: School house. Sniuro'ay t..e lUtaiK hear the addle on g oil aiil iug by Mr. J. I. Siliif s.ju, the bk j accoujp.ihhi d MtthoUisi diviur;itf!H . ....! "....!.. J ...II II t fi-S utiiui.iui, in ; iiu uiiti w 11 1 to have an Account slated, to which ! account Exceptions had been fifed ;i after argument his Honor ruled against the views hi Id by plaintiff's ' attorneys, that it was a question for argument at Chambers, and held that it was a 1111:11, 1113 ilO'lllv U IU 1 lies LlOIleil MlSi ' -j " ii- ii.. vjuvciii uci l. - 11- 1 . ; 1 i- 1 rv. .Um iiniif inni j , , a grape vine around Irs neck, so as to also some school orders learninrr yreat. What nomsiro 1 o them political ideas and principles ,&, 'i- - . . . . . he not? Would he not make an ile simply catchwords to get votes, able and honored law officer of the ; ur tne'r owu part they mean business State sagacious and wary in coun- not tne people's business, but their 1 ... . J i . rrt.:i 1 : . . , cu, eiiective in action: . '"Hi' is of lawe export and cntiohK I dee m 1 .1 . 1 . 1 . . m 1: 1 1-11 . i- ri.i . o e . , nil... 1 "iiuaieu aioiiLr uukwuki nyt". u,,u v...... .... 1. , .v. "j ; " v-""'- " - cueenuy oieuHiirB, oicu x eipcrieiieeu j leani more ol. own. iheir business is to vet nnrl keep control of the enormous federal! Jury case. The counsel, . I .t 1 1 !!-... i' ,1 . ' . 1 n .1 "rl . . sunraitting 10 nts ruling, men asked oi ne people, especially those or; ;tion. Their ideal President t !.:. 1 .... . , iins i-uuiii miiilii is 1 11 some sun ' " - " to be allowed to po to trial, before a i... .1... .1... I county, to the eligiUlity- and fitness j ' r ..j. next day. His Honor, who was ' holding a midnight Court, for the purpose, it is supposed, of rushing Ui rough the Court business and en aiding him to leave on the morningls train for home, refused to wait over the next day and try the case, 'although, the regular jury was in the adjoining room ready for work on the next day, and though the case' in question was ready in Over particular for a trial. After this decision from the Bench, the plaictitl's coiyiscl still iusisted on a trial, showing that the suit as one of long standing, having been on the Docket for more than twelve years, and that the Exceptions were merely , formal, being filed for the purpose 1 of delay ouly. The Judge closed the .-! discussion by coldly reiterating the I-words: i "The case is continued." Upon these facts we allege that Judge Avery should bo impeached by the General Assembly of North 't is an energetic party boss whoi will take care of his friends. A President like Hayes or Edmunds or Bayard is to them a disagreeable accident and ob struction. Grant or Blaine would. suit them exactly if they are Bepublicau?; if they are Democrats Tilden is just thpir m:m. It i in riow rf tlirt.-o f....a .. .. 1 - , , ' it . IVll HI UllOO itll I C latally mditleriMU to -every, iuhh' tl.t'.toilmont n.i ..-u - I - 1 1 1 , . 0 v""1- "ii-iMaiiil uuu J'ail IUIIU iiieu Will eycirt. which is beyond the circle of no longer wear the bonds of a strict hre.ct iniliience upon "Me and party allegiance. And upon all good my W lie, my son . John ami hi citizens it rests as the supreme duty, i-- : first tn -demand in ih rmrtv iKo . 1 ,. 1 . , . ,i ... v.v... .'ui 1? ni van K,. h.hnoc 10 n., 3 .... 1 1 li... . . . J in aud ' eC'iiue Utiel, while visiting friends iu Greene county. ! quainted with the good, iiitillr They a r. a people for whose ciiarac- I mrilty and enterprising citriii ter I must ever feel a ghmiug interest I flUlne9 'ul,"t hat dtl g..Uj . . ..." . prosperous country. Ve rmcLr-H and impressive admiration. j ,cLool houe, wbicu U a uetnrcj The degree of hospitality which this i-uud spacious edttht-, shinijg Mtin section of the country has for m.uiv ! Coa ot white piiul, junta ,tf "j We are uleased to see anv of onr niti- -7 . i... .:i....i ... .1. :i hytnn was ben reaJ. lue Mr".-, r . . f ,i. iUJ ;rU u,,.j c ,lucu ,UUI , . ' tl ll 11 lJ JICIOIN nuuuw choke him into submission, and put; The court cave Capt. E. R. Pae the the boy aud one man at the grape privilege of erecting a law office on the vine, vvni e tne other two were to tie ! Court 1Iouse re at Lis owu frXpense. .a .ci uog laaij.un, S it is it oieu. , We ad tQ 1ear of 5 jf bespeaks ihe man at the vine soOn saw that it! . , . .... ; . . : an eviapnee 01 tnioiu: lmnrovemcnt. uawoi-Koi supererogation 1 "Datron'asre. and to emn ov it hr.tli al . . r "v ... iv.n.r ..11 .i, ........ t f 1 0 .. 1 . s cross and tie the leet. so he lpft. thp in mi, tu v 'Mvv mnii me aucu-i income and as m h xi nrti ,wor. . T . . . . . ' ' r " ;f...,: 1 t,i:: . .. i -.".u.u,,-.:".,! ,i.., i,fl .!.,. r,-l t-t.., U3 ujhuiimulk a iMuuauic uuuirc spir- enternrisn ami it.tfin-nl UOV IU UU l.TT" VllURlHi, illKl ElClfllCll , . - I I around to the assistance of -the men ! " ana are joiced to see the county . Ormoudville is iu a fair way to de- at the feet. The bear immediately j Commissioners encouraging i; it looks gerve the assumed "ville." New build seized one of the men by the hand, j "ke & healthy sign ot the times. Capt. jng are being erected; lands sell at This was a critical circumstance, and 1 Page, though a Republican, is a very thirty dollar per acre. Farmirg is, of lett no time lor renection pleasing j nice gentleman personally, and al- course, the chief pursuit. Mr. Y. T. the women and children was no long-j though however much we may differ Ormond has the Thomas Harrow which or to be thought of. but tn nrpront 1 - - : O UUUJ lll.U JU UWU11V.S t'LUlUCUU HO 1 1 ll 1 1 f T I11H 111 fWIl. lllV. Will I . Ilu.jl V -W i..:.' - ..;...., i i r . . " jtue.. 'i-mw113 llgIIl u.u ou. pubhc spirit, and trust it may be m- scientifically. The wheat "v"'o "" "1C fUFed into ethers, so that they i nun " li i. x ineii pwiiiii" 10 lllc 1 i i " u i . ex, , 1 . i mo his good works may be eLCourased choked the hold of the bear loose from the man's hand and then shot him Selfishness is apotheosized and gold ; didate whom the people t run and the ! th,ruSh tl,e' heart- T,lUS en,le1 the ade his High Priest; hence 'only ! manner ' dir.V. Pdm.ia i adventure. carterkt. U. 1111 l i- T ll "" "." TlillJlll' ; lose who -svllable - the talismanic tho H..iibl.n,a Tio,-.,i u I can expect the Democrats; secondly, to recognize that Greenback 3Icetinir. - ' c r . " of Judire StioiiL'- lor the nnitinn- unr ' o -.--- would that be necessary if it were not for the fact that the people, w'ho are in theory the source' of all authority and the lever of all political rising, are, engrossed in their own afiairs. 9 le pL.UlM' j f pro seeiDgl a most excellent couditian and promise Often FitZZlw and Jm-e llarilv.J' it will be an enduring ni'-uutti their good m use and uoble py. Out of iti Laii-av of tLe purest and most bull of this country, lue audre might been expected a.u ei' ud able ffort. We, tgeUer Simpson and other frieud, "ij"Jr hohp.talitv of that industiioi. ' crop are iu riru. ,nHr. Ur. John S.L; word "your interests' .. i i i popular eai popumr ear nemgsynon- at-present either nartv with a cmo.l ymous with the auditory of thai candidate :is bpttrr tbin 5ta nnnn,. - - - v 1 I rvjiiv. II fcO varm ol poiitcians that infest our with a bad candidate; and thirdly toj Committee m mntry; tor u .s to them, 'the fon- steadily oppose that partisan distribu-; yfsterday t itution to. the contrary not withstand- u()ll of public offices which is the key- i ,n theC1 The Greenback County Executive Committee met at the Court House noon, T. M. Gardner, k ru : ti . c .i . j. iii ineviiiiii. me jiurjinse wi me to stone in the arch of desnotism and ! .nieetmg was to appoint delegates to the swarm ol couu' stitutiou ing, that aspirants must look and them in many cases thev mUst pon- corruntiori Tlo pi,1 t. Kc i. State Convention at Greensboro, to be der. . clear: an upright President audCa re-: heM.n the 5thOf Mjiv which Con- is no rarity to hear politi- .formed civil " prvi(.p tvett T, ; vention will appoint delegates to the ."ti-. .. -.1 .1... - " -i . .. - 'J-'1-"" - ' i r XT .r i I i course of events must show whether vr,uc:i2. auonai vjreennacK onven- the best present means towards that' liou- J. he delegates appointed were cuius uitoiuMiiiigiy. avow mai their political creed is; "you tickle . me, 1 tickle you;" nor is it a mere mental abstraction with them, but a living, moving principle; and consequently .. I . C 1" ' . - you near, oi comomaiiong lormed- end ito bp fnnn.l tho T?n..Ki;,.on Capt. F. M. Wooten and J. A. Holt. nartv. th TUw,r.r,t;, r,.t.-v.. . ! Alternates: (.apt. b. W party of reform. Spring- party, the Democratic party or a new- i ll"n, 1-, ? ubles and " iy organized party of reform. Snrina- Am A .DudIey- '(-oL " illwn Te- ; keep it. field Mepublican. citmseh tutlar, in attempting to "par- alyze the meeting, caused considera ble amusement to lookers-on. His lan guage is represented to have been any thing else but chaste aud elegant WUSlnr. Carolina, ana insmi mai ouo wnoi one man agrees to support another for wilfully delays or denies a suitor from j Lieutenant Governor if the latter will haviim his rights ad'iudicated should not be allowed to mete out justice in a Court of law. And, too, one case of icilful departure from duty deserves as prompt punishment as a series of derelictions.' One crime of murder hangs a man; oiu case of larceny sends the perpetrator to tile 'Peniten tiary; and what is justice for the sub ject should be justice for ihe ruler or Judge. to go and do likewise". Preaching at Cypres Creek on Sun day at 11 o'clock, and iu the eveuicg at 3 o'ekek by R-v. Mr. P.ickett. The text in the forenoon was the stoning of Stephen. Tiie same text iu tho after uocn at Trent jn Stephen was stoned twice that day. A "gay Lothnr'o", not a great many miles fronT" here, went out. one night last week to pee his fair Dulcneft"; he drove up after dark, and one of the young he'its remaiked that Mime one had came; whereupon the Ma-temal aucextor of the fair one said that it was "nothing but a goslii.g." I tuppose she judged from the young ujai.V voice. It was snch a good ou he could not an abundant harvest. Mrs. GranJUoit Edward" has a very superior crop. We also spent a fw de in Snow Hill. While there a so-called ''Ladies' Leap Year Calico Apron Party," at D ail's Hotel, given to raise fui ds for erecling the Method it, t church iu that place. Al! the true souled members showed deep interest iu tlie occasion; and the night of the fete about 6 o'clock, the parlor wa fill ed with la-ies ail iu full dress, jewels, and flowirs. After nttering a fe Ilia crood is an adept iu tueC- ary oepartment. V sUali uit it couveuieut to vihil the iy ,. ... , , Swamp lieigbUiihood ag-ii. ,. hghtlul iUB huu5Hyf Mr. Sioip.ou d. dicj re we attended school houfce to Suuday tclni in a verv ai.i.ri.iiriui LL.ilT- crowd pr"h-nt was very larfe u j County A debate. - i m. M - t' Lion ami Luiih, or hceiit . htliu t. J Col. John L. Uridger re'-; ' markabie cae of the. Jion : ing down tog-2her withut ite j inide il.e Lion. The F -4 heme is t-trougei than the abie xclancatious of i am mxly. In this del cht. the crl villi bruiinliim -! ' niullif r ' ' ti. I.ia ieU 1 . - o " i . Itamloipli A. SIioUvoll for Auditor. support the former for Governor; an other supports an aspirant for Goveri iior-ii consideration that when elected The indications . now are that the Governor his minion is to be appoint- next State Democratic Nominating ed railroad President or some other Convention will be quite a warm and State officer iV.c. clc. In oilier words exciting one. The friends of numer- they carry on a regular trade in pub There is an old bachelor on Chiufjna pin who seems to 1 ewail I. is. lot very much. He is tired of liv :ig a life of single ble-ieJ tts' and is disironsof entering into one of "ilouble cussed, nesn". He asked a ynnng lady friend T. ... . .7. to select bira a sweetheart and be pro- It is now said that the Tildcnites po,e8 to makc him kuown tbe re,d. will aulaironize Sevmour s nnmina'ir.n ... ...... ous persons throuzhcut the State are at Pinoin, tt; ..,1 ;r i," :'er801 ,ce JorKSAI' b tLe lowing lie offices, which the common law was! already pushing them forward, and the choice. Tilden means to rule or de8cril'ti,,n: IIe bns duk brown eyes are urging ineir claims tor the various ruin. Ar nil th m nna f n0 ' "'""i aooui uve i so preposterous as to pronounce im- regarded and denied, for no reason of individuals for office ami illegal. ; offices mi the State ticket, and ve crata tnho h;m.ip,1 tn T T;i,l. mchea high; and it .-net -lly known by i I will not pursue this strain, further ! have a fear that the occasion may not ! only man in America fit to be a can- i tbe Dare ot tLe "Kidgbt of the Sor 5 Indeed it was ray purj)Ose simply to be as decorous and harmonious as it didate? Must be say. whether the' rofnl FiCure"l Post .ffire, Trenton, icau attention to tne iact tliat between should be. We predict, however, that South hH vnt fnr vn,., . Jones -. . v . . v.. - . u. J w . J L uu.. : - ' -.-.. ..... . .w him as above will cme safely. Accounts of nres. tornadoes, floods. and various disasters reach na in al- ' most every paper. . Here the undeniable" rigths of a ! h lhrg7 f the, people and the ; when nominations for Auditor shall be j It is high time Mr. Tilden had rece.v-: ,-i i- Iratling among the politicians there ; in order, the name of that -excellent f cd some plain talkkiz Grant is Duke suitor-- he right tn a trial-were d- danger of overlooking the fitne journalist, Randolph A. Slmtwell, will 5 Doe TildaVpire f o be Dkllto j meet with such a hearty support from Wii Star. entered the room where Ihe apron had been placed for selection, and Mr. Call, after distributing the cravat to tbe young men in her own pecnliar, graceful and affable manner, shaking nome word of praie and eneurge metit to every proud and blushing winner, ihe t-ign for the girU to enttr the parlor. The gentlemen aoon mad their appearance with the cravats on their left arms, and searching oat corresponding color, were khu prom enading aud talkiDg aweet word in poetry. Ambroaia nyllabub and cake were the chief refreshment. Imat add, tbat noth ng, surely, of ita kind, con Id have been more enjoyable. On leaving Snow Hill we returned to Ormondtville neighloriiocd, where we were met with aweet smiles cf welcome. At Ormonds' Chapel . we enjoyed a pleaaore long Loped for and D ever-to-be-forgotten, in hearing Rer. Mr. Call preach ooe of those wondertal ditcours es in which bis frr but reverent spirit seems to sound tbe profound est depths ui iue namao sooi. Oar next movement was homeward bound. Yours trnW. UCXI LEOTI. adopted a couple of joUbg foXJI iiwu 'ff-piiug, and nurses ttec bcronto puppies, is tLe f7! Iiairaony. This Las beeng"icl a couple of weeks, ai.d the .vv- no dilTeieLCe, iu h.r Urate:'1,1 i carrfcM;, betwrcu the youug l"4! the pnps. f Mateo and Ceoge, little ks' Colonel, caught the foxe and. exertions, thii unnatural ex-"' nary fctate of afTtirs has bet plight d. At firtt the mot If r f. thrtn eft, bi.t the boy Trtair) snd persisting iu keej ing tU lr bertta?. nuraiuir. ibe Ur,'i ciled. The Colonel thinks i ers iu ricogniz ug tbcsr pni1' more from scent than iDtitiCtt young foxes acquiring the by Ijiog in the same bed1-, tion, don't do violence to tttii tbe bound. . What a thock it will be to housewife, when tbe young get tired of their lacUal flo.u rtomschs crave someth-ng tJ se them browkiug prunncoC,:, ou tier youug poultry, i"'' , enter. i 0