' '.'wJHiSPr LJ.: Editor. -4 the THUR8D AYr, JXJNE 10, 1880. f -:7NVENTI0NS..v r The Democrat ;gtate';"eonyention for North Carolina racetttlaldgli ' on June 17tb tBWiT?ri -:,' ' w 1 The National Democratic -Conven- 20th 1880: '""J ?; " The Republican Congressional Con- . Tention ior ui, - umj xnu ioi:ij' meets in Gbldsbortf our July : thaj let The orth:, Carolina Republican State Convention meets in Raleigh on Julthejth ;880t. tical" appEcatior. Assisting in the exercises were the Itev.IraT. Wyche, Rev. W. II. Call: of Snow. Hill and helocal pastor, Rev. Fred D. Swm-, dell.- I'm - V ' v Wednesday night .was - devoted; principally to the little chaps, with a few pt-tne large gins inrowa-in urgive dignity and ' grace to the programme as given below. The singing of Misses May Edwards and Mattie Midyette was; exceedingly sweet v and received universal commendation. - programme- Wednesday NighL Music: venoms with roses. TH Eallroftdx'ar vf-n proposing to CooTey rn ii(h Kt&ts Convention , lr of charge if "they will iapporlJan Moore Index. Wharijibat;tlCive the" names of the railroads and the reason ; why railroadnveiL8nould preier - one man ;,U isnother for Governor. While the Bute's interest1!!! railroads was under - Republican management it was a. very common recurrence for the - trains to be loaded down with free excursion Mis to political conventions; but under Democratic control we thouh this had all been stopped. Speaking Mattie Midyette. y ; r - hero ought never, can sever die. K Calisthenics: 2nd Series-Tbe Little, .The exercises were resumed Fridav .Folks f; tlf ( f !i '4f- 8 M. with tthe following pro- i Music'JDuett-Joys of, Spnng-Mra. gramme: . - - r . , , ' . . t- MidyVtt adlMis3wards. n ;. Chiming Bells, by School ,.; Composition: .Heart within f and " Jolly Brother's Gallop; Effie Rouse God pveiheal-Miss Mattie Midyette: and Clara Fields. . , , 'j ; t . . Ifusic- Crying for Bread Jfiss When we are married; I Hettie 1ary Edwards and others. ri' t Hines (piano) Sung by Bettie Xinsey Calisthenics: Vocal Duett-I love and J. M. Hodges. j ' ':. to sinsr-ifisses Jidyette and Edwards. An i T old fashioned teachen Kirbv ifusic. Chorus-Shall we meet -be-Uzzell, H. S. Albertson, Robt. Uzzell, yond the JKiver. J " I Alex. Mcses and J. L. Wooten. The leading feature of the evening's K Heavenward i march; Delia Daw ontorfotnmont woa - tlift orlrpoa Kv 8Pn (P!in') 1 , : L f W ; , ; Aunt Betsey's beaux; Clara Fields, Senator Everitt of Forsyth county. Retti WnnH 'H-tti- ir.n. naiL We'll crown them His subject was 'The 'Qcatlon&;Kin8e7JH.Parka and.JL. L. Sas? sential to aJPeople's, Greatness , and ser rIusic-lDHrumental lXuett-Misses his. idea. was to raise the standard of Vienna galbp; (duet) Bettie Kin Aldredee and Midyette. , ,J.n;ist-s-;. .;fW.SA TOyna-eil Dawson. .. t : hueecn: uccasiona jrreioeue w . . ,. - , . vuuruugDieuuua i. jt. xvsia. o. vid U. Everitt . , X idea pervading our system ot iuca- W. Ferebee, J. F. Kinsey and Delia Rec.: : Troublts of sa Wife Miss tion; to place be civilization ot Use- Dawson. : L i f May Edwards. . . v . :. fulnes against the -civilization' of Ihe men are so stupid; Frank Mu8ic:bolp,. Urandma s Advice- 1 Rec: JuneMiss Blanche White. - - ' . , Kinsey, Bettie Wood, Eva Kinsey Rec: The Daisy and Butter-cup On Friday the pupils gave a Social Bettie Fields, and May Rouse. Misses i Sudie Dawson and Barbara Hop, closing the school exercises on- Train to Mauro; Bdttie Kinsey, Wood. , . ; ; v " I til the last week in August when the W. T. Reid, and J. M. Hodges. . Declamation: Twenty years Ago : :n' -.r-- :.' JWhite rose i polka; (trio) Lillie Richard Taylors . - ;; r -.'',..''4 r ' : s , Rouse, Ada Kinsey and Bettie Wood i Calisthenics: Arm bwingmg - J . courting under dithculties; Eme : Recitation: The . Firm Bank- oing Exercises : of . Kxnseys Df IL Sasaer and 'Ha Miss Lizzie Tucker.: Recitation: We are Coming4 Miss Minnie Rayner. v ;, . Calisthenics 1st Series, v, 1 t Declamation: The Burial of Moses Jesse Sumrell. , Recitation: The Golden Side ft Nettie Creech Scbool, at Ia.Orangre.N. C. Creagh. TOxen waltz; (duet) Hettie Hines Music:. Solo,, and Chorus ' The annual closinir ..of Kinsev's and Bettie Kinsey. school, has become an occasion of gen- , Valedictory; Robt. Uzzell. eral public interest to' our village and community. 1 We have no occasion iss that draws together as large, intelli I gent and rehned a crowd as this. 'T'L i. I mi I'll rr Jones County Convention. ' The Democratec Conveation of Jones county feuibled at TTf entcm on Tune the 6tW Benjamin A?kew called the meeting to order and explained its ob jects. . , i ... . On motion, Dr. C. J. Mattocks was elected Chairman 'and J. 'W. Wooten and H. S. Nnnn of the Kinston Jotrs- naii Secretaries. , MoTed and carried that the Chair ap point a Committee, oi five on -Itesolu tiona. The following were appointed : E. W. Haywood, E. M. Eocene, Ben. Brock, C. C. Fordham and Lewis By nam. . . ; The committee retired and daring their absence the Convention was ad dressed by Messrs. Stevenson, Sim mons and Manly of New Berne. Mr Stevenson called the attention of the Convention to what be considered to bo the main issue in the approaching campaign The rights of the States as opposed to the oi tne .republican party claiming while the nomination of a candidate for Governor was germane to the issue, yet it is of secondary importance to the great National conflict close at band. , Mr Simmons pointed out the danger of a third term discussed the super visor law showing conclusively that it smile for alhjind to the wants of the unfortnn&te she was ever attentive. Qrera b ihtt tnrf abor thee, " Frieadof oar better days; . ' Nom knew tliee bat to love thee, " . '. None named tkee bat to praUe." " 1 Mr. John Jones, formerly of this county, but late a resident of Onslow, died a, few days ago. in the 97th year of his age. He was one of the few remain ing veterans of the war of 1812. 'He was a remarkable man in Fome respects. There was a pension clue him from the U. S, goTtroment for wbxeh lebd ap plied, but had not succeeded in procur in sr. np to the time of his death. His widow, wbo is an aged lady it is to be hoped will succeed in getting it per chance it-may help to place ber in more afflaent circumstances , and thereby smooth her passage along clown the ionrnev of life where the shadows of evening are fast falling around, and th night of death will soon come on apace. ,-, STATE HET73. ,-?L mjoritT of tUn, cally for George DariTJ? ' Churches. Within fire hours drireo tyr wo passed thirtesnchareu:,,r people are not what they art 7" 1 Iigious prifilegos. Truly laud of charcbes. Oxford To! Tbebepartment of Aril Air. Pt M. Wilson, 8eer. i State Board of AgTcuh$ ' placed in charge of the deptrtJjX will net as wmmissioner untal? mg of the board in Jnly. EaL er. -i. Col. PoUcsUeaignaUot. -1 Col . Polk yesterday teodfrfd U ignation of the position of (W? An American lady and gentleman, of ExecntiTe Committee In centralizing tendencies African descent were again united in gret and apeak in high term. oi an partyclaiming that the Mered baDn8 of marriage by Justice cellence of biswork. IUleigt, fjj Green at his office in Trenton. The Justice made them one twice before he concluded, lie performed the ceremo ny, with that usual elegance, grace and Prollfflc Yisld. Pr. Hay earn tin a bnn dignity that has hitherto characterized J wI,,ch be found u- ii . a v t a whet field near Ibis vImT him in-all similar undertakings. In msnied ix feetin bei.lfi feek in l,-;-i. r?,T, fine, he did the job np in style -tied aix stalk wer prodnetiJ iZl . i - j I it i . . i i ,i j : i..t.i r. Im-a?.. . .'.1 n rru- I wasdaneerousto theUiberties of the l"e 'BU,, "v MUU '""vv ,UB V;. " ,u.'w Brawviv1 lass ume. so mat mt-re wm ue uo rci- I the third he I : The exercisesvhich began Thurs- Parting song; School. As we have already consumed a great deal of space we will "boil down" our report by saying that, the prohciency oi each of thosei who ap for the Atlantic road, it ' would- be Mill will never grind with the water day, 8 P. MPiwere opened with "Ho! peared to night was well attested .by r safe to assert that no such discriinioa- khat i,asti bert Edwards and oth- for Carolina' sung, by the school, the frequent bursts of applause and . .;, r ; r "i t ers. . ' piano accompaniment by Miss Lula showers ot boquets that greeted the tion will be made forthe ow!e, Jarvis llecitfltion. The Country Girl k: Harner. the teacher of music. The speakers. . Manv of the Dieces were or Socles-delegates to the State Con- g! Ajinie'Phillips. , : music was well rendered and we no- brimfull of humor which drew from venifon. , 7ny sucn parusansiiip opeeca iierinan vjraiugeri ucea tnai every pupu, even to ine uib auuieuuc rua oi iaugiuer. ai would not be- countenanced by the Calisthenics:. Wrist and finger:6x- smallest, carried his part. Next came the conclusion of . the exercises the ofnccfY cf throad, andif done would rcies . ' the Salutatory by J. C. B.;Koonce. principal of theschool introduced to u iviasLer .Jiuimie is an oraior lor one oi me auuicu;c ow. lviusev or. ui vra- his age. and in a clear and self-poa- ven. Although called upon without Duett: Smile Waltz Miss Mid- sessed manner he extended a hearty I notice, his remarks were very apph- yette and Mi?3 Minnie Rayner. , welcome to the audience. Then : fol- cable and reflected much credit upon - A NWW M A N U . lJfcc amation:. Cnild S lime JaDle lowed the-decianiAtiona ' The se pftinn him. JJoubtless it made Mr. Kmsev . i i . . - j people. He paid an eloqnent tribute to both Gov. Jarvis and Judge Fowle defended them against the personal attacks made upon them deprecating the same. Mr. Manly made a happy speech opposed instructing delegates declar ed, above everything else for peace and imcBwy icfvc "a" daily bread Miss Lola Griffin. tne nrsi responsiuie uiauer. x Felix Harvev. Several counties, and , a raoDg them Declamation: The Biiildine of. the LenoirI,co up to the State Convention Ship Miss Emma Webb. na a nulUtv in" the selection of a Gov- , Declamatiou:. The Modern Belle ernor; Obehxilf . voting for Governor ' Jtvis anli iUe;64her half - for Judge i -, . , . t' ' . 's" . ' Rossie Miller. Music: The Chatter Box. was very good, and the cool and de- feel proud to know that a young man liberate manner .of t delivery- showed whom he had prepared for college. that the young men had been well should return alter having graduated trained, irstcame ana ue aoie 10 aauress so Jarge an v X-'B.' Pabk&. of AVa vne. - audience with such good effect. . with Rocking the Cradle Rocks the The crowd to night was the largest Recitation: Good Advice George World.-'. He showed that the cradle ever assembled here. A large V. num the throa8 q each other and ending Re in np'th'ing. The delegafes" might just r"1 fol- Fowle has sirnplV the effect of cutting Brown; Recitation: Dreams and no dreams every enduring adamant the Iff.. T TL:ll:' ..i ' . M I n . i - . -r r iuiss uttuia i mujiiB. I oi me coming century. ne was rv:.ii....:... ui,.: i I 1 j i t.i 1 -r ir'.j as well stay:at' home for any influence . 1ntv,),a1gc!, ..lowea-oy.xvpianq r-.noages ou they may ieldi ! Our Western brAk fiSffi" lf Z&wM JVl . ' " They not only corne l , Mnsic: Solo, Never trouble trouble - , 6 some or tne young men, feel verv i . . Ii ii.. .11 rrcKers ot to day are writing upon oer couiu not get stanaing room in morals the house, though pertect order, was reu are wiser. who with cigar in mouth rl..,,.,la x men ioiuci a iutc, nuu "rs-i .. --. .rr" .ia ' in- rur. importanVabout the time'ihey discov souaiy ior ine man 01 .fp.ei.c . cnoice, t pti.v j ; ; ; er a iew niu-ieainers appearing "united as to counties, t but generally, till trouble troubles you. Miss May , I 1 . J m. . , - I M fbole iCongrfeesional didtricts vote er a few biii-fealhers maintained and all went away well pleased with what they saw and heard. The La Grange cornet band added much to the pleasure of the occasion. The 14th Sess. begins Aug 9th 1880'. d.c.m. r ..j ii.. .i ii harmony iu the Convention to assemble me same coupie , cmcu iiuiu. juree finer nnt rf ii nnw ' Tlii 4a time this lovinc couple have beennar- Everlasting Pnce Pos ried within the lat year. ' Surely their Tak bilHt liueed nil inis enp of bliss onght to be full well nigh pulvfiizd cliarcoal to the ei to overflowing. Only . think of it!- ?LPuk .?A. 1 ??B ot' Three times married in twelve months wm nTe ,t rotten. W kiLi qnal to one time in every furjeu beard of tbi.v and th re Donnced .lufalllble. Trv'it r proo ton Chrenicle at Raleigh. He favored the nomina tion of a 'man for Governor whose in terest; is with Eastern Carolina con tended that there were plenty of good, worthv men besides Jarvis and F wle thought it poor policy to nominate a man that would be placed upon the ex plaining stool.' The following resolutions were repor ted by the committee which were uuan imoualy adopted; Jie8olved: That the Democracy of Jones county, in Convention assembled, do most sincerely affirm their confi dence in the Principles of the great National Democratic party. Itesolved: That in the present Gov ernor, Thomas J.' Jarvis. wo recognize an able and patriotic JSxeeutire, and honeymoons iu one short year.- Like the. apostleof Mnrnionism they are 'muchly married.' The bridegroom seemed much relieved aud ery highly elated when the Justice officiating pro nounced the benediction he always This i qai k work, d1 we tj ( does this to mahe the Bcene Bolemn qn-tin, who can beat it?"-!.' and impressive like and exclaimed, "golly, bofcs, I guess hit's .all- right Who can Ileat It? Mr. Geo. W. Barefoot on v. May the 30th threshed bis b ) on Tnesdav he sold s barrel made from tn same wheat to P ft.' mi. ? ? - f . iv Advance. now; ef it aint bit orter be!" thereupon the Justice smiled, the groom laughed heartily at his own wit, and the m married br.da put on oue of ber pen sive smiles andishe and ber liege lord departed and like Caiu went to the land of Nd we snppose. We are in formed that this couple were first mar- Harvesting bed Th farmers of this county uchl busily at work , bar venting thtirr- wuien nas rpenea somewhit r than uniial. W are plea mI ti snch fivorable reports i,f the cr p, which is said to h tbB' hnwf bad in many years. CkL liecora, - - " . Crows. shopld he receive the nomination of ried iu Caitertt county, but having the Democracy of the State we pledge 80me apprehension that the nuptial a nnYriift anil caalnna nnrtnrvvf .. . . r,.,.j. m...t Vl, kuot was not 8eCQrel7 itened, came The farmers of Person biw&d nTa.-iu.niifl v,n.ir appom. o over to this county, aud to make assu- war against th crowa. TVj V delega'es from each township and 6 ' ... .. Situ miu: 'j . .1.) for the county at large to the Conveu- ranc doWy sure procured the services W V mJ . w P tiou at Italeigh on the 17th inst. of the above mentioned magistrate, who ,te"oad a few yuii7t liesoiveal rnat navmg tne utmost soiemniy prononncea mem man aun jj was evidently dvintr fron v- on I Comments Oil the Nomination confidence in thewitdom of. the Dem-. wife not in the presence of witnesses; j We saw , others tbst had On ahd snd'hv force of their union wield si : ti dLuxa tjT;.. 1 their callow chins, drop their heads Oi Shacklelord for ConffreSS. 18 Rie w. . aouereu and findiue his miatake. re-married mortal coil." On . antler vTrr-;- . . r r n.; J iriJ and reflect alittle: - . I . ' pledge to tne nommeesot the Jonven-1 . 41 . ' ports to have counted 40 dM Vuueii' idHiiUim. . I ! ' iy..u .n.:ri:..,.i. A 111I6L? JJlSi ItltJT. MOD 8oll lO astc powerful inflneuce id" - the- ,U .. TliejQ-seeing' this state of affairs, and reme'mbering the'jealousies and ?dis; seniions aireaay eugenaerea oy tne tAvo rival factions, let the delegates Miss Annie ..Lee." from Lenoir unile in Noting solid for some ' one, either McKays Scales Merrimon or some oth er worthy Dem ocrat so that their votes may have some weight, even though. a light one, in selecting our next Governor. v ii,,.;.. c: rTinJMX .xtA' xvmus xx. waxier oi raraiico laiKen and others.. . , L L L xV - . A V r.'Y V V -.xxe receiveu lroiu ine iauies pieas- ti " l 1- iouutJBtu. . t. .-j .-1.11 ;.: i. i Recitation: Better.in the morniiig-r fa,u .gr . . ii T. - - ! in wnmon e taro mill lira tn toll u ii vuiuu w .u.w u.ju jiiv- nit . . 1 . i-t.i : - ft ' - : Solo: A life in the Woods Miss - tw, - - ' Matt;e Midyette. . . 7 ;.. ,1 , . v J-d. -izzell ot Duplin Declamation: Gone with a Jland- next followed with the subject 'ivb This but That., He began ty sayins; li.d- that history woula have been mcom- 'The nomination of John W. Shack leford, Esq., for Congress from the ilmington district has given gener- delegates to the State Cnvfntion: m to assemble, to select. candi- tbem.xn the presence of witnesses. The abbit aud r the various state offices, our happy couple are ppendmg their two oned br ea somer Man waiter owinaeu. Duett: May Breezes Misses wards. al satisfaction, and inspires full hope that tne district will not be lost to Democracy this year; Fifteen hun dred majority is claimed for Shackle ford He is an eminently worthy and a universally popular gentleman. Raeigh Evening Post. an nwl in on fiftU. dates forthe various state offices, our happy couple are spending their two oned nv eating corn soaked is sr nnauimons cupport. . last honey moons which came so close nine. Oxford Torchliaht. llie UUair appointed . the folIOWinc tocf ther that thev miirht be considered as one iu their new home under their The Charlotte Observar.bo& for S Whte Oak lownship: Lewis Bvnum. own "vine and fl? tree " whera none supporting Jarvis, is out G. W. Koonceand C. C. Hay. dare molest or make them afraid. In les OT. Governor. It ujuh I pose to advocate the claims nfrr broken I eentleman. aeainst whom no tlvr . Jftiloksville: J. N. Whitford, J. N. OAEFIELD. plete without Hainan and Mordecai: Calisthenics: Stepping Exercises. they fill one important place in the Mr. Shackleford is at present State i Amons t the noticable "features of picture gallery of character and show Senator for the Ninth District, and . . . . - i I . 11 iL- f.ll .. . .. i 1 " 1. . r l i . i-.' useiui ana intelligent this School; v The Republican National Convh-. tion met in Chicago on the 2nd of June and was in session for six days i . . .. fen t H J in a desperate contest i between the Crant and anti Grantfactionsf The three following ballots show the ani mus of the Conveetion. . : ;, 4 ! CALISTHENICS lt ballot: prkptj 804; Blaine 284; SherWn; 9;'Edmuncl8, 34f Windomj 10; Washburn, 3G. ,16th ballot:. Grant, 306; . Blaine, ' -283; Sherman; : 88; Edmnnds, 3i; Wlndoml W; Vashburnr 36." U 36th, and last ballot: Grant.i 311 ;Blaine,'42fGarneld 397..'. - l I Only 379 being necessary for a cnoice uenerai uarneia oi unio was then declared the nominee ou the 36th . ballot :t - 4 This contest has killed . Grantism, and the rings under the old regime moat effectually; and the Democratic ngni, in mis ciate at least, will not be so diflicult as if Grant were the Republican leader. r " Against Garfield the independen newspapers of the country, if there be . - nJ most, surely be arrayed, for m aa ne H?e? Ipt 'h. protec i 4, tionuts m Congress, more than any one else, ia to be ascribed the honor (?) ef keeping op he unjust duty on the jmport3,enterto into i the 1 manufact ure of white paper. - to an ages tne iony or a contest over has been a the formalities of etiquette. occupies a very prominent place. gpok ou jhe ScUnC(i 6f Shirking iuepupua aie uncu ,w iuciicui, suowing inav it is no,i . accident uor time and' the exercise gives .vigorous 1 circumstance that gives the shaly. play. to the muscles aud is necessarily lmtn but a well planned and skil- healthp Ones Character shows! out fu"j executed Krience. Thatshirkers ? . i . plan their lives to miss the hard and even in trifles and in watching the uu ua hiMO,i. n i ' I 'svu.sul lutj taivuiaic OH Calisthenics exercises it was easy to probabilities aiid know where the uess disposition and temper from the shady or sunny side will be; and with nlav the limb: Thft r lav mrl more art than fortune makers ever showed a listless, languid motion of have they enjoy the best of everything "s. . . , L : - auu uo uouung. - .. arm aua vvrtsi: me, iuture auueie as t..xt c rnr t.i . , i r 4 . tt David li. Sasser of Wayne young Elbert Ed wards and fehx Har- .. 0. ;. put in nomination when the balloting began, will contribute largely to that result. l?aZ. News. . . fntnr m nv tliev rpHt in npcp. Foscue ard Dr. G: M. Morrison. J E. G. McDaniel's store was ' ' TV-iioM C f. rirain T? ' Ht T,.nn - I .. J .t 3 1 I ' V. I Krnnnht an1 fn. linni ti and W. W.. Francks. 8ome twenty-five or thirty dollars worth ! .vrhole fie entertain ii ..Cypress Creek: K. Hatch, Cad. of good, and what money there was in IhoEn. Jvoonce and Ur. A. Jb. Mammonds. 1 the drawer. Suspicion resting very through every patriotic heart v Tuckahot: vf. O. Fordham, Frank atroogly on one Georcre Stevenson altbe state, and that name i Brown and F, M. Dixon. search warrant was : procured aud the Beaver Creek: E. B. Isler, Dr. F. A. goods found iu his possession; he was Wbitaker and Willie Foy. ". at once arrested and lodged in jail and Delegates at large: C. H. Koonce, confesses that he and two others com B. Askew, J. A. Smith, T. J. Whittaker mitted the robbery -bnt he won't tell and G. Wi Koonce Jr. 1 who they are.! It is cenerally conceded. nOtt ' Itfrwpd And flr1nn(.A1 Tlioi: anv nnA I T VxoIi'am ' 1 .f Iti.ra im an rrnifnA w a..mv M w J guvu I M. .11. .111. . U jn n U Vlg.UIACU Democrat in the county who may be in band of thieves -and robbers in this sufficient . qnantitv of - 1b1 s''l"t near the corporate Jiruita, iw place for the purpose of erert tnrtnrr and neeasarr bniMief 1". f A iliam f (tiav AA f I 1 nt tBtt I A a - ft ffV r memoer or tne o.enate, as ne naa pre viously been ot the iiouse of Repre sentatives. He is a native of Onslow. is in his 36th year, was a good Con federate soldier, and will make a good member of Congress. . It id doubted that he will redeem the ti. ; TVo i Jlfers Stedmas ilfpFTAv An w Ralei8u at the time of -.the Convention, county and Ihe people are determined and Scott, who were the candidates LM 'T0"?1 1. "fte,8a . that.tlns thing shall be put : down-by mou on oi Xj. w. naywood, the the strong srm oi the law it possible. Chairman and Secretaries were addei j These petds are spotted and woe be un to the list of Delegates. ALFRED M. SCALES, Or GCTLFOBD. - Cotton Factory. A pentTemen of larc mini r resident of the Piedmont Sfeti1, Slate ill construct a cota Mr I five b u nl ml looms. emplo.Ti inree nve nonurfa on Shackleford Nominated., veyf throws fire and vigor Jnto their 8poke elowly and distinctly, showing uacK-uirusi auu snouiuer-niu-, auu me i tnat wnue tnousands plan, - tew exe- futu re shrew (if there had been! f one cote; that : great, executive ability in tho school) could have'been told by requires a combination of all superior the nervous clutch of the ' fineers in S1"? ' -. lL .. . A a . mL XAAKKi A. VyKEAQH OI XvlClllaUuS the "wrist and.finser exercise. The nott nio n. a eicjjpuj; AU9C - nwKiu uu vaucu i LUUUU nppiauaC. XI e 88 IU mat, 1Q WTe learn, that Jaj. John Williams The following were appointed: actenorii, ot Un3iow, was nomina- 1 for Coneress. Ma. fihaekplfnrd was born in 1844, in Onslow countv. was elected to the Legislature in 1872, ana nas since served continuously, in .1 a ill -w . . tne AssemDiy. He entered the Con federate service in 1862 as private in Moved and adopted: That the Chair- neM. The Criminal Docket of our erty from mnnieiDal texrtiw It 1 man Of this meeting appoint an Execu- Superior Court is a record of shame, I j -r Sacb- n iproveow uve uommittee lor tne next two years. aCkn, , - . . . t .,i 1 . frr r . , " , Uompanyll, 3d ri. C. Cavalry was dancing out in the country with k fid- ormoch said to the contrary,) electJd nj poteJ t?" die to make the musie. iThe Kindergarten is also an excel jjiuica nuu luu&mg glasses must see themselves within as well as without; the razor, the comb n nrl tha V.-.,au lent feature of this school though perfume and powder are all minister! none of the exercises touched on that ing angels to a higher and better life, subrect " : " I He declared, thatf every body liked On .Thursday night the following n"fc An" g"jce that wrinkles: that the mv hnim 4bt Music: Chorus -btrike the Ham have forcrotton all th vnit;a .till t 2 I O "1 .wledge with sorr,w; apd it proves wnrt f,. mr tri 4i : .... i. i t Ti I f r . .... - . .. Shackelford, of Onslow, was. nomma- White Oak-Curtis Har and T-wi.l !x?i"l? tedfor Congress Jaj. Shackelford Bynum.. . - .. L;,t,.iMLf Lwi ton factories in GreemslK.ro.'MK T . 11 1 ?lt TTT TT n . I I - I hn.n I'.lnnt x uiiuiwB viiio ill. t . miTwooa ina ru.u.t ..i ...t. . i r..: i J. N. 'Foscue. . , V . Urhich-bass population of double that Trenton E. M. Foscue and C. C. 0f jolie8f 8nd Vet there is not one half Fable. Ureen. : ; " ".' the'erime committed theie. .Why is An sss having clothed Cypress Creek Benjamin Brock and tbi8? I do not make these assertions the skin of lio. tetri ; ; Kinston High School J I isiosiug- exercises last week- Annual Address by Senator G." . r B. Kveritt of Forsyth Pro- sof t the i Enter taiii- Crniuai merit, "" The annual Commencement of the "Kinston Hgh choolVnder Professor , J. S. Mydyette took place on Tuesday HeanesaayiaAdlhurscbiy nights-o last week, drawing hither a crowd o tors, who kept the Jarge scboo -room almost uneomfortably packed during the Commencement exercises. Bishop , Wightrnan fopened with a ernaon ori Tuesday night, hoticabU for the-simplicity and fitness for prae Mid-Mrs. love the ring upon the finger, the pin of purest gold, and that bunch of im agination called a bonnet. L. L.a8Ser of Goldsboro was next with the subject: Be not Content with Little, The subiect was well heated and the speech had the right ring. He declared that the Tuckahoe-C, M. Dixon. Beaver Creek Dr. F. C. Eordham and F. A. Whitaker n praise of God. Music: Trio 3Iiss 'Mattie yette; David E. Everitt and Midyette. -. Address, by Hon. G. B. Etentt Music: Chbrus: Conie forward with pleasure. 1 : ; 3 j Calisthenics Bird Sonjj. Composition: All is not Gold that nnntstion. umwre--iuiss v-auie i ooaaru. -h,. wurt. v. j5,tj Musicf Solo Pretty as a Picture- ; :n mnU umiuttieioBr- i X Miss Mattie Midyette. V was the most monstrous falsehood ever Calisthenics-Bitting Exercise. out into rbvme. and-bas hien mnt. Composition: - Cheerfulness I and dieted br the inmost' snnl nf nor Melancholy Miss Melissie Gaskins.! human beinp that was worthv tn Hta Musicr Katj did, Katy didn't. Man wants a great deal and ought to composition: j? rienasuip-Miss L.u- want a thousand times more thaa . be ra Hardee. - s I jdoea. ; Music: Solo Come along,Do El- F. P. Wtche of Lagranee Composition: Truth and Strategem J is EternaV This Miss i-ula Aldredge. I SDeech and well delivered JIusic Trio The Mermaid's song jhe mediocre may delnde but the hero musses iiiiuyeiie, xuiwaras ana neither needs oor seeks such subter- Webb..-ftju.' r ? j fuge. He telle whereever be speaks, Calisthenics 2nd Series i : he kindles whereerer he moves and ,! P?0811!00" Flattery Mssa Lu- blazes wherever he strikes. He b eretia Edwards. - . A one of the immortal names that "were Alusic; tfolor ihe fchepberurT-Miss fnot boro to die. The name of a true lieutenancy in the 35th regiment, but was prevented from joining this' com mand in consequence of leing captur ed near UreenviIIe, N.. C... , He was and E. B. Isler. confined in prison till the close of the Moved sud adopted: That the pro- Wr; e Waf,a Ter7,U8eful member ceedings of this meeting be publised in of the Assembly, and wiU make a tbe KinsioD JovwaiAtt and Goldsboro very excellent canvass and his elec- r.. . tion is Miirrl. Ttnnh Hh, Messenger and hew Berne papers be .-r-r-.v- v.,.. reo nested to mnv - - S. - -T I'J' . On mnlinn t Vi a ma.ltnir nliAnMaJ John W. Shackleford. 4 , ' " . The Congressional Convention, V7. Wootek, which met at Fay etteville yesterday, H. S. Nrs, j upon tbe thirty-second ballot nomi nated JOHH W. SrJACKLEFORD, of Onslow, as the candidate for Congress Jones County Items. of the Democratic party of this Con- Deaths A Muchly Married Couple gres&ional District. . Mr. Shackleford is a gentleman well worthy the cordial and earnest support of ererr member of tbe Dem ocratic party in this district Ifis nomination is to us a surprise, bnt it is one which will heal all Jiobbery Arrest, - Confession and Imprisonment of one of. the Gang A Little Pastime Magistrates Court Extraordinary. Died, at ber bo em near Pollokaville, differences 1 on Sundsy May 23d. Mrs. Penelope and unite all good Democrats on at Whitty, szed about fO years, common platform the best interests Tbe deceased was a most exemplary oftbe Democratic party. Jfr. Shack and consistent christian. Few persons maiflritw f t left.t fiffn r,ri eBlire community in which she re- Democratic votes. WiL Prvicur. wded We have kaowa ber for only a .. m m m - ' 1 ew siort years yet in that brief space 1 The Grant men got the Domination I of time have met ber frequently and for Vice President Arthur of New she was' always the same" patient, slf- j Tork formerly Collector of the Fortl sacrificing, consistent christian; she , oi ew lorx. euy. r -fever had a pleaasnt word and a brisat for tbe purpose of making sn expose of Uastf M . luon8a V 'IS i Ih..toM onr p,oFl. Lot o, ,He purpose of directing public attention be became koown,and- beiofr to tbe f sets i6 that these offenders msy of bis lion's kin, be w 3BfT be crushed out of th. society Uiey have "is owu proper comptny. so long been a curse to and which they have so long corrupted. My :tbe day speedily come when our little county may mareb ont of the slough of despond In which - she basso loner, been and take her ataDd 'side' by' side with the fairest snd noblest Sn our land. . . There is a little fight now and then to disturb the general air of - stillness that prevails mostly confined to the colored population. Some of them it seems have bad blood for each other .hence occasionally a little blood letting is necessary. There was a negro arraigned before Justice Wilcox on Tnesday last on tb charge of larceny.' The .justice bound him over the Superior Court. The same j parties only their positions' were re- 1 . J . - . . . 1 . Teneu, toe prosecuior ana aeieoutni navang changed plsces-were up again before his worship for assault and bat tery. The defendant fined a penny snd coats; thereupon tbe defendant Ot a warrant ga iust the prosecutor cbsrg ing him with an assault on bis person. and the learned court pronounced judc- mesi sainss ids ias( aeienoant lor penny and costs; so both parties it seems were guilty, justice is adminis tered promptly and soeedilr. and all the parties interested seem .to be satis fied therewith. There is nothinir liks having a learned judiciary to adminis ter justice promptly and thereby vindi- v mc Tioiaiea laws oi the land. Fact. Jndjre Dirk, was a dem'T' crept into th Bepab'.ictt fjj ply I)eenfce ttejs so oppw,'";i get into office, for which J maiiis,. pecolisr to all nt9l And now when be bs V points a democrat to sn'offe. ahninr lni natnral rrotesS!i; ' -. ..i ft u a i uia umiui.j wi'm - earsstick uut..UoanMot publican. ' . The 31c Family t In lookiog over the "Ilobe first clafs paper pab'ifLtd st' lloDccon crnnfy, we reel hi' few obnerrations. To ttut paper asdited by. tur f tirJ.J Diarmid, itb ,Hsinilton McI tovU ditr. Tb first s1. artie i tb proreedii.g .f ' son Lsr inr reference V the CL N. A. McLern, .over tiean presided, with F. AlcAe1', ry, j, u. iiciver snd T. A members ' of a comxaitte arp draft resolutions of regret. - . JJr. Ii. IlcCormac markets- for the Kobesoo-5 Iieod is one of its larae adrt a Melntyre and A. MeMiU sua enumerators, N. Me P. lately opened a store, Dudc paid a tribute to Hymen, 31 Kay and IIcKinnan have v' andllF. MKraeis Shoe Heel U U J& - W '

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