THE JOURNAL. H. 8. HUNK, ::: Alpbima More. Hi Laura W'kiM. ' Mi Orlna Hakiii. O CUrietian," Mi a richer than where the masses are ig-1 Mioses Gertrude Hooktr, Nannie norant. This was shown by a com- Latham .Sue Pliillii. Mefari. ".l e. et u lUeoree Ivlwards r rault uate. j.eeu parison of the States of Massachusetts 1 . ,, zf.. and Com e;ticutt with North Carol i Jany ot, though uot attaining"' eoll key hold trying I-eel a..ight at the 1 Ua and other Southern States. In the firt rank in all their studies, yet came surged by no other ladies M-nunary . jIIM uf Makoeisui, what a , I former where ,he Public Schools have very near to it. i iu ! State. And the generally .e-j .lucueery .what an milK cheap , THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1881. Kinston Collegiate Institute. Co m n i c n y in c n t . The Annual Closing Exercises of Kinston Collegiate Institute have be come Jo be quite a marked and inter esting'feature of pleasure and bustle in our quiet little town. The friend and patrons of the school are so nu merous that it has heretofore been j difficult to seat the spectators. This year the Principals, Messrs. Lewis and Howard, fitted upafctage in the new Court House and thus made preparations for about 1000 specta tors. . From the annual Catalogue we find that 149 pupils have been in atten dance during the past year, under the teaching of six instructors: Dr. II. II. Lewis, wintipal; Elder C. W. How ard, Instructor in Mathematics and Junior English; Mrs. Anna L. Davis. Instructor in Music; and Mrs. Itich ard H. Lewis, assisted by Misses Ag nes Grady and Itowena Tull, Super intendent of Primary Department. MONDAY NIGHT. On Monday night the little chil dren, were on exhibition to a full house, and the opening address by Miss Lei ia Loops, delivered in excel lenf style, stated that the intent of the night's programme was not to exhibit the quantity and quality of the ses lion is work but merely to. give the public a pleasant night's entertain ment. It was generally remarked that the speeches of all the little chil dren were exceedingly well rendered and certainly show careful and loving training by Mrs. Lewis; and when. all did so well it would be invidious to particularize. "Our Baby" by .Wil liam Grady was perhaps applauded with more spirit than the others; and Miss Lidie Lassiter'a "protoplasms" and "ascidians," and "differentia tions," with "Joseph Cook" and "Mr. Emerson" were very vivid represent ations of the "educated" girl of the ' period who thinks she knows it all from having gaiued a little smattering of metaphysics. Jessie Harper, probably the young est of the speakers spoke "Patch Work" with a voice perfectly sweet . and natural. The Committee on the speeches awarded to James Pridgen, the Prize for making the best speech and to Miss Lidie . -Lassiler the Prize for reading best. The. following Programme will give a synopsis of the night's work. "Opening Addria," Mif l.eli:l I,o'ps. "A I.rHp for Lilt-,"" Tlioma.H (.'lay tor. "Wliat (11 Si'i-fi,-' Mia Lcoua Orariy;. Tli" Ciil Mood yn thf Kitcln-n Hour,' Kd Kin-Mdn. "W'linl not to do." Tlii KW . , Tin a littl Hoy," Th I.aiiinie ol Ulrtln," "Tlit'Clty oil tl Hill," TVncon 1 Irzr hiali," "t'lotit, hard Man," "Trouble In t It Family," "A Tale of a Nos" "A ltomance tn Vitp,' ' "It wouldn't Ailvi.rtio," "A Parody," "All about Hn'' "The Httl Uiril tills." Tli ('onf'ion,'' A Trillion for 'Work," "Wlw bid for tlu littlo Cliildrvri," Tull. "fytQ wnyi of Sonne tiling," Miscs Grain K-r nml Mi-I:itiitl. Carolina, where heretofore Free riella fciutton, Sallie Bergeron, MiM "'J''T I Schools have been a farce for want of Hattie Tuil aud Rowei a Tull have w,iiii !rfpm fln.1 hw-L- of n,nnv t!,A rpr- neither beeu tardy or absent. Profanity." Tlie Rainbow," "Addm to a School "Yiwr Miion," "I it nothing to j om Klvie Collin "MatMrttUd' Addr- to li Band,4' Wil liam Chun hi :i. The Flood ami the Ark." Fnnifjr woowr, ! been reduced to a science and rwed 'Fontlofom ol the Mortirari-," Mua 5er Anam-al to thV Hnn?ariani'," Frank CenSUS Taylor. - ' "Tlf Sfjuir jOerfpf.' ; 31in Lillian Sutton. "Ia Caj-a diKuaJms from Uattle." H.C. 'Mr. Candli' ro'.d." "The death l't nalty," A-kng Xainina," Th" Onthxjk," MA Domestic IVrnjiei-t,' ham. "Only as old Man." 'An lnt-ri'tinff traTeliiig cwnpantonn tieorjc E'lwardit. "A oice from th? dt-aL" Mif I.ury Eoun- trre. M:ic hard Ca-!!. "Curing Iicty." Among the declairners William Churchwell was the first to break the somewhat monotonous tone adopted by those who preceded him, throwing some feeling into theeul ject. Albert Grady fpoke deliberately and distinct ly; Frank Gates discoursed on "Rich ard Caswell" with some earnestness. behalf ot the the better ifff.r having them in tujaud Tliurrnau he 6ndi oca who ar T'k..;- n., enter cianU in intellect and houesty.but be ItW Ala I Mrm w ... . ff . a w .tkl m , m iti Ala rrm fti Jaivu Golisboro lUxns. Mk. Kdituk: Utinnifuts, verr al t . Dt"nl AlU-rt J. Grady. Miwi W'irmie Foid-Mir- Nannie Iatham. ' Uicatiou is civen abundantly to all. the Census shows that there is about $1,- ueiiner oeeii iaruj ... , t I K .......lla IZonrrrm 1' rlymnlt III.! 000 to every man woman and child .1:11 m,,,, i:r.,lr an. I Af 1 ........ , . C( , .... v ChurchiH, AbmziUradyandlii j fi 0f the Pr ucipal in that in the entire btate; while in orth w Ada Gradv. Kannie Latham, M.i iuc 1 urj'Ul iiiir&k. This echHl has done and is doing great gn.d for the people of Kiuston age value of property for each inhabi obeaiuiwut. , aUu me urroumuuB u;, tant is only 200. A"W , rf ie" IU"" "3 nope 10 sec 11 proper auu ,uc. Af, A f 4l .,1 and Mr. ui. Churchill fr 5 month j coutulue to send forth educated After the delivery of the Address , . mked improve- :. Mr. Pliock one of Dr. Pntchard a mel,t. Wake Forest pupils presented his In llfe dy of U. jear rvincr ar-t ttiii tl.n.u-l, iK-s Ta totretiU of fcrrr frmxr,M otLenU I - - " - 1 - f 1 1 i bumble eorrrtpoodent like tle prra finda U JLScalt to rite local Ublia- ' cented tatttneiit. that the "child reu'i , Vn uiner ,J ,lual tn, Uon and a name" to Ue "airy Dotbla-M , uiucii ur mVm. 1 known an local Item. There m - imiii limn iMtn.nitii. inuv Llial l .. . . . of the CWmencement week, r - Vx M . m , ocru u.n a lu, t ;.i . .1 . - . .11 iuna rviuc bw rrwuuor Knuiiir iaKS wiiii nu uiivruaiu wuuu , mere aseeriivn a uu 1.0 rgunjcov iii'. j very PUSCTUAL1TT. , . . . . - . oilier 10 months. Miss Katie Prcssu night 11x13 ru. si enjoyauie 01 any . it V Vance Tuwuship, A PKOHIBITIOMST AUiii.o fi J'aJy. TMifs Kula N'liiin. Ti'timho HarjxT. i:nfha Daly. Mis Anni June. JaniPK Phillip. Clyde Sinimonis. Iis Julia aly. Ktihert Uhod. HtTuian f i rainjn-r. Mis Ala (Jrady. tdward IfU-r.' IMiarlfd Daly Mi.- Mary Sutton Frank Hill Mi KUa Crrady lward making an appeal in Caswell Monument;-but it was left to Frank Taylor to carry off the prize in "Ah appeal to the Hungarian." Among the Readers, Miss Laura White read "The Rainbow" well enough to capture the-prize; Miss Sue Phillips, we thought did almost as well in "Asking Mamma"; Miss Win nie Fo 1 dli a in commanded close atten tion while she related a "Domestic Tempest" it probably being a true picture of the domestic affairs of some of those who had been noisy 'while "A voice from the dead" was solemn ly and impressively rendered by Miss Lucy Rou n tree. We imagine the judges had a diffi cult ' task in deciding which of the tour we have mentioned should have the medal. The universal verdict to night was "the girls beat the boys." THE THIRD NIGHT was the competiton for the Gold med als, and vvas confined to those who had been in the Institute for the whole of the past ten months, one to the best reader among the girls and one to the best declaimer qniong the boys. With this announcement from the Principal the following bill of fare was served iu good style: PROGRAMME. v ' WED. M;HT Mis" II. Tull. ' My Mothers Picture " flpoper. Mii E. Eiiitfiein, "The Spirits" Uirth," Juntos Mi'Dauifl, "Regains," lMle Miy J t'liadv W-k, '"a racc'-for the train," troit Free Prts, MintiM Roumri-e, "Cunt Gaultifr's Ride," Edward Riiiand. Albert Abbott, "The Stars and Stripes " II 11. inn. 4 Mi?s S. Dunn. ' Pledge with Wine," " Mi J. White, "Ptiltnt Hloquente," Mrc Uelby. El Williams, ".Ennnett's iK-fonce," Miss W. Urooks, "AValking with the world,"' Miss M. Dunn, Our Guidu in Geiioa," Mark Twain. Miss I.. Hryan, "Lady Clare," Tennyson. V'illii' Lewis, ''Virginitis," MeAnley. Mist A (T nes Ct raly, "The Leper,1' Willis. Mist? Katie Lewis, "Archie Dean," Gail Ham ilton. . William Dibble, "The Dying Soldier." Miss K. l ull, "V'n.k r the Laniphght," Miss M. Walsh, "Death Hoom." , Will Carlton. 1). Wooten. Southern Chivalry,"' Ransom-. We would like to give h passing no tice of all of the contestants to night but our space will uot allow us. Jim mle McDaniel received a- shower of FREMIUM8. Frank Gat. ! preceptor, from the young ladies of Hve been awarded in Spelling to the Institute, with a superb boquet of Miss Sebie Dunu Miss M button, flowers. James Pridgen, and Edwxrd Isler. Iu Book-keeping to Mioses 31aul zes, and Rev. Mr. lorbes gave Mas- llrawiugj7ii8 K Tull. I ter James Pridgen and Miss Lidie in ,iie comnetitiou Jondav r.ieht Lassiter a very sensible talk while the Premiums were awarded to Jiss presenting the books which they had Lidie Lassiter for btst reading and won 111 Monday nights contest 111 ora- , . t 1 t . J 0 lamation. Jliss lelia L.Oips and t(ry- Jtfaster W. Grady deserve special 'The Silver Medals were delivered mention for excellence. Iu the corn to Mr. Frank Taylor and Miss Laura petition Tu.sday night for Silver White by Mr. N. J. Rouse of La JZeuais Jiiss i,aura nuc an., ml rranit iaior were inc ruiL-riui young tneu aud women into evT walk iu life. I'ruhlbltion 1ixh Prohibit. 1'JtOllIHITION. Grange, a recent graduate of Chapel Hill; and the Gold Medals were pre sen ted to Mr. W. F. Lewis and Miss Katie Lewis by Mr. E. W. Wilcox of Fariuville; and the morning's exerci ses were concluded by the reading of the following AKNUAL REPORT: The Session of 1830 '81, which clo ses to day, has. beeu the most remark able one in the history of the Institu tion. The Fall Term of 1880 contained on its register the names of 62 young gentlemen aud 01 48 young ladies lutal 110. The Spring Term 1881 contained competitor!. rext best Jiisses rliil lipj, Fordham, L. Rountree and Mr. Churchill. !. In the competition Wed. night for Gobi Jledals Jiss Katie Lewis was awartled one aud Mr. Wm. F. Lewi the other. Nt-xt best ibfies MoU'w Walsh and D. Wooten. JUDGES MONDAY MGI1T: Ji'S Lillie White'. urt, Jrs. Laura Jiller, J. Q. Jackson and Prot. Jo seph Kinsey of La Giange. JUDGES TUESDAY SIGHT. J. T. Wahh, J. Q Jackson, and Rev. S. Isler of Goldsboro. JUDGES; WEDNESDAY NIGHT, j Prof. E. W. Wilcox of Farmvill. on its register the names of 65 young George Rountree 12tq. of New York, gentlemen aud of 60 young ladies. Rev. Israel Hardinc of Kinston and iotal 125. 1M -T T?fiiiSf f'n itt T.piinir fiiiiiit V. lhe Catalogue for the Annual Ses- . i r ioii(i ui i .1 . THE ANNUAL CONCERT. ion ot 1880-81 bears the names ot r, . . , 1 , 149 pupils. " wn mursaay mgni at an enriy Ot these, there were from Lenoir hour a large crowd had assembled to county. 40; liom Kinstou 77; from eniov the Musical feast civen bv Mrs. Ji,nes couuty, b; Iroiu Ureene county, Diivis. purns j,, the following j 7; iroiu lieauioit county, 1; lrom Cra- ven couutv, 1; from Pitt county, 6; programme. c i 'i- o .1 1 Vocal. "WVlct nu-frii niU." . (Is. from lamlico county 2; thus showing luM. du,tt..,o!o Ml WaMl Mr. Editor: It ia evident that your Constitutional, Temperate. 11 en- fry Ulav, liepuuncau, auu .laryi, ;Anti Merriuiun, Anti Prohibitioi i Democrat is mad. lie puslits aside 'the vtil uud tdiouls with ail the bu on ot a ruuu with the delirium tre wen. Mimy Reptile, Judus iM-ariot, Benedict Arnold and twin brother of Aaion Rurr; bonitbidy plta?e bold the man, no iuver mind, It'i not me he is alicr, it is the truth I am advo eating, you may hurl uihhi it )our I ioul Oiliin-fgate, stanch it with your llenryjulay whiskey and 1 hut man and li tyaid rum, cover it up with a ptrert d consiitulioii, but ir, t will list-again to t tre jou iu the fare aud upbraid you as a St'cklcr, Whis ke it the bane of our state, it needs no 0 aborate argument to prY- the e il there f, ii an ackuow lelged i lac, the living, moving victims f it are but finger boards pointing to it crucllief, we sve it, f-tl it, hear it, the people curse it'and in flute of them selves drink it. It is a bar to educa tion, a bur to good government and a oar to the carrying out of our great ami gloiioUj) constitution, which was never mteuiUd to shield 11 from the jutt condemnation of an Insulted and out raged people. J lie mood l our Grccly. Colorado has a population of bui oOOO. Theie U iot a Iiiu r hop allowed iu the place. 1 here are o ixxir, nu police uetdetl, a-id I prohibition bat nut only been a great success, out a great iieing. a fair was held bortlya(ter the colony w: founded, and 91 realiteI and put inU a xxr fund. Two year an la half passed and theie still remained S84 in band. 1J brmk, Iieland, a town of 4000 mbabilanlJ, has no liquor shop, and whiskey and truug drink arr strictly rohibiud. There U no po-r horse', xn l o;, 1 r -olice station. Tyroni Co. IreUuJ cttuuiai 10. 000 people. No public house U a I- lowid. Lord Hamilton Me Jl. P. kaid in 1570. At present, there is not ft incle policeman iu that district. Toe tMKir ratrt are half what they were before, and the magistrates testily to the great ann-nce ol crime. Prohibitio i has prevailed for many yeaisii Saltaire England, not a 6frr Iiop or leer houe exiu. Th Daily Telegraph jk In short tagr ot exxriment has lopg sine piM-il: the clinie hat urvived ttn tiovtili boquets, but, as these were thrown by the young girls, and as Jimmie is a handsome boy, we must not conclude on this account that he was the best declaimer. Messrs. William Dibble. Ed Williams, Albert Abbott ard D. Wooteu all did very well. The med al was awarded to Willie Lewis. If the contest had beeu between the boys and the girls, the girls would have wou to-uight. "A Pledge with Wine as rendered bv Miss Sebie several young gentlemen, over the Perhaps an ardent ad "Oni tl.Mi luorv," W':iHr ltugoy. 'Tl Wii-hi-s,' Miohfn I'Brrott, roll, Ea & Loop., V. . Hit,' Mr. It. Stanly- and S. Kint.-ln. , "Thi" Htmti'miin," ' William Wcm. ten, Pntih Work,'- Mi jifii Haqwr. HJur llaby." William Oraay. Tin N t'hurrh Orcan." MU l.cim Spain, i Tti lK-ath pfWa'Miinston." Joint w. prison. i Dunn would make a spleudid temper -Sirnion in Khyme," Annie . urtts. lecture "Count rOlfd.' V.tlirnr SinniWiu. 1 -I Want," uiirer of Murk Twain would have '" Aiwri pihiiip-i. awarded the medal to Miss Maude "LoTf'a Pri'trM," Minci Iwlrr aiiil - Daly. i hi t. " t "oB th Camel," j me RhcxU .. Duun, but Miss -Katie Lewis give -Doiiy' Mainua and tin- ix tor." "Archie Deau" with so much pathos as -Tw.wwoui' -Ti.eodi..fuiiora ,to -Capfurethe prize, while Misses Ro- Wondrrfid SckoUr," I-ovr on the half SUi'll," lolcrt Vause. "If 1 and Ike Mouey." Thi IVrvrti Hi u." C lenlli Coiniui-ft."-MLot Stcamshiiv" Ike SpWer and tlie. Vly,' IK-lvate. . "A Ckartiiini; Woman." Mi lKra Mclhiniel. "PoppniK Ike Hue. lion," KotxTt Dunn. It I kould die lo-nlgkt," Miw Lucy Akew. "Vncle Steye'a Stump Siwack,"' William Daly. -Awfully lovely Pkllosopliy," . "Memento Mori," ' Jnn lxidgen. SECOND NIGUT. that the school has drawu patrouag troiu seveu counties. HEALTH. During the session, the health of the pupils has, generally, been very good. In such a large number,. we might, very natuml y, look for some u olated c: ses of severe illness One pupil, Miss Blanche Parrort, has died, the only one during tlie entire period of fi ur years that we have hud charge of the Institute. And sadly we miss her bright, happy tuce from the throng ot her school lei i a t k a lows. Ana it is only simple justice to the memory of the departed, to speak of her qualities ol head unit heart, at this time.. Always amiable, she gain ed for herself the friendship and es . f ill r ii i i teem oi an ner ienow nuiiiis Jcinr 1 1 o diligent in the pursuit of knowledge, she always held high rank iu her classes. And altogether, she was ono whose example and inttuei ce could b productive oi nothing but good We are glad to have numbered her among the students of the Institute ami her memory will ever be iragrant in the history of the school. STUDIES. During the session, 45 pupils have pursued the 6ludy ot Latiu; 20, that of Science; 17, that of Book Keeping; 8, of higher mathematics; 11, of French; 32, of Music. The others were engnged iu Read- nig, u nting, Spelling, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geography, Rhetoric, Com position, Knglish Grammar, History, Phonetics and Calisthenics. ulting arrWlr Mr. Samuel ltutU, oor of tlie weriaMt engaged In tuihtn tlie Mrwcr trp. era boue, wa, while linloaJlcj a on load oflwavy tirnbrr. thrown bratV ly to tle grociid by tlie pnnnj demck, and ullo on LU hrad u icketl up senMfle. He It dov ut f dangrr and Imrrot lnj. On the evrnln- ef tl aarae day lil- lie lcndu, a colored 5UU about 13 jeara old, was o Lally turned that dj Uial nibt another tirtirn to lle man ia for li-htios fire with Lmwrtte. The lYohibition Meeting held Wre but Satunliy ilrrw together a Urrt crowd of pvph. Sperthea were majc by lrice and WillLaruaon both eolarrd. which we bate beard cotummded 'a liigh ternia. ' NotwitlUnTn the beat and dt. some prraoti, hitiatrtl bf the drtil a&4 not Laving tit fear of C !ud U-forr Lia eye, did n Lxl ThumLay nlut bcrjl. roualy enter Ui cCk-e of the WrtUra Union Telegraph company at this bue and take tlarrfrora tlie um of ixtj&e dollar and fifty et-uU. No clue- a tt to the robUr. Thursday aeeiaa to lure ln-eo a bad d-iy for anidrnl. A aruall nero boi waa evcrrly bruloU and lixJ vrral 4 hU teeth Involuntarily extracted t jumping otf the utJK ru bound train ) Ifountree. Vocal Solo a imI Chorns, Tin Farlkrr Side,' TMiK J. Uooker and toutiic men. ; Int. Duel, "YacktcrV Mai ck" Mifen Collin. aud Dunn. j InM. Solo, ' lla.Miiotiir llilHJ.l..,.. E FJnvt. ln Solo and Ckarti, 'Soma dav I'll wandi-r kack a pain. Miffed Latham, Hryan and youn; men. InM. Solo, "Cniiue KaUi," Minn It. Tull. j Vocal dnet. "Tlie Awaking of rlie bird. Mi Pu-li : nl Mr. Dnri.. j Inst. Otiett, "Xoire Iiame," Miw I., and II Bryan. j Vocal S"lo, "The Wild IlelU llieir warninir," U Fordltam. Iut. Ouet, t'uiiilrlainl M.irck," MiinLa tknin and Hk-r. i Solo, "l lulMalique," MNn J. White. ' Solo and J'hortij', "le.ide tl e Swrei Shannon," Miss Push. Mr. Davi mid yonnz men. Inst. Int, "Califori-nne l'olka," Mi - I.. Sutton and H. Tull. ; Solo and Chorus. As gay an a Steer in the Crn," Lovi. 1 Int Solo, ' K-a! rf ne-, Mi" S. Dunn. Vocal rtiet, "Younir Sjirlntf," MiMe llryan and Kordhani I Iust. Solo, HFa-taisie froai Ohcron," Jf's.. I.. White. So'o and Cho., "D Cahin en de .Viiiipii Shore," (iiiln and boj. ! Inft. Duet, '0ien Iiaiason .Varch," Mi R rook and .Vr. Davi. j Solu anl ChoriiA. "L.ittle Star are hrichtlr Shinint,," Jls J. Hiiokrr and j onn inn Slo, Ive me decet, .Vi Piifh. 1 lnt. Soio, "Korrl KJhoe," .VU Lewir Solo and C1oru, "Sbclliug jrr--n l'ea," 30 ing men. Trio. ntrmjr ai?hl," Jim Fordham. .Vr. D.nis and .Vr. Heath. Vocal, "He and She.- lnn. Dnet, "Hondo lie llravo," .Vi Tull 'and .Vi Lew l. I "Djwb the O.iOn x high a Ike Sky. PIim, against it, our mothers ami daughters shrink Irom the ojun jawed rounder with a bitter Hatred, row sir with out a further portrayal of this evi', 1 waul to make a supposition thereby inakirg an argutLetit. not in reply to ileinocml. lui bis laborious mouutain has not yet pioduced a iui ui . Sister Kinston we may nipple is a iuut village with its prtsi-ut number ot iuhabitants with a couttiluliou like unto the one of the United Stat llml constitution mk-ht have in it "Kcjual rights and tqual justice to all am! exclusive privihgcs to lit ue' these Kiiistouians puisi.e the hoiust and sober avocation of I iff, live uu der the roiutitutn n, hold their co irt", adjust their ditlerencc a U e , thrifty aud cutcrptiii)g jteoplc. In pn ers of time Linuur is commenced b ing aold iu thtir midst; the once quite 3 ly. eMvy uwwa aflf r U U(1 gultrtl wrI, vzin brilliant cuecesj. ' We havr given the alove intance- , , ,. , , , , , t. prove that prohibition eabUaud rW t Ut orU.e Injuml w aucceeds e inhere beaidrs iu Anieri Mr. W m. Marbn who. wbib? atloda- ca. These given are not solitary, but 14,1 Saturday in too omt jevxhiutr t a few of many. We primid l the baInraa nd of a mule rvtcirtd a come nearer home. A few weeks ago Lick from Ida mulohip wbkh prruadc4 I wrote lo a minister in Northamntoii Mr. SLarLn that it la irutri!,lr alata know it the prohibory law I through till cbrckrrtd bfe f oura U or liOt. I be ii4. ,aui of (UlUamx. but Uat it lUClllii;ru..m.t"m 1 ... t .1 - ... rtfiui aaii aw a & imt m w . w - m ui a . mr f r t IlllllrV aa A I . 1 I f . . M t . I ir wu, vwmmi.l mm iv'iia m fTV M 1 o.m Know nine prohibMory lawlthmut f.itr- ,..i u.,..nrv fr... it. r ,.1 ' "J H'uc mere t rot. ine aaiiivif Naava .va a a v a aaawai . . others n.l I,,l,ow,n8 'Vr- tiou when liquor was g n rally uctl, was striking and arrtelcd my atlen lion at once. No ban, con qurutly nu drunken men. ho bar; consr quctilly no loafing, but tuarlyiTery one at work. Nm b.uf, cMiM-iiienih no jail filled by poor crritur drutal raUH' of human cvruta to-wit Ua kicked by a mule tn rrort to mrtLcal afttauce and liaTe a badly bvctralrj . M-alp mtwih! up. Now come we to minrth!o; plraa antrr. Ijit Wednrby ettna.;: tbe Town Hall waa crowdrd to witnraa tbr ized by drink. No bar; e-jneut. clotin- rxmki or Mra. HuiWi 1 I.... ... . . I I iy oui in lie to man the fute ol torn niuniiiea. Thu much feeu everywhere by the casual oWrver. I have convened with life residt uu and find theru leuniiimaiiriu the opinion that the ef fc t of prohibiiiou haa beeu good. A:d this is sen in all rtlatiuu between man aud mail. Labor t aleady. Coutidcnce iaatrtng. D.-bts and tana have Udh titcrrafed. Tlie reboot. The iiiuiir wa much id it ta lush order, and tlx- m Irctiuua !rd excellent tatc in the muW-al d.mtc I'rof. Ir 1a Cruix. Tlie inaUuracUl ircr liad, tim. tlc b;u:n; merit if lrnz abort and I ma) aay, awrrt. Tb toan Ladita anjulltrtl ll-nfhra tr4 lubly. I U anl K"Ttfil of litem rcco tionrda la in j u!ary irri voice. Hut a the nrta r tuuaa!laay di Unction arr InrUbwua" wbwb t larr I worn o titrx adl-are tliat I w.ndr at .u holding tojr U r. and ao I (aiusut pa'n o t am of tlc bright artkulir u.n iljl -,1-tli rd ot. tl-.t ta"4i. I.r m 3 DEPORTMENT. With a few exceptions, the conduct ot the pupils has beeu very good. Ami we are glad to record the fact . a young meu c u aminatcd with its iu- If "u,llJ; un 11,9 UP gra,, tloenc, b come disturbers of the jear- bc8t 1,1 2rn4 CMtl gt Would it impair their constitution ft r; 10 ;,e Pl'btti .11 law." the people to ay to these Liquor Ven-! 1 oiL-mouth Cuilcn l C. N. C. b-a de-rs. at., 11. hnt 1111 v.m bad Uu llqui r h- p br tittevll V-f bav br. ntdit mi pviI in mtr ' Ia.-l4 that time t,r baa Urn bul '-l 1,1 l,P rt a!l lun.Aa our )eople, once qu t have become 1 "rr1 , r rr' r Ifeuae, and di.otuiher of the ) e ice, why sirs gel! . ut, for our jail, ouce empty, is 1 1 i,avr fti t faMi U i.ow filled with our wn children. ! l4foVC l,wl l,,e I'l-ibdory I-wcao stabbed Jack. Bill shot Mra . be eul..itid, i.d tL-tihur rxi.irt.o Jim went home aud w unned hiaS vtvii ) umnt-ui. 1 Ue mat. cititrLklai. I lurtiliou tiuA iiot Ik- lot 1 roiv'a in.I.i.oti t.f JJi Milra 11 uui wax luldy apprt 1m leu I wrutber aitd Ur Iut a.t .Jlliii tbi ir UujJ iRrt v lllo!'i f iur p-4de and dl r arr ntJ iaU ly 1-jj p. S ural f ibe iu:il drilti fiaUn !J aiv iu lb ill; t-.L) n rtutc fr IvU wlrrv tier lr ( ottlrttli'u tit' tw-mofTow. Tle air aa llly a ciu-ive piivileges' is tin shocking to 1 tVce ll,r baie inl to tl e Jrd.tora can bv. Notli.ii fuilbcr A w binned wife. cur.ed his aeed mother ! " " liixA ll Urcuuvnmd n.u. and so 011 tlowu the chanter of crime,, utr vincru u Hmmt UU produced by this tie Wonder if these mothers m ' . - - .... fire water. 1 lu,'l are au-litd tliai ibe law tu la m B. aud wives b ',,"ccd. u Im arr tlirr ibt k r ttre any equal rights and equal justice! ieiuly urg. ibe 1 bjcti- n ihatl ir in these to lhm. Nu sir, such "ex-i uele? They are, in evrrv ii I , I , . f .1 1 I .. ... I -1 . . a I gr . I a I . ue loieraieii, ami 1110 aeuer wno is lue i ,k 11 inr law prime cause of all aucb ought to be failuir.and whUky tlowa as frrrh shut up that In: may follow a more -y it dura where pruhibi iul noble iHCUi utiou. Tuis dimocralic I exiat's why do tber opiMc it. Une of the best in far r of prohibition as a law, is the onif .rru t 1 a a I average scnool age, nave shown by task. The niece which completely m :ij;i, ' I'vi severance nuii inausiry. lOJpbd with unusual goixl conduct, a determiuatiop to obtain the advan tages offered them. Their examnle wend Tali and Mollie Walsh were sec: f - V - " - ond to'none." : ' .; get lu'iuau inniks mai in 1114 urn, ne has shown 'by the the moat ir re Ira 21 I hie proof, that in drmocral eau cou- ad w..ithful opp"itiuu of the liquor taltitiilv vnt nr tl, liill ' Miter r,n 1 Uu U tu the law. A aritrmn tlta Mn mazing uion tlie class as llicy sang Vertin thU ureal Democratic Darlt ralitv of IVuhibiinrr laws l ?elt down easy under the th -mas "Irauda Ma bell t could say something w rite poetry j "muds-illa" of the Uepublii au, craw Its I lie the republican platform and equalla, equality of all men before the Law." hat a remarkable tetmoii ihia u'eat Aistle to the i i t il : i i:. . L . i piittiiits io ii iii oriier 10 noiu u iu . ub icm jirus 10 wrj a rs are always the hand of the whiakey ring. I brlu-r eofurtcU ihan local uoei aol tcrtat. Poll oksvillclu nia . Mn. Kdituk. "Welcome friends" we wished that we; lets hiiiu like Dossev Battle no. not this .ul a,iU ,,,lu l,,e ri . tclts something nice about sweet faces, pretty dresses, but our descriptive jiowers law us and we give up the Cieorge Long. - i Adlifc l".ini in. j Mi Ofje Woun. Ou Thursday at 11 A. M. the An nual Address by . Key. Dp. T. H. Pritciiakd was heard by a crowded house. On being introduced by J. W. Harper rq., Dr. Pntchard contrary to gener al expectation delivered an agricultu ral aud mechanicafaddress. But all admit that it could not havebeen The Principal announced that the tJone beller aild was reuaered exceed- aud intlueuce has exercised a mluta ry iuflunice over their school mates. To the maintenance of correct dis cipline, the aid of parents adds great ly; aud we fear that the inijKirtance of a co op ration in this matter has not been sufficiently considered. Irregular alteudauce is a drawback to the pupil that cm scarcely be remedied. And the Instructors have deemed it necessary to state iu the Catalogue that they will not hold themselves responsible for failures to make advancement iu studies 'when the attendance is not regular. AID IX ERECTING A CHAT EL. j We would, at this time, return our thanks to the citizens ot Kinslou who I t. T.ll I .- i ? . i . iii iasi x an pave us suen mneiv mil in exercises tou.gni woum ue a cotnpe ,- ingly appropriate, even for a school continuing the work on our Chap! tton for two bdver medals: oue to the 1 .i.i. u t : ,i .i r .j.. i a . . .. c. :i.j :. - ; girl who reau best and one to the boy lo mAkt2 Rood farmera and Me- cieuily tomforiable to allow of daily it it rr i a 1 i wno ueciaimeu uesi. inose wuoeuLi,.n:M i.i D.Mn .iuse. i viiuu mun ccuciaui sets UU! tered the coutet are given iu the fob r. .: . t. schoirship, lowing: captivated the Iiepoiter was "Young Spring" by Misses Bryan and Ford ham. Thus closed the exercises of Kins tou Collegiate Institute. The interest felt by the public was evidently shown by the large crowds attending. From Jonday night till the close of quirt la our Utll Wan ou IV- Trt.t; nulling in mar l2e bappn of f good t itizi na. riiouncr I ' a cuiim an av a k t-: ' n ear.b a;o l-lwrrn W. (i. 1Ui aud an 1 ihey have uiiiformiy faikd Hammond wkkb rraulled in U l And yel the rmv Wfitrr lltmz in a I.-. -tlin- an rt,l WKUVn Mt il r.u,..u,M.r7 c-taie, to lr lorgot I im bottom of iU aen us in Mrauuwrlge that l.e wis . .a. I tn ...I ... V V- r iu ,uw ioia, lor a Krpiiblickii paity , jug ot cookif wine ler to hold it iu! Ge cral pri ib'tory ' (rv; are bo'in very well ia t- vtiroaod tlie farru ra are talii If tbT exxtcd to liate pbnty of y In'U' fall. Tlie a trainer Crnittrx-a at! II o ci-a ua lo make two Lrit prr rL aiJ thtni a moututul char-e not lo ih- which lo judxe ami vet we haTr I nenr cazTTinr ofl a tiMor ivii'.'' lute thrir high and ucid tallii.g, s' owii that even Jocal laws are in for the tra Ura. Again pacing over the heads of bence w hat ex(vfiruce me have bad the ministers of the goatirl, c'uis N. C is not i fair standard by stain ami bemother their mioitlerial mauy csea beueCcial with ua roles, degrade their ulpiu. and nu-, r. I pair their uaelulnca by deKxntling to m mm m the level of what? of a, king it.eirl Greene County ItE13. aous l remove Irom our statute book t mm I....... .1 - this Concert, every entertainment was the abomniable whi-key law. The fair j . m V , - 'Mno,aaj greeted with a crowded house, and it men of the cuntry are a,ked not! ""VlX tout'- fs admitted that our Court House fill i Y t . . . i is dear to wom-nhix-d and n.iu (0 ! o""""' o.f . iir. Niiiy .( .t w IWrae eu, means noi ies man oue mousauu w:.k !,U rr,m.,i u... taki- tL-contrail for aix Lmlrxl .r,.l II ...... ft . 11 1 Liquor. Wl at is dean r. to a womau i thtrlv five dollar. In closing it is not inappropriate to than her boy, ur uioie diunifitd iu her; Mr. K. T. Albritton waa ebxUtl tu. . . . . . 1 . it i. .... i i t t.- . . ..... add a word ol commeudatlou lor the! :u"" tu UK wrr lo eep utr r.MiiiOiuioi n. lltUte Ncho'la ef PROGRAMME. -JlCfclC. "Puddiafand Milk," . "Ara lh- Cliildren Safe," "Plc-nic king," Tue Loer Sacriflc," peron. "Vindication of S. P." "Child of EarHi," neajr. Of the 10 niontbV . students, the following are entitled to rank as the money at farming but a free dissem mation of Dr. Pritchard's ideas wculd ig johnTuiL soou dissipate thai erroucfous impress- Misses. Maud Dunn. Lidie La wi Miw H. if n iirraa. I ion. - He makes the imtvtrtMnt di. I ter. Katie Lewis. Luia Nunn. Maitio tinction that, while nntrv 1i..a1 i Runiree, lioweua Tull, Mollie Noedham Phillipa. Mil's Sallie Br- Ceorge W. Hart. Miss Juhtni Kit- W AT m a m m m man makes moniv an ft., r , " ",..u- f AWia- lri ADwu, j wMvwva w v - a i WaLh. -11 1 t . . . . r t J I U1W 4. UUttU. as rapiuiy as nis uneuucateti neighbor, Of the 5 months' students, the best yei an communxtiet are far are: teachers who superintended and direc ted the week's eutertaiuroent. (Dr. Lewis aud Professor Howard have won their way into the esteem of the community by solid worth and merit. They make no attempt at display holding Commencement KxercUes rather in deference to public demand than for any desire to parade their pupils for public inspection and earnestly edeavor to give their pupils i...u-...i . - r . t i uuauauu oui oi me guuer; ijie ronty. With one bound he flits t. Kentucky' After aome nrotLitioo. Col. Hum aud dies UD the aahea ut th I mm or-' . . vwu llum taini;r J...u,..u -.1 mM""J ..waairu Ur tevmiae of sweet smelling savor exclaiming: i rni,1 fn,m NortlTn Coea- "Thcse aahts once iirtcnaul with cf. ' ro J-to buakl a road Utarm Ndc leslial fire,- and ouce ibe anpLu of ,it, wUw, Ury Ute etoVrtd bom Iiettuibg senates to command, asks the C000 engineer and rut lum lo wk. "iullowera and admirers of tbia great! they will brjin at fJolMuro la about slatemaa bow they can vote againat ' sixty daja. wnukey Ibat great arucle of unu- W. P. (Jrirmdry baa rut hi ne cb- factuie of the Hute of Kentucky. Surely this Millen'ut has brought a boa; a eloriots day. when the the benefit ofpraerieoi education ind Uautiiul little democratic Lamb of solid busiueaa habits. Mrs. U. IL shall fuudle and caress and skip over Lewis who bas charge of the Prima lle Republican Lion and a Little ry Department, and Mrs. Anna Davis H.V" Vf4 cLI,t?, LU Itrmd lhtm ,l. t.- i t, t " nat a happy MilSeuuium the ren- me musical rrtcepiress nave snown ieman WOUlll ha if Ii r,nt wm.l.l by their work that the community is get cleat of the whiikev. In Barard vcr, gcttoij fnau Un to twelve thoca- and Jouinbi (grern clover) r acre, and Mild for fdly rent per bundrrd. Croj. grnrrally, are looklo fine. Mra. llarrave'a acUxI c lord Lat Friday, tl- rutcrUlnroent tea by "her that night waa a crrdiuU a2"air. Itrv. Dr. Cka vad throe mh tawn on Ue i(nLUxt. Col N-Ilrra Jr. !ia !-n trovk; 10 mw rxtrnt thla nwhu and 1 no wiLrrmb bipiln4 bia potato. Tb A. F. and A. M. of 7.. U'? ejrt to bavr a mu!lat.a oGcrra va U 2ttb at Tn ulva a:l I tmderataxid thai IIn. C. C t- will uVEvcr Ue axtlrraa i Uat boje Ui ate joy tJirrt: Un ,rJ al roll la .aJd." Wnow ha- a r-I Hbwk N 3 and lUzzj makrr In Ula r-Ia. fr Caxurrt 1M Mraar FelWUr O-lraby aiid I think Urf-y w Ul do a V1 buauacaa. I a rat of vur frUow troi ir bi ;odc bio a new hu'.t, think w " Ixave lo do am Us i jpi turns frota PoUloa. Iellokatd! aisuda abvut La!f half Ik VrtAuUura. 1 will U whn ll rb-ctioo la rr aa J at about all that 1 ran bear dLau.L I arc in oe of our tack be a C' a atranrr wUlitd la know w hi 0 I'ulkkavU!lana Ued K UarC't b a gratlctuan ijuar ihrvuas In a atJlrf . Aa I doo't rrtnrtabrr f lao;tcj; ) at ant b a time I do not Lake u l s31" It bet if anjllaii lad f Ukld r moujb to Itave ana! ru- Lao?h. I tK-nV t t V .lwiLI rail It lxM& traxtyrr waa pa'n iLrouh ia a kry. Uiioriii a Vi , t 1 i

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