THE JOUBKAL. C:XT. E0T7XLED1 ;, Jusrftle. ICIKfJTOK, N.C TnUEODAY. 1I0V. 10, 1831. Cotton Crop. ; Kbit Okxejuts. 1?ot. 5; The Dem ocrat has received ft number of speo Ul dttpatf bet concerning tbe condt tion of the cotton crop, of whieh tbe following is ft summary? Alabama. Bum and irnat nave occurred: weather one and cool and good fur picking, which will toon be over. " Arlansat. The cotton crop in some sections of the Stats is all gath ered, bnt not yet marketed, in coose- - t .. .1. . I- quence oi rain lately, out me rem has damaged the crop very slightly, except to interfere with picking; the cron estimate is now smaller thati it was ft month ftgo; farmers are hold ing back their cotton for better prices. Florida. Weather good for pick rnev which is nearlv finished: two- ElcMands Items r Mr. George Best, Baptist minister, has been holding a protracted meet ing near onr Tillage, and fmm reports we wonld judge that he is doing much good. The meeting has continued quite through the second week; he is no doubt gathering his host for the A TTowderftal Hen. , There baa been much ticknea la and around this comzaanity. Death has teen in the world and be has garnered many- victiov. Lraves hare their time to fsJL" And 'flowers to - .. i . .n imancea i0cxWiDa.muKPB.. I must mention the doing A u seasons ior mine own. ua orauw : looin to M r. TBE2CT02C CO NTT 5 CM TO 1 XT ROTE. Mr. ilcDaniers new store will soon . Our Chatham beus are cieUrromea .. ... v. tlioM ox other cocntlr'aad while xnarreloo sUrks 1 .. . . . - w rl . mr-w .-. wither at are being told of tbe wonamui - of tbe leathered of ft ben be- AlWua Stooe. or wu Hams township, lie sars that his ben crows every morning juit like a rootr. and lavs two ega every day. Vbo new church. We weie treated to quite . good be completed. It prints a very pretty "JaLuSrrtE sermon last night from Dr. Borkhead. front. - . . . , m . tie win soon noun np uis wora in dm Trade Is good. Messrs. T. C. Whit district. . . . aker, Jno. 1. Brogden, S. E. Koonce, - Cotton is coming in rapidly; G McDalW .j, Brown s gin is steadily at work; the 7, Ji . . . .. ti.! u if. dolne a thriving boslnea. COMIT ' TO TilE A I 1 ITew Advertisements. NOTICE. Mr friends will please fake notice that all claims for Fertilizers are now due, and ft settlement Is respectfully Th Klartoa Jtwmml S4 It lisrd to a4er tssd wky tk itr, Tlt s ctrct to kfp rtIa aamber of courlrt st work the imk "rr rMfrsrt a4 wild tfcess Iffhtrr; tk Tiki. vaiwowsd. aid ot t.fct the has damaged the crop very slightly, . ivin r- h.r Mr doing ctul fm twt rt-d and pt tki except to interfere with picking; the nJL tll. mt u,. Mr. Foy's new brick store U quite an Wworti.whkk.kkM.t:k; crop estimate is now smaller thah it . . . . m Wo lhi nl c addiUon to the place. It would bean was a month ftco; rarmera are noia- I w - tnmrx 1r. Tor The Kinston Dot JV La Orange Items. deserve, much credit for what he ha. nested. Option ol ying to money ffnd it hard to understand any socb Florida. tnXhtr . He came bere onlr or cotton now cea Aixx Moou d.imr. We think it hard on the leo- rng. wnicn is neany nnisnea; iwo- it was reponea mat a cuuiog si. - 7 ; - - - x0T 2t Kmstoo. X. v. 1 IT n.W ...n. oecialTr the thir of the crop ha. been marketed. fray came off on th of 29th aoouwwo year, w- " ' ' ' Htwrnin. Thu naat arppk Haa hPfn U.t mnnlh. A coat was fimild hfldlv lin n1 h Hnni murii towards IDU tt a m-r n-l "t T Bichlands section who hate to baulif . , trathrin Arr. hot Unt m aTeral nlaces. and the ovner t.. .M!) I. Althoth he W A VI 1 Hi 1A B --ei j . - 1 - jiiii uiv fMv r their cotton amr etaer proouee oyer weatberifas caused the cotton to open -misting. Uwii whispered that he burned out last winter and lost . All rn. ho r indebted touL.i a Vr Voi-V whsra 1 riiv rinvrt been vlntlnr the fire yet he did not despair to an AND SETTLE their accounts. I n ACinTnVATtTJJ! f IrVXIVOM SHOES, BOOTS and CLOTHING to see the largest Stocky ;of ? Goods ever brought to this market. Urs.A. B. 1HXLEB, and ianghter, Hri. Lnce, Uti 40 miles, that the State will not com- unusaany fast, and it is being picked might hare been foully dealt with. mvch ux plete a road already abet hair finished i as opens? Tery - ihwo m u oai u i put m u r . t . r . - . rnr. h&a h!An markftd' the nlanters tvrfluee without a scratch. I rtirough lands where the mate tsoara WV bBI-. u,ff .. - A neero bor placed hU shoes at th' WMtc JtficmfiO own all th Stock, j on TKurlT hut did no damaee. the store door while he went in. Un- ifire fiend rsdarT hut did no damage. I the store door while he went in. Tln- hich will deTibp said lands and at Xoian.--The weather has been on returning he found the shoes gone; pl of Plock nd ncrsy the same ffme pat these people within rainy and little field work has been The next day he came to make fur- accomplish accompanied by common 15 miles of a good narigable stream, done; there has been no change in the ther search and ! irned that they bad sense and good judgment, w v t, v a tU. yiU; most of the crop has been mar- been sold for a drink. He went for Miss Jucretia Edwards of Kinston is We say we think it nara on inese Let.d ni the balance U ranidlr be- the shoes, but with what success I nn.MMintMrhWit thU lr. vtople who hare been paying taxes fog .hipped to market. have not learned. Khe Is a rerr enUiuslastlc toubc lad? Miss ITannah U..klt. m T1. .ant cd on Friday morning; picking will was applied, which only made the be finished by December, if the youngster- "cuss." and the. mother ImmMliatitlv to work to rebuild t -J t M. .m.-m. .wV ..j - 1 11 c ncni wvurj mi im v i . . . ' . place, made Oolte oy me Rn(j must renuet our Wends to sctUe ana KUayillfJ aau wMJA Au-X andtodayUaliTingexam. Un at once. GOODS at LO W t5T IMUUiJ. 1 oct 12 8t MILLElt & CAJ ADY. fr hovnWnolnn HntM low tit laV A. . w UUJCiAIM IxLFUoJCi. I portion. LadloN Conotn, Men unci X3oy CJloh. DEAUFOKT, J. C. I m fT' " injr nippeu m uiar&eu uvo uw twiucu. She IS ft Tery eutllUSiaSt all their lire, to help build frp other Mit$tippi.CUu has been dam- Another negro boy, not having the aQ(j much jj Dy au jjorodsofthSute,that this work aged somewhat of late by rain, but fear Ac. &c. took a cocoanuj, without Edwarda u alao teaehini FeptmberI5t 1&31 . j v.. lUJt, me weavner is now one: irr occurr- me cimscuw ui.uo owoer. me n uui uuiio, vui ws ku 1 11 w uuuvs- stand perfectly well why it. is not . a done. Does not our respeeteel con-1 weather continues as at nresenL mad. temporary know that these swamp Tennettee. The weather during The grand 'possum hunt of the se: lands belong to the State Board of the past week has been unfavorable son, thus far, came off on the night of ti...! j : for picking; the crop will be gathered the 1st inst. The party, thirteen in .unuu, -uu u. uuw .u; November 27th; about three-eights number, started at 9 o'clock in the that they are perfectly worthless in ofthe crop K been mrrketed. evening and returned at 6 in the their present condition? Will it pay Texa.A heavy frost occurred on morning tired and .care-worn. The the State to throw away the work Thursday, the cotton crop shows no result of their night's work was one already done? We know the Attorney change; worms 'Still continue; the "old blue 'possum." I have learned, r, 11 j j 1 : 4 . . : yield is now calculated at five-eights that oue of the party is offering five General has decided against us in Jf a n- cent of ?rop donaT8 for R good poMum d(l A eonstrueing the laws in regard to tne hag bcen p;cked - and haif marketed. friend of mine has one for wbieh he Hill. It Is needles, to say anything in her behilf as .he i. well known and to know her is recommendation sufficient. - - STATE NEWS. Inrge Yield of rlco. tnfr. lloobi and HliocH. Groceries Zee fee. T lr wU tmmwu wlU b ktpi p I , mm 4aiir tr 4 nBr by Mr. W. C. Klc awWlrd To. H. rrt TW U lltl U Ik. ertrl J1 Off tW t. ComnmUI traveler will B 11 m imt dTatar to Vi 'k . "nl frlk tare room for tk dUplar of apl. fr of cbsxf-TXXMS, rrcakl. Mb. KC.Khi, 5 or. IS, tf 10. ft. Masti. We beg to call public attention to our very large STOCK of GOODS which ttc bought cheap and propose to sell cheap. 05,000 33,000 33,000 the distribution of convicts, hfftr though not a lawyer, we still have a right to our opinion, and we see no use of our cotemporary misrepre?enting us by savinff the State has no interest in m ow the swamp lands of North Carolina. Dr. D. II. Abbott, of Vandemere, is in town with fourteen hundred bushels of rice on the market: and will hare twelve hundred more, all produced on chants at wholesale prices and 20 per fifty acre, by actual measurement, being , , - t. I . 1 . . .1 Af urui wv iiwu uiv ewavsasT; ilwus vu rv cial News. WE HAVE 11ECEIVED A LARGE LOT OF XndicH Imported JPattora CJX-.OA.IvH . t I rxnxhascd from a Manufacturer at a ercat sacriCc, and we will cZtr yarn. 01 rraoroiarnfi-wr own .ipw - VFflY f OW FHIUUES. w ' ... - w mm , . . ....... .... . . . A nanusome 9tocu 01 xnaica niiAuioiinu uauuuuaia FINE TUB G It OWING CTfcOP COTTON Education in Lenoir. Wt have been endeavoring for sometime to get the statistics oi the several excellent schools in Lenoir, that we might in one article give a general outline and summary of what the people of the county are doing for education. But since we have a well written article on the La Grange Academy, which we give below, we kavt concluded to give seperate no tfces of each school and close with' a summary statement If some friend of each school will not write its his tory we will write it if we can get the facts. . We wish those who write to give us the number of students in at seadaaee during the present year. La Grange Academy. This Institution, founded in 1870, aas been in successful operation ever since. Tbe building, erected by the stockholders at a cost of 12000. has naa some improvements made on it. Imports 011 "Which ft Yield of 4.500000 Bales Is Estimated for This Year. ted. The Rail Road agent at this place has been changed. Mr. McDonald The "member -of the Cotton Ex- Taylor takes the place of Mr. Webb. change have estimated the growing Mr. U. emith of Ureeue couuty crop. There is a wide difference be- ,Vld of njetive chill, on Tuesday !.7ll;Mfhe" !8imftC Wbich " A colored man went into the store 6,505,000 bales, and the lowest, which 0f R. Edwards, the only Jew store in is 5,175,000 bales That the latter town, under the pretense of buying estimate a Dnroaches somewhere to cor 1 8me clothing. A coat was selected rectness is shown by 900 responses from correspondents to Braditreet's, representing over ninety per cent, of the counties in the cotton belt. The tollowing tanie tnnws the, average bought from New York Jobbers. Our junior partner, while in Switzer land bought these goods direct from the Embroiderers and therefore give special inducements and sell lower because nr ki. . a a pme suits, the hunter should apply at Mr. M.G. Elmore, of Illdley town- J" ' '",r ZvL7linJtZ once, as the first offer will be aeret. .Mn fnnnH n nn .talk of hU rom W JDbr generally must pay the Importer r 1 r : . . ' I r--n w.-. a paid eight dollars, and is now willing to take a good mule for him. He has hunted the dog three seasons and caught two 'uossumt. If the dog and Prolific Stalk of Corn. While the corn crop in this county. as a general thing. Is a failure, yet there are exceptional caws or good crops. and put cc. when a pair of shoes was called for, and while these were being selected the negro left with the coat. I expect that Dutchman was -mad. James K. Driver now occupies no 8ition No. 9 in the lius of small retail waTI rrmven mm f rwvrvr1 rt11 Kk hftalisned th a year with one ear to every stalk. Chatham llecord. MMBiBWiHHMMHWi Late Turnip-Tops. Mr. Hugh W. Peoples, of this county, has some ofthe widest spreading turnip tops that we have ever heard of. lie measured one of them recently and the top was five feet eiht Inches in diame ter. The leaves or such a turnip would make salad enough for mauy dinners. Chatham Record. A Succosfull JCail lload. When the fish trade opens fully, the E. C. & N. R. R., will not be able to furtrs'i trnnortit!on for th --, . . ---o probable outturn of each State. Oct 24 ftU" iu tnat wm De onered, as it haniiy docs .1 thia t-kl r. ho Itavini iatthif r !:.. 1 . Ihaw rP !. m m m 1 r Vk m..m i m. J t. ms0 'a'w.y v asMvaai iucu JLM AW Ul ill 1 HUH A UC VUVVCM Ul WfeO UCVT AkWl U K. K. street during the past week I without precedent and there must, be- Call merchants and assure von ef above facts. CKttlnger Drws Kinston. N. C. Triei sa4 sample at p ppUrUm. Not. 10. tt Mortgage Sale." ' Jlj Ttrtaf tbtlkf s rrtfkl-i n-n-gtt rxreaud V) J. L Tarntr s4 M. A. U. rorr tor. H mm, h4 rrorrd la Wk , Bf Utera offiro of Vtmoix Coaaij. w will cll for rftk, Mool7, Nov. St. I'M al tli Con keo tfoor la Kta. tit Uada Wloarlag to Mid M. X. I.. Tarar. Wise two vadi.ldrd hara la U. Um4m WIo(lax to lit tauof Ltl IWut. d-r'dL. adjtalac la Um of JarMaXUcioa.Lvifcvr HbrTnm aad atWr. xirciitLLi nixrr. READY-IVLVDE CLOTHING. Make a Specialty, -The I'cnrl Hhirt at H 1. the beat known. OUU CTOCK OF 5 iTT oofs Cl Shoes: IU1IIT IE is I-arger than ever, and we propoc not to be umlcro.J br any Ilouae ia Xecth Carska, BrtiMfli find In-ruin CAICIMTTH, OI L' CLOTH H. TKV5K1, VAI.ISIIS. HAttM-SS, UIVHH.timl CUOCKOtr-TfAUE all at lot vest Jfarket Prices. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will not forgft that we offer a CH01CK L1XK OF GROCERIES IG3IE8TIC 1IIIY GOODS, . . i TOBACCO ANI 8XUFF at such prion aa tm nam Irclclita from other point Belnte Last year, Per Cent. Worth Carolina and VirKtala Sontb Carolln..-....-...... Georgia and norida......-.-...... Miisnippj ..... . ........ ,w...wi.... r1!!- --tlfttT-fTTtlllTttTTttll-lTlfHttl f o.oooooooooa.ooOOoaOOO Arkanraa.... Tcnamaar oooaoa oooo.ooooo .itt,a,tw.mMmii JSA J-5 23 3 18.S 21.4 17 6 .39 5 biJw 42.2 fore a great while be another track laid. to supply the wants of trade and trans portation. Economist. The amc c ple twice married. hear that other stores are wanted. La Grange is "booming," in small stores at least. V. E. Claike of Goldsboro, was in town on Friday, professionally eneasr ed. iudeiup from annearancea. A few A- colored couple presented themselves suiters who previously came out at the before Justice Millis Tuesday nigbt to little end of the horn, were eucourae- I'T J ,,T '1 Y jjcwi-inru, .! ! fl; -.t-i : Is.. tatms Uat they had already been tied " ' 5.u. iu b- ,he i-te w n. Rant, l.i-- one case an appeal was taken, where who died few weeks aro. hut tht hi neglected to sign the licence in the pres ence f witneses. so the same could be D. B. TATLOtt BUY Til 12 J.B.)tX.OCIL BEST to win the saddle or loose the horse. Cotton on ntnrday from 101 to 10. Jones County Items. Arerafo for cotton belt ....... Last month's report showed the con It was under the able management dition of the crop to be 34.5 per cent, the matter in controversy is thirteen m-M a L.JP w llf ! T a T. I1 1 ! J r . la a a . bushels ol potatoes. I hat roan means pnnci- lhe reports receivea tms month in ;ai ship was accepted by Mr. Jos: dicate that in every btate a portion of Cinsey who then entered upon the the crop is still healthy ana making discharge of his duties. Under his fruit which may mature. From Noith Mnafremant . tha nilrfiniv f tliA r!.rrl!iii TannM anA. VrVona.a aotuml rorilU inr..T r.M.sii.. (....... ..!. .u , . .... txtu jMcJietti, urged i pon Movins in. and bardera comiuir from that the ton cron is not likelv to ma. 8Pint r an "oJj ambition, "strode In- in proper shape.-Wil. Star the adjoiuing counties, so as to re- ture before frost, as it requires sever- to the chamber of his royal guest to quire an assistant teacher. During al weeks of clear, warm weather to strike the fatal stab, upon hearing one most of the time, a good music class mature. From Texas, also, the pros-1 ofthe king's attendants utter a prayer m.l I m a - .a l- " aas neen aepi up, nrst oy miss Al. t,. rana, next oy 01 1 and now by Miss returned to the IXegister of Deeds, as required by law, and they were there fore afraid the knot was rather ineeure ly tied to hold good. Justice Millis, nothing loth, remarried the couple and by the I they went on their way rejoicing, with .IMdu't Like hwldlerlnir. On the 16th of last June, R. A. Rob ertson, a son of Dr. Robertson, of strange hallu- KIElSTOr. SE1TJI..8 iilusic House. TIE 5SW B1TI J YIIT1C1L FKB IlCini Tbb Mackla hwimg a comWi Arpariarv fro I thr ordlaarj jW of a-aeioea pOMmalac all Uo I mZ I alaila k Skt m a otU. .. !. .jji.. I tssaf a BL Hi?- JP2 f22 ' P d, of God bless us ho could not say, amen, I GreensboroiSidr me t Z 1 1 xr ".C:; "J "111 1" - r"- ""J bccause when tne dld I God less us cination, joined the United Slates army. w-. f -iuo. u 3 rrt C yuiBi ..1L.M9WBF..uli.Wuuu FFJ- amen stuck in his throat." . He enlisted for five rear, aa a nrv. w ! ia ao Cra . lal C- Lr. lir nnul S12 r-r r.K V . liT totraUoa a ad iWactlo of aajoWr Q -o Louise M. of Wilson. Tlra enterUinmenU civ Frou Houth Carolina. Georsria. Al tn under khoir mauiMmtn. .K. !, I aK.n.i AliMiuinni rwl 1 rvii ia t na tka riti,l r k. ...:i. wl:l .. . i. . : . .: r .u I ton to day. m mm I . . amen stuck in his throat." Kinir Alcohol reicnsRurrrmpfnTrot.. to be paid 12.50 per month. On the " . 1 r"t ..- i:a.i . . I Th. tt.i ..nn;mAir 'U1J uluc ov" a monui alter I Sfl am I nCr S1 Iliai TTl as T I PIW1 dTkW VTi i a mmm S k 1 p es ( 1 f t --i i .i j i i . i air. cinsey naq eaarge oi tne school, estate wnere the plant is bealihy, and . " -MV w" ana desenea. un rnday but Corporal ia addition to making some improve where the worms have not destroyed, naission to his majesty. When a fatal . J. Wall came into town axid left In neots to the baildintr. hA furnisked the new t-rnwth. the nrninect for a blow is struck at one's character through the direction of Robertson's home. -- m. . rv.. . i tkfl lower room witlr the Triumph top crop is fair, and, with favorable him they simply say amen thereto and deserter, arresting ry comfortable, Mr. Kbsey. fwl- improved, though not much, if the Thus is seen the evil efTects of "Pro- Ing that the preservation of his health the top crop in Texas, Arkansas, and i.:vlt5h fKm u ... reqnirtd mora active out door exer- Tennelee 5oes mator;, it will miteri- " 0Ot SUC? cise. retired from Lha minmL .f UV AA tn iK ,i.M i tU K,.t tiling known in this country; and such thachool last June; and it may well A special telegram from Gen. Ha-' a vnt started there would have he said of him Well done thou good en of the 'Si jiml Service Bureau, Wash been P"bably instead of two Dead ana Ultniul servant." It is now un tueton. indicates that the heavv raius in tbe puce a ball dozen. This Saturday we called on young Robertson and round him writing a letter to his wife. After he had gotten through we asked him If he had any explanation to make: If so, Tiik Plakt would ghra him the benefit of it. Ills reply was, that "be wanted no d n explana tions," whereupon we left fully con vinced that he was civen over tn hard der tbe management of two of his pu which have generly fallen throughout U a lesson that has been taught us by nL nf hrf ZlS 2IIr 3153 til. N v p. a - i v .u ;... i t. . oi6 Lw ... J ness of heart andreprobacy ofmind 5., ..w. . .wun uu w. x. vuuuu uth atui o vyv-k. iuui uic jiosi, - xapeneDce ut war wscoer' He is a bad boy. Tbe lightest punish- oyner, both graduates of the Uiiiver- have iujured the grade r.f the unDick it is said. Can we hope to profit under mcnt for desertion la two years in the sity and whe excellent talents, high ed cotton, and must, for a time, have the presence Regime," in the future? penetentiary. He left with shackles on. character, indiutryand lit -Durham Plant. tainraeuts, reuder them eminently El maturing of Uie cwp. Telegraphic re- k nS forthe work of teachers, while the ports mention light frosts in parts of ,"J -" FrlKhtlul Aecldeut. heart aupport eiven them attesU Tennessee. Arkansas, and northern U1 ux XJV7U1' J 1 I " I .! l " www. of worklac porua4lo fact UU aowly iavtM4 macUao mMm la tk awat roaiploto ao4 pit twtx oaarr 8lrLlC.lTY. BTUTJtGTH. DURJtBILlTT 4 KCOMOKCT. nuniiiMfintiM caospooa aaaraiM rrrr offr4 U tfco tr4. 8oa4 foe ctrvalar aa4 rV tut aa4 yo win rtar toy oay aOr. Wo toy Jrt froaa U vktUMtokMN. Wo mU4U mm yy. AwArmm TAYLORS POLLOCK Nov. 10, 3t IUnatoa, N. CL MACHINE SHOPS. 1 1 a he o O . a i t a . their merit aa ttarho.o TK .,.;. To.. .Wl. -;il . .,,!-l.i - v;n the hope of resurrection. When the no"a cciaens occurea at tne steam class, reonirin? tha u.o of ihr. ni.n. L.fl nil tko iMmirl irn.Kik mAltm ancel of tbe Lord sounds his trumnet at cotton gu belonrms to . .'..A 1 i . 17. e i - .... , ' I Air. wwh is., namer on tne iiariess- w, ia nut unaerioe aoie management tne ens nee lor a top crop in those States j jaugmeni more percnance, I vhic road, thirteen milea from this of Miss Louise M. Daniel. The following percentage of each perchance it may be thou wilt spring up phv. hut Friday. George Smith, a lhe citxiens of La Grange and the State a cron ia renurted atill fmliinr . . " ' .i i ---- ------ surrounding country ceserve much and liable to mate a top crop: North credit for their liberality in erecting Carolina, 30 per cent&outh Carolina, ao commodious a building for their 20 per cent. : Georgia 23 per cent. ; chool. H shows that they are fully Alabama 16 per cent. ; Mississippi 20 aroused in thecause of education. They per cent. ; Louisiana, 18 per cent. ; are now agitating the question of a Texas, 45 per cent. ; Arkansa, 25 per Graded School, and when the next cent. ; and Teuneasee 37 per cent. ; legislature meets, they expect to be the average for the entire country be heard from. The population of our ing 26 per cent, of the crop, township will justify one and the in- The repoarts ia many instances men terest of our town demands it. Noth- tion that the Tie Id of lint cotton from log can add so much to the welfare of i seed cotton is Very light, and that the a community as a good school and ! result of sinninz showea it Ube small the establishment of . these schools er than reported last month. It is also a . .1 ougni not to oe leu to private teach-j noted that the bales are very light. ert,-for tt Is enough for them to per- the cotton being dry and fluffy. It ia form their arduous duties in the 1 impossible to pet as full weight of cot- schoolroora. Let the Ux payeia come ton into the balea as was the case last . to their relief as a establish a graded year. school, vi! a:i alwne can cause an era ; On the above show, a fair estimate u! pru; :r.i v tu dawn upon us.' , I of the crop of 1831 would be about IxcoGsriTA. 4,500,000 bales. JV. Y. Sun. from the bondare ! - '"T UUiU r 51-", a-1 botb practical and experienced work- Inof mnf An mov I.- 4-1. . and with erim cijange aout I mcQ wbo tuxrMU. t rir. xixuj UU lUhUU UU uic Buatuiid .uuc uia miuuDriT waa i i .. n . . and sepulchral in motion," when his shirt sleeve was -SATISFACTION.- -K "-"" C will, every IacIU I -it i.ut jroit rivB xi:aiih r .r . . m w m n r rw.V9 III. M4tk I. " v. WU-k J M Ilamer was in intonewneffs of life redeemed, regenera- j of Mr. Enos Smith, wha is employed ted and disenthralled of thy environments ghastly countenance voice point to thy enemies and exclaim caught, and his right arm waa complete- Cat the wreck of human around) Thoo cans't V . . eu.M uui lootr gwj locu me." rmg and . had the engine stopped. We win draw the curtain oer thia i When he reached innith b foond him in picture I recur to more pleasing themea.1 a looPinS condition . with the left hand Mr. Jno. P. Brogden and Miss Laura irZTw, . r ' ..u . . . , , , . hg torn off. In answer to the question rntchett were mar ied last Thuwday Hf be was hurt." replied thathia arm evening the 27th mst. S o'clock' sharp, was torn off. , He was Immediately re- They seem to be happy and wbo would moved to bis dwelling and surgical aid not under the circumstances? many meet fJTfv- ,7 sodetperaU ,4. j. . J !T that nothing could be done, bet to make with disappointments m life, they wffl him comfortable. The wo IslS 5 5 a 5 H ? ? w w O 0 J5 O W w tm - is (3 r t " Bs-S 3 sa m x 8ifi:irr Musia htoolh Any, kind ofMalcal Instrument or 3rcrcIjniidlM not !o ordcrrU. TIIK V11L.IZU ft ATEl OlSQUIXirrTn EVERY PIANO AND ORGAN WARRANTED. yc t jib bi;ll tjii: . Light running New llorao Sewing Macliino C OMD-'ISflU- simplicity. Xaraljility txna 33cmity. Every part of each machine is made of tbe BEST MATERIAL. case-hardened and raado adju? table so that after loDg usage. od warrate a - i , . I c 2 j s i if . i r t KE 2COW IX 0M3UT10S USD EX T(Z MAKAODfEXT Or Tf. II. HARDING and A Li, IIIM OF SCTAIX VOU 3IACHINERY o omu SHOP TFOItK. done promptly. AGETB FOR TALBOTO PAQITO B00KWALTEE and other Undines. Price oora hefora baying elaewher. AdJrraa marry "lis in accordance with the Uni- j be wu not Instantly lUled. At hut ao versal law. The world must be kept 1 coonU he waa still Uvin?. nerfertlT mb. moving: and -this ia the only way: scioua and auflering no r, So hopes, KISSTON MACXICKE W0EK8 war that never ha nor ran h Imnn-. . -- - . w mm mm tu tWUUUX UIJN I - ea utton. rf .n tp.k. -.;-. I . - i tvn,cvimii, 1JT7 If KW8TOX, "Wo have been sclllnir the NEW HOMJ for more than two ycir. Tliey liixvo Vccn tiioirxuc:lily t era ted and jjlvcn SATISFACTION I IV EVERY INHTAN CE. WE HAYE OTHER MACHINES IN ST0GK3 THE BEST ' MACUI.YK OIL .LYJ) YEEDLES F0S DIFFERENT MACHINES OX UAXD. agents vat;te:d. Address or call and sec its next dccrtoJJrs.AEMi&rt FANCY DRY GOODS STOKE: Oct 27, 3m. XilQS-ee zT Tillies''

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