THE JOURNAL. H. S. NUNtf, : : i'tttta. 0, W. HOWARD AiMtUte. KlKS TO N, N. C. THURSDAY, DEO . 15 , 1881. lleetingr of Justices Impor The chairman of the Board of Jiis ticei for Lenoir county has called a meeting to be held on the 1st Monday fn January at which time two Impor tant matter! wfll probably be brought before them to be actedupon. 1. The election of Justices and of ficers for the Inferior Court, or abol lhiog the Court altogether. We be lieve the law requires 90 days notice to be given before the Court can be abolished, and as this notice has not neen given, the Justices, if they think the Court ought to be abolished, can enly give the notice and call another meeting and pais opera it before smother term is held. As to whether the Court sheald be abolished each iuttice should endear or to inform himself. It is. well .known fact that civil snitors have not the facilities contemplated by the Constitution of the State, for having their rights adjudicated. The regu lar terms of the Superior Court are consumed entirely by the criminal docket; and this fact has caused the question to be raised, does the In ferior Court materially aid the Su perior in clearing the docket. And again, would it not be cheaper, and Drive more ceneral satisfaction, to abolish the Inferior Court and have two special terms, if necessary, of the J Ai Pfidcen. 14.00 for two davs 1 term of So peri or Court 1881 services on the finance committer. " Jas. K. Davis, Sheriff, $55.50 ieai ' J. F. Pa rrott, 2.22 for lumber and m insolvent cases dupoeed of at rail laths furnlahed the county jail. term &.C 188U . J. B. Rouse, $3 00 for closing the W, A. Coleman, J. P., $10.50 fees Court House fcc. for the month of in insolvent cases at Fall term of 8. November. C. 1881. - G. W. Caple, 7.52 out of the no B. W. Canady, Mayor, $1.10 fees fence tax f$r labor on new fence and in insolvent cases Fall term 1881. , ' ernr in tax on land ootside of the f The following witness's, Justice's fence. i ami Usnsuoie lee weie aiiowea in Dr. F. M. Hountree, $700 out of Insolvent cases disposed of at Fall ihA nn fnce tax for fence furnished, term 1881: B. L. Taylor, Register of Deeds. - Charles Wilson, witness, in case of presented his official bond justified bv 8tate vs Caroline King, 15.75. Nathan Hill, Jas. Pridgen and 6. HI Benj. Wilson, witness, incase of AKWt It vu accented bv the State vs Caroline Kin. 15.15. . Board and erdered to be recorded. Amos Hutch ins, witness, in csjf of Ju. K. Davis. Sheriff. presented 8tate vs Caroline King $5.20. Ki offirUl KnnH with Psmnl Lnftin.l J. M. Mewborne. J. P.. in Case of J J,. Canadv. Jno. B. Davis. N. J. SUU vs Stephen Boards, .55. Mnnr. R. WfWdv. R- W. Kini?. I W. H. Tavlor. Const, ifr 'Cafe of John R. Phillips, H. H. Moore and State vs Stephen Boards. .72 Jemima Jenkins, witness. In case of State vs Luke Jenkins, and Ehza Del mond, $1.20. - Lacy Phillips, witness m case of stato vs Peter Sumreil, $25. J. W. Boose, witness. In case of State vs Peter SomrelL 12.20, Ceasar Croom, ' witness, . m case of State vs Chancv Gray and F. M. Has kins, $1.05. ..J .'. ftnilbert Sutton, witnt? s. in esse of State vs Chancy Gray . and F. M. Has-; not m stock wffl be ordered kins, $1.80 D. B. Howard, witness, hi case 'of State rs Chancey Cray and T II. lias- Jas. Dill, witness, in case of State vs John B. Davis,c$1.30. Itew Advertisements. conn to Tun SANTA CLAUS Scalable Present for cnlldrett and grown people, all of which most be sold. Call and compare prices. Any presents at short notice If desired. Dec 15, 2t Hath an bTAifir. Wiley Lowery as sureties. It was ac cepted and ordered to be recorded. Jas. G- Cox, C oroner, presented his official boud with James W Cox and John A. Polloce suritie. It was accepted and ordered to be recorded. W. W. N. Hndter presented his of- ficial hnnd with Jno. W. Sutton Wiley Lowery, Thos. A. Heath, Lew is II. Fiher and John W. Collins as sureties, It was accepted and ordered to record. Ben Uzzell, witness. In case of State Avi Caroline Jlcod, $12.00. v'SANi"Bright, witness, incase of State Jno W, Pate, witness, in' case, off vs Caroline' Hood, 19.30. J IT L,f T ' - . 11 f y Jesse 'Aianaee. witness, ucuo oi State vs Caroline, Hood, $10.55. Richard Wb ftfield. witness, in case of Slate rs Caroline Hood, $11.40. Eancy Wartcrs, witness, in case ef i State vs Caroline Hood, $12.20. La Grancc Acndcmy, La Grange, K. C - 9th 1SS2. Spring Term opens Jan. State vs Stephen Boards, $3.17. J. F. Skinner, witness, in aao of SUte vs Stephen Boards, .95. V" Peter Mewborne, witnes, in case of State vs Francis Dawson, $4.10. ' Wm. Benton, w itness. in case of taf va Fi-btmmb Divintt tft.SO. C. H. Hughes, witness, incaseAf ' B. L. Taylor was allowed $24.60 for Sute vs Matthew Fields and Mary 2 days services wit the Finance Coxn Jackson, $2.30. t roittee, 2 " days services as Clerk of C. Dail. witness, in case of State vs Board and Issuing 165 orders at 10 cents Aiaunew iriuas ami Msry vf0B.j each. On motion Board adjourned to meet The followine officers filed their of jm -sr . tr y . t t . gm I A w Mk facia renorts: jas. uavis nnrm fi.J. tv. W. W. Hnoter. C. S. C; Chat.- F. W. J. Uorton, witness, jn case ox Harvey, CI. C; Benj. 8utton, Treas- State vs Sanders Howell, $2.8, Brer and B. L. Taylor Register of Fred Jones, witness, 'in case of Deeds .Th ir reports were accepted State vs Sanders Howell, $2,30, and ordered to be recorded. I Charles Lankstou, witness, in case The committee appoiuted at last of State vs Saudtfrs Howell, $3,05, . I , iff warn - ' - , meeting to lay offa publio road in w, i.&uuon, witneu, m case oi Institute township submitted a repcrt SUte vs Uooper Aldnrtge, I1.7Z. 1st Monday in January. Swunsboro Scrappliicjs. Spelling Bee met on the 25th l The first prize was carried off by Oct. Miss Expenses for session of Twenty Weeks: Tuition $3.00 to $20.00. Music (Including use of Piano) StS.OO Board ' . td.OO to $10,00. Miss LtKilse M. Daniel will continue la charge of the Musk Department. ' Our references are all our patrons or the past session. For circulars and full particulars ad dress ROUSE & JOTXiEK, dec 15 6t PtincipoU. 350.000 -ore BRICK FOB tSAT-OE By J. P.PAEEOTT. Jjpply at Parrott's Mill, dec 15 4& Kinston, JV. C. NOTICE. .STOCK THE IiABGEST, TRlUbS LOWES? FAHtEST DEALING. . ...-. wrr tyt i Ttf .. TTE ' AllE TIIK UMil liuuaii l .aixTi . &??xciTy One JPs'ico II sarea tirae. It saTes money. It larcrrt fair d?sLaj to ocr ev You can send a child fr goods as J gtt th.eia as' chrsp as thocji fat i jocrself. Goods plainly marked In Cgwta- Ttere can U no dectpos, i SQUARE: DEALING & GOOD GOODj B member tb dlsUnction between Good Goods cbtsp. and CIt i We Veep no raper bottom Shoes or shoddy sta?, sad jtt wi sell at tsas vj that many charge for such. . v I If Tooant JLiry Uoouh, inouoiib, uunerj', J CLOTHING ;&c &o. and,' la fact, almost anyth'.nj that J cm srsat to bay. Come totU 1 Doub!e Stors, nearly opposite the Court Hoes. .Remember place and that wa taTs max ted Gcxxis Cow U 14 PrVJfa. TENNESSEE WAGON which was accepted and approved. A. r. Smith was released from pay ine a poll tax, beingr - a resident of Wayne county and listed through mistake. - Br holamew Fields and Benj. uawson were reieasea from paying poll tax on account of bodily infirm- -Allen Croom was released from Superior Court each year, for the trial hpaying tax'on 53 acres of land valued of civil causes alone. 2. The erection of a Poor House is a question that ought to claim the at tentiou of the Board of Justices and the County Commissioners. The proper care of those who have been so unfortunate as to be thrown, in a helpless condition, upon the Cold charities of the world, should be the first consideration with those who have the management of our public charities, The monthly allowance in money made by our Commissioners is sometimes insufficient. We know of eases where actual suffering would have been the result had it not been for the gorerosity of the people living been listed to him Jesse Hill, witness, in case of State vs Cooper Aid ridge, $1,45, W. C. Fields. J. P.. in esse of Stat vs Sarah Michel! & others, ,90, Hatelton Rountree, witness, in case of State vs Frank Mitchell and N,M, Suez. ilO. Const of Pitt co, in case of Stile vs Frank Mitchell and N, M, Sugg, ,72, Jno. L. Ives, Const., fees in insolvent cases 13.07. Jai. Vause, witness, in case of State vs Frank Mitchell and N. M. Suggs, $235 Betsey Canady. witness, iu case of State va Frank Mitchell and N. M. Sugg, 11.80. . Ancy Martin, witness, in case of State vs Frank Mitchell and X. M. Sugg, 11.60. CP. Gaskins, witnes. In case of Kena Smith, and the second by MastTSrTATV or worth r a ei.ra - , . Augustus Pittman. Next meeting niATOIRrou-t?. sr wot Friday night Dec 16th. Every o4y rssosstcs Jss, ruuus N L t invited to come. v Asta f at 265, it having through mistake. W. W. . Denny was released from paying tax on $496., "all other per sohol property," he having listed $4. insU-ad of 1400. Htildah Kennedy was released from the ,no ence tax- in Falling Creek township on 159 acres of land valued at $588., it having beed listed twice. TEU8DAT. i i l j . . X)o;ru u.t-lCcorglo.njuurnmrni gutevg Frank iIitchell Md K M . a jrcetaoa to aisw me loiiowmg g jurors for the special term of the Su- T perior Court to be held on the 4th in this place on the nicht of the 24lh in st. for the children of Swansbcro and surrounding country- All donations, with name pf person for whonj it Is In tended, will be left at the store - of Mr. E. W. Mattocks where the will find a box prepared for the purpose. It is hoped that Uie community will respond liberally and let . the little folks have a good time. F. Jones County Items. TfeU seUoa U lnUtoi4 by U Tor prtJk fUaS. mmd ih D ftsdftat CUi C Jooh to fcrtbr Ufl4 s4 r- vlr4 to p4mt st my vOe la ts Covrt Uom fLesoir County om or Wfor ts Utsdftyat Jasasry list sad tturtror 4t mar t tS Ca pUUt wlic 0 pIsiaUiT kaa S!cS la said OS mt Jadciavat vtll b rvWtrYd ta faTor of U Ftala Uff for ts rtUt dmaadtd ta Um caUlst. DIM Ww. W.N. UCTCTnt, ark. t SALE. BT TELEGRAPH. I will sell for cash at public sale at my residence on Wheat swamp In Len Amnne the live merchsnts at Pol- olr county, on the SOtn or tccemPrf a loksville, J, W, Sheppard standin portion of my personal property, con the front rank. He has proceeded I aistine of corn, fodder, horses, bogs. We have a splendid lot of Tonncw-co AVnfct: which we guarranteo to be the ncatcit and belt ever brought to this market, and 'will sell thera very tiq S5T CALu A.ND 3TJ lUUL i MILLER c OVIVJVDY. Monday in January: Muraford Brew- er, &. t: tsutum, jarman isecton, Squ:re M. Jones col., B. H.JLoftin, C. 8. Wooten, John Simmons, C. P. Barrow, R. T. Daughety. Ellis Jen- in the neighborhood of the helpless kins, col., J. L. Smith, J. B. Pollock, pauper who had received a small pit tance in money' from the county to smooth the rugged path to the grave. In cases of this sort a Poor house properly rr.annceil, would be much Johnson Carter, George W. Webb, I G. Taylor. Frank Grant, Walter Jackson, Joel Elmore, A R Miller. L. W. Dawson, Stanton Kennedy, col. The following were drawn for the better. Taking the experience of our January term of the Inferior court: neighbor and sister county of Jones, we might urge the erection of a Poor house as i n matter of economy,, A few years ago the . paupers of that county cost the tax payers between AS SAA A f AAA rvl A i.ouu ana-tz.uuu, ine nrst year the Poor house was orected they, cost only about 400, and tl we are not mistaken we had information a short ttme ago, from the Register of Deeds of that county, that the plan was still working well. It is claimed that up l .i ou tnis pian tne tjommissioners are less liable to be imposed upon and the needy are better provided for. We oo not favor offering a premium for pauperism, but those who really need the assistance of the county should be eared fer in a decent and comfortable i Jjt the Magistrates in the county . thinklf these tilings and come to the ' raettUin January prepared to act Samuel Warwick col., L. H. Fish er, col., W. H. Waller. John Simp- kins, Henry Archbell, R. E. Daly, w. k. Kerre . W. O. Mose bt. R Frank Sutton,' W. E. Faulkner W. E. Hines, Emanuel Daughety, P.B. Erwin, Jas. H. Taylor, Jno H. Ave ry, Thomas Jarmon, S. H. Abbott. S. S. Howard. W. M. Nettles. Geo. A. Jackson, Edwin Taylor, J. C. Carter, Geo. W. Warters, Moses Stubbs. col. J G. Erwin, Thomas iZitrvev. Henrv Hicks. W. A. Jones, A. G. Coward and L. M. Hardy. Mrs. Robert Koroftray was releas ed from tax on $300. valuation of lands.. Mrs. E. A. Jackson was released from tax ou $800. valuation on land in Woodington township. June Murphy, being over fifty years old, was released from paying poll tax.. .; . . Benj Sutton, county treasurer. came forward and presented hs offi cial bond with I ho. Button, Daniel Sutton, Seth West. W. H, West. Jas. T. Ball. J. D. Sutton. Jno. C. Woot- cautiusly and straight forward deal ing fairly and squ.-rely until he has built up a thriving business. Will Foy is preparing to erect a steam saw and grist mill with a 20 horse power engine, on Chinquapin, The Young people of Trenton are preparing for a social party sometime during the christmss holidays. Mrs, Jane Parker, an aged lady, after long suffering, died at her son's residence near Piny Grove Isst Fri day, She was buried in Trenton on Suuday last. m '--'SSsVSaSS" Goldsboro Items. Ed, Journal: Our usually quiet little city has recently been enjoying several sensations of an exeiting char acter. The first and most iotereUioj perhaps, was a breech of promise of manage suit, Allenvs Administrator of Baker, tried 'at our last term of court, -.The Wiginal defendant Baker died about.jrears ago, after the insti tution's f Ure suit and his sdminutra tors Wep substituted in his place. It wai undents nd the first case of the kind ever tried in the state and excited a great deal of interest. Able council on both sides argued the case fully and the plaintiff, an attractive looking young lady, recovered $2,000 in damages. The defense had taken witness' In case ofl numerous exceptions during the course C L. Rountree, J. P., m cane of State vs George Collins and Matilda Coward, .70. W. H. Ilardee, witness, in case. of 8tate vs .,W. Whitaker, $1.25. Jno. L. Tilghman, witnes, in case of State vs F. W.hltaker, $2.15.1 C. W. Joyner, witness, In case of State vs F. W. Whitaker $1.25. Wm. Benton, witness, in case of State vs F. W. Whitaker, $1.90. Stephen Willis, witness, in case of State vs Abram Williams, $1.55. Daniel LincoS, witness, in case of SUte vs Abrtsi Williams, $2.05. Miles Popjs? witness, in case of State vs Abrantilliams, $2.25. MaryJJ. Artis, witness, In case . of Jstate vs Abram Williams, $2.20. Bettie Willis, witness. In case of -State vs Abram Williams, $2.25. 5 V Dinah Austin, witness, in case of State va Abram Williams, $2.05. Jas. II. Kinsey, witness, m case of State va Balam Davis, $2.50 J. P. Haskitt, 6tate va Balam Davis, $2.05. B. F. Smith, Const., ofDnplin co. in case of State vs James Winn,. $3.10. Maundy Mosley, witness, in case of State va James Winn, $2.40. , Joshua Wilson, witness, in case cf State vs James Winn, 12.40. W. T. Oast, Const, in case of State vs Simon Jteaves, .65. Rufus Smith, in case of State vs Si. mon Reaves, $2.50. milch cows, one steer, cotton seed. sweet potatoes, seedst rice, several hives of bees, fsrmlng utensils and other articles too tedious to mention. Dec 15th 1351. Jas. II. Bell. aaaMaaaBaaBattBBaaWaaBaBaSBa ADMINISTRATOR'S K0TICE. YES 'TIS A FACi of the trial and went up to preme court on them, Another sensation of Taa aadrrat4 aavlat Wta appelated qaallfled a aJmlaUtralHx of tW aatata ' 4 Caarlf Tllsbaaaa dtc'4 brb ftr aUcUan prea aarlas cUima aalMl j4 4'4 I fr MttkaM the aa4trlxa4 ropr1 aatbaUa tad acor4iac talaw a or &1of la lMa da C Pcrmbr 111) t UU a otic vlH b aUad la bar t thlr raowrry. All proa Ia4pte4 iW talo(aida'd wUl nak rJal to ta wtik oatdtlaj. . GsoaoiaTitSHMAir Dmmbcrltiit AdmtmUtrmtrlM BOTTLED BEERJ 7ROM BEBOENNEE fcENGEL'S IUILADELPUIA I3IIEWERY In Dozens or Crates, for sale by JAMES REDMOND Wholesale and Iletail Dealer in LIQUORS, WINKS, cuocmuKs, CIGARS, Ac Hiddle Street, Dec. 8 2m NEWBEBNE, N. C. OCEAN HOUSE 11 11 1 111 j ULAUtUlU. r. U. I Wt taUrtata!rtar ymm k .ti w..i'ti.tMi ' iu rva ra uu wt 4aria( taia wuur aa4 an aar Vj Hr W. O.ur.Saaiara a akJ. u.tou.),tr. I FAMILY GltOCCRlD, TVtSaaUliaald la iba caml rrt et taa I . Uiwa. im ik-r. 3 Ctiltm iiU m tUfrm tt mS, a4 rr-i2y met cinio.ti r7 .ie.ti 1:2 hides rra ------MMMHMMMHHai. and dcot yeo forrtt U.M MTtiuf i m twy tu w, u t f crab a a largarvomraflbatfwyta ( mflm, Ir ! IX B. TAYLOR BUY j.aroLLocr. nj hi y f i I if K If li IL - WCST JL DO rrv.9.i Ktirrts t J V-i " Z t - 4 - - ire r.cncrwn ill rrrW P.I i- i :y'rsn:l IV cur Cs.uU-t 1 " . "" -MiffEnmrarSrj a m somewhat :t yrr ttTRVirUT.' ' . different kind occurred last Thursday QZZ1 TcfJ r when a store on EaslCenter 6t, occn- Y 5TTTSA pied by Mr, W. I. Edwards as an hi k lllyj J ( oyster ssloon was discoyered to be on ( C rXJETTTlAJt 6re, The fire soon spread to another h' rjnznrt i - . . I 7 frame building in the same row aad to the brick store used as a bar room by Mr, no,W, Edwards and all these were soon ah'ate. The build- DrvJ. P. Bryan, expert. In case of inC hurt,ed belonged to Mr, Stephen Ukn rrw TmM. tub xku mm teticu tlid ikeiis; Tklm M4fciat ImHg a irWli artr frwam taa ardla7 Jjl at atar pcm.imli all ta a4aaUaaOiriarkUa. at4 f tll't a lacrvawd raa( al tara, iia ts grva i tm I kit mt rairaile aa4 rJcUa af aaaiaar t raU aarvaadla ImiUH ir Uai4 akaaaiat rostaiaaa ta ta at cam pHf aa fr ft aaaaar BISirUClTT. TBCTll. EV1UIJIIJTT a ECONOMY. nasiacUUafcaataad aapst iUa mt flarad ta Uk lni. 8a4 faravvaUr aad rncaltot aad ra aa fCa MUdl Ma i aa. LUMBER. IlaTlnc pwthad llie risw y-f erty of the late Ionoksr2 U Co. I am now prtarad lo fart br en rrssonsltle Ums. Jcai SLS l!3l J.C Isuiliffibly sod to the best interest of en Sf" W- C- Sutton and"B. W. King Us county. 'Proceeding ot tho Board Commlsslouera of Lenoir Comity. i nc Doaru met ai court nouse on Monday Dec. 5th 1881. Present, li. Hanrey, Chsirrosn, S.H. Roun t ree, A. W. W hitfield and W. II West. Por orders to the araouut of $140 wers-nllowed for ths month of De ccniber. The following 'tucellaDeous orders were allowed; -'Y- J. W. Harpo ; four dollars for two two nights. as sureties which was accepted and ordered to he recorded. off vhss. b . iiarrey. Ulerk of the In- fenor Court. 'presented his official bond with Lemuel JI arret and S. H. Abbott sunties which was accented and ordered to be recorded. The Following Magistrates present- a . . ... ea meir omciai reports which were a accepted and ordered to be recorded: W: F. Lnftin. Sam, H. Ronntree. A. state vs West Vaose, $10.00. ' Dr. J. A. Pollock, expert, in case of SUte rs West Vause, 410.00. J. G. Cox, witness, in case of Stato ys West Vause, $2.10. Charles Brinkler, witness. In case of SUte vs WestVanss, $6.45. J. T. AldridgeV, witness, in Stato vs West Vause. $6.45. Alfred Dunn, -witness,, in SUte va West Vauce, $6.40. Donaa' Davis, witness, in SUte.vs West Vause, D6.40. Jo. r. bcarboro. witness in cass or dajs sorvicesjj finance committee. Miller A Cnnady $18. for store. W. Whitfield, W. H. West, and L. Harvey. The followinsr orders were allowed: Wiley Lowery $12,00 for himself SUte vs Redmond Carr, $5.10. u uff guarua ioif gusramg ujojau Hittie Harper,: witness, m SUte vs Redrnotia Carr, $4.55. s . W.Tayl6f. $7.50 (or turning the pipe and fixtures for Registers office! c.l T?! fa drawer and atlinding to bridge across A. J.. Loftin . S25 fur services as StAta Rcdmond Cafr W.00. Neuse river. ; county attorney for Six months end- Weston AMridge, witness. In W H. West, 13.00 for roakinc coffin for Nancy Dsosfcety, a pauper. John C. Hay. $3.00 for makiug coffin for Susan Pate, a pauper. Wiley Lourey; 9165.35 for feeding prisoners in ine coiiuir jail ine Jan. 1st 1882. Nunn&LaRnque il.67 for burvinc domes iurnisnea ior cusan rate, a pa oner Ai W. Whitfield $5.3Q for two davs services as Countv Commissioner TT r " .V A S n a a a a I - fxi. j d. runu, f ix-ou tor publishing and 26 miles traveL proceedings of the Board the first L. Harvev $8 00 fo?io davs services quarter ending Deo. 1st 1881. as County Commissioner and 2 days U. D. Alley, .70 for puttine lock on finance committee. - Lou the Court room door in the Court W. H. WesL $5 00 for two dsva Ilouse. services .as Countv Commissioner and SP. Loftin, 16.47 lor lumber 22 miles travel. - 8. H. Rountree $4.40 for two days services as County Commissioner and 8 miletr travel. W. W. . Hunter, a 8. C $112.. .4, fees in insolvent cases disposed of i at Fall term of Superior Court 1881.1 casof SUte vs Redmond Csrr, $5.10. Alice Yarborocgh, witness, in case of SUte vs Redmond Carr, $5.10. tim Peterson, witness, in case of SUte vs Redmond Carr, $10.90. Julia Best, witness, incase of SUte vs Joseph $1.60. W, Isler and were not insnred. iTis loss is estimated at $800. M Jno W. Edward's building and stock were in sured for $1. 00 which fully covers his loss. The JTuraphrey House as in great danger it caught fire several times and was save only by the most untiring energv. It was damsesd to case of the extent of $500 fully covered by insurance. Uur Are company m case ofl ther Chemicle Engine did good ser vice. Our old citizens are passing away ne bv one. On the nij:ht of the 4th Mr. P. H, Gregory, for many years a prominent citizen died at his resi dence in this place. It is our pleasant dnty to record the marisge of Mr. ienrv Shannon case oil " aiibs iuue usuowav, wnicn tons: place at the residence of the bride's father in this place last Thursday evening. Rev, Mr. Robey officiatine. On Saturday evening last Mr. Jno. B. tt. TXXXT CO, BusU. case of case of IIsarpcr'M AV'eekly, "ILLUSTRATED. BoxytT' ITfHy Ud at tSa Ba4 af AaMrV caa 11 1 a tr 14 wakljr Jarala. Bj Ka aaaar.1 Uaaa SwUotaaUtlca,luaaUraatamaauaiteaa IU caralatljr caoa t,rUU, ktUa, aa4 i aeatrtbata4 ay Ua form.oi artiu aa4 aaUkara o taa daj. It carrtea taatractkm aa4 aatanala. aat ta taaaaa4 t Aaitilcaa aoaaaa. It WUI alwaja ba fa aiat af tba paatUWta masa Brprm, Wtklg Ua aaaat papaUr aa4 attracuvt IxmUj aawapaaar ta Ua warfct. HARPER'S PEIilODICALa Per Yen ussrEns wxexlt . UAJIPEB'S XIAZAB . TAYLOlt lOLIXCK Nov. 10, 3t Kltiatosi. N. C BAKERYI AKO Candy Factory. sua I Taa TirREE aVova paVUcaUaaa. Aay TWO tWrt aaal S4 I -S4 -Ivssa -rrxe! -si W, Edwards was joined in the bonds of mstrimonv to Mias Mollia Millard an exceedingly attractive yoang lady Mr, Bonits says that his opera honse will be opened on the 21st with Paten and Clara Paten, a very fine com nan and hrft we are to be favored by all the best furnishMthe county bridge and jail. Wiley Towery, 9o.7o lor nails and candles furnished for the jail and for hauling coal, saw dust to the Court House. - :- '."'-v: Jas. K. Davis, Sheriff, $9.00 for himself and Jury for layiug offa pub lie road in Institute township. Jorden Best, witness, m case of SUU I tupes. With this highly gratifying I HUmwr wtwa ta vs Josepn Paten and Cora Paten, $1. CO. PJfCe of intelligenca I close, G I wr afwr tka rt- J. M. Kornegay, witness, m case of f N n r-Hi.M. . , -SUte vs Asa Howard and others, $.80-9) f 1 1 3l L v I 1 1 Qi Wm. Coker, witness, m case of sUte U LnA U L3 UVl U XsJ ys Asa Howard and others, $1.30. G. W. Jones, witness, in case of State vslsa Howard and others, $1.75. Jennettee Peavrce, witness,- in case of Wa MntXsaa to act astoacftors far TwUmU. Cavaata, Casada. Caha, KafUad. rraaca, Oaraaiar. atcTws SSvaaadUartr-ATayaaas-aariWaiea. rtanuoUatuyoataaaaraajUta4tataaSq Samnc Avnucis. Tau terra ai4 apiaadlit lUoa- i 1 iTirrrnr a l iniiwi iimiiia w acTaaea. u owui uaiioway, eol. $-l'z.lU, fees m DUllc T jUIW weusous ana r.uzi iJCS- cireamw. Atxrm ucsx a co, ruaat soocs- . - i mo a ai acTirnnc aiitucii. S7 rarx ORd, $1.20 yTcrtu IlaaaaacAaapatrwatafca. 4 - ---- v w m intolrent oases disposed of at Fall HARPER'S TOUJIQ rtnwT HAKrmxiOiziii UAEPEX-S nUKXXX PQ.U1JLE LTB&AST, I vaa i aar (2 nmmmtn iTtt f9Uf rrm to ail aarir ta tU CmUM Stato ar Oaaaila. Tsa Talaaaaa af Ua WUg Wfta vtta tW trrt Wamaerfor Jaaaaxy mt x yar. WVra a tijaa It maatleawt, tt ami W aadtaa4 taal laa um wlOa tXa !Taa racaiaa af artfaf. Taa laat Tala Aaaaai Talaaaa al ILtaru'i Wsksxt. ta at a I iMk Matflaf. wm W atat ar PK. mr ay axaraaa. fraa al arsaaaa (praaidaS Um frrc aaa axtaa4 aaa aNatlar par TOlawaJ far S7.C4 aaaa. , CJotk Caaaa for taa h)ib, aaltaala far Wadlat. ana ba Mat aj saaU, aavnald. am raeatat af SlS0aca. , Bamlttaaaaa aaaatld V- ada hj rH OOaa l aj orsar ar Urmrt, to aaa44 caaaaa af laaa. XrwrrKTS N aaf to rr md9rtUmmJ attlntUitwrtmHit... a j AAraaIIA&r3aXn:OT1XZS5. rarTark. X ta srrfarM to far aaaaur ttaraa SUraaAats raaaran ama rara aa4 aaa4altor4 Cka4toa aa4 OaaAafi my i aaaaaiartara. OAKZS A riDI aa:i 4rirUaa. WkaWaU A attaU. jiuxuv AuciinnLu 2xt Aaar to J. A. mf era. AT AUCTION! OatVa ISDay DwaWr toi 1 vtn fun for aaa to kliWM Mrfaar at mj tmrm S iaiW rta af Kiaatoa a tot af Or. r4 Jr. V(r 1 Cart taalaja tot af Ut alj aar FaraUc taato Ac Sato to aaaaaaaa at IS as A. M. aa a taa n Pay DinaiW X aaU at air rwiaMc to Tfcawaaatotaf UaaaaSaU aa4 XUuWa FaraV tart Aa. SaJta a4 1SJSA.HL P-a . Tl. C K.SAOITT. EXECUI0H3 liOTICD. XUftos aatSaS aa aiaraiaraf ta muu af Ja Waatra U d tr aWa to all 4Uara toararal tWr UJa"a aamWr lat isn ar Umm. IlaatoaAA to aar af iair rarattrr.- Dsar u tW aatota wUJ plaaar Sassa tmaiaf.Ufa atyiwiu A-J.IXITI - J.T.WDOTrX. PaclSU Attaraay. Lm.m. . WANTED. 20,000 Enshcls of Hcr-rh iUco. Winfamlth Hacks sind rsv L'-Lfst rasxket yrice. Uric2CTsj tirrr'.ci. K. C. IL IX. FREIilXAy. Xcv.21 Ccliibcro N. C TVorfolUa Viw I for the salt af Uottiin. T.nmKr V a a ali S citber IXcichaadUe. And dralrrs lo FrrcvUa Gkxs tr s!s&dsrd rertXrers. Hake Chersl cash aiTiaets slments 1 Yo apt sales aa4 f1 r turns. KovS3a. uix&tsvsifi ; troarc; MACHINE "sHOPi ACr SOW XX OITJIATXOX cxt KAAGtXtXT Or W. II. llAirmNO mod 0? j-xrxatee U SATISFACTIONV both IT.B JLAUUH12IOIK rraeiical SLad capsrWaeaJ ma who ALL XI3CL3 or XttTAtXi csemts j i HIIOl WOItlC ilone prcr 1 a aaa AGISTS FOB I TALB0T3 tnd ether Ero, Price curs ttf.-rs tcjirj rr A dirr ta kinston iiAcnn: TrcS1.

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