- - J 1 w T i , 1 ' ' al '-s. S. hi t Timl) ETZJtT BT iV.AnTi tv.lfaTnff MtJul 4 fill nishea on sppucaaoc ly advertisements pajsWe qout jrlj n advance. Professional cards, six Unes or lees, ten dollar biCrlplou-ln advanc, per jssr.aiO B Single copies, fire cenU, '. per annoR payable hail yeany in sarancc.- TlAmittanw mi ! mna ... htr rhwAi drift.- VOSt ' office money order, or registered letter, ty Advertisements disoon tinned before the tlm" contracted for has expired, charged transient rates for the time actually published. Communications containing items of local or general Interest respectfully solicited. Manusrlpts itended for publication must be written on oneeide , of the paper, and aooompanied by the name of the writer, as a guarantee of good faith. . Advtlstns taa J 0,?cn' rtjuonth.... 7 00 " nreiTe monthB .r.,..;- 12 C3 wr lx month .w . 85.00 Ifilf Utt,u Twelve months : . V 60 00 II ! i i ",-..,.. nix momns -co uo VOL. VIII. C : LENOIR; ,0.; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1882. 00 f twelTe months .. . 100 00 -in NO. J. 1 . m bb . - v-m s . i ii' f 11 ' " i h ..".':' w m m v m r- . , 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 " 1 ' " ' rs Ik. hM! 1mm Wife 'ft T THAT UMBRELLA OFFICE of -W ABiilLAOEl JBIEO ., August lst, .lS. Yo the Trade: iTi r f As it is our purpose a to find ifl if rk1or.o a nntc raaAinn rtVa-hnie Olir Wholesale bUS- f . S -Umbrella taken by a man iuess in all its Jiches lor me Detroit Free Press: T , , . 'During, the shower, yesterday, a citizen carrying a very wet umbrella, entered i a hotel to pay a call to some one up .stairs; ' After placing his um-j-brella Where I it might drain be wrote upon a piece of paper and pinned to it the sentence. . "N, B. This umbrella belongs to a man who strikes a 250 pounds blow back in fifteen minute." : He went his way up stairs, and alter an V absence fof fifteen minutes I returned ' to find bis umbrella gone who walks ten miles an hour won't be back at all T - (Doming Almost to Your Doors ! ! J T H E tt pi 0 0 HBT ifi 00 II coming fall trade, immediately, we shall, for the next 8 days,close our O 'gpirmm s HD-mmiimiir in all departments, at SIEIIG and as it is a class of goods exactly suited to the fruit season, if irier chants can find it clement to call on us at once we are sure they find johs that wiU ampl repay the visit. Very Respectfully, WAILILACE "BILL NYE'' ACCEPTS A POSTMASTEESHIP Washington, August 26. Among the latest commissions issued by Act. ing Postmaster General Hatton is one to 'Bill Nye.' lately appointed post master at Laramie City, W. T. Nye is the editor of a paper called the Daily Boomeramg. In accepting the nomina tion, he says: Laramie City, W. T., Aug. 19, 82, To My Dear General :I have received the news by telegraph of my nomination and. confirmation as post. , master at Laramie, and wish to extend my thanks fori the same. I have ordered an. entirety new set of boxes and postoffice outfit, including new corrugated cuspidorea for use of clerks. I look upon the appointmeut mvselt as a triumph of eternal truth over error and wrong. It is one of the epochs, as I may say, in the Nation's onward march toward politi cal purity and perpection. I don't know when I have noticed any stride in the affairs of State which so thor oughly impressed me with its wisdom. Now, that we are co-workers in the same Department, I trust that yon will not feel shy or backward in consulting me at any time relative to matters concerning Postoffica Depart ment affairs. Be perfectly frank with me, and feel perfectly free just to bring anything of that klud right to me. Do not feel reluctant because I maynt times appear cold and reserved. Perhaps yon think I do not know the difference between a general delivery window and a three emquad, but that is a mistake. My general information is far beyond those of my years. With profoundest regards, I remain sincerely yours. Bill Nye, P, M. PATTERSON, N. C. SATURDAY, SEP, 16THI Is the Fixed, Absolute find Unchangeable Bate of the 15) an iro 0) 11 U n 1 MAKE NO MISTAKE 1 BE SURE OF THE DATE OF THE COMING OF 3 1LES A MODEST SHOW- NEW STORE ! BETWEEN THE CENTRAL HOTEL AND ' THEJOSES lIOI78t NEW GOODS! SHaving just received from the WRlU ann 1 II J In this progressive generation, modesty in advertising is indeed a rarity and like all large corporations, big commercial enterprises, &c. we have learned to least expect it from a large travelling Menagerie and Circus. The celebrated Orton Shows, however, have proved themselves to be one of the few I exceptions in this regard. This oositive information end belief . . , n I - rr,mArnwnts.Cassi- i8 not only warranted by the knowl- consisting of abeauiliul line ot SrVT,nd Unbleached edge and experiences of yourselves ; mers, Flannels, Shawls, Alamance, Bleacnea ni it . : batby tho enthusiastic domonsira ? i. Ti'A cris& M"en,sana- uoys - , . r ih.nannAH nr ie&dib2 citizens UomeSUC, Alpacas, uuuto auu mui.-t 4 A TTof a T.nP' Hats and Hosiery, .u -n f nnrCCE CIIPAB TFA i RICE CRACKERS; OYSTRS New Mastodon Sbows and Eojal the Best COFFEE, SUGAR, TfcA,ilUW:, ." . D ' ( ..... Q Menagerie, which is already Hardware, tinware and f(Doc anofwbichwmbesoldatnAaDJJ Thanking om Fnends rftI'ritoois Tie mthe pa.t, ws hope to ment CALL AND -uuer p.onaHy or m print, examine owb stock and prices. ft - AND ROYAL GERMAN MENAGERIE WITH GREAT CIRCUS TROUPES. A CONGRESS OF WONDEES, MAMMOTH TRAIN ED WILD BEAST SHOW, ALLEGORICAL STREET PAGEANTS, AND A VAST MENAGERIE I J AT A COST OT $10,000. A thousand triumphs of the track. The New Show of the Period. A Convocation of Rarities, and a Freshet of Wild Beasts. A Synod of Surprising Beauties, and a Tnunity of Arenic Champions, engrossing all the Greatest Bareback Riders in the World. tions of thousands of leadiug citizens and writers as expreseed through the leading newspapers ot the Country, recently visited by M,Ue3 Orton's announced to appear at Patterson Sat. Sept. 16th and at Boone Blocd ay Sept. 18tb. The Orton Show is strongly endors ed for the modesty of it!s advertise- mam 1 1 1 J ft. - m j m mm mm Champion of all the ages, in his Duo Carrying Act, with Earth's Infant Prodegies riding UJN 1 ur uv Mis n&ju. : - Tl'he Spanish circo, the school of canine graduates, and $&0, Ming Dog, "HECTOK-." 1 -""? u u t i. , ': . - C.BWebb. T : T WEBB & iZC In- ofWm .ili certainly 'show their sppreciation iihB,iWieMtoMAbu.'reeM of it when .Qrton comes. 310MJMEMS. DEADST0NES, TOaBS.&'HAUU-r. , ,., , . . , DaiIy 8, , '.. . . lah-ri at .hort notc sua - - . . 'OT all flMCnUUOU' t Uliww- ,-- " -r , -. ,'iVJ .j.fifj.- - .... which is nor fully and tainy seen under the immense tents. The news papers everywhere make special reference of this fact, and give the Great Show the strongest recommen dation for integrity and honesty in this respect. This condition of things mast certainly be regarded as s beautiful innovation, and the public j m'iunwu , . .I-.- SATISrACTION OUABNTE -" . Raflwad. ' ; : Wrk ecnrel7 boxed, u f". oouttoue travellag agent. 1 ei w ' n. jtm 1 r : . . Send for vrlee list nd designs. Btatesrffle, K. O. Feb.. 1st ly. " 1. 1, :k ' 3 ' SSSSSS I J. : " . J .,..,..',.! j HB--BB-,--MrMMMBMMMSSSSBSSSSSSSS'1 . t j,r f . . . . . . ' 1 1 J ' 'f,i W!t fiS"5 ft" 1 r 'i II I it I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 II ,11111 J J I 'Hwrmk' : njusisomeXIIastrnted CjUalir ;iVfii FOB TCADB ..(T , f sull pnncludas by saying : ? "The ring performances were decidi edly We andy met with the loudest applause. ; , - " " . ' 'Tf . . i '5 mi sat. if :, nrornr. mADOea of little :. AUie and Bernaf d. the bare-back riding or Messrs. urion ndtninTitable anticsof Mr. Field. the t iff UUlthfif with -the uniquo SEEP P i perfonnanccs of Sig. Dawn, and the h Snrr-Ovv ? horixontrl bar penormauuu, nuu aiBUi'J' : w-7" " - . - TTV , r . M;.i.af ,.Moia in;WArnift.MS.l.Air Sensationalisms, and dangcr-defying AeriarUaUan, irv conclnding with atremendous headlong'diye frotn a great l.eigbt, repre9entlng lo the ezc.ted imas.nauon the rapid descent of . fiery comet ISHOTp from the dread immensity 01 space. ..' ,mI GmLus SanbriahtChariote and amploW. Golden Tableau Cars. Swaying Mastodons. Monsters .ml MfmmX The T.Unio BDBALIPUS, fettered and chained;in an Iron bound den. The Jnven.le.C.rcos. Aj rnonofmons Menagerie of Living Bare yild Beasts. 100 Famous Favorites, and he best "n rfoWvk most enorm ..,.fa atn in tL RrMt Trinle Circus Company. Free Parade dally at 10 o clook ljrymnaaiiS,-iuggicio, vaiwuv.wi, - , I 5 cents. 1 Children under .9 years 25 cents. , books opes At l akd i p. m. t ill rA V 5 At PATTERSON, Satnrdaf, .Sertemlier , 1611. .-At BGONEynoaiaf0;SoMeMerip " " " - - . - f.v. P'-o s.?1 r: ' 1 1 in i 5 la 1 1 9 it ill 'V: 3a 41 11 hi m it-- mm Hi I 1 : 15 V i 'v' " , ' ' ' V ,-4, r'Wf-iWkJIdM r .t